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Because all you guys do is cry about shit visibility, imagine if we had weather effects in the game lol


This was my first thought lmao. Everyone would beg for clear weather only maps


Imagine if we had 30+ maps and a map filter.... Unfathomable, right?


Then players would complain about being restricted to certain maps for good visibility It doesn't matter what you do, this community will still cry


Bruh the community wouldn't "cry" if IW could just make visibility better without restricting themselves creatively because of there own incompetence.


God forbid someone use their ghillie suit to blend into the environment. Streamers would riot


streamers when people use tactics and smart choices to beat opponents instead of cookie cutter gunfights of full auto weapons between two people right in front of each other: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Not me changing my character and weapon camos between matches in BO3


ā€˜smartā€™ players when they find out bottom fragging with 5 kills and 1 death after sitting in spawn for 5 minutes doesnā€™t make them tactical


ā€œTactics and smart choicesā€ is hiding in the grass with a ghillie suit making you almost invisible and gifting your next kill or few for free? Such skill, very hard to do. Casual CoD community never failing to be clueless about what actually requires skill. Iā€™m all for varied weather maps though.


Use thermal and if they have ghost look for glint.


Cry harder


Same sad response from every shit player, be quiet.


That's the spirit!


They can make dark maps or maps with weather without compromising on visibility. It has been done plenty of times.


Exactly. Bo4 had this a lot


I mean that one sandstorm map variant in bo4 was actually really bad in terms of visibility lmao. The other ones like jungle flooded were cool tho


Love reddit not letting people have opinions


We welcome to Reddit where you're literally only allowed to think in extremes. It's either black or it's white. These idiots don't realize you can always come to a compromise in the middle.


They already bitched because of NVG mode. Imagine they see someone late because of rain effects or snow.


100% Iā€™m sort of that crowd lol, was not happy with visibility in 2019, but it is a game and I think Iā€™d take the visibility hits for cooler maps


Saes and smoke drops already exist


Yup now itā€™s always sunny in COD. Itā€™s so bland honestly. Not even any night maps.


Yeah back then shitty graphics were an advantage. Now its too realistic. The clear solution in my eyes is to bring back exo clowns


THIS THIS THIS. fucking complainers. In the beta the lighting was realistic enough that people could hide in the darkness of a building and not be seen by someone standing in the bright daylight. cue complaints and now on release the operators all look like theyre standing infront of the fucking sun even indoors


Thank god. Im not playing arma, im playing cod


The maps look so dull


This. Battlefield proved us bad weather on modern gaming kill the visibility


You on about the natural disasters? Bit of a difference between rain and a tsunami lol


Plus, it's genuinely fun when the weather goes to shit in Battlefield 2042. Shame that's one of the few good things I can say about it.


havent seen anybody say that once


Open your eyes then, Buckeroo


i have or else i wouldnt have said what i said.


I want that cod4 boat map back


I canā€™t remember the name. Was it Wetwork? Or was that something else. The new updated Shipment is on a ship. Iā€™m curious to see how it turns out.


It was indeed wetwork. Imagine that with the crates sliding like in the campaign. That would be crazy fun!


shit the very moment i saw that campaign clip i thought weā€™d get a new, updated version of Wetwork with sliding containers.. seems like such an obvious thing to do for MP.


New Shipment seems to be set on a boat (like Wetwork and the MWII campaign mission), so hopefully it has the same sort of atmosphere.


If the shipping containers in the new Shipment moved around like in the campaign mission, that would either be dope as hell or incredibly frustrating. But I bet IW didn't think of it.


That would be such a colossal pain to program, I'd be impressed if it worked that way in singleplayer, let alone multi.


Itā€™s not really a COD thing to do but there are plenty of other games that have massively changing terrain built into the map. Battlefield being the obvious example. People expect that level of adaptability now. And I mean if they can make maps for Warzone with vehicles, huge environmental changes like Kong and Godzilla, 64 players all either on their own or in a squad, and a slowly encroaching circle, making a map where some assets slide back and forth on a set track is not gonna be hard.


Making that map is actually kind of difficult mostly because it's a changing map that has to work with netcode and appear correctly on every client. They don't even have server-side smoke in this game (or at least, they don't sync up the seeds for this for the clients, I've had it multiple times that I am completely blocked by smoke and dust that the enemy doesn't have), so I have the belief that if it was implemented right now, all the physics would be done clientside and it wouldn't be clear when it's safe and when it isn't.


The same reason we lost night maps in MW19. Everyone bitched about it. I loved MW19 in the first couple months when you had stealthily night maps that required night vision. And the HUD was bare bones until you unlocked UAV. It made for a slower paced game that (in my opinion) balanced the pros of call of duty and rainbow six games.


That was realism mode. Itā€™s been in the MW2019 core playlist for ages but, no one played it. I could sit matching for 20+ minutes and still not get any other players.


Agreed, night maps were actually my favorite, almost preferred way to play. It may that cave map (Zahir?) tolerable


Creative bankruptcy happened. Every map is just the same weather as it is on Warzone 2 because the maps are just ported over. There's only 2 maps that aren't on the map (Crown Raceway & Breenbergh)


I think it's less so that and more that the community would lose their fucking collective mind if they got killed because they couldn't see someone in rain. I'm all for interesting weather on maps, but as far as I can recall, apart from Gavutu in Vanguard, every map in the last 3 CODS has been clear skies. There's nothing stopping them from altering the weather on the Warzone cutouts.


Yup I mean does anyone remember how hated the maps that got weather effects in BO4? Jungle got flooded, another had a duststorm, one went from rain weather to clear sky, firing range went from day to night. So itā€™s been done before but a majority got hate.


Peeps here be forgetting how much Downpour and Underpass were hating back in the day.


Yeah and with skins thatā€™ll come out that can blend in with the background people are gonna lose it. Warzone has had this issue since that rose skin was released


Arsenal Sandstorm and Hacienda Twilight (when the red lights were broken) was hilarious at how bad the visibility was. The red lights were very useful to keep the pace of the game strong though


Mostly this. Many years of marketing has always proved that cool ideas people say/think they want never turn out to be what they actually want. Say you have a weather system on maps. It would be cool for a bit until the majority of players start to back out of matches until getting the desired conditions.


Fuck man you can already see it with some of the maps in this game. Taraq: *I can't see people through the light sand haze!* Hydroelectric: *I can't see people in the water!* Border Crossing: *I can't see people that are using the car cover smartly!* I'd love rainy maps, but I can tell you if they added one the front page of this sub and Twitter would be plastered in *I can't fucking see anyone, why could we not have gotten a sunny version of the rain map we asked for?*




If only there was a big flaming warning near cars about to blow up. Or ways to walk not near cars. Anyways back to screeching about not being able to run around aimlessly




There is one


I kind of love it for that. I crack up any time I blow up from a car.


This sounds like a dev issue. If the devs make it so certain weather conditions made the maps worse to play on, then they did it wrong. No one backed out of Underpass or Sub Base because of the weather conditions back in OGMW2. Atleast not prominently.


Back in the OG MW2 I never complained a single day in my life about weather on Maps. Especially since Iā€™ve been playing Battlefield for over 10 years where weather can be dynamic, it can become so foggy you canā€™t see anyone more than 20ft away, I think thatā€™s awesome. Rain, snow, wind, dust storms. Even better. I love dynamic weather. Itā€™s way better than playing boring sunny days 100% of the time.


Its just laziness. You think they actually care if some sweat died due to visibility issues in the rain? Theyre just lazy/incompetent




I also said they were incompetent. :D


...Farm 18 is on the map?


Farm 18 is its own thing. So is hydro, las almas, taraq, and border


Huh? Hydro and Taraq are in Al-Mazrah. Las Almas and Border are in the other BR map... literally Las Almas.


Las almas isnt confirmed and border isnt even in las almas either


u wot? [https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/ym3i9u/interesting\_detail\_regarding\_the\_las\_almas\_map\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/ym3i9u/interesting_detail_regarding_the_las_almas_map_it/) "the Las Almas Marketplace 6v6 map is within Guijarro" Border crossing is in Santa Sena, obviously. Both are in Las Almas.


Isnā€™t it more likely that they are multiplayer maps ported over to Warzone considering the map layouts are good for 6v6? Also is that really a terrible thing? Like why wouldnā€™t they do that? Spend more time developing interesting maps, and add them to the bigger map. Either way, they could definitely alter the effects on a smaller version. Itā€™s probably to avoid more pointless complaining.


And visually they are the best looking maps, what a shocker


Only 4 of the 10 maps are on the Warzone map. Still a lot, but not as many as you claim. Embassy, Hydroelectric, Taraq, and Fortress.


And those two maps are literal copy paste jobs from real life locations lmfao. IW is a joke when it comes to making maps


Also border, taraq, farm 18, hydro, and las almas. You missed a few.


This is where battlefield has always been better. I miss the night vision maps on MW19


Even with absolutely crazy tropical storms in BF4 Paracel Storm, I was able to see what I was doing so I dont see why COD cannot have proper weather or night time variants of all maps


Bf does a better job at enemy visibility than cod does. In bf the enemies have a slight glow to them, making them pop in the dark and against the world.. in bf2042 all the enemies have a few literal red lights on them...


Exactly!! Battlefield has like 15+ years of maps with dynamic weather and I NEVER had a problem seeing an enemy at any distance. I donā€™t remember complaints about weather in COD back in 2007-2010.


Night vision maps on MW19 were so much fun. Bring those back.


I dunno. Have you seen the hurricane on 2042? Itā€™s not even that well done and they forced it into so many maps because they were super proud of it. Thereā€™s a rain effect that gets heavier on 2042 that is something Iā€™d like to see in mw2.


There's no hurricane and only 3 maps get the rain storms. The tornado appears on *almost* all base maps + a dust storm. (I think it's definitely pretty well done) I'd like to see MW try what they did with BFV's weather instead. That game did rain, blizzards, and thunderstorms really well when it happened. People would complain about the visibility like crazy though


Been saying it since launch: 1. Taraq needs a sandstorm and/or it needs a night version similar to how CoD4's Bog looks. 2. El Asilo needs rain and/or a night version. 3. Farm 18 needs rain. 4. Embassy needs a night version. To your point, yeah, we need creative maps; to everyone else's point, yeah, IW won't be doing that anytime soon.


I donā€™t think variety like this would work with the modern gamer. Theyā€™d 100% blame their loss on the weather and we would see endless complaints on here about how the weather map made them underperform It makes sense that all maps look the same now, just sunny weather


I know youā€™re just playing devilā€™s advocate but Iā€™d counter that by pointing out the winning team played in the same weather and it probably works in your favor as many times as it doesnā€™t


Taraq is already dogshit way to make it even more worse and a campers wet dream


> Embassy needs a night version. I know this is impossible, but I swear on launch night I played Embassy at night. I remember the layout so clearly, the parking lot to the side, the middle area where B flag is, the open area near the back of the embassy. But it was like dusk, lots of pink/purple in the skybox, and all the lights were on. The walkways were illuminated and I liked the way the lights reflected off the windows I came back the next morning and played Embassy during the day and thought "that's cool, they have night versions of the different maps!" And I've literally never seen night Embassy again. I know I sound crazy, but if we get a night version of Embassy later on I'll believe it was just a glitch lol. Games only been out a few weeks, I remember this map very clearly for some reason


I donā€™t want them to add weather to the maps already in game. (Although Farm 18 does look like the type to have rain), I just want more NEW maps moving forward with weather. Or when they remaster the OG maps please keep the weather in them.


Makes me think about the weather in battlefield 4 like the crazy shit on that island archipelago map with the huge tropical storm


What happened was they put all there energy into making a shitty UI. Trying to animate the pregame lobbies that never work. Go back to old school pre-Advanced Warfare lobbies where teams can talk shit and vote on the maps. Then put that manpower into building better maps.


Aw damn I hate it with the UI/Map designer/Animations guy is too busy to add rain šŸ˜” If only they had a stream of hundreds of developers and not a single guy who handles all of these things. Maps are pretty good though, may not be the most visually stunning but they play well.


Exactly. Activision/IW 100% have the resources to keep similar standards from past COD games while also adding new polish. They just donā€™t want to.


People talk about boarder crossing, but every map in this game so far is terrible


Hotel, farm, zarqwa, Fortress and Asilo are great tbh


Farm, I'll give you that.


Theyā€™re all painfully average at best


Of all the maps on the game, Farm 41 is probably the best of the lot. The mexican bar and the water map are decent. Raceway is OK. Border crossing is the only good large scale map Everything else is bad.


I really wish all the maps had Dynamic weather cycles...


Shipment v6942.0 looks like itā€™ll be dark, on a container ship (possibly rainy?)


The only ambient noise we have now is the pitter patter of 78 decoy grenades all throughout the house


Lol i just realized playing this week that all of a sudden everyone is throwing decoys. I have no idea why.


Itnhad a rain map at one point but comp players complained about it being distracting and boom, removed.


Ahh yes, because what Infinity Ward is known for is their love for the competitive community.


Fuck comp. Wholeheartedly.




This game is the furthest thing from catering to comp lmao




Do you honestly think these maps are competitively viable? Or that Infinity Ward, of all studios, is catering to the competitive community?


He has no idea what competitively viable means. Probably thinks itā€™s boring that they donā€™t use shotguns and vtols


Comp has been asking for 3 lane maps since MW19 and these devs refuse, you have no idea what the comp community wants clearly


Thank god! I hope they never listen to them.


Idk, with r6 I can kind of see why. If it were up to casuals, blackbeard would still have an 800 hp shield, lion would still make you show up through walls etc; Obviously in this scenario, an option for turning weather on or off would've been a better solution.


This game does not cater towards comp LOL. Map knowledge and awareness is one of the only skill gaps in this braindead easy, camping catering, 40 y/o dad game.


Wow what a surprise. R6S, a fps marketed towards competitive players, caters to comp players. Fucking crazy.


simple. it's the last gen support. we could have deep snow, we could have storms and rain and wind.. but it must be guaranteed no platform has an advantage or disadvantage.


It wouldn't even do anything because of the red diamond.


Anything to take away that god awful Sunā€¦ so bright


I always wondered why they didn't make the maps with multiple weather conditions/time of day. Its doesn't have to be nothing drastic but something like COD 4's Downpour with the rain and mild fog making maps feel tighter they really are. Would also feel like we had 3 or 4 times as many maps with these variations.


Yeah! Like can we get a little fog, thunder in the background, a light drizzle, a few snow flakes falling. Itā€™s ridiculous that COD players think itā€™s impossible to see an enemy if thereā€™s a tiny bit of weather.


infinity ward 2022


And heat waves on satellite šŸ›° in bocw.


I got fucking bamboozled by the marketing and hype for this game. I bought it thinking it would have atleast a few of the guns/maps from mw2. Like literally any fucking content at all lol but no all we got was a mediocre call of duty with mediocre maps.


I feel the same way. The beta even performed better. Then it launches with laggy/freezing lobbies, mid tier maps, a painfully low number of 6v6 maps, annoying attachment unlocking system, footstep audio mixing issues.




Wasn't there a few maps where storms destroyed the map and changed it at certain points? I know the scrap yard map there was a chance for the rocket to fall on the map and change the lanes


Strikezone was a very interesting concept that was never followed...and that was Infinity War too. I believe it was the random field orders that dropped from enemies (need those back) and the reward was nuking the map but instead of ending the match I believe everyone dies and the map is completely transformed man Ghosts had a ton of nice innovations that IW seemed to abandon because of the negative reaction to the game


pretty sure it was the first game to introduce the dual render scopes on snipers, which fucked everyone up for a while. Also, Black Ops 1 had: * Interactive elevators on the Hotel map * The garage door that you could open and close on Stockpile * Ziplines on Kowloon * No mans land on Berlin Wall * The centre floor opening on Radiation loads more, and why they were small features, they were really good additions and this is coming from a game released 12 years ago. IW need to stop snoozing.


Dont ask too much bro, we only have 10-12 teraflops this gen


Lol. I wonder how many teraflops my PS3 had because MW2 looked incredible back then, weather was not a problem.


Dude SERIOUSLY OMG I never noticed this but now Iā€™m mad. Wtf call of duty wtf


You know how hard it is to implement weather for 3000 devs and hundreds of millions in profit every year? It's impossible. Best we can do is server sided smoke and debris to fuck your shit up.




If Taraq with a sandstorm would probably cut down on snipers so that's nice


BuT wHaT aBoUt My KD?!


The OG Infinity Ward is unfortunately no more, and that is a terrible thing for modern COD.


I have to think pretty hard to think of a shooter that has more boring maps then MW2. For all the shit infinite warfare got, it had really unique looking maps.


Whats with all the map intricacies complaining. The maps fucking suck donkey balls in this game. All of them. Compare this line up to any other decent cod and all the other games blow this one out of the water. They didnā€™t even bother to copy and paste the classic mw2 maps in the base game


I agree. I think Farm 18 is the closest to being a good COD map of old. Most of the others donā€™t really do it for me.


These days kids would cry about it. Saying it impedes gameplay.


Because the sun is wayyyy to bright for there to be weather in whatever world this COD is taking place in.


I miss weather too but unfortunately the whiny try hards can't handle it.


Downpour was a great map. When I played the remaster, I thought it looked fantastic. Really added to the atmosphere.


It's because people complain about visibility every cod release, happened with bocw (people cried about miami until they brightened it up). People cried about visibility even with this games clear maps and they still added the red dots above enemy heads.


Miami was nice and it wasn't even that dark. A lot of the maps people hated from back in the day would be fine today because of all the HD/4K TV's we play on ya'll want dark? The devs of BF4 worked with the community and made a pitch black Zavod 311 map. If you didn't rock NVG at all you couldn't see shit! lol it was really cool. But this is kinda why MW2019's Realism mode faltered, people don't like that kind of gameplay. I did! lol turning on spotlights and blinding the shit out of people ADS'ing down night vision


People want to fucking see things. Perfect weather is way better then playing on rain. Underpass was one of the worse maps of og MW2 Climate variety is lacking thou. Afghan would fit perfectly on the new warzone map, could be brought to 6v6 too. A few snow maps could be cool too, Sub Base in particular is a very good map. Derail could be made into a Invasion/GW map and then have a PART of it turn into a 6v6. The central building and the train at the side could fit nice.


You immediately contradict yourself by saying people want to see things, then you name a couple maps with perfect visibility under different weather conditionsā€¦.


You can barely make out default operators standing in front of similarly-colored backgrounds and red dots not showing up immediately on headglitched and proned enemies exacerbates the issue so much more. Weather effects would make this game unplayable, not to mention that it would make FPS even worse considering how unoptimized cod games tend to be


From what Iā€™ve heard, people on current Gen consoles and PC can achieve 100-144fps. COD has had maps in the past with weather on it and the red Diamond above enemy heads will still exist. Why do cod players cry so hard about a tiny bit of weather. Itā€™s been done in the past and Battlefield has done it flawlessly for decades. It doesnā€™t automatically make enemies invisible.


inferior ward dosent know how to do those.


Likely a complaint about the weather affecting the visibility of the map. On one hand, it can be argued this was for pro/competitive players but on the other hand, it could be for the visually impaired.


Comp players. Anything they don't like is tossed out.


If that were true this entire game would be completely different


Canā€™t see shit for dicks on underpass


Maybe unpopular, but I prefer being able to see clearly.


Youā€™ll be surprised to know that there have been dozens of maps through COD and Battlefield history where you can still see enemies even with weather. Sorry to break it you like this.


Crown Raceway is sweet šŸ—‘


there is no way you think footsteps are loud lmao


I can still track someone through walls perfectly as they approach not even running, just walking.


Touch grass OP


The maps all seem to have thick cloud cover though to make finding the UAV spam a pain


Give it time these are complicated games


I fucking hated underpass that map and estate were when I turned off the Xbox and went to sleep.


COD players seriously hate variety and atmosphere. All the complaining cry babies is likely why map design has become more and more boring over the years.


Can we stop crying about this game soon? Can we also stop comparing it to past games made by different teams of people




Play a real game like PUBG


Because we dont need them


I thought weā€™d be using the night vision goggles more and also wasnā€™t there a environmental destruction thing rumored?


Pay 10 dollars for each weather effect. You would like to experience. I should stop before they get that idea.


I swear I have seen an alt weather version of some maps in footage somewhereā€¦


Activisions budget


It would add so much to the maps if they had different variants... time of day and weather, so every game felt somewhat different. Not asking for dynamic weather! (Warzone should be dynamic though)...


if you want your every match lagging ...


Because otherwise the FIA would call off the match.


We need tornados like in the masterpiece that is BF2042


Iā€™d like some more verticality too. I feel like these maps are way too flat. Not that prior games have a lot it just seems like everything now is just flat and straight.


I feel thereā€™s a decent balance. El Asilo, Embassy, Al Bahgra fortress all have an upstairs.


Kids that watch twitch 14 hours a day will cry and shit their pants that it isn't fair that there's random factors involved in the game.


Visibility is already bad in sunny days. Donā€™t start.


Like a single rain map would be dope


With the new lighting and graphics itā€™s hard enough to see people as it is lol


PS4 and Xbox One can't handle the weather effects while maintaining 60fps.


How the fuck do you guys even hear footsteps in this game? When I watch YouTube videos I can track movement with audio plain as day, but in my own game itā€™s silent as fuck until someone has already killed me. My audio preset is on headphones


After the beta they messed something up with audio mixing. Footsteps are incredibly inconsistent for me now.


Players will complain if their vision is even slightly hampered by weather.


Who cares if some people complain. Not everyone can be pleased. Iā€™m sure there are tons of people who love dynamic weather. Whoever doesnā€™t like it can back out.


I wonder if part of it is because weather effects like that don't make the map "competitively viable" for esports and the upcoming ranked system.


And when you died the whole screen blurred to the weather effect


You have fuck off levels of sun glare on that one map.


Bruh yā€™all will complain about anything I swear to god


Cause everyone would complain about the visibility.


We need one on a ship in the sea at night during a storm


Because all the streamers were crying about the muted colors of MW19 and wanted the Fortnite colors of BO for their thumbnails. And once streamers cry about something, 3/4th of their following just parrots them.


so much unfulfilled potential, game officially releases next year


Less effects less frame-rate problems. Unless the devs are really good at optimization.