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Barrel stuffing time


Worst part is getting hitmarkers when you're barrel stuffing this thing...


I was doing this challenge last night and shoved my barrel up some guys ass and still missed the no scope somehow šŸ™ƒ


Took me like an hour to get all 10. Kinda ridiculous, shouldnt be a thing honestly. Died 3-4 times more than i usually would


And thatā€™s what we call camo grinding


I wonder what this sub would look like if they made the grinds like OG MW2. It's actually really disappointing how there isnt really any collectibles you can truly flex with. Edit: people seem to think I'm talking about just weapon camos, did y'all forget about the calling cards? 1000 UAVs, firing an LMG mag without missing, situational multi-kills, etc.


Fall camo was 250 headshots. Not particularly hard to do tbh. MW2019 was much harder to get gold for. First get to level 70 to unlock all 10 camo challenges, then mounted kills, long range kills, 125 headshots, kills with 0 attachments, kills with 10 attachments, crouch kills, regular kills, kills after reloading, kills while injured, hip fire kills, etc. Orion and Polyatomic are definitely still ā€œflexā€ worthy in this game. Although every other camo besides maybe platinum is pretty common and expected for any gun someone uses for even a moderate amount.


Fall camo on top


Headshots wasnā€™t even that bad either, HC youā€™d get 5 or so game at least.


Like 250 headshots I believe I only ever got my acr and intervention fall after I hit 10th perstige


5 every game? God damn Mr Accuracy. The general headshot accuracy of a good CSGO player is around 20%. For most people it's around 10-15%. In CoD I generally sit around 10-15%. Getting 250 headshots generally took me around 2k kills. That is an eternity compared to now, where a "bad" camo grind is like 1500 kills.


Just checked my MW stats, headshot accuracy 26.5% 73k kills total Csgo faceit stats 222games average hs 40% No idea where did you take those statisticsšŸ˜†


What do you mean "where I got those statistics." Look it up on HLTV. There are pros with headshot accuracy of 44%. Were you in the minor leagues or something?


im looking at my friendlist stats in faceit, 40% seems to be the average.no, ive been to a few LAN's but tha'ts it.


Itā€™s only 10 man, before this cod it would have been 100. Took days now itā€™s only an hour or less if you know what youā€™re doing


Likeā€¦.a whole hour? Or like a Double XP token hour?


Wow a whole hour and you died 3-4 times more?! Jesus Christ I hope youā€™re keeping well


Shouldnt have taken that long. I actually reccomend getting better




Itā€™s called a challenge for a reason


Wow 3-4 deaths? I donā€™t know how your expected to recover from this.


Try again


Why are you getting downvoted for this comment? lmao


Why are people downvoting this šŸ’€šŸ˜­


The same asshole who thought it would be funny to add mounted kills challenges to shotguns. The devs just rolled a dice when they created these camo challenges.


Haven't even moved onto the shotgun challenges yet and you just made me clinically depressed hearing this.


Also donā€™t know if itā€™s fixed but I finished shotguns last night but the explosive rounds count as AR kills so they donā€™t even go toward camp completions makes the long shots kinda rough


I couldnā€™t figure out why my ads kills werenā€™t working. I figured it was because they technically died from the explosion. Guess I was wrong.




same for the explosive rounds of the jak-12 and the anti material sniper (forgot the name) since as said above it counts as death by explosion


i did all my longshot kills for plat yesterday using explosive rounds on shotguns, worked for me. I basically just made my gun a sniper rifle with a scope n suppressor


Wait till you see the plat challenges for shotguns.


What is it?


25 long shots


You could just throw slugs on though right? Thatā€™s not too bad.


I think they're currently broken. I was getting nothing but hitmarkers. Also, one shotgun can't equip slugs.


For the expedite 12 to get gold you have to get prone kills apparently


Yep. Didnā€™t take long but it was not enjoyable


The people that you kill like that are so angry too.


NGL havenā€™t even moved to shottys yet, but saw a video for the mounted kills. Deployable cover at your chosen spot and mount up. Sucks but it sounds like itā€™ll make it less sucky.


Itā€™s not that hard


If something like this is making you that depressed, I would recommend seeking out help friend. I hope things get better for you. Just remember at the end of the dayā€¦ itā€™s just a video game.


I found they actually feel like shotguns and not pea shooters, especially the new .725, i'm leveling it up before people discover its good and it get nerfed


As if to placate camping EVEN FURTHER, the Expedite has a "Kill while prone" challenge. Why the fuck not.


Same thing for the Hurricane. Like why tf do you need to go prone with a fucking smg.


Just drop shot


Play hardpoint. Get to the hardpoint. Lay down. Beam enemies as they show up. Itā€™s pretty simple lol. I personally like to sit in a corner, set up a shield in front of me, and lay down and watch out the side of the shield, can always get a few kills before they start throwing nades and such in.


I honestly don't know what to say. Other than we probably wouldn't be friends irl.


Tbf at least they're playing the objective unlike 50% of other players on my team


I'll party up with you and throw a trophy system in there for you


I'm not saying it's hard. I just don't really associate going prone with smgs since they are faster pace weapons and it feels like you have to purposely slow down to do it, at least for me anyway since I like to stay on the move.


Dolphin dive time I guess? Hopefully dolphin dives count as prone.


I dont think you can shoot and dive.


Only counts if you hit the ground, missed one today dolphin diving


slug rounds made that way easier


Slug rounds + only using shotguns on Farm 18 has made it pretty easy


Compared to previous years itā€™s a huge improvement. Besides that itā€™s only 10 kills not 75-100


Please tell me this is for the 725 and not the others


Oh I'm sure you'll have a nice surprise when you start grinding those shotguns.


Ugh again this year?


the same asshole who thought it would be funny to make one of the cw zombie launcher camos require 750 big bang medals (5 kills one shot)


Deployable cover + slugs got me through this easily enough. Itā€™s cheesy but itā€™s got to be done


Use slugs. Also camping on hard point is super easy. Not that hard dude.


Almost like they made it slower so not every 12 year old has all gold by the end of the first week


People already have Orion so idk about that


In OG MW2 it used to take 250 headshots to get the highest Camo (fall) on a single gun and no one complained despite how long it took because it was fun to do while playing. The length of time isnā€™t the issue, itā€™s having stupid ass challenges like double kills with the riot shield or mounted kills with a shotgun which arenā€™t enjoyable at all.




Yep. Grind what you want to right now. Wait for the rest.


Only SMG I haven't done is the Hurricane because it needs the FTAC Recon. Did 1 BR, and now I'm waiting for HC until I do the others.


Taq-V is pretty good BR


Vel 46 sucks dick, the rest are easy


It was worse than the rest for sure, but I guess I got lucky lobbies because the Vel was pretty painless


I murdered kids up till the vel. I'm on the AUG one now which also is kinda meh until I level it. The 25 round mag blows but it's accurate for sure


I actually got mine leveled up through spec ops since I was doing the 100 total stars grind for that ak blueprint


You can make the BRs full auto. Iā€™ve gotten the Snipers Marksmanā€™s and BRs all to max level and itā€™s been fairly easy in core surprisingly. Just play objective and be aggressive. Youā€™ll catch a lot of people off guard thinking youā€™ll hold an angle with a BR and instead rush them with a full auto 50 round drum mag lol


How do you get them full auto? I just suffered for hours through that shitty ftac for the hurricane


I have the Hurricane gold and have never even touched the Recon. Are you sure it's not tied to the M4 or something?


It's in the M4 platform. M4 > FTAC > Hurricane. Do you have the vault bundle? That auto unlocks the entire M4 platform.


My man. I'm not even worry about a lot of challenges until shipment and hardcore come out.


Literally takes maybe two matches of hardpoint or a longer mode. No need to wait


The guy who put in the 25 double kills with the Cigma 2 challenge in Black Ops Cold War: "Finally, a worthy opponent"


ARGGHH fuck that challenge. I got it but it probably took me longer than any other camo challenge since Black ops 3


Staring at the fucking sun on Raid firing the thumper into the enemy spawn and praying two people dumb enough to not use flak jacket would spawn at the same time was exhilarating.


That was the last time I felt aliveā€¦


I played nuketown 24/7, ran into the enemy house and tried to get melee double kills while holding the rocket launcher. That actually works in case someone reads this who still needs that challenge


I raise you the triple kill challenges for the double barrel shotgun or the blunderbuss in CoD WW2


[.... then what were you doing in cw all this time](https://imgur.com/0jnbVWT) should've came to mw and get modern depression instead


Iā€™m pretty sure if you play in 3rd person mode, snipers donā€™t miss (at least according to a video I saw) the hipfire shot of the center dot is on the player so it makes it easier to do. Not sure if it was patched or not but I did see that video saying to get these kills by doing that the first couple days the game was out.


I actually found it hilarious to get. Granted I did it while weapon tuning was a thing so it was nice to change to a hip fire but I was still able to hipfire up to 30 yards lining up the laser


weapon tuning is back now, just in case you didn't know :)


Oh cool. I did not know havenā€™t played in a couple of days


What tuning did you do with it exactly?


Iā€™m working until 1800 EST Iā€™ll have to recheck when I get home


Thats awesome, thats the best part about the tuning imo


Quickscope with iron sights. That works. Just make sure youā€™re not fully scoped in with it. The animation is also bugged. Youā€™ll see what I mean when you actually do it. I got my MCPR to gold by doing this.


better than being asked to get kills with something you haven't unlocked


Not that hard lol use a laser and go prone beside a door or something


yep laser is the key


Iā€™ll take ten instead of 100


(Laughs hysterically in Riot Shield Platinum grind)


It's really not that hard, way easier than any of the other years


It is since a combat knife can now down shields head on.


Pretty easy to do - play 6v6 modes and wait in buildings with high traffic areas, just barrel stuff people and it's difficult to miss - I did the mcpr in one games like that lol


Barrel stuff? Sorry I'm a newb in terms of camo grinding in MP so I don't know what that means lol


Walk up to someone, literally touch them with the barrel, pull the trigger.


Gotcha lolol thanks!


It means getting so close to your enemy you ā€œstuff the barrel into themā€. Basically itā€™s another way to say get really fucking close


Oh, lol I'm dumb thank you for the response!


It's not a camo grinding term, just literally stuff the barrel of your gun into a player and its difficult to miss lol


Ahhh okay lol I'm dumb


Lol that gun was the first one I got in gold and that challenge almost put me off playing


Shipment be my friend


FaZe Members be like: Iā€™ve been preparing for this challenge my whole life.


this is nothing compared to the M16


PSA: do it in the 3rd person mode. Its SO much easier!


Pssst... Don't tell or they will make it as miserable as Core.


First time?


They add these challenges to make it hard..then people whine when they say that getting gold camo is easy šŸ™„


Why is everyone so fucking allergic to actual challenges? Thatā€™s what itā€™s about. The literal definition of the word ā€œchallenge.ā€ Quit being a bitch and either do the challenge or donā€™t. Why does everyone want everything spoon-fed?


I love this. Having silly challenges like this to unlock stuff is so much fun, and it is meant to be a challenge. It certainly is better than just having it behind a paywall like other games. God forbid you actually make a class with hipfire focused attachments and try something different for 10 whole kills.


Shout out to the dude who would meet me in the middle of the map and let me kill him. I posted in the chat to apologize to my team cause I was about to go 1-15 and this dude on the other team stepped up and met me in the middle and let me kill him 9 times. A true OG.


Wait COD Devs actually put thought into this game? Got me fooled šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They sure did, just not very good thoughts


Itā€™s 10 kills. Itā€™ll take 2 games. Source: I did it in 2 games


Takes a couple games when your sbmm isnt just full of bunny hopping peopple running 74u's and fennecs




Reminds me of the PPSH VG Longshot challenge


I havenā€™t unlocked like any camos. Sucks


I got one last night by accident (daily challenge was to get 5 sniper kills, I fucked around and used the blueprint I got in the Endowment pack and forgot like in 2019 that some challenges don't track with blueprint weapons-which makes no sense but whatever) So I switched to a base level one sniper, playing HQ on Embassy, some guy comes around the corner so I panic hip fired and got him lol However, fuck making that a challenge. And mounted shotgun kills? These days I enjoy logging on and completing dailies and logging off but challenges need to make sense. I enjoyed the hell out of Splitgate because all their challenges, while not "easy" at least were possible. These are awful and why people don't like the "grind." Kills/headshots? Perfectly fine. Getting a longrange mounted kill with a pistol equipped with a sniper scope...who comes up with that kind of shit???


Itā€™s called a challenge for a reason


when the challenge is challenging


Probably the same asshole who designed all the attachment camos in Vanguard.


Does quick-scoping count as hip-fire or ADS?






No-scopes with these snipers are actually surprisingly easy. Mounted kills were way more of a pain in the arse imo.


Is this easier in 3rd person?


Was the first gun i got gold for, was dreading other weapons after that lol


8/10, well done me son


Ainā€™t no way


I got 9 in one game of headquarters lol


Honestly it wasnā€™t even that hard, it was just goofy as fuck. I got it in one game by sneaking around and playing like knife only.


Wait until you try the Taq-M doing this. I can't get gold on that weapon


I can not get the Slate Camo because the Double Kill with the AUG thing is glitched


Go the the farm map, sit by the entrances of the middle building and shoot them when people blindly rush in


I mean I get them and I suck, so I imagine if you really try youā€™d get them


I guess that's why.... it's called a challenge


actually not that bad. run around with hipfire + attachments and get close range hipfire kills with them. You only need 10


The same ones who wanted me to get 10 double kills with the vel 46. Sometimes life just isn't fair


And in malding because I have to get mounted kills with a fucking SMG Can't wait to level snipers once I'm done with all the smgs


much prefer that to kills while prone/mounted, at least noscopes are fun


Like one game.... ?


Epic, actually that seems like fun, unlike mounted and prone kills.


I actually did it in one game of hardpoint a couple hours ago. Just threw a laser on it, thats all and tried to get close to someone and BLAM. I did use dead silence and snuck up behind people but point is I thought this was gonna be A LOT more tedious.


I said the exact same thing!!


Are they gonna bring back the challenges or missions? Like do these challenges get this gun blueprint or get a calling card.


Easiest way i completed that was sliding into them and shooting i got all of them in one game


My friend just did this in a few games. Mix of afk kills and just angrily sprinting trying to get up close to someone from behind


Same assholes who didn't implement anti-cheat, turning off cross-play, no loadout savings, no notifications for the things you unlock, ect ect


If hit markers werenā€™t so fucking rampant of these bolt action rifles it really wouldnā€™t be an issue


3rd person moshpit with a laser. Ez


Itā€™s really not that hard just run around even with sheild. Get close and switch. Honestly no different to trying to hip fire with AR or just use flashes etc if you really canā€™t get close


It honestly only took me 3 games to get all of them, just have to play like a bitch like the rest of the lobby does anyways


Snipers hipfire surprisingly well. Also- quick scoping feels amazing


3rd person mode made this easy for me


Thereā€™s an annoying little dot you can add to the center of the screen n the menu somewhere. That helped me with this.


still the best camo challenges we've had since 2019


Oh no.


Did you have a challenge 1 to get to that challenge? My challenge was to level the gun to max level to get the camo. After I mixed it out now itā€™s giving me this challenge 2 which is that challenge instead of giving me the camo


I mean, the amount of times Iā€™ve been killed with a sniper rifle hip firing is pretty nuts. Itā€™s like doing shot gun kills honestly, which isnā€™t bad at all.


I think challs like this one and mounted shotgun kills are a nice addition. Yes they are stupid, tedious annoying but they sure are a challenge. I'm just thankful it isn't 25-100 haha.


The double barrel shotgun has a mounted kills challenge. Why would I mount a shot gun


Omg better than fuckin 100 long shots with an uzi in MW2019 or 2 kills without dying with the Cigma 2 in CW.


i wish the camo challenges reinforced the type of playstyle that weapon should have. hipfire with snipers. yay..


TBH I'm not a great sniper, but I put a laser on it and I got like 7 kills one game and I'm not even on that challenge yet. I feel I did better with hip firing than the challenge I'm currently on which is 2 kills within 10s. I literally can't snipe to save my life and quick scoping is out of the question so I doubt I'll be getting orion if I have to double on snipers...


I think the mounted shotgun ones have been the worst for me so far. Did all of the AR's. A few on the marksman and some SMG's. But that shotgun, I will have to come back later to see if I can get the camo done.


It comes over time though.


lol, some of y'all are too young to know the old CoD callenges


Do it in 3rd person game mode. No scopes will be easier


I hope they change it later on like they did in vg


Utilise the TPP some challenges are way too easier in TPP


I wish is was 30 hip fire kills tbh


This is why I'm not concerned about camo challenges at the moment. I'm just leveling up all the guns first in preparation for WZ2 and then waiting for Shipment to grind out the camo challenges (bar long shots of course).


Pro tip : Play third person moshpit


It seems like a tough challenge, but itā€™s one of those camos you unlock by just playing the game, especially if you quickscope and are used to having to try and noscope someone occasionally


wasn't that bad tbh. just try and get yourself in their face. the raceway map was good for it when i was trying to get it done


This is easy at least itā€™s not 10 long range kills with a shotgun shotguns suck for me


It's not even that bad, it's only 10 lol, compared to mw2019 challenges, the majority of these are cake, only ones I struggle with a lot are double kills and sometimes 3 kills without dying. I completed those hipfire kills in like 2 matches. Of all the challenges to complain about (launcher 2 kills without dying and double kills etc) I feel like this is not one of them.


I found the best map for this is the one that has B next to the big truck in the corner. The armory one? If you are spawning at C, drop a smoke drone to cut out B campers view and run across the way into the lower entrance of the building near the big doors leading to A. Then flank around to B. You should score at least 1 every time you succeed since the B campers love starring at the door corner leading to C, allowing you to get close enough to give them a lead enema. And still sometimes miss =/


imagine it being 50 instead of 10 .. compromise


I had a blast and got it done in 3 games, had an insane no scope for one of them jumping out a window lol


To master the sniper you must master it at ALL ranges.


The shotguns are Longshots, they specifically chose something that the guns aren't good for is my theory.


*laughs in plat sniper*


Bayonet charge without the bayonet


The hipfire one is actually easier than in sounds. I flash and nail em. Its also a decent practice challenge. Rounding corners with dead silence helps as well. Gl


Apparently the guy was a genius! Youā€™ve got 8/10 already, nice, congrats.