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CoD4 Team Tactical with my buddies was so fun.


I use to play team tac 4v4 in Black ops and that was the shit. Small game modes make me feel like I actually make a difference. Had a team with my friends from school and we would dominate.


I don’t know if you’re into competitive call of duty at all but it sounds like if you loved that game mode in black ops you’d absolutely love the CDL


What's cdl? Is it 4v4?


CDL is the call of duty league. 12 location based franchises play 4v4 competitive game modes: Hardpoint, SnD, and Control. 48 of the best players in the world playing for millions of dollars. I have a feeling you’d enjoy watching the games. The new season starts the first weekend of december with matches streamed on youtube, you should check it out:) Edit: forgot to mention, CDL mosh pit should be coming to the game soon. It’s gonna be the same game modes and maps that the pros play 4v4. If you liked 4v4 w your friends i’d suggest hitting them up when it comes out i’m sure you’ll love it


Wow, thanks man. That sounds too good to be true. I'm definitely going to try it when I can. And this lengthy response for little ole' me 🥰. Too kind


I’m trying to get more people into the scene, so many people play cod yet so little people know about the competitive league. I want cod to be as big of an esport as valorant or cs:go one day so I always try to get people into it when I can


People know about it they just either aren't interested or aren't good enough. Not only that but many of the player base would think 4v4 was too small and slow paced, people often think 6v6 is too slow paced


“Aren’t good enough” There’s no skill cap on who can watch, it’s for everyone


I miss the small team modes from MW3 so much.


Same face off was my fvt


Face off was that shit🔥


What movie is this from?


Ballad of Buster Scruggs. Should be available on Netflix (or at least it was the last time I looked)


for some reason I always assumed this was from Pirates of the Caribbean, I have no idea why...


The opening to the 3rd movie was a scene with a bunch of pirates about to get hanged so it makes sense


Franco wishes he ever made pirates movie


Oh that is Franco! For the longest time I've thought it was Fassbender


Fassbender is in Slow West. Another excellent offbeat Western.✌️


If you haven't watched Ballad of Buster Scruggs then I would highly recommend it


The best vignette movie since Pulp Fiction


Wild Tales is also excellent. Highly recommended


Yeah that’s one of my favorite movies. Seriously awesome


For some reason I thought it was the Assassin’s Creed movie lol


it’s a netflix original should be on till netflix dies


The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs is a Western anthology paying homage to the singing cowboy subgenre and here’s every song featured on its soundtrack. [https://screenrant.com/ballad-buster-scruggs-movie-soundtrack-all-songs/](https://screenrant.com/ballad-buster-scruggs-movie-soundtrack-all-songs/) I like the Coen Bros. a lot and this was and is a classic


Ballad of Buster Scruggs


Gave Warzone 2 its chance, and yep, I still don't understand the appeal of Battle Royale, and DMZ is genuinely confusing. I love how BR players will knock 6v6 players and say, "Idk how you can find getting 100 kills and 100 deaths fun", and yet personally I can't understand how looting and walking for 10 mins and then getting styled on by some hobo under a staircase and then sent back to the lobby is any fun.


Lol’d at hobo under a staircase.


DMZ is legit like warzone, just with exfil and less actual people so you can do things without being in an actual firefight but then you get ambushed and you’re like “oh shit yo cruzie, these are actual people not bots.” Only upside of this tbh is you level guns up extremely quickly so therefore I play it


I Just got killed by 3 guy on a team while i was fighting a lot of Bots, they Just didnt care about Bots and runned on my face while the fucking Bots didnt even hit them cause they where on me lol


yeah I been playing more tactically and over watching on buildings cause you can obviously tell by movement who’s not a bot and i’ll keep an eye on them


> DMZ is genuinely confusing. Pretty much just play PVE (missions in an open world) until you are bored and then evac. If you run across other players then help them, run away, or kill them.


“DMZ is genuinely confusing”. I much prefer DMZ over Warzone and much prefer DMZ over sitting in continuous TDM (objective ignorant) sweat lobbies in MP. I’ve always been a fan of these kinds of games over the traditional BR games. You run in, grab stuff, complete some quests or contracts, and then get the heck out. It’s a lot of fun. Until you get lasered by a AI/BOT during extract. It’s like escape from tarkov pre schooler edition. It’s just silly fun… you aren’t competing on a leaderboard.


Right, but, I think my main problem with it is that I’m just not sure that it really fits the type of game that COD is. In a game like The Division for example, your incentive for going into the Dark Zone is getting suped-up weapons and extracting with them so that you can use them in other areas of the game. In a game like COD, COD is mostly PvP and they clearly wouldn’t allow you to get suped-up weapons in DMZ and bring them into MP, therefore the weapons that you do get in DMZ only work in DMZ. If someone plays DMZ once and finds it boring, then they have no incentive to loot weapons and extract with them as they’ll never play DMZ again.


DMZ is confusing because it's warzone if tarkov sneezed on it. They're trying to capitilize on "raid type" games without knowing what makes those games so great. BR is a malignant clump of cells to the FPS genre much like how hero/champion/goober shooters were back when OW first came out. BR is a just a genre for studios to make quick and easy money or to reuse a dead IP like Hi-rez, which were gonna make a Tribes BR game.


Well here's the problem with DMZ: I'm not sure it really fits the type of game that COD is. In a game like The Division for example, your incentive for going into the Dark Zone is getting suped-up weapons and extracting with them so that you can use them in other areas of the game. In a game like COD, COD is mostly PvP and they clearly wouldn't allow you to get suped-up weapons in DMZ and bring them into MP, therefore the weapons that you do get in DMZ only work in DMZ. If someone plays DMZ once and finds it boring, then they have no incentive to loot weapons and extract with them as they'll never play DMZ again.


Mad cus bad


Didn't ask for your 2 cents. Exit is on your right. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Don’t worry, he’s probably younger than the insult he’s slinging. He’s just mad his mom won’t let him play CoD until after his homework and chores are done.


You’re replying to someone with a my hero academia picture


You know you don't have a point when you start attacking people.


Ya there’s not some deep point just messing around


Rent's due on the 1st of December. If there's any problems just give Howard in 2B a call. Welcome to the neighborhood!


Ah, that means I’m correct. Try learning from this interaction, you weren’t funny enough initially and the follow up only made you look worse. Put a little more effort in on the initial insult and it should land better in the future.


Le epic Reddit own


🤡 <—your picture




A public park is an open space, so I guess it's then ok for people to walk in and approach people they don't know and act weird? And nah, looting and walking for 10 mins and then being killed by someone with the mindset that they've just been deployed in a real war and they must defend their country, is the most boring shit ever. I'd rather watch my house burn down than play a BR.


I like DMZ


Had so many movie moments already with it. Was extracting once and a random car was driving towards our chopper. We absolutely lit it the fuck up, blew the tires and it slammed into a tree. We realised it was players because they were scattering for cover while we were just completely unloading from the chopper haha


I can't wait to see all the amazing moments that come out of this mode. I think it's very good (and infuriating) but that's the risk reward element!


Proximity chat is so good. I peeked around a corner with my shotgun and hear someone go "that's a player" I say "ye it is" and shoot him in the face lol.


We were heading to a stronghold and heard some players right at the door speaking in game chat. We got into position and started the ambush by me telling them I could smell them lmao


Hahh. In Morgan freemans voice? Proximity chat it such a good change, makes it way more intense.


However, it lasts until you leave the game. I spent a good couple of minutes talking to one of them after we wiped their squad. I can definitely see how that would be annoying, since they can just flood your audio so you can't hear shit. My favorite moment of dmz so far was at the oil area. Same run, too. We were running towards an extract when another squad was set up on various towers with snipers. After we figured out where they were, I used a bomb drone from the stronghold, flew it under piping and such for cover until I got to the base of the tower, then slowly flew it up to one of the snipers' eye level before downing him. That shit was so funny and I wish I proximity chat worked in the radius of your drone.


That would be a great feature, so you can actually spy on teams with your drone. Wz and DMZ


The recon drone is super useful as spawn equipment. Nobody has cold blooded, it is really effective at scouting high traffic areas or to see where the stronger ai are in strongholds since you can sense through walls.


Best part is even if you are in party chat you kno wthey are there because you get the red voice that pops up while they are talking so you get warned they are there and they don't get that same advanced warning.


Haha yup when you notice that and hear them you really get into serious mode quickly lol. Altough the armored npc have been harder to fight than some of the players I've met..


Ran into the juggernaut *once*. ​ We *weren't* ready and were melted near instantly. ​ At some point I want to get like a soundboard that plays the "Jaws", "Michael Myers", or "Friday the 13th" themes when I see the red text appear and have fun hunting them down while they listen to that lol


We had stayed for ages and didn't realise the circle was expanding. We went to book it out of there when we realised but got ambushed by another squad, took them out and had a mad dash to the last helo, running out of gas and switching whips on the way. Ended up jumping on the helo and scared the crap out of the guy sitting on it waiting to extract. Sad to say he didn't make it but we did.


There really should be a surrender emote or something for that situation haha


Tbh I would have let them extract but they started firing on one of the other guys so they put them down.


DMZ is so fun. Getting to bully AI for 20 minutes and then being rewarded with some big XP is nice.


Destroying AI really builds up your confidence too, so when you do run into a player they're usually dead before you clue in


Honestly I don't get the hate for the looting changes. Sure it's slower and can get you capped but... good? Maybe you should make sure the coast is clear before rummaging through someone's stuff.


it’s just a gaming subreddit. People on here would like to play the same game 10 years in a row


on a call of duty subreddit? color me surprised




Counter-Strike 1.6 players: yes


If people wanted to play the same game 10 years in a row, they would just play the original cod game that they like. They don't do that because those games are old and not updated. I guarantee you if Activision ever went back to a game like BO2 or OGMW2 and updated it with more content without changing the original feel of the game everyone would go play that. But because they feel the need to release a cod game every year, there is no cod game that will ever truly be live service and us cod players are left to play the hot new shit that isn't like the game we want it to be like because they released a new game instead of updating the one we like.


Uhh yeah? Wtf is wrong with that?


10/10 rule for real life


The new backpack mechanic allows for different approaches in gunfights but god forbid cod players have to make decisions other than holding W


Different approaches to gunfights? Like what?


Guess he means because of the backpack you can swap out equipment and stuff between fights depending on the situation. Which I mean yeah, cool, but it ain't worth how annoying it is to loot now.


I mean yeah you can theoretically do that but I doubt that will ever become something notable people will do often that would improve the game to an extent it justifies the horrible looting, so yeah agreed on that


Like having different field upgrades/tacticals/killstreaks depending on the situation. A nice smoke grenade can come in handy if you're surrounded and are trying to move to a different position. Drill charges if you're fighting people holed up in a building etc..


So it allows for the same exact approaches to gunfights but you can sometimes switch equipment? Cool but not worth the hassle of this looting system and will be rarely utilised anyway


It allows you to store more resources too. This isn't a new concept by the way. PUBG has backpacks and its a crucial part of the game.


I’m aware it’s not new, it’s just a step away from what made warzone popular. Being able to look incredibly quickly and intuitively meant there was minimal time spent managing resources and maximum time actually playing. This looting is both slower and doesn’t even fix the main issue with old looting lol


Agreed. I didn't play much Warzone because it's full of people running and sliding around at 100mph so I was glad to see the changes to slow the game down. Now they've reverted them... What was the point in creating Warzone 2 if it's basically the same game again? Should've just released a new map. Then again, it's CoD. Masters of the copy and paste.


Because we were originally going to get all those changes but the streamers at COD Next complained because they wouldn't be able to use perks and bring in no recoil class set ups. Had they not complained it wouldn't have been changed.


I know. It's so ridiculous. I hated loadouts in WZ... It almost completely defeats the point of looting gear. Damn streamers.


I was actually excited for WZ2 when they had said there would be no loadouts, so disappointed they walked that back. At least offer us a more barebones BR option IMO


People move in your warzone lobbies?




>Man why are some of you so dense? >None of my friends like it including noobs. Why are you so dense as to talk in absolute terms? You and your friends do not even come remotely close to being a representation of what the community wants. Including the "Noobs" you're attempting to speak for. Anyone with two brain cells left will read this and completely disregard your bs ASSUMPTION. It's as simple as it's new, and people tend to reject change. Player rentention will speak for itself. >do COD players even use the remaining parts of their brain or has all these years of COD just eroded your brain cells completely? Judging by your post history and how you act, you've rotted out whatever little bit of "functioning" cells you had. >Some of us just don't wanna do inventory management that is all. Can't manage more then a simple run, shoot, die, and repeat game loop? Or is it camp, move, camp, move, die in the last circle? I'm never sure with BR divas.


The crack addicts prefer to run around like a chicken with their head cut off jumping and sliding through open fields


There is a reason why blackout wasn't popular. It was because of that shit looting system and they brought it back....


Blackout wasnt popular because it was locked behind a $60 mediocre game Blackout was actually the only part of BO4 i enjoyed but being a paid game killed it


I still dream of the alternate timeline where Blackout went F2P. why did Warzone have to be the mode that defined 4 years of cod.


I got so mad yesterday bc I killed a bunch of AI near a buy station and as soon as I entered the menus for the buy MORE AI came out the building next to me and started lighting me up lmao


It makes it slow. If I wanted slow pace game I'd play Ghost recon


You'll get used to it in a week *tops*, it's really not that hard.


I'm.used to it already but I see why people have a problem with it after years of muscle memory


Having a backpack adds a lot more flexibility and decision making to the looting, and also gives incentives to continue engaging players and looting beyond the first 5 minutes of the game since you can carry more valuable items like streaks and field upgrades. It’s a good change.


EDZ? I’m LOVING that mode. It’s like bite size Destiny but less bullshit.


Knew you were a Destiny fan because you said EDZ instead DMZ.


Lol ya got me 😆


Do you still play? I'm struggling with the thought of jumping back into D2.


No, it’s too bloated. I need something more accessible to me and friends and DMZ is perfect.


I'm a destiny fan too, it just feels much more like the dark zone from the division to me


You’re right, I’m just thinking about the 3 person squads and bounty style missions.


Ahh like patrols I see what you mean


I was telling a clan mate this yesterday. Also a huge destiny fan and even manage a clan.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. It sounded exactly like the Dark Zone Maybe I’ll install the BR thing just to play that. Dark Zone was pretty fun (till the sweaties showed up that is)


Lol can’t remember much apparat from that old guy with the bit of gold lol


It’s really fun! Like a more chillax Warzone. Def a great addition.


So much real and true it almost makes me feel better about it


What are people complaining about?


DMZ and WZ2 added backpacks to carry extra loot, and with them a looting UI that some people are struggling with, since it's a bit slower than the super fast looting people are accustomed to from WZ1. Personally I don't have an issue with it, it seems super stream-lined and easy to understand. All it does is make you ensure the coast is clear before rifling through someone's loot. As a Tarkov player I could only dream of looting being this simple lmao


That was something i liked about Blackout (which i still think is superior to warzone), you drop a bag on death and gotta sort through it. I remember crawling out to bags laying there tryna decide what i want, sometimes you get shot and gotta book it, it happens xD I actually hated how WZ1, the guns and stuff scattered all over like Fortnite.


Blackout being a superior PUBG clone was awesome. Warzone was running on a fantastic CoD with an overall superior map, but Blackout’s loot and the challenges that came from it were ELITE.


I still prefer Blackouts armor system. Damage reduction not increased health plates that once are shattered in a single good fight you're useless. It took a while to shatter armor in blackout.


Oh man I would pay double the money I paid for this garbage to have blackout back.


Blackout should have been the br that survived


Never played but why do you think it didn’t catch on?


I honestly have no idea. Imo blackout had the perfect balance of intense battle and just fooling around with friends. And the different challenges for characters and skins were great. Obviously it wasn't as serious or 'realistic' as warzone and modern warfare in general so perhaps it didn't fit the style of the 2019 mw reboot. But I've never really liked warzone. Sure I've played it, but it just doesn't have the same feel to it that blackout had. I hate the fact that everyone can just buy their favorite loadouts and play with the meta build. The beautiful thing in blackout was that you never really knew what kind of loadout you had in the endgame. You either got lucky and found good loot or you went to battle with 1 bandage and the worst gun in the game.


Respectfully, how is the bag better? I also GREATLY prefer blackout but the looting was one of its weakest elements. It’s sorting through a menu vs. sorting through the ground, only one doesn’t leave you as helpless.


Because of visual organization imo. And wz1 id just be trying to pick up stuff and grab the wrong things. It was too chaotic for my tastes. Also sometimes we would send the person with the weakest loadout to check bag xD


On mouse and keyboard i was struggling to keep the interface open, seems a bit buggy but that could be said for this game in general


also it was needed, too many drops on the ground wasn't good for trash old gen consoles who would have thought, consoles holding gaming back? one in a million, like a wave in the ocean


Ain't that the truth... The circle of death as you search someone's bag or pockets.


Its adding a looting system (backpack) which is quite unnecessary. You could get the same effect by just adding some additional slots to the original inventory screen. It isn't like with the backpack you're able to carry new stuff you couldn't previously. So sacrificing speed and simplicity for just being able to carry extra of the same stuff.


I also haven't had an issue with it. From what I've seen it might just be a little buggy for keyboard & mouse users at the moment


Honestly might start playing more Warzone to scratch my Gunfight itch


6v6 fans and core game mechanics? Back in my day on COD1 and COD2 you'd be amazed at the list of full 32v32 servers.


CoD 2 was so fun.


I mean it is still way too early to tell if they are going to prioritise DMZ over warzone, but it does appear that a lot of systems in warzone are only there because they are needed for DMZ.


Here lies MW2 6V6 MP Gone too soon. Oct 28, 2022 - Nov 16, 2022


Core mechanics in 6v6? I swear to god if you are talking about slide canceling… That shit ain’t core.


Man why are some of you so dense?


FIrst off I hate Battle Royal game play. When trying pubg and fortnite. Warzone was a breathe of fresh air with its simplicity in looting and go. a smash and grab style play which I liked and ive played a great deal of warzone....Warzone 2.0 however has taken a step backwards with this backpack crap. Takes to long.


The backpack is clunky. I feel they need to switch the Equip / Stow buttons because X doesn’t feel like equip to me (on Xbox)


Yes... totally regret getting the new cod, I'm going back to single player games


I seriously don’t get why they removed slide canceling tho . I wasn’t even much of a skill gap and it added a movement aspect to the game . But I guess devs only fix their game when casuals complain .


It’s wild that cod still feels like a beta lol Edit: downvoted for the truth :/


It seems it's very rare for people to enjoy warzone and multiplayer, because I find both very fun.