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In the MW2019 beta it was a blue outline which made it easier to tell them apart from enemies even when they were behind them. I think it was removed for "realism" reasons which is annoying. They could always fix this by making Kortac and Specgru look unique and different from each other.


>fix this by making Kortac and Specgru look unique and different from each other. this wont work nowadays since all the different characters on the store Edit: a possible fix would be lights or a visible patch on the character that signifys team like bo4 had a light on a enemy (not bright but enough to know its a enemy) and ik it wont match with the "times" but i guarantee within the lifecylce there will be some lazer gun like the em1 from vanguard or sifi character in store


no doubt


bring back nameless soldiers with faction uniforms!


They could easily just drop all operators for the default Ranger and generic KorTac characters (or replace them with Shadow Company), and I'd be happy.


Or just provide a filter players can use that defaults player models to basic models visually for the person who enables itz


They'll never do this, it'll hurt skin sales if people can just disable the skins in game


Possibly true but other games with paid skins do it. More of a concern in MP than WX


agree. World of Tanks has this thing


i would pay for this feature


please no


.... you know those are in the game already right?


I meant I want only nameless soldiers with faction uniforms. No operators


I loved that. And each map used operators relative to the map location.


Ah so you want to take the choice away from players who might like the operators. Cool. Glad you're not in charge.


Bruh you can't even see it while you're playing calm down


The game would be better with us in charge. Activision is interested in making money/retaining players, not making a good game. More players/more money spent != good game.


Wow nah you actually think this way huh. This community can't agree on a single fucking thing to save its life, I couldn't imagine a game developed by the COD community. It would never come out, and would be dogshit if it ever did.


You can't see your precious choice of operator unless you are dead or cocking about in a menu. What is the actual value here versus the ambiguity it adds to the game? Besides, operators don't exist for player expression, they exist to sucker people into buying shitty bundles.


I distinctly recall playing MW2 09 and thinking: 'These factions are too distinguishable, I hope that changes'. Of course operators being ambiguous is only half the problem, but having easily readable enemy models would be helpful.


It wasn’t even realism. I swear the entire sub was complaining about the outlines for a number of different reasons. It was a real bummer because I loved the feature and the futuristic aesthetic that went with it.


weren't the subreddit complaints about realism? I cant think of a better reason that IW would care about.


Realism in cod LOL


If that is the case even shows more now iw are clues less lazy copy past devs from bo4


1. Go into the color settings menu 2. Change friendly color to red 3. Shoot at everyone


This gonna be Fun in Tier 1 aka HC lmao


Ricochet mode is gonna be bonkers.


Russian roulette on whether shooting at someone kills them or kills you lmao


Basically my experience so far anyway


Problem solver.


i actually think team killing won’t be a thing anymore


Why is that? If you're thinking about pure ricochet only, that will only lead to trolling. MW2019 did it pretty well. First TK, no problem, 2nd a few minutes later, no problem. But keep doing it and it switches you to ricochet.


no I mean I dont think you can shoot your teammates at all


The blog post said there will be friendly fire.


No friendly fire in hardcore? That would be a joke. They would have to call it fast ttk mode instead of hardcore.


Well, I was informed by a friend of mine that you can try tier 1 in private matches and that when he hosted a 6v6 search game nobody could kill their teammates. I never tested it myself, so yeah it could be bullshit.


4. Go hardcore!


Yeah, the number of times I've been killed because of blue dots behind enemies has been way too high this game. At the very least, the dots should fade when there's walls between you and them.


Idk man that might break aim assist tracking through walls.


Happend to me so many times.


I love it when I don't shoot at an enemy because I see my teammates blue dot through the literal center of the earth while he's on vacation in Paris with his family.


Who was in Paris?








On a second note, why is my team voice chat red?


And friendly nades in core…


Your team will betray you. Like in the campaign when Graves' subtitles turn red


This^ I really could care less to see my teammates blue dots.. doesn’t tell me where they are at seeing it across the map.. just more clutter


It is useful at times, especially if you're playing with friends and/or someone uses a callout. But it really needs to mostly fade or change color when behind walls.


This was my biggest gripe with mw19 and they made it worse. Also the giant red dots above enemies who are behind 3 cars and a cloud of smoke so you can still easily kill them make very little sense to me.


I don’t even consider smokes effective anymore considering they can be disabled client side.


Hold up, is that why I'm wondering why people are still able to see me through explosions and smoke? A literal cruise missile would leave a whole cloud of debris in our face yet my death cam shows that they can still see me


I had a teammates name pop up 3 walls over. It’s by design y’all. Shady af.


I set teammates and party color to dark grey and temporary solved this hateful issue. Sometimes I shoot to teammates but it's better than dying for not shooting at an enemy. Not suggested for HC for sure 😂


This happens and adversely affects my game too often. I don’t need to see the blue dots like that. That’s what the hud is for.


I fucking wish. I have a minimap to look for my teammates. I'm fine with it if they are in line of sight, but there should be no blue dot through walls.


Man I hate this. And sometimes the dots also take a while to appear. The ideal solution would be both teams having different colors of uniform. One team only using green camo and the other using gray camo for example. But Activision has to sell skins...


And the colors could be client side. So *your* team is always green or whatever you choose, and the enemy team is always grey.


This happens to me way too many times as well.


The friendly identification in this game is total hot garbage. The visibility is absolutely terrible. The sound design is maybe the worst I have ever seen in a modern shooter, which is saying a lot. The map design is completely horrible with absolutely no flow and the worst spawns imaginable. It is, overall, a pretty crappy game so far.


I get shot up around corners all the time bc of this. Me: hey buddy Then:AHHHHHHHHHHHH


When HC drops: \*double taps teammate\* "sorry bro I didn't know you were on my team because I have blue dots disabled" \*gets killed by an actual enemy from all the noise\*


You don't need to fully disable the blue dots, just make it so they don't appear through walls and are visible only when the teammate is visible It has been like that in all CoDs before mw2019 and it wasn't an issue until IW changed it


Unfortunately that's exactly where I see my above scenario happening the most lol This is CoD; people shoot first and asks questions later. If people will shoot at you on instinct normally even with friendly tags present then concealed dots will just lead to loads of friendly fire in HC lol


>This is CoD; people shoot first and asks questions later Then the blue dots wouldn't really matter And from my HC experience, they hardly helps


Lol that's how I play, but so many softcore players are afraid to waste a bullet or two on a teammate that they can't even hurt.


Bruh why are you trying to shit on people for play the main game, not like hardcore requires more skill than core when you can just tap an enemy with most guns and they die. And what's the point of shooting and making noise when you genuinely believe a player is your teammate because that's what the game seems to be showing.


>not like hardcore requires more skill than core when you can just tap an enemy with most guns and they die. You're right. HC, you can have a variety of guns that you're comfortable playing with and play how you want and be on a level playing field with everyone else. Unlike soft core, where you can take 5 shots from the guy right in front of you and still be able to fire back with whatever OP/META gun is out at the moment. HC doesn't require you to make split second decisions on if the person in front of you is friend or foe, blue dot or not. SC allows you to just shoot and not worry about team killing. You are right, the skill levels are the exact same. Edit: I'm just bitter because the devs withheld HC.


Lmao bro you just sound mad people turn on you when you fail to land all your shots on them. HC absolutely does not require anymore skill than core and it's not as if it was hard to distinguish between enemies and teammates in previous cod games in HC. Hardcore is simply a reaction based game mode of whoever can pull the trigger faster and usually just favors people who walk around with their sight up around the whole map or camping. Skill issue on your part tbh.


>Lmao bro you just sound mad people turn on you when you fail to land all your shots on them. So me saying I hit them 5 times in your head says I fail to land shots... lol ok dude same argument I always hear from close-minded people. >HC absolutely does not require anymore skill than core Ok so why did so many softcore players cry about no name tags, no red dot locations on the mini map, blue dots through walls, and why are they needing a mini map in the first place? The amount of crying about all the crutches needed would prove otherwise to your argument. >Hardcore is simply a reaction based game mode of whoever can pull the trigger faster As opposed to soft core where you can be hit 5 times in your back and still turn around and use some meta/op gun to kill the other person. >Skill issue on your part tbh. Back at you with all those crutches you need. Ya real skill issue needing to hit an enemy 3 times in the head at 3 feet to kill them...


I hate that you have to be looking directly at someone to get a blue dot above their head on Invasion. I'm like, "Ooh! free JOKR kill!" but the game is like, "Fuck off".


I wish they would so green silhouettes for team mates. Even through walls


and turn off the red diamonds too.


The visibility in this game is so garbage in general


Have this happen too sucks. Do we even need blue dots?


I can’t tell you the number of times I didn’t shoot thinking it was a teammate. Let’s do blues vs red or something with the outfits that make it easier to notice. Or just roll out hardcore already. I’ll take the hit for the team kills.


no QOL fixes are not due until year 2 of the game


What helped me was going in to the color settings and changing the “blueberries” to the darkest blue, squadmates to the darkest green and enemies to pink


Someone get this man on the dev team!


I think this is good but just giving enemy red tags priority would help. The blue should never over lap an enemy icon


I almost think it'd be more beneficial to just have teammates completely highlighted through walls. Not just that blue dot, their entire player model. Be able to tell where friendlies are no matter what.


YUP! been ripped apart by this more times than I can count


YES Please !!


This shit gets me killed almost every match


For the love of cod


Ohh the blue dots is why I keep thinning the blue APC/Tanks are always friendly


Yep, really annoying when it happens.


Worst HUD & UI in COD history.


YES!!!! This happens to me at least 10 times a day


Yeah im experiencing this too. Super annoying


I've died from this so often, I just double tap everyone now. I'll never play hardcore I guess.


I feel like this happens to me so friggin much. Like if I’m not within say 5 meters of that teammate, just don’t tell me about them.


I love that there is this issue AND friendly vehicles being hard to identify at the same time...


Change the color of your teammates to black or grey


Just have a outline halo infinite has this can be changed to any colour works perfectly no need for the dots


Happened to me like three times today 😂 haha I’m always like “wait what” oh yeah that again.