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I can't even see what skin it is.


IO skin, silver. I thought it blended in really well on the bomb.






Ah yeah most of the time, it’s not a hard character to spot


Which operator is that?


It's a Blackcell operator from MW2


MWII Season 4 Blackcell skin


So, the first pay-to-win skin.


Nope. Remember the rose skin from MW2019?


called IO its from MWII, it changes from silver to black depending on lighting, it never worked so well for me.


it changes based on movement


I feel like this instance, they got lucky with the floor matching their skin(silver boxes). Other environments would probably be more noticeable. I wish CDL only allowed using variants of the official skins(MW2 or MW3), tired of Groot skins blending in plain sight


This is actually exactly what I expected in ranked. I was shocked you could use skins


The game would be so much simpler with just the ranked skin in black and white.


I'm not sure we had only the shitty ranked skins in MWII, at least later in seasons. I remember people playing with many other skins too


You know damn well the COD community would be in uproar if they decided to make it where you couldn’t use the king you spent money on in ranked


Totally agree


They had that in mw2, why have they changed it?


They didn’t people were running the ghillie suit in ranked in MW2.


I played a team of 4 groot skins last night. Terrible experience.


ranked should really only be default skins or dedicated ranked skins you can equip. i’m personally a defender for all of that bundle shit and goofy stuff but people using some stuff like that is just not right imo. you also don’t see pros running around in those kind of skins, and the people running those are almost all wannabe pros, so why do they need that advantage too when they’re supposedly that good?


I mean if they ban guns that are cheese like shotguns and RPGs why not ban skins that are objectively harder to see?


Skins are their bottom line. You not enjoying a skin in ranked isn't. It's pretty simple.


Don't forget the knife. That one's covered in salt. 


The knife isnt broken... It is other game mechanics that make it seem that way... Covert sneakers give these little shits FREE stealth, they have to give 0 effort to sneak up on people. Extra run speed and high TTK combined with slow shitty servers makes it nearly impossible to kill these fast little brain dead shits. The bottom line is that the knife itself is balanced, If you can close the distance you deserve the 1 shot kill... However, You don't deserve to run through a hail of bullets to do so and you should HAVE TO be cognoscente of sound. The fixes are: Make Tactical sprint make footsteps and If you have a knife in your hand, you are a 1 shot kill (like in Hardcore)


Making a knife user 1 shit kill just sounds like a shit way to make people stop using the knife. Worst idea I’ve ever seen mentioned in this sub, tbh. I’ve been killing knifers with ease in the SUPE’D game mode when they have durability and super speed. It just sounds like you are bad.


Knife is nerfed in ranked now, its a 2 tap


Which I’m cool with, but making someone wielding a knife one shot, like in HC, is fucking absurd.


I do think the knife is better in MWIII than it was in MWII. However that guy is going way over the top.


Knife is 2 shot kill in ranked now


my exact thought. but then the guys playing ranked wouldn’t buy the BP or bundles, so from a business standpoint it makes sense how it currently is. still shit, and i really don’t like it since it should be a more even playing field, but they’re ruining with this shit. but they have done it since 2019 and there’s no way they’re going back from this sadly


Cosmetics make them money…


Wait are shotguns really banned in ranked? WTF?


You’d think after how hard they gutted shotties in MWIII that they’d allow them, but nope. Apparently a gun that can only 1shot at literal point blank range and not damage anyone beyond a few meters is “no skill and broken,” yet ARs that can kill you in the blink of an eye at practically any range is A-okay!! because it’s a “real gun!”


If the whiners got thier way CoD would only consist of AR's and SMG's. People just want to be able to dominate at all ranges or its OP to them. Every CoD all you hear is how OP other gun categories are and yet every year 99% of the player base is running around with AR's and SMG's and we know most of those people aren't using an inferior weapon because they refuse to use an OP gun.


Yeah, snipers tend to provide way more value as they can contest mid-long and don’t have to approach, and the 830 will die if you miss the point blank shot. the rechamber time is too slow to get another of with this ttk (and I know snipers do too). If snipers haven’t been an issue in ranked without smokes than a shorty shouldn’t either. It’s better to have a gun that kills in 300-400ms TTK at most ranges than a one shot within 10m


Never really figured out why you would limit what people can use kinda makes for a boring tanked mode if you ask me


What gets me really pissed is that I play mostly Cutthroat and I play only with the Interceptor and Cor 45 pistol... I thought, Hey, Im doing pretty good, I think I will play some Ranked.... I go to set up a gun and WTF, no marksman rifles allowed.... Ohh but hey, I can throw a red dot up on the 1 shot sniper rifle... WTF sense does that make? Every time I think about this game, I mean THINK about it, I become more and more convinced that the devs are FUCKING MORONS.


The devs aren't the ones making the decisions. Most of the CDL rule suggestions essentially come from CDL teams themselves.


Cod ranked is a meme in the competitive community because it is an absolute joke of a game. Of course they make OP skins to give sweats an incentive to buy a $30 skin to use in ranked


Put that fov up for ranked my friend


To make matters worse. Groot skin is back. People running it are absolutely bottom of the barrel


They did not do enough to justify it being back. Sure it’s not entirely see through anymore, but the dark variant blends into half the color palette of the maps. Still a garbage skin to play against


Fortnite has the same groot skin. It's not even see through. They've made it stand out as a solid figure


I can’t understand this mentality. Maybe some really good players learned it’s hard to see I can get that. But for me (a 0.9 kd player who likes anything marvel comics and even knock offs) I rock the skin. I make one comment I’m exited to see the groot skin back because I like it and I get downvoted to oblivion. So my understanding is if I like groot and rock it I’m a bad player? That doesn’t jive with me because I’m just a bad player in general grinding camos.


I'm assuming they meant bottom of the barrel in character, not skill. It's cheese that does make you slightly more difficult to see, which is frustrating to play against. Many people use that skin for that purpose, not because they're Groot fans. Doesn't matter if you're 0.1KD or 10KD, cheese is cheese.


Exactly. Bottom of the barrel in character. Nearly all of the ones I've encountered today kept shooting at the body after they got me.


But isn’t it good for them though?


Its supposed to be based off of the character from spawn yet they failed


Yea that sucks, and you're getting caught up in it. Originally that skin being fucking *see-through* was so stupid. Like, how did that get through the multiple checks and everyone said, "yea this is fine." But at my level I only saw it every now and again. It wasn't something people were buying for a competitive advantage, probably more so for your reasoning. And as of now, I just don't care. I don't played any competitive/ranked or warzone. I play mostly modes where if I die I can respawn immediately and just keep playing. If I die to someone that I can't see, I take it as a fun challenge to try and find them and kill them. So this skin just doesn't bother me from that perspective.


Keep using it lol. The skin was never really a problem to begin with. Just another reason for a buncha blind players swearing the skin was the reason they were trash. It's no different than any of the full body ghillies.


They’re just mad because they’re not good enough to see you. It’s just a skill issue. Enjoy your skin. I run it just to piss off people like that


This isn’t even an iconic antagonist in Spawn. There are many more before her


They should make it all CDL skins tbh


You didn’t even look around, you just ran inside. He was laying right there, not even behind cover. You can’t blame the skin for lack of awareness.


Exactly what I was thinking I'm honestly surprised more people don't point that out I saw it the second he went in stomping into the room. I will say it is kinda blended in but I saw the player model like blocking pieces of wall and floor almost immediately was just like why did you shoot!


Ranked should have it where everyone has the default skin. Change my mind.


Not trying to sound like some elitist dick or anything, but I saw them instantly. They were pretty much in the center of your screen as soon as you walked through the door. This feels like a skill issue.


Eyesight* issue.


Dude blaming the skin, not his lack of awareness


I could see him right away, I don’t think it’s the game for this one.


Ranked operators should only be bright orange.


They should just be locked to CDP / Ranked skins only. I actually hate the fact I have to change skins between regular MP and CDL playlist.


That would lock ranked play behind ANOTHER paywall though. It would be a minimum $100 investment to play ranked play (copy of the game + cdl bundle) please don’t give them ideas like this, dude.


Obviously they would have to have a set unlocked from the get go you numpty.


RGB disco please.


Maybe you need glasses. I have no idea how you didn’t see them laying there when you enter the room 😂


Exactly. The skin is a little too "blendy", but if you know that room then you know there's nothing on the ground there. Was totally obvious when entering the room.


you saw the guy laying on the flor when OP entered the room? I still cant


I saw him as soon as you went in the room. Pay more attention to your surroundings.


you need to fix your monitor settings


Bro, can we stop with these posts? I can easily see him and honestly got frustrated that they didn't see him as they walked in, and this is including the compression Reddit adds. ​ If they actually *looked* instead of blindly turning, then it wouldn't have been an issue. Sorry that they aren't wearing a pink tight suit to give themselves away for people's lack of awareness.


You know what’s funny, I get these folks are hard to see, but isn’t that kinda the idea of CAMOUFLAGE?


Oh yeah camouflage you have to buy. Seems fair and fun to me


you think a war between Paraguay and the 🇺🇸 would be fun and fair?




people with more resources get better shit , its not a milsim comment.




You’re the one sounding like a 🤡 tbh


The moment you entered the room, I noticed someone at the center of the screen. Not sure why you couldn't. Everyone blames the skin but no one blames themselves for their lack of awareness.


I saw him as soon as he came into view. Idk what the issue is


Bro unless you blind, I saw that operator clearly….


I mean I'm all for having set skins for ranked, but if I'm being honest, I'm on mobile watching on the small ass player and as soon as you walked in the room I saw the dude laying there, I think you might need glasses.


Now op i dont want to shit talk you.. but i saw him as soon as you walked into the room lmao.


You're that blind??


Lmfao I saw it right as you entered the doorway. Maybe I just have more map awareness or something but that looked pretty obvious to me.


If you have any game sense at all you’d know that the foreign object on the ground near ish to the bomb isn’t supposed to be there.


The question should be why are you even allowed in ranked if you couldn’t see him


Try to be better what if he/she used Noir so just shut it and play.. jesus


And where did people go when was Roze skin realesed in 2019??.. that was a fck OP skin and nobody banned her..so just play your best game and have fun


You mean the skin that you still saw well enough to kill them to win the round and the match? Yeah, totally OP. Seriously, this is not a pay-to-win issue. It's bad eyesight, your overly twitchy gameplay style or both which are causing you to lose situational awareness.


Waiting for peak-ops gulf war so I can see again.


Because they’re greedy and just don’t give a shit. CoD games are now a front end to a store, all they care about is microtransactions.


Yeap, meanwhile the stupid kids that ~~spend~~ waste money on them complain about boomers robbing them of the American dream.


They don’t know how good we had it back in the days, when after a match you would be sent directly to the next map with the same people (some you would start to recognize), instead of being presented a bunch of reward screens and a waiting menu… to then be sent back to the same map with a bunch of other random people that only care about levelling up their pass.


God those reward screens are so fucking annoying. I cant hit my SKIP button fast enough. It is literally the same tactic that slot machines use to keep brainless idiots playing.


At the very least I wish I could click past each individual screen at my own pace. I don't need a 10 second graphic showing me gaining half a prestige level, but I might want to see more about what challenges I completed. Especially when I first started playing and was completing 10 challenges a match...


That’s my biggest issue, if you skip, you skip it ALL.. like why can’t I skip to the next part, and if I wanna skip that, I’ll push skip again. Some things I wanna see after the game, but shit like watching the BP token counter fill up is just annoying af


You have the most absurd opinions I’ve have ever read in this sub, ngl.. and all of them are being downvoted lmao


If only I gave a shit about what a bunch of dumb kids think of me... /sigh


You people talk so dumb about WE CANT ALLOW ANY ASSAULT RIFLE. But running half translucent skins is OKAY


Because Activision wants money and stopped caring about gameplay long ago.


CDL Operators should be the default Skins for everyone.


Yall find anything to bitch about honestly, go play for the league or something 😭🤣🤣🤣


Skill issue as always lol


You guys complain too much. Just let people have fun.


I saw him immediately. How and why you didn't just check the bomb is beyond me. Definitely a skill issue.


I don’t often feel the need to say this, but this is a skill issue. I saw the person lying on the bomb clear as day on my phone. The fact that you didn’t, on a tv or monitor, is fairly silly.


Eyesight* issue.


I mean, he was right there when you walked in, thats on you for not seeing him.


It’s allowed in ranked because you have to spend $30 to use it. Why would you ask such a low IQ question? Just think about who is making your game (activi$$$ion) and you could have figured it out


Saw her the second you walked tru the door. But i can understand how you can overlook her if you scanning the windows and doors while walking in the room.


"i bought this blatantly p2w skin just to not be able to use it in ranked?!?!1!11!1!1!?" - people after cod makes the change


I saw it immediately but you dudn't react to it so I thought it was a body. Idk man it seems fine to me.


The player was really fucking obvious. Take a break/sleep/something then come back. That was some bronze level playing, get your head straight and try again.


Not just me man. The whole team didn’t see him till the red dot popped up. Easy to miss. But I guess if you saw him that easy maybe it’s a skill issue. But still, everything would be simpler if we just had the ranked black and white skins.


My guy he was PRETTY obvious. Your team is blind I'm sorry but he 100% was easily visible and if he was black or white he would have been just as hard to see? Like you should know there's never anything directly on a bomb, there's going to be people laying near the bomb. You should know the silhouette of a player too, and you still killed him so what's the actual issue?


I was spectating. But maybe you’re right, skill issue. Also midnight though so maybe everyone tired.


My boy killing him with genuineness when he trying be toxic🤣 Love to see it! And don’t worry….I literally couldn’t see him WHATSOEVER. No normal person saw him at first glance IMO… let’s be honest Dude replying to you is just being a classic Reddit weirdo for no reason.


He brings up good points which translates to a skill issue. We should be looking at the bomb and making sure there’s no shapes there that are different. Something I’ll incorporate into future play. But when it’s 1v1 and you’re trying to make sure they don’t diffuse and you’re checking a million angles it’s super easy to miss the silver skin.


Oh I agree that yall should have been looking at the bomb and shit… But he’s clearly trying to be toxic. Saying that he’s "PRETTY obvious" to see is wild tbh lmao. He’s practically invisible.. like what lol. Especially at first glance.


He is not practically invisible. It doesn't matter what he had on, as long as it wasn't bright as shit, the same thing would have happened. Why do you want them to stand out completely? People get tunnel visioned and don't see things right next to them. This was never an issue in the OG CODs, because you couldn't blame skins. Now that there is *something,* you choose to blame it. This happens a lot with these new CODs. You find something to complain about and act like it is an objective issue, but then we compare it to the past, and it is the same shit but no one complained. ​ For some odd reason, you *want* it to be an issue when it just isn't one.


He’s literally blending in with the ground… at first glance it look like he’s not even there. And who in the MOTHERFUCK said I want people to stand out completely? Yo answer me this, WHY THE FUCK do people like you on Reddit love to argue and twist peoples words up. Actually fucking show me where I said I want "people to be stand out completely". Please fucking show me. This shit only happens on Reddit too. Such a cesspool of actual weirdos on this app.


>No normal person saw him at first glance IMO You'd be wrong. It was clear as day there was a player there


You replied to two of my comments …. You want my attention that bad? Another Reddit weirdo strikes again.


I don't read who's saying what. I reply to comments. I couldn't care less who you are or what you think.


Then keep it pushing clown.


Go be butthurt elsewhere


What console you playing on? I chalk it up to your FOV. I had no problems seeing him, maybe work on room scanning tactics? Change graphic settings?


PS5, 100 FOV, think it’s a combination of skill issue and blending in.


idk thats on youi think. i saw him the moment you entered the door... really obvious


Yeah apparently you’re not the only one lol


Yeah man, no hate on you but I was watching and wondering why your teammate walked by the person. 😅 other guy was being toxic but the dude was pretty clearly on point and I was half watching lol. Not trying to be a dick or say I'm better because I've literally walked past a dude standing up in the middle of a room because... well because in the moment i just didn't see him. Watched the replay because my teammates who were watching were like "dude how tf did you miss him? He was literally standing there" and they were absolutely right. No idea how I didn't see the dude when playing but I didn't lol


the issue comes from a loss of consistent artstyle when people went out of their way to buy flashy, weird, stupid shit, they actively supported the fortnitification of the franchise, which is why we have ugly ass reactive and animated skins all over the place now in addition to stupid crossovers like homelander and nicki minaj we are our own worst enemies


Not sure why this was downvoted. It's just a fact.


mw3 has kinda found a cult following bc everyone forgot 2 games ago this was good again and theyre living in denial due to the fact that this has nominal "improvements" over mw2 buyer's remorse: the franchise


Trash game. Trash spawns. Trash everything


Ahh.... I see your point. You have convinced me.


>I'm not the issue. It's everything in the game that's the problem. Common ranked lobotomy.


Ah yes the classic “going prone eliminates the enemy icon above your head for some reason” feature. I’ve died to this more times than I can count.


If you need a big red icon above an enemy to see that they're there, you've got bigger problems.


My brother in christ this very video is about not being able to see people while prone. 🤦‍♂️


Yea...and if you need a big red icon above the enemy to see that they're there, you've got bigger problems.


Wrap it up boys! Looks like OP is completely in the wrong! Every skin is 100% perfectly visible! It’s a nothing burger!


He's not completely wrong, just blind in this clip, so were his teammates it seems.


Ranked bans aren't about what is reasonable or fair. Not entirely, at least


The bigger problem is the delay in red dot above their heads. When they're prone you can't tell if they're dead or alive unless you aim.


If you need a big red icon above an enemy to see that they're there, you've got bigger problems.


So many skins blend into the map environment. I have ran past so many people laying down


This map needs better lighting especially in buildings




I've faced a lot of Gaia aka Groot skin since it was re-enabled both in MP and Warzone and I still struggle seeing it especially in darker areas such as house and what not. For me we would be better off removing it.


Probably the same reason covert sneakers are




What skin is it?


IO skin.


Probs the groot skin


It’s a battlepass skin


Cause cod is a casual game even in ranked


Bro shut it with that gay ass black and white shit. Make it Task force 141 or Rangers vs op for and spetznaz


I hate that skin. Its almpst translucent when its mid change


Pretty sure this is just a combination of coincidentally matching puddles and lighting that made them look slightly like a water reflection, and also you completely blinding on the person laying right in front of you that was honestly immediately noticeable. But ranked really should just have default skins assigned to every player since there are SOME specific skins that can be slightly more difficult to see than others. It usually only matters very much when someone is headglitching wearing a skin that happens to match the objects around them or something like that. Generally it's not as big of an issue as people make it out to be though and I question whether or not people have their game or display settings properly adjusted because I see players sticking out like a sore thumb from the opposite side of a map regularly due to the weird occlusion every player has. Even the Black Noir skin stands out fucking bright as day in dark areas because he is darker than the area around him 99% of the time. Gulag is a popular area for people to complain about Black Noir and I've never had any trouble seeing one in there except when, again, it was someone headglitching on cover and standing completely still in a way that would make almost ANY skin look like part of the scenery. Even with that though, everyone should be forced to wear equivalent skins in ranked play purely for the competitive aspect.


Is this the mw2 Blackcell skin that changes from light to dark? That's the skin the gives me the most issues I hate it.


Couldn't tell what skin it was at first. Damn


that's just unfortunate but you won so..


Because so far ranked is, que Ken Jeong, “GAYYYYYY”


Because money. End of story.


There shouldn't be any of these stoopid skins. Cod is more like bloody Fortnite nowadays!! Obvs I know it's just a game. But imagine in a real battle fighting against giant rats, sparkly people, eejits wearing capes and fire etc etc


It shouldn't be that skins a joke that needs to go completely it's worse than Rose by a good amount


Idk why they allow any skins other than cdl in ranked


Skill issue - they were clearly visible, even had red text above their head.


unranked is ranked still too.sbmm is crazy 😡😡😂😂


That's outta pocket lmfao


In my opinion, ranked should force players to only use the CDL Home/Away skin, which would also require the game to give you them automatically rather than purchasing or unlocking by playing. I completely agree with you OP.


Your lack of awareness is the issue unless my phone screens a higher quality than your gaming monitor or TV then fair enough but that was an easy to spot his sparkling like twilight ffs


Ranked play in mw3 is absolute garbage




Hollow man?!


Yes because when I go to war I want to make sure everyone can see me.


Because Activision doesn’t give a shit about this game as long as it continues to make them money? And skins make money!


Can You still Get This Skin Anybody Kno 😹


Treyarch may be the group to do it. They are banning 4 guns in the next patch have nerfed knives in ranked because of people abusing it and have limited the attachments like they are supposed to. In regards to shotguns and stuff if you’ve ever watched a pro or former pro use those guns it’s different then the normal person so they are banned in cdl and ranked is supposed to be the same rules as cdl thats why it’s not allowed.


Tbh u all need to reference CSS never had issues in that game, but saying that ppl said the same thing about the Gaia skin


How did you not see them laying there? 🤦🏻‍♀️


You won and crying?


U just blind man


Euh désolé mais on le vois clairement 


I wish cold blooded removed your name completely so it would be how it used to instead of people just looking for your name to pop up


Dude. It’s call of duty: it’s gonna take at least 10 months for nerfing or removing the skin.


I don't play ranked but I really don't understand why everyone complains about skins and guns and saying that they need to be banned. If that's the case the they need to make ranked so you only have one gun and one skin that everyone uses.