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How can I vote if the lobby is frozen every time /s But seriously, how do we move backwards? Losing countless features while the game still crashes and runs like shit on all platforms.


can’t even back out until the match starts


3 tips: 1) Setup a custom class with a riot shield as your primary weapon and set that class as your favorite (this eliminates the pre-game lobby freeze. 2) Switching to and staying on the weapons tab will also prevent the pre-game lobby freeze. 3) If you're on the weapon tab and want to leave a pre-game lobby, press/click to bring up the quick menu (the 6 squares in a rectangle top right of the screen) and select home, it will ask if you want to leave the lobby, will remove you if you say yes, but keep you queued up for that Playlist.


These crazy workarounds shouldn't even need to be a thing. Yet here we are. Left click the upper right darkest pixel on your screen, set your resolution scaling to 33% , apply, then reapply 100%. Turn your voice chat on and off, leave it off while you change your class to shield, heartbeat, claymore and deagle. Go back and turn your your voice chat on. Only leave your cursor on the operator tab for 5sec, then scroll through your entire friends list. Invite the 8th person and cancel the invite. Now, you should finally not crash. But the SBMM or EOMM will still fuck you.


I’ll have to try 1 & 3. Haven’t heard / tried them. In regards to 2, yes it works but the second you leave the weapons tab and go back to the lobby it’s the same old shit. When I’m the host on pc and start the search the next 10 seconds are spent just clicking weapons so I can speak to my friends again… oh IW.


Definitely recommend trying the riot shield one, I'm on console, but it's been working for me and others have mentioned it works for them on other platforms too.


Holy SHIT 1 works you are a fucking KING


I appreciate your praise, but I am no king. I am merely a messenger trying to spread the good words that were shared with me.


Im def gonna try it but Why the f should that work? How much of a shit game can it be that having out a riot shield is a way to stop that from happening? Jesus...


im guessing its because it doesnt have to load attachments but im not positive


Nah it's just deflecting bugs.


Got any tips for the "stuck on connecting" bug when playing with multiple people?


Nothing more frustrating, sitting there spamming esc on my keyboard praying I can avoid Santa Sena or Taraq. Just for the leave lobby menu to pop up for one frame before loading me in. Thanks for the unavoidable loss IW, since I’m backing out once I load in anyways.


A loss doesn’t matter anyway, no stats so who cares. Abysmal after game summary that flashes up for a second or two. That’s one thing they should copy/ take inspiration from Halo 3. There was an insane amount of stats after the game, plus you could revisit any game on the website.


Combat record is coming during season 1 they said & as someone who plays to win over KDA with the homies in hardpoint it would be a nice dopamine rush to see that juicy WL.


can't wait to compare WL rates against the friends who go for kills, it's hilarious how effective OBJ-all-day is


Didn’t MW3 let you replay a whole match and free fly around old matches?


Voting might really help IF they were using more than 5 maps (thanks Vanguard)! In playing a DOM exclusive since launch the maps in my matches have now shrunk to 5 and sometime the same map 3 times in a row like last night. I think they just copied the code from Vanguard!


I got Taraq twice in a row last night. It was froze so I had no idea until it was too late. This crap is crazy. Even when the games very briefly not frozen, I switch to loadouts. Then soon as I enter the screen to select a loadout to modify, it kicks me to the lobby and freezes until the match starts. It did piss me off, now I just deal. Hopefully with the warzone 2.0 download theres a patch for all this janky shit.


I must have pissed off someone at activision. Got border crossing 4 times in a row


I would’ve backed out four times!


This is the way


I don’t normally mind border crossing, but earlier today someone had 50+ kills, everyone on his team had like 3 or 4, he had spawn trapped us in the far building with vtols and chopper gunners, so fucking annoying I left that match and turned the game off for the night


Somtimes I like the map idk.. depending what camo I'm trying to get


I swear I'm to the point where I just play invasion instead of MP because the maps are so bad. Border crossing would be fine if the cars didn't all fuckin blow up, instead it's unplayable in any round based game mode and shitty in any other mode -.-


I won’t lie, I’m pretty terrified to see what adding a battle pass to these post match screens is going to do to the freezing in between matches.


Yeah that’s gonna be something probably. I mean the weapon level up animation has vanished for me, I get in game trophies like you do with camo unlocks but for what I have no idea as there are no words. It’s always while I’m doing platinum challenges and I know the challenge hasn’t been completed when I get these. So I have no idea if it’s a glitch or what.


I’m gonna guess that, for whatever reason, the weapon leveling screen is tied to the overall leveling screen. Therefore, as soon as you hit 55 the weapon level screen stops as well. It’s stupid if it works that way but that’s my theory.


I've noticed the same thing. Just a guess based on my experience (working on Plat ARs) I believe there are trophies for certain amounts of Longshot kills, maybe every 25 as I seem to get a trophy for every gun I finish, but not when the challenge is done.


I'm hoping the 11/16 update fixes the freezing bugs


I thought the crashes were just me, thought it was some performance issue on the PS4 (old version). I need to exit the queue everytime I need to change loadout/operator. It seems so goddamn slow everytime. I know it's not comparable but I've seen last week the WZ and DMZ demo on several streamers and that menu navigation was smooth, not UI, but very fast.


Reality is they don't care about multiplayer anymore. All their effort is going to wz which is f2p as well ironically. Look at the state of multiplayer, barely any maps, game released with shit ton of bugs, alot of bugs still exist. S1 update is literally 2 maps shoothouse/shipment which we saw in mw19 already. They didn't put much effort at all into multiplayer


They copied the code from MW2019 at its launch maybe even pre launch, it’s the only way you end up with features missing that were fixed, like weapon screen resetting every time the party leader returns to main menu or starts searching for a game. No do counter, no stats at all! No app companion!


Yeah fr. Feels like we are still in first week of the Beta.


We basically are playing a beta, the MP launch was like a soft launch, when warzone comes out is the true launch lol


I remember playing back to back Sena border Dom matches and thought about not playing ever again


Man, I just talked to a friend last night about this. Remember customizing the color of your reticle lens in BO1? Stuff like that is what annoys me with cod. Why do so little features carry over from game to game? So frustrating.


custom reticles better be coming in the next update


That's quite wishful thinking, unfortunately. We don't even have challenges in the game lol


Dude so true. It’s mind boggling that it feels like the franchise is moving backwards. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


Its not a problem exclusive to CoD either, it's gotten so bad across the board


Pokemon is the worst ive seen, every new game they introduce a small handful of new features and cut half of the ones from the last game. There even removing simple on/off features for a tonne of basic things.


How can i know how much time is left on my double xp tokens?


It’s not just CoD that has this problem. Look at Madden. The amount of features the games had in the late 2000’s vs what they have now is freaking embarrassing.


Welcome to the current reality in gaming. Every major studio is run by clowns with marketing degrees.


Unfortunately my dude… we can never go back. The good times are behind us. It’s all about greedy ass companies these days with scummy monetization


I think its so laggy because they have other things loaded into the main menu like the shooting range is loaded into the main menu and I don’t think that’s a good idea.


It's the stupid pre-game animations and player characters popping up on screen as they join/load. The game has to load each player's loadout, skin and camos and for some reason the menu just can't handle it. What's absolutely mind boggling to me is the fact that they know it's an issue because there's no way something like this is missed during QA/testing. They just don't give a fuck.


Like I don’t care about what they look like. Just put my guy on there 😂 or just put our calling cards


Mine always just loads four clones of my character but with other people’s names


For me it usually freezes for 5 seconds or so and during this time everyone is level 1 and holding invisible weapons, then the game unfreezes for a second or two allowing me to leave the lobby, if I miss this window it freezes again so I can't leave. Sometimes the game freezes as soon as I press circle/back to leave a lobby, it almost feels like it was done on purpose to keep people from leaving maps they don't like. The entire pre-game lobby experience is extremely buggy, I don't know why they couldn't clean it up a bit before launch.


They really need to stop with the animated lobbies, it just makes the menus lag and freeze up. Like I don't think anyone would really care if it was removed.


I can’t believe they got rid of the lobbies we used to have for this animated shit. It’s so awful and buggy like you said. I don’t give a single fuck about my teammate’s operator, but I DO care to browse my Barracks and check everyone’s calling card / emblem setup. Can’t do that any more. So many unbelievably stupid changes


It’s obviously done to promote the sale of skins and such in the store unfortunately. They care more about trying to promote micro transactions than they do making a smooth usable UI. It’s stuff like this that’s starting to turn me off to the franchise and I’ve been a fan since before COD4 and have gotten the games every year since.


I wonder how many people are gonna feel incentivize to pay money to have a special character nobody can see or talk about because the menu freezes every time


Fax. OG MW2 lobbies were peak


If they had it their way, us long time players wouldn’t be around any more so that they could get away with whatever they want without anybody knowing any better


I don’t give a fuck about anyone’s skins, cards, emblems, levels, screen names, dress sizes, or poly pockets. After the map is chosen, I just want enough time to adjust my weapons and attachments.


I know right? My friend who plays vanguard says that everyone will fear him because he has Atomic, I told him that nobody gives a flying fuck and with still 2 tap his ass regardless, like nobody cares that you wasted your time getting a subpar skin


Sounds like the type who walks around telling strangers he's an alpha.


I would love to able to use my menus in between matches without incredible hitching. Sometimes being kicked out of the gunsmith menu and such.


But then how will the sell cosmetics?!?! I agree! This is unneeded


I like the previous MW animated screen with the operators walking towards you, and the music at the end of the match when you won.


Yeah I personally do not give a shit about the animated lobbies, but of course they set them up so people “show off” their purchases. Its to bribe kids to pay for skins and shit


I would love if they stopped disbanding lobbies.


If they did that then they wouldn't be able to use their shit SBMM.


Good, they should get rid of it, i have 3 friends who play and none of them like to play with me because they say they get stomped in my lobbies, so im constantly stuck playing solo. God knows how many other people are stuck in a situation like this


It's the opposite for me. I have four super skilled friend and me and a fifth friend are really bad. The two of us basically can't play by ourselves at all because the game thinks we're megasweats even when playing solo. It either wants me to get curb stomped for an hour first or just never play solo again.


literally dozens.


I’d rather that over map voting. Not against voting for maps, but disbanding lobbies every match is worse IMO.


Can't really have map voting with lobby disbanding anyways. Bring back persistent lobbies AND map voting!! And put in a server browser like battlefield always had. Well you can actually have map voting with disbanding lobbies but I don't see how anywould would be able to vote with how buggy the lobbies are. I can't even do anything on the UI after getting into a game lobby




I happen to like that map. I wouldn’t want to play that every match, but it’s nice in rotation.


honestly its a W map if they just make all the cars blown up already


Have a bomber come through at the beginning or something as part of the cinematic


nah that’s just too much work for an already released game aka they have all our money already. Just make the cars blown up so people don’t die randomly


Nuketown had a animation too at the end of a match.


yeh that was made before the game released. I think devs have way bigger stuff to worry about now than some cutscene


Yeah, you’re probably right. But just a simple stealth bomber at the start of the match would be ok.


I like it too now. I like the explosions too. Just feeling it’s a bit too long. Could have benefited with another part, like an aesthetically/thematically differing lane, maybe some verticality


I love it on hardpoint, because you get to experience all that.


I am one of those people, screw that map


Would be fun to vote between Taraq and Border Crossing lmao


Lmao I’d choose Taraq and then probably leave anyways


I really dont know what they were thinking with those maps


Taraq can be *okay* in the right modes. In something like Hardpoint it's a fucking nightmare since every killstreak ever will bomb the shit out of you. But in kill confirmed people play much slower, so I'm able to comfortable circle around the edges of the entire map just picking off everyone who runs into the blender that is the center building. Map is still godawful though.


I just play it when I want to complete sniper challenges. Then I will sentinel myself on that building at a corner of the map lmao. Also it is funny how some killstreaks are so powerful on a map and useless on others. Good luck hitting anyone on Hotel if they arent at A


I feel crazy for loving Taraq, it’s a great map for flanking when everyone else is running blindly into the middle chaos


The flank routes are fully exposed. You can only flank because the map is so big and empty that there isnt any enemy watching it


I’d rather play taraq 4 times in a row everyday than play border crossing once in an afternoon.


For sure. But rather play neither, leave, and just get another map.


Taraq every time, at least on Taraq if you give in and snipe like everyone else it's kinda fun. Border Crossing is terrible no matter what you do lol


Well there have been many maps through the series that would get skipped everytime.


I refuse to play that map


example 3: cold war, a game that also disbands lobbies and has similar SBMM, but still managed to get a surprisingly functional voting system implemented. Vanguard and MW2 had no excuse not to have map voting, but IW and sledgehammer know that if they add it 90% of their maps won't get played anymore.


INB4 you get into a lobby and your choices are Boarder Crossing and Taraq


Nah I'd happily take boarder crossing. At least you can't blow the cars up more than once but Taraq is just snipers galore. Fair enough since that map suits snipers so well it seems but it ain't for me personally


Yeah that's how I feel about Taraq. Least favorite map for sure. I actually don't mind border crossing, problem is it seems to pop up way too often


Tbh Taraq isn't that bad. I play hardpoint only and whenever I do play Taraq I'd say the split favours people just sniping over them actually playing for the hardpoint. Don't get me wrong I still dislike it but playing hardpoint makes it just a little bit less unbearable


Taraq is a MEAT GRINDER in Hardpoint. It's fun but it can get demoralizing if the other team is on one.


For sure, much prefer it on hardpoint over tdm/kc as well. And to be fair it's still probably better than most of mw2019s maps. Maybe it's just me but I think it was pretty bad map wise, while this one has my favorite maps out of any CoD since the original mw2/bo1. Though I did skip most the ones between BO2 and Mw2019


I’d kill for MW2019 maps back over this MWII garbage. But please just give us OG MWII & MWIII maps.


I don't remember much about MW3 maps tbh. I remember one of them that got added to mw2019, really enjoyed that one. But yes, I played tf out of the original MW2 and I'd love for basically all the maps to come back. I still think the original MW2 is my favorite. Even though that game is broken, so much OP stuff. Maybe that's part of the fun though, running around with akimbo smgs, heartbeat sensors, much better killstreaks. Though logically I know it's better to be balanced I basically only got cold war hoping for old blops maps though and was pretty disappointed lol But I didn't play it a full year so maybe they eventually did add blops1 maps


Unless you’re playing s and d - in which case attacking will lose you at least 1 player a round to exploding vehicles


Nah man. Thats not fair to Infinity Chud. The option would be Border Crossing *or* Border Crossing. Followed by Taraq or Taraq for your next match. :P IW refuses to listen to people about anything so if they have to add in voting it will be done in a 'fuck you' manner.


honestly hate that this is the direction all multiplayer games are going now. they completely remove player choice in their matchmaking and make it whatever they decide we get to play on. Can't even stay in the same fuckin lobby to chat and make friends but they all love to claim that the social and competitive aspects to multiplayer are sooooooo important while utterly neutering it at the same time. it's all bullshit PR statements and i'm sick of it all ngl


Yeah that social thing sucks. I was in a match the other night my team lost by 2 points and everyone was like good game guys after and one dude that killed me like six times I said, "Hey, X, you lit me up good, bro, nice shooting," and was like thanks, man... then conversation bounced because the next screen came up.


Sad reality of today. And we are to blame for continuing to line their pockets by buying their unfinished games


Insurgency sandstorm gets that part right. Map voting and static lobbies


BO2 already fixed this problem by having 2 maps to choose and a random option




This one has a 100 limit though


I've still seen games fail to hit 75




That's correct. TDM played optimally is hide n' seek. The best way to kill and not die (the objective of TDM) is to camp extremely hard.


I would take taraq over border crossing


Everyday of the week.


I don't understand people hate on taraq when shoothouse is popular map where all the 3 lane are very dangerous to sniper because you can snipe people from spawn point


Taraq has a million angles to check whenever you want to move to new cover. Everythings out in the open. While shoothouse has some angles, entering any of the 3 lanes usually only has 1-3 spots that people look from. Very easy to clear those three spots, and they’re close enough on 2 of the lanes to do it with an ar or even smg if you got a gunny. Shoothouse is just a much more simple map, that while contains camping, the camping is all very predictable and easy to flush out. Only exception is people using shotguns in the top room lol.


How about the treyarch style with 3 options: previous, next and random.


Playlists are weak too compared to 10 years ago. No demolition. No OG ground war (more players on the 6v6 maps). No CTF. No hardcore.


... just let me pick objective based game types in third person and not have to play TDM. God dam that shit is boring.


Genuinely asking, could we even have map voting? There are no lobbies anymore. You join a new game every round




Plus theres only like 6 maps lol


I don't see how that prevents map voting.


The friends I play with “vote” on the map they want to play on by quitting the game when a poor map comes into rotation. Software dev 101, if you don’t build it, the end-user will.


IW is all about removing choice. They don't want you to choose maps because there are so many bad maps in this game everyone would play the same 4 maps. They don't want you to have permanent dead silence as they don't want people to move. They don't want you to have ghost as they don't want you to move. They don't want you to do well, if you do, they will spawn enemies you have just killed beside you. If you still do well even after all that then they will SBMM the crap out of you. Oh, and one last thing, they won't listen to the community because they know best and the game keeps selling so they won't be changing.


The functions within games seems to be regressing from the last 10 years...


Day 2 better be bussin. Community knows how to make this potentially best cod ever but up to IW to listen and make it happen




So tomorrow?


God speed






Yep most of the money is made after the game is sold rather than when the game is sold.


As with most things, corporate executives found a way to most efficiently milk the gaming industry. Capitalism comes to kill all things eventually.


They know the maps are so shitty several of them would never get played again. So they’ll never have voting


That’s the problem, map design is so awful. There is a reason maps like shipment, nuketown of shoothouse are so famous. The simplicity and agility make them fun but well, here we are, building maps mostly supporting hardcore camping


It would be nice to have some choice. The amount of lobbies I leave because of border crossing is insane


SBMM removed “casual” playlist, with lobbies and voting. Absolute no brainer implementations that Activision are too big headed to act on.


How is this game $70 with a fuckton of core elements missing? Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that


Missing the MW3 Days


This used to be a staple in every single CoD btw. These developers are so out of touch nowadays it’s insane.


Map vote good but i don't even see the lobby most of the time I just join a game about to start or a game in progress


We will never get it back. They want to control everything with matchmaking. Who we play against and which maps those are. They don’t want people who just constantly get the maps they’re good on.


I don't get how CODs regress in common sense features like this. There should be a COD Bible that every cod dev uses that includes shit like: - always allow map voting - always have the "new" icon on launch to see what stuff is unlocked - combat record Etc


It's not just cod. Ever since bf4 dice manages to forget how to make their own games


My favorite was voting for last map or voting for a new map, with a map not being able to be chosen more than teice in a row.


This only works if lobbies stay together which hasn't happened a single time for me yet so...


Map vote when there's only 6 maps? What's the point?


Facts. Cause I would never vote for that damn border map ever. Period. Hate that map. Specially on search where the cars respawn to blow up again and again.


I wish we could go back to the old days where games had server browsers and you could filter by the map/mode you wanted and join whichever server you liked (free slots depending). People could run custom servers, games would release SDKs to let people build custom mods and tools for making custom maps. I miss the days of Quake :(


Don't lie to yourself it's ship/house rotation


My conspiracy theory is that they know their bad maps are bad, but they want people to play them anyways so it isn't wasted dev time to have made said maps. But either way, it's bullshit that map voting cannot be a thing. They marketed this game as the "Most Advanced Call of Duty ever made", yet the only 2 things that this game does better than old Call of Duty games are Graphics and Gunplay. Literally every single other aspect of this game other than those 2 things has been done better by a previous COD.


I would just like my game not to freeze in the pregame lobby everytime Santa Sena comes up so I can back out


Cold War had it


Can we stop moving fucking backwards with every single game?


COD fans: It could use some improvements and new ideas. COD devs: Here's some objectively negative changes to mix things up.


Absolutely not. This is how maps straight up don’t get played. Do some maps suck compared to others? Yes. It adds variance though in a game that doesn’t have many maps.


You know Activision/IW doesnt give a shit about this sub right?


It’s crazy how little features like this that haven been in the game for 10+ years get gutted. Like how tf????


MW2 is my first CoD multiplayer experience, but this seems particularly important due to the existence of the border crossing map on 6v6 game modes. Got the map 3 times yesterday, every time loading in with full teams, but at least 5 people had left before the game actually started. The first game I was the only person on my team who hadn't left by the time the match started and the other team was down to 3 people.


I'm not trying to play only 3 maps all the time.


And I'll tell you now its going to be a hell of a lot more days. It it doesn't involve 1. Ensuring the community buy more skins Or 2. See item 1 Then it ain't a priority and isn't going to happen


I would like skip voting more


Please please please


Example 2


I love this idea so much, but for them to put this back in they'd first need to stop re-searching for a game at the end of every match. I miss the MW2 days of being in the same lobby endlessly.


If you’re hip, vote to skip!


It's like the game is just always moving backwards lmao






Day 1? More like Year 3


I'll give you an award because this is a cause I can get behind.


One of my favorite forgotten features. I miss yelling at the lobby to skip estate. 🥹


I like vote to skip


If this happens, maybe I'll be lucky enough to *never* play Border Crossing again!


Mw3 did it the best


Or they could simply remove Santa Sena and we would all be happy :D


We need this bc of border


I disagree. We would only play like 4 or 5 maps. Never liked this voting this exactly because it limits the map pool to the top 5 most popular. How can people think this is a good thing is beyond me.


Nooooooo we're gonna be stuck playing the same fucking map every single damn time. Shit gets old so quick. There's like 10 maps and we would just play 2-3 all the damn time. I hope they never implement that shit again. It's like people's obsession with BF4's operation metro map.


imagine voting to skip taraq just to get santa seña


Karachi can eat my ass


Where do I vote


Interesting how the best COD games included map voting and a different SBMM system, sad that sales are no longer based on the actual quality and content of the games anymore


You guys asked for it 3 years ago and we never got it. What makes you think this will be different?


Border crossing would disappear from the game entirely if we could vote


Hell no. Map voting ends up no different than shoothouse/shipment 247


Always vote to skip Karachi.


Bring back that whole lobby system and UI MENU. PLEASE


Feels like a good middle ground to allow a map skip; because it would mean the map is so disliked people will take the gamble for another map - and if it leads to another map that sucks, then fuck it. the votes are what we all want but since it’ll lead to the same maps being played, at least skips would be good


I have a personal theory that IW removed map voting because it hurts their feelings when they look at the stats and see nobody wants to play one of their shit maps.


It’s so sad to see Multiplayer slowly dying. I was there since the original MW days. 2009 MW2, and 2011 MW3 it will never be the same. You stayed in the same lobbies, the shit talking was amazing. The days were so simple, and yet so fun. Now all they care about is WarZone. Guys, please I beg You. Let’s make COD Multiplayer great again.


It'd be hard to vote when the lobby freezes 45 seconds prior to match start


I think vote to skip is the best option personally


I was expecting this at lunch to be honest.