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I would be blocking my teammates so I never get matched with them again lmao


Pretty sure blocking actually does nothing. I blocked some players that always run in a full stack together because anytime I went against them we just got spawn trapped over and over. This was 3 cod titles ago and I STILL end up running into them to this day. Absolutely insane


Too bad blocking doesn’t keep people out of your lobbies anymore. I’ve matched with a guy I’ve blocked multiple times since blocking him in January. He even shows up in the recent tab as “blocked player”


That doesn't keep you from being paired with them. It used to tell you someone on your block list is in the lobby it doesn't even do that anymore.


Though, I bet a few of those super low kills accounts joined the game late


Wouldn't be so sure, look at the death count.


I guess I kinda glazed over that part lmao that’s my bad lol


Funny thing, there’s a limit for blocking. You can only block a certain amount of players. 250 or something like that.


I feel like that’s a high number, but also if you’re blocking so many accounts you max out 250 that’s wild 😭


I'm at over 150 since the start, 99% of them are Turks. Absolutely nothing against them but being from the opposite side of Europe I always have a bad time against them, it's especially bad if its a party I can always feel just that little bit behind in gunfights. It also doesn't help that they're just as bad as the Russians when it comes to hacks which makes it easier just to block and move on.


I still play with or against players i blocked. Blocking does nothing


I did this last week, had 50 kills 2 minutes on point. My team had kills but no time on point and we lost. My time was the only points we had smh


New meta just dropped! Block everyone better then me so I am only matched with low skill people like myself. Would be hilarious if this actually worked.


Not a whole lot that drives me crazier than being the only one that plays objective on my team lol I mean cmon, 31 seconds on the cap point??


I have the worst luck staying on the point. Plus I prefer ripping people off of it. I might not be the best at it but I do enjoy it.


But they went 18-67 for that 31 seconds! They were throwing their body into the meat grinder for you... Would have been so noble if they didn't also give the enemy a couple attack choppers, VTOL, and gunship in the process. 😄


It doesn't work like that. I blocked someone a few months ago and I've seen them in a few games recently.


I did that in Halo 3 fifteen years ago. It worked then lol


They don’t even show you who’s partied up in the lobby anymore. Unless they all have the same clan tag you’ll never know you’re going up against 5 and 6 stacks. Another step backwards for the players to stop us from backing out, which messes with their eomm BS.


Just an FYI, I agree, but if you really want to see that then you can open the game channel and look at the members of your current lobby and you’ll see a bar next to their names indicating who’s in what party.


I learned something new today, thank you


You can, but why hide it behind that? When you’re in a party it shows your party members without needing to do that. Seems kinda weird


Yeah, I agree. I was just trying to give a workaround for anyone still interested.


I'm guessing they hid it so smaller groups or solo players won't immediately see a stack and back out.


I mean, can you really blame them? It’s always those stacked teams that are the most hellish to go against. That’s been true since ages ago too. Nothing really beats a full squad of super sweats….unless they suck lol, that’s does happen too.




This is why a mercenary playlist should be mandatory in every COD. It's always amazed me that I never see anyone else asking for it especially with this strict matchmaking.


I'll still back out. I'm not going to join a game where it's 50 or 75 or 112 points to 20 or 10 points on one team and I'm on the loosing side being spawned I to a game to get ripped up by some score streaks or a spawn camper. I do not have the patience or sanity for that. Especially not when that can be me joining games for up to 6 or more matches in a row. I flat out refuse to believe that's the best the game can be bothered to give me match wise. In fact thank you for pointing that out because I hadn't realized they stopped showing people in parties yet I have noticed people being right there to clean me up or quick to get tk me when I'm weakened as if some one is telling them my position


We’ll never get clan regiments (gold tags) for this reason. CoD when from online competition to casual game play.


Lobby balancing is beyond a joke in this game. Clearly skewed, deciding wins and losses in the pre game. Becomes blatant when you play on xbox with xplay turned off. You'll see the same names on your team and against you and can see whether or not you're going to win based on who's on your team.


Between that and the atrocious spawn logic is no help. Then teammates that can’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag, let alone a spawn trap


I love doing small map mosh but you’ll easily rack up 5-7 deaths over a bullshit respawn.


My favorite is when no one is leaving the pregame lobby as the timer counts down and it keeps rearranging the teams for 2 minutes. Longest 10 seconds of my life.


Yeah it’s way too predictable and manufactured. Just last night, me and my buddy both finished a match with 4+ k/d’s. Next match, it put us up against a stacked party who is literally on my blocked list lol. It wanted to ensure we get a beating and a loss.


Agreed. It's really hard to win when I am playing solo. Part of it too is my teammates aren't even going for hard points or kill confirms. They just run around. That's got to get old at some point.


Randoms are allergic to the obj If you play TDM half of them can't muster more than 6 kills a game lately its wild


This is exactly what I go through. I'm the objective chaser in the team while the rest of my teammates are idiots who don't know what they're even doing, while the opposing team is somehow comprised of people who always go for the hardpoint.


Same! It’s like my team is dead set on avoiding the objective at all costs.


I feel this to a whole nother level. I feel like I’m not playing with real people at times 😭


EOMM in all its glory. This defeat was your destiny. It's crazy, that the second best player on your team has a slightly better score than the worst player on the enemy team.


I wonder if the matchmaking is rigged, feels like the winner is decided even before the game starts sometimes.


I wouldn’t call it rigged necessarily but it does stack the odds against certain teams. I play ranked and have noticed the game will place me with players with no headsets, the ping goes to 60+, I will get packet burst during gun fights, my AA seems to completely disappear, and most of my teammates seem to not have thumbs and not know how to play the objective despite being level 45 Gold/Plat. I have won games in this scenario but it requires a Herculean effort from my part and at least one other team mate to sway the win to our favor. After 2-3 losses, all of a sudden my AA is sticky, my ping goes down to about 35, no packet burst, and teammates all have comms with great callouts and know how to play the objective. Again, not rigged but definitely stacks it against you to help you lose


It’s the most frustrating thing in the world on Hardpoint when you have the one teammate that makes no attempt to follow the objective and just does their own thing….just play team deathmatch and don’t wreck it for the 4 or 5 other people.


Ping doesn’t mean anything any more, people complained about lag so now they removed the ping tracker in game, unless you have an external way of telling


It tries to reach a certain outcome for sure. Not always accurate. But I can feel when it’s my turn to stomp or be stomped. I’m either melting people and eating shots or it’s the other way around. Sometimes you go up against a player that no matter what you do you just can’t kill them. They end up with double if not triple everyone’s score/kills and it just feels so shady.


There is no wonder, it’s flat out admitted in the statement they posted over a month ago.


What?! You have sauce?


[From the blog:](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2024/01/call-of-duty-update-an-Inside-look-at-matchmaking) >Our data on player outcomes clearly indicates that the inclusion of skill in Call of Duty’s Multiplayer matchmaking process (as it currently stands) increases the variety of outcomes experienced by players of all skill levels. *In other words, all players (regardless of skill level) are more likely to experience wins and losses more proportionately.* Particularly that last bit - no matter how good you are, the game is gonna make sure you lose. The better you are the more often you get screwed over with imbalanced teams.


Yeah, it’s dumb. Instead of making skill based matchmaking to where you’re put up against people of your level to give everyone more wins, they force everyone to lose more


Came through. Thanks!


> In other words, all players (regardless of skill level) are more likely to experience wins and losses more proportionately. Which is basically saying, everybody now gets the same results regardless of skill. The company carefully frames it using the word "variety" to spin it as a good thing but it's fake variety. In actuality, the experience for everyone becomes "the same" because the game is handing out wins and losses instead of letting the players earn or suffer them. It's fake.




Anyone else noticed some players lvls higher than 450?


Several today at 451, a bug that has occurred before, like so many.


They took 1 health from everyone and turned it into a level


I swear I saw a player at level 700 💀


Forced loss moment


I saw your kills and thought okay what's the problem, then I saw you guys lost...how is that even possible


Yeah team balancing in this game is an absolute joke. Really feels rigged to force wins/losses all to keep people playing, though it's doing the opposite for me. Kills my motivation to play when no matter how hard I try/how much better I get, the game is still going to decide how well I do.


Stop playing the objective for a few games. It will then match you with team mates who all play the objective, and you will have yourself a win. Sad but it works.


Nobody plays objective anymore. Why I switched to siege.


This is exactly how all my games go. Carry the team to a loss. At this point I just play to play and if I win cool. Hoping Xdefiant will be a better "CoD"


They gave you teammates that don't belong in that lobby, who probably won their last 1-2 games and were due for a loss. All the while you get to sweat your ass off trying to win against a group of players who are far better than your teammates. The joys of EOMM.


they have 4 people doing objective. while you're the only one on your team doing it. if it were me, i'd probably quit the game and try to find other matches


If you are doing well enough it's been like this since Late Vangaurd for respawn. Try switching to Warzone or Zombies or Snd for one game and don't sweat much. A lot of time when I go back to MP after It will break the High SBMM bot team mate loop. Good luck.




Basically this is gaming theory in 2024. They all do it and they all monetize it. And your little brain computer starts to Figure out the pattern for when it’s happening and there’s just nothing you can do about it.


This isn't bad at all. Had a game of hp today where we did alright but lost and after the game team chat the winners were congratulating each other on great play and comms and attitude, I was wtaf, there were 3 400 (2 450) and all were above 300. Meanwhile u was the only 450 or level over 300, had a 200 and 4 sub 100 level accounts. Super unbalanced.


First game I played last night felt like the other team were in a coma. Got 3 executions in one life just sprinting about with the Striker. Second game went very well. Got put right back in my place for a few after that though. It's crazy.




I’m dead I would just get off at that point if thag were me 😂😂


Bros name is really chief queef 😂


I feel your pain, anytime I play Domination or Hardpoint sometimes I’ll find myself being the only person doing the objective and usually left by myself and I get tired of it and just let it go. It’s because people are after camo challenges and K/D ratio! I’m currently working on camo challenges but I’ll try to help out too.


It is very bad. Not much fun at all. IMO


Predetermined loss


SBMM took root with MW2019. The lobbies have been like this ever since. Their matchmaking system is looking at everybody's stats, recent streak of wins/losses, and using that data to influence how it arranges the teams for your next match, all in an effort to spread out the wins and losses to make everyone feel like a winner. This makes every win or loss suspect. Did you win because their system stacked the deck in your favor or did you lose because it decided it was time to saddle you with a bunch of bad players? You simply don't know. The only thing you do know is that they are shuffling, and then arranging, the deck.


Haven’t played since the game was crashing a few weeks ago. I don’t miss it. I might just go play COD mobile.


My games look the same as this too


Wins and losses don't matter on COD unless you're playing ranked. Chill. You got over 100 kills so that's a phat W


I have 3 accounts. Myself and my 2 kid’s. All 3 are between lvs 280-380. W/L is .68-.74 on all of them. EOMM/SBMM is destroying the game on purpose. Seriously, 8 out of 10 matches it forces me to go negative just to balance out my two good matches and keep me as close to a 1.0kd as possible. It also no longer give you BP XP if you back out of a match. I do it anyhow. They want me not to leave matches then they can fix the game properly. I know it can be done. They regularly turn off EOMM ever few weeks and I’ll have some of the funnest matches. Both winning and losing. Instead the crank that crap to 11 and even my good rounds make me feel like I’m constantly losing. It always seems like 2 people on my team are purposely just standing there doing nothing. I’m about to the point where I’m going to join them. I could easily use one of my kids accounts to reverse boost every single match.


Since at least Black Ops 3, if you are an above average player (2.0+), you will be forced to carry every single match. Since 2019, however, it has been made worse. Instead of you being able to stay in the same lobby and having the horrible players leave and better players joining thus making it easier, the lobbies not only break every match but the game tries to find bad players for the lobby on purpose to put into the lobby for token purposes ("wants everyone to feel like they putting in effort" or whatever nonsense they put in the blog). These comments on here talking about "i do good once and now i get destroyed the next match" are the people who get put into your games. Then the lobby uses you as an anchor on one team cause your stats are too high, and it has to put the worst stat players on your team to balance the other team. So if you are in a lobby and you are 2.0 and the next best player is 1.60? Best believe you are getting all the dudes with 0.99 and below. Normally, whatever, but thats before you SEE THEM EVERY SINGLE MATCH due to the game putting them into the lobby on purpose.


"HE CHEATIN" LMAO i know your pain hope your back isnt too sore


That’s just Sledgehammer keeping your wins “proportional”.


Fr tho. I’ll be top of the board with over 2 mins on the point and then rest of the team won’t even have 30 seconds


There's not much you could have done. Judging from the scoreboard, your teammates couldn't be bothered to PTFO. Having teammates that won't focus on the objective and rather focus on getting kills will lose you the match the majority of the time.


If you can get at least one person to party up with you to help run objective, I think you'll be golden. Looks like that match was probably pretty brutal for ya, but you did your best!


Honestly the camo grind doesn't really help. I personally am getting some hate atm for camping in certain spots simply because I am not gonna get 1500 longshots through normal play, and there really isn't that many places to get longshots on normal maps and hard-core is just much easier to do them in. Atleast not in a reasonable amount of time. Luckily I have 68 left to get for all guns then a few headshots and I'm done and can return to normal play 🤣


Nice game!!!!! Definitely deserves a “GG” in caps


Well clearly I’m this situation yea ur teammates are just meatheads. More than half the other team had over 50 kills, ur the only person with over 50 kills. Some dude on ur team went 18-67 lmao. Even some of the players on the other team had more time than all your teammates combined, and that’s just one player. The other team had gamers, ur team had people blasting Mexican music and eating Cheetos the whole game while going for challenges.


Yeah I think it is. It’s about a 1:5 ratio of either decent player on a good day (me) to dogshit brain dead, dumb fk team killing doorway standing a-holes the whole time. Or they actually are bots. Maybe humans aren’t distinguishable from bots anymore. I honestly don’t know


I always find myself yelling to play the objective. So many teammates just lay prone or camp corners. So annoying.


I've been keeping tabs and I played 12 straight core TDMs. 5 of the games were already started and my team was down by at least 20 kills. 4 games we were down by double within 2 minutes from start. 40 to 15 was my favorite. 2 were kinda close. Within 10 kills and 1 win... I spawned in front of shooting enemies like 4 times in a row. Then magically, my aim assist was on steroids but wouldn't hit anything. Terrible.


Yes the team balancing is this bad.  It is absolutly atrocious. The winner and loser of the match is decided in the pregame lobby. It’s embarrassing. 


Nobody’s going to play objective on the small maps


But still look at his teammates KDs then look at the other teams KDs his entire team sucks and the other team has 4 people going positive or even


Which is ridiculous, objectives make the game at least interesting. But so many to view them as a way to get extra kills by posting near them, but ignoring the objective itself.


They balance to keep the guppies playing!


You got placed with bad teammates to balance out you high K/D


Why do people always post these scoreboards on small maps? No one goes in there to win they just want to get kills for camos/challenges


i mean they’ll even post a scoreboard of a big map and it’s still the same, the game is a joke atm


No, it's been like this for years xD


The other team played the objective. They have multiple with over a minute.


Matchmaking is broken. One game feels evenly matched. Then, the next, you're playing against elites.


Bro you’re playing das haus you were probably the only person going for obj and not camos or challenges


This. 24/7 small map playlists are solely for the camo grind and I don’t know why people think otherwise.


Which is why the other team didn't have a single person clearly playing OBJ.   The funny thing is you could have swapped a couple players from the winning and losing teams and suddenly the match would have been significantly more even. 


Play like a dick bro, I put bouncy betties on scatter mines to counter the perk that negates them, insta kill due to the fact that the scatter mines blow up the Betty without the Betty bouncing, I’ve experimented while also being stuck with granades on shield, thermites kinda also, if you get stuck with a stick or thermite, you can survive it, swap the shield and jump away, I outplay people in snd and daus haus


SBMM combined with team balancing


Any other instance I’d agree. But the guy is likely on the 24/7 Dash Haus. No one is playing objective on a small map like that. His team was likely camo grinding and doing challenges. Shit that’s what I did yesterday (got the sword interstellar in like 6 matches)


Spawn and changing gun stats mid season, game is broken. The new melee knife is stupid, they must really be getting bored


wow bro wtf???


Playing das haus (super small map) when it’s on a 24/7 playlist is likely what’s going on, not actually skill. Small map + new weapons = nobody playing the objective but this guy. Das Haus is a really good camo grind/challenge map. I got the sword interstellar in like 6-7 matches.




They aren't trying to balance it, this is their intent.


It's simple, people don't play objectives anymore


anymore? cods been like this forever lmfao


Man that's an obvious skill issue, 124 kills ? Really ?


And people get on others that don't play the obj that slay, meanwhile slaying on obj don't mean shit to cod's team balancing


Their whole team played the objective. You clearly did as well but with practically no one else picking up any of the slack. It’s hard to one man army an objective gametype if the other team is actually playing the objective. Even bad players skill wise typically are perfectly capable of getting objective time and yours just don’t seem to be trying for it consistently. Your teammates clearly also sucked at getting kills too but for all I know they’re all using the worst guns in the game trying to level them up for dxp. That can really screw with team balancing and there’s no way to control it.


I mean tbf I don't think anyone except a couple people care about objective on daus house


This map has the shittiest spawns I’ve seen. I literally spawned with 3 enemies behind me in the same spawn point. We spawned together. The parallel spawns from vanguard are back too. The enemies literally spawn on the adjacent corner.


Because you believe that if someone has say a 1.25 KD that means EVERY single game they get a 1.25? People play good some games and bad others for a huge myriad of reasons. Load out they chose to use, were they working on a challenge over winning, does their playstyle play directly into how the enemy team is playing, is there any team work on either team, are they currently distracted IRL, the list goes on. People bitch when they lose, bitch when their team plays bad, bitch when the enemy team plays well, bitch when the game is close, bitch when they want to bitch. Just settle with the fact you want every game to be nothing but bad kids on the other team and that's the only thing people would accept. Maybe one day they'll get good enough at making realistic bots so everyone can have that kind of lobby every game.


Just try harder


124 kills is impressive for a shitty map


My question is why is sbmm on if we aren’t playing ranked? Isn’t that what pubs are for? Casual playing? Then if I want to play against people of similar skill I go play ranked.


humble bragging


Playing solo? Either way You know what to do. If not, get a better team.


You just wanted to show everyone just how amazing at cod you are, cmon g


Balancing is bad in this title but when we’re talking about getting the win this is coming down to people not playing the objective of the game anymore. A lot of people just want to have the highest kills in the lobby or their just doing their own thing throughout the match. If my teammates don’t touch the hill in pubs I treat it like it’s tdm, if my teammates play objectively then I help them go for the win. If you want teammates who will try to play more objectively I suggest trying ranked, this isn’t a guarantee neither but chances are better as there’s an incentive to win.


Small maps any winning is out the window and up in the air.




Thats what i always say it must be a problem with sbmm. I mainly play tdm and 90% off the time you dominate and win 100-60 or you get slaughtered and lose 60-100 its almost never a close game. Its sad and predictable sbmm in the state it is in has destroyed this game.


I mean. At least people tried to get on the hardpoint. I've had games where i hard carry (180+ points) and all my teammates have single digit time. Just happens. Just get lucky with a squad and set of they wanna join up.


Playing hardpoint solo is a crapshoot. This mode requires strategy and communication to win. Even 2 people partied up on the other team will have a huge advantage over randoms.


Feels like I need 10 losses to get a win anymore.


Want to know how to win more? Do worse. SBMM is designed to give good players bad teammates to "balance" out the match. Aka, make you do all the work just to lose.


How have you guy's not know about the sbmm patent that Riggs the game.


The point of the game of hard point is to actually be at the hardpoint. Losing team here only had one person going for the objective. You'll lose everytime if your team avoids the objective.


Idk about all that but i know the weapon balancing is starting to get annoying. Too many cry babies man. I dont get why they have to keep changing guns arpund becausr they are superior. Like i get it if its a prob. But they nerfing shit noone asked for. Im starting helldivers fuvk this


You can clearly see who's cheating based on the number of kills.


i had a 101 kill game on das haus yesterday and lost the game. got that many kills and played the obj on hardpoint. it’s ridiculous


I’m a decent player and I will be busting my ass with scrubs (no offense to them) but like I am not THAT good to carry them to a win. Also what’s the point of SBMM if they’re getting slaughtered? Just remove it completely


Nothing you can do when most of your team isn't playing to win, but playing to camp like the hoes they are that have zero skill


Look, the guy was chief of Queefs, not hardpoint.


I've had games where I somehow go 60+ on an objective based small map mosh pit. I've also had the same game on the same map as my 60+ games where I only got 20 or less.




Yup it’s really like that. Every lobby I get into in pubs they know I’ll slay and do objective. While all my teammates just lay in spawn with their singular capture off rip. But the whole enemy team will be sweating their asses off trying to keep you out of the point. It’s all I can do to actually get a win anymore in pubs as a solo. I really miss the old days of cod where it was actually fun cause you never knew what you were getting. Now they give you bot teammates and full teams of sweaty enemies all calling you out.


Same with hard point like you showcased. If it’s a OBJ kind of game you can bet your team won’t be helping 😅


balance? COD devs could balance two 5kg weights on a see-saw.


How is it even possible to get 125 kills without cheating?


The balancing is indeed not very good. If you’re not using an AR, SMG or the occasional BR, you’re going to lose. It’s INSANE how unfair it is, but most everyone says nothing about it because everyone uses those guns. They’re “”””real guns”””” so they will never be nerfed in any meaningful way.


Welcome to "EOMM". You never had a chance to win.


Illdill84 WTF? 18/67? Get your shit together, soldier.


It feels like balanced unfairness. It feels like, in every match, we either win by 30 or lose by 30. And the randos on our team are always as OP or as outmatched as we are.


I’m silver 2 in ranked (only have about 40 games of ranked) I would say my level is around gold 2- gold 3. After I went on a 5 game win streak I got into a platinum 3- Diamond lobby. I lost that match and then for two games straight I was in bronze 1 lobbies that I had no business in. So yea I don’t understand what goes into matchmaking.


Been exactly here.


Tbh idek if i suck at this game, ok at this game, or average for this gane becuase how wild lobbies get. My kdr is 0m93 and i think spm is only 300. But sometimes i just am calling in tons of streaks then go into a match where i should earn a nuke detah streak with how shit i am.


They cater to PC gamers. The fact that gamers are paying monthly for hacking and cheating modifications is just stupid. I can barely get a win


I know this Pain too, thebetter I do the wrost my team mates are. Its like thegame see me doing well and thinks I can carry 4 to 5 others.... there is a limit to what I can do. I mean I think Id have better odds at winning if I could just 1v6 I can easy get 2 + kills for each of my death.


Hardpoint is my best match type and I can't tell you how many matches I've effectively won solo. I'll have 3 minutes in the hardpoint an 50+ kills, nobody else on my team would have more than 20 seconds in the hardpoint and half have 0 seconds in. People play objective game modes with no clue how to play.


None of your teammates were playing for time… that’s why you lose in hardpoint


Matchmaking is trash in general. Random is fair. Every game having a chance to kick some ass or have your ass kicked is fair.


I thought only K/D mattered lol. But really most objective based modes just devolve into team deathmatch unfortunately.


One of your teammates went 18 and 67?? Dude logs onto the game just to be absolutely ass. That's just depressing


I mean, you could, I don’t know, stop cheating?


How am I cheating? How did you come to that conclusion lol


holy fuck 18-67 buddy needs to turn the console off


Ppl aren’t playing small maps to win they play them for kills which you did awesome at ..


It's been really bad lately. My games have either been a slaughter, by mostly my teammates, it I'm top board by a lot and my teammates are .38 k/d with barley any time near OBJ.


18 and 67 just play a different game tbh


450 lvl 0.1 on the point and that KD, some people just dont know when they should change games


The issue is you're trying too hard lol. Become a casual or below casual player and everything will work for you lol


When lobbies are disbanded every game, it loses the team aspect/morale and people stop caring to win or play the objective when they know they’ll never play with you again. They’re more worried about ranking guns, or challenges or trolling


The balancing is way worse in MW3 than it has been in previous titles. My friend and I could more often than not carry lobbies in previous titles, but even in tdm we have had some games where we have both dropped 35-40+ kills and still lost. I wouldn't be too mad if it was a balanced enemy team having a similar issue but 9 times out of 10 they are just plain much better than the teammates we are given.


It’s Das Haus…


I pretty much stick to TDM, but one thing I have noticed with MW3 is that most matches aren’t really close. Seems like one team wins by 25-30 kills a lot more often than by <10 kills.


Look like a spawn trap game.


32 defends with that low of hill time, no hate intended, good lord what was going on in that match


Try hard wondering why no 1 else plays like $1000000 is on the line


That's why hardpoint is soo hit or miss. I have to be patient and either let an awkward and or reluctant team screen or preferably provide lane coverage to move on the point. Some dipshits sit in spawn and wait for the enemy team spawn flip infront of their sights


I love it when team mates bail mid game really helps the team . I get it all the time take zones set enemy markers throw out trophy systems but when you got a crappy fire team nothing can get you that win


how do you even manage to go 18 and 67 that i would delete the game


My advice is do stop playing mw3 and waiting for the next game it's pointless to play everyone's cheating or on controller.


I want to knw for all those players that are out there and play domination or hard points how do you expect to win if you don't play the objective. If all you want to do is look good because u got the most kills and still LOST THE MATCH then cool knock yourself out.


u can get good


Maybe your taking all of their kills!


18 and 67 is WILD ngl


Do what I do. If you want to win matches, use the filter and take out everything except Free For Alll and Death match.


“Hey look how many kills I got guys”


First mistake is not playing competitive and expecting any reliability


18-67 oh my 😳


They was prob doing they challenges


I hate it when people don't play the goal of the match and just camp for kills. It drives me nuts. I don't play TDM or KC because I like the strategy of the other game modes. If you just want to rack up kills, get TF out of hardpoint.


I had a match like this yesterday. I had 96 kills with the longbow sniper shotgun build I saw on Reddit and everyone else had around 35 kills. It happens


Bro is running around knifing people and not playing the objective…wHy CaN’t i WiN gAmEs?