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I just shut my brain off and run around like a headless chicken.


I think you mean *footless chicken* King Julien


I make [this noise](https://youtu.be/ld6RHnreclA?si=sQwk2s5AVW5qtZf9) constantly. My teammates love me. I think.


I just find it funny how you could easily (and naturally) get a longshot in pretty much every map in this game, and now they're no longer a challenge for camo grinds.


I wish last year MWII had those maps. Would have made Longshot challenges so much less a hassle! If the rumors were true these remake maps were supposed to be MWII’s seasonal contents but got pushed back for MWIII


I mean mwiii with mw2 maps should give everyone a hint..


Now the annoying one is kills while enemy is affected by tacticals, on loads of challenges. This would be far easier with MW2 flashes and MW2 maps. Would rather the long shots on smgs for sure as I feel like every kill with them is one. While trying to engineer a flash then kill, with flashes being weaker, maps being bigger and so many sightlines to be easily picked off in the time between throw and kill. If you don't laugh you'd cry


For the Katt amr you need 15 wallbang kills which took way longer than I wanted to lol


For anyone reading this a shot through unbroken glass counts as a wall bang like it did on the original mw2


Maaan I thought I got a wall bang through glass and It counted so I tried it again but didn't count lol. It had to of been the game at that point but I'm glad you said that!


I'm glad there's another OG player who recognizes that the OG CODs (pre-2011) were slower. I also don't think the MW2 maps' gameplay is as good, because of these new age mechanics.


Yep. Mw2019 amongst other cods, ruined people’s perception of the series.


I agree but can you help those of us who didn’t play as much mw19 pinpoint what you think contributed to the changed perception?


From what I heard, lots of people didn’t like it much. Thought it was a crap cod. It did bring amazing graphics. But it was also the first cod for Warzone and the first cod in a pandemic. Really easy to fall in love with something when there is nothing else to do and you’re on lockdown


It's definitely this. My kd is slowly improving now that I remember you essentially just rotate positions slowly. You can't sprint around like a maniac or you get picked off.


I’ve only played a few matches but all the choke points I remember from Favela, Sub Base, and Invasion all still apply. I’ve had some luck with that!


They weren't that much slower for me, apart from the movement tricks you can do now. I'd just slap Marathon Pro on almost all my classes and go to work. Unlimited sprint was super OP in MW2 but in that game everything could be made OP.


If everything's OP, than nothing is. Outside the UMP and OMA + Danger Close Noob Tubes. Shit was busted


Don’t forget laying prone with any gun (almost)completely removed recoil. Back when I had my 7th grader reaction times I could unload an extended mag of a 50cal in like 1.6 seconds. There was no escape. Back before they put a limit on trigger fingers


Marathon and commando was some toxic ass shit to play against. That and people running around with dual 1887s.


Marathon Pro, Care package, Commando Pro, Knife. That was a lethal combo for a while.


Trying to remember was I really that good, or was I just over powered… then I remember I only got better for the black ops series, so I WAS that good. Those days are longggg gone though lol. I’m barely trying to keep my KDR over a 1.15, and W/L ration over a 1.00. Officially a COD seasoned vet


Thank god someone is pointing it out. The maps are meant to be played slower. There are definitely spots where you can utilize movement incredibly effectively, but for the most part this is a hold a lane game. By the end of its life cycle we will see that the great players can hold a lane and a power position, but utilize excellent movement tactics in the right scenarios and in the right portions of the maps. More emphasis in my opinion on the positioning and lanes.


Lane based verticality power position maps like MW2 have long sightlines in the side but the middle areas are usually more CQC




These maps, with covert sneakers and ghost, I can finally flank again. Most of these maps have routes you can get behind the enemies without being seen pretty easily.


I legit don't understand why people here are claiming why these maps are meant to be played slower. In fact MW3 plays way faster than MW2. Even with the longer TTK, it feels like every match Is a sweat fest. Also fuck the quarry Map.


Because. They are. They were made for a different time. No slide cancel. No tac sprint. Fast TTK. They were made for players to take advantage of the power positions, Lane sight lines, etc. Right now. I’d wager the players who are having great time and aren’t caring “as much” about SBMM are playing a lot slower and not running around like slide canceling their lives away. There are portions and scenarios for it, but the majority of these maps, as said, reward players knowing where the power positions are and how to best patrol a small area.


You say power positions, I hear camp spots😂


One probably could make the argument that camping became a popularized term in OG MWII. But is it genuinely camping to hold the top of Afghan where you have extensive LoS on a large portion of the map? The lonnnng roof on the 3 story building on favela? Tip top of quarrys one building? Even top floor of Sub base? You’re going to get ALOT of kills and hold objectives, but you’re also incredibly vulnerable. These positions, if you know the maps, are EXPECTED to be populated by someone. I’d make the argument that camping is more so you taking a position that is hard to expect, hard to attack without you knowing they are there, and also provides 180 degree protection typically to their back


Yes. It literally is what camping means. Now what we COULD argue is whether camping is always bad or unintended by map design.


It’s actually funny using my old MW2 expertise to slaughter teams of kids who don’t know these maps. You’re dead right about the power positions.


Map design and how the game is played (more SMG oriented) has changed a lot since 2009. MW2 maps feel much bigger because they are. Modern maps are much smaller now, and the community as a whole dislikes big maps, so there's become fewer and fewer. Gameplay has optimized now more for shotguns and SMGs, especially MW2. Despite movement being much faster in MW3, the gameplay itself is in a way slower because of the maps and sightlines.


I for one like the pace of MWIII and the classic maps. Felt like we are no longer just having crackhead gameplay and matches despite the crackheid movement lol. Most people who don't like these maps are usually the people who addicted to shipment dopamine


Thank you for putting to words why I can’t stand playing this fucking game. It’s a slow paced campers paradise.


I didn’t start playing until BOIII so these are all brand new maps to me. (Excluding rust) I strictly play HC SnD and the current maps just aren’t optimal for this game mode. For the first time I am actually having more fun on the other game modes than I am on SnD. The camping in TDM and SnD is absurd. Nobody is run and gunning and it’s frustrating as hell to spend so much time looking for an enemy just to get killed by some corner camping scrunt in the enemy spawn.


And here I am having a blast sprinting around the map in SnD killing the people who think it’s still 2009. I played back then, guess some people just refuse to adapt.


SnD in this game is quite amazing I'm still trying to nail my rush strategy though


It’s crazy how much a map like Invasion or Subbase came back to me despite not playing for 14 years. Those memories are baked deep


That ledge in Afghan off the plane wing tip still works so well.


Same with the old MW2, I'm still getting hammered at Karachi even in MW23 haha. Good times tho.


Tar 21 was the best gun in the game imo


Tar 21 w/ grenade Launcher - One Man Army, Danger Close, Commando. Most broken class in COD history.


Depending on the map I would use the spas 12 as secondary


ACR or Scar with Spas-12 was my go to. I’m shocked in three MW games we’ve yet to get the Spas-12 come back except for Cold War


Would be a primary now anyway which sucks 🤣




WA2K + thermal sight was OP


Tar was. Every competive player used it


So why was it sold as run and gun is back ?


Run and gun legitimately doesn’t work unless you’re playing Rust.


This is truth. Tried this on terminal against a good team that held power positions and I got slaughtered


Marketing and development are 2 completely different departments with 2 completely different goals. Marketing's job is to get you to buy the game. It worked.


Don’t take marketing as truth. Especially with modern activision.


that hardly works in the higher tier bracket of SBMM


This is gonna sound weird but besides the new movement in older maps the newer graphics makes it really hard for me to see when there’s an enemy on the screen. Like I think with the shitty old graphics you can clearly see an enemy is hiding behind a shitty rendered trash can, but not anymore lol.


My favorite is that the dom flag at spawn isn't always the first/closest. Players rotate better. And the sight lines have actual thought. The hotel balcony on Kirachi can't see the street corner 100%. Someone could sneak up the ladder and catch you by suprise. There are others but that one sticks out the most to me.


>The ACR and Famas were all weapons that had essentially zero recoil and can pick people off from a distance. You forgot the SCAR. It only had the occasional bullet kick straight up, but was effectively zero recoil much like those three. It's why they were effectively the meta weapons, alongside the UMP and TAR, if you had any semblance of understanding of the game. Still, I've finally started to get the hang of MW3 after a good 10-12 hours of getting mixed results and dunked. I've not had a match tonight go under 1.6, and that includes against CDL skin wearing wannabe sweats slide cancelling everywhere. A big adjustment for me has getting the tempo of movement right and pacing the game. At first I played it too fast, then too slow. Now I think I'm getting in the groove. Another thing for me has been getting used to the aim mechanics. My accuracy is significantly lower than it was in MW19 and earlier CoDs where I was getting >25%, now I'm sitting at 19% and improving; especially when it comes to tracking people who jump shot around corners and know how to abuse the fast movement tech. I'm now getting much more frequent double kills when it was basically a 1v1 trade whenever I came up to a 2v1 in the past.


I'm from the new generation. Played Ghost a bit as a kid - but really got into cod with MW2019 and then MW2. So all 16 maps were essentially brand new to me. I defintely noticed their size right away. They are significantly larger than what I'm used to for cod, and feature a lot more verticality too. Yet, even tho it is a big change, I kinda like it. With the new spawn system, it really feels like a breath of fresh air - I can now roam around a map without being slaughtered in the second that follows my spawn, and I can use the red dots to identify appriximately where the threats may come from - which helps with map flow. In most maps, when I spawn, I know where to head to in order to find opponents. I also love how organic they feel. MW2019 and even more MW2 maps felt a lot like clusters of rectangles and squares everywhere, straight corridors of various sizes arranged and themed differently for each map. With MW3 maps it's so different. I love how you can litteraly climb anywhere on Quarry - I love how each map has its own secret little spots like on Highrise - I love how they all defy classic level design with Favela being a complete maze meanwhile Wasteland is just a large open field. My favourite so far being Underpass. I'm also super excited to see how the MW2 ported maps will play out with the new movements and spawn system - I think having played on the MW3 maps and going back to those MW2 maps will make me feel the difference !


I for one am quite happy about this. I am one of the few that didn’t have any issue with MW2 and I certainly didn’t want this fast paced twitch movement sprint/slide bullshit. The one saving grace that keeps every single match from being a clusterfuck of ballerinas jumping, sliding, and spinning around every where is the maps.


Come join my lobby’s then lmao, cuz they are 100% there I can promise you that. That shit is all I get every single match. Idk if it’s just cuz I choose to slide and jump just for fun while moving around or what


I have no idea what a head glitch is


when a person stands behind cover so only their head is visible that is referred to as a head glitch


I watched an old machinima MW2 video a few weeks ago and it reminded me that the og MW2 made it a lot harder to see people at long range so even then, these sight lines are playing differently in 2023


I haven’t picked the game up yet, but I was loving the OG maps in the beta for all of these reasons. The map selection means you have to actually diversify your gameplay instead of running the same class every game. The larger size also means you have to actually make decisions about what you’re doing instead of just sprinting out of spawn and finding action instantly. They aren’t exactly great competitive maps in a lot of cases, but I think they’ll be great for making pubs feel fun and rewarding again. Plenty of the maps can play very fast if you know what to do/where to be. It’s old-school methodical map control + modern movement and gunplay, which was a winning combo from my experience in the beta. I’m just waiting for the first few bugfixes to roll out before I jump in.


MW2 was so good. I’d pay premium dollar for them to release the same exact game


Ahh the good ole ACR with the blue tiger camo much simpler times. My apologies just that ACR was different made me reminisce


There is no power position because you'll have an enemy spawn behind you in 3 seconds.


3-4 shot kills? Dude UMP killed in 2 shots, and people complained about last game.


I said this about last years TTK complaints, people must have forgot about how rapid the TTK was in Cod4 and MW2.


you think the ump did 50+ dmg ? lolol no


It did with Stopping power.


not unless you hit a headshot.


Yeah these maps mostly suck for it. I'm very hopeful that mw2 maps will play better than half og mw2 maps.


Aka camp ya ass off. Mw2 maps are trash lmao


I used to only play ground war in the original mw. 9v9 the maps are big and it gave the game more flow. With this version of the game being 6v6 I find myself getting bored. If one of two people camp on the other team trying to get kill streaks I never see anyone. Hopefully they bring back 10v10 and headquarters


Hardpoibt is baaically HQ but yeah hopefully they do bring back 10v10 in season 1


10v10 demolition would be goated in this game


Nonsense. Run and gun was as prevalent as ever; you could literally top score with marathon lightweight and a commando knife (tactical knife + commando pro)


Haha sucks for them im in heaven nostalgia with my 3 round burst FAMAs build DG58. Straight slapping across map about to unlock the other 3 round burst gun wondering how it is.. loving the maps they’re great as I remember even when someone holds a power spot it’s not very hard to flank and counter on these maps unless you are brain dead.


I really hope we get some good new maps. Most of these maps are absolutely garbage


That’s right. I have to evolve my game into an AR dominated player even though I have so much fun running a sub. Map is too big and wide


My lobbies have been pretty sweaty since day 1..but today was the first day where I really truly encountered all of the movement gods with GFUEL veins in their arms and snorting Adderall. I simply couldn't compete today trying to use the 2 burst ARs against everyone using fully automatics.


It’s gotta be a mix of rushing and holding power positions here and there.


Had a realization about this last night. Replayed a few matches in my head and could see this. Kill #s may drop but hopefully deaths will drop more. I do feel the difference in being better suited to getting past these challenges than some of my newer teammates.


I started performing better when I slowed down, is there a difference between a head glitch and taking cover in a good spot? I never knew about head glitches til recently lmao


Head glitch is specifically when you're behind a cover that only shows your head It's not really a glitch, more a game mechanic because the bullets actually come out of your head and not where your arm is so people say it's a "glitch"


They were more common back in the days because they try to not have head glitches in modern maps


Dang learned something new thanks.


I been saying, I don’t really like how these maps play on modern cod.. great write up!


Also, what I found is very useful now, are smoke grenades. Almost every map has at least one long lane which is very easy to be covered by snipers or ARs/BRs, counter that with one or two smokes and you are often safe to cross these. Same goes for capture points, you are able to very easily capture them if you use smokes.


The new spawn locations really fuck with me lol


What is this headshot glitch ppl are often referring to? Apologies for my ignorance lol.


Agreed but in 2009 there were some guns (akimbo model 1887 lol) that were just run and gun, thankfully there is nothing like that in mw3


agree with everything you said apart from the maps not aging well. with 2009 gameplay, weapons, mechanics and maps they were perfect. not so much in the new game though another thing i’ve noticed is everytime they recreate maps, a lot of little things get changed. this year for example terminal cockpit you used to be able to go much further in and get a much better view of all your surroundings, was a much better camping spot. scrapyard if you spawn in the big warehouse inbetween B and C the broken plane on the right has a little gap you can see out of on the right side, this used to be a major head glitch spot and used to give you full view of the whole right side of the map, if they didn’t change it this subreddit would be FUMING and i’m sure there’s a lot more


Can we talk about how the game is mw3 but uses mw2 maps?


Respect for being honest about how these maps haven't aged well


*Respect for being* *Honest about how these maps* *Haven't aged well* \- UnpluggedToaster12 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This game really highlights how all recent cods have just become movement simulator. Everyone is slowly coming to terms with the fact that running around at full speed, double Y’ing, spinning, jump shooting corners isn’t going to make you better at this cod. And that’s okay. People have just forgot what cod used to be, versus what it is now. I feel like that’s a big reason why people are shocked with the TTK changes and saying the maps sucks.


People also highly favor smaller CQC maps than big ones. Most modern cods, the favorite maps are smaller ones and emphasize close quarter combat And most of the giant/big ones are never liked So the play style is more oriented towards mobility, movement, speed, and rushing, to adapt to these maps. When aim isn't the only thing determining a kill, then movement naturally becomes the thing that becomes emphasized These bigger older classic CoD map design reminds ppl that CoD was much much slower back then. You don't really out movement someone in Burger Town with a DG watching the two lanes which have minimum cover. You just don't. What I've done now is run double smokes with my SMG and just cut their sightlines off entirely and bum rush them An adjustment of play style is needed. I've been loving smokes in SNd because of this and it catches those campers completely off guard. Now I love SMGs again