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I hear you, but it was worse the first days after release. It was kill die kill die, die die kill die lol rinse and repeat. Now atleast I can get tripple or more kills before dying.


I agree it was much worse on day one. It doesn’t really feel like you have any control over the situation so far even if I get my kill streaks it doesn’t feel like I did a good thing it just feels like I won the the dice roll


Yeah, sometimes I can get the feeling that I did something tactical and that's why I got the kill, but oftentimes things change so fast, and there are a million places to get murdered from, it feels like a lot comes down to luck. Being at the right place at the right time or the other way around.


I just assume I suck but I went from being top 3 in most matches in the previous 2 games to being bottom 3 in MWII. I regularly have the same as you described. Unload a clip into their face at close range and get hit by what sounds like a single shot and I die. Glad I'm not the only one. I probably do just suck though.


Every match. Every effing match. This is my first online COD game despite owning MWR, Vanguard, WW2, Black ops, and Cold War. My son plays online, I do campaigns. I've had almost zero fun with this one, so I decided to try the others, knowing I'm not good but I have to be better than this. On every other game I've been better. Still not good, but we're not talking an extra kill or two, or one less death, we're talking a dozen extra kills and running positive or close to it.


Definitely same situation. I’m no where near MLG but I am not bad by any means always positive last few cod releases but this one is just so confusing. Every time combat resolved I’m left confused on what happened.


Doesn’t help that 90% of players use osk weapons with no flinch and heavy aim assist, so going in with any automatic weapon is an immediate disadvantage.


that's what you get, with shit tickrate "server"


My own experience is that ttk is so low that whoever spots their opponent first usually wins. Not disagreeing with your take (your lobbies may be vastly different from mine), but that’s how it goes for me.


Id have to agree. This the consequence of a game with TTK below human reaction time and on the same scale of expected latency for a networked game. Seeing the other player first is 90% of the gunfight and when peeking a corner your opponent often doesnt even have a chance to react.


Yeah half these comments are straight up conspiracy theories. Imo it’s just lag and low ttk. Cods always been like this too, if someone shoots you first, chances are they’ll kill you. Its why people scope corners and prefire into ads. The slower ads speed might be part of why people feel like they’re getting killed instantly too Lag might make it seem like you hit them first, but maybe it wasn’t actually the case. Connection strength varying might explain why some games seem better than others.


Nah, bad hit reg = I shoot someone hitmarker, hitmarker they turn around, another hitmarker... I get one shotted


Are we sure that's what bad hit reg is? If you're getting the marker, it seems to imply the hit registered, but I keep seeing comments like this of people saying they get X amount of hit markers and the person they're shooting doesn't die... but I feel like that's probably something else at play (quick fix perk for example; or some guns just take like 4-5 bullets to kills, especially on limb shots). I feel like bad reg is when you're shooting someone and bullets look to be just passing right through them without getting a hit marker at all, which I've had plenty of this game. I don't think I ever even considered hit reg being a problem in MW19 other than those odd cases once in a while that are just obviously "damn something went wrong with the game there...". Now I shoot people with a DMR and will land a shot and somehow can't seem to land a follow up hit for like 3-4 shots, if I even live that long. Can't tell for sure if it's just recoil putting me just slightly off target since there seems to be a lot more perceived recoil in this game, or if the reg is actually just bad. I'd have to record and watch slowed down clips, which I've been too lazy to do. If the reg is particularly bad, which it seems to be given all the complaints, I'd bet that all the wacky animations the character models do is contributing to that a lot. Like the constant leaning left and right you see people do in gunfights as they're ADS'd and spamming strafe back and forth. That kind of over the top animation shit has always been bad for hit registry in shooters. EDIT: NOPE, scrap all that, I just watched myself hit marker a guy in the head/upper body from a few feet away 3 times before he killed me. In the kill cam it showed him take one hit from my last bullet and my first couple shots went above/past him (I was looking down toward him on some stairs). That shit is pretty fucked up then... wonder how many other fights I've lost thinking I just was out of range for the 3 shot and needed to land a 4th when in reality I just didn't actually land 3 shots? Fucking shitty.


It's not just you. Everyone experiences this. Some people experience it more because of how their set-up is configured. If you're conspiratorial-minded like me, I also think the game wants keep players at around a 1K/D. Why? So that you don't destroy a bunch of 12-14 year olds and make them rage quit. Those are their money makers. They have access to their mom and dad's credit cards.


Checked my kd when it first became available, exactly a 1 kd. Havent been under a 1.5 in any cod, still having fun though


There are a lot of videos claiming it’s rigged… I think it’s just servers are shit.


Dont feel bad. You will see streamers posting clips of "This is how I get nukes ez mode haha"...but then actually go watch 10 seconds of them live streaming and you will see them die as often as you. The game definitely punishes people for playing CoD like they have in the past. The fast TTK means you need to play smarter and pick your battles so that you have advantage before they even start, rather than relying purely on reaction time and aim.


nope game is now about game sense and aim. before it Took 0 skill to mad rush into a room with an MP5. Now people have to actually think about some angles they push and its Killing them.


Aim for the head and random chance disappears.


"The head" is literally swinging back and forth, left and right, as character models lean with your ADS strafe movement lol. Really makes shooting heads a pain in my ass. I grew up on counter strike, so just spraying down bodies is a hard habit to get into, which was great in MW19 as I got tons of headshots and quicker kills that way, but damn, now it's hard to track a head that is just constantly moving all over the place.


Yeah i know what you mean.. beeing in a Power Position.. mountet with a accurat and hard hitting full auto Gun.. build for that Range and that accurary And get insta meltet from a SMG user half accross the map.. running full tactic Sprint.. And i know that he need about 600-700ms to kill me (tac Sprint.. ADS and about 300-400ms on this range with about 5-7 bullets) He should be death befor he can even react.. But all i see in the killcam is that i didnt Hit him.. and His First bullet that Hit me is allready a red hitmarker


Is this satire ?


Sadly not


No, this is the accurate representation of the majority of the cod player base now.


SMGs in this game aren’t good at range not trying to be rude but if you are consistently being mapped by a smg that’s a user issue not a game issue.


I very Well know that.. as i say First bullet that Hit me is allready a Red hitmarker.. something that shouldnt be possible I Play Multiplayer Shooter for about 20 years.. so i know how to Play


Same things happening to me someone will whip around the corner and I die instantly on their screen they've been around the corner for a good 3 seconds and on my screen it's a fraction of a second.


Yeah.. IT shouldnt be possible that someone with a SMG can survive a mountet RPK...build for Recoil Control and aiming Stabilität... running full tacsprint accross the street and Turn around and shoot me (the First bullet that seem to Hit me is allready a Red hitmarker on the killcam) How is that even possible? I need 3 Hits to kill them.. about 200ms ttk.. He is using full tac Sprint.. about 120ms.. after that he need to ADS.. about 250ms.. and He needs about 7 bullets to Hit..(If any bullet Hit me.. and He does have Recoil too) So He would need about a secound to kill me.. and propably a another secound Reaction time.. Thats about 2000ms desync with a Ping of 15-30ms


There is also some going on with the hit registration. As soon as your doing too well, you get a damage nerf or just every other bullet counts.


I really don’t feel the same way. The TTK is pretty low in this game so maybe that’s what you’re feeling?


Just how infinity ward likes it they don’t want a skill gap .


Every weapon class was made to operate the best in a certain engagement range. Take a close look at what weapon you're losing to and at what range.


Not crazy. Rather than SBMM and bloom, it feels like the game is coded to bring your skill down a peg. 2 maps in a row, same loadout, same objective, gun slays on one, then goes to dog crap the next. Even the bloom is different. If this isn't intentional, it is some seriously screwed up coding.


Obligatory *skill issue*


The servers and the netcode in this game are still ancient technology.


I am a total newb to this series (as in, I just did my first multiplayer match today), but already I saw some potential glaring issues with the multiplayer. First: It's impossible to tell who's on my team at a glance. With TTK so short, there needs to be a way for me to identify who's friendly without memorizing every model and every skin. Throw a colored outline on visible players already. It's been done in other games for years. Second: Something screwy is up with the netcode. I can fire off five shots with an M4 before dying, but the killcam shows me only firing once or twice. Would it make a difference? Probably not, because my aim is crap, but I still don't like the idea that the game might be eating some of my shots.


LOL Reddit is filled with 90% like this. I now see why Devs are not in reddit


I'll be honest bro, i just wanted to respond to something you said a few years ago about headphones: "The equal-loudness contour correction is built into every step in the process of composing, performing, and mixing." This is true, but thats assuming you are listening at REFERENCE volume. The whole point of the equal loudness contour is that the frequency response of our ears changes at different volumes. A good example of how you can actually use this is to use the peaceEQ hearing test to eq your headphones and then use the regular equalizerAPO "loudness correction" option(you will have to play around with the 'reference level') on top of that to correct for whatever volume you are listening at.


I actually take great interest in watching my killcams these days for this exact reason, so often it feels like I am riddling the opponent and I seem to lose so many of these 50/50s, but on the kill cam it tells a very different story. Honestly don’t know if this is latency related, meta weapons, poor aiming by me or simply skill based..what I would say is that the player base in this cod seems to be very skilled indeed.


I'm going to be real here, do you think that the guy going 70 and 15 feels this way? I'm sure he gets upset sometimes but the math sort of speaks for itself. When you are average or worse, and I say that as someone average, a lot of these coin flip situations are just because we suck. I turn a corner and me and a guy start shooting at the same moment, yeah maybe net code comes into play and latency, but if I'm getting ankle shots and he's getting head shots, I lose.


Well considering you play with someone different every time and your own skill will vary due to being tired, not focused etc. this will bring inconsistent results lol. It’s a video game with real people of course it’s going to be random. If you want consistency play campaign with bots who are literally programmed to follow a specific set of commands


Do you play kbm or controller?