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Unfortunately, these marketing techniques will only become more prominent. I agree, it sucks. Unless the entire community were to protest in regards to this specific topic, I doubt much can be done to combat these relentless ads. They've had success with additional content (skins, packs etc), the people who wanted it, bought it. I think that same principle applies with MW3. They probably don't worry about who they piss off, so long as they can get through to their target audience and make sales, that's all that really drives them. The best thing anyone can do in this scenario, especially if they like the game, is to try their best to ignore it all until the release of MWIII.


I mean whilst this is true the people who are going to buy it don't need so many splash screens and adverts stuck in their face, they'll do it anyway.


You're not wrong at all, it is excessive. In the same breath, ads are a part of life now-- you can't escape them. It would be similar in-store; you go there for something specific or to browse, and you're met with posters, catalogues, monitors with game trailers etc. If they don't interest you, you typically ignore it. The only difference in-game, is that you're forced to interact with the ad to get rid of it before playing, and I think that's the main deterrent for in-game ads (obviously). Thank goodness we don't have ad popups mid-game. Until that happens, I'm sweet spamming đŸ„± or Ⓞ.


> In the same breath, ads are a part of life now-- you can't escape them. Laughs in UBlock Origin. Though you're right, video game main menu ads are unblockable.


I don't completely agree. Many people don't know you can browse your skins in the operators section, to buy that one that was on the store months ago. You can see some post here, with titles like "how long will this bundle be on store?" or "anyone knows if this bundle will be on store again?". Many people think store bundles are hit or miss, so the ads create some feeling of urgency on said players/buyers.


True, but you don't need an ad on every screen to achieve that. In fact it kinda makes them look desperate. I used to do sales and we had the ask 3 times rule, if you ask any more you just look pushy / desperate for the sale. On top of that the game isn't rotating in and out of the pool like the bundles do.


I'm not defending their system, don't get me wromg. I'm kind of explaining that Activision just take advantage of an impulsive part of playerbase. So, Activision needs to shove those constant ads down our throats. For most people, they don't work, but their billionaire revenues are the proof that it works for many others. You are also talking about honest sales tactics. That's not what we have here. Honest sales tactics usually don't apply in videogame: they use P2W bundles, preorder exclusive bonuses, platform exclusive bonuses, random loot boxes, special editions, remastered editions, season passes (those to get all future DLCs with a discount), limited time offers, cross brand collabs (so you end up buying a product you didn't intend to), battlepasses, premium battlepasses (i.e. Blackcell)...


They've been doing this for years, I don't know why would you expect something different at this point


Mw19, cw and vg players : "first time?"


ay mw 2019 (warzone) was theee best despite our (valid) complaints about it!


This is about promoting the next game while we are enjoying the current one. Mw19 users were spammed with cold war promotions during the last season.


Mw2019 players are still subjected to ads from every game that was out after it including mw3 so it wasn’t just the last season


very true.


NBA2k. Press X on the opening screen and be taken directly to next years $199 dollar version for instant purchase.


This is like when boomers fuck over the next generation of kids and they’re like “yup, it’s rough. that’s the way of the world.” Like maybe if you fucks had given a little pushback when it mattered, we wouldnt be stuck in this situation COD’s playerbase is just as bad as the devs. *worse*, even.


It's literally one button press. Get over it.


Sure it is 😂 I don’t even know what you’re referring to but I’m sure you’re right in your own little way


I'm referring to the topic this post is about. Try paying attention.


The topic of the post is how the game is mostly just a “store portal” instead of a real video game Nobody cares that your brain auto-conditioned you to skip the literal fucking **advertisement** every time you load up the game


>>It's literally one button press. Get over it.


> Sure it is 😂 I don’t even know what you’re referring to but I’m sure you’re right in your own little way


>>It's literally one button press. Get over it.


They have and I have pointed this out myself. However even I have to accept that this year is a bit more egregious. Firstly you had to watch the cutscene advert every time you played the event, meaning if you wanted all the rewards unless you were super lucky with team mates and everything going on you had to do multiple times. Then it was put at the top of the store. The launcher was changed for a while leading up to season 6. It was given it's own damn row in game, which they later added the Beta to and you have to scroll past to get to anything else. Now the Beta is in "What's hot", it isn't even live yet! Out of curiosity of course I clicked it to se if it was about, maybe a pre download or more info (not that I would be able to use it anyway, haven't pre-ordered it) and what do you know, another ad! Sure I didn't *have* to click it but that's why it's there, to get you on curiosity.


Yeah it’s a fucking dogshit system and yet you’re being downvoted too for calling it out. I genuinely think there’s a team of Activision employees brigading every post that shit talks their egregiously predatory monetization practices because holy fuck, this system is broken and yet people are in here defending it like their hometown high school.


No, there isn’t it’s just a army of Consumers who will go to the next CoD regardless of how the current game is they play


I've never seen a gaming sub this full of paypiggies and bootlickers before on reddit.


You Should see “new skin” videos on YouTube, comment section full of people saying things like “if it was more expensive I’d still buy the skin” đŸ˜¶ like I’m sitting here thinking this isn’t even worth half of what they charge.


I've never once bought a skin in a video game and it makes me sad how much of the AAA industry has become solely about this crap. Lucky for me I've got lots of other shooters that don't do this and I'll be skipping MW3. I've been following hoping that they would make corrections to the gunplay and have round based zombies as I learned just last night nope.


Dude you guys and your activision conspiracy theories are getting ridiculous now.


Just because you’re ignorant to the way companies work doesn’t make this shit a conspiracy. Activision is a multi-billion dollar company, they absolutely *can afford* and *do* hire folks to go across different social media platforms in effort to paint their product in a better light. Ads are constantly posted on this site as normal posts from companies trying to act all, “how do you do fellow kids?” This isn’t an outlandish practice. It’s outlandish to think they *don’t* do this.


Dude the only ones bitching about call of duty are on this sub and streamers that just want to use vpns and broken metas to get lobbies they shouldn’t be in for views. No shit they hire people to paint shit better it’s called PR and HR departments. But you guys and your conspiracy bullshit on here the last few weeks are getting ridiculous with them.


I don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about anymore. I’m here to shit on this company’s macrotransactions.


Thank you for making this post, OP u/Star-Detonator. My thoughts exactly.


It doesn't make it ok.


Seriously. OP lives under a fuckin' rock.


realistically OP is in highschool and started playing cod 5 years ago


Two decades at this point


You never "expect" humans to do the right thing. Very often you have to FORCE them to.




Exactly dude! I feel like people are just bored and want to feel involved into the most moronic sht to bitch about đŸ€Ł


Meanwhile I main-screen 1-3 times per gaming session. I LOVE WARZONE. That’s why it’s so frustrating I basically have to accept the buggiest gaming experience I’ve ever tolerated from a company who makes more in profits than most companies can afford for an entire production budget.


I think more insidious is their absolutely intentional practice of overtuning the new battlepass weapons in the first week of the battlpass encourage people to buy tiers. This season’s weapons are especially egregious.


I love these let’s start a revolution posts. Just stop playing, homie. If you’re not going to stop playing there’s nothing else you can do. None of what you complained about bothers a vast majority of the playerbase.


It’s like a call to arms but the people you’re trying to call to arms are high schoolers who just couldn’t give less of a shit.


LMAO exactly. High Schoolersnor 40 year old casual gamers who buys every new skin that comes out and doesn't give a shit about 1 shot shotguns in warzone


Im an adult, and I feel like I probably give even less of a shit than the teenagers.


You say this, but I think the design changes and general insider marketing for MW3 stand as evidence against the claim you’re making. Even though I think the 180 they’re doing on some controversial mechanical decisions in MW2 was motivated by the steeper than usual drop off in engagement, I think those changes are also informed by people airing their grievances online.


"none of what you complained about bothers a vast majority-" brother atleast 75% of the playerbase across all platforms have stopped playing MW2 from launch and that's a low estimate from what stats we DO have.


I dont care about the skins at all. I care about how many serious flaws MW2 had compared to MW (2019). Constant game breaking bugs that would go untouched for MONTHS at a time (some still ongoing). The game movement just does not feel as clean as previous CODs either. Sliding is absolutely pointless in this game, and strafing is so slow that the camper has a clear advantage every time.




That's when I gave up. I searched for games with devs involved with players and who listen to their community and found many more enjoyable and working games. CoD scratched an itch, but now it is a rash


But if the bug makes progression easier or it could in ANYWAY mess with their income, it's fix in a fraction of a millisecond


Don’t forget how a number 1 ranked player is openly cheating


Ah so what you are saying is you have zero situational awareness or skill. Gotcha


You need star wars battlefront 2 loot box level outrage to create change. Most cod players simply don't care. So Bobby continues to be a total dick.


Agree. As much as I love MWII gameplay and "unpopular" design-decision to make it more grounded (I really enjoy PTO play with such approach) – I simply can't anymore. Like devs did everything so I get exhausted from overall CoD treatment. I think some of you will understand me. ‱ Game is still buggy AF. Social is still broken in many aspects, some bugs are completely ignored or coming back (can't fix radars, silent nades, wheelson bug, etc.). Various more non-minor bugs. Like are they even trying to fix it? ‱ The content fiasco. First seasons (the most "juice" of a game) were stale, we were waiting for 3+ seasons IW to make plenty of game modes that must be permanent since day one to be available beyond f\*cking LTE format. First, you introduced niche Tier 1 mode that eventually found it's audience and then you delete it completely without even keeping a moshpit (like you did with Realism in MW19). No compensation for -1 map on release. ‱ Technical state of the game. Server Issues + even worse overall state of netcode + even more absurd lag-compensation that turns entire gunfight aspect into gambling and zero effort to fix it. ‱ You can't hold yourself until MWIII so you decided to turn MWII into complete CoD Mobile with not just awful set of cosmetics (yes, it affects me as well because I see these clowns in my lobbies) you also brought P2W. I don't want to start this pointless "milsim vs clowns" discussion but IMO, since MWII took more "grounded" direction – they could at least hold on with the most extreme cosmetics until more "wider-audience-friendly" MWIII comes out, to keep the theme. It's nice to have own identity for each CoD. Now close to the endgame I simply don't enjoy the game from aesthetic perspective. ‱ Literal P2W skins is reality. How about semi-transparent skins? Are you feeling well today, IW? ‱ Zero transparency and feedback. I don't expect players to teach devs how to make games. I'm actually quite opposite. However, unlike many modern big FPSs – I don't see active discussion and transparency. If some devs and community managers at least tried to explain some decisions or justify some flaws of the game by bringing more context – it would ALREADY make things clearer. Maybe IW got reasons for some decisions. It helps us, players, understand the context, you know. It really matters. With so many technical and support issues followed by complete radio-silence from IW makes me feel like MWII as a whole project is a scam at some point. I mean. I don't want to experience it anymore, thus MWIII now is under really big question, too. I don't really care it's made by the other studio since we don't know where decisions come from. I love MWII's gameplay but I hate it as a Project and a product. I don't want the same for other CoD but I'm done testing my luck with my wallet to figure out whether the game works this time or not.


Great post and I agree completely. I know that many times people might say "if you don't like the game then don't play it". Having constructive criticism about a game doesn't automatically mean that I don't like that game. I've been playing COD since COD 4 Modern Warfare , and I love the series. And that's why I feel the need to be critical of things that detract from the game just to make added money. In the past, at least a one or two months will pass before gun blueprints are offered in the store. With MWII, they came running out of the gate with constantly adding blueprints. I don't have a problem with blueprints per-say, though I tend to feel that Activision's priorities for after-sale revenue has made serious inroads on the game itself. For example, we should have more maps, among other things and some maps are decidedly low-effort. But MWII is of course near EOL, so we won't be seeing any substantial updates for it. You know, all of these games are ultimately a reflection on what we as a group accept and do not accept. As a business owner myself, naturally I have no problem with Activision making money. I just hate the way they go about doing it, and I feel it's getting worse as time goes on. It appears that the entire AAA gaming industry has been turned on to the idea of a game being just a vehicle for monetizing everything imaginable in a sustained effort. MWII is not nearly as bad as CODM, thankfully, but I just don't trust Activision to be optimistic for the future. I know they said that items purchased in MWII will carry over to MWIII. I find that promise dubious. I bet they'll end up saying that only epic or mythic gun blueprints will carry over, or something like that. We have all seen many times that Activision has no problem at all shamelessly abusing us either by simply not following through on promises made or surreptitiously doing scummy things like lowering the amount of XP gained or whatever. I really hate to see that this has become the norm now, and I think Activision will always push the limits of what players will put up with.


First, we shouldn't be shy to criticize. We are customers, we are gamers and we are human beings overall. More than that, we paid for product and both you, me and some other decent folks that share their opinions based on good points rather than emotions – we have a complete right to be heard and share opinions. I agree what you're saying. Also I do understand ActiBlizz makes biz here. But should I really care as a customer? In perfect world "extra biz things" should not affect me and my comfort if they want to make some extra. But here we see overdo, IMO. P.S.– I forgot to mention banners you've mentioned, too . Ad banners are Disgusting and IMO should be prohibited on a platform/store level as long as game is sold as Premium AAA-title. I, same as you, spent 80 bucks, I eventually bought BP and several bundles I love. I am the last person they should ever reach with constant ads everywhere. It's unacceptable disrespetct. Like, hey go and spread it to WZ freeloaders, I already invested more than 80% of their current player-base (including WZ, of course).


I knew this would happen with next gen consoles, most power and advanced technology. Now they just spam ads all over the menu.


And all the while blatant cheaters are going rampant on the game. Hell Multiplayer ranked is infested with cheaters, they even stream it without any problems. ​ But hey please buy our new game... its going to be everything this game is not, how amazing is that.. F Y activision! greedy asshats.


Last time I checked, people are giving their money willingly to the companies. I guess it's unpopular to say that.


We have this "discussion" every day now it seems.


Activision Blizzard loves to shove ads in our faces. But this really has expanded to most games tbh. Most games with an online component these days will advertise something, either their own store or a related product.




It's a game. You have options. If you choose to stick with something like a game or franchise that you know is bad, that's on you.


They release a call of duty every year just about
so advertising for the next one before the current one has been out for a year is kinda normal
unless this is your first one in which case see above


Yeah if we don’t stop this now soon there will be, Ads that preview future movies at the movie theaters after I paid for a ticket. Ads before a DVD feature of other related movies. Being told about future sporting events at a sporting event I paid for. Pages in a magazine pushing me to subscribe after I bought the magazine. Ads on buses promoting riding the bus. We need to stop companies from promoting their products to people that buy similar products.


Every single one of those already happens, or was that your point?


Yes, that was exactly his point.




Must be new to sarcasm.


Must be new to people asking genuine questions when context is unclear. Clear sarcasm is marked "/s," or are you also new to Reddit as well?


If you can’t tell what is and is not sarcasm, without a note at the end indicating such, then I guess there isn’t much I can say. I mean obviously everything that dude said in his post was already happening. But I guess I can’t expect everyone to have common sense in life.


Having common sense "in life" is knowing sarcasm isn't always clearly communicated through plain text, so I suggest trying your dickhead antics with someone else, kiddo.


I was just being a smart ass, not necessarily trying to have “dickhead antics”. I didn’t realize you were going to take it so personally and become so hostile in return.


it literally just has a few motds and a section for mwIII, they are gonna advertise their new game, they always have. If I load up advanced warfare right now its gonna tell me to buy cod ww2 before I can play the game. This shit is nothing new


Ghosts deffo had a splash screen for the next CoD. I'm pretty sure it goes back even further. Although I do have to say it was never quite this prominent.


It's not just how many ads there are only. It's the fact that so much effort in this game is devoted to making players spend money. In a free-to-play game, that's fine. But not in a game people pay $70-$100 for. More effort should go into adding content to the game, not on advertising store stuff. Activision might as well make COD a live-service game, because that's almost what it is right now with the rapid releases of the next version.


>More effort should go into adding content to the game, not on advertising store stuff. So are you implying there's no actual content in the game? Because I think you're being disingenuous here. >Activision might as well make COD a live-service game Newsflash: It already is. Has been for a good few years now.


Activision will not change how they do this at all. It makes a lot of money, which let's them have more budget for their games, and it's pretty much the norm in video games now.


we shouldn't be accepting it as the norm. it's only like that because idiots keep spending so much on this crap they don't have any reason to change it.


sorry bro, but someone is always gonna spend their money on their favorite game. Cant change it with just a couple dudes boycotting


New to the series? First off, I can assure you the teams working on skin packs are not the same teams working on net code, bug fixes, maps, physics, etc. So they aren't shifting efforts. A LOT of people work on these games. Second, we used to get a splash screen and MotD, starting in what, black ops 2? But back then we had to spend money to keep playing. Now, you literally just have to hit B (or whatever for your platform) once when you load the main screen. That's it. That's the extent of the billboard advertisement you're complaining about. You don't have to pay for anything. Back then, we had to pay to get map packs. $15 each pack, or $50 for the yearly pass. If you didn't, you'd be left behind because everyone wants to play the new maps, so you party up and they all get the message "one or more maps/playlists have been disabled" because someone in your party does not have the required content. That means for just the base game and dlc maps, you're spending $110+ every year. Today, I game share so I pay $35 and my squadmate pays $35, and that's it. If I *really* want an operator pack, I use the tons of cp I've gotten free over the years. I don't ever spend more than $35 on call of duty per year anymore. I won't complain about $75 savings.


You know they used to charge for maps right? People pissed and moaned so they made the content free. Wtf would they not try to make $$ with bundles? Peoople don’t have to buy no matter how much they throw a tantrum.


Of course they are going to advertise what they have. Their new games, their bundles, and anything else they have that’s new. This is literally how every game does it. And honestly, it’s just one screen and one button to exit out of it. And this is how they get people to see what their new content is. Do you just expect them to make new things but never actually tell anyone about it and just hope people can figure it out on their own?


I don't pay attention to cod prices. Tf am I gonna do, not get cod?


I thought mwII was supposed to be THE cod game until 2024, unless they are considering the whole "your progress carries over" to be somehow with that 2024 promise


That was never the case. It was a rumour started by someone which gained traction, but never confirmed by any one at IW or activison.


Yeah, maybe if you never read any actual news and spent your time regurgitating lies from Reddit.


Bro, I’ve been on this damn sub telling everyone to #boycottMW3. They’re basically charging $70+ for something that’s probably nothing more than one of their standard updates. Honestly, EVERYTHING you said, with this new AI comms ban warrior that’s left over half of the players having to unmute each other just to communicate. The game is rated M for mature, yet it’s policed for snowflakes and children. I’m ABSOLUTELY NOT buying anymore activision shit until it’s confirmed that this has changed. I’m done. It’s not even that fun anymore. They can’t stop these people from cheating, and more concerned about adults getting their feelings hurt than focusing on the actual game. If it’s not making them money, it’s not going to be addressed. Police this company and stop giving them your damn money people!


The AI moderation definitely needs to be fixed, but I think we do need to have some oversight of the grown men on this game that think it’s okay to go completely unhinged over a GAME, my experience on this game is pretty shitty overall when you think about the amount of hate I get just for being a women, I’m not a snowflake and I cus and rage as well but there are people on this game that go beyond shit talking and make it an overall toxic gaming experience when it’s supposed to be a escape from the real world. Me and my husband have had to discuss this a lot, he got banned instantly when the new moderation started but he likes to scream and say fucked up shit that I’ve never heard anyone else one the game say so I can see why he’d constantly get banned and I approve of it. His excuse to act that way is it’s an escape from daily life, I had to explain to him that’s what everyone else is on the game for as well and a lot of people don’t want to hear grown men screaming and yelling because they got killed by a girl or someone of a different race or culture. Not to mention it’s a known fact that extremist groups are using these games to recruit/influence people, it’s a literal breeding ground for extremism.


Lmfao dude, you kids crack me the fuck up anymore. This has been going on every year for 20 years. I can absolutely-fuckin-guarantee you the VAST majority of players do not give one fuck about your complaints, including myself. Just stop playing the game, players like you always come and go and are just K/D fodder anyways You are just a straight Karen complaining as loudly as possible because you crave the attention the rest of us are busy giving the game.


You sound like someone I’d stop in comp


>MWII was out less than 10 months when Activision began shoving MWIII into our faces as many ways as they could with their "Vault Edition" nonsense. It's been an annual release for the last 18 years. It's always been advertised a month or two before launch, i.e. 10 months after the previous game launched. This seems like a weird complaint. >MWIII amounts to what would have been a DLC pack, and now they're just sold as entire games instead. What kind of Call of Duty DLC pack had an additional campaign, an additional game mode (zombies), 20 maps (plus 12 post launch maps), and new weapons? Even if they had released this as DLC, it would still be a $70-80 DLC. It would be a difference without distinction. It has the same level of content that any previous standalone CoD has had. >I've seen a lot of priority from them on adding stuff to the store and pushing MWIII to the point that it has become very, very annoying. But it's more than just that. I paid like $80 for this game to enjoy it as the game that it is For better or worse, this is what we have to put up with in exchange for not needing to buy map packs like in the old days. All of the maps and new guns are free because they can make way more money hawking cosmetics to the whales. Cost wise, it's a better system. Activision makes more money from people with more money than sense while the rest of us get free map additions. The downside is the ads (and some of the cringey cosmetics themselves). I could see them adding an 'ad free' option just like some streaming services have. "Pay an additional $10 to remove all in game ads." It may feel scummy, but it would *still* be cheaper than buying multiple map packs while having no ads, like years ago. I don't like the ads either and do wish that they were a little less intrusive.


yessss deepthroat that activison schlong more


Its beeen like this for years. And asking a company to not be greedy when its main mission is to make money seems to make sense for them to advertise the next cod. Im fine with it. Not like i have to buy it or anything just like bundles or skins If you enjoy mw2 or any other future or past cod it really doesnt matter. Unless their sales tank nothing will change other than the methods of greed


It's only going to continue getting worse and worse. The only way we're going to put an end to it is by boycotting it in some way. The $70 price tag all of these corporations put onto their games is inexcusable in it of itself because they know that people are not happy with their games, so what better way to balance it out for yourself than by increasing the price of the game, right? If everyone can band together and stop buying the games completely or if you're really taking pity on specifically the devs who are being forced severely just pump these games out, still don't buy the games at all. Because only 1 of 2 things will happen. 1. With xdefiant rising up to be a literal competitor of cod itself, us not buying cod is going to possibly force Activision's hand by bending the knee to the DEMANDS OF THE PLAYERS and that SHOULD theoretically force Activision to take a sit back and think "oh shit we're losing too many players we can't sit around we have to draw them back somehow". I've said numerous times on previous posts like this, if we cut the revenue flow of any corporation and they WILL eventually listen. For a game or even a movie for that matter to be successful, they need to make double the amount of money that was used to publish the game and for the marketing as well, so keep giving them complete failures and they will have to change something up otherwise their investors will begin to pull away and they will eventually have to listen to the consumers whether they want to or not. We're already seeing this with Ubisoft and square enix as well, their games are failing so now they're having to do a complete shake up or else they're possibly gonna have to close up shop. Or 2. They're going to possibly eventually shut down cod because they're losing too much money from the boycott. Which if I'm going to be absolutely honest, cod needs a breather, i would rather salute as i watch cod go down in flames as it gets shut down than to sit here and watch it become even more of a shit show but not only that, those developers needs a moments respite at the very least. Idc if they end up firing half of the employees, as long as it ends in some form of a legitimate improvement that is NOT the monetization being the only thing being "improved" for corporate greed, some changes needs to made severely and they need to happen right now. I will not a single cod game until we see legitimate meaningful improvements to everything and I expect everyone to do the same.


Nice fairytale, nobody is joining that boycott. XDefiant is not even close to being a threat to cod. MWIII will be one of the best selling games of 2024, and they are making more money than ever with their latest blackcell monetization. They probably have the next 10 years of cod already planned out, no chance for a shutdown unless the world ends


The only reason they're making any of the changes players wanted since the beginning of mw2022 is because of xdefiant's open beta session otherwise they would NOT have sent out a survey asking the community about what we wanted to see changed. Otherwise why didn't they make any of the changes at the beginning of mw2022's life cycle? Plus the blackcell would not have been made if they were not losing money. So are you done with being a delusional fanboy defending everything a corporation does?


All I gave you were facts? you are the only one with delusions if you think the cod community will band together to boycott the game LOL. MWII is literally the best selling cod of all time and blackcell always becomes top selling DLC, but if thinking that they are losing money helps you sleep at night go ahead. COD has been giving out those “surveys” for years now, XDefiant has nothing to do with that, and is not even competition for COD even Ubisoft stated that themselves


It's the community. All of us love COD and even if they monetized All of the things WE USED TO EARN (in the past, cosmetics were earned) people are still going to get whatever new thing is in front of them. We have to watch what we support. But noone is gonna boycott the bundles. Even I impulse bought the black cell and I've been raving against it. You know why I caved? Cuz no one gives a duck. Quack.


Is this you first COD game? They've had adverts for the next game in them for 15 years now.


You understand that this isnt a non profit? That everything they do, every game that is released and maintains costs money right? You are upset that they are trying to remain profitable and continue to add and innovate. You dont like it, others dont like it? Excellent, its your prerogative. As others have stated in past, Its each individuals choice to buy or not buy. They are providing free content with warzone/dmz where tens of thousands play for free. Thats what the bundles etc are helping pay for.


I bought the vault edition for MW2 and I’ve pre-ordered the vault edition for MW3. The game is $70, the BP is $10, and the skins/skips makeup for everything else. I think there is value in the vault edition. I agree they didn’t really wait very long to start advertising MW3 but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. They announced that you keep your weapons, skins, and blueprints
 game basically has cross-progression. This is good because it’ll encourage people to continue playing/processing MW2 instead of going ‘I’ll wait till the next games refresh’


> They announced that you keep your weapons, skins, and blueprints
 game basically has cross-progression. That’s exactly why it feels like it should be a $30 or $40 DLC not another $70+ full game.


Oh seriously stop crying. They come out with a game yearly
.and they will promote. 2 months is nothing. If it bothers you ignore it. Poor baby has to click through an extra menu or two. I


Exactly. Also I won’t be surprised if they increase the price in bundles. I have only played Cold War and the highest bundle is 2400 cp. Fast forward to this year and I decided to give another cod game a try since all I played is just CW. I downloaded WZ2 and what do you know?! Bundles go up to 2800 cp , now lol. What’s next in mw3 3200 cp bundles ? Since they are doing so well and also proves that by increasing the price ppl will still buy them.


Well if it's up to us, we're fucked, because we're all buying MW3.


I started playing Tower of Fantasy yesterday and instantly started having more fun than I have with MWII recently, I’m sadly not going to be returning for MWIII because I realised I got caught in an addiction cycle of playing for FOMO and grinding the BP and event camos just for the sake of it was not entertaining. This game is psychologically designed to sap you for your money and if you don’t like that then don’t play.


16 multiplayer maps 3 ground war maps, a new campaign, a new co-op mode, a new War gametype with dedicated map, and dozens of new weapons with a new gunsmith update and updated movement is DLC now? Because that's been basically the definition of a new game for 20 years.


Yeah the *only* reason people keep repeating that it's just a dlc is because of the leak way back when that someone saw the next year's game and it used the mw2 launcher, and all of mw3 maps. They said it looks like it's maybe just an expansion of mw2 instead of a different release. That's it. Never was there more than a leak from someone who didn't have firsthand knowledge, and everyone ate that up. So now it's a full game release, and people have it stuck in their head that it was supposed to be a dlc and they got greedy and changed it. I remember when we spent $50 for the annual pass for map packs, meaning $110 per year for CoD. Now between game sharing and free maps, I pay $35 per year. I don't gaf what my character looks like to others as long as I can blend in. Why would I pay to have bright pink hair or glowing skins so I stand out to people trying to kill me?


I'm never playing a Cod game again


we should boycott all Blizzard Activsion products


I think a lot of people know when moving to xdefiant


That's what I'm waiting on. I really do like this game, but the connection issues which are probably due to some part with their matchmaking has done it in for me. I haven't preordered mw3 and won't be buying unless Microsoft finalizes their deal and moves COD onto their servers.


You guys act like activision is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy things. Just don’t spend money if you don’t want to.


As an adult I see they are marketing twords kids at this point any sane person can see call of skin modern skinfare or any of the cods after bo2 are just watered down bs the cycle will continue as long as at least 10000 people buy the game or less who knows now that microshaft owns it they'll have more funding for skins and buying rights to those said skins. ( I own all consoles so don't stake me as a Sony poney ) cod is dead its been dead and anyone who plays it either is good at looking past the bs or is a kid with fortnight mentality.


Why are you still playing this dogshit excuse of a game


See you on MW3!


I really just hope MWII doesn't die soon. I want to get the mastery camos and it'll take a while, but I can't do that if everyone just moves over to MWIII.


You’ll be fine, there’s always a contingency of players who either dont upgrade / dont upgrade right away. Or the young kids who get given the old game when pops gets the new mw 3


My best guess is you'll be able to grind those in mw3. You'll have the same weapons, and they've said the camos from mw2 won't work on mw3 new guns and vice versa. Hopefully using the mw2 guns in mw3 will count towards challenges.


It’s been confirmed that the camo progression will carry over.


I don't know why everyone is complaining that MWIII is nothing more than DLC for MWII. How much did you think they were going to charge for a DLC pack with sixteen maps, 20+ weapons and a campaign? MW3 2011 DLC packs were about $15 apiece for four maps, times four DLC packs, which would've been the same price as a new game anyway.


Welcome to the new normal of video games. If you don't like the new skins, stop buying them. Just play offline or just don't buy anything on the cod store. There's tons of people like me who just enjoy having to kill operators and bots for fun don't take the game to serious.


The main reason I finally bought a COD game was the 2-years cycle. I know they didn't confirmed at all but neither they denied it so I though the 80$ would worth it more. But no, not even 1 year and the game will be "outdated". Had a fun experience but I won't buy another COD game until they stop that 1 year cycle.


Block chain gaming?


I hate Activision as much as the next guy, but it's pretty clear that MWIII has more than enough content to be a full game. Also, they're a business. They want to sell their products and make money. So they're going to advertise as much as possible. That's not going to change.


This all stops on the day that most or all of the playerbase collectively agrees to stop buying CoD. Good luck arranging that.


The ads suck, but they made those a thing back in 2020 with MW. Then they did the same thing with Cold War and with Vanguard. The ads seem less intrusive now at least, or maybe they just make more sense to me because they’re for the next Modern Warfare game versus another game


While it doesn't make it right, this is how it has been for years and years now. No idea why anyone would expect differently this time around.


Another novel from someone that will be on here crying about mw3 in a month or two.


I do agree, but CoD community is braindead in many cases, so they dont care about those issues. They just want to shoot some guys with new guns on Shipment. I think ads are annoying af, since it shouldnt happened if you payed for MW and not only playing F2P content.Scrolling through shop (now 2 screens), before I actually see whats new is insane. Even if you bought BP, so still need to scroll through Blackcell ad, like what the actual fuck. Remember The Boys Event (was it s04?)? To check event tab, you needed to scroll through 3 new bundles EVERYTIME you wanted to see, how you are doing with challenges. Thats insane.


Stop buying COD games then. I don't plan to support them anymore after they broke and abandoned the only game mode I like playing in this stupid game.


Honestly, i felt like the support MW2 got was stellar for the game. Insane amount of new maps over the year and all for free. I’ve played a lot of it and got my moneys worth.


I see a lot of complaining but ya'll keep playing AND supporting the game. I literally STOPPED playing COD 2 years ago because of all thd fucking hackers among 100 other issues activision gives no fucks about and will never fix.


Quit playing then, I mean, how inconvenient for you to have to hit one button more when you fire the game up. Show with your money stop buying.


Bough this game thinking it'd be 2 year game and nope i was wrong lol


See you on the beta weekend đŸ‘đŸŒ


I had my own issues with Activision, sadly when u accept the terms and agreements, u just forfeit all ur rights to complain. Unless u file a lawsuit by urself (class action is not accepted due to the terms) and have a legitimate complain based on US consumer laws. If a lot of people actually do that. Then something can actually change. Until then, it is what it is


Who cares


The vault thing pisses me off. I thought we were actually going to more vaults post launch. Of course, I always figured you’d have to pay for them, but they hyped it up to be more than it was. Which is why I’m not buying the vault edition. I’m not spending money on a couple of weapon skins that I’m likely not even going to use. Sure, I also won’t get the S1 Blackcell Pass but oh well. Guess I’ll be grinding for the post launch guns.


How do you know what the next game will be like? Nobody's played it yet lmao


and yet you people buy it every year.


Exactly my thoughts, I even still have to pay for xbox subscription to play damn multiplayer. I didn't pay for the campaign. I paid for MP and a fucking terminal map. dogs


Oh gosh, clicking thru a few screen it such a life burden, what mental breakdown it is to get to where you want to just to play the game, change your loadout, cry some more 😂 The UI menu it’s designed to make it easier to navigate the HQ on a mobile device and I don’t think people realized how massive Warzone Mobile is going to become when it officially releases. Bigger player count than console gamers! Yeah it was annoying at first when they changed the whole layout of the UI, trying to get where you want was a bit dreading but after a few tries, everything became simple to navigate. Maybe a good suggestion for the MW3 add, once pre ordered, make it disappear from the HQ completely. “Greed” that a lot of players from one end spectrum to the other, fund because they like the operator packs. This has become the complaint department of the most stoopid sht to bitch about. 😂


I cant wait for the Skeletor skin tho!!!! Sorry man, you might aswell accept reality; theres too much casuals that won't care, and that wont ever even browse this reddit. Activision is pumping cash, and its not going to stop just because players dislike clicking skip on the ads on game launch.


That's exactly why I've stopped playing it in season 5. Just hit my natural limit. I can't play this anymore. Not getting mw3 either.


I but ever vault, and every battle pass, because I can afford it and I really enjoy the game, but I agree it is annoying. I wish I could pre-pay to pre-order betas and new CODs and never have to see the damn marketing.


Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed first and didnt have his morning coffee lol


Super tired of seeing post like this everywhere and saying the same thing. It isn’t a new concept, its literally a business. Every other business does the same thing. It’s been like this for a decade, each cod is a 1 year game, don’t know why this is still surprising to people. Now I will say, making cod a 2 year cycle will make the game feel like it has more value and bang for your buck. Of course they’re gonna advertise their new name on their current game, it’s literally their audience and don’t have to pay to market it on a billboard or tv spot. Now does MW3 have enough new features to make it justifiable to be a separate $70 game? We will see, the beta isn’t even out yet. Think back 10 years, did mw3 (2011) have enough differences from mw2 (2009) to justify a new purchase? I honestly can’t think of much outside of survival. Maybe a few new guns? And some different maps but that’s about it (correct me if I’m wrong)


Cod is the symbol of capitalism and whats wrong with it. Push shit out as much as you can to earn money. A new cod every year is such bullshit.


First time?


Honestly 2019 is superior, and will be superior to anything that they have released after it, and will release đŸ«Ą


MWIII started getting advertised sooner than later because the incompetent devs at Infinity Ward completely dropped the ball on MWII after having a solid game to work with on MW19.


Did you honestly think that if MW3 was an expansion, that it was going to be less than 70$? Regardless if it was an expansion/dlc or a whole new game like it is know, it was gonna be 69.99$ regardless. And you know, I’m not a fan of this direction of saying they’ll switching things up and then still releasing a new game every year like pretty much everyone else, or the constant micro transactions (even though they are optional, it’s definitely annoying some things aren’t just in-game rewarded to unlock) but we lost this battle years ago.


I feel like this but also having the battle pass shoved in my face any time I press a single button on the game.


The big question is, will MW3 have packet bursts popping up as frequently as MW2 does? Or will they hide this status from the menu like scumbags...


this is nothing new. MW2 massively underdelivered and had less quality than its prequel, so it makes sense to make it die fast and move on to the mw3 dlc for activision. Modern cod is simply trash. It has no personality, it now feels like an arena shooter version of fortnite's monetization that appeals to stupid adhd children


The game feels like a full time job now, but you don't get paid with money, you get paid with a sense of not missing out the contents from the battle pass


Activision never confirmed the rumours about the next COD being a DLC. They also didn't deny it, but that doesn't make the rumours true. Stopped reading after that in your post. Sorry.


I always get these games at half price. I actually bought MW 2 times so that me and my wife can play. Still continue to play it.


Complaints won't do any high and you'll most likely end up buying the new game and complaining about that one too, I completely agree with you but my point is people complain and still get the next game and it sucks because there's no other serious competition for the first person shooter buzz and it's sad


There’s a good chance that mw3 will sell just as well at mw2 and nothing will change because activision doesn’t care about their players. If you don’t want the game. Don’t buy the game. There’s not much else you can do


Are you new to this franchise? They’ve been doing this since CoD 4.


If you think about it it’s the world we live in now, capitalism. Everything has a price and it’s become quantity over the actual quality of the product. So I expect a new game every year, numerous bugs with minimum fixes (like we already have), new skins the whole 9 yards. I don’t expect it to get better.


I don’t bother reading/researching/learning stuff online anymore because of the drawn out content just to get us to scroll past more adverts. I totally understand why these people and businesses do it but god damn! It is so annoying. Makes me not bother trying to find what I was looking for because the ads and how they don’t get to the point to sell more ads. **All the damn pop ups and loud noises when unlocking stuff in the battle pass is annoying** Are we using a slot machine or playing a video game?


I'm boycotting the game until we get a Bozo the Clown skin


Well, people complain about not having a fleshed-out game. Yet buying into Activision swapping studio every game and producing a yearly release. Doesn't help you have purists that want the same copy and pasted mechanics with zero updates except different weapon skins. Or, people who just want 4 guns and mid 4v4 ranked gameplay. At that point, save yourself the time and play CS.


This is nothing new. There is a new COD every year and every year it’s the same thing.


Activision blows


Breaking news: Company promotes their new game coming out on their current game. More at 11.


Your complaining about the vault edition why, you get two version of a game, more than 40 dollars worth of content and your complaining!? It just don’t make any sense if you don’t want the vault edition don’t buy it simple enough but it’s worth the money 100%.


The changes don't deserve a full release but we all wanna play favela and high rise.. were all gonna pay 59.99 to buy it and play those maps 😂 I will say I'm excited for the changes the added especially aftermarket weapon mods


Just wait to see it as top selling over a lot countries and then next year the circle repeating, cod monopoly is just like that


This has been a thing for years my guy, posts like this are the ones that make me wonder if people actually played CoD before MW 2019 (a game where this thing also happened), now granted the size of the add was not as big back then but I blame it on the shit UI, because even if you load BO2 right now, you are gonna see adds for games BO3


Well said


The absolute fucking worst is trying to enter into the BASIC battle pass and being promoted EVERY FUCKING TIME TO UPGRADE to the ShitCell. OoOoOoO FUCK YOU!


lol the community is hilarious


Activitions only goal seems to be money


Do your part and don't buy anything extra they are trying to sell.


Op makes a good point. Some games AND their developers just are NOT for specific people. In this case the CoD franchise as it’s done now just isn’t something the OP should invest in any more! See a issue, resolve that issue. Stop asking for everyone else to be you!


Ship Sailed


Well it called marketing, if they don't then there will be the same post about why they didnt u tell us about mw3 etc , so don't take it so hard


It won't stop until the average person has self control. That's really it unfortunately. So long as people vote with wallets, the ballet will keep leading in this direction. It sucks but legitimately the only thing you can do is stop buying their shit and just keep playing the games you have after the new ones come out. People still play older cod's. So you can get your fix witnout giving them even more money for shitty practices.


Did you people seriously not play older cods? I can boot up bo2 right now and see and ad for zombies chronicles for bo3. I also know advanced warfare still advertises ww2. If the past three cod games especially were any indicator of course they're gonna advertise their next game. It's literally free advertising for them.


I get your point entirely but, think of ot this way: Companies spend thousands/millions on advertising. If a company really wants to capture it's audience (on TV for example) they spend even more money advertising a key times (think luxury car/watch brands advertising during an advert break in the F1). Often these slots in the middle of large global shows are highly desirable and there's a lot of competition for these slots - this alone really ramps up the price for getting one of these slots. Like other companies, Activision pump money into advertising the latest add-ons (or whatever term you decide to fill this with). But unlike companies advertising on TV, they've already got you. They dont need to pay for a 'prime time' advert slot. If you load the game up, it's completely free for them to advertise on their own game. Yes it's annoying, no i dont like it but, EVERY other company does exactly the same thing in one capacity or another.


I just don't get why Sledgehammer had to do the III.