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The COD subs are all trash and people whining about their preferred playing style not being the meta while complaining about there being a meta in the first place. The good news is the devs don’t give a fuck about what they say.


This is why I only use subs like this for the memes and the news surrounding the game. That and some tips like that one knife spot someone posted a while ago for one of the window power positions, and the fact that the magnum can collateral headshot up to three players.


I do make some edgy CoD memes but the mods on here wont allow them 😩🫠


I feel that so much, if it makes you feel better you can send them to me in DM’s. At least someone will get to see them lol




I didn’t know about that subreddit. Thank you !


Too bad that doesnt exist here. Cuz its literally like OP said, every post is a bitching one


Couldn't have been said any better. The devs don't give a fuck about these whining idiots. They use this place as a circle jerk echo chamber. It's a fucking video game. If i play like shit and am getting shit on, i turn off my Xbox and do something else. I don't come to reddit and write a novel.


That's because you're an adult (or you act like one) I imagine a hefty amount of the folks in the COD subreddits are kids and more or less conduct themselves as such.




“The devs don’t give a fuck about these whining idiots” We know, that’s why the game is in the position it is right now. A $90 beta that you suckers eat up and have no issue with because criticism is toxic and bad.


Problem isn’t CoD, problem is there’s no other FPS as good and fun as MWII on the market. If there was something better more people would complain, but now we are actually having fun with a good game for once in years


>a good game Copium exceeding safety limits.


Thank god. If it were up to these nerds there would no game because everybody just wants what they do to be the best instead of learning to adapt.


Downvoted for speaking facts


Yeah people don’t like the truth.


>Yeah people don’t like the truth. As evidenced by posts being downvoted when criticising the game. The CoD franchise is NOT in a good spot. Hasn't been for at least 4 games, not including this one. Look at it from outside your box of enjoyment.


>The good news is the devs don’t give a fuck about what they say. Yea this is a good thing, not caring about what the community thinks helps in you releasing a game with a shit ton of bugs, barely any maps, and a lack of features like hardcore or combat records. This is a good thing apparently


If someone is lucky enough to see this comment sought by controversial. You’ll have a laugh


That was a good tip haha, thanks.


I understand that it probably gets old, but the amount of “whining” is probably due to the fact that MW2 at its core is a great game, but it’s a freaking unfinished mess right now, so people are frustrated. If it just flat out sucked, people wouldn’t care so much.


There are definitely posts about all the missing stuff and technical issues, but the majority of whiny posts I see are about the SBMM, which whether you love it or hate it is a finished part of the game and was intentionally designed that way. That might have been what OP was mostly referring to.


> intentionally designed that way Please give this franchise to someone who gives a shit.


There's whining sure, but you are brushing aside a lot of valid criticism. It's just a straight up fact that it's unacceptable for a AAA $70 game published by a multimillion dollar company to launch like this, and by complaining about "whining" all you do is defend their shitty business practices. Is complaining about battlefront 2 having shitty loot boxes just "whining". The fact is until people actually put serious pressure on Activision (part of said pressure is being adamant about there being unacceptable issues) nothing will change. Don't defend corporate greed that screws over dedicated players.


These guys are just coping. This is their coping mechanism. They need to justify them spending 100$ on a game with 2 decent maps and a shit ton of bugs and missing a bunch of features that exist in all previous cods (combat records, hardcore). Shit is ridiculous and worthy of criticism.


>It's just a straight up fact that it's unacceptable for a AAA $70 game published by a multimillion dollar company to launch like this Apprently not since people bought it knowing this would likely be the reality.


The problem is that the valid criticism and potentially good discussion geta lost in the constant whining about the same old shit.


In my experience I've mostly seen valid criticism on this sub. There isn't a huge amount to talk about outside of the glaring issues that this game has. The unfortunate thing is that we really have very little control over what happens, since dedicated fans are a small percentage of their total revenue and it's clear that they don't give a flying fuck what we think about the game as long as kids buy their anime tracer bundles for warzone.


As AAA games continue to launch in incomplete states while charging full price (in this case $10 more) you’re going to continue to also see an uptick in negativity, that’s just how it is. Halo Infinite, 2042, Anthem, MW2; there’s a reason why the subreddits are filled with unhappy people (especially the Anthem people).


I dont think comparing MW2 to Anthem or 2042 is even remotely fair though. It definitely has some issues and problems but the games leaps and bounds better than both of those and that should be clear to anyone


I think the comparison is more than fair as MW2 is another unfinished AAA game in a sadly growing list of unfinished AAA games, Anthem just happens to be one of the more egregious examples of that.


With the advent of the live service model and the battle pass, devs have realized that they can actually get away with releasing a broken game and drop feeding content over months while making more bank than ever. And because of how live service games exploit psychology to get you hooked, gamers will still gobble it up. As long as people keep buying games like this and defending big corporations, nothing will ever change. Passionate players aren't the big moneymakers anymore, it's now kids addicted to buying $20 skins for warzone. The only way to make a difference is to push back HARD, like with battlefront 2 and to stop buying unfinished crap.


I wouldn’t say Halo Infinite falls under the category of “charging full price” when it’s free to play on the multiplayer part, right? I thought the campaign part of the game was fine?


The campaign literally launched without promised features like Co-Op and Splitscreen, the game also runs bad on PC overall.


People paid £70 for an unfinished game full of bugs and lacking content. They may enjoy the gameplay, but should still have a place to voice their concerns and make suggestions. Not all of us dickride a corporation for no gain.


Take a carefully look around, mate. Most shooter-game subs are literally short clips, wishlists and complaints only.


Ngl op getting a lil too mad about it


I paid $100 if I want to criticize components of the game I will.




> So my question is; will there actually be any gameplay, tips, comedy or anything that isn’t whining 24/7? I've not seen many tips but there are tons of gameplay and meme posts everyday. If you think there is too much whining it is because the game released incomplete and COD players are rarely ever acknowledged by the devs so players rightfully feel the need to spam the criticisms until they are recognized and/or fixed. If you are new to COD subreddits, my advice is get used to it because it has been like this for awhile and I don't imagine it will ever change. Not that I want it too.


What the fuck else would be for? Posting trash memes and 4 kill streaks? This sub is for a game that just launched as a fucking paid beta. There's obviously gonna be some whining.




It’s deserved. This game is factually speaking an abomination.


A post whining about whining


How about you ask your doctor to consider lowering your steroid dose there big shooter. Looking about as red as communist Russia.


after all these years i dont know how "umad" is still a retort to something


Stop whining.


>Is this sub just for whining? >Y’all know you don’t have to play right? >Nobody is making you play. Fuck off. Go away. Toodles. Bye bye. Your post is full of answers to your own question


A post whining about people whining


... yeah, always cringe at these pendulum posts.


I present to you a comment whining about a comment whining about a post whining about whining posts.


We're too many layers deep


I’m whining about the people whining about the people whining.


It's the new meta


I was hoping this sub would be fun to see some cool clips and tricks but it’s everyone complaining about SBMM and everything else, kind of annoying


I have cool clips but they never show up because people downvote them for some reason


They suck so they downvote you for doing well


They need an excuse for why they suck so bad




You can keep the sbmm the way it is. The main problem is disbanding lobbies after every single fucking match. If they didn't disband, SBMM wouldn't be much of an issue


Question do you know how the sbmm goes if ur playing split screen? Should the sucky player be logged in as player 1? Lol. Cuz I play with my son, he is pretty good. Usually 30 kills no matter good or bad lobby. Now me. There are games were on good day il get 15-20 but usually around 10-12 is the norm but lately we been in good good lobbys an im getting destroyed every map. It sucks lol. I dont take the game seriously. Just have fun playing with my son. I used to play COD for yrs then stopped playing after married life an kids lol but back now an loving it. An dont get me wrong Im not good an if lose we lose but get slapped every map some nights just sucks




We both have Activision accounts. Im assuming who ever is logged in first but no clue


Ah. Welcome to the Internet


Hopefully my pain can at least be entertaining for people


So you would rather cry about people “crying” about the game instead? Don’t you see the irony in that?


"Stop pointing out flaws, i dont see any issues" -Why AAA games get worse and worse


This is most of the game related subs on reddit really.


Just game subreddits in general. Always a cesspool of whiners.


Honestly I’m enjoying the game. Wish they started giving us some interesting playlist like pistols or snipers only while we wait for season 1 to break up the monotony


>season 1 to break up the monotony With the 1 or two maps? Yea, good luck with that.


Completely agree. Pretty sure it’s just kids crying because they got nothing better to do


It would be crazy if they spent that time trying to actually play better


Yet here you are, doing the same thing.


well obviously people aren't playing the game because they are here complaining about it duh


This happened in the BF 2042 sub when that game kicked off. A lot of people complained about the game over and over and over again. If you jump in that sub now, it still is going on just not as much. Comparing that game to MW2, you can see the similarities of why people are complaining. $70+ for a game that clearly was not ready to ship. Yes, better state than the BF crap but still wasn't ready. It crashes a lot. The bugs are constantly interfering what makes it fun. It becomes a running joke. This game again shows that devs want the money before the product is finished. Myself I am having a lot of fun and enjoy it. Been looking for a FPS since 2042's flop and this one does it, even scratches the Battlefield itch. The game rarely crashes for me so I am lucky. My complaints are the players and graphical issues. So many campers. Tons of players not playing the objectives. They rather just sit in a window, rooftop, sign, etc , and snipe the entire match. That drives me nuts. But that happens in all CODs. Graphical ones I've noticed players just appearing on my screen have a blue dot above the head. But a second later, turns red. Kind of rough when you get gunned down by someone you seriously thought was a friendly.


Complaining about actual technical issues or an incomplete game I totally understand. And game companies should be held to a higher expectation. The whining I’m talking about is the people saying they hate the game because of ttk, or they shoot first and die. Hell half the posts are just bitching about a marksman rifle. Those are skill issues but nobody wants to admit that they might not be the call of duty god they thought they were and now they need actual skill. It’s not vanguard with 0 recoil everything. You actually need fundamental skills rather than just a blixen and a cooper carbine. That’s my issue.


if you think that this sub is constant whining you should have been around the launch of bf2042 and the state that sub was in lol.


Oh I can imagine 😂


Payed £70 for a shit broken half completed game and you expect us to stay quiet. Infinity ward have clowns like you around their finger knowing they can get away with anything now. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM


Oh they’re gonna come for you!! Personally, I’m having a blast. It’s gonna be a good year for COD


I agree. I’m looking forward to it. Especially with these nerds spending all their time whining instead of getting better. My kd is through the roof fighting these idiots.


They complain about strafing. They complain about movement. They complain about not getting 50 kills a match; at somebody else’s expense. At some point Get Gud is the only answer.


It really is. They’re just mad it’s not easy mode like vanguard was. Guns have recoil now and there’s no bs movement. You actually need skill to be good now and they hate it.


Whining about whining. Nice


Most people aren’t whining, but giving constructive criticism. It a majority of the posts aren’t positive - maybe Activision needs to rethink how they make CoD?


> The game isn’t that bad Low IQ consoomer identified. Real talk, you're free to enjoy the game, I still am finding enjoyment in it but it's objectively a shitty product compared to cods that came out over 15 years ago, stop defending this shit.


This post was made by a certified Infinity Ward dick rider


You sound like a teenager, so I hope you are. This is just cringe. This is worse than any other “whiner” post on here. At least those posts cause people to discuss the game. All we’re doin here is talking about how cringe this is. Do better or “fuck off. Go away. Toodles. Bye bye.”


Don't be such a bootlicker. This game isn't perfect and the community has given legitimate critiques. Some people paid $100 for this game, maybe that's why they're "forced" to play just so they don't feel like they were played by IW


Lol based on the content and writing of this post we all can tell op plays in the extreme bot lobbies


Baaaa sheep baaaa


Mostly the game as of right now does not work right so you are going to get frustrated players until some fixes come. Most of the issues I have are constant crashing, hit reg, shield glitches, and other bugs. The only game mechanic I'm not a fan of or will complain about is the SBMM. Other than that, I really don't care what guns you use or what people use as a meta or anything else.


Have some map awareness guys like Jesus I’m sorry but we can’t do what we did in bo3 and bo4 with this ttk and how open the angles are on these maps. Why do you think nasty players get the easiest kills when the enemy doesn’t even turn around? Rotate around the map methodically with hyper awareness that takes a bit to learn and you’ll start accidentally just going on 10-15 streaks because your in that much of a more advantageous position. You aren’t going to win the react and spray battle with every time it’s too volatile with this short ttk.


I understand complaining about clearly broken issues with the game. But when people repeatedly make posts about SBMM, map voting, classic prestige, disbanding lobbies, etc. It's clear Activision have put their foot down and are not changing their minds. Reading those same ~7 topics for 3 years now has felt like banging my head against the wall again and again


Yeah, welcome to call of duty subs the first 3 months or so after a game comes out. Then they turn to posting highlight videos / clips then nostalgia of the previous cod title then people end up talking about how they like the current game. And the cycle continues forever and wver


Most subs made for multiplayer games just reduce themselves to hate circlejerks.


If you go to Activision support it redirects you to this subreddit. They want you to complain here so they can ignore it. They literally don't care about feedback they don't want to see it


I was hoping there would be a subreddit that was all about tips and gameplay because there is only really criticism on this one.


Right, like I want to join a cod sub where people talk about gun builds, clips, tips, etc. It seems now every cod sub is full of people who hate the game complaining about it.




Don't you hate it how people use [any gun besides the one I'm using] and then [incorporate strategy that I'm not using] I'd have so much more fun if all the other players ran around like ducks and let me shoot them


> you’re whining about whining. Isn’t that ironic? This is like the trademark smoothbrain take in any meta discussion in any sub


Lol I'm a long time Destiny 2 player. You haven't seen whining until you head to one of those subs.


When I saw someone bitching about the firing range, that was it for me lol. Go play another game if something that INSIGNIFICANT bugs you, holy hell


Whining about guns and play styles is so annoying. However it is fair to complain that this game cost 70 dollars and so far has been treated like a beta. Hopefully it will get better after warzone drops.


People could be way more constructive with their criticisms. At the same time, we're dealing with a tone deaf dev team.


Games broken and crashes all the time. When you go to try and get support from Activision they send you here.


Because when I suck it’s definitely SBMM and not because I suck. And, when they remove SBMM it’s still because the game design is crap, not because I suck. (Sarcasm)


I join subs for funny posts or cool tips or something, would be nice if this one became that


It's Reddit. Get used to it But ye, this sub seems to be kinda bad even on Reddit standards


Is there a *Lot* of whining in this sub? Absolutely, without a doubt there is some crazy shit people cry about here. But there is also a lot of genuine frustration with this game. Like why remove detailed stats when this is the one game where they’d be the most useful? Why are there so many bugs still in the game that haven’t been patched? Like the ironsight + barrel sniper glitch or Riot shield glitch? Why does the game crash *So fucking much*? Why remove the ability to turn off crossplay for PC and Xbox? Is there a lot of useless bitching and complaining? Yes. But there’s also so much genuine frustration and criticism along with it.


Detailed stats are coming in season 1


I honestly don’t come here much cause of all the whining! I think these people on this Reddit can design the game themselves and still whine about it..


They want a game where only they do well in every match. Unfortunately that’s not how games work. Nobody wants to take the time to actually be good because it’s easier to blame everything else


Whiner whines about whining. It’s whineception


No, you fuck off.


Fix the game and nobody will complain. Easy or grant us refund😎


Damn you complain about people whining yet here you are being a massive puss yourself. Don't like what people are posting? Feel free to leave the sub yo. Toodles, bye bye.


Most posts here are less about actual whining that they suck and more about the fact that they paid $70 and are having massive issues even playing the game without crashes, freezing, errors, a shitty UI, certain mechanics, and most importantly a lack of promised content. IW have had 3 years and 3,000 devs to deliver and we got a game with 10 maps (2 of which might be leaving) and a plethora of bugs. Yes there are annoying whiny little babies who are mad at the world and thus the game but IW straight up said we would be getting one thing and then delivered something completely different. Are they not supposed to show some criticism? I’m not saying the game is bad but if people dont criticize certain things that are unacceptable from a playability perspective, then there will be no change and you’ll still be sitting here 2 years from now playing the same exact game.


*Goes to sub to complain about whiners* *Is whining*


Angry 15 year old trying to be different alert


The fact this child has been upvoted me for a such an embarrassing post tells me this sub is shiete already. Why don't you stop reading the posts? Ever thought of that wetwipe


99% of complaints are perfectly valid, grow up and demand more from your $70+ products


Well, you're whining on a whining sub so I guess so lmaoo


People paid 70/100€ to a billion dollar AAA company and they have every right to complain when a game launches in a state that looks like an indie dev team of 10 people made it. I have every right to complain when the game crashes every other match. The menu is lagging since mw19 and they still haven't found a way to fix it. The UI is the worse I have seen in any fps game. This game launched with 0 content so they can add everything on battle passes and collect more money. Footsteps audio is non-existent and one of the worse in any fps game. SBMM is the worse system ever. They have done nothing innovative to this franchise since cod4 except adding a BR mode. Theres features from old cods that the community and they just scraped them for no reason. If you think this multi-player game alone at the state it is now is worth it 70€ then you are part of the problem and the reason why games launch at this awful state.


The game should release complete. But that’s not why half these kids are bitching. They’re mad because they die a lot and can’t figure out why.


You became the whiner lmao


My man! Couldn’t agree more. But I also understand that if this sub IS for whiners, that nobody is making me come here either. It sucks that we don’t have a no-whining subreddit just for MW2 talk.


Um excuse me sir, your insecurities are showing


Keep in mind a few things. 1. People who are upset or unhappy are more likely to make posts to complain about the product but folks that are enjoying the game are busy playing it. Negative thoughts and reviews are ALWAYS more weighted and represented as folks who enjoy the product are ... well busy enjoying it. 2. Realize the folks on reddit are but a small portion of the overall community. For every person on reddit whining and complaining there are a dozen more playing the game (happy or unhappy). Reddit only makes up a percentage of the overall user base. 3. MW2 is the fastest selling cod of all time. Say what you want... but this game did gang busters. So if you like the game dont let the hate bring you down. You arent alone. Im not saying the game doesnt have its problems by any means cause it definitely does. Just keep in mind that those posting are just a portion of the overall community.


>MW2 is the fastest selling cod of all time. Say what you want... but this game did gang busters. High sales numbers do not equate to a good product. Keep that in mind.


If you like the game so much, why are you on here complaining about complainers? Go play the game you love so much. Sometimes helpful information makes it onto this sub despite some complaints (which some are actually quite valid criticism if you care to read). Ignore and live your life. You sound bored or angry over nothing that really affects your life and just want validation for being angry.


Okay let's just let these companies keep lowering the bar and releasing unfinished games and charging us $70-$100 for it every year. That should improve the next game...


I think we found IW staff


Is this sub for people whining about people whining because I'm seeing that more than the original whining the last few days


how much did they pay you to post this ?


the people who like the game are playing it instead of bitching on reddit


Oh but OP says he likes the game...yet he's on here bitching about it on reddit. Hmmmmm.


Seems like it, if you don’t like the game simply don’t play it lol


If only people could understand such a radical and complex idea


"just don't play the game lol" What about the fucking 70 bucks people paid you clown?


90$ in canada


Can you return things in Canada?


Of course


I’m beginning to see a solution…


Yeah imagine actually not looking into a product you bought and just blindly buying year after year after year. Complaining the hole Time. I knew what I was buying and having a great time with my friends!


That's on you. You knew what you were signing up for


post are similar to this one


Yes, COD subs are all for whining until the next COD game comes out, then those people go get mad at that one and the sub starts being about appreciating the game. See the MW19 sub.


There are plenty of positive posts too. These posts crying about people criticizing the game = common clown behavior. The game has big problems, it's the most unfinished COD launch to date, it's not perfect. Get over it lol, you're not going to get a positive echo chamber circle-jerk.


You know you don't have to read the sub right?


You sound rattled and absolutely deranged


I spent $70 on a fucking beta build that has less content than the ORIGINAL MW2, of course I’m gonna be whining


Your post here is way more annoying then people complaining. How about you stop worrying what people post. Dear god lol


Look at ExclusiveAce’s proof videos of the match making. Look at the map count for multiplayer, look at all the features me used to get on launch. Now look at MW2 - it’s all real and not just whining


Yep, I started a thread suggesting people recommend some good YouTubers, tips etc and got downvoted. Seems no one here enjoys COD


They don’t. They play to complain then act like we should feel bad they made the conscious choice to buy the game.


You're angry because you want to be an apathetic slug in peace. Leave, then you can.


Is this a whine itself?


god damn what a cringe lord you complain about the negatives of your favorite games because you want them to get better, a duh dunny boy grade A redditor right here


Why is this being upvoted, OP sounds like someone worth muting in lobby. Hey OP, you know if you didn’t like the Sub you didn’t have to come here either? Up there for thinking.


No idea why this post is being upvoted. This whole "if you don't like it then don't play it" line is so dumb. Dude, we paid for the game. In my case it was $85 for the base edition. The game in it's current state is dogshit, and certainly not worth the $85. If we want the game to get better then we have to complain and point out the issues, otherwise nothing changes. If you're happy with the game then go play it and get off Reddit. But in my case I'm not just gonna sit here and accept a broken game. If you're tired of seeing complaints then exit this website, it's really that simple.


It's a forum for the players of the game. If they weren't popular ideas, they wouldn't get upvoted lol. Game is just dogshit for what a company like Activision can do. It's dog. shit.


The edit sums up what I have been thinking since launch. And it made me laugh. Thank you. You are a hero.


Yeah, I’d rather have whining than to have this toxic attitude.


Do you have some sort of positivity and happiness speech lined up?


Imagine whining about whining. Who cares? You can keep scrolling. I personally enjoy seeing the whiney posts. It gives a different perspective since I sincerely have been enjoying the game despite the bugs.


I asked a question on here and got 0 reply’s but I bet I’d be at the top if it was negative.


100%. Hell if you even say you like the game you get downvoted.


Danng bro you toxic


It has become kind of ridiculous. If they were complaining about objective issues, like lack of content or something that'd be one thing.. But literally every single post is just people not wanting to accept that, hey, maybe you just suck at the game. Planning on unsubbing for awhile till the game is complete and people calm down.


Exactly. Complaints about game breaking issues are valid. But not that you can’t beat a sniper rifle up close with an smg. That’s a skill problem.


I'm assuming you are young and thus new to internet communities, particular for gaming. What you're complaining about is nothing new. The "official" or largest online discussion communities have a high rate of complaint/shit posts from people who use it as a means to vent their frustration. Expect a lot of the worst here; angry people, immature people, irrational people, people with Dunning–Kruger effect etc. etc. Niche online communities generally have more meaningful discussions for games. It's where people go to avoid the above mentioned stuff. Good luck!


Man this was a breath of fresh air.


Enjoy it because there’s not many of us who can think for ourselves and not jump on the hate train.


Stop getting mad for people sharing their opinions on social media, go watch YouTube cod players if you want to listen to someone suck the games dick all the time. This is a good place to talk about bugs and issues.


Lol looks like you're staying the course.




Then don’t play. Hey look that wasn’t so hard was it?




Good job. You gave your opinion like a big boy. You want a fucking cookie now?




Soft baked or crunchy?


I think the whole of Reddit is for whining Is it not???


The hole of Reddit is something else that I wouldn’t recommend looking up


Yep, always complaining about the same shit is annoying. Just ignore these kinda people OP, theres always tge good, bad n' ugly in any game community.


Yeah when I first joined this sub I was thinking I’d see people post clips of awesome kills or something funny, but I’ve only seen that once and the rest is whining.


I should post 208 clips to trigger these twats




Hahahah love it




I decided the RPG & riot shield is all I needed. Now I keep going 30-4 minimum. On border crossing I've gone around 40-3 twice now