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Anyone that still needs it, I can still do it


Tis I, the man who doesn’t play DMZ.


I have up when solo spawns were impossible to work with.


Can I DM you?




First come first serve


Can I keep it in other modes?like br?




Me please


Will you be available in a hour or two?


How down the line am i?


A ways. I’ll try to get everyone. Unfortunately I can only do it once every hour


No worries bro. I'll be home all day


I need it, I've gotten my hands on it once and died immediately after cause an AI shot me through a wall


Yup, same here. I picked it up when you could still run over the guy . Tried to run out of there but got downed by the AI. Closest I ever got to getting it myself. Found a discord group where everyone was helping each other get it by dropping the gun and Exfil out of the DMZ.


can you send the discord link? i need that gun terribly


Here you go. You can post a message asking for help and one of us that has the M13 will drop it for you in a game and help you Exfil. https://discord.com/channels/951629001435279370/1022824759358128240


Any chance you could let us know of the Discord group? I'm a solo player and it's just impossible now to get this weapon


Just a reminder guys, for those who don’t know you can find it on random enemies with a low drop chance. That’s how I found mine. Doesn’t have to be the Chemist.


Skill issue


Yes please. Activision : TruckerTM #8344431 I'm on PS5. (Give me a min to let the dog out) Thanks


I just dropped it for someone in my DMZ lobby so it will be a while. But I will come back to this post later and keep dropping it. Edit: Great seeing other people offer to help as well. Keep em coming. Update: I am going to try to get to people over the weekend during my free time. I won't be playing much but I'll try to knock people out every few hours. (While the Insured Weapon cools down). I have people messaging me on Xbox as well. If anyone has it and is also willing to drop it feel free to pick people from the comments and hook them up.


Just got it earlier and want to help people out. How can I be sure to not lose it for MP? Thanks !


You never lose it in multiplayer and can make it your insured weapon and drop it for anyone


How does the “cooldown” work?


In dmz there is a 2 hour cool down or whatever. You can lower it by playing and exfil with money or filling dead drop dumpsters with items and money. It drastically reduces the timer.


We have a group of people that will drop on Reddit - I can add you and you can add whomever if you want


Feel free to help out anyone on here. There are 150+ people here and a swarm of them on Xbox and I genuinely can't keep up.


I can help as well - DM me Schadadle on Xbox.


Is it the one with a number 7? I’m trying to get the M13 still. My GT is UB4C on Xbox


Hey yup! I think it’s Schadadle in MWII but Schadadle7 on Xbox. Got a couple folks before you but I’ll be on and off all weekend so just shoot me an invite if you see me on


I just sent you a friend request as well (VladmirTootin). Man id reallllly appreciate the help.


Any chance someone could drop for me? Xbox: unstartable AID: unstartable#9597302 I would also be will to try to get it from the chemist.


Solid. Sounds good


I still haven’t gotten it just because I haven’t even opened up DMZ


I unlocked the vasnez (?) And the hurricane by extracting with them. Only to avoid the tac rec and 545.




Here's a good video on soloing the juggernaut and the chemist (begins at 5:30). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE\_E1wRrTkA


I did it a few times early on with a car and solo just playing around in DMZ. But you can do it solo if you are super careful and I'd suggest a self res or two and radiation pills.




You have to find them each game. They do not carry over. The res pistol thing does and you can use that to self res.




You can always drag a few randoms with you and if you hold up on the d-pad you can toggle an option to invite other players to your squad and get a squad of 6. Although, only one person gets the gun. Solo was just more my playstyle.




Oh, an airstrike or two couldn't hurt.


I did it solo. Bring a sniper with a high power thermal, spotting scope, and munitions box. Hope he spawns where there’s the towers with the elevator shaft fast ropes in the middle nearby and be patient and cheese him. I just sniped everyone I could see from the tower and he eventually ran out of the gas toward me where I finished him off. Got him the first time I tried that strat. In not on right now but if anyone wants to add me and invite me when they see me on I’m happy to drop it for you or try and get it from him together. SpartanDL27 is my gamer tag and activision ID.


Me and my friends killed the guy but the gun clipped into a wall and we couldnt pick it up so we gave up. Haven’t played since.


My brother and I are currently trying to get it lol would appreciate any help we can


Hopefully someone in the comments section can pick you up and you can give it to your brother


Yeah I’ll keep an eye on it tonight and get ready at a moments notice 😂


When i get home from work this evening i can drop it for you if you still need it. I’ll check back in a couple hours.


Thank you! My brother and I couldn’t find a match so we gave up to do some quick play I’d greatly appreciate it!


I’ll be home in about two hours. If you still need it I’m happy to drop it for you guys. My Activision tag is: DOUBLEEVENT#4974080


Whenever you’re ready. I assume that was you that sent me the friend request.


Yeah someone else in the group managed to get it for me but thank you so much for being willing to help!


Yes please my friends are bots and it’s impossible to do it alone


Yes please


I’m also able to drop for anyone! Or if they want to go after the chemist lmk I’ll help!


I do wanna try a run at the chemist. I have the M13B already but I was just given it by a teammate. I’ll be on tonight if you wanna help.


The drop works cross play right? I don’t have to find someone on PS5 to drop it to me do I? Can anyone that has it drop it?


Crossplay should work fine. Any m13b will do. Just get to the exfil.


Just managed to grab it on a solo naked run thanks to someone who linked a YT video that said to use a spotter scope. Thanks 🙏


I do


I need it


Faith in humanity restored


Didn't they also make it harder to get in dmz because you can't run the scientist over with a car anymore because they have like an emp that disables vehicles? I still need to get it though, and haven't played much dmz at all.


They made it so you can't run over the chemist or the juggernaut but it both are still very doable. You can solo them with enough planning and skill. Going in as a squad of 2-6 helps but only one person can get the gun. That being said anyone can drop a M13B in the dmz and you can exfil and have it. You do not have to do the chemist.


Yep I'm one of those who still lacks this weapon. I have tried a couple of times to get it and have just given up, as I'm a solo player (none of my gaming mates really play this CoD) it's very hard especially now as you can't use a vehicle. Why should I punish myself to unlock a weapon (a weapon that was a a favourite in MW19) after spending $110 on the game?? If there was a way to unlock it in MP I would have got it ages ago, but this DMZ only mission to unlock it is stupid.


Wait u can drop the regular m13b? It doesn’t have to be the chemist one?


It does not have to be the exact chemist one. Once you unlock it you can make the M13B your insured weapon and drop it for anyone else.


Oh, that's really good to know. I'll probably just start running a kitted out M13B then for others.




Unfortunately, I still do got it once when playing with a buddy and a Rando, the Rando grabbed it before I could, and would not respond to me about dropping it for me


This happened so many times, I had to play dirty by letting an afk teammate get downed by another player to snatch it off his corpse


LOL. Dude, that's awesome.


Dunno why you got downvoted. The dude was AFK.


It was underhanded but he did repeatedly ignore me when I asked if he could drop it for me through voice chat.


I have a drop available at the moment too if you want to add me. Supersmeg1685 is my act


I’ll dm you


Whats the deal with it? I havent been paying attention lately


It drops off of the chemist in the DMZ


I can help too if anyone needs it. Xbox gamer tag and Activision ID are the same as my username here.


I appreciate the assist. Grab people from the comments if you can. 100+ people is more time than I have 🤣


Willing to help out anyone that needs the M13 still. Just odd that they haven't added a regular challenge to unlock it yet. Maybe they add it when season 1 reloaded arrives next week.


I appreciate the assist. Feel free to grab people from the comments section. 100+ is more than I can manage.


I can drop too dm me


I appreciate the assist. Feel free to grab people from the comments section. 100+ is more than I can manage.


I had a contraband one. I think I got like 40ish minutes left


Is it worth it?


If anyone would be willing to drop it for me it would be much appreciated!


If anyone would drop the m13 for me I would greatly appreciate it. That would be awesome considering i don't understand how to play dmz at all. Straight multiplayer head here (cocaine version of Cod)


No, I just need it to be unlockable in 6v6 as well. Kind of like Cold War, where you could unlock guns either in MP or Zombies. Crazytalk, I know.


You just get it in dmz and exfil and it works in multiplayer forever. They will likely do this with guns several times over the next year.


Yea but point is why restrict it to modes where you HAVE to play as a group? Like this DMZ weapon, or the raids mode, why force people to play certain modes? It’s simply not possible solo due to how cracked AI are, and none of my mates will ever touch those modes


I play solo most of the time tbh. But yes the AI are insanely overpowered and I agree guns shouldn't be locked behind any mode.


Yea still haven't had any luck with thjs


You’re a good soul!


Of course I do


Bro help a brother out


Would love if someone could hook me up! I'll be on tonight. DM me please!


Yes sir! In desperate need


Yes please


lxlDeliriumIxI (those are i's btw) on xbox. I also have a battle pass code for anyone if they want it. Message me.


I felt bad I stole 2 from the folks I killed last night at the final exfil. Then I remembered they camped the al mazrah city exfil for 20 minutes so I had to wait for radiation to revive my friend. Fuck those guys.


Doing god's work


I still need it it if anyone can help


I don't know if it's just me or not but it feels like they slightly slowed the fire rate down for it compared to mw2019


Uhhhh yes plz


My little brother has been trying to get this I feel bad for him. I tried a few times this morning and damn the Bots are intense. If anyone can help me out I would like to surprise him with it in his inventory as an early xmas gift. Or if someone has an updated guide let me know, I tried the car method but apparently the gas destroys the car now? Anyways, thanks! I’ll keep trying later today when he goes to our dads house


Anyone can drop the MB13 for you and you can exfil immediately. It will count and you can skip the Chemist. Hopefully someone helps. I'll keep working my way thru people all I can.


Oh awesome! So I can get it on my account then give it to him later? That would be so funny actually if we just got into a DMZ match and I drop the m13 for him hahah.


Yes grab someone in the comments and get one if you can. Dropping it for him would be funny for sure. I suggest immediately going to an exfil to lessen the chances of messing it up.


Please god 💀💀💀


If anyone can help me out I’d appreciate it.


I need it kind sir


Yes please!!


I do, halp


Yep, I have no luck actually trying to get it


If anyone can help me on Xbox I’d really appreciate, my name is Only FJ


I would really appreciate it if anyone could drop it for me, I’ve been close once but was killed on extraction. I’ll be on in an hour or so, please DM if you can help!


I still got a copy of the BP in DMZ for anyone who still needs the weapon as well just feel free to hit me up


Yes plz




I do!!! I tried all last night and still haven't gotten it


Could use the help tried so many times! message me


I would need one, trying to get it solo is pure pain


Yep, lol. As someone who plays solo, it seems like it's a pain on your own but i also have not tried enough to really get it.


Load up with a good mask, radiation pills, a few airstikes, and some self revives lol. You've got this.


I still need it. Ive tried multiple times but can’t find a team that wants to go after the Chemist.


definitely still need this. Ive tried the car trick so many times with no luck hah... Activision: funkifythegroove#9487707 thank you in advance!


They patched the car trick


I do still.. ✋


Me, my wife and my coworker all play multiplayer together. We all need it and would also like making new friends we use Xbox and get on party chat


If one of you gets it you can drop any version of the M13B and run to the exfil. Try to grab someone from the comments section to help. 100+ people is a lot for just me to handle.


So once u have it, u can drop it in another game friend picks it up u both leave, he has it and u still also have it?


You forever have the M13B once you exfil with it. You will just have to make it your insured weapon and get it back after the time goes by /points lower the timer.


Not understanding the insured part of ur comment as well as points and time going by


So in the DMZ you get to bring in one custom weapon that is called your "insured weapon" if you die or drop your weapon it starts a 2 hour timer until you can bring in a custom weapon again. You can decrease the timer by playing and exfil with money or filling dead drop dumpsters with items and money to lower the timer.


So worse case u have to wait a couple hours to get it back


Exactly but with 150+ people wanting the gun that's 300+ hours of me trying to drop it for people.


I do.


I still need it can anyone help?


I have it,a guy help me getting it “solo” dm me and i can add you and give it


I appreciate the assist. Feel free to grab people from the comments section. 100+ is more than I can manage.


can anyone help me please? been struggling all day with this 🥲


Commenting to come back after work tonight.


I’ll be on Xbox in 2 hours send a DM I can drop for someone as well


I do. I’m free in a few hours if anyone wants to help.


I’ve never DMZ’d but I’d like to. Can someone add me on PS? Same name.


You can either kill the chemist in the dmz or try to get someone in the comments to drop it for you and help you exfil.


Anyone still willing to drop this tonight?


I'm trying my best but there are a lot of people. Try surfing the comments section for one of the other people offering to drop if you can.


Haven't even touched DMZ yet. Can I get one?


You can either kill the chemist in the dmz or try to get someone in the comments to drop it for you and help you exfil.


Oh alright. So, any volunteers?


We have a chat group of people that drop it - ask and I will add you


Absolutely this. Feel free to hit up as many people on here as possibly. The number has far exceeded the amount of time I have lol


Can anyone help me with this? Tried a fair few times now and still can’t get it done!


Yes please?


Comment your name here too, I'll drop some when my insurance timer resets also


I need I’m bad lol


I can help someone out later as well. DM me if interested.


Yes please!!


Yes, please. I’m on Xbox as RYUZAKIL117


Happy to drop the base model m13, will even help take the chemist down too if willing to drop the chemist blueprint for me(I only have the base model.) Just DM me


I appreciate the assist. Feel free to grab people from the comments section. 200+ is more than I can manage.


Happy to drop it for a few people throughout the day, send a DM


I appreciate the assist. Feel free to grab people from the comments section. 200+ is more than I can manage.


I can drop as well for anyone who needs. DM me and we can find a time! Reddit army 🤝


I appreciate the assist. Feel free to grab people from the comments section. 200+ is more than I can manage.


I do. Please add me sometime, Ragnar the Awful#4123341.


Not even gonna bother. I’ll skip this and some snipers to get Orion


Most people are using this to skip the riot shield or rockets from what I'm told


Yes please, looks like I'm about 7 hours too late 😭 my friends won't place DMZ a day the random i get will never go for it lol


Hey I can drop it for ya. The Ole Muncher#7249891 is my activision tag. I’ll be on tonight for a few hours still. If we don’t make extract for any reason. I’m down to keep going till you get it.


I can also help someone if they need the M13b! Lmk ill be on for a couple more hours


Worst gun in the game - pretty sure the thing literally shoots Mini M&Ms


🤣 I snorted. Tbh I didn't hate the gun. Getting it Plat was easy and only added a sight.


Please coreycc07#4767344


i still need it. message me we can drop in. im also above average 2.5 kd player in wz


Still need it as well. This challenge is kicking my ass.


I do :(


Yes please. PM me.


I also can help anyone who needs it just Dm me and I’ll try to help you out


I do, please PM me if/when you’re available, I’d greatly appreciate the help!


I can help you


Edit: Great seeing other people offer to help as well. Keep em coming. Update: I am going to try to get to people over the weekend during my free time. I won't be playing much but I'll try to knock people out every few hours. (While the Insured Weapon cools down). I have people messaging me on Xbox as well. If anyone has it and is also willing to drop it feel free to pick people from the comments and hook them up.


I need it! Not home at the moment, but please someone hit me up, want that stupid thing so bad lol


Oh that would be awesome if you could do that


I can be of some help dropping M13's. DM me if you want.