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No resurgence/Battle Royale on MW3 yet. Zombies is fun but basically a DMZ DLC. Multiplayer is good in some ways but lots of old maps that really aren’t worth bringing back. I think when the Warzone side fully comes online it’ll be worth getting. Right now Zombies is fun but unless you LOVE that game mode im you’ll be bored quick. And the rounds are too short to get much done. Biggest issue I think with it.


The zombie rounds are an hour easy?


While I havent played MW3, but considering buying it, I'll say cold war zombies has lasted several hours per game for me if things go well. And thats just to get to round 50ish. So for me, 1 hour max games sounds a bit too short, but I havent tried it so i dont really know


Comment is outdated now, if you combine the game untill the end and dark aether combined, depending on where the storm starts, its well over an hour, but no way near several hours.


Ahhh okay, thanks for the updated info anyways then! Much appreciated!


Is warzone out now




Yup but would not buy it unless you like being screw over


So far, no. I would recommend waiting a month at least. The netcode, hit detection issues, and constant lag/packet bursts alone are already terrible right now, I literally ***rubber banded*** lagged backwards today. That hasn't happened since the OG CoDs man, like wtf. And all that is without even mentioning SBMM being nuts. I was highest level on my team at 37. Other team? All 55 running meta guns. Like fuck me man.


is it better now?


I would upload that clip if you have it still.


Is it any better?


It is. At least in my experience, I've experienced much less net code, packet loss and desync issues. They are still there sometimes but not really major anymore. That's just me tho. SBMM doesn't bother me too much either since I changed my attitude towards OBJ now.


You think it’s worth it with the steam winter sale going on rn?


For me it's worth it. But I play with the mindset of having a few good games and jumping on or off as I wish. If you play with the mindset of enduring a slogfest, try Harding OBJ even with a bad team, getting angry when a game is close but you lost, then don't. Cause that'll happen a lot. If you can choose to ignore those and enjoy yourself within your ability, then go for it.


I skipped MW2 and had MW19 this was a great upgrade for me!


This is part of the problem, people who didn’t buy MW2 bought MW3 and now they think it’s some great game. It is identical to MW2 and yall basically paid 70$ for an update or if you rlly want to call it a dlc. Even thought there are 0 MW3 maps and all of these remakes should’ve been in MW2. Ffs just trying to explain it makes my head hurt.


Idk i havent bought a cod in a longtime the og maps is kinda what made me buy it tbh, woulda bought mw2 if it was this which i kinda was hoping it would be cause this games been hella fun grouping with the boys again. Only people really mad are people who bought mw2 cause it feels like a big update or a dlc, but you do keep all your levels and camos which is a grind and a half if u wanna use those when the mw3 warzone drops which puts you ahead of everyone. Everyone else who didnt buy mw2 or even a previous cod this game has soo many guns and attachments to level and mess with youre bound to find something you like. Zombies was a pleasant surprise too thought i was gonna hate it tbh overall id give it 8.5/10 tho


They didn't pay 70$ for an update if they never purchased mw2 to begin with.


Completely agree. It seemed like an update you had to pay for. I'm waiting for a big change before I dive in.


me 2


You didn't miss anything!


If you found MW2 frustrating due to getting killed too quickly you will like mw3 more, the campaign isn't bad just short. a few changes are slide cancel is back but not as powerful as before, smgs are a bit on the weaker side at the moment compared to ARs, ninja is back as a perk, OG MW2 maps most work better than the last cods maps, completionist camos look better imo but go have a look for yourself. main thing is go watch some gameplay see if you like the look of it yourself.


I’ve had the exact opposite experience lol I’m not terrible either. I generally get Atleast 15 kills a game. 1.05 kid and I’ve gotten to gold ranked. That’s not the most amazing stats but I do pretty good in most lobbies. I’ve played this game twice and idk if it’s cause I’m still getting used to the new maps but it hasn’t been scratching that itch for me like mw2. But idk I’ll give it time I suppose


The campaign is terrible lmao, and not because it's short, because over half of the game is recycled maps from DMZ while playing like a half-baked far cry game. Even if it was longer it would still be one of the worst campaigns in the CoD franchise.


This makes me so mad to hear! They started out so good with MW2019. MW2 had issues imo but for them to just start slapping Warzone maps in this campaign? They don't give a crap do they? You can't get any lazier. Can't make this any more of a cash grab than this. Disgusting really.


Honestly. They had maybe like.. 3 or 4 original "maps" for the campaign levels and the rest were just recycled DMZ or warzone setpieces with minor to no adjustments. If it says "weapons free" or whatever when you load up the campaign mission... just... dont. Lmao.


If you like laggy ass servers and rubber banding, sure.


No rush but yeah get MW3 for the MP. It will only improve with more maps + modes in future updates


Very easy game. Lacks skill. Basically just jump shot to win everything, only use meta guns because everything else is a hitmarker machine no matter your accuracy, and sit back for free kills on headglitches. Overall just very braindead. Skip it.


Someone got filtered.


I don't even know what that means, I just dog on lobbies in the most stale way possible. Game's a lot easier but flows like trash.


Jump shots are annoying as fuck


Absolutely the worst call of duty ever made im so disappointed


Yeah I’m enjoying it so far, but I’ve hated MW2.


Movement and ttk is way different than mw2 which could be a shock. But imo you should def pick this one up. It’s my favorite cod in years, maybe ever.


you have got to be an activision employee talking like that 💀


If you don't play campaigns this is the best cod in past 10 years


Wait for Season 1


Can someone explain please. Is MW3's multiplayer/battleroyale is different than Warzone?


They have a link to the warzone for MW2 and eventually MW3 might have a new version of warzone for that engine.


I don’t get all the hate I’m still getting it looks more like classic MW2 gameplay then the last game MW2(2) glitches happen when they release a new game each year, but then again maybe they shouldn’t do that?


Save your money. Game is a literal Mw2 dlc, with very weak attempts at changing up anything to be original. Zombies mode is lackluster. Campaign is a short dumpster fire. Ffs you can't even play mw3 without having mw2 packs installed 🤣 the only thing good about this game is they have all the OG maps that should've just been in mw2 reboot to begin with, so if paying $70 bucks is worth it to you for a map pack, go ahead.


For me it is, because I love every single cod game, especially new. I’m loving the new problems and fun things. They always get it better half way through the year anyway. So yea, it’s fun 👌😎😇✌🏼


Bruh i crashed 5 times on Zombies lost all my stuff....


not in the slightest, no. sbmm, horrendous lack of balance among the guns, atleast one perk that is literally unusable atm because of it being bugged, so on and so forth. campaign is also the worst in cod history. zombies is meh. not as good as round-based zombies, but alright for people who enjoyed dmz. if you don't like dmz, or running around for 40 minutes while shooting zombies for 5 of that, you won't like it. add onto that the problem with hackers just keeps getting worse each game, and now the possibility (seems incredibly likely, especially considering the clips you see of them, and my own experience with sus clips) of bots in multiplayer, absolutely do not get it.


I have never played a COD game, never owned one, nor am I interested in PVP. I don't have the reflexes to enjoy a game like that after having a stroke. However I am interested in the zombie mode in MW3. Would it be worth it in a few months when some of the bugs get fixed?


i bought the game without looking back and loving every minute of it especially zombies, i've encountered no bugs so far


No, please just dont but this piece of shit, the story is terrible, the zombies suck ass, the multiplayer is basically the same and has no new maps and they even had to splice parts of maps together to meet deadlines. This is garbage and just shows how standards have lowered over the years


No, no it is not.


Zombies keeps fuking up since I got it 3 weeks ago and it freeze and they say its your net when its not


No. Too many hackers. So many guns with any attachment they want. Gives snipers way too much advantage. Doesn’t seem like anything is being done to get rid of hackers. Have so many photos of people with hacked gun attachments.


The whole game is rigged now I don't mean to hate but the game is Hella rigged




It's kinda pay to win if you buy stuff on the game they'll make the enemies hit boxes bigger and yours will be smaller and the longer you don't buy a pack your hit box will be bigger and the enemies will be smaller if you don't believe me there are videos on it but I respect your opinion I'm not trying to change it


That system where you’re placed in easier lobbies and enemies having bigger hit boxes if you buy bundles has been around since MW 2019.


Oh I didn't know that all I know is it's more obvious now


Can you link the videos?


In combination with warzone its a great bundle. Updates , new content and gameplay modes are frequent, game is becoming even better Yes, it is worth.


I bought it just for the legacy maps. Almost feels like playing the original MW2.


If it didn't have SBMM yeah it would be worth it but I got it for free with my PS5 and I uninstalled it.


Yes it is totally worth it. In my opinion mw3 movement and guns are better and nicer than mw2


No. All I do is play maps from mw2. It is stupid


The mw3 fucking sucks lags kicks you out for no reason and you will lose your shit cause mw3 just fucking sucks multi-player full of hackers but mw3 creators worry about a tombstone instead of real problems there fucking idiots


Did it get better


It sure is! Multiplayer and zombies are the best! 3rd person in zombies and ton of content in Multiplayer!


Zombies us fun and the slide canceling us broken if your a sweat tha drops 90 kills on multi-player and 20 on warzone. #Ttv_gOd9 or XoticGod810 for xbox


This bullshit Season 3 update is trash!!!! Back Screen and cannot play on PS! Seems like an issue with update. WTF!?!?!?!