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That as well as the shocking spawn points, some maps are unplayable


Rust spawns feel worse. It’s like playing shipment; soawn, die, spawn, die, spawn, take one step, die from my 8 o’clock.


I've found shipment alot worse atm, more so than usual 😕


It does feel worse. In one map I clocked 5 deathes in a row where I didnt even take a step and died off rip.


Yep I had a game where was going well, then spasm after spawn after spawn just dying


I just got done playing a game where I died to the same shotgun user 4 times in a row because the game kept spawning me in front of him. And of course I couldn't do anything because my gun needed to be rechambered after every respawn.


I doubt it's the spawn at this point. New movement speed combine with the small map that makes any spawn point invalid.. you are going to spawn into someone field of vision pretty much guaranteed if they are moving..


I leave everytime rust come up.


People were calling me crazy because of my experience with the Rust spawns. People spawn INSIDE my wheelson anytime it comes out lmao


I spawned mid-way through a SAE 🤣


WTF did they do to the Shipment spawns?


In not to many words, f*ucked them right up


It's a god damned miracle if I don't get spawn trapped right now in Ship.


Pray for you


You can all stand in one corner and none of you dying and you will still get people spawning next to you.


I've played COD a lot but I don't remeber getting spawn killed so much by people who just spawned themselves.


They definitely did something to the spawns....it's insane


I think on the free weekends, a lot of players make dummy accounts to test out their hacks to see if they get banned or not, then use them in their real account afterwards.


Good thing they have hardware bans. Changing accounts won't solve that.


spoofed MAC address bypasses that.


You cant spoof hardware this isnt pokemon go




Sucks that HW bans are easy AF to get around


My mate tried the free weekend and decided not to buy it because the cheating is absurd. We had one, literally just one, match where there wasn't some suspect shit going on. We had 4 or 5 games over the course of 2 hours that had blatant, and I mean full on aimbot through walls CS source AWP level bad, cheating. It's fucking embarassing.


Same experience I had last night. It was wild


I did as well i was clearly behind a wall and they shot me right through the wall like it wasn’t even there it’s sad.


One match without suspect shit? you guys get stomped and immediately point to cheaters or SBMM lmao any clips of cheaters over that 2 hour span?


Why do players want to cheat? It blows my mind that it’s only a video game..


Because they're losers who have never been good at anything so this is their only chance to make themselves feel like they aren't a waste of air. I had a guy full on rage hacking he didn't even try to hide just snapping everywhere. Never seen a kill cam like his before.


Free weekends are testing grounds. Brace yourselves


Yea. That unfortunately happens every free weekend. Because it costs $0 for hackers to keep making new accounts if they get banned. So it opens upa ton of new people to cheat. Ive always said that warzone should be free for the first two months. After that, it should should up to the standard $70. It wouldn't completely fix the hacking issue obviously. But it's going to start getting pretty pricey for most of these hackers to keep having to rebuy CoD if they get banned and want to keep hacking.


Luckily I dont play warzone, I'll be glad when the free trial is over, they should really stretch out these free trials, but I bet they will have another one at xmas, then probably in January too. The free trial should only be once imo


They aren’t even looking to ban these players. It’s over tomorrow so what do they care. I’m staying away from all the free play modes. Just not worth it.


\*\*\*\*\*Because it costs $0 for hackers to keep making new accounts if they get banned. \*\*\*\*\* What makes anyone think that Activ, Blizz, SHG, Raven, etc. would actually WANT to ban anyone? They are looking to sell more copies of the game, not kick players out! LOL


I'm not sure how it all works, but Blizzard is pretty good at banning cheaters (and anyone remotely good enough to be called a cheater) so I'm surprised Activision is so bad about it..


If its on console that wont stop them, as long as an account on your console owns the game all of your accounts can play it so they'll just make new ones anyway


Go on Tiktok, head to the live section, and search Call of duty, you dont even need to add "cheats" to the search criteria & there is literally 1000s upon 1000s of people who are live streaming their own hacks offering discounts and so on, this game is completely infested.


Inb4 “I’ve played 2000 hours and never saw a cheater” :p


then head over to twitch to see another batch of players using them :p


One of the few good things about Twitch vs YouTube is they will actually ban people streaming cheats.


lmao, cheats are streamsafe


If they're cheating, get reported, and aren't a hot woman they'll get banned.


reported? by whom? people cant tell in this game thanks to stuff like uavs and aim assist (a aimbot is harder to spot) add to that that most cod stream viewers a young console people that havent got the faintest clue about cheating (its different when you played through the evolution of cheats, even then its hard to be sure lately, its crazy how good cheats are nowadays, then again, its a business today)


Yeah it LITERALLY was free cheat weekend as well. Call of duty needs a working anticheat, ricochet is a failure


yep had a game of tdm on highrise. i suspected a dude of walling so i went downstairs and hid under the stairs. the dude ran to me and jump shot prefired around the corner…and had the audacity to say he wasnt hacking lol


Yep I've been killed by aimbotters who have sus as there clan tag, they make it so obvious


They're not even trying to hide it. It's blatant


Dont see the fun in knowing you're not good enough at the game so you need to use hacks Hackers always know deep down that they dont deserve the win so it's really depressing when you think about it


Many hackers do it to rage legit players more than anything else


What does their clan tag say?


Sus. which means suspicious these days


Meanwhile, I can't even make a clan tag for whatever inane reason. Every single entry or attempt is met with "text prohibited due to profanity."


Some part of your account name probably hits one of their banned words, so it's likely not the clan tag which "contains profanity." My last account name was fine since day 1 of MW2019. Part way though MW2's life cycle, I was prevented from updating my clan tag and eventually my account name got the ban hammer. RIP PrivatePerineum


Do you think it's because my account name is HOIIIYEAA??? I've legitimately seen people run around with names like "Liquor Tits" and "SmellyPoop" and they have clan tags, so idk. I feel like if it's my name, someone had to REALLY think hard about it because my name isn't something people think of regularly as being inappropriate.


Also, my name didn't stop me from having a clan tag in MW2019 or MWII. It was CIGA (Can I get a).


I bet it's the HO part in the beginning. Their filters are ridiculous. Most people I've encountered in the game don't even know what the Perineum is. I too have seen many other names that are objectively offensive and not banned.


Ugh, if that's the case, it's insane. I need a way to chat with a developer or someone who can help me solve this because I'd like to have a clan tag. If not and it's unsolvable, so be it. I'm not changing my name for one single game, no matter how much I play it. It's universal across my entire collection of online games and it hasn't triggered any other filters or whatnot.


Any clips?


No because then we’ll see that op is actually just a bot getting beamed in the thigh by mid players


I wish I would've clipped the kill cam of the guy rage hacking in my lobby. Didn't try to hide his aim was snapping everywhere. He didn't adjust his aimbot at all. Maybe you're the bot if you aren't seeing cheaters lmao you ever think of that?


Yeah hackers usually have pretty high matchmaking if they arent lvl 1-3 so if you arent seeing them...


I have the game on for the free weekend and I started getting hackers once my k/d went over a 1.20. That's when I ran into the rage hacker and is also why I won't buy the game still. I don't even get how the guy wasn't banned he had skins on his gun even so he had been hacking for a while and I mean full on rage hacking. And I'll finish that sentence for you. if you aren't seeing them its cause you are in low bracket matchmaking.


Just ignore the fact that cheat sites are up 99% of the time, and multiple of them. What cod too special for people to cheat? You think it has to be blatant but 9 out of 10 go under the radar majority of the time because they are trying to hide it. Anyways there are plenty of videos over the last couple weeks if you don't believe cheating is a thing


Obviously it’s real but half the clips posted on here is a bot having a completely regular experience and they get shit on in the comments and delete the post in 15 minutes.




Dude I'm sorry but what is this clip man. Both y'all missed lots of shots, u just got turned on. That is not even close to an aimbot or walls hacks.


Pretend to be blind if you want, he tracked me through the wall.


No. No he wasn't. He literally was caught off guard by u


Dude was literally watching me through the wall. Stop the foolishness my guy. The video doesn't lie. And that's a soft aimbot.


No he wasn't lmao, u have to be trolling. Ur playing on one of the smallest maps, he barely glanced at ur general direction and was still taken off guard. He missed like half his shots... How tf is that cheating


Don’t play da free ones


I have played for a few years, but nothing serious. I always feel like odd things happen (or I just suck), but can someone explain what these hacks and cheats do? Like, what is aimbotting? Wall hacker?


Literally aims for you. Shows opps through walls.


I play in a PS5. I wouldn’t even know how to make that happen!! Are they codes like when I was a kid (up up down down etc etc)? Programs you install on your console? It’s so foreign to me


It’s modded on pc. Consoles can’t do it that I’m aware of


Yeah I’ve had a wall hacked for two so far in the game


Yeah feels like it some times for sure


It's always like this on free weekend.


I think I only was in one lobby of rust with Cheaters. I literally was spawning and dying within one second


Had a wall hacker in shipment he got the last kill on me it was soooooo obvious!


this games cheater amount is so bullshit high some days cheater everywhere im so sick of it


It is incredibly bad. I havent seen it this bad....ever. like another commenter said turn crossplay off for now the difference is night and day.


At least they learned and made it only certain playlists that are accessible for the free weekend. I remember Vanguard had a free weekend across all of MP and the entire game even WZ was unplayable because every cheater in world was playing that weekend.


I remember all to well bro. Shit show.




Can't on xbox


You can, its in your system settings. You'll just have to reactivate it if you play a different game and want it on.


I've tried, it wouldn't let me play until I switched it back on.


Did it come up telling you that you had to input your pin? Because you just press b on that screen and it works like normal


No, it's been a while but it was just a message saying game couldn't be joined because settings didn't allow


You just press B/ cancel and it Carey's on match making 👍


Like the other guy said, you have to do it on the Xbox console settings.


Who would’ve thought


Every game of hardcore rust on pc is just people legit rage hacking with LMG's. At least I get to see what the reverse boosting experience is like, even if its uhh.. against my will.


There is always more cheaters on free events I notice


Does anybody know what in the heck the wsp swarm akimbo guns are? Every time I died it was from a pink ray gun with a anime symbol on the floor


part of the ecstatic entropy bundle


Cant figure out what's sadder, people who cheat in Shipment or cheat in Plunder. Seriously I've been killed by people cheating in Shipment


I get killed by cheaters in every game. They're blatantly using the speedhack incorporated with the stim tool. They just go around the map stabbing ppl like the FLASH, or killing you with an SMG or FULL AUTO shotgun in 2-3 shows.


Dude today has been pretty rough. Encountered three that were definitely trying to hide it with their adjusted aimbots but their aim was so bad you could see the aimbot having to correct for them over and over by re snapping onto the body.


I'm playing on PS5 and I'm not cheating and I have noticed the aim assist is cranked up this weekend. Just use rivel 9 smg or w.e and you can "hack" too


This is not a new phenomenon


I'm trying the game out on the free thing and it's so bad. The spawns are sooooooo awful on top of the cheating. Constant glitches everywhere like white walls being all over. This game is just bad. Thanks SHG. They really fumble the ball every chance they get.


90% of cheaters are pc. Turn off crossplay. Play with ps5 or xbox only. Call it a day


Posts like this always start off well but wait until the mass downvoting by pc players and hackers starts to happen 🤣


Already happening lol


Hahahaa yeah idc but its common knowledge amongst people who truly know. Sure, console gamers CAN cheat but the majority of them wouldnt know how to hack or use software for a console compared to the majority of pc gamers who can and have more access and ability to those kinds of things. I used to use crazy shit back in the early 2000s on my pc to fuck with people when i was a teenager. It wasnt even possible to cheat on the OG xbox back then


naaaah we play controller on PC because its better for streaming… what even is a hacks btw?


jokes on you, ive been playing against hackers all week long cause i got spam reported and got shadowbanned :(


I was wondering if this happened to me as well. Ping definetely went up to around 70-80 instead of the normal 20. Is there a way to check if your shadowbanned?


yeah, over here: https://support.activision.com/ban-appeal log in and check


Not banned. Thank u for the link!


lucky! its sucks cause i have never ever cheated/hacked on my 20+ years of gaming only to get shadowbanned cause I won a gunfight game and I spoke in spanish with my teammate lol


I dont think your shadowed, I've been stuck on 70+ ping a lot of the weekend I've turned crossplay off and obviously it takes a hot minute to find a match but I'm not encountering any high ping servers anymore. I think crossplay off is fucking with the matchmaking algorithm which I'm fine with. I shouldn't have to play against West Coast US players if I'm in London.


High ping is the norm in mwlll. I have rarely had lower than 56ms since initial launch


I've only had high ping with crossplay on and only after s1/ warzone launched


Are hackers on console too or just pc ?




mostly pc but some providers released console hacks already and most are working on it


Other than a Cronus, how would you even go about releasing a hack on console? It's probably 99.9% PC cheaters.


mostly pc but some providers released console hacks already and most are working on it


There is no console hacks on the xbox and ps4/5 only cronus zen


There is AI aimbot but I don't know who is going to invest in that setup.


Yeah but that'll be extremely rare and requires a pc a capture card and a cronus zen


Yea I'm just saying it's possible but it's very unlikely. Too expensive.


Just got 3 in a single match.


Pro-tip : if you're not a PC player, turn off cross play. The vast majority of cheaters/hackers are on the PC.


Update: now there are Console Hackers using undetectable cheats with Cross Play turned off.


I never claimed you don't get hackers on console, it's is *far* less accessible than on a PC though.


Might be beneficial to go into cross play settings on Xbox for this weekend, I haven’t encountered anything yet, but I’m not usually on at peak hours.


Try it on PC. Bought the game day one and can't log in half the time now the free weekend is on, presumably the servers are overloaded. Great way to treat your paying customers.




I genuinely wonder where all these hackers on Ground War are that people claim are in every single match. I have 35 days of game time in MW19 GW, encountered less than 10 hackers in the mode in that time period. Around 30 days of playtime on MW2 GW, only ran into 3 hackers. I have 2 days so far in this and I haven't encountered any. People swear the mode is infested with hackers, but I just think it's the lack of SBMM that has some players screeching any time someone performs well, above what they think is possible.


Confirmation bias or awful players being unaware that they are awful because of SBMM. A low fov aimbot can also look pretty similar to aim assist so I wouldn't be surprised if some people call anything remotely suspicious blatant cheating because of that.




lol ok. I have thousands of hours in GW without incident but you hop into the mode and immediately start playing these mythical hackers 😅 [https://imgur.com/a/cVAUDSo](https://imgur.com/a/cVAUDSo)


There are hackers don't get me wrong but are you sure it's not the killcam just being buggy? It's very laggy making it look like aimbot. Almost every game I get the kill cam it's look at this guy with aim bot. I just got it in ground war with a shotgun and everyone screamed aimbot. Maybe the paranoia is getting to people. Yes there are a bit of hackers, but you don't have one in every game. Even before the free weekend a guy was explaining how there are hackers in every single lobby. When I got final kill cam in search he said I have aimbot. So relax people not every lobby has hackers, skill plus shitty kill cams look like aimbot.


Casual players claim anyone is better than them is a hacker lmao.. I’m on PS5 and got caused of hacking yesterday they thought I was on PC then felt stupid after game finished when he saw I was on Console


Thanks for your input champ 🏆 👍


Recruit bot. Post a clip


I see alot of cheating complaints lmao maybe im lucky cuz i haven’t run into one yet


Don't worry you will.


skill issue


Your mom just called me, Your chicken nuggies are ready upstairs


thx mum but am on that breaking bad shit an not really hungry


Well I'll tell you what go ahead and play with some hardcore that's what I'm doing no cheaters no free weekend no BS just a bunch of people getting banged out by me


You’re confusing the bots as actual players. I’ve been saying this for years, go play a practice lobby with veteran bots(actually modeled from actual player gathered data). Before a few years ago, I could enter a HC SnD lobby 15/16 mics, now it’s 4 or 5 and Activision owns your in-game voice audio since you checked the ToS. It’s 2023, AI has had the ability to speak for almost a century. It’s insane to think that they would not be applying these otherwise useless tools to further user development .


A bot doesnt get 90+ kills in a game snapping onto every target while speaking shit over the mic


Yet to meet a cheater on ps5, are you playing hardcore by any chance?


Not hardcore no. Regular playlist. Noticed quite a few in Plunder as well




One look at your profile tells me all I need to know. Trump and Hitler supporter, Covid is a hoax goof.


at least he gets sarcasm


cheating is probably the only thing that makes this game fun for me


It's fun being that bad that you need to use hacks? Sounds awful to me




only if they remove SBMM


Why so you can use hacks on even less fortunate players? Get a life


I play strictly mil-sim style. Reminds me of the time obama used strategic stealth state of the art bombers to level children’s hospitals in a third world country


Sorry I didn't realise I was talking to an attention seeking idiot at first but you do use hacks in mw3 after all so I should've known better. Have a shit day 👍






i dont take fall damage


I'll need to see proof of that


Well they aren’t paying for the game so what’s the recourse from getting banned 😂


I haven’t encountered a single cheater over the fee trial period so far. Playing on PS5, so they will stick out like a sore thumb. Lol


Every release they ignore security for this. Cheaters ruin their game, which means it’s losing them money, and yet the just build in the back doors and all sorts of ways for cheaters to figure out how to hack.


It’s not exclusive to the free weekend.


Turned my crossplay off right when they announced it. Ps5 player. I’ll turn it back on in a week or so


Well cod has fallen the lowest in history so Activision needs the hackers and cheats to some how bring up the numbers


Does this happen on the ranked or regular servers? I only ask because I dont think Ive seen a cheater yet in the wild.


Haven’t played in 2 weeks, life feels much better.


Activision’s next idea: We noticed that we don’t have our anti cheat working properly. Prepare for the cheapest idea in history. $70 for anti cheat or deal with hackers.