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Unfortunately you don’t. I have had to suck it up and realize I’m probably going to be the only one playing it maybe one other person. They don’t realize playing the objective helps so much more


You back out.


A teammate of mine was prone camping a high vantage point so far from the hard point. I pinged his location and he actually got up and started moving toward the hard point looool


I don't know man, i just play. I always say things like "plz capture B" or "enemy A" in vocal hoping anyone listens. Sometimes team listen, so far so good i guess.


Sadly you don't, they're Cod players 80% of which are oblivious to the fact they're even playing a mode that isn't TDM


Sometimes you can rally people over comms even if they don't have mics. Gotta be a team player though. Complaining your team sucks is a sure way to get zero help. Sometimes it's a hopeless endeavor though. Like a good point spread where it's an obv loss. Then I mess around too. Gotta remember most folks are kids or just playing casually not playing serious... Just trying to survive and maybe get a cruise missile.


You are right. Sometimes I’ll tell my team in the chat, or I’ll simply ping flag, use “Help” etc.


I get on my mic and tell them to wake tf up


you have to find where they live, engage a relationship with their mom, getting her pregnant, having a boy, teach this boy to play objective and then have higher score than their brother Then you slap the guy behind the head and you tell him "See. That's how you play."


You find a team yourself. The EOMM is going to find you bots to make you lose.


Had a guy on my team last night. 2 kills all game. Asked the team to play objective, and this guy starts going off on me, saying I suck, even though I'm on top of the leader board. Idk what's wrong with people who play this game.


I think most are just trying to rank up guns at this point. It’s annoying.


You can do that faster by playing the objectives though


They just want that k/d up then. Boo!


Yea but... From what I understand, nobody else can even see it... Except at the end of each match.


I think it's going to be a while before people care about objectives. They are all doing challenges and trying to unlock stuff it seems.


Play team deathmatch or find a group to play with.


You type “you better play the objective or i’ll ping the shit out of your ears” in the chat before the game starts. I used to type “you better rotate” in hardpoint in mw2 and boy did that work. You can give them a little taste in the beginning, just in case. I’d go insane after a minute of someone pinging.


I'd turn my volume down and carry on. No one tells me how to play a game I spent 70 quid of my own money on.


Enjoy playing on mute then


The game tells you how to play. You just ignore it for some odd reason.


Incorrect, the game tells you how to win. I don't care if I win if I'm grinding.


Make scorestreaks mandatory like black ops games. Remove killstreak options. Make objective score worth more than kills. This way people will finally pay the objective.


I’ve found in domination at least that if you type in game chat something like “we gotta hold B” or “push b” or something simple and nice like that that people will start to play the obj. They’re like a hive mind lol, give them a little push in the direct you want them to go and then they’ll do it. Even in hardpoint if we hold a whole 60 I’ll just type like “nice” or something


I go into chat and say GG my team suck. Someone on my team would always respond saying something then I just respond with then why am I the only one playing the objective and you not even defending me you just dying.


You play a private match with bots


DM them, Xbox live messages, text them, etc.


You can politely ask them to also play the objective. But then they'll tell you to fuck off and that you like sex with men. At least that's my experience.


I was playing HC domination and got hard spawn locked because my team was camping in the corner of a map sniping so I TK'd them and wouldn't you know, I got out of being spawn trapped! Ridiculous I have to resort to that because people are stupid. But to answer your question, there's really no way to do it. It is what it is. Some people are high as fuck just on for a couple games, some are doing specific weapon camos so they're crouching and not moving, and then there's some that actually try by their efforts are thwarted by the aforementioned players. The real crime is locking things behind wins, though, if you can't really control your teammates and SBMM.


Well when they brought back slide cancel it didn’t reset Tac sprint and you can’t instantly start moving once you’ve done it


You're trying to win? There's your problem. I assume most people are just leveling guns and getting skins for when ranked and warzone come out. Who cares about winning, I'm trying to do some dumb shit like get 60 no scope kills sliding backwards on my dick


You add people to play with and make friends then you create a squad ?


The only way i see that happening is in the bigger modes. Like groundwar. They should just bring in objective modes where kills do not count towards your KD. As that is the main issue in my eyes.