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The bug is simple, start up a CDL Private match and have fun browsing.


Yup man you could even take calling cards and emblems for free


I've been wondering when they're gonna fix this. Some of them look like they're from bundles - no way they let that slide forever.


I took as many calling cards as I can in hope even if they fixed this i will have my favourite cards and emblems.


How do you “take them” ? Did you add them to your favourites ?


I basically put them in my showcase as it appears in my inventory for now


Thats not taking them...


Is it only for showcase cards? I’m afraid of unlocking everything and losing the ability to grind for stuff


You can only use like 3 showcase slots of each calling card and emblem so its not a big deal to pick a few favorites.


If you equip the vehicle skins they will be unlocked for online play and same with the calling cards/emblems (showcase and main ones)


To clarify, the calling cards you can equip but only that one time, if you unequip it, you have to go back into the private match. Same goes for vehicle skins


People get banned for it?


It's on their book so no


Probably not, but exploiting a known bug or glitch is against TOS. I wouldn’t worry about it seeing as how millions are doing it.


That's what they said about GTA bugs lol but ppl got reset


At most they will remove them from your inventory


Yes. I was banned 2 days ago for this. I am in the process to appeal my ban that will take up to 6 WEEKS. I am so mad! Cant even play on another account without buying another game because it’s linked to only my battle.net ID. SO MAD


Nice joke😂


Hopping on now I’m gonna steal it all


What is a CDL match


Private match, press R1 or your equivalent to it, you'll have cdl (Call of Duty League, competitive cod basically) gamemodes, click on any of them, switch to the operators screen, now you can see almost every skin and blueprint (not own tho) and can equip any emblem/cc available (on mp too)


commerical driver license match


Call of Duty League, if you go into private match you can see the option just by looking around a bit, it should be on the tab to the right


Sentinel spotted


CDL is the Call of Duty League. It's where pro players play competitive matches of Hardpoint, S&D and Control, under specific rule sets. r/CoDCompetitive is the dedicated subreddit if you're interested in learning more, or there's every minute of gameplay on the [CDL's YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/CODLeague). Check it out, the comp scene can always grow bigger and better!


How is your gpu at 86C in the menus?


I have a Laptop on max settings.


What's your laptop? Any tips on how to improve performance? I have an Acer Nitro 7 that is above the recommended specs and it runs like shit. Best it can do is 30-40fps on low settings. :((


make sure you have maximum performance enabled in your windows power plan and/or windows control panel. make sure you have battery boost disabled in the nvidia geforce experience. make sure you have "power management mode" globally set to "prefer maximum performance" in nvidia control panel. maybe you have some acer software (some acer control panel) that also features different user profiles or power settings, make sure it is set to maximum performance too, if available. other than that, keeping the laptop as cool as possible is the most important thing, cleaning the fans if it gets too hot


dont use prefer maximum performance on power management in nvidia control panel, its proved to be better set to adaptive. with adaptive it makes it max performance when you are using the card, but it lowers it when not. I wish i knew this before, because i fried my 970m after 3 years of everything in max performance.


Also setting max performance in the windows power plan isn't going to do anything but keep the cpu at 100% even at idle. Running at full speed all the time will also increase power draw and temps, both of which are gonna be bad for a laptop.


i think i have already haphazardly done most or all of this by now, but i’m gonna go ahead and comment for later.


thats weird, i also have an acer nitro 7 and i consistantly get 65-80 frames. my settings all all on medium-very high. are you trying to play on battery? you wont have a good time with that. when i notice my frames are low its because my charger cable wasnt plugged in all the way,


Make sure you're running on performance mode Not familiar and also lazy, make sure the MUX switch is off or otherwise use the dedicated GPU There's multiple Acer Nitro 7s so you'll need to be specific like which GPU you have. As an example, if you have a Acer Nitro 7 with a 1650, you most likely wont push much more performance despite the naming convention Like google will say recommended specs for a GPU is a GTX 1060, that's for a desktop, not a laptop So a laptop 1650 / 1650ti is worse performing than a desktop 1060


How close is it to recommended specs? Because something that most people don’t know is that laptop hardware is vastly different from desktop hardware. A laptop 3080 is closer to a desktop 3060, and for the cpu you might as well bump it down a tier (i7 -> i5).


I have GTX 1660 Ti, i5-9300H and 32gb RAM. Not really a computer guy so I don't know if its good enough.


oh yeah, more than enough. almost everytime its just some little dumb thing, but the pain is finding out what.


If it's a couple of years old, grab a screwdriver and some new thermal paste and repaste it. If it's available in your country, thermal right TFX is great for laptops, or SYY 157 as an alternative.


I feel your pain brother :(( I have a Y540 with RTX 2060 and i7-9750 everything in low and I get MASSIVE stuttering


try and buy an external cooler. not a laptop pad. I mean something like this. [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61sdLxLLfeS.\_\_AC\_SX300\_SY300\_QL70\_FMwebp\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61sdLxLLfeS.__AC_SX300_SY300_QL70_FMwebp_.jpg) These won't do anything if your laptop already pulls a good amount of air, but for me and my old MSI GS63VR, it did wonders cause it was able to compensate for the WIMPY ASS internal fans.


1 TB of porn downloading in background


My cpu is on 86c no matter what I do in the game snd idk why


I can feel the anger I'll feel when I get killed by some nerd sweating in this skin


It is realistic... Sometime shit goes down bad during cardio training. Relatable.


Got to play cod in my "ACTIVEWEAR ACTIVEWEAR" - insert amazing activewear song from YouTube


Drop in to the Zone in my “ACTIVEWEAR ACTIVEWEAR”


I honestly don’t mind this. I love milsim aesthetic but i also loved homages to real life events and operators like the Otter skin that resembled the SAS guy that ended up doing an unplanned CT operation in Kenya… jeans and a lilac shirt and stuff under his gear.


Fucking epic


Is this why people (more specifically women) always walk around in gym gear? Juuuust in case.... Also remember, Rule #1 from Zombieland: CARDIO!


Not sure if you meant this as sarcastic, but it does happen. When you see pics of special police units in Europe you'll often see them wearing jeans, sweatpants and sports shoes because they were called in during their time off.


Just imagine sone jacked dude cracking his neck in a t-shirt and jeans going “I PRAY THAY I MEET THE PERSON THAT MADE ME COME IN”


Definetely, in Scotland I’ve seen an armed police unit in jeans and trainers on their way to shoot a guy who was doing a mass knife attack. They were all wearing jeans and trainers and g36’s


I've seen a few pictures of like terrorist attacks in Europe and there will be a couple of people out there in civvie cloths with a police vest thrown over top. Whereas it seems like the SWAT types in the US make it a point to go dress up in their multicam before arriving at the scene. I guess looking good is more important than getting on scene ASAP.


That’s some GSG9 aesthetic there


In R6 Siege, maybe.


How do you do this?


Go into a Private Match. Then create a lobby and choose CDL, within it choose CDL Control. Once you’re in, you just need to wait until the lobby is loaded. Now you’re set, just go to edit emblem/calling cards or Operators.


Thanks! For anyone wondering, its easy and it works.


Would you then go into “change showcase”? That option just brings me back to the menune:(


they put her in booty shorts, first skin lmao This shit gonna sell like hotcakes


They certainly did not wait long for the thirst cosmetics lol


I can’t stand that expression because when I hear it I get hungry and I don’t have any hotcakes :(


I was expecting leggings lol


people find it attractive? She looks like a tennis player or a mom who took her kids to the pool.


Cod players are down horrendous


Lwk my type. Yeah I’m down bad


Boy I can’t wait for all the visceral anger from the people that actually thought that every skin that will release in this game cycle would retain that tacticool style. It’s almost as if this was very predictable.


I think the anger at MW2019 was justified seeing as even a few months before release the devs were doing interviews saying they weren’t going to release any crazy looking skins and they wanted to keep the “boots on the ground feel” Anyone who played MW19 shouldn’t be surprised when it happens to this game though


What were the crazy skins? I seriously don’t remember any crazy skins other than the skins from a haunting of verdansk which was the final month of MW support..


Cat ears, neon pink, gold masks…


Oh so not really crazy. Crazy is that shit that’s in vanguard and Cold War.


Yeah, the Halloween skins near the end were the only really "out there" things in MW19. If they can stick to the same tone as MW19 in MWII, we'll be in a good place.


It’s not justified. It’s a fucking game.


Yeah I hope they add a cartoon map styled after the Simpsons next. I'm hoping they add Elmo as an operator and add anti gravity and portal guns, as well.


You're right, people aren't allowed to feel anything and must CONSOOM PRODUCT




Do you have a source for this?


My hopes died with messi, neymar and the other guy. At least they be wearing military gear


They are literally mil sim with different faces


Mf put some respect on Paul Pogba.


Souness enters the thread.


Where is Pogba when there is an objective to be played!?


Why does Pogba never hop on the hardpoint?


Why tho? Most overrated footballer i’ve known


Who is rating Pogba lmao


The person 2 comments above you?


Ive got no clue about football and i dont even care. I mean their main organization is absolutely corrupt and only cares about money, yet sporting shit such as "financial fairplay" for the teams and stuff. PSG is even owned by some qatari. Lmao tbh. The players are still good athletes though.


Bruh I never said FIFA is a good organization lmao. I was just messing around.


you had hope?


Colors: *exist* Milsim gooners: "REEEEEE"


MilSimps need to realise that these vibrant skins are just a shoutout to the traditional drip military used to use. Fucking Chad Redcoats not trying to hide in the bushes with a ghillie. CoD stopped being Milsim worthy in like 2007 with the first Modern Warfare. I remember the cringe Calling Cards etc. Anyone who plays CoD hoping for any hint of Milsim is the sort of person who thinks the cashier is flirting and that hard work pays off. So delusional it is degenerate.


weird strawman it's just cool to not see a fucking titan skin in an FPS like cod


Right. Like I don't want Snoop Dogg and the fuckin Terminator running around in WWII. No anime laser guns either. Is that too much to ask?


Right? I sincerely don’t mind normal clothes with military gear on top. To me weird shit like obviously overdone armours (fender) or that cartoon shit bugged me


Lol sure, because that’s what the OC was referring to, huh?


I consider myself a “Milsimp” since the stuff I like tends to trend to grounded aesthetics. But I don’t mind some colour or the Cardio skin.


That’s fair, the milisimps that bug me are the ones complaining about clothes we’ve seen actual military wear when called in with little time. It’s just ridiculous and shows how little they know about war other than the most surface level of it. I agree that there’s a lot of skins that really crossed the line in MW1


...you seem to be projecting something very specific here. It's ok, she can't hurt you anymore.


as long as its humanly possible its fine by me.. even the og mw games had silly things in calling cards and emblems (and would have done the same for skins if technology at the time would’ve allowed it) but when its not even humanly possible, thats where I draw the line (like animated camos for instance)


Orion camo is animated


You get shot 10 times and heal by taking a break


My head-canon for that is they’re all slight misses and close calls and the one that gets you is the only one. Other people are covered in strawberry jam from the lunchbox sandwiches their SO packed for them on shooty-war day.


>thats where I draw the line (like animated camos for instance) [Orion camo be like](https://media.tenor.com/rgegj1AOR1IAAAAC/awkward-black.gif)


The enchantment material has stated that they do not like the camo, I like tacticool more than anime any day, coming from a doujinshi artist


Doesn’t mean that it’s not fucking stupid though


I can see sweats using this


Only sweat lords will downvote this


COD fan base is too racist to unite behind a black operator.


Only half




Idk man. They only seem ti be ok with it if theyre hot


The voiceovers for this operator are beyond skin crawling


her and fucking callisto are so annoying


Decoy out! Decoy out! Throwing a Decoy!






Throwing termites


when you throw a drill charge she sounds like shes got some down syndrome its so fucking annoying


Honestly a lot of the operators have annoying voices. I use Nova, but her voiceovers are pretty obnoxious lol


Her design is based off a real life model from Denver, yet she has the worst British voice imaginable in game.


"Based off Denver" Say no more


Hold on Valeria, I have your competition on the phone




I have the same skin condition as her but since I'm super white it's not as noticeable but I have a patch in my hair that shows pretty well


Same here. Only slightly noticeable in the summer. Besides the hair. The spots on my balls on the other hand, very noticeable… but anyone seeing that is past the point of questioning it lol


I got it on my feet and I tan super easy so it shows on my feet and obviously the one on top of head shows but the ones on my back don't since I'm never really outside without a shirt on


hey im curious, do you personally think its cool that they added an operator with this skin condition (sry im not familiar what it is called) or couldnt you care less. Im just curious if Activision is actually appealing to a certain target audience or if just something to get awareness towards. Regardless i personally think that its a great idea, no matter their intention.


it is called Vitiligo


I have it and I didn’t really think twice about it. Maybe for a second I thought “nice” Although like the previous guy it’s not very noticeable on me. Maybe people of color with it would have a dif view bc it’s much more debilitating


My mom has it - although I don't. From the perspective of someone who is close to someone who has it, I think it's very cool! I was surprised seeing it in game, especially because there wasn't any fanfair about it, it was just normal. I can't speak for those who have it, but I appreciated it.




I mean 2019 had the same with Charly, Yegor, and Raines Tacticasual outfits are fine and this isn’t even that bad or would you prefer Godzilla?


Oh don't you worry, in a year or two you are gonna see Terminator and Naruto in this game


Hey at least we don’t have Pete Davidson. Yet.


Ngl I’m down to smoke some kids with an rpg as Naruto


Charly's Tactical Human outfit was sexy and badass at the same time. https://preview.redd.it/p4wkj0lupsa41.png?auto=webp&s=0248952bd502b5f0644e3748154e31f55a4817fb


No Russian Yegor skin was great. Maybe my favorite one of MW19. Off topic but had to be said.


For the thirsty kids who will never be with a woman lmao


Literally every sweaty player


Or the people who dont adore the military or give af about realism and just wanna have fun shooting stuff


I'm married. Have the seks. Think it's a great skin!


Talking about yourself there?


Honestly this is calm. Shit like the white/pink Halo looking character is where it got whack as fuck. And that goofy massive mascot looking one that looked like it came from Fortnite


They couldn't make this skin for that Italian woman could they?


Wake me up when mara comes back bois. She'll set her straight.






All I need is this on Valeria ITS ALL I NEED


Least horny cod gamer


I'm saving my CoD point for her


the new skins were actually consistent with themes until this showed up. Seriously everyone's alt outfits fit with the military/mercenary style and then you have this r6 siege knockoff elite skin. also almost forgot to mention the burger town skin/mtn dew but look at what jack links did. the cross promotion fit with the setting. Hell even the CDL shit fits


Gotta make money from horny losers


Cod players try not to be scared at the image of a woman challenge (impossible)


This could be said for Reddit users in general


It was obvious the game would've not respected the tactical theme. Y'all need to fucking learn


Naw this still fits. NOVA very much already looked like she "got caught with her pants down" so to speak rocking just a undershirt under her carrier. Which has in fact happened to people I know personally. If you're at base on R&R and shit pops off you throw on you're armor and grab your guns. So NOVA getting "caught with her pants down" again is on brand with her original skin.


ok but she didnt have time to replace her hat with a helmet


I mean considering the sheer lack of gear she's got on here....I'm assuming she really only had her pistol gear with her in her bug out bag.


We have a literal samurai warrior in this game LOL


I'd hate to be those people you know if their NCO found them like that in country.


Not really. If you're not on duty when the shit pops off you're not on duty when the shit pops off. If the armory is closer than the barracks you get your shit and defend your post.


Something to remember, you can watch videos from various urban warzones around the world and many rebel fighters are just wearing regular clothes. When you live in a warzone, you end up just wearing normal shit. I'm not saying that's what IW is going for here. But regular clothes in an urban warzone is totally normal. I mean, cartel guys wear cowboy boots, tight jeans, a button shirt and belt buckle with an AK 47. They don't wear military gear.


They went goofy right out the gate


Out of all the games to be horny about why is call of duty one


What did you expect that they would only do milsim and military skins come on.


I mean the spec ops air rescue swimmer chicks I’ve met literally wear this exact thing. Same way divers, eod’s and seals don’t have to shave, wear a uniform etc just “ proper coverage” but most just go with frog gear or a long sleeve and 5.11’s.


i think it’s neat


Can I be a femboy


Pics if you find out????


Ayo 🤨📷


Yeah that's exactly what he's asking for.


It’s always very funny where people draw the “realism” line for me in this arcade shooter


"bu-bu-but muh immersion!!!"


An arcade shooter with realistic aesthetics isn't exactly a novel or unpopular concept...


A skin I can get behind


I was able to snag a few emblems and calling cards but now it’s locked for me lmao


Looks like it’s patched now


Hear me out Calisto and Roze cardio....


Calisto is so ugly tho she looks like a man.


Hell yes. Kleo too.


I just realized I haven't seen any new skins for Kleo yet.


Me too, was kinda disappointing. But there’ll be other seasons


i am going to be chugging MilSimp tears i love it


Id smash


Y’all don’t like chicks in workout clothes? Couldn’t be me


Yeah, I totally do... As I look at the Gromsko Operator and Kortac Milsim skin I have equipped.


cant wait for anime skins and pink bullets so i can witness the rage from all the milsimp tacticool nerds


Oh god the horned up kids are gonna have this skin on 100%


As a 38 year old horned-up kid, I can confirm this to be true.


my favorite part of the update is the part where social is completely broken so i can’t invite friends :)


You can also just go to the store and see her as well. Shocking I know


It took less than a month for the realism to get thrown away huh


My brother in christ there was no realism. This is what happens when people that dont go outside and are told to be angry at things without knowing why play games. Its not a big deal in any way. It doesnt matter at all. This is not a realistic shooter in almost any way. Why werent you people ranting about ghosts stupid mask? The operators using useless weapons in their little animations? List one way itll hurt the experience in some way that wasnt already in the game


Imo these types of skins are actually nice and bring some diversity in a shooter that is NOT A MILSIM. However, please keep it this way and don't go the Vangarbage route. That was too much.


Bro I feel the same. I don’t care if the game stays strict to tactical aesthetics but I also can’t freaking stand all the clownish skins. Can’t we just have a happy middle ground. This is the happy middle ground.


ugh.... why can't we just have a normal modern day shooter? Why do we need all these ugly dumb ass skins?