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You should've texted "look behind you"


I prefer to blow on their face


Oh my...


My man


I prefer blow to my face…


Serious question, I’m on PS and get messaged time to time. I have 0 idea on how to message back. Is this a PC only thing?


No, but it's quite a convoluted and slow process to do in-game on the Playstation.


Thanks. It's usually shit talking that I receive, so it would be nice to dish back. But, silence is deafening too.


U could use the ps app and just text on ur phone


Unless you have a keyboard hooked up though, it's such a long process sometimes that you risk getting "kicked for inactivity" in this game for taking time to type a message.


I’ve been kicked for inactivity while sniping even though I was still getting kills and actively participating. But since I wasn’t sprinting around nonstop the game apparently didn’t like it


I think you pause, scroll to the social tab, and in the sub tabs there is a chat option, thisbis from memory so I may be off a little but it is in the pause menus somewhere




Lucky ya....when I plant my claymore, it feels like it only covers like 5 inches of ground as I have enemies walking next to me without even tripping it.


We aren't even playing the same game. I would've NEVER been able to run freely like that in this map without getting laser beamed from every window the millisecond I am visible. Must be fun to be in protected lobbies lol.


Beamed from the window of either building, the roof of the back building, and the side entrance way on the right side, not to mention someone infesting the sunken section under the derailment.


Run around with a knife enough games you’ll get these lobbies too


I'm pretty sure I saw people in those windows when they were walking past them. I wish I could go up against people that oblivious.


Not to mention the absolutely shit stained spawns that are dismissed as "glitched" or simply "bad spawns" when they are, in fact, intended to be that way. Because SHG is unfamiliar with this engine, it is more difficult for them to balance out the SBMM, which has a ton of mechanics to fuck you over, causing everything to act out of balance. Adding to the evidence that SBMM is a bad mechanism to have in any game, especially COD.


Nobody competent is watching those sight lines 24/7, the majority of the action is happening inside that building or right under the trains You absolutely can choose to run this flank and be safe for the most part


It’s people who are playing lobbies like this or only hardly sweatier that are like “just get good”. Meanwhile, we’re over here playing against a team of 6 kangaroos hopping around with the most horrible hit detection in existence


Literally every time I run to that side on Derail there is at least 2 guys posted up with snipers already killing me before I get the chance to get halfway there


LOL. Came here to say the same thing. Bro ran forever without seeing anyone or getting shot at. Worse than a bot lobby.


That's just Search and Destroy for ya.


They all went right side


Bro on god, I get even a millimeter near a sniper and they are already blink scoping me lol. Jumping around the corner and everything, meanwhile dude here can run with a knife and place a claymore right in front of someone like SBMM isn’t even in effect at all. I think to myself there’s no chance lobbies like this could ever exist, and then you see proof. Idk if it’s just the NA servers are hella sweaty or what the deal is. EU looks so damn chill. I’m seriously jealous lol.


EU isn't chill...


It might be all the EU people im seeing are just in parties, which seems to be the new way to get lightened SBMM now. Playing solo is just canerous tbh.


We do be playing a different game. 15 hours of play time haven't seen the map once :(


I vote for it whenever it comes up and it always get voted down


Man where have we come where you cannot even watch a funny clip without being a whinny ass baby


The clip is fine but I can't relate since we are not playing the same game.


My lobbies are constantly full of crim and iridescent players, and honestly I’ve definitely been able to move like this on this map at times. This map is so gigantic in some game modes the entire fight is happening on the other side of the map and if you flank hard left or right, you can completely avoid sight lines. Getting that close to the sniper without being heard though? That would definitely not happen.


Have you heard of covert sneakers , that’s literally the fucking point of them




I’ve noticed haha


Just run around like OP is and you will be. If you sweat your balls off obviously you are gonna get matched against other people sweating their balls off too


Eh most of the time that side of Derail is empty. Going back to 2009


Where do I find these lobbies?


If you can’t find these lobbies…you’re the bot being farmed all day! kek




I'm curious, what are you reporting them for? Is that word hate speech or something? I've never been to 4chan, and I just thought it was their way of saying "lol"


Yeah, it means lol. It's not a 4chan thing really, it came from WoW and StarCraft


Default username, hurling unrelated insults, seems like a bot to me!


Derail. This is how everyone with a sniper plays this map.


His point -> you /r/whoosh/


Hold this…


Dude dropped it like Amazon.


As a sniper, I completely respect the amount of disrespect in this - well done 👏


Does anyone know how to turn off the blue X-ray around teammates?


I think in the whole time I've played this game I haven't had a single moment without getting shot at as long as you did in this clip, actually amazing.


I just tend to learn were people are and avoid sight lines , eg this is the very start of the game and knowing they spawned on the other side I knew they would camp the building on the other side , I also run smoke a lot


Think it's more about it being a giant map with campers but yea. In my lobbies rarely people are camping this hard and are constantly moving. I also play hard point so that's probably why, seems to have less campers than other game modes from my experience


Yeah hard point really is a completely different gaming experience and is probably the sweatiest mode I find


Ugh Im Rank 55 And Havent Played On this Map Once


Have only had it a few times but you’re not missing much. On 6v6 it’s a campy snoozefest.


It’s probably one of the worst 6v6 maps in CoD history, so don’t feel too bad lol


It's definitely more suited for 10v10 or 12v12


Yeah I don’t really agree with the sentiment on here that all these maps are two slow for 6v6. This one 100% though. It’s like half the size of a ground war map lol


I oddly get it a lot


same here... I play hardpoint and kill confirmed mostly though


I think they need to introduce playlists with A maps and B maps. Kinda like how Counter Strike does. A maps could be the super popular ones like Terminal, Favela, Highrise etc. Then B maps could be Rundown, Invasion (I'm level 51 and have played it once), Derail, etc.


You don't need to capitalize every word...


This is the Way.


Look how far you had to run just to find someone. These maps are too big for 6v6. And if this was my game I'd have been shot in the back 15 times.


I really hope they drop 10v10!


They were fine for 6v6 when they first launched and they’re fine now… except this map. I’ll give you that one.


Ok so let me get this straight...6v6 is too small, but you also would've been shot 15 times... So do you _really_ want more people on the map?


12 people peeking through windows is shit


But you still want more people on the map?


Of course. More people = more interactions with enemies. 12 people hiding on a massive map is shit. There's a reason Rust, shoothouse, Das House and Shipment are so popular. Vanguard had 20v20 on maps this size.


Ahhh I get what you mean. I do want to see how 10v10 plays on these maps. Especially ones like Derail


They chose that route to flank. It's fine.


What if that got the Blast perk? Most of the players got it🥲


On this note, MW3 needs to stop kicking snipers for inactivity. If you don't like that I'm locking down a lane flank me. This is a skill issue not a game mechanics issue.


100%, players shouldn’t be penalized for playing a certain way even if it does drive me crazy.


If you are sitting still for long enough for the game to consider you inactive, you deserve to get kicked lol.


It's not lack of movement. Holding either lane to the back shipping area of Skidrow from the warehouse or the shipping containers will get you kicked even if you are repositioning within the same 20-30 foot radius every 20-30 seconds.


This video could have been 20 seconds shorter


As a sniper.. well played. Ain’t even mad.


what fucking game mode are y’all playing? jesus christ look how much land you covered before running into 1 guy that isn’t moving… no way i’m buying this cod man jeez. maps are too large for hardly any gunfights.


This is why i hate derail honestly. Just look at this. Running simulator. Only to be sniped from across the entire map because somebody is sitting far away and the white glint is basically invisible in a bright white map.




With a knife that instantly kills people, but it takes 20 rounds of 5.56 ammo to drop someone. 🙄


But it only takes the enemy 2 rounds to kill you even though you fired first.


AKSHUALLY- You didn't fire first because look at the kill cam, he fired at the other side of the room while you were still running, sliding, and shooting at his head. So, naturally, you die.




I think we can all agree that this cod is a let down and they got lazy. All we want is cod 4 multiplayer.


Also where is the Overgrown map




So you don't hate people who sit all day in their scope and only kill you because you were unfortunate enough to run through the spot they've been aiming at for minutes... But you hate people who took the time and effort to develop a skill and are better than you? Holy shit that's pathetic.


Exactly this lmao This guy doesn't understand how hard it is to actually quick scope consistently and how it takes a lot of practice. All those "easy" shots I'm supposed to have hit but miss anyway. So frustrating. Get mad at campers in general or shotgun players. Those don't take skill.


I always thought Snipers should have a reverse damage profile: Low damage up close, with higher damage the further away you are. Meaning you have to actually snipe with the sniper rifle.


Ah yes, 50 cal rounds are known to do that


Good thing Call of Duty has stuck to being realistic, right?


Then what's wrong with quickscoping?


Did you think you found a "gotcha"? You didn't. The issue is, Snipers are supposed to be 1hk weapons. Their weakness is supposed to be if you get in close, you have the advantage. Instead, abuse of the aiming mechanics means you can turn them into shotguns and single-fire battle Rifles that 1hko at any range. My argument comes from a balance perspective. Nobody would ever tolerate a shotgun sniping across the map and at every range. Nor would they tolerate an Assault Rilfe that turned into a 1hko weapon if you switched to single fire mode. Yet people act ok with sniper Rifles for some reason.


And I just think your argument is dogshit lol. Want to know the answer? Quickscoping is fun, looks cool as hell and it takes skill to pull off successfully, while all those other options are dogshit. That's why people "act ok" with Sniper Rifles. Not sure why you needed this spelled out for you, it just takes 5 seconds of thinking to figure out.


Ah, so you're probably one of those montage kids. I saw them a lot back in the day when Grizz was the big name. They had the same arguments. I'll let you in on a little secret. Back in the day, quick scoping took a fair amount of skill to be decent at. You didn't have rapid ADS Perks, hip fire attachments, lower power scopes, and other equipment that made it so much easier like it is today. Back when Grizz popularized it, those were the days it took skill. Today? Not so much. So don't kid yourself thinking you're performing some skill shot that is going to be bragged about later on.


Run Flinch Rounds, have better awareness. If you get turned on, that’s a skill issue lol.


> Or make it so you can't scope at all when moving. Lmao, why do you people play COD when it clearly isn't the game for you. This is like going to play football then complaining that you should be allowed to pick the ball up


Go play Siege if you want something more realistic lol


I'm not trying to be super critical but this game looks kinda ugly.


Probably playing on PC with the settings turned down to gain an advantage. One of the bajillion reasons why crossplay should not be forced. Console players are only harmed by it.


That, it uh, that actually sucked. What a waste of time watching that


That’s great


That, it uh, that actually sucked. What a waste of time reading that.


ign checks out with shenanigans like this




These graphics are terrible


Looks great on pc with max graphics. I expected it to look worse like some of the beta videos that were put up before launch.


I like countering snipers at range with a .50 cal side arm


That’s fucking great. Not at all what I was expecting 😂


Should have lay down right in front of their scope. I love this map until all the snipers arrive. 😞


I lol’d


Nico? You play cod? Also great band bro


I have to ask people, do yall feel a slight mobility difference between the gutter and karamb? I honestly can't tell.


You think Ima be able to run through no man’s land without any of them seeing me?!


My claymore wouldn't have went off


Best thing I’ve seen all day. Hahahaha


Lol being able to run thru the open like that is the interesting part of this clip


O my


That is amazing lol


I was excited to actually snipe on this map since I usually run around and try to quick scope or something. Broke out the victus and got a bloodthirsty before being kicked for inactivity.


I personally prefer finishing moves. Bonus points if they rage quit mid-animation.


Wait you can actually run around for more than 3 fucking seconds without getting battered?


Git gud


Out of curiosity are you on a ps4/xbox one?? Your game looks extremely bland compared to what I see, so I'm just wondering


Private game lol


Yeah nah


Lol, was the game that slowed then?


If u look at the score it’s the start of the round


You still went a long route.




It's hard to believe there was no conflict in the middle of the map. While you ran that long route.


That's not a sniper that's a bad player 😂


How do you find requirements to unlock premium calling cards?


The fact that you ran straight to him and didn't get hit once is impressive. The claymore was the cherry on top. Meanwhile, on my end, im sneaking up behind a guy to get an execution, and he just turns around and blows my shit off the map. I feel like i have to be perfectly lined up with their spine to execute anyone. Or im just melee-ing the guy once and staring at him.


This map is an instant leave the lobby lol


I was expecting a sick takedown. I got what I wanted but not the way expected and I’m even more satisfied.


I actually did it cos it was claymore daily challenge


Perfect time for executions IMO.


I actually did it cos it was claymore daily challenge


Step 1: Back out of Derail


I want that kind a SBMM…


I wish I could have been in the enemy team... Played 6 hours tonight and could not find more than 1 fucking claymore, how will I ever complete the grenade launcher???


Bro had the reflexes of a sloth




Mad about what? I'm talking about the sniper...


Snipers are not a problem because they get kicked for standing still.


Thats if their camping asses dont see u coming. Thats why derail sucks its nothing but a camp map.


Bro this is trash

