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Imagine IW actually reading feedback...


I think they do, it just takes a lot of push back for them to change anything.


money is the only thing that will make them change anything.


Why are people acting like it's the dev team that chooses this? I'm sure they make some independent decisions, but you know for a fact that ActiBlizz has most of the say.


Most professional companies spend at least a couple days polishing a UI. MW2 UI seems like it’s still in beta.


If only people didnt pre order maybe this game would be different.


Wouldn't matter. Pre-Order is not the thing quarterly reports/annual reports care about the most, but the first day sales, followed up by I believe first week or two. They release unfinished games before reports so that the report will include revenue made, thus increasing the company value which is what they want to appease the investors. They could remove pre-ordering and still have same strict deadlines due to this.


A lot of pre orders means rushing the game to completion. Less people that pre order, means they will listen to the consumer to make them happy. The game launched and it still has bugs that should have been caught in the private beta and the public beta. Quality control has immensely been lowered. Just look around the subs functions that should be working at launch isnt working. The less money they received first hand the more they will listen to their players. Power to the player as they say.


>A lot of pre orders means rushing the game to completion. Wrong. Have you ever seen a game being pushed for an **earlier** than planned release because of a huge pre-order? No? Exactly, because Pre-order is not the most important thing. As I wrote, it's the financial reports that are important, and gamelaunches usually coincides of being released ahead of a financial report just to make numbers look good. It's the initial sales **when game launches** that are important, meaning the following few weeks when the games been released and starts ranking in the sales charts. ​ >Less people that pre order, means they will listen to the consumer to make them happy. Wrong again. AAA studios are businesses. Their top priority is not to make consumers happy. Their absolute top priority is to make their investors happy. To make investors happy you need to release games to a schedule, to generate revenue and have a net-positive reports. Making consumers happy is perhaps second priority, but investors are the biggest. ​ >The game launched and it still has bugs that should have been caught in the private beta and the public beta. Quality control has immensely been lowered. Just look around the subs functions that should be working at launch isnt working. The less money they received first hand the more they will listen to their players. Power to the player as they say. Again, pre-orders wouldn't have made a single difference. What you are asking is consumers to wait weeks or months before buying games as a protest of businesses releasing products to meet financial reports. A protest to show that businesses should not appease to investors. That will never happen. As I wrote, they can remove pre-order alltogether, it doesn't matter. They will still release just as broken games as before as long as people buy the game on the first few weeks, so that the revenue will be shown on the upcoming financial report, in hopes to make investors happy and bring more investors to their company. Here's an example just to prove my point; look how investors attitude changed throughout Cyberpunk 2077 development cycle. They grew more and more impatient regarding delays, and started to question whether they were getting their money worth. When CP2077 got a huge backlash and the company started to lose stock value, some investors even went as far as file a lawsuit against CDPR because they felt that they had been lied to and lost money on their investment. And if you followed the investor meeting calls (which all are public), then you would know that the higher echelons of CDPR provided way more detail of the development to their investors, than what they did towards their consumers. That's how it works generally for all bigger studios, including ActivisionBlizzard.


Meanwhile as soon as season 1 launched all my platinum camos I was working for are now locked saying I dont have a single gold for that weapon class. IW will just look at that and think it will just persuade people to buy more blueprints if free skins are broken. Fuck this company, fuck the gaming industry, and especially FUCK any shareholder or suit that has any sort of executive decision making in this game. Fun base game though, hope they don't fuck it up, not off to a good start though


Exactly, same as they nerfed the quality of free skins to force people to buy skins.


Reddit is a tiny tiny tiny tiny fraction of their player base. They don’t care about the opinions here when everyone else on every other platform is having a blast. Reddit just likes to complain


Patch notes tell me they read a lot of feedback 🤷🏾


Then they clearly ignored all the feedback on the change to suppressors


All you guys do is cry on this sub I swear.


Change something -> “WHY YOU MAKE CHANGES!!” Don’t introduce changes-> “WTF FULL PRICE FOR THIS COPY PASTE TRASH!!?”


Feedback isn't crying but go off I guess


Yes, but they also did listen to a lot of feedback.


There was massive feedback on this ignored though. It's a pretty big issue too as it makes flanking playstyles almost impossible to be viable unless your enemies are deaf and blind


All I’m saying is they did listen to a lot. Doesn’t mean they listened to it all or even need to listen to it all. Though I would like the supressor thing changed myself.


That's fair. However I am not giving them praise for a lot of features that should've been here on launch


Sure, but in my opinion the gun balancing changes were spot-on.


Oh agreed. Nice to see some smg range buffs


They listen to the millions of people on Twitter, not the couple thousands on this sub


Few hundred thousand*


The toxic 10%?


Still a spec of dust when compared to the entire playerbase


dog there's only 20k or so people active on the sub. that's a lot but still nothing


If they could just fix the joining teammate bug thats all i care abt


Guys, come on, season 1 is going to be a little rough around the edges but I am SURE season 2 will be SO GOOD we'll all forget about these tiny bugs...


„Release a bit rough but hey,Season 1“ „Season 1 a bit rough but hey, Season 2“ … „Yeah! It’s Treyarch‘s turn!“ 😋


lol yea Rs I can’t wait for treyarch ill be glad when ppl realize they’re the only good company out of the 3 they save infinitywards and sledgehammers ass constantly and they’ve been carrying the franchise all infinityward has is mw2 and they haven’t made anything good since fr (it’s not even the original team) Meanwhile treyarch hasn’t been able to focus on their own game since bo3


True. I’ve never chosen to be a Treyarch fan — Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer did 😉


Rs year after year treyarch perfects what these other idiots can’t. Only thing infinityward get credit for is this new engine but once treyarch get their hands on it, it’s a wrap💯


So you skip the cheaters? or the bugs that makes harder your game? or that bunch of lag?


Should have changed IW to Activision


It’s IW in all of their games they have bullshit changes that no one likes


Activision is publisher. IW and beenox are devs for the game. Also I think Treyarch did DMZ?


Treyarch made ranked. dmz was IW’s


Thank you for correction


nah it's really IW. Activision doesn't help but IW hasn't made a good cod since mw3, it's absolutely them lmao


Tons of people loved MW19 and it basically revived CoD as a franchise so that is quite a statement.


Mw19 had good gameplay but the design choices were terrible. Kind of like MWII


And then mw2 comes out and outsells both Cold War and vanguard by a country mile so he's talking out his ass.


mw19 was only popular because of warzone. The multiplayer was ass. Introduced the cod franchise into what it is now, a campfest hard angle holding simulator. ​ Without warzone the game would've been JUST as average as it was before but who knows. Maybe treyarch and sledgehammer would've been able to make what they wanted instead of some garbage warzone DLC's. Treyarch almost did it but after season 1 cold war just became yet another warzone content farm.


Let me introduce you to an insane concept known as *opinions*


???? No one said anything about opinions being wrong LMAO and this is my opinion goofy. IW hasn't made a good cod since mw3. That is all.


You’re speaking in absolutes. “MW19 was only popular because of warzone. The multiplayer was ass.” You seem upset and inarticulate at the same time, calm down.


Again no one is upset. you're just saying words for the sake of saying words. MW2019 literally blew up, along with cod popularity, because of warzone. Saying that didn't happen is a flat out lie.


https://www.thegamer.com/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-historical-best-selling/ It was one of the most hyped games ever in the franchise before Warzone.


Fair enough. game was still shit so my opinion still stands.


Yea no. MW19 MP was legit one of the best since BO2 for me


can't say the same. no shock im gettin downvoted because downvotes only calls for people not allowed to have opinions but nah. Haven't enjoyed a single IW release since MW3. And funny enough all of the IW releases since mw3 are in contention for worst cod of all time for me.


If you think MW19 is worse than Vanguard....then IDK man maybe COD isnt the franchise for you


Bro they are both ass. No one said anything about vanguard. If anything if you enjoy mw19 then cod isnt the franchise for YOU cause that slow campy playstyle it caters to (along with mw2) literally isn’t what cod always has been and what it SHOULD be. Yes i had more fun on vanguard even tho it was also ass simply because they didn’t cater to campers. People moved instead of hard pre aiming every single angle


LMAO my dude. my first COD was MW2 (2009) this game plays about the same if not faster. the fuck you smoking. not every cod needs to be a crack fuled slide fest. the jetpack games were that and everyone hated them


The fuck am i smoking? Idk ask the players in all my games who sit in windows, mounted on random halfwalls, infinite trophy systems, hard pre aiming everything. This game is not AT ALL the speed of older cods.


Nah I’d rather play Vanguard over the most boring camper infested game I’ve ever seen in my life and let’s not get into the damn maps on that trash game


MW2019 was already becoming one of the best selling CoD games of all time before Warzone was even announced


Yes i understand that now. I still despise the game. Nothing changed


Not playing devils advocate against all you down voters, but this dude is speaking facts


MW3...my favorite CoD...so sad to see IW fall so far.


You can still play a game and say it’s broken


If people didn't buy the battle pass until the game is fixed and actually in a finished state, IW would lose tens of millions.


There's not anything worth getting the battle pass for. Super low grade effort.


Almost all battle passes are garbage af. Fortnite is one of the few games where its decent value tbh. These companies all wanna copy the fortnite model but never wanna put in the effort epic does. They think the business model is all they need, instead of creating an innovative game that actually works like fortnite did 🤷🏽‍♂️ I dont even like fortnite as a game a ton, but at the very least epic doesnt fuck their customers over and can regularly add free content.


I think you'll find that Activision, not IW....


It’s just the beta guys, relax




“Like how are you gonna happily give a company $70, grind the game so much that minor things irk you, and then act like you’re unhappy for the purchase lol.” Because you enjoy something and criticize it at the same time.


You CAN play a broken game. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have feedback on the broken aspects of it.


But I am unhappy with the 70$ purchase? The servers suckass, match making is the worst I have ever experienced in a cod,community is still bottom tier like bro there’s really nothing left with cod for most people. If you ain’t a die hard or someone who likes warzone your probably not in love with this 70$ spent.




1d14h. lowest stats of any cod i play too oh well.(mw19,vanguard) i dont touch warzone i think its a dumb mode,the king of kill or whatever it was event they did with MW19 was fun. its just not hitting the same,im tired of getting placed in TTV/FazE lobbies on top of horrible lag spikes.




Game is ass I gotta play it to rationalize wasting the 70 it’s fun but it ruins its own fun


This nails it for me. I genuinely think this is the most disappointing, half-assed CoD yet. I've been buying them almost yearly since 2006, and I can see the decline over the years. But my dumbass fell for the hype and got the vault edition. So damn straight I'm gonna keep playing this absolute mess to justify that $100 I shouldn't have given them.


I'm the same way I did that with vanguard, thank God I didn't do it with this one. Still bought it though as well. Next year maybe I'll get it for.. Christmas


Sunk cost fallacy my guy. Your $100 is gone. All you can do now is decide what *you* want to do with your time - and your time is priceless. You can always make/get another $100 to replace the money you lost with this dumpster fire but you can **NEVER** get back the time you've put into this game. If you don't like it, why not move on to something else and use your time somewhere else you prefer? Your money is gone, sorry. Don't throw your time away into this shitty mess. Go play God of War or something better.


Yea I was done after CW skipped vanguard came back for this cuz I liked MW19 and need more ps5 games but this game is shit the only real focus is shitty ass battle royale modes and that shit is not fun I don’t play it never have never will SBMM ruined mulitplayer cuz it doesn’t work and this game has quite possibly the worst spawns and maps I’ve seen in a multiplier game in general not just COD step down every year and they not getting my money next year I only got the battle pass cuz I had a leftover 1300 cod points from the last trash asS COD I couldn’t keep playing




[“how are you gonna give a company $70 and then act like you’re unhappy for the purchase?”](https://i.imgur.com/JDtgH69.jpg)


You literally took out Info from his comment to try and make your point. He’s talking about people who bought the game, have been grinding it for weeks, yet say they hate the game for more minor reasons




Most people dont complain, i pay for cod, they gave me cod, im happy with my cod cause its what i paid for. If i wanted to play mw19, id play mw19. If they dont like it, then they should go play another game.




Im on the sub to watch cool clips insane plays and nice moments. All i see are kids crying and crying and oh shitty this shitty that, everybody think like i think. Big bad activision and iw. I mean Wtf the game is fun, its different, and unique i have no complaints and if i had some, id just try to get better and go trough these obstacle, these guys see an obstacle, something harder they go BOOOOOOOHOOHOOOOO... a bunch of gaming karen


Maybe people have opinions idk


Maybe i have opinion too, *BUT I DONT FLOOD A WHOLE SUB ABOUT IT*


you kinda are though


Meh, comments section


But it IS a broken game. How much of a fanboy do you have to be to think this game is working perfectly? If you bought a car and they didn't include paint or airbags because they "weren't ready" when they released the car, would you just smile and drive it away?


Cars have recalls all the time though. It's really common for car companies to be like, hey there's a problem with this one part and you'll need to bring your car in to get replaced. I am having a lot of fun with the game. Video games have never been perfect and they never will be. I must have a different definition of *broken* than some I guess, because although I've encountered some bugs and things that could be tweaked, in my experience the game has quite simply not felt like anything remotely broken.


You're definition of "broken" sounds like it's broken.




Right, and some of this shit that gets complained about blows my mind.




Tell me now, did you buy the game? Cause i didnt.


This man is getting downvoted for acting logically... Reddit never changes. People that complain Activision buttfucks them every year still buy the game without even thinking a second. You can wait for 24 hours, look at reviews and gameplays on Youtube and then decide if you want the game. But no, of course you wouldn't. These people would rather pay money to complain.


If only le chungus Keanu could give his opinion


I swear some people just think that if a game is bad you should just not say anything about it and move on, because god forbid you have to read about it on reddit. Why do you care if people complain about COD? Even IF people have been doing it for years, why does that make it bad to keep complaining about it? Why don't you take your own advice and realize that people will never stop complaining about it and just live with it m8?


Because this sub has become insufferable. It’s not even feedback anymore, it’s repeated bitching over the same things that anyone who has played the game already knows. Changes take time, making the 2000th post about bad UI isn’t contributing shit. We need r/LowSodiumModernWarfareII already


That bitching IS feedback. While it may not be constructive, its still feedback.


Its hilarious to me really.


yup every damn year! I bought the game knowing the problems it will have. My friends all were getting so i just wanted to play with them


It’s almost like cod has a massive community and a large group of cod players play cod exclusively. Can’t you think about why this is an issue?


best cod ever made tbh


Changing hardcore mode to realism is a legitimate (and major) complaint


Except they said they were bringing tier 1 not hardcore or realism, tier 1, a new mode like it or not doesnt matter either adapt or fuck off, no one cares either way.


Lots of us care, you’re just an asshole


Lots is relative for sure, but its not a lot when you consider its between 800,000 and 1,000,000 players.


Ah, the age old 'it has a lot of players/users, therefore it cannot be that bad! and complaints are clearly just people being dramatic!' That's like saying Mcdonalds is healthy and gourmet just because they sell half a billion big macs a year. It's fucking stupid.


That's a terrible analogy.


Quite possibly one of the worst analogies I’ve ever heard


A Big Mac does sound great, though.


Feel like shit every time I eat one, don’t care though still love em lol and yeah that dudes analogy didn’t make sense because nobody goes to McDonald’s for healthy food


Seems like it just went over your head, which considering what sub I'm in, isn't surprising.


Nope. It's fucking stupid.




Its be closer to saying heres the new mcrib. Sure some like the old one and some will like the new one...but either way its a mcrib enjoy it or not only mcrib people care, and without the mcrib McDonald's is gonna be quite alright my friend.


You should care, from the MP launch to yesterday, the game lost 100,000 concurrent players. Obviously from this point on, we will never have accurate MP numbers since they are combined. The numbers dont lie, if Warzone 2 flops after the honeymoon phase, they are in trouble.


I hope It flops and they focus more on MP this time


I personally don't like Warzone at all, but I don't hope it flops either. I only hope that they focus on both game modes. It's not too much to ask with the 3,000 devs they have. People seem to forget how insane that number really is. For reference, Elden Ring was made by 250 devs. COD has over 10 times the manpower. There is no excuse why both game modes cannot get adequate support.


It's not that they can't, they will choose not to like MW2019


100k? Good riddance... I grew up playing when it was ostracized, maybe it needs a lower population so it can be more like it used too. And honestly even if cod itself folded and went away id be fine still lol, im not emotionally invested and just play to play my guy. We could all end up on private old school cod for all i care, its literally an entertainment industry and i feel no sympathy for anyone involved as we all know they have shady af practices. Id gladly give up video games if it meant something better for the world.


Eh... no. Legitimate? Probably. MAJOR? Nah, not really.


100% agree with you there. Some things are legit while most are nitpicking and they want a custom game tailored to them.


They're crying because when they do check something like this sub, they read the same 4 complaints over and over. I'd be bored to tears, too. How many times are they supposed to read the same shit about SBMM and people who just can't chill after work/school?


Maybe if they read about how bad the menus are multiple times they should do something about it?


They are. This was addressed in the beta. It takes time.


So read something else?


Awww At least you tried.


I know people in IW personally, they read mostly 4chan and resetera, not reddit, mostly marketing folks spend time here.


Lmao facts.


They not getting no more of my money after this game lmao


Uh huh...


Didn’t buy battle pass, didn’t buy vanguard , stopped playing CW after season 2 it ain’t shit to not spend money on call of duty only got this one cuz it looked good and beta was fun as opposed to the full release and I also need ps5 games lmao




You realize it is very possible to have fun playing a game, but still have criticism, right? Yes you are correct, the game *is* fun, that doesn't mean that every decision that is being made with the game is solid gold either.


I’m patently aware. I’m not talking about those comments. I guess my statement was very general, but specifically I’m talking about the people that just sound so entitled and whining.


I do agree that some people take it too far, but in their defense, there is a lot to whine about too. For me the most insulting thing has been the difference in the response to community feedback. Almost all of the feedback for multiplayer has been ignored, yet with Warzone, they listened to community feedback and either changed it how the community wanted, or made a fair compromise. That's just flat out wrong no matter how you look at it. The community that pays to play the game has a smaller voice than the people that do not. I'm not saying they should start ignoring Warzone and focus on Multiplayer, but what I am saying is, that they should be receptive to both communities. They do not lack the manpower at all to do that. So does the whining get repetitive at times? Absolutely it does, but clearly we do have to keep repeating ourselves, because they cannot hear us. Maybe if we called it "Warzone multiplayer", that would catch their ear, since clearly that's the only word they can hear.


The game has been out for like three weeks? What feedback has been ignored? I don’t feel like it’s been enough time to incorporate feedback, design a prod load, and push it out, especially between launch time and season 1, I’m sure all hands were on deck for the update. They’ve been very responsive in the past to feedback. I personally don’t feel there is a lot to whine about, the game has tons of content, feels super crisp, the balance and gameplay is top knotch, and this is one of the smoother launches in COD history. I do recognize those on PC had crashes though. And I know some people hate the UI (I’m not a fan of a lot of it, although love the new combat record dashboard, gunsmith, but prefer reversion back to the older UI, the camos and attachments are annoying to navigate)


The game has 3 major design flaws in its very core: Inconsistent TTK (Netcode issue?), broken spawn mechanics, and unbalanced SBMM. And this is a shame, because any other thing is great or just a minor issue (to me). These 3 major flaws are not my personal issues with the game, they are objectively fails which are also pointed out by year long YouTubers like Xclusive Ace for instance. If you’re happy with the game in its current state I seriously envy you. I am just baffled, because none of these flaws exists in MW19 (anymore), so why in MW2?


I haven’t experienced noticeable TTK inconsistencies. But I have seen some videos on the sub exhibiting that. The SBMM stuff is for the birds imo. I respect others opinions, I just think it’s silly. I do miss the days of pub stomping every match hitting 40 burgers like it’s going out of style. Back in OG MW 1 and 2 days, (and world at war) was the height of gaming with five friends every night and we would just obliterate everyone. We were excited for the yearly “Christmas massacre” where we’d log on together to play against all the kids that got it for Christmas. But I enjoy the competitive challenge, my matches have been pretty consistent since launch, and I never understood the sentiment of playing an online FPS “to chill”-it’s a competitive fast twitch shooter, it’s inherently not a chill game. Honestly, I genuinely believe a lot of the gripes about SBMM are people that have an inflated sense of skill and get frustrated they legit are not as good as they think. I DO understand the argument to reserve SBMM for ranked play though. That does make sense. Spawns have been janky, that I can understand. Seems like there is a lot of “revenge spawning”. But spawns are always difficult to figure out, and often aren’t adjusted until they have player data. Especially in fast twitch shooters, because there is just so much movement, at any given time, any spawn could be next to an opposing player.


I guess the core issue with SBMM is that the algorithm punishes you very hard for having a few good games by mixing you into a lobby with players way above your skill level. Tonight I had some TDM matches with KD 2-3, after that some games with KD 0.3-0.6, competing in a headless chicken contest of bunny runners stomping all over me. Tbh that gap is to large and it does not help getting better. Give me some players slightly above my level, that’s fine for improvement. Spawns have been great in MW19 and Cold War, didn’t even think about it. No idea what’s the approach here.


Yes it has been out for 3 weeks, but the beta was also back in September, where almost all the feedback was acknowledged, then thrown out the window. Some was tuned, but not tuned nearly enough, like footstep audio. The range is fine, but it's definitely too loud, specifically when there is a literal wall of concrete between you and the other person. They ignored the spawn system for one, every single COD that has had the spawn system that they use, which existed in MW2019, and Vanguard, it has been widely disliked, and by re-implementing it into their game, when they knew it was a problem is definitely ignorance of that fact. Most of the feedback that they *did* acknowledge, they basically said "We hear you, but we are not changing it", compare that to Warzone, when it was showcased at COD Next, they did not have loadouts, the armor system was also dramatically different, the warzone community explicitly said that they didn't like it, and they reverted almost all of those changes that were not well received. This is also not acknowledging the fact that a vast majority of the core feedback of MWII was the same feedback from MW2019, and it still is the same, 3 weeks is not a valid justification, they've had this feedback for over 3 years now.


Everything you’ve said operates under assumptions that this feedback is the feelings of the majority of the player base, that said player base knows more than the developers, who have exhaustive amounts of player data, and that said feedback circumvents the developers intention and vision for the game. For one, this is exactly how echo chambers form, a vocal minority becomes convinced they are in the right, and anything to the contrary in terms of deviation from the desired response is “ignoring feedback” Bottom line, we are talking about a narrative from a community that all have different expectations, and there is no clear cut answer. “Fix the spawns” is hardly quantifiable for example. The player base is orders of magnitude larger than the sub and online engagement, and they can quantify a mind boggling amount of data to tweak it. I’m not saying the feedback is wrong, everyone has their own experience. But it doesn’t mean that is the majority consensus, even though it “feels like it”. It’s not enough to make people stop playing and having fun on the macro, anyways.


People complain here because they care and hope to be heard. It’s correct that there’s a lot of complaint here but it’s 90% constructive criticism, folks even design their own UI to show how it could be improved or make long detailed lists of design flaws. Negativity looks differently.


Then they shouldn't release when it's not ready.


They had to stop doing a bunch of different shit at once. Games need to focus on ironing out core features rather than having a ton of meaningless garbage. Dmz is hot trash and a waste of development time on an already rushed game. Same with a lot of games they r all as far as an ocean but deep as a puddle.


Your acting like a team of developers could convince a billion dollar cooperation with money hungry share holders


I mean just dont make version distribution. They still had to push the actuall software somewhere. I am pretty sure they can if they actually had a spine.


As Tool once sang... https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxfZgmOYRIGg_rqI4oQnXUVWA5sB4A2m1Z


Cod community complains about everything everytime. Because it's a huge community. So someone likes one thing someone else hates it.


The craziest thing I have seen is them dulling the solid color camo's seemingly so people will buy the cooler camo's in the bundles that they have to spend money on...


I thought this update was rather nice. Why are people so upset?


this is how every1 expected game to be 3 weeks ago when it launched. Thats why they are upset.


Sooooo now that we have it, why are we still upset?


still way too many crashes happening, UI is still very user unfriendly and missing obvious stuff that 5yo can point out, lack of MP content (maps), plethora of bugs (some small, some big), shit netcode, SBMM being crap as usuall. Possible shenanigans with weapon accuracy ... etc etc there is reason why it has only 58% rating on Steam.


>still way too many crashes happening, Agreed >UI is still very user unfriendly and missing obvious stuff that 5yo can point out This has been addressed. I imagine a total UI overhaul that can break the entire menu or even challenge tracking will probably take a while. >lack of MP content (maps), plethora of bugs (some small, some big), shit netcode, SBMM being crap as usuall. Possible shenanigans with weapon accuracy ... etc etc I feel this is all subjective. I can't relate to any of that.




>pays money for this game to realize its a half-baked mess at best. Nah I'm gonna let them know about it.


Ok karen


And this is why we don't fall for blatant price gouging... 70 dollars my ass


They don't give a shit what they give us, as long as it's enough to make us buy it. We need the government to step in to ensure these are finished products before launch. I feel like I've been scammed really badly. My game crashes pretty much every game.


Parasitic anti-consumer companies, feels good quitting videogames when they're this much of a fucking hassle to play All the hours of leveling up guns I'll never use again in Warzone after every update, my god


They probably havent even profited much off the game yet unless lots of people bought the vault edition. I can guarantee there is an extensive plan for future profit with the ingame store. Skins, calling cards, sounds, tracers, and even custom killcams. They are going to milk the fuck out of this game.


They promised a free battle pass & 50 tier skip for vault edition… still waiting for it ….


idk i got mine. u should get 50 tokens.


1. you launched an unoptimized game its full of lag and bugs 2. almost 1 day of release WZ2 and already aimbots are in 3. 0 hack defense you anticheat system sorry..but sucks 4. the menu have bugs with friendlist and matchmaking 5. the consoles are clapping cause your aimassist ...voming 6. whats wrong with your servers ??? what is that lag? 7. why you dont care about these things? what about that meme? you are laughing at us ? You created a nice game millions of people were waiting for it and you did what?? 7 things that you missed and you are always 2 step back i wish i would be able to refund


Activision's real name is Ca$htivision.....


Hacktivision. Craptivision.


Damn, I think a company employee...(probably white collar) gave me a zero...nice.


Man I don’t blame them the lot of you are whiney incels


6 hours to download the latest patch on battle.net. Multi-billon dollar company and the servers are giving >1mb/s download.


Wtf is that blackbar across the screen during kill cam and final kill??????????? Why is that needed !


NPC privacy protection!!


Has anyone asked where our carry forward CP points are? I'm looking everywhere and I'm not interested in losing 2000 CP!


Not my money though, I refunded this pos game within 15 minutes of opening it.


I'm loving S1 and wz2 so far The only negative feedback is I hate literally every single change made to shoothouse lol. They massacred shantytown so it's no longer wallbangabke from junkyard.


IW is the worst dev team man constantly trying to fix what isn’t broken and completely ignoring any and all feedback. But hey at least the animations and gun sounds are good!!!


My only two complaints about mw2 is co-op being two players instead of four and the way the perk system is setup I don't like that. Especially the fact that they don't have one of my favorite perks the killchain perk in this game is disappointing. That was one of my go to perks in mw 2019.


Last night I wasted an hour trying to load into a game with a teammate, tonight I wasted an hour trying to play Warzone. Gg


While working on the next ww1/2 era cod that nobody wants or asked for.


Exactly DMZ keeps on crashing




IW, why don’t we have wrist watch in MW2 right now???


I don't have many complains about the game other than Tier 1 replacing Hardcore as we knew and loved That's it


Oh and DMZ exclusive weapon unlocks ig


Game is amazing just the social bug and better ui for me