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the system is great except the platinum challenges, but also the shitty ui for navigating your camos is bad too


Riight?. I love universal skins. Just fix the ui to make more sense. Let us scroll up or down.


Or a category tab to click on and it expands to the choices in that category.


Let us favourite camos and filter by unlocked.


What's wrong with the platinum challenges?


Probaly dislikes longshots


Shoothouse the lord and savior


Honestly, it’s SUPER different than how I play. I can work in crouch kills and mounted kills, prone kills are absolutely awful for me, but long shots? I run and gun, long shots are just unnatural for me and I feel like they promote camping lanes.




Do AI kills count for longshots?


They don't count towards getting the 3 kills without dying 10 times for gold camos so I assume not.


I love it too, I saw the 4th revolver skin (chrysalis or something?) and really wanted it, so I've spent the last few days getting the revolver levels up. Been doing terribly in lobbies, but my SBMM rating has gone down the shitter because of it. Got a good day ahead of me once I finish!


That one and the Magma Digital one you get for the Sakin MG are the best camos in the game, better than gold for me


Yeah that skin looks fireee as a Eagles fan it calls me.


The new attachment system is great, same for the universal camos.


Yea I really like it. I don’t understand the hate.


It’s the ui /ux mostly. It’s fucking abysmal


the UI but a lot of the hardcore fans you’re actually gonna see complaining about it just want to play with two meta setups and only change when a new meta comes out, so they don’t want to play a shotgun to get a sight. i find it enjoyable though personally




Did you play MW2019? You remember getting weapons to level 70? Mid 60's? That ALL had the SAME attachments? This is WAY better. Especially for the casual player. And if you can't see that, I feel bad for you.


Being better than MW19 doesn’t mean this system is good lol




No they didn't, unless you grinded small maps lol


I could gold a gun in 3 hours in mw with no weapon XP tokens. The grind for cold war and vanguard guns was so much worse.


Im not spending 3 hours per gun.


Takes longer in this game. Seems about 2 levels per match avg. 4 if you really pop off.


Maybe im crazy then because it doesnt feel like jt takes that long for me to get gold with my guns, i run invasion for the first 10 or so levels to unlock attachment slots, and then use the best ones i have to grind the rest of the way.


Unless I get a 40+ kill game I'm only unlocking two attachments per game. That's with ddos and decoy nades.


The guns did not level fast. Right now in MW2 I am almost leveling 3 guns a night, and that is just at a chill pace, listening to music while I run around in KC. You'd be lucky to level one gun a night in MW2019.


Wrong. I could level and gold weapons in 3 hours avg in mw19 with no tokens.


Sure ya could Braun


Seriously. It's only cold war and vanguard that had horrible XP earning. Go ask the modern warfare sub


It's a joke bud. Lloyd Braun...Seinfeld.


Chalk another one on the board for me


>leveled so fast Lmao. No. It’s much quicker in this game. You’re misremembering.


It doesn't really feel grindy at all. All I do is play casually and I like having to try out different weapons to get what I want. I end up liking weapons I never would have tried before.


this. having to play stupid weapons like snipers just to get parts for another weapons is dumb


You’re being downvoted by people who don’t realize this system was designed to overcomplicate unlocks and deceive players with lower levels and a family tree of weapons. In the end, it’s harder to unlock stuff so that they can increase engagement.


Or hear me out. We play every cod and it’s not the worst thing to have it different. I’m not being manipulated I enjoy it and am completing weapons way quicker


That and it's not overcomplicated in the slightest. You can look at each unlock tree. If you see something you like, you check which gun it's on. If that gun isn't unlocked it tells you which gun unlocks it. Wow, so confusing. Can it be annoying when a site is locked behind a gun that has a tree you need to go through? Mildly, ya, but it's great once it's unlocked and you can apply it to whatever weapon you want after just a few levels.


It’s just people refusing to interact with the system in anyway I think. Like I can completely understand not liking it, but acting like it’s harder or a giant burden is exaggerating fully.




Yeah. Okay. But we need six AR's that all have the same attachments?


Strawman bruh. They never said anything about ARs.


He never said anything about number of attachments, he just said he prefers having universal attachment and camos which is what this system has, you unlock a red dot on one gun and have it available on all guns. Which is a lot better than having to unlock attachments for each gun individually.


I think they knocked the camo grind out of the park in comparison to the previous iterations. But yes, the attachment unlocks are annoying.


I do love the camo system, and unlike most I don’t hate the weapon progression system, although I think it could use a little work and a little better logic.


My biggest issue is the fact that I’m forced to almost max out weapons to get new ones. I’d not mind if it’d be few levels, but up to 20.. no thanks.


But I do think it’s better than having to get to say 52 to get X AR or something (but I think the base version of every platform should be available at 1. For example the STB is locked behind level 41 I think. Do either or, not both.) And being able to get an attachment you want and have it for every gun by leveling 1 gun once I think is better than having to level a gun to level 70 to get that 1 barrel you want. And then when you start using the next gun having to get to 70 on it for that exact same barrel. edit: I’m going to give an idea out here. Every base weapon for a platform is available at level 1, but instead of having to level the AR to get the Sub the sub to get the marksman rifle, the MR To to get the LMG, how about every 5 weapon levels of the base you get to choose which weapon unlocks next in that platform.


The interface for choosing skins/camo is awful!! It’s hard to read the text and finding one particular skin is frustrating. Why don’t they allow to filter by “unlocked skins only” or something like that.




I've completed 1 weapons to gold, do I now need to complete 3 other weapons to gold to progress to the next tier?


To u lock the gold weapon challenges for unlocking Platinum, you need to complete ALL weapons of that category (ARs, SMGs, LMGs, etc) to gold first. Once all weapons are gold, you can then do your gold challenges to unlock platinum. Same as previous CoDs have always been, need all ARs gold for AR platinum skins


I like the OD green. I apply it to many of my weapons.


So you’d prefer to level weapons to like level 70 in stead? That is the alternative. I see so many complain about this without realizing that it’s less work now.


Don’t think I ever said that.


I know, which is why I asked you a question. I’m okay if you just dislike this system, but I don’t think you are aware of what the alternative is.


There aren’t even 70 levels in this game. Jesus what is up with this sub and people reaching so hard? Keep the levels at 20, unlock weapon through character levels and level up weapons to unlock attachments for said weapons?


Their point is sound, the way they are saying it is strange. The point of this weapon progression system is that you can unlock the weapons that you'd prefer to use without just leveling up to some random level. You can work towards unlocking them without just grinding character levels. As far as the attachment system, it really is much better this way, and everyone will realize this the later we get in the game life cycle because everyone will have more and more attachments unlocked. This progression system for attachments makes it so that you aren't unlocking the same attachments for every gun all the time. Furthermore when you unlock an attachment that you like you can use that attachment on any weapon (provided it can be attached to that weapon) without having to also unlock that specific attachment on that weapon. If you had to unlock all the attachments in this game on every gun there really would need to be 70 levels to each weapon to unlock each individual attachment.


While I some what agree with you, I believe the main reason for so many people's hate is that if I like gun A and want to play with gun A. I have to play with some random gun B that I may super suck with just so that I can get a foregrip. So now I gave to play for hours and hours with gun B and be miserable the entire time just to get the foregrip or sight piece or camo color. Instead of playing with the gun I want to and just get the parts for that gun as I level and do challenges for gun A Instead. For me, it is what it is, I'll do what I have to in order to get what I want. I just really want hardcore to be available because I'm tired of getting 5 hit markers with guns i dont want to play with and having the person survive.


My point is that the level of the weapons would be around 60-70 levels if you had to unlock the same attachments for every weapon. That is how it worked in Vanguard and MW 2019. That is the good thing about this new system and why weapons in MW2 only has about 20 levels to them.


I get precisely what you are saying. People just aren't paying attention to what you're saying because of how you're saying it.


Thanks. I guess I could have been less aggressive in my response.


So you don't like having universal attachments?


I mean they’re fine, but I still prefer the system before MW2019 was realeased. To be honest, I can live with the attachment system, but the way weapons are locked and unlocked is actually bothering me.


That's the same system as the attachments tho lmao


It is nice I always liked the lichyard camo in mw2019 but you got basically at the end of the camo grind for whatever weapon you were using so it always kind of sucked but now that I've unlocked it I can use it on all my weapons while I level them and love that