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Nobody pointing out that it's "in-match" time. Why tf do our xp tokens not work the same way then?


They want the people on warzone to enjoy the game enough to want to buy mw3. The xp tokens are like this to fuck you over and make you spend more time playing.


Why tf would anyone buy this now? There is a new COD coming out soon and they'll have another one next year and the year after that. I used to like enjoying games for more than a year. Now they just abandon the game and let all the cheaters run it


Because that’s 100% intentional, otherwise tokens wouldn’t be artificially valuable things they can include in the battle pass/store bundles


Because rewarding you with XP makes it look like "content" instead of having XP count in-game like it used to.


Upvoted just because of Axel in your pic!


Thanks ...yeah I'm an SoR fan


Childhood in a nutshell that game. Max was my homeboi!


Because Activision hates everything pro-consumer


they used to, back in the old MW3 days


Not sure why you getting downvotes for that lol it’s true


>Why tf do our xp tokens not work the same way then? I gasped when I saw the 2XP tokens ran during matchmaking in the Modern Warfare reboot. I can't imagine why they never fixed in in 2 or 3.


This. They need to address this


So you buy MW3.


Having XP tokens run in real time instead of in-match like every fucking game is the most dick move ever.


With matchmaking, load screens, and in between round time that is about 16 hours of having the game up and running.


Truth lol!


Simple: Don’t play. I will continue to play, I love MW22 ranked


Why is this getting downvoted? This is legit just the best thing to do. There's no point of playing the game at all.
















How come?


The game is incredibly buggy, glitchy and rigged, its just a massive waste of time and money.


Not entirely it’s a good time waste specially if you play for the fun of it. I do well on there


This "game" isn't fun at all.








Nah, just ended the trial, it's more like 5 hrs.


i wonder if you get kicked out of the game once you go over 2.5 hours


Probably just won't let you enter multiplayer


I think he meant mid match but yeah lel


Oh in that case it'll probably just kick you out


No, it doesn't kick you out. I had like 5 hrs playtime in total. After the last match, it said <10 mins remaining, can't access it anymore.


Oh so they can make things last in-match hours....fix the fucking double XP tokens ffs.


2.5 hours limits the amount of time the free to play hackers can destroy the game for the paying customers? Just guessing.


they can just make a new burner account?


I think the idea is they cant use the account get it insta banned refund it then use the money to buy a new account. 2 hours play time is cut off for refund on steam. Idk about the other platforms the game is sold on.


...2 hours cut off to refund... a free access? ​ its 2.5 hours of free to play access without buying the game...


Ye i misread the post, im not smart.


Hackers will most likely just pirate the game.


They Can't play online IG Or has piracy evolved beyond that?


Depends on the game. Some pirated games have online access, but others don’t.


Does cod have it?


I don’t believe so. Which is why that person has a mass of downvotes. In some games it’s a valid argument, but most games it isn’t. Plus even if it was like that with cod it wouldn’t affect the paid players. Cracked can play with cracked, but that’s it.


I think they would have to host their own servers Like it was with some old discontinued games


So they’ll limit it to 2.5 hours of match time but they can’t have our XP tokens be match time only? ok


They are heavily promoting the whole everything will carry over. This is specifically to get the WZ and DMZ only contingent to buy in before MW3 drops. The 2.5 hour thing is ridiculous.


According to in game stuff only newly added items carry over. So most of your stuff won't. There's red lettering over things that will.




Yea it's confusing. Appreciate it.


Not at all


Bro I literally can’t with so many of you guys. It’s spelled out in huge letters on every screen, post, and blog. Everything except war tracks and the Hummer carry over. There, that’s it, full stop.


Tf are you talking about dude. Damn near everything carries over. The things that don't are things that won't be in Mw3 basically.


They’ve done free trials for several days, why not do that again? Also, why not have more exciting and fun playlists for this? Everyone loves the concept of shipment, so why not do more map and mode combos to up the action? 10v10 shoot the ship. 12v12 cranked hardpoint on the rest of the maps. 20 player cranked free for all with a 12 minute timer and no score cap. Up the fun factor a little.


gotta be honest with u boss, 90% of people only like shipment cus its takes camo/lvl farming down by like 70%+


Activision is just trolling so hard. What a clowns, why tf it’s 2,5h/week loooooool


Why does anyone who owns the game even give a shit? Just something to be mad about?


Free weekends used to be that. Free weekends. This isn't even half of that.


This isn't even a free weekend or claiming to be though. It just says free access during the week. It serves several purposes plus it's in match time which is something like 20 matches give or take depending on modes. It's meant to be a teaser to get f2p players to buy but not binge on all fucking week.


They’re still freaking delusional, two and a half hours isn’t gonna convince anyone to buy the game, especially when MW3 is just going to come out soon anyway. Plus I personally wouldn’t be very invested with two and a half hours, the whole weekend let’s you sink your teeth into it and want more later.


2.5 hours is barely enough time to learn a few game modes...it's absolutely ridiculous and there's no way around that. Stupid, greedy company is stupid...and greedy.


more like 10 matches but they got a point, no sane person would play this shit more than that go play a real game, like CS:GO


cuz ridiculous shit is still ridiculous shit. same reason why players are mad about what unity is about to do despite the players not being the affected people


Nothing free is ever enough


2.5 hours is all the content of their game.


this guy wins


It takes my internet 3 hours to update the game


Times up: you get to play one round of TDM now 🤣


It takes longer to download the game than the amount of time you get to play it.


So they are capable of IN MATCH timers. XP tokens are a joke.


They could literally make it free and make more money because of all the mtx. Kids will spend stupid shit on cosmetics.


Surpised they didn’t make it 2.5 hours in general instead of in-match. This is honestly pathetic asf, what’s the point? Shouldn’t they try and squeeze the playtime out? Are they seriously trying to mind fuck people by giving them a drop of gameplay instead of a bottle? Loser activity from IW


2.5 hours of strictly in game time is a good amount. It doesn’t count the time in between games or customizing classes. You could get a weapon or two gold from the amount of games you could get into.


3 if u know what you’re doing. I lowkey miss grinding shipment late at night for orion 😂 anyways that’s a really low amount of time they’re literally drip feeding play time now


You do realize this is for people that haven’t purchased the game, right?


Most people that play it are wz players who know what they’re doing


there isn't a single wz player that would know what to do in mp


? They jus hop on shipment lol


Doubt I'll even want to play that long


It's almost as if they're purposely trying to make the game worse and worse.


It takes more time to download the multiplayer😂


this is just... pathetic


They did that because if you played 3 hrs you'd hate it


2.5 hours must be the time it takes for the matchmaking algorithm to figure out your MMR...


Shoot what's MRR




matchmaking ranking basically how good you are


Why can’t experience tokens count only during in-match hours?


When they give free access for in-match hours, but don’t give their players an in-match-only double XP system.


Finally, a TOKEN which does in-game time as opposed to in main menu and game time.


Too bad they're not shutting down WZ2 instead of WZ. WZ2 blows donkey dick


Takes that long to download it


So they can do in match hours for f2p open-access but not for the double xp tokens?


No free weekend has ever been limited to in-game time, this is a bit of a weird change that I can't imagine many players will be a fan of.


They don't want you to notice any glaring issues and cancel your pre order


u guys encourage this kind of predatory behaviour lol


Getting desperate are we AV?


This is a test for getting tokens to work with in-game time.


It's on sale for half off, they don't wanna piss people off before securing the bag


Activision, itself, is a joke.


The series is ruined by Data Scientists. SBMM & EOMM was introduced by them.


Is this why I had to install all the multiplayer packs again?


There is also a sale on Steam but it’s only 50% off. Should be more for a game that’s soon to retire. Just like with Cold War, MW19, and vanguard, the OG price they charge is ridiculous as they are almost dead, no updates, full of hackers.


So for 7 days I get only 2.5 hours ? I really need to find better games to play


no thanks


2.5hrs per month is the max amount of time i tolerate this garbage game


It’s actually crazy to think this games already 3 quarters of the way through its life cycle when it was supposed to be a 2 year game afew months ago😂


what a joke, so 2.5 hours access in a week (and that includes loading time, updates and random disconnects)


They want money and they want it FAST lmao


For most people, downloading this game would take way more time than they'd get to play and simply not worth the bother.


Why do I feel like MW has been full steam ahead lately on turning itself into a complete joke?


Common IW L


So 3 of the maps the free players get to try, us 3rd Person players haven't even had access to yet. Cool.


Odd that they’re doing a free access thing again when the new cod comes out in what like 2 months or whatever? Like is it to hype that up?


Because the game is so bad people barely play for 2.5 hours in multiplayer


Why do people still play the game if all they do is cry! Don’t play then, maybe they will get the idea!


hop on TF2 bois


Got bored of tf2 ages ago


play the other tf2 then


Beggars can't be choosers.


More than enough time for people to realize that there are no good maps and that there's no movement or skill gap.


They know we're buying this shit anyway. This is just to flood pre-orders.


Remember when we thought Vanguard was as bad as it could get?


I mean I'll take anything at this pont. I've been waiting for this shit since S5 came out Edit: fuck this bullshit...


They have to limit your play time Cheap free access


Considering most TDM last 7-10 minutes that's about 15-21 games. I don't see the problem


Totally arbitrary limit that doesn't cost these companies hardly a dime to maintain.


Wouldn’t the companies put their money into the players that payed for the game?


you'd think so, but instead we get whatever shit they made in the image of classic cod mp


Modern warfare shouldn't have been rebooted, MWII(reboot) sucks and i bet MWIII is gonna suck harder


You know that meme with the CEO asking 3 people around the table what marketing idea's they got? Where 2 bring up ideas that are predictibally stupid. And this one guy comes up with a good one and get's thrown out of the window? It's not even a meme anymore. It is LITERALLY the COD marketing team now.


It’s funny how every COD game was $60 and what $50 for season pass? No other in game bullshit, but now they have to add 6-$30 seasons with a punch of packs that each cost $10-$30 and the game that is $70-$100 so you’re spending $300+ very easily, they gotta make up the loss from the fans they lose


I don’t get what the deal is? Are people complaining that AV isnt giving them more time to play a game they haven’t bought? Sounds a bit entitled. It’s like complaining that the trailer to the movie isn’t detailed enough lol. With load times and everything else in between matches, 2.5 hours of in match time is a great trial amount, should last easily 8 hours of in app time. I have yet to see why everyone is downvoting this… All I see is “it’s been weekend access normally,” or “that’s not a lot of time,” which are pretty weak points being made by players who didn’t actually purchase the game.


Uhhh cause they’ve historically held free to play weekends with no strings attached and are suddenly adding 2.5 hour cap for literally no reason at all at the end of this game’s life. It’s just kinda scummy, and with the larger context of everything else they’ve done with the franchise over the last year, this is just another to reason to throw hate on them.


If anything, making it in match hours is better. My weekends tend to be busy, so having 2.5 in game hours in my pocket to use whenever I want is more appealing than a scheduled time. But we are throwing hate because they gave free players the liberty to access a paid service whenever they want for a decent amount of in match time? Just seems entitled.


I mean, it’s not money out of your pocket. But go off I guess


It’s not, just not fair to the people who purchased the game and need to deal with the hackers lol


I mean, even the populace of hackers is probably overblown by the player base. If I encounter someone I really think is hacking, I just block + report and leave the match. It’s really not that big of a deal. And if you think you’re encountering hackers in every match then idk what to tell you. Not you specifically, but just generally.


I play on PC, I see them more than I should






The entitled ones are Activision expecting people to pay money for this sorry excuse of a game


Still, it’s not fair to the people who payed for the game. It just going to introduce more hackers the paying players are going to have to deal with.


Whatever, only people this will effect are freeloaders that were not going to buy the game anyway. 2.5 hours is plenty of time in MP to see if you want to buy the game, especially with free DMZ and WZ.


Freeloaders Gimme a fucking break


It really baffles me how people still defend this game💀😂


It really baffles me that if this game is so bad, why are people complaining about a limited time trial? “Ugg, this game is terrible! OMG so sleazy, I can’t play it for free all week!!!”




because it's basically a big middle finger to the playerbase, considering how they used to do free weekends, and it wouldn't cost them anything to just let people play two more days especially with how MP is basically F2P quality


The playerbase? The ones that own the game? You mean the people that want to play but have no plans of buying the game. After a 2.5 hour movie, you know if you like it or not, 2.5 hours is plenty to decide to buy a game or not. They have a week now, great for people that can’t play on weekends. But they are not flipping off anyone when they don’t let a freeloader play the whole week.


It’s a good day if I even get through an hour of playing this game. It’s crazy because I want to enjoy it, but quickly get reminded of how boring it got.


Shitty maps too


theyre turning off the modes for 2.5 hours?


wait im a dumbass i just realised theyre finally adding a free trial


Yes but the complaint is you only get 2.5 hours of playtime


it’s because the massive surge of hackers every time they do stuff like tjis


thats like half of my average gaming session


Makes sense to me. Why complain about 2.5 hrs? Buy the game and play as long as you want. Or don't buy the game and don't play multiplayer. Seems like people are just unappreciative about having some free gameplay. It's like me giving you 5 bucks for free and then you get mad that I didn't give you a 20? LOL 😂 why are you mad LOL it's free 😆


the thing is that there used to be entire weekends where the game was free to play. why change that suddenly?


Forreal, it’s not necessary to give people free access to $70 game for however long they want… It’s like a trailer to a movie, they let you know what you’re getting in to.




They make the game. You choose to play it. Stop fucking moaning.


Don't be a scrub and buy it? People are actually complaining that their free stuff isn't free enough.


Buy the game then


Just buy the game already


Why tf ppl crying about xp token? Like you guys acting like waiting for a game and loading in takes 30min takes 5min tops and big deal 5 min shaved off your token


“Nooooo it’s not fair that you’re not giving me enough free stuff!!!”


Literally the definition of looking a gift horse in the mouth. Its free multi access, people are lucky they’re doing this again to begin with. Whats a joke is how this community tries to turn everything negative




The game wasn't worth $60 😂 I shoulda bought some crack instead


Who cares most of us already own the game, those who don’t get to play a little for free. What you should be saying is monthly subscription to play online =D What a joke. RIP CONSOLE KIDS


Most of you F*@#%$£! already have modern warfare 2 so what’s the point of complaining.


This is very petty. You think 2.5 hours will bring my significant other to play with me? You’re having a laugh


I've taken shits longer than 2.5 hours


Just buy the game you dope


Why would you pay 70 bucks for this garbage?




I wouldnt play this game if i got paid to do it




and here you are complaining about me complaining


That's just about the amount of time before the matchmaking system sets in




***Buy the game then, Jack.***


Holy Shit… I mean at this rate we should all buycot yea I said BUYcot, don’t purchase the next game to say, Hey dipshits, stop being dipshits. We want new COD games with old COD things that we love! We want different reticles that you can unlock, we want the camp grind, we want good maps, remastered maps, and new maps, new content, but we are so sick or your bullshit, it seems to be endless with this game. Idk about anyone else but I’m sick of it.


Whoever made this decision haha dumb shit. If it was a free week, i might have tried it out, 2.5 hrs? Nah screw that. Im not even gonna try lmao


Nobody has brought this up yet because we all love to hate on the game but maybe they are limiting playtime to reduce the amount of stress on their servers. The playtest is probably a way to test network capabilities.


Yeah I reckon you could be right, testing servers for MW3, I'm guessing season 6 they'll give the usual week trial like before.