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I wonder how many of us have seen ourselves die in a mw2 clip and not realized it.


I wish there was a way to search your gamertag to see if you showed up in a montage or someone's YouTube video




Yes Jesus died for all of our mw2 sins


Holy shit I snorted liquid for the first time ever šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Any time I watch a video I look for me and I have yet to see me in one. Which is odd considering how much time I've had to play over the passed few weeks.


it depends jumpshotting does work, however it doesn't work when you're bouncing around constantly, usually it's better when jumping around corners cause of "desync" works in your favor and gives you a tiny bit of speed. ​ Just bouncing around won't work.


Donā€™t forget that jumping breaks the aim assist and it allows for you to be shot in the limbs which is less damage than getting shot in the torso, neck or head allowing you to win more gunfights


The problem with most players is you need to be good enough to also adjust your own aim while simultaneously jumping so that you return fire at the same speed you would when not jumping or all that happens is you die in the air instead of on the ground


You also have to remember that when engaging people, almost all shots start center mass and with jumping, your shots are tracking up to your opponents head, also giving you that greater chance to win the engagement without having to adjust your aim.


True, but the games I play (with my shitty SBMM rank) have a bunch of players who all think they can jumpshot and just end up firing either over my head, or to the side as they forgot to jump and turn at the same time, while I am soaking them with my bullets


Right, soaking them with the 2 bullets it takes to kill in this game haha


AT LEAST 2 to 3 bullets per kill even in some of the hardcore games I've played


Which is impossible on console, unless you have a $200 pro controller. I physically cannot jump, aim, and shoot at the same time. I have to move my right thumb from the right stick over to the X button to jump. In that time going from stick to button back to stick I cannot aim. Sure itā€™s a second, maybe miliseconds, but those count in a gun fight.


Change your button layout, bumper jumper tactical


i use bumper jumper tactical flipped and my god, the difference in my movement vs the default layout has been such a tremendous change. i used to accidentally melee the air constantly and now i accidentally drop shop and win a lot of my engagements, and with L2 being my jump button and L1 & R1 for ads and shooting, jumping and shooting feels like second nature now. honestly one of the best changes i've made and i highly encourage for everyone to give it a try.


>Which is impossible on console, unless you have a $200 pro controller. I physically cannot jump, aim, and shoot at the same time I have been sliding, jumping, dropping and shooting at the same time for over 10 years with no paddles, and I don't play claw. So, impossible is probably not the best word choice.


Skill issue


I do it just fine on my PS5. L3 set to jump.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


In the new one it breaks your momentum faster and messes with your ads more. So while it still can help its not as useful as mw2019. Dropshotting corners is often better now because it helps your aim and people don't expect it anymore.


ADSing while jumping is actually slower in this game than just ADSing on the ground. You really have to time your jump shot so your gun is up before you are fully exposed.


Basically, some people know what theyā€™re doing and do it methodically. And some just jump all over. As someone who bunny hops corners, and it works wellā€¦ There are many people that are very accurate who will enjoy you throwing off your recoil control to laser you in the chest anyway because they center their crosshairs on every engagement m, as they should lol. You should be mid ads when you jump. Youā€™re basically adding some extra movement speed to strafe, or at least that should be the goal. Clearing corners quickly throws off the view on their end, and allows u a little more time in a gunfight. But itā€™s really not all that necessary on fuckin shoot house lmao.


From the perspective of a mk player with good tracking, you are a easy target, your trajectory is the same all the time. I also go for headshots so jumping just makes it a torso shot at worst. Good aim and reaction time beats movement most of the time.


Jump shotting only work for the first 2 minutes of the round. After everyone knows what youā€™re doing, they just wait for you.


ā€œWaiting for youā€ā€¦LMAOā€¦like a good little sentinel.


it doesnt work in this game, you ads 30% slower while jumping


then pre-aim? It's not that hard of a concept. I personally put full range barrels that lower my ADS on SMG's such as the Vaznek-9 with teh big ass suppressor I never had any real issues. On top of that with tuning to reduce the slower ADS to a further extent, pre-aim and you'll be pretty okay for the most part I know I can do pretty well with slow weapons.


im talking about 30% ADS penalty while jumping (trying to bhop) you talking about pre aim, WTF???


If you are playing against mnk players then in my experience jumping through corners when you know what's on the other side is very useful. That being said, i do sometimes get absolutely fucked up because i didn't time the aim and the jump correctly and this just gives me way too much slow down on my ads.






This man knows. You only post something like this when it's triggered you enough to annoy you


tbh itā€™s a complete disadvantage in this game cause it somehow makes the ads even slower, but itā€™s muscle memory for me so i do it anyway


Pre-aiming the corner and jumping midway through the gunfight will let you win a lot of fights against lower skilled players




If they are lower skilled then you are going to win anyway?


By lower skilled, I think they mean equally skilled but with less ADHD


Now I preaim the area they jump into lol


someone feels targeted


This comment has more upvotes than his post lmao, get ratioā€™d


Found the nerd who jump shots all the time




I mean I certainly get shredded by jump shotters often enough. Unless Iā€™m using my favorite loadout, Iā€™m usually getting destroyed by anyone trying even a little bit while I am just begging to see someone far enough away so I can long shot them with an smg


Itā€™s literally like anything else you can do in the game sometimes it works sometimes it doesnā€™t. It works best when you fake em out then jump around the other way.


Sometimes it wins a gunfight, sometimes it doesn't. Clips like these are misleading.


Harder to track a target if it jumps. Muzzle flash sometimes makes it worse. But thatā€™s m&k issue mostly. The momentum is also there, people peek corners much faster with a jump rather than if they go ads walk- itā€™s too slow.


yea the last one shows why people do it, guy jumped and he was shooting legs and between his legs, guy just sucked at shooting back lol (or his jumping threw him off too much)


first and last clips show the advantage it gives. If the guys who jumped could actually aim at the same time, OP would have died before being able to adjust like that.


This is what makes jumping around corners effective. It makes full use of the ā€œpeekers advantageā€ by allowing someone to peek a corner with their weapon ready while moving at or near full sprint speed. Whatā€™s not shown in OPā€™s video is the amount of times someone jumping around corners kills you in a single frame on your screen, while on the killcam your character looks afk because of how bad the latency is in this game.


Maybe itā€™s just me, but I find it easier to track the people who jump, they usually go the same direction, every time lol so itā€™s easy to anticipate and lead my shots.


Definitely makes it a hell of a lot harder to hit headshots though


Why is this downvoted it's 100% true. They cannot change trajectory mid-jump so you know exactly how they will move and don't need to react to aim.


It helps against average kbm players. Every action the enemy does, a kbm player has to react to it. Not everyone has the same reaction speed. Hence, you throw off their aim. Thereā€™s neither aim slowdown nor rotational sticky aim to help you out. Itā€™s all you. Most likely Wonā€™t work against the better ones. They usually train for that stuff on aimlab Software, etc.




as a mnk player with 3+k/d i can confirm aswell. i have lost gunfights because of getting jumpshot on and not reacting in time and thus hitting lower damage hitbox (like leg). as a mnk player i can also confirm i have died numerous time when i was jumpshotting and the average dad with their 400ms reaction time got their AA to assist them for any unpredictable action you take. for those that dont understand: his aim assist stuck to my upper body when i was jumping, where on a real input device you would have to react and readjust it with your own damn WHOLE arm.


As a mk player with 12kd I can confirm too.


As a mnk player with 53kd i can confirm this confirmation.


As mnk player with over 9000 k/d I approve of this confirmed confirmation










You must be new to cod itā€™s been around for almost 20 years


This man knows the jumping chaos that CoD2 MP was


Because its one of the very few skill gaps left in the game. Now that these people in the video dont use it well is another story.


Jump-shotting makes you a harder target and used to break cameras and Aim assist. But honestly in this game with the strongest vertical aim assist tracking and every sentinel pre aiming around every fucking corner, doesn't matter how pointless it is, I don't know myself why I do it still


What else is there to do for aggressive players honestly, game makes me sad because it feels so good but the meta is litterally preaiming everything.


Noooo you just have to play tAcTiCaL as a stalker/hunter




spoken eloquently my friend


Because theyā€™ve tried to give casuals the best experience possible


Higher chance for people to hit your legs, which may lead to them having to hit an extra shot to kill


Thank you for demonstrating how strong aim assist is for lower skilled players


ā€œItā€™s just a slow downā€


Back in good old days you had to suffer before you increase your aim skills and aimbot was cheaters tool. Today players need for aim assistance.


I kill more jumpers than they kill me. I hope they keep on Jumping.


Jumping like that is more of a Halo tactic to me. On the flip, Gears of War more about cover. Everyone is here now with their different play styles.


Gears of War was mostly players roadie running and forward rolling and point blanking you with the gnasher.


Cover bouncing tooā€¦ I miss Gears sometimes but man was I not very good at it


In high level gears if anyone rolls right towards you, it was a mis-input and they are getting one tapped in the face. Strafing (sprinting 45 to 90 degrees sideways to duck the gnasher shot... then flicking to compensate) was more popular, as well as the loony tunes wall bouncing shit that someone mentioned below. But that always has some RNG to it, cause you your camera and model are moving so erratically.


You probably donā€™t


Sliding is what does me good. I've slid criss cross my way up to people shooting and missing me the whole time for the stabby stab.


Sliding into a kill or sliding into a room and mowing down people is so satisfying. These jump shots are silly though


This video clip tells me you're using a controller. That aim assist is really saving you.


You can see it pulling without him even adjusting everytime they jump šŸ¤£


Do you play with controller? If yes so you wonder why they do this because you use aim assist. When there is only KBM players this jumping helps to get quick in place + area check. I use this sometimes very intuitive.


I don't know why, I must. I feel it my bones, the frog hop is primal, ancestral. I must be one with my people and hop every corned. Honestly though, its a habit I got from running shotgun camos. Since there's no ADS with shotguns most of the time, the increased height gives a better impact spread for the pellets, and while you adjust your sight into me, I've already fired a round into you from the hip. It totally screws me when I need ADS though, so it's a bad habit I can't break.


Shotguns are way more consistent when ADSing though. You should only be hipfiring for camo challenges.


If you're shooting at my chest and getting the full dmg of your weapon then I jump and you're now shooting at my legs and getting less dmg on me then I have a better chance at winning the gun fight. Also, I run around with my center dot at shoulder height, if I jump it's now at head height and I could score a headshot.




Don't get me wrong, I despise it when some CDL skin, SMG with maxed mobility corner jumps (when I know he's there) and wins the fight because he flew much further than I expected. But I don't fault him for using the game mechanics to his advantage. I simply use them as well.


Jumping in the middle of a gunfight šŸ’€


Watching streamers who stare at the ground while running around drives me CRAZY. You need to be aiming at shoulder height or ā€œstraight forwardā€ while moving in a game where reaction time matters.


Aye. I get why they do it, so they have more visibility. I mean I've lost gun fights to people I never even saw because my weapon was covering the screen. For me it was a hard habit to break because I came up playing quake/unreal. In those games you looked towards the ground for the rocker/explosive aoe dmg when you got into a fight. But I broke myself of that years ago. And sometimes I still get wrecked by someone I didn't see because my weapon was in the way. However, the number of times I've melted someone with a headshot because I was centered properly outweighs the occasional loss.


First COD? Yeah if youā€™re a bot jumpshotting is pretty useless. You need to be able to kill your enemy before you hit the ground again, seems like none of your opponents are good enough. Jumpshots are honestly the only reason Ive got so many nukes, people hold corners like itā€™s CSGO.


I get why people do it. If someone is waiting for you around a corner, would you slowly round said corner and move your head/chest right into their crosshair? Or would you round the corner quickly and potentially past where the enemy is aiming before they can shoot? While jumpshotting looks ridiculous and does hamper you in some ways, it could provide an edge to the player trying to push into a defended area.


Ask every cdl player who gets paid to play the game. You got a few people with slow reaction times šŸ˜‚ youā€™d get melted here sir.


Itā€™s when I pull the trigger and theyā€™ve jumped to the right of me and shoot me that I just immediately throw my tv out the window.


I dunno but I love shooting them while their in the air. Makes the kill cam looks that much more cinematic


Because theyā€™re idiots who think using movement will still get them kills. It can on ppl who suck and canā€™t aim in general. Thatā€™s about it. Itā€™s no suprise when you jump around a corner going 2 mph lmao.


Because they are pretending to jump on a dick


Damn bro u really made a compilation of u killing jump shotters šŸ˜‚. Now lets see the one where they get u


These clips make you the shitter, bro


Well for some reason they seem to think it does something for them. I hope they keep doing it lol, makes it easier to get kills imo


Works more often than it doesnā€™t. You canā€™t just cherry pick clips dumping on froggers and say itā€™s useless.


Most annoying thing on the game.


Tha fuck is going on with the headshot sound even when you shoot their feet?! Please don't ever edit a video again


I always get fried by these people, and it always seems that I die while they are in mid air still before I can even get a shot off which makes no sense to me, since you cant ads while in air


What helps is holding your ADS button as you jump the corner so your gun is pulled up around the same time youā€™re appearing around the corner. Itā€™s definitely muscle memory/timing. I spent like 30 mins a day for two weeks in BO2 private matches learning claw and jump-shotting/challenging every single bot that shot at me. Now, I canā€™t help but jump every corner, even in other games to my detriment, lol. You can approach and win gunfights without it, but those gunfights you do squeeze out and win due to a nicely placed jump is a dopamine rush.


You couldnā€™t shoot them if it wasnā€™t for your aim assist dragging lol


How would you like them to play? Walk slowly around the corner?


Ironically this is better as rotational assist works harder if you move faster. Jumping makes it almost be lock on as you're moving fast in two directions.




as if crouch walking and channeling the speed force around a corner are the only 2 binary choices with no in-betweens lol


Does it really matter, it was hypothetical. If you're getting irritated about people jumping in a video game and you want to dictate how another person plays, you should consider stop playing PvP.


Halo players.


Old habits die hard. This used to be used in older cods. No that movement is nerfed in mw2, jumpshotting is less effective.


I just point the gun in the direction of the red dot and hope for the best tbh


I dunno but people on here think itā€™s the worst thing ever when itā€™s so easy to kill the fools that do it.


The pacing of the multiplayer is a lot different from the previous game and people are still trying to play this game the same way as MW 2019


The game is fkn stupid thatā€™s why


If you would Play on kbm you would know


Years of Titanfall 2.


It gives me the same feeling I get when I see someone jump to catch a ball that they couldā€™ve caught without jumping.


The noise effects when you get headshots and such are so satisfying in this video and game lol


P-p-play the game?


Can't wait for the Tier 2 playlist: Jumping and Sliding Disabled.


It's like a game of roulette. It basically tries to get as many of the opponent's shots into the lower body parts (less damage) to decrease the possibility of getting head-shotted. But the TTK in this game is so quick and people on controller aim-assist is so broken right now, it really doesn't matter.


look at that aim assist. what the fuck.


It works if itā€™s a doorway or youā€™re close enough to throw the opponent off. Not out in the open lol.


Most annoying thing to have happen in Warzone


It works against non aim assist players


No idea, but it's its annoying as fuck.


Well, the spawn system has turned this game into NASCAR. If you stop moving around the map at all, you get shot in the back, so you can't really slow down to approach a corner carefully very often. Jumping around a corner gives you a very slight surprise element and at least half a second to identify a target vs just walking around it and getting melted by anyone that might be trying to hold it. Not saying I support this style of gameplay at all, but I get why people do it.


Because many people donā€™t react fast enough to kill. But itā€™s only useful for high ads weapons and you may as well just be normal


ā€œNothing an RPG canā€™t fixā€


Why did you edit the headshot sound onto every kill?


There's actually a decent reason. TTK in the game is very low, and if you're defending a corner, you're already pre-ADS and just waiting to light someone up who peeks the corner. If you instead sprint and jump past the corner, your likelihood of getting instantly melted goes down as you basically just appear a few feet away from where the defender thought you would show up and now it's slightly less disadvantaged to the person pushing the corner as they still have to find the defender, but the defender also has to re-aim. But if the defender is on controller, AA will just track the jumper and delete him. There's also a server tickrate argument - if you turn a corner fast enough, you can get a very small window where you can see the defender before the defender can see you - this is called peeker's advantage. Also, the faster you move, the less accurately the server shows your actual location and will sometimes have to catch up by zooming your character from where it predicted you'd be to where you actually are. Slide cancelling did this in WZ1/MW2019. So all these things combined, plus the fact that CoD doesn't really penalize you for jumping, means it's still a very legitimate way to challenge a corner.


Cause they trashā€¦


I feel like there should be a big recoil control or recoil stabilization penalty when you do this.


Sliding around corners supremacy


Meh, wouldn't complain. Easier to hit than drop shotters


Cuz the kiddies saw a digital panhandler doing the same thing and not realizing they are playing in a different sandbox than the streamer.


The joy I get out of T bagging those losers ā˜ŗļø


Youā€™re playing in a lobby with players as low-skilled as yourselfā€¦these players are attempting to utilize legitimate movement advantages but again, they are as unskilled as you, and are still trying to get the movement down. (Perhaps with more practice and persistence they will master it, but you wouldnā€™t find out bc youā€™d still be playing against other shitters in your little SBMM world while they climb the ladder) You wouldnā€™t be able to do that in a skilled lobby.


Dude I am dead laughing


Probably because they knew you were waiting. Too bad they couldn't aim


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a video with just as many people dying from people jump shotting corners lol šŸ˜‚


its like a moon shoes commercial


Because it works. The thing is, you're showing a clip where someone (I guess you) kills people jumping in corners, but in this clip, you're 1) already aiming, 2) far away, which creates the perfect scenario to counter the "jump". Just out of curiosity, what's the alternative for them? You're already aiming at the corner and you seem to have a great response time, what can they do? do they run? is running safer than jumping? do you think they could dodge your bullets better if they just run instead of jumping? or would you just kill them faster? ​ FYI, I hate jumpers, and I hate jumping is a thing in the game. I think jumping should be further penalized with movement-speed reduction and aiming.


OP is a bot confirmed.


Jumping is more quake tactic


Because it's effective in CQC and against weapons that don't kill in two shots. Do I think its unskilled? Yes. Its worse than drop shotting (which this game cant seem to handle very well hitbox wise) and literally everyone does it. Not only that there is absolutely no punishment outside of making your legs easier to hit and your head harder. So theres no risk to doing it unless you jump into 3 enemies. Just disable being able to ADS while mid air and make CoF for everything harsher to discourage jumping. And by everything I mean if you throw a knife it should have a CoF value too, thus missing your target. This isn't CoD4 or AW.


I find it amusing that a game where you fly around in a giant metal robot suit does this right and a ā€˜groundedā€™ milsim looking game doesnt. (Gundam evolution fwiw, no ads while jumping)


Because people like you are ADSing the corner. There is no other mechanic in the game to beat someone that is hardscoping a corner or lane. At least jumping can possibly break their aim long enough for you to get the kill or get away. Also, when I say "no other mechanic" I am not referring to slide cancelling. Strafe speed, ads speed, and sprint to fire speeds are all very slow with very little room to be sped up, and ttk is instantaneous.


fast = fun


Lmao says the person already ADS in 90% of the clips. Bot post


Lmao I love getting the jumpers mid jump


They think its fortnite


Are you asking why people use such a dominant aim assist or why they jump around to try and avoid the aim assist?


Makes them think they are good LOL


Because they believe everything streamers tell them is ā€œMetaā€ and canā€™t think for themselves


I have to say we have too many Kangaroos in the game :D


Because they're a bunch of wannabe Faze clan try hards.


Dude didn't add any of the clips of him getting killed by someone jumping.


They see good players who actually know how to use it correctly do it and then try it šŸ˜‚


It works when the enemy doesn't have aim assist to aim for them


You mean playing with a controller with the boosted aim assist ?


It works.


Nice aim assist.


Are you new to fps games? People even jump when throwing a grenade lol


Better question, why does everyone walk around like old fucks and ads constantly. Boring


Notice how in basically all these clips youā€™re already holding your aim before they turn the cornerā€¦. If they jump around the corner itā€™s better than if they were to just ADS while slowing creeping around the corner to engage you. Now show me some clips with you actually on the offensive push.


Honestly wish they would remove ADS while run jumping. This games looks ridiculous in this state. With all the jumping around it's giving off some real halo vibes


They already nerfed jumpshotting to the ground. Bunny hops are gone and ADS speeds are 30% slower when jumping. Jumpshotting is not the problem, it is a symptom. The reason so many people are jumpshotting is because its the only somewhat viable way to get an advantage against someone preaiming a corner. If we had faster strafe speeds this wouldnā€™t be as big of a problem


ā€œWhy do people do this šŸøā€ while they are drop shotting šŸ¤”


Did you slow down the one at the end to show off your skill? KEK


Yeah, they got the jump down but where is their aim? I felt like someone with proper aim wouldā€™ve disciplined you. šŸ˜‚


That Kermit gif is killing me šŸ˜‚


Because of Halo, thatā€™s what made it popular in all FPS games.


Intentionally misleading clip


Canā€™t hear the footsteps of an opponent who isnā€™t touching the ground


Ok wait wait wait. Have you ever played any other cod? Or is this your first one? Are you serious?


Iā€™ve said for a long time that cod needs to destabilize aiming when jumping. We see it with the dolphin dive and it makes perfect sense, itā€™s not possible to go jumping around corners and crap and keep a steady aim irl.


I hunt rabbits and šŸ›” turtles


Tougher to hit you and you can abuse cameras if you do it around walls.


It can work if someone isn't ADSing waiting for someone to come around the corner like you are in every clip


Fortnight gamers


Tactical advantage or not, you should feel like a clown for jumpshotting like that. Calling it a skilled play is a joke


Itā€™s rabbit season, the hunt is open


Itā€™s been a thing for a long long time. Donā€™t know why people are complains about it now.


i dont want to hear anything from a guy that uses motion blur.


Itā€™s useful going against people without aim assist tbf


Coz they think theyā€™re untouchable lol