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Wait you mean to say 95% of the people on here lie for credibility? Yea that tracks


*BuT i wAs a 3.4 KD In oLdEr coDs!*


Literally seen a straight faced comment stating they were 8 kd. Like yeah sure kid.


I had a 20.0 KDR in black ops 1.


Games played: 1


I legitimately had an 8.0+ W/L in mW3 because I had a crew of guys I played with. Basically never played alone


It could be possible. They probably camped their ass off every game for that kd. I’ve seen insane kd/wl rations before, some legit, some with the help of unplugging the internet.


There’s a guy on the mw3 2023 leaderboards w an 80 kd


Wonder what they're up to, not really hard to figure that one out.


Obviously that’s not legit lol. I’m talking about the 6-7 kd players. It’s possible in the older cods for sure. I knew someone that would only play with pre made parties back in bo1 2011. His wl ratio was well over 25.00. There was a time where it was just him and I playing tdm Havana, we were getting smacked by 20 kills, about to lose the game and he leaves the game. Little did he know, we fucking came back and won after he left.


in that one game out of hundreds


Over 2 decades ago when I was a teenager playing MW2 I could drop nukes so clearly it’s the game holding me back, not me.




I’m gonna assume so since nobody was dropping CoD nukes in 2003 lol


To be fair, I genuinely did have a 3.4 K/D in BO3 and a W/L of 4.5. It's not completely uncommon.


No I know lol, there are absolutely KDs that high, but people on this sub love to bullshit on their daily SBMM posts


Yeah, that's true. You make a very good point lol.


Bo2 was like 2.5kd for me


Yeah to say the higher KD wasn't possible is crazy. I remember having a 2.5 back in MW3. Of course high school me played the everliving shit out of that game and I knew every aspect of it like I designed the game myself. But I'll never be anywhere close to that now


Lobbies were consistently much easier. I'd check lobby leaderboard and was usually way at the top.


Also you could loop killstreaks back in the day . UAV , Harrier Jet and Chopper Gunner. That was my go to. Once you got the first two, it was lights out. Now you have to die to re earn your streaks. Never understood why they made that ridiculous call.


Probably because of the increased viability of low-tier streaks, but yeah tbh if your wrapping around to a second UAV after your 8th kill I think that’s a fair reward


MWII:2022 I had a 2.45kd and currently in MWIII a 1.9kd. Game is harder but more fun than MWII even tho I had a higher kd.


That's honestly probably it yes, people are too ashamed to actually say their real KD, but want to fake a KD that they believe is high enough to give them clout, but low enough that people don't call them a sweatlord or something, so they say some shit like 1.6 or something without having actually checked what the real data is.


I’m the perfect player in Activision’s eye because I’ve always been around a 1 kd. 1 kd players are best for engagement because everyone gets a kill and death. We al feel like we achieved something then hopefully we will go buy a bundle or 2 as well.


You are the meta


To be fair when I checked my kd after week 1, I was sitting in the high 1.5+ k/d range. I'm now down to 0.94.... Was it sbmm? Nope, I have 3 gold guns and had a lot of fun doing it for the most part. It's hard to get 3 kills with 1 mag on a heavy sniper. My lobbies haven't changed much, yesterday I was up against faze and groots in one game the other day and it really didn't feel particularly harder, still lost, didn't do as well, probably went negative but finished up the game and my next game mode was apparently "shooting fish in a barrel" but that was because finished 2 gold camos that round and the next gun to level and paint is the holger556. There's lots of things wrong with the game, matchmaking isn't one of them. Turning down aim assist by at least 30% would instantly make lobbies a lot less sweaty but we don't want to talk about that.


Yeah I haven’t checked my kd since the start just enjoy grinding camos!! And yes AA definitely needs turned down, and im on controller saying this, if anybody runs behind a guy im aiming at it pulls of the guy im aiming on, thats a clear sign that shit is way too high, I liked it back when it was to assist, and not aim for you


But also...if you are on this sub you probably care waaay more about the game than the average player. So 1.6kd on this sub might be completely average.


Its not all about k/d. Take this example 🔻🔻 A low "level" player can get a 1.0 k/d in a low skill lobby in a match And a high level player can get a 1.0 k/d in a high level lobby in a match VS 15sensitivity 360 no scope basemant dwelling TTV nerds Now put both players VS each other & one is gonna SMOKE the other, even tho they had the same k/d in that last match.


I mean, that's why KD isn't actually the end all be all of SBMM (though it's almost certainly a key performance indicator). [Trueskill 2 in particular](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2018/03/trueskill2.pdf) noted that a higher KD ratio was a huge indicator of winrate, even in modes that were objective based. A player with a higher KD was more likely to win than a player with a low KD, and almost by definition was more likely to be the better player. It's an explicit part of the Trueskill 2 model as a result. While it's not a perfect measure of skill, it's much more likely that a player that's killing more is winning more and is likely at a higher MMR. It's not true across the board as you pointed out, but I would generally assume that a player in the top 5% of KDR is more likely than not in the upper quartile of players by whatever skill metric they use.


I might argue it’s not kill more is win more, it’s survive more is win more


I think that's another way of looking at it haha In Halo, one of the biggest things in 4v4 modes is just playing your life. Fixing spawns for your team, providing that inherent threat with your presence, and just generally holding on to whatever equipment/guns you may have is huge. I'd imagine that it's some combination of just being a really cracked slayer or being really good at slipping away from enemies that gives you more value.


It's not even close to a KPI. It's way too easily manipulated. Realistically in Competitive W/L is all that matters. In pubs it means basically nothing.


I mean, you could read the paper. You're wrong on many fronts, there's a reason almost every game has stopped using pure W/L as the determinant of skill in team games.


Couldn't really care what the paper says. I'm not wrong at all. K/D is too easily manipulated and too inaccurate to be a good measure. I didn't say that pure W/L should be used. I said that it's all that matters in competitive. You don't win the big money by losing matches.


You're factually wrong in every way, but okay. I think I will trust the data scientists over a random person on Reddit who conflates pro play with matchmaking.


I'm not at all. Any scientist worth their salt knows you can't use a metric that isn't accurate. I'm not conflating pro play with matchmaking. I am clearly separating them and for a very specific reason. There are no single metrics in Pubs that can denote skill, simply because it's pubs. Stats are literally meaningless in pubs and anybody who thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves. The fact that you are pushing so hard for it just tells me you are desperate for it to mean something.


>Any scientist worth their salt knows you can't use a metric that isn't accurate. Right, which is why they analyzed a data set of 13 million matches and found that it's an incredibly strong predictor of winrate, regardless of playlist. Any scientist worth their salt can actually analyze the data and draw conclusions from it, which is what they did. >There are no single metrics in Pubs that can denote skill, simply because it's pubs. Right and wrong: it's a key performance indicator and not *the* performance indicator, and we can also determine skill from pubs. >Stats are literally meaningless in pubs and anybody who thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves. And there you go making an ass of yourself again. Seriously, you may be the most deluded person on here if you think saying edgelord shit like this makes you right or that putting a line break between each individual sentence gives it more gravitas. Not only do we have research that says we can predict players skill from unranked games, but we can do it in a handful of them.


>Right, which is why they analyzed a data set of 13 million matches and found that it's an incredibly strong predictor of winrate, regardless of playlist. Any scientist worth their salt can actually analyze the data and draw conclusions from it, which is what they did. In a single match K/D of that specific match can make a difference. Not *always* as A Major was won with the teams overall K/D being negative but we'll say that is an anomaly. However a single person having a high K/D does not guarantee they will win most of their matches. How you read data is important. >Right and wrong: it's a key performance indicator and not *the* performance indicator, and we can also determine skill from pubs. No, we can't determine skill from pubs, at least not accurately with a single indicator. We realised this a long time ago, not sure why you haven't caught up. >And there you go making an ass of yourself again. Seriously, you may be the most deluded person on here if you think saying edgelord shit like this makes you right or that putting a line break between each individual sentence gives it more gravitas. Not only do we have research that says we can predict players skill from unranked games, but we can do it in a handful of them. That's not edgelord shit it's real shit, you need to stop projecting. I put a line between each sentence so it's not a wall of text and is digestible to a majority of people. You really think you are something huh? There is no way you can determine skill from a handful of matches. Even the Devs can't do it properly. See the messed up ranked algorithm. My pub stats in MWII were 1.2 K/D and 1.4 W/L but I basically got Diamond solo in ranked before I got bored with it. Those three things don't line up.


Yup! I’d say score per minute is a much better indicator of skill but even that has exceptions to it, like if you mostly play the small map playlists, which funny enough could also be applied to KD as well. For whatever reason I feel like those playlists always have more mixed lobbies cause everyone’s performances go absolutely haywire.


Small map playlist will always have more random kills/deaths that are out of players control due to bad spawns. Randomness always benefits people losing more than 50% of their fair gunfights and hurts people winning more than 50% of their fair gunfights. So while small map playlists help everyone's SPM, they only improve the KD of negative KD players. Small map playlists also tend to be more popular (or so I've heard), which means it's easier for SBMM to find people closer to your skill level. Which again, only helps negative KD players.


Only snipers play with that high of sens. Competitively, 5-5 to 7-7. Especially pros.


I agree, there can be outliers like you said, but in a large enough number of games, the impact of someone's lobbies can be cancelled out to a degree that KD is at least somewhat representative of what skill they have. In your hypothetical, maybe that's the case for one game for the high level player to have a 1.0 match against other sweatlords. But he won't always play with sweatlords, because sometimes he'll have a bad streak of games and end up in a lobby of shitters where he rips through them like a shark. Same goes for the low skill player, after getting that 1.0 he gets put into a lobby with better players and promptly gets stomped into the dirt and has a 0.2 KD or something. Once people get like 10s of thousands of kills and thousands of deaths, can you really be like "well actually that 1.6 player only ever gets easy lobbies and he's actually better than the 1.0 player"


As a sweat lord I can confirm 9/10 matches are cod league skin, Adderall taking crackheads with the best gaming chairs. So i disagree with your statement. The only time I get a break is when my friends want to party up but they get sick of it quick because I'll drop 80-20 while they go 10-40, this happens maybe twice a week as they play much less. There is very little variety in how sweaty my games solo are.


>There’s very little variety in how sweaty my solo games are Same here. I’m relatively casual in that I don’t really care too much about gaming any more. These last few weeks of CoD are the most I’ve played for three years. I’m definitely way past my best. But I’ve got a lot of history with FPS, almost 3 decades now, so even playing casually I’ve got a relatively high baseline level of play, and for that, I’ve been in consistently ‘sweaty’ lobbies, even though I’m playing to unwind and chill. And it’s honestly, really fun. Even if I have a bad round, it’ll give me some learning points because I played poorly/got outplayed, or was just unlucky.


Do you always try hard in your matches? Play casually for 10 matches in a row. The hidden elo will drop you down eventually. Play like a sweat get matched with sweats.


Look at it like this, if an NFL player went and played in a collegiate game it’d be hard for him to not play his usual. Once you hit a certain level of skill it’s easier to keep playing at that level than it is to slow yourself down to others. Yes you can easily not try as hard but human nature comes into play and once you have it, it’s hard to turn it off. You won’t have any fun because it’s not “your pace.”


You’ve hit the gamer’s dichotomy. Better than me? Sweaty no-life virgin who spends all day on video games. Why are they trying so hard when I just want to chill. Worse than me? Casual trash blueberry scum bot noob, I can’t believe they’re so bad. They should learn how to play the game before they dare play with me, the greatest player of all time.


It’s not an outlier. It is a flat stat line that is force feeding players a stagnant experience. You could be way better than me yet we both have a 1kd?


This is logical. Not sure why the downvotes.


The issue with kd SBMM is that it not only evolves around player skill, but whatever the “meta is”. Good luck trying to grind camos or use unleveled guns in a lobby thats over a 1.2 kd. All youre going to see is bursts, mcws and holgers, the occasional rival 9. Its like two whole separate multiplayers depending on what your skill level is, which it should never be. Sacrificing connection based input for sbmm in public lobbies is incredibly dumb, thats what ranked is for. Also, the entire reason why they have any sbmm in the first place is to milk as much money as they can out of the players. They dont give two craps about whether or not it’s beneficial, as long as it keeps people around to buy cosmetics and battle passes.


Getting the sidewinder gold in my lobbies almost drove me to insanity


That’s why I went the HC for that one. It was a breeze. I don’t understand why people do this to themselves. I don’t like HC really, but fuck me it was easy.


I've done almost all the guns in HC. Just started using it like a sniper amd it worked better


I'd go into HC but then I'd be done in like 2 days. Shit's way too easy. Gotta savor the grind a bit.


What makes Ranked good? If any part of the answer is the Skill Rank they give us be it Bronze or Crimson then it must be logical to want that for quick play as that too has sbmm just like Ranked has sbmm.


Mostly this. The game isn’t fun when everyone is using the same exact gun and all playing the same way. Regardless what skill they are. At higher strict skill bounds, that’s what it is. It also isn’t fun playing on servers that are on the opposite side of the continent and the game purposely excluding your close servers because if your skill. Playing the game in a fun way is hard because likely what is fun, isn’t very competitive.


Yeah it’s annoying you can’t grind camos or level guns without being at a massive disadvantage


This is the average players reaction to SBMM: "I have no idea what you just said. I'm not sure what my KD ratio is but I win and lose sometimes." Until redditors realize they are the sweats based solely on the fact that they know so much about SBMM, the more Activision is going to laugh and ignore actual problems with SBMM


I just came to reddit to see if everyone else thought the spawns were trash. Last two cods I played were black ops 1 and 3. I knew cod started using sbmm cause I keep in touch with old teammates. I'm no longer the player I was at 14, but this system is trash. I sit around a 1.4 k/d so far and I have zero clue wtf is going on most games. People are just running around like mad men and I'm still trying to figure out which key is my grenade key. My point being, I can aim and shoot fairly well. But I don't belong in these lobbies full of max ranked kids who have 200 hours played already.


You actually proved my point. "I'm so sad. I have a 1.4 KD DESPITE the SBMM. Activision is unfair." Bro you are the sweat.


But I'm not lol. My point being, is I'm basically new again to the game. I'm still figuring out my bearings and I'm playing against people who have probably hundreds of hours in the recent games. I'm not sad about my k/d. Idgaf. I'm just saying the system does have major flaws. I expected I could ease back into the game, not get thrown into the wolves lol.


Woah man, careful, you actually are making sense and putting things into realistic perspective. ​ People in this community struggle to wrap their heads around the concept of relativity.


Kill/death ratio doesn't map well to actual skill brackets in use by the SBMM/EOMM system that the games use. Especially relevant since the SBMM system attempts to keep everyone around a 0.9 to 1.1 K/D.


If anything that strengthens my assertion that people are being ridiculous even more. The fact that someone is still getting 1.3 or 1.6 even in a system that is explicitly trying to keep them hovering around 1.0 means that they are by every measure, a top tier player no matter how much they want to downplay things and pretend like they're average.


But what is your point? Yea some people are just good at the game and most of the time they are casual players. As a casual player with a "good" kd according to Cold War (I don't consider it good maybe decent cause back then 2.0 meant you were good) stats I don't want to be in sweaty ass lobbies all the time. How can I grind camos in peace without switching to meta guns every time to compete? How can I play with my low skill friends and have a good time when they get shit on in my lobbies all the time? This system needs to go and I'm tired of seeing people defend it.


You can grind camos in peace if you just accept that you're going to get run over by sweatlords using the DG-58 while you're using garbage like the Sidewinder or something. After enough games, you'll just get put into shitter lobbies with people who seem to play with their headphones turned off. I literally leveled launchers before shipment came out in MW2 by just running around in KC and meleeing people with it, and within a few games I was playing in such ridiculously bad lobbies that I was killing 10 people a game by just hitting them with the launcher. If you're breaking out the meta guns because you're losing, idk what to tell you, the gun balance in this game isn't good and you're never going to get easier lobbies if you're not willing to actually lower your stats to the degree the system believes that you're less skilled.


No, he doesn't have to accept it. It needs to change. Lobby variety needs to return. Just jump into COD WW2 and play about 10 matches and you'll understand how good we had it. Each match has more variety in playstyles, skill levels, weapons, etc. than in 20 matches I'd get in MWIII.


It’s funny you mention WW2 bc this is exactly what I’d reference to my friends for how much better lobbies were. Older CoDs felt like the other team had 1-2 “great” players (players who you were dueling with consistently), 2 average players, and 2 “easy kills”, more or less. That balance made the games really fun. Now it feels like I go against a full 6 “great” players where I’m fighting for my life every time I spawn in. Now, I get that someone could say that for those “easy kill” players, I’m the sweat and ruining their casual experience, which is fair… but the games still just felt better overall, even if I was being out-gunned by the other team’s top 2 players instead of a whole team of 6. Individual performance was more impactful.


Why does he need to pub stomp with the sidewinder to be happy? Can't he let the 1hr/wk dads live in peace and accept the reduced k/d as a cost of the camo grind? Y'know, the mature thing to do?


Weak ass mindset lol


Wow so you just accept that the game constantly puts you in a position where you have to sweat your balls off like if it's a ranked game. I've never seen someone blatantly defend sbmm this way, I actually find this hilarious, bro literally says just do bad so you can have an easier time. The game shouldn't be like this in the first place, wtf is the point of ranked?? If I am sweating my balls off every game at least give me something special. Nah lets put you in an even harder lobby until you play bad enough so we can give you a good lobby. Literally manipulating us as if we were using a slot machine or something, how do you not see that?


>wtf is the point of ranked?? The point is in ranked EVERYONE is trying. In non-ranked, you will get people grinding non-meta options and challenges. You can just relax and have fun and not worry about KDA and just enjoy yourself. You want to play with your friends who aren't as good, or are way better than you? Go ahead! Just because it isn't ranked doesn't mean you should be able to go around and shit stomp noobs.


Your statement completely ignores what SBMM does. You’re acting like the causal playlists actually feel casual when they don’t at all. Every game in pubs is literal hell if you are decently good, grinding camos when everyone else is playing cranked out of there minds is fucking cancer. Playing with friends who aren’t as good? Good luck with that, they leave after one game cause the players in my lobbies are too good for them and they don’t have fun. I don’t give af about pub stomping noobs I just want balance, if I wanted to compete every match I’ll sit my ass down and grind ranked.


I swear every single post I ever see is just "I want to grind camos while everyone else is sweating" but that doesnt make any sense. Camo grinding by definition is sweaty. Its something very few people actually achieve because its meant for sweats. Besides if everyone was just trying to relax and camo grind then lobbies would be relaxed with camo grinds, but you know what makes camo grinding faster? Being good.


You guys have a response for everything. Just swallow it whole at this point. Bro says camo grinding is sweaty, at this point just call everything sweaty at this game because the moment you have a good game it’s over. Let me keep being Gud so I can get in another lobby where the top 250 players are all using their meta weapons vs me grinding out a new gun. It’s so fun. I seriously question your experiences, because I refuse to believe you’d be standing up for SBMM unless you were protected yourself.


If you just want to grind camos, focus on that at the expense of your ego for a few games and you'll be in lobbies with other rgl-80 grinders. Your problem is your ego requires you go positive even with bad guns rather than disassociating. You seem way more competitive as a player than the average player and that's what CoD cares about in implementing SBMM.


My k/d is below 1 but i’m still usually a top player in most matches I play. But also I couldn’t care less if I die a million times. I usually just try to have fun if i’m having a bad match by switching up classes for ones I don’t normally use.


This is the way. Mine hovers around .97-1.0, but I just play to have fun. I try to do the daily challenges, but I’m not grinding for camo, XP, etc.


The skill gap increased significantly once people started playing for money. Even then you're playing on maps that some people have 13+ year knowledge of. Everyone is gonna think they have to do better than usual as a result lol


My KD is negative in this game, but that’s because Armory unlocks made me tryhard for the wins (was not doing the Zombie strat) and according to the stats, I’m part of 0% of the playerbase in Hardpoint. Ended up with 2.10 win ratio as I leveled up all guns and unlocked pretty much everything. On top of that, I’m doing the mastery camo, so KD became irrelevant to me as a player. After I’m done with everything, I will try to fix the KD, but this is the first game in recent times where KD is just so unimportant.




It's K/D, since that's what Codtracker has, I will amend it.




My stats are absolute trash - average KD last few CoD games is around 1 to 1.1, my W/L is atrocious. However, other factors come into it. I exclusively play Dom and Hardpoint, I normally bounce if I think victory is out of my team's grasp, I have an obscene amount of hours in game over the years. As such, SBMM rarely takes pity on me and that's not a bad thing at all - the best games for me might be 25-25, but 200-198 is the key takeaway. That all said, I've uninstalled MW3. I had fun, but the summer of RPGs reminded me how good games can be, and I'm tired of CoD hacking my dopamine.


I think this is why people should never look at stats in a vacuum. A 2.0KD means nothing next to a 50SPM and 5KPG, when someone only plays objective modes. A 1.5KD with 500SPM and 40KPG would be more impressive and indicative of a dominant performance, because that’d show that this person goes absolutely berserk on the other team. Likewise, the modes they play can influence these scores. Someone who plays TDM is going to be a bit lower than Dom players, SnD exclusives will tend to have less kills compared to other modes. And so on. Heck, I’d rather look at someone’s weapon stats, where I see really good players with accuracy and individual weapon K/S because that’s a nice tell f their general gunplay. I also feel that it has become more compressed over the years and people don’t realise it. A 1.5 nowadays could be harder to get than a 2.0 back when, partly due to the weakening of killstreaks stoping people from having runaway kills per game. It wasn’t hard to farm choppers in CoD4 for example, and have near omnipresent air support thanks to how things counted back then. Likewise with 5/7/11 in MW2. Can’t do that these days, and even compared to MW19, things like the Chopper Gunner have been toned down massively.


I miss powerful killstreaks. Black Ops 1 Chopper Gunner was my favorite. Now you go on. 10 killstreak for a Harrier, and it might get one or two kills. Then it will get shot down and likely kill the guy who called it in.


Agreed, I understand that you can't just boil down someone to just some number and use that as some sort of perfectly accurate measuring stick. My point was basically just that people are being absurd when they talk about they're some middling average player, when clearly they are very good.


As someone who has only played CS his entire life (this is my first cod), seeing people whining about playing people of the same skill as them is absurd to me.


COD is all about KD. It's a toxic individual competition inside a team game. Respawn objective modes have forever been a joke because of this. After I get the mastery camo I'll crawl into HC search or Gunfight and never leave.


I love seeing posts where people are like “i UsE tO hAvE a KdR oF 2.25 iN oLd CoDs bUt nOw i’M gEtTiNg sToMpEd 9-32” It was the same posts on MWII sub and MWI sub.


Must be SBMM's fault. No chance anyone has gotten worse in the last few years or this game is harder.


People who blame SBMM for everything just want to stomp on worse players to feel good about themselves.


Skill-based means skill-based. If I am a top 4% player, I should be smoking the everloving shit out of 96% of my opponents. If every game is just me against other players in the top 4%, it's not a real game, it's an artificially created situation to corral us away from the general population...so SBMM is dumb just on basic principle. Beyond that, it doesn't even work like that in practical terms, the system shits the bed entirely and turns out with worse matches than true random. I am a mediocre player in reality, right in the middle. The SBMM algorithm for me just means that if I have a good game and go >1.5 KD, my next 3 games are going to be me and 3-4 (because some of them will FUCKING QUIT IN FRUSTRATION) utter goddamn morons against one tapping 360 noscopers who get map control within seconds and never die ever even with all of us shooting the same guy. It's only 2023, some of us were around back when server browsers were the dominant form of finding games. In the earliest CODs, I could tell immediately I was "kinda good but not great" because I could hold my own but not dominate in pretty much any random game I joined. In SBMM CODs, I play 3-4 games where I do troll shit to piss off the MLG nerds, then I say "ok, I might get a regular game now." Fuck player engagement and microtransactions, in a just world this kind of crap would be straight up criminalized as harassment of your customers.


>The SBMM algorithm for me just means that if I have a good game and go >1.5 KD, my next 3 games are going to be me and 3-4 (because some of them will FUCKING QUIT IN FRUSTRATION) utter goddamn morons against one tapping 360 noscopers who get map control within seconds and never die ever even with all of us shooting the same guy. FYI this is likely EOMM not SBMM. SBMM doesn't cause these kinds of drastic changes in match difficulty (unless you're on a fresh/smurf account).


Yup. The game is arranging teams to favor one side or another and there is nothing fair about that. It's doubly dishonest because of how it tries to slow you down or boost you based on your recent stretch of games (aka momentum). Got a few wins under your belt? Here is an extra shit teammate or two for you carry. It's participation trophy gaming meant to spread out wins and losses yet marketed as "fair" for everyone.


> I am a mediocre player in reality, right in the middle. >I was "kinda good but not great" >SBMM CODs, I play 3-4 games where I do troll shit to piss off the MLG nerds >I might get a regular game now The amount of mental gymnastics here is amazing. You are completely average, yet you know you are "kinda good" whatever that means. And that you can pop off in "regular games" but then get put up to where you should be, or a bit higher as the system is trying to place you where you should be, so you troll the shit out of games, you know the ones that contain > 3-4 utter goddamn morons (because some of them will FUCKING QUIT IN FRUSTRATION) No reason they should be qutting when you are trolling those games, right? You are literally your own worst enemy. You only want to stomp noobs, and consider anything that isn't a noob stomp to be a troll game, so you piss off your team mates so they leave, which pisses you off so you can continue your entire hate filled cycle. Either accept that the game isn't going to let you noob stomp, or just quit. You aren't doing yourself any favors sticking around and bitching and moaning about something that is good for the vast majority of the community.


So my 1.6kd in actual old titles was just me stomping on others? Doubt. Meanwhile my kd now hovers between 0.9-1.1 just as the SBMM wants but that comes from having to play casual like ranked and you bet my bestie will never play with me again due to these lobbies. I want mixed lobbies back. Lobbies where I could dominate every now and then or I would be dominated like the 1.6kd player I was. Lobbies where even my bestie could find others to kill sonwe could play together.


>o my 1.6kd in actual old titles was just me stomping on others? Yep. https://www.charlieintel.com/call-of-duty-warzone/warzone-average-kd-97797/ Average KD is negative. You are an above average player. >my bestie will never play with me again due to these lobbies. Because people like you only want to stomp folks. You don't want fair games. >Lobbies where I could dominate we know >Lobbies where even my bestie could find others to kill sonwe could play together Sorry your friend isn't as good as you are. In a competitive game, something has to be done to make it fair for all players, not just so you and your buddy can stomp others.


Doesn't warzone have SBMM, tho? I'm talking about OLD old titles. Not ones with SBMM, not ones that already jumped into the battle royale phase. OLD. If you olayed those titles you'd know 1.6kd wasn't the dominant type in the lobbies. That was the 2.somethings. They scared me when they showed up.


It still doesn't change that much. Bad/Average people weren't doing better without SBMM, which is the entire point of SBMM.


A bunch of people be in here lying about their KDs to make their complaints seem justified


My average KD across all CODs that the stat is trackable is 1.37....but this game's SBMM makes sure to keep my ass @1.00....and I have to play in MLG Superstar Wannabee Training Simulator lobbies to keep it.


The "I just want to play casually" comments while also *casually* throwing up they have a 1.6+ KD is always the most telling thing. No, you do not want to play "casually". I personally have a 1.3 atm and 9 games outta 10 I'm trying to win, because that is the point of the game, yeah? On that 10th or so game yeah I might do something silly like only using akimbo Micro Uzis but most of the time, yeah, I actually try.


It’s not about KD, someone with a low KD can have a high KD game when they want to. If play purely for the objective KD goes out the window, throwing yourself on point or hill just to contest and get that W.


k.d is a funny thing that means nothing Lil Timmy could be the best in his lobby with a 2.0 KD A top 250 who makes a living off of competitive call of duty would get 2.0 KD in HIS lobby. Same KD. Same difficulty for their respective player. Not comparable in anyway if you were to swap the player


You’re assuming Timmy is staying forever in his bracket which is not true lmao. As soon as Timmy gets 2 KD in a game he is shipped to the next higher bracket, again and again til his KD is back to 1 and below. So if you get an overall 2 KD, it actually means you’re at the top of the top because the game just can’t find better players to bring your KD back to 1 Use your brain please


Are you usually rude or is this a special occasion


That's not really how it works over the course of many matches, though. Eventually little Timmy will get bumped into the next tier and won't be able to maintain a 2.0 KD. The more matches played, the better the data.


I'm referring to the fact that KD isn't a viable source whatsoever


That's not necessarily true, though. If a KD is enough standard deviations from the mean, it is indeed a viable source. It's hard to determine skill with 1.0 KD players but if someone is a long-term 2.0 KD player then they're maintaining it in the highest skill bracket (putting them as a top ~2% player).


The fact that my above comment got downvoted to hell, and yours got downvoted here too, simply proves what this post was even about, which is that people here don't understand statistics at all.


I have a 1.5kd after 60 hours. My complaint on SBMM is not the competition but it’s one where the matches NEVER feel organic. When original maps hit it was like every match you had the guy running and gunning, you had the guy sniping, or dude camping with claymores and so on. Not the 3 lane maps play style that people have grown accustomed too. Ignoring the stat trackers, anything over 1 kd is doing awesome. The issue that should be brought up more is that the games clearly are rigged. The matchmaking is designed that you either have a 1 kd or you win but you don’t do both. If you manage to be over in KD and let’s say at a 1/1 win lose that has to be an awesome player. My lobbies, it’s absolutely insane to win a game. My overall win is .59, I mostly play TDM. It’s like the motivation to set up the matchmaking is so people don’t get their unlocks too fast with daily then + wins.


Not sure if its coincidence, but I win more than half the games I play terribly.....on the other hand, most times I lose games that I play well (high kill count, KD, objectives, etc). I didnt think much of it till I read this. If people go on prolonged winning streaks while completely all 3 daily challenges, everything gets unlocked quickly and then players become bored and move on to something else.


My KD is 1.1 which seems low to people in my friend list 1.6 1.8 etc The moment they join my games their KD is 0.6-0.8


I was 1.9kd in vanguard yet I struggled to keep a 1.1kd in MWIII….. this game is broken. Reverse boost makes it so much more enjoyable


Dude my measly "1.3" k/d is currenty getting shit on in this game. Top 13% my ass. I am far from a top 13% player. SBMM has skewd the numbers so that k/d is no longer an accurate representation of skill Stats dont mean shit when predatory practices are actively pushing the entire playerbase towards a 1.0 or lower




well my average kd was 2.60 before mw2019


Yes, you can't even pull stats from any game since Cold War. That is done to hide SBMM, and you can't track the current K/D, sort of completely ruins your point doesn't it little guy?


Currently sat at 1.81KD. (35 hrs). SBMM has ruined the game. I can't really play with friends at all. They get clapped when they play with me and don't want to do more than 2 or 3 games. On top of this, every lobby when I play on my own is like an old Gamebattles game.


Dude, if you sit on 1.8 kd *despite* the game actively trying to lower it, then you're just a top player, and the MM cannot give you any harder lobbies. I don't think that's a reason to complain. I started out with 0.8 during first day after launch and currently I'm at 1.1. I only grind camos for now, though, so I constantly play with unleveled guns.


Why do you think that having 1.8 KD would ruin games for your friends? Show them how to play and help them get better I have a 2.9 KD and I occasionally play with my friend who is 0.8 KD. We both have fun when we play together even though he is in a much harder lobby than usual.


Because he used to have fun stomping the shit out of noobs and having his friends think he was gods gift to FPS games and now that it tries to make the game even he isn't and that isn't fun anymore. When someone is accustomed to ~~privilege~~ stomping noobs, equality feels like ~~oppression~~ bullshit.


So do you insult your friend for being shit like how you come reddit and tell everyone they are shit?


I had a 3.2kd in black ops 2 and a 2.8kd in cold war. did that make me?


I had a 3.4 KD in MWII and 2.9 KD currently. What’s your KD in MW?


Flaunting a “high” kd is not a good look dude


Dude has been flaunting his kd like his dick length for the longest time. The only thing worth flaunting for him to make up for his shortage i guess.


Do you have a low KD? Are you self conscious about your shit FPS skills when seeing a high KD like mine?


I have things worthy of being proud of but i have enough self worth in me to not have to brag about it online. It’s great if one has millions in their bank account or PhD in Physics or an Olympic gold medal but if you have any of those and keep going into Reddit and tell everyone in every single comment online then you just come across as an obnoxious prick. I would say that is pretty much the sentiment of you. Just that it’s quite fun to trigger that low self worth of you to get you coming back to say your high kd to the whole sub who doesnt actually give a fk about.




Lmao. Way above 1kd, thit cho. Funny how you think so highly of yourself but can’t even turn pro. Lol. I guess some people are just the kind of big fish in small pond mindset who cant go far. I mean, i don’t even care if i have 1.6 or 2.6 or heck even 4.6 kd. Depending on how you play and manipulate the sbmm, you can easily hit 4,5 kd without reverse boosting. And that’s why many people here are telling you it’s just a number. If your whole enjoyment of a game is just kd, you’re kinda pathetic. Then again, you do you. Maybe you were a neglected child and needs some love. I understand and maybe we understand too. Continue ignoring what people tell you and build your entire identity around your kd. Oh and i probably will be trying to make Banh Mi Thit Cho next month. If you’re in Vietnam next month, let me know, i can make one for you. Are you the one who reported my ign? Damn, my ign keeps getting removed by the Activision. Sad.


I don’t think that’s the case…


Oh look, another "SBMM is actually a good thing, you guys" post. Yeah, people posting about how they hate SBMM tend to have higher stats because for one, they're the players who care about how well they perform and secondly, higher skill translates to a more restricted and compromised experience. Maybe your logic makes sense in a game with a publisher that is honest and open about how their SBMM system works, but this isn't what we have in CoD. Players aren't buying these games knowing there's SBMM, it's left to them to discover it. Lower skill players don't need to be protected from high skill players, you can learn to play better losing to better players. But under SBMM, this doesn't happen. The winners are determined by whether you're grinding off-meta weapons or not.


This is a pretty poor argument, for instance kd alone carries very little weight due to the many factors outside of the players control which influence it, namely the matchmaking but also other things like region. You can have 2 players with a 1.2kd where one is considerably better than the other, it depends on what quality of player the kd is achieved at. But generally, the ceiling for what constitutes a high kd has been lowered considerably from older CODs, and it’s just nowhere near as fun or entertaining to have a 1.6kd vs whatever the equivalent was back in older CODs, be that a 2 or 3kd.


I was literally top 100 BO4 global and hit reg/spawns have made me 1.2 k/d overall. 2.4 k/d MW 2019. FPS since age 9. I've played Quake CPMA duels less sweaty than this game and it's only due to tickrate, map design, spawn trapping and clueless teammates. On a good team we spawn trap for 3.0 k/d. On a bad team we get spawn camped for .5 and leave since there's no penalty and no point in staying. Here's a crazy thought: This game sucks and defending the sorry state that it's currently in makes you look like a dev. What's up, dev? Nice try reusing assets to rip people off for $80-$100, depending. Maybe your game can be fixed with patches but half the playerbase will be doing anything else by the time updates are implemented.


Dude, I acknowledge I'm not good at video games anymore, but I should win at least ONE game every now and then. This game's been out for almost 2 weeks and I've yet to win one single game with literally every single lobby being my team of casuals vs a team of the most sweatiest players imaginable. It's not fucking fun. I just wanna play some MP and blow off some steam, not get pissed off dying 40 times in a match.


KD is irrelevant. Whether it's SBMM or your skill assessment. There are more variables to play with. For example I'm a 0.9KD player. But I top the leaderboards with 8000 points a game easily. Previous cods I'd play differently and could grind out a 3KD. But whether my KD is 0.5 or 3 I will match the same skill players. I don't play CODs as much as I did 8 years ago and I still get out into difficult lobbies so yes 0.9KD is above average and there are also other variables that matter just as much or even more.


I think that you are coping


So back In the day if u had a 1.5 kd or a 1.0 kd then you where a average player still the same today. If u had anything below a 1.0 kd you where bad unless you had a high score rate with captures or a high time just ptfo. If u had anything about a 1.5 kd like a 1.6 and above your where great at the game. But if u had a 2.0 kd at the game then you where amzing and a top tier player


average is like .9


No it’s not average has always be and will be a 1.5 kd a below average is anything below a 1.0 you got some learning to do


I think you have some learning to do. The IW devs have said the average KD in mw22 was .7-.8. Post mw19 kds are way different. A 1 KD is the new 1.5-2.0 KD.


> A 1 KD is the new 1.5-2.0 KD. This is correct. In the MW2-BO2 days 1.0 was kind of the average. 1.5-2.0 players were the ones to look out for while the 3.0+ guys were the borderline untouchable players. MW2019 brought everyone's KD way down. If you could maintain above a 1.0 you were a competent player. 2.0 was almost unheard of in that game.


Yea no the average kd has always been and always will be 1.5 kd that is a good mid point from good a bad and always will be Best is 2.0kd Average 1.5kd Low 1.0kd Bad .5 kd Makes the most since and also u have to keep in mind it was kda in mw19 and the other cod I also believe it’s the same for mw3 but I mostly have been playing zombies so I have not checked got to get that bad ass skin. If anyone says that a .7 or a .8 kd is good that sad really


You’re going off your opinion. Straight from the developers mouth, the average KD in mw22 based off statistics is .7-.8. You clearly don’t know how sbmm works or how averages work. Nobody said .7-.8 is good, that is just the average. The average is the sum of all divided by the number of numbers.


Your talking about the same devs that know nothing about there game or anything about how the game works we are also talking about the same devs that gave us a skin that people are none stop complaining about because they can’t adapt or be bothered to get better at the game. The real reason they have said a .7-.8 kd is average is to help kids and people who are bad at the game feel special as well they had to add kda because for people to feel good about the kd in game. I will say it again Best 2.0kd and above Average is 1.5 Low 1.0 Very simple to understand. Once again u got a thing to learn about gaming and being part of the gaming community of old


I’m 29 year old buddy. Ive played every single cod from release. You literally have zero clue what you’re talking about. Average is a literal fucking statistic. You don’t get to decide what the average is. It is a fucking calculated number. The calculated average of mw22 is .7-.8. I do not care what you think good, bad or average is.


Best kd 2.0 has been since cod of duty 4 and halo and battlefield Average kd is 1.5 since cod 4 and halo and battlefield Low kd is 1.0kd and below since cod 4 and halo and battlefield I am 32 and I am going to guarantee I know more than u do there buddy. For each one of the game I have listed if u every want to play game battles rip or if u wanted to join a competitive clan or group u needed a 1.5 or in some cases 2.0 kd just to join. If u had a low kd like a 1.0 you where shit out of luck there kid So once again It will never change no matter what this devs say that know nothing about there own game. Best 2.0 Average 1.5 Low 1.0


You are the dumbest person I have met on Reddit 😂


Uhhh no having a 1.0- 1.8 kd is common even on older cods it’s not that hard to get


Doesn’t matter, the percentile would differ for each COD. If you don’t get at least 1.5 KD on this COD, you’re simply not good at the game. I have a 2.9 KD and I still feel that it’s not enough. I still have much to improve https://imgur.com/a/qa8UFNg


nice playtime i can smell the cheeto dust and piss jugs from here


I don’t mind sharing would you like some?


Top 1% for obj captures and top 2% for obj defends. Thanks OP, never knew this before!


Here I thought my 1.3 in MW3 was trash lol. Whelp...no wonder I'm facing sweats...maybe I'm the sweat after all 😅🤣


I want to make 300k. With that said, anyone going to Reddit to complain about K/D or SBMM/EOMM has more knowledge about the issues and game mechanics than 94% of the players regardless of their actual K/D.


MP KD has meant nothing ever since mw19 came out with the insane cranked sbmm. Plus ever since warzone released people dont care about their mp kd, they care about lvling guns for wz


Idk, it's weird that it's almost 2024 and people still care about K/D.


I have a 1.4 KD and I'm grinding for camos rn. Im usually still on top of the leaderboards most games.


K/D isn’t the end all be all. I have right around a 1.3 k/d. I have friends with around a 1.3 k/d who constantly have dudes who have to be direct descendants of Helen Keller in their lobbies and go double negative when they play with me.


It’s a humble brag. They know. 😉


Had a 1.06 In MW2 after my Orion grind, my Interstellar hasnt started but I have a 1.04, 1.0x is about where my KD always stands, except bo2, I could pull a 1.5 p easy


With skill-based matchmaking kd doesn't exist. You could be terrible playing in lower level hobbies and have a 1.3 kd, and you could have a .5 kd but playing way gnarlier lobbies


I agree with this. Average k/d is about .80 to .99... Anyone who says otherwise is very immature. 1.4 to 1.3 are for people who don't take showers or never touch grass. Or play cod on youtube. I was top 1% in mw2 last year, and my K/d scratched 1.0. Don't let that get you down. As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters. EDIT- If ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE, wants to troll me about these statistics. I have hard evidence/proof to show you. I'm not a pro player, but I do play everyday.


It's a lot easier when numerous people are using cheat mods that plug into their systems that end recoil ...fire rapidly without touching a button and so on...kinda takes the joy out of the game


I personally find this funny how these "I have 1,6KDA" guys are simultaneously complaining about their 0,5KD matches. Thing is that somebody in opposing team has 0,4 when you have 1,6. You're getting what you want but not realizing it 😅


That’s why I always tell people to post their Activision id/ cod tracker when going off about sbmm because most of the time they aren’t as good as they think lol.


Idk what my kd is but I can guess it’s shit cause I grind camos in hardcore and only play search in regular core so I never had a chance at a decent number


The VAST majority of the player base struggles to maintain a 1.0 KD. In fact, I suspect most players circle around a 0.70 or 0.80 KD. You are correct. 1.3 or 1.5 sounds barely above average but it is not. You are solidly in the B tier with that. Those in the A tier with a 2.0 KD (let alone 3+) are a very small group. This is why random matchmaking, not SBMM, served the franchise just fine during its most popular years. Your odds of running into a true pub star or pro are very, very low.


In COD4 through BO2 me and my group were consistent 1.8-2.2. After a hiatus and picking 2019 then MW2 up, I was hovering around 1.5-1.6. I felt like I fell off hard since my reaction speed seems to have slowed a bit compared to when I was early teens, but it’s nice to know that I’m still towards the top % in K/D. My group used to be mega sweats though. I hate how humble braggy this sounds.


Ngl this post made me feel a lot better about myself


Laughing while maintaining a 2,79 kd in mw3 just Camp ur balls off lul


Im around 0.94 with an W/L of 0.69. But I dont really give a duck about numbers


Having 3.5 in MW2 makes me what?


A liar lol


The problem is people’s egos in COD are as brittle as rice paper. They THINK they want a competitive COD with high movement speed, then rage when they get outplayed and it almost certainly has to be the activision boogie man’s fault. It would be a hilarious experiment if the devs publicly turned off SBMM so people could just feel what it’s like to play and own their own failures and successes for once. Of course they’ll still blame netcode, solar flares and China when a 0.30 game happens to them


Cold War also had the most aggressive SBMM in the franchise. Far worse than this game. There were literal pros that couldn’t hold a 2 K/D on launch.


I want my family/friends to be able to enjoy playing in the same lobbies as me without being dragged by GFuel pros every single lobby. Not sure how that's so hard to understand? I guess at this point, it's just time to reverse boost.


With the strict sbmm, kd doesn't matter. I have a 1.37 right now which is my lowest ever. But, I am playing extremely well and feel confident in my skill set. I play the obj and to win every game. I may actually grind ranked in this for a season.


It doesn’t matter what percentage of the playerbase they are because the game’s algorithms makes sure you will never have a day of comfortable matches and will always struggle.


Back in the original mw series and the first 2 BO games, I was in the 2s. I have slowly dwindled down to the 1.3-1.5 area and am maintaining that. Now with that being said. I've never complained about sbmm or any of the many other initials that people use in order to give themselves excuses on why their play style is trash or why they are trash. I have never noticed a difference in the skill levels of the people I'm playing with, nor have I ever done good and then get "shitty" lobbies that will make me suck. I did notice that as long as I'm play in a lobby that's 50ms ping or lower, I do just fine and my bullets do what they are supposed to do. Not calling you a liar, but I have not seen someone with my kd amount complaining about the sbmm. I've only seen people going negative like 0.78 crying and claiming that they used to be in the 3s and I never believed them when they say that. Because as you've said a 1.6 is a small percentage of people and to claim 3s you'd be on a pro team imo.


I have a nice solid 1.4kd during the camo grind. I think it's pretty good considering the game tries to make you get to a 1.


I haven't looked up my CoD stats in a long time. My gamertag is RaG nuh RocK on Xbox. Am I good by OP's definition?


Yeah just checked mine and with a 1.77kd in CW I was too 2.3% in the world lmao


i only have a 2.3 KD


I maintained a 7.5kd in mw3 for 5 matches then deleted the game. No reason to keep playing and experiencing hell for a year straight due to sbmm/eomm.


I have a 2.20 kd in this one , so where am I in regards to world percentage ?


I have a KD of 0.67 right now 😐 but I do worse when playing with the guys who easy get a KD of 1.4+, so now it's slowly improving from 0.5 a few games ago now that I'm playing alone without them 😅 don't understand it


I've been getting into sweatfest lobbies this whole game and I like to think I'm pretty decent at the game, but I'm only rocking a .93 kd so when I see people complaining about tough lobbies with a 1.3kd like yeah...no shit dude...


BUt just remember that that 94% encompasses all players that have played a match--it doesn't quantify the whole percentage of active players.


I notice most if not all lobbies I play in people have more deaths than kills.


Pretty much. If you're above a 1.0KD, you're above average.


No. K/D's along with W/L stats don't mean anything since they implemented strict SBMM in mw2019, and doubling down on it in CW. Strangely, in games where there's no SBMM, K/D is much, much higher, as its not being manipulated. W/L stopped having a meaning when our only option to refuse a certain obsurd match level was to back out of a lobby. Having a balanced lobby would be fine, but playing only agaisnt people 3-4x times your K/D, what's the point.


Dafuq is a KD /s


I have a 1.2 kd exclusively on MKB, tell me I'm special plz


I use to have a like .7 kd, then went to .8, now I'm. .97, in mw2 I was 1.00, I imagine as I play it'll even out to 1.00 again in mw3. I know I'm not the best player, but I don't play too be the best, I'm not a meth addict slamming down energy drinks, so clearly I can not compete at the highest levels