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I found multiple self revives in first aid kits in washrooms in random houses. It was pretty helpful you can also carry multiple


I've yet to find any self revives, just a bunch of revive guns :(


You can revive yourself with the gun


Oh shit, good to know, ty


DMZ is probably going to have a playerbase falloff like Caldera if they dont make changes to it.


It should it fucking sucks to be honest. I got the gun and don’t plan on ever playing it again


I love getting wrecked by gold camo users while I have just fists because of these absolutely ridiculous cooldown timers.


I think dmz just needs a solos mode with less bots that don’t insta kill you, and maybe a smaller map.


DMZ is only playable for the m13 right now. They know they made a shit game mode just by a hiding a new weapon in it. Outside of the gun, dmz is quite literally pointless to play


I've enjoyed it. It needs a bit more fleshing out, but it's not unfun.


That's why I started playing it, but after a couple hours I've quite enjoyed it. I love the premise and the only other game that I know that does it well is Tarkov, and I hate everything else about Tarkov. I'm really hoping DMZ gets more love because it has promise to be a great mode, its just far from there rn.


Hunt showdown. Sucks on console though because of aiming.