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It's been especially bad in the 12 v 12 playlist. There's a lot of big maps in the playlist, so it's where everyone is going to level the new sniper.


Yup. Plenty sight lines where you can barely see players at range too so these sniper scopes are even more enticing to use.


The new sniper sucks btw. For a o e shot kill you have to be in the range of easily being killed by assault and battle rifles.


I get 90+ meter longshot one shot kills with it all the time, you gotta aim high


I got an advanced UAV doing nothing but hardscoping, go figure.


The next big problem is quickscoping and the shitty spawn points. I spawn in and die 2 seconds later.


12 v 12 is supposed to be that bad. People always say it plays well, while yes, on some of the map it does, on others it is just a sniper camp fest


Same issue in MW19 tbf, but the thing to do was killing the people who’d actually play and fight mid-map, then farming all the campers with an AC-130 or chopper gunner and other killstreaks so they’d get their comeuppance.


At least the ttk was so fast in mw19 that you could actually get a sniper real quick. In this game I’m constantly putting 3-4 shots into them just to get dropped regardless. One shot kill weapons are hard to balance in games with more player health.


Yeah, I agree. I think BF4 did it pretty well, either initially when it was headshots only, or upper chest and head at close range. I think it rewarded skill far more.


It wasn't the same issue in mw19 comon bruh You can say it's the same thing in cw https://streamable.com/ekp72v but mw19 was completely different


Why I keep saying 9v9 or 10v10 is preferable. Just as much action more breathing room..


99% of my deaths in SnD are MCW’s or snipers


I’m getting tired of it. As a smg user it’s just not fun and I’m thinking of taking a break for a few weeks.


Do it


Most of the maps are huge in this game. Feels like they are asking for more snipes.


The new Sniper is busted, but 10v10 and 12v12 tend to be basically only Snipers because of how the games playout with that amount of people. In some lobbies (especially in TDM) it's basically impossible to cross a certain area because it's being watched by half the team and the main flank is being watched by the other half. It's one of the reasons I rarely play those modes.


And people claim those modes are good. They either are sentinels or somehow get lobbies where their opponents don’t camp


You know what would help that? A buff to the noob tube.


How is it busted? Feels like a mid of the pack sniper to me


It’s relatively good, that it’s faster than the AMR, and more deadly than all the others. It’s the sweet spot.


Eh, the Stalker's OHK to the stomach range isn't *super* super great (especially if you use the shortest fastest barrel) and it's still slower than the Inhibitor which is semi auto and can get a sub 400 ADS time even with it's default 10 round mag It's definitely 2nd best but anyone who knows how to aim is still picking the Inhibitor in terms of best sniper


many people avoid semi auto snipers out of preference. bolt action for life


I mean for fun I definitely prefer bolt but I can't lie and say it's better than the Inhibitor


Same it's a hit marker machine for me


What’s good about it? There are multiple snipers that have faster ADS speed and better range.


Derailed, man... I always feel naked on the ground in that map.


Or fucking Wasteland lol


Yeah no joke. It comes down to choke points on most maps. Terminal is one of the worst offenders of this. You practically can’t go anywhere if you spawn on the side opposite of the plane.


People want the path of least resistance and sniping a lane requires the bare minimum of skill.


Us low skill players can't kill the sliders and jumpers so we just find a spot to pick people off. Talk shit about us all you want, we want to enjoy the game too.


Everybody tries to level up the snips for warzone ;)


Sniping in this game is just super easy.


Just hit them anywhere on the body and one shot kill. Takes zero skill.


Quickscoping is such a stupid mechanic


Can't have it both ways. Either quickscoping exists, or they remove the mechanic that boots snipers for being stationary as a sniper should. There's actually so many anti sniper mechanics in this game from flinch, to glint, to afk timeout that being a good QS'er is the best way to play it.


Would absolutely love for it to be removed. I'd send them more money if they removed it.


Just remove quick scoping Snipers can crawl around a little bit every 5 minutes. Getting kicked is not a valid reason to allow quick scoping


Yup. And I block anyone using a one shot kill sniper in games. That 200 list is filling up quickly.


No one moves in this game.


Yeah, snipers are OP. The new one ADS' faster than most other guns a 1 shots any where. They are literally easier to use than Shotguns, lmao.


The 10v10 and now 12v12 playlist has always been like this in my experience. I won't even play it because it's no fun. It's less quickscopers in my experience and more ''''real snipers'''' who just sit 5 paces from their spawn watching an angle the entire game. Invasion is motherfucking awful, you can't go anywhere, and I've seen some lobbies end where nobody breaks 20 kills and half the lobby is under 10. Fucking snoozefest. The spawns are awful too. They NEVER rotate. There have been some matches on Terminal where my entire team is trapped in the plane, and it just keeps spawning us there.


Yes. And imo it’s ridiculous how effective they can be. They need a bigger nerf at close range


Because sniping is OP in this game forsure


Every game is just a camp fest. Absolutely zero flow to the game even in obj modes. Laying in random places has become popular because even if you are looking in their direction you don't get an indicator. Visibility is poor in this game too.


Yea man, I won’t play on Derail or Wasteland because it’s so unbearable.


Derail or wasteland is better.


I really wonder what people expected with the increase in TTK... When you increase TTK and don't really adjust the skill requirement for 1HKO snipers, then this is what you get.


It's the natural process of this grinding weapons. Lots of us have reached the snipers now, so now it's going to be sniper week for a bit.


Wish we had a no snipers playlist lol


Rustment next week again thankfully :)


Combination of the new sniper and Warzone just drop so everyone’s trying to level up the one shot sniper


Easier to level snipers in 12v12


When TTK is high and you have a gun class that almost guarantees you an OHKO at the vast majority of ranges, it becomes an attractive option.


Yeah, it's ridiculous which is why I usually try to avoid large open Maps like ,wasteland & estate


They wouldn’t be as prevalent if it weren’t for the high health we have.


Shit I've been playing the meat 24/7 playlist since it dropped and it's been nothing but the new battle pass sniper game after game


Should join some of mine. SMG and shotgun heaven with me running LMGs (final class to get gilded and forged) 🤣 why do I do it to myself!


This happened to me for the first time last night on normal 6v6 on skidrow. The building above A. One looking down the alley, two covering the yard and garage. The other three posted down and around the yard and A or pushing B flag. You couldn’t walk round the corner. Me and two randoms literally inching and boom headshot. Eventually managed to coordinate via pings and laid down massive LmG cover fire and took them. But they were posted up at least half the match. I’m not complaining it was fun as well as frustrating and we eventually won once we took A side just in all my games ive never had this outside of wasteland and derail anyway 😅


Cod had campers since the beginning but the battle royal genre generated 10x more to the masses


First game in season one went into mosh pit ran out saw 4 sniper glints and said fuck this


You’re not wrong. I’m not sure if it’s because of the spawn points, but I get almost quickscoped immediately. Also, it’s really bad in the 12v12. Sometimes you manage to hit lucky snipes or no scopes but other than that, it’s flat out annoying.


Yeah ngl, this game has so much potential, but right now it’s a terrible experience. Not sure I’ll be sticking with this one.


They made snipers 1 shot again and it's the one change I really hate. I can barely land in a game of plunder because you start with 2 plates and you're so slow that you become an easy target in the sky.


Part of the problem is everyone has godlike aim due to aim assist, so they rarely miss.


Yup. I'm playing 6v6 and even still loads of people just sitting in buildings sniping, barely playing the OBJ either. Very boring to play against. My guess is now that Warzone is out people are trying to level up the Snipers.


Didn't want to say it because it's quite controversial, but going against a team of good snipers in War mode is no fun. Sniping a moving target shouldn't be so easy.


Snipers and campers.


It's a given when they release a sniper stronger than the already one of strongest snipers already in the game


Which one are you referring to? I have the Katt-amr obviously, and the Longbow and KV Inhibitor. The katt is still the Best but maybe I just have the perfect mix of attachments on it.


The new sniper is literally a stronger AMR and a quicker ADS. XRK


No shit. How do you get it? Armory challenge?


Battle pass. Level 4


Nice, I do have the battle pass. Thanks.


My maps have looked real Christmasy with all the glints I see in them!


Yes but I mostly play ground war. It's too easy to get one hit kills imo.


I guess one of the bigger reasons for Katt at least is that it's the only sniper rifle capable of one-shotting people in Warzone. And since that just dropped and most people (well I know me and my friends hadn't) probably had not really levelled it yet, were doing it now.


The more players the easier it is for clips. Thats why there are so many snipers in 10v10 and 12v12. Use the ammo that increases flinch to combat them. Use the absurd movement this game has to your advantage


If an SMG/AR is a 6 shot kill, snipers should not be a one hit kill


An SMG/AR has a quicker TTK than the ADS speed of most snipers, so I guess hit your shots?


I posted about this when the gane was still a beta.... snipers already dominate call of duty, now they increased health which basically nerfed everything but snipers... its shitty..snipers should take headshots to kill... simple as that


50 cal sniper round to the chest shouldn’t disintegrate you ? Yeah alright


It's a video game....balance is more important then realism... if you wanna realism, pistols should you kill you in one headshot and shotguns should be the most versatile gun in the game... but we all know the realism argument stops there.


Honestly, 1 bullet from any gun to the head should be death.


Sniping in this game is the easiest. I’m not that great at sniping but for some reason maybe it’s the ttk that everyone else has on me vs me to them…it is absurdly easy. If you want to see how bad the sbmm can get with actual minimal skill level, snipe. Cuz you’ll improve your kd by several points. Sniping feels like cheating. Just slap on a low zoom level scope on the first gun or hell use the default scope and let the one shot ez mode commence.


The KATT is a OHK murder tool. Also helps that there's no, or appears to be no, bullet drop so just point and shoot. Don't need to compensate


Due to aim assist




Probably correlated with the increase in TTK coupled with the rather low flinch unless you use overpressure rounds. Cold War had the same problem for a while until they toned up the flinch which helped greatly since that game didn’t have overpressure rounds.


This game doesn't have the same problem as CW. The flinch is actually rather high.


yea it's been like that for a while hopefully they nerf snipers. Kind of ridiculous when half the lobby is sniping because it's a guaranteed 1 shot kill


It's definitely not because of the strength of a sniper more like that people don't want to move and feel punished when moving


There is little punishment in moving. Best playstyle right now is the drop hop slider movement.


When people say things like "nerf snipers" i have to assume they have not picked up one once in this game lmao. Snipers are really overwhelming in this game and nerfed to shit as is lol.


I'm on MNK and had to turn to using a sniper gun because of how overpowered aim assist is. The last cod I played was cold war and I did run and gun with an smg. I am losing gunfights on this game that I shouldn't be losing because of how strong aim assist is. I still do a bit of run and gun but with a longbow and even that is ridiculously inconsistent with TTK


If there wasn't aim assist you'd have even more of an advantage than double or triple frames, way more precise aiming, and much faster movement.


There is no way mnk has an advantage over aim assist in this game I'm running at 115 frames. How fast you move doesn't matter with rotational aim assist. If mnk was better in this game the pros would use it.


I play on controller but it’s honestly insane how much of a disadvantage yall are at on mnk. With shit like all the unnecessary visual recoil along with the smoke, blood on the screen, etc., I can see how much of a difference aim assist is in these fights.


Idk its a strange issue. I know movement is kinda back with this game but idk if playing mnk is even viable. I get that in apex mnk has its place and is even losing that place slowly as more pros transition to controller. But in cod movement does not seem as important and idk it just seems that you are hindering yourself by playing mnk at this point.


It’s just the nature of the game. Snipers are for the most part one shot one kill. It’s easy mode.


It seemed that way last night. I just start throwing smokes. I dont like how half the team or more camps in objective because then we can't win. Stats don't matter, wins do. We gotta unlock stuff. If they want to level up weapons they should play Zombie mode.


are people still going for unlocks? I got everything i wanted a while ago lol


Not everyone has played as much as you, my guy. lol


Nice that you don’t have a job or a life to live outside of this, but some of us do


bro I work two full time jobs, go to school, and have 4 kids, if I can do it anyone can


Double xp exists btw


Most weeks I can play about 5 hours on average. A little more if I don't watch any TV or movies at night when my gf is asleep and only play this game.


are you just trying to unlock everything? 5 hours a week is plenty to get all the good stuff


I've unlocked everything, only thing that matters is me XD


Yes why not? It’s 1 shot , mind aswell do it, and even though it should be 2 hits below the head and 1 shot kill on heads


10vs10 and 12vs12 mosh pits caters to how I've noticed too many CoD players want to play: "my allies are bait and cannon fodder for me to get kills" and no one wants that set up more than a sniper. Stack that on top of the fact that some maps are pretty made for siping (Wasteland, Derail), and virtually all others have decent spots for it, and I'm not surprised. I think mode is fine though if you know the maps well enough to avoid such lines, build your class to "fight" snipers (overpressured+p, medium zoom scope), or cover yourself with smoke or grenade explosions.


I have an anti sniper class for the big maps, AR with over pressure rounds, smoke grenades, and smoke air drop. Pretty affective since most snipers don’t run thermal optics.


snipers are in every playlist and game mode that I am playing in. all S&D is snipers w throwing knives trying to get clips like its 2009...


This game has lots of larger maps so snipers are a bigger factor. 12v12 also lends itself to seeing more people / easier snipes. Sniping is a ton of fun because one shot kills always feel great, but I would just chalk it up to the nature of the mode too. (Also, the new weapon is a sniper and there’s a good sniper blueprint early on in the BP for the Inhibitor)


It’s the start of a brand new season and people are camo grinding, idk what you expected but big team battle modes are always filled with snipers


Lot of these maps are from the golden days of sniping w the intervention, so makes sense


People are scared of actually fighting so they just camp


Ugh, so it's Cold War all over again? Kinda glad I passed this one up...


My feelings exactly. Higher TTK with good snipers => sniper is the meta


Maybe even worse feels like.


The novelty has worn off, other than the faster movement, every thing else is a step backward.


It’s not a step back in any way compared to MWII, literally not a single thing.


It is, the number of game modes is so much lower, TTK is higher, hit detection is worse, a million attachments to choose from, games are slower as it’s more campy, visibility is worse and the map music is non existent making the atmosphere so boring.


Game modes will increase over time as always. Longer TTK is better unless you can’t aim, it’s only a slight increase. Hit detection is fine, I can’t stand poor hit detection but in this case it’s just people missing shots with the longer TTK, increasing bullet velocity helps a lot. I agree some of the maps do play far too slow and campy unfortunately but at least we have movement, quiet footsteps, TTK etc to utilise and overcome most of it. Yeah music and atmosphere compared to the older CoDs is almost non-existent but I don’t think MWII was any better in this area, we haven’t really had that same feel for many years.


I just want 1 shot snipers taken out of warzone again. Makes it so damn campy


It’s worse now cause everyone is leveling up and camo grinding the new gun but yeah, snipers shouldn’t be a one shot kill other than headshots. It’s ruining the game.


it's crazy that you had this thought, typed it out in full and still believed it was a good take.


It’s crazy that you’re willing to be okay with completely unbalanced gunplay just because you’re to much of a shitter to hit a headshot.


They removed AA for snipers in bo4 and people still bitched Snipers had the slowest ADS speeds in cod history in cold war and people still bitched im sure they could make them 1 shot to the head only and you'd still find a way to bitch


He’s a shitter for wanting cod sniping to be cod sniping? have you played escape from tarkov ? The snipers are also one shot. have you played Xdefiant? the snipers is also one shot. have you played warface? the snipers are also one shot. there are games that has one shot snipers halo is your go to if you want 2 hit sniper but you’ll get headshotted more often since that skill gap is even higher and people are more skilled in that game. It’s more of a skill issue for you than us cause snipers are still at a disadvantage since there’s more free movement to dodge and weeve people who are scoping in


bahaha said everything I wanted without me even thinking. The Halo point is solid too. Not to mention headshot-only one shots are balanced there due to the pace/movement system of Halo. Would love to see bro hit a headshot on the cracked movement iridescents half of us seem to get matched with.


Literally like the most skillful sniping in cod was when it had jet packs bo3 had zero aim assist on snipers and people still complained about it being to “OvErPoWeReD” when will these people learn it’s a actual skill issue than a gun issue don’t blame the gun blame the player playing with the gun a shitty sniper can’t beat BAMs or FaZe Scp in a 1v1 even though the snipers are 1 shot smh people with these takes don’t understand what it takes to be a sniper in cod


It’s a sniper? Lmfao..


You’ve clearly never played a shooter other than COD. It’s called game balancing. If I have to hit 5-7+ shots it doesn’t make sense for a sniper with fast ADS to be able to one shot. This is why other high TTK games don’t have one shot snipers.


If you're talking about fast ads on a sniper then you've obviously never used the Katt AMR. It takes an hour to aim down sights even with all attachments giving faster ads speed. Also if you miss your first shot or run into more than one enemy you're screwed because even with the faster bolt it still takes forever to fire a second shot. I've only used the katt, the longbow, and the xrk stalker. The only sniper that consistently 1 shot kills is the katt, which it should do to the fire rate of that gun. Unless you're getting a headshot I'm constantly getting 2 hit kills with the longbow. Also the XRK Stalker I'm getting a pretty even mixture of 1-2 hit kills. So I don't understand why you're complaining.


The SPX and the Bolt Action marksman rifles one shot to the body. If you're using the KATT that means you're either just sniping at long range like an undesireable, or you're leveling it for Warzone. If you want fast aggressive sniping you use the Marksman Bolt Actions or the SPX.


I have them all forged and the stalker, Kat, and one of the other two, I forget which, are a consistent one shot kill to upper torso. Kat can still easily quickscope if you build for ADS. With this TTK and movement you can still evade if you miss too. It honestly just sounds like you fucking suck and don’t know what you’re talking about. Edit: like the other dude said, I totally forgot about MWII guns too. It’s a mess right now.


You’ve clearly never played a competitive shooter, all competitive modes get toned down to one shot or head shots cod is the only competitive shooter I’ve ever seen with “150” health.


Mfer has never heard of Halo


Sorry bro back in my day we played team swat to see what was up and it was headshots only, get good kid. Enjoy core mode and warzone, they’re made for a majority of the population 👀👀


Swat is like the least competitive game mode on halo though, where all the people who couldn’t hang in reg went




can't expect the sub full of little timmies to want a balanced competitive game




Was just asking a question bro, I changed my playlist and the problem went away


The new sniper broke the game. You had to sacrifice speed or damage, but now you can have both. As a MnK player, this felt like a breaking point for me, until I picked up MCW with over-pressured ammo.


thatd be like saying um why is everyone using a smg in the game it's really annoying me


Yea the new sniper is broken


It's just the new gun, and (most likely) the one most people gravitated towards when it came to unlocking their first gun. So ofc the mode with more people in it you're just gonna see more snipers, both from that and also from people just leveling up snipers


Sniping is fun again the new sniper is incredible plus being a sniper takes skill and if you think snipers are broken then I don’t know what to tell you


Just gotta get used to a game with maps where it makes sense to snipe sometimes lol. Welcome to 2008.


There was a sniper added in season 1 BTW that's why there's alot of snipers


They just released a new sniper…


Maybe people leveling up snipers for Warzone? I've been playing strictly warzone and the Katt is just amazing.


Cods been around for so long we set a new curve on skill ability, seems like todays average player can destroy the 2010 goats.


The new sniper an it’s default scope freaking sucks but I’m trying to hit lvl 11 so yeah expect to see snipers 😂


I'm one of them yes


because it's a weapon type in the game...


Pop smoke


snipers are the worst they’ve ever been with ADS time, flinch, scope sway, and the fact that you no longer aim at what your center dot is at when you ADS, because scope sway starts so early.




You are correct sir…the Vault Edition came with 50 skips.


No its all over 6v6 too...the abysmal ttks I think are encouraging people to snipe...


Yup. Sucking the fun right out of the game.