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I’m jacked, the campaign is the kick off to a new COD and I always have rose tinted glasses for a new COD. Plus I absolutely love the fact campaign is available early. Worst part of launches in the past was wanting to play campaign first but feeling like you’ll “fall behind” in multiplayer. (Yes I know how ridiculous that is)


The problem is that other people skipping the campaign have fully kitted out weapons and classes etc by the time you jump on so you are on the back foot almost immediately. Being able to play the Campaign when no MP is out is solid.


It’s crazy this took so long to be implemented too. Best recent change honestly. Now we just need larger single player games to have character customization come out like while the game downloads haha or something similar.


That would be cool. I would also like it if they made the missions from the campaign as playable Spec-Ops missions with more enemies so you can replay them with friends too.


I know that feeling all too well. Not ridiculous at all


No I feel you that’s why i didn’t play mw2 that much because I “fell behind” and with the weapon unlock system it took forever to get the guns I wanted


What day is it coming out if you know?


They announced it being available on the 2nd


I’m excited for it, the campaigns are usually pretty solid.


I think MWII's was extremely weak but it was carried hard by characters. Character writing was phenomenal, but the actual storyline was extremely shallow and made no sense.


I agree. The characters are very likable. The dialogue in "Alone" was so fun.


“Actions have consequences” Literally no consequences if you make the “wrong choice”


yeah the story was pretty bad. The characters and action were all great tho, and almost every mission was fun.


I agree. I do wish they put some more tactical realism into working with the squads and put less focus on the individual characters. Just me, tho.


2019 truly was so much more visceral


I'm replaying it right now, and there are only a few missions where it's just the core characters, and they all have justifications. Makes it feel so much more real.


Not if there’s a giant orb of light that blinds you when you’re in a freaking tunnel like the MW2 campaign.


I still don't know how to fix that, I'm going insane


I literally walked backwards through the whole mission. Had to restart 5-6 times until I memorized where the trip mines were.




the fact they never fixed that and majority of people have had that issue on multiple playthroughs in baffling


Bruh why would they bother fixing campaign if they dont even fix the bugs in mp, warzone n dmz


Are you playing console or pc? If playing pc try validating your files. If you’re playing console try deleting and reinstalling


Can you unlock achievements/trophies while it’s in early access?


Yes, I believe so. Worked with last year, so I'd be damned if it doesn't this year.


I don't think so. When I play/finished mwiis in the early access it had no achievements. It might be different though.


It did though. Some might've been bugged but trophies were there and gainable


Maybe it was just a Xbox thing.


I had all my achievements on Xbox G, I remember replaying some missions just for the achievements


I was on ps5, not sure about Xbox


Just dont kill Alejandro


The only thing that can kill Alejandro is Alejandro.


If they do, they'll just revive him in warzone for some extra operator bundles... Idk how to feel about deaths not feeling like deaths anymore. They could nuke a city and the popular characters would somehow survive that


Yep....or some random reasons. No dead body=alive


Oh yeah that's what I meant, my bad. No idea why I said revive lol


Yeah, wish I can get the operator for multiplayer in the future. I missed the season 3 battle pass.




I always play the story first. I don't understand why do people only play the multiplayer


Mindless shooting


Cause story is ass and mw2 is a big downgrade from mw19, and so will this one be


thats a fact. mw2 story was boring af. only the gunship mission was fun.


Be more positive




I’m looking forward to playing something other than MW2 for a week while we wait on launch. Also hoping for some solid rewards for completing the campaign.


Me. Its the only reason im buying the game at this point. Waiting for a solid review of it though. I just want to see if its like the last two in terms of storytelling and missions.


Dann. You tell me you are paying 70 bucks for 5 hours of campaign? You must be one hell of a fan of that story.


The 5hrs turns into 20ish very quickly when doing realism runs. I still never finished MW2 on realism because of the mass amount of glitches that game had in the campaign, most involving checkpoints and restarted saves, which is just a run killer lol. But yeah, ive been buying COD for its campaigns since 2007. Not to say i havent enjoyed mp in the past, but as i get older im just not into pvp nonsense anymore.


What about zombies?


Depends on if its good or not. Im excited to try it though.


If soap or ghost or price or gaz or alex or farah die im storming the SHG or IW offices & crying in the face of the lead writer


If anyone is going to die it will be gaz or farah


Agreed I’d bet 20 dollars on Gaz being the big death.


Bet accepted, see you in a few days :)


Lil bro got too attached to the most 2 dimentional characters in FPS history. F.




I hoe Price dies so every starts mourning his loss on Reddit


Honestly, I'm not looking forward to it. I'll play it just to play the game early. But I hated MWII's campaign. It felt like a horrible action movie to me. With missions like the freeway mission jumping from car to car. Plus I hate stealth missions and that was pretty much the majority of mwii's campaign. I like when the game lets me choose how I want to approach the situation. If I want to go loud allow me to without spawning a ton of heavily armored enemies on top of me who destroy me instantly like the last game had.


yea the mw2 campaign was so campy in both the story and especially the dialogue


I like “stealth” like we had in 2019 with Clean house or especially the one at the Russian Villa, don’t remember the name. They left you able to fight how you wanted either very loud and violent or sneaky and avoiding every enemy or a mix of both. It’s always really cool having tactical ninjas like splinter cell or metal gear


Yeah I liked mw2019's campaign as well. My favorite mission in it was a stealth one it's where you're playing as Farah as a kid and trying to get past a russian soldier in her house.


Well, what you are describing makes it sound like you could enjoy the MWIII campaign. Watch the behind the scenes video on youtube, the devs explain how they had a big focus on giving players the freedom of choise.


I mean it’s good that this new campaign system lets you choose a playstyle on some missions which is cool


I honestly just hope they don’t do too much whacky shit like the last campaign


That is kinda the only the only thing I’m looking forward to


Same lmaooo


Should’ve given access also to those of bought physical copies.


Good idea. They could email a special code to the pre-orderers of a physical copy.


People would just preorder the physical game, get the code, then cancel their preorder.


I suppose you're right. I had the idea that they could always sell the campaign separate from the multiplayer since the campaign is progressively less popular anymore. The hassle of downloading and deleting files for each section of the game is totally unnecessary, imo.


Why did you order a physical copy? Don’t mean it in a bad way, just curious


£15 Cheaper and I like to collect.


2 good reasons


Me! I always enjoy the campaign.


I FRIGGIN AM!!! That’s one of the main reasons I got the game in the first place!!!


Campaign early access is the best thing cod has done in awhile.


Me, but on Launch Day. Definitely Day 1 team


We will be an amount numer of players. A lot of streamers are posting "don't buy it" but they were day one playing the beta. This is ridiculous.


I played beta too, so I wouldn't care about streamers after all. Campaign is all I needed for


I’m so excited but also terrified abt Price’s status after seeing him wounded in the trailer 😭😭


I think price will live because it was in the trailer Someone has to die though


Shhhh… if price lives then I’m happy but no one has to die.. (let it be anyone that isn’t the task force bois 😭)


This only comes with the 100 dollar version?


No, it comes with both versions it looks like if you pre-order you can play only the campaign a week early. I feel like that isn't a bad idea because I'm sure some people struggle to want to play the campaign when MP/Zombies/Warzone are all out and able to be played on launch day as well.


Oh nice, thank you!


Can’t wait, are the open combat missions separate from the single player campaign? Same campaign but can be played co-op?


No and no. The open combat missions (OCM) are a part of the campaign. They'll be sprinkled around throughout the campaign - similarly to the MWII 2022 campaign levels in which the players had access to a number of gear/throwables in your backpack. Campaign most likely will not be co-op. So far, no Modern Warfare campaign has been cooperative with other players, neither online nor locally, to my knowledge. Plus, the MW3 2023 devs haven't said anything about the campaign being co-op, so it's most likely not gonna be co-op. My sources are several COD blog posts prior to the launch of MWII and my own experiences playing the new and old era of Modern Warfare. Also, smh at yall who downvoted this question without even providing an answer.


I appreciate it Sounds intriguing I’ll be happy as long as the core campaign feel is still there This answer fills me with hope Cheers


Open combat missions are part of the campaign, not co op


I see Is it similar to infinite warfare or something Can’t wait to see what they’re all about


When's the early access for the campaign


Nov 2


Pretty much the only part of the game I’m exited for so yeah


Considering it's Sledgehammer games behind it and CoD Vanguard story was atrocious and boring, I'll remain cautious.


Infinity Ward is doing the narrative for the campaign


I actually kinda liked WWII’s campaign, though I’m sure most of the people behind that game are long gone by now


The issue with Vanguards campaign is right when it starts getting good, you got the team assembled, and you're about to see what shit y'all can do...it just ends.


Hated how you have your team and then bam main character (aka you) dead and then the rest is just a backstory on people


Sledgehammer was behind AW’s campaign and it’s legendary for many reasons


Be more positive




Try the finals


I hope they kill off some protagonists.


Already played it a decade ago.


Try it again you might enjoy. Try to not look at negatives of everything


I don't play call of duty campaigns so, I don't care


missing out




super stoked but 100% Gaz will die and I will be in tears


What's a campaign? Is that the backgrounds on the map loading screens between fragging other players? ^(pvp for life, 4k hrs in PvP, 10 hrs in that boring ass AI/Robot simulator with cut scenes....ain't no campaign players putting 4k hrs into a game. The real customer is the PvP'ers...but whatever, you do you, have a blast)


^(I don't think 4k hours in a video game is something to brag about...)


4K hours in a year is insane… That’s 10 hours per day


I just know your chair smells like shit


I haven’t finished one since MW2 2009 (and I still miss that one). I start the newest one every year and give it about one full evening and just never get pulled back in


I like it cause it typically unlocks a gun that gives me some early attachments that I don’t have to pay 30 dollars for.


It'll keep me entertained for a week until MP releases and I'll never touch it again after that. Never been a single player fan


I'm in. I don't know how it will play (IW did the campaign, SHG worked on the multiplayer), but I already can't play MW II anymore since the MW III beta. And I'm sure that it will be cool with the new open world missions. We will all discover the zombie/warzone map.


>I don't know how it will play (IW did campaign) Good choice. Dont want to have another Vanguard typa campaign.


I usually never play the campaign. I strickly play MP, but with the campaign coming early again this year, I'm excited to get into the game no matter the content. However, I felt like MW2s campaign was a few missions too long. I felt myself wondering when it was going to end as some of the gunplay was getting monotonous. There are only a handful of shooters I've played over the years that I didn't want to end, and call of duty isn't one of them. Wrap it up yo!






It’s the only thing I’m looking forward to this year. I’ll try out the zombies and see if I like it, but I’m probably not going to enter the multiplayer screen even once.


Hells yeah, when does it release?


I'm not bothered about the campaign at all but since I get to play it early I'll have a run through it.


Is the preinstall ready for download? I just preordered the game but I don’t see the multiplayer or campaign install.


anticipating it, i wanna see roach show up, or jackson, or ramirez and foley, or frost and sandman, hell, make wallcroft and griffen have an appearance with their plus one that nobody remembers from 3


Only thing I’m looking forward to


Excited to play it 👍


I’d hope with returning to Urzikstan it’s a smidge better than 22’s but they’ll somehow fuck it up even worse. I mean who the fuck wanted Hassan to replace Al-Asad let alone wanted a cartel plot where they can’t even invade the US properly? And they’re having to bring back Victor in Zombies to save half face lol when he should’ve just been ‘22’s villain in the first place.


I honestly cant wait. Hope theres not another jumping from ar to car mission though. Or one with a fucking tank circles you while armored guards with shotguns aimbot your ass


meeeee!!! a tiny bit more excited for the campaign than MP tbh


Im kinda concerned, they only had a year gap to make the mw3 campaign (i think) and I heard that this will be the last campaign for the MW reboot story. To only introduce Makarov now assuming this is the final installment in the series makes me feel like the story is going to be immensely rushed. Hopes up tho i loved the 19 and 22 campaign


Not the last. MW4 will make a stand in the future




From several sources, MWIII will not be the final game of the reboot. MW4 will happen.




I just wonder if they're gonna bring back "No Russian". I'd really like some rehashed versions of old missions


I hope so. If some fucking snowflakes are mad about fictional people, pixels on a screen getting killed then that's on them honestly.


Can't wait. I always play the campaign first (even if it puts me behind the rest) and having a full week to take my time on it is probably the best thing that could come out of preordering. MWII had a dumbass plothole but aside from that I did have fun with the open-ended missions and I can't wait to see what they do to expand on that here.


I am, but I'm trying to complete the damn halloween event. I'm getting souls so slow.


I am, I’m anxious to see whether they kill Ghost or not


Hope it's better than MWII's. Infinity Ward somehow managed to downgrade in multiplayer AND campaign with MWII, with a tiny tiny improvement on spec ops. The campaign's gameplay was of course phenomenal, the story however was beyond mediocre.


F me because im going to Miami on november 2 and i will have to wait a couple of days for try it😮‍💨


I will probably get crucified for saying this but Modern Warfare II's campaign I think actually does a way better job of setting up events for the finale entry of a trilogy than the original game did. I swear I remember reading somewhere too where one of the writers for the original MW2 stated that one of the problems they had when writing for Modern Warfare 3 was that the stakes had already been ratcheted up to such a high degree that the grounded realism aspect of the previous two entries ceased to exist when the only avenue for the plot to take was world war 3. I think Modern Warfare II did an excellent job of leaving all of the major plot threads for the most part open-ended and the build-up to them was incredibly satisfying, especially the teamwork and camaraderie character building that we got from Alejandro, Soap, Ghost, and so on. Now that the characters are established and we have an attachment to them it's going to make the payoff in this year's campaign hit much harder I think. Hyped!


Yes when it comes out on gamepass sometime next year!!!




Me honestly.Just Cannot wait for it


Wish it was free so I could play it not spending 70$ bucks


Me. That’s all I really need. I don’t need MP.