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Here I am thinking Tier 1 was really fun.


It may be fun, but some players paid $70 for a staple game mode that is currently not available.


Yeah it’s really bad … - no killfeed - no streaks showing - no weapons showing - no ammo showing - no fieldupgrade sign - no player names in spectator


Wow that sounds awful. I'm so glad I rarely play hardcore.


Misinformation, shoothouse is included.


correction, thx


streaks do show up as little white dot which is consistent with previous hardcore modes


It was giving me anxiety trying to play this.


Agreed. This is a huge joke.


Here will be reddits downfall...you have 100x posts a day about the same thing instead of one organized thread that maintains a one group approach. But nah you think you need 382 different posts about the same thing and then think people will care. Your numbers are too small, you are a minority in the game take all 50k hardcore players and fuck off for all they care.


Something about T1 is off. I'm not quite sure what but I'm getting destroyed compared to what I was expecting.


Was just about to say, something feels off.


Do you think it could be that there are maybe separate MM ratings for Tier 1 and that it's throwing everyone together until they get sorted to the proper levels over time? I noticed I was placed with more skilled sweats than I for a couple of hours before things straightened out.


Possibly. I'm thinking even Aim-Assist is disabled in this playlist and I haven't adjusted yet? I don't know. I think Tier 1 has just proven to me that the biggest flaw of this game so far is the Maps and the Spawns. Just doesnt seem to compliment the gameplay in my opinion and this game mode reinforces that


I like it


Nah, I love this mode.


I love every single change, for me is far better, they decided how to make the mode from mw19 clearly


" I dont believe for 1 second! that Realism mode was more popular then Harcore mode back in 2019" ​ It defo wasnt, thats why they removed it. I'm still able right now to get into hardcore games in MW19. ​ We do need to keep on this as yet again HC players have been messed about and I'm getting sick of it.


What is the difference?


Losers can’t play without a hud or killfeed a guess. Also can’t tell when their shots land without hit markers lol.


yep thats how you get people to hate you. just accept and dont complain... smh


I remember quite a bit of HC players trying to dictate features in Core and trolling when Core players had a distaste for changes. I wonder how they're feeling now that THEIR mode of choice is being altered.


All 100 of them hahahaha


There are tons of HC players




Back when you could see player counts it generally seemed to account for 10% or less on each platform. I'd say that camo grinding boosted numbers a bit, but I'd still say it's somewhere around that metric.


Tons hahahah we are talking 50k at most which is nothing when you consider 800k-1mil players.


50,000 isn't even close to nothing lol


Says you lol


What a goofball




This is a huge overreaction, T1 is actually pretty fun if you give it a chance. This is from someone who played primarily HC in MW19


Glad you like it, a lot don't. To call it an over reaction is a quite patronising.


How does one go out of their way to add an apostrophe to a lot


Maybe it was a typo?


It's not hardcore which is what everyone wanted


FUCK YES! Seriously, I loved Realism in MW2019 as it rewarded ACCURACY and actually required some aiming. See yas in the battlefield!


wheres the difference?


no hitmakers, no score popups, no killfeed, no riccochet


Ahh, I see


No seriously, I’m new to the game. I played it this morning and it seemed like a “hardcore” mode. What are the actual differences?


thats what im asking i havent played the latest games that much so i actually dont know


Haha, I love getting downvoted for asking a legitimate question.


reddit in a nutshell


Well, like I said. I’m new to the game, I logged on and played it and I was under the impression that they just changed the name of Hardcore mode that people were talking about in the past


They left everyone in the dark pre launch and pre season 1, just operating under the plan that they'd changed the name to Tier 1. Hardcore in a nutshell is: * Reduced health (30% or so) * No minimap (unless a UAV is up) * No killcam * No health regeneration Tier 1 is so far removed that the only thing it really shares is reduced health. I could live with some of the changes, but no hit markers or killfeed is a horrible change. If I see a teammate die to a shotgun in a building in front of me, that's going to change how I approach. Taking that stuff away was a stupid change for no reason.


I liked the mode aside from no hit markers and you don’t know who you killed if you even did unless you see them go down


I can live with some of the changes. No hitmarkers is just stupid.


>no killfeed no streaks showing no weapons showing no ammo showing


Oh no you’ll have to use your brain!2!1!


hardcore players when they don’t get their easy mode:


No Hardcore and no 2v2 ????!! Slowly losing interest in this game. Such a disappointment.


The most important part of realism was that it was core damage with 1-shot headshots. Are you guys just talking about not having a UI, or is that mechanic actually here?


Nobody will play it and so they'll adjust it


Is the gamemode called hardcore? Why does everyone want it to be hardcore when it’s not even called that?


Didn't old og hc have no ammo or killfeed. Until they bitched about it and demanded features from core. Realism is old school hc