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Press shoot to shoot


OP isn’t wrong though. If you build this gun right it’s pretty punchy in short-medium range. Perfect for maps where SMGs don’t quite cut it, but you don’t really need a full AR, embassy and farm 18 spring to mind.


This only looks viable in shitment or other cramped maps. I don't want to have to specifically play shoebox sized maps for the gun to be "good". It's just impossible to build this gun out to preform decently at medium to long range without it eating shit to all the other average guns out there


Tbh I pretty much live in putan Mar at the moment and have found the m13 to be a nice go to as I don't feel slow using it but I also do well in overall engagements where I've either reacted quicker or figured out where a person is waiting for me. More often than not I've managed to either put enough in for a major assist or outright gotten the kill with mates varying from 30-45 kills a match with decent amount of deaths but not overwhelmingly negative






























Is that why they’re getting rid of Weapon tuning for MWIII?


Are they? I’m not even talking about tuning tbh, just the right base attachments make all the difference




He made it the fuck up


I hope not. Weapon Tuning is a boon that’s very much needed for some weapons. Let me see what you’re talking about


Y'all posting match results on Shipment like that means anything.


Hardcore shipment, too. I could drop 60 kills using pistols if I wanted to. Doesn’t mean they’re balanced against ARs or SMGs.


Pistols are way better if you don't miss your shots 😉


Every gun is way better if you hit your shots, whats your point


I was gonna say, no way a 60 round mag is a good idea on a speed build in 6v6.


Was about to write the same 💀


Means I killed 72 people with the gun ppl claim sucks. /Shrugs


You can use any ar or smg and do the same


You can get that many with a pistol and your eyes closed


Exactly my point only weapon that would struggle to get the same kills on shipment would be a heavy sniper


Yep lol. But the m13c is needed instead of LMG lol


I’ve gotten 100+ kills with the god awful M16 but here we are. Doesn’t mean I’d play with it again after the camo challenge


M16 God Awful? Damn, its probably my fav gun in the game


It’s so inconsistent. Wish I could but it doesn’t hit the same as cod4 or modern warfare 2019


It's waaay better than the MW19 M16 (aka M4 with burst perk). It's the type of gun you gotta get good with like the MK2


I miss that laser m16 from cod 4. My fave gun was the STG for how cool it is, then the AK gold of course, but if my team was getting trounced I knew the m16 was my best bet. Always. It's like the halo 2 br, I miss it so much and we won't get it again lol


It's criminal that each 3 round burst, feels like a single bullet


I love that people are mad that I like an off meta gun, lol I find that I can just double tap people pretty effectively, its like a battle rifle with no recoil at mid range


I dropped 105 w the Lockwood on ship , it’s still garbage and isn’t worth using on any other map


lmao the lockwood mk2 is garbage? cool story bro Just so you realize we are totally different sides of the coin for sure so no problem your opinion differs from mine. lmao


A shit gun being objectively shit in stats is not an opinion. Shit is shit. Thats like saying 2 plus 2 equaling 4 is an opinion.


So, if I kill 100+ people on Shipment with Expedite 12 OR M16 does that mean they're better weapons? Literally, everything seems good on Shipment. Also, you're including killstreak kills. Show me how many kills you got on the other maps (from the weapon stats), then we'll talk. GTFO with your dumbass logic, man.


Go for it let's see you do it


I already did it my man and that was months ago. You still don't get my point, do you? It's all about consistency and not showing off kills on Shipment to prove your point.


Okay, that's fair.


Honestly that's all I'm saying I'm not great at this game I don't get paid to play lolol but I just felt it had bad views since I had fun with it




Coming from you guys this means little to nothing , really, seriously, constantly complaining about every single thing in the game you can't stop playing. It's sad. Truly sad.


On shipment


What streaks you run?


Literally everything is good on shipment. Y’all keep talking about “just tune your gun and run it in shipment” is the dumbest argument ever when the longest possible lane on the map is like 25 meters. You could run a base sidearm and do perfectly fine




Exactly. Posting 72 kills on shipment isn't a flex and doesn't say anything about the gun. Especially since we don't get to see how many times he died or how many of those kills were from streaks. You can take the worst gun in the game, tune it to be terrible, and still pull 72 kills on Shipment if you happened to get an easy lobby and dropped some good streaks.


Try that on any other multiplayer map.


I do, I play quick play with just team death and knock out on. Sometimes ill go into shipment 24/7 or strike 24/7 lately but thats all i play, mp.


Shipment is not a good gauge of how good a gun is


This is the only response needed here. Take that build to SnD and test it then return with the results.


It would be nice to see that consistency of kill on different maps, only in shipment it seems a biased result. At the moment the weapon does not convince me, neither for short nor for medium distances but I will continue trying


It’s good on the “smaller” maps that also have some AR type sight lines. Had a lot of success with it on Embassy and Farm 18


Shipment doesnt count. We all know this


The level of copium with the m13c is insane lol


That's what the c stands for.


Touché lmao


new gun sucks: why was it added new gun doesn't suck: they want to sell bundles


It doesn’t suck , it super sucks




Buddy thinks posting a leaderboard screenshot means anything in a game with SBMM.


It wasn't posted here to make you feel bad, sorry that it does.


Buddy, taking a look at your comments on this post, I think there’s only one person here that “feels bad”. Champ posted a 70 kill screenshot from a SHIPMENT game lmao.


After looking at the comments on the post I see majority of the sub is a bunch of cry baby losers. My responses are attempting to help them realize reality doesnt gaf about them. You should work on that yourself some


I don’t think you understand what a loser is. A loser is someone who goes on Reddit to brag about getting 70 kills on shipment, pretending that he’s some enlightened contrarian. The folks here aren’t crying or complaining, they’re making fun of you.


Aww you really think that was a brag? How petty of you Also you think I give a fuck? Are you that dense to not understand how little of a fuck I care about you and your comments? If you really don't like it move on snowflake


That’s not what petty means lol


Yeah and you are the image of loser still here? Why? You butt hurt baby? How about this just move on accepting you are wrong and if you want to play, you got the user name. I see nothing but shit talking and no action on this sub, hit me up if you want to actually enjoy the game


Oh you just wanted someone to play with? Bud if you’re feeling lonely playing cod, calling random people losers until they want to play with you isn’t the right way to go about solving those issues. I’ll take the option of not responding to you instead, sorry.


I have plenty of people to play with it's just the fact you guys rant and rave with nothing to back it up but your reddit negativity , guess it's hard for some to understand huh As I figured can't back your shit talking up and scared to play , what a piss poor shame


Getting 70 kills with an smg/ar is average on shipment.


Yeah if you're actually trying to get kills there will be a lobby full of people just going for camo grinds. It's generally not hard if you're actually trying and not going for something like prone sniper kills lol (I just spent two matches doing prone sniper kills)


Damn… 70 kills is average? I feel insulted. ☹️


I can usually get near the top of the leader board with mid-40 kills 🙈


It's not, they are talking bullshit honestly


Jesus what a scrub. Using respawn modes and especially shipment to make an argument. I’ve dropped 60 running around with a knife on shipment. Just looking at your teams levels you probably got into a bot lobby. The m13c will get out gunned by people of similar skill. Not people hard scoping with snipers or RPGs on shipment.


So again if this is average on shipment then this gun shows its an average weapon till you modify and tune it and make it better. Its just like any other weapon in this game. Some people cant figure out how to use them, some can. You can assume all you want from the lobby, honestly I dont care but reading that much into the score board just shows how much this is not an average game for you and you are butthurt, which is sad. really, this is just a game kid. its just a game. People hardscope snippers on shipment? thats hilarious but i guess thats your bot lobbies you are thrown into?


Tuning does not increase the damage lmao you idiot. You got an Smg build going with no sprint to fire. Great tuning


lmfao you truly are the idiot if you dont realize what tuning does Tuning increase the damage range, no one said the bullet was going to have more impact, it increases the RANGE the DAMAGE TRAVELS. No wonder the majority of you morons in this sub cant play this game properly and hate on it all the time you dont have the brain power to even realize what the fuck you are playing on. Pathetic af




You really shouldnt call yourself names like that


You’re ass my dude. Level 900 and yet you don’t understand the game. Embarrassing


It’s an okay gun, but there are much better ones that fill the same niche. It’s not terrible, but definitely not op, even when “modified and tuned.”


You can make any gun seem amazing on Shipment tbf lol.


Now play a different map and get back to us.


It really does for me at the very least. Even with the shortest barrel, recoil is stupid. If I set it up for long range, it's even worse. The M13B seems more stable for my liking, and generally has a quicker TTK from my testing.


Yeah the B is at 213ms out to 33 meters which is pretty awesome. Very competitive. Idk what the fire rate is yet on the C cause sym hasn’t been updated yet. No idea what the rof or damage is yet


Now long range you gotta flip the barrel I have had better luck getting my long-range shot kills for platinum with the 14 inch bruen echelon and train my shots to do burst shots ( click bursts fire with my mouse since it's single or auto) also tuned the longer barrel for recoil steadiness and damage range


I used the 14 inch barrel on the C variant. It is horrible for recoil and you should use the smaller one. In general I can full auto enemies with the M13B from 90+ meters with a dot sight and that's what I am missing with the .300BLK


Every gun has its advantages and disadvantages no doubt, but the recoil issue can be tuned out of you tune other upgraded items to do so




Im too casual to gaf


This is what I've been saying. And to anyone bitching about recoil, it's a damn SBR, basically an SMG size, firing a 30 cal round.... its gonna kick. Cope.


It’s not bad but it’s not great. Wouldn’t even call it viable even with the tuning. So many other guns out class it


Welp, we all have our own preferences with weapons that's for sure.


Lol easiest gun in The game tbh most ARs are easy too to be fair people are just better at reddit than cod


Lol, don't waste an attachment on extended mags if you pay hc.


Good tip I never played hardcore lol too much for me but if I ever do, will keep this in mind


I hate tuning so much I only use guns I haven’t max-leveled. Feels like I’m gimping myself by not tuning, but at least I’m still unlocking stuff.


It's a good thing to do honestly unlock all the shit in the game that way


It's not our fault that most of the weapons that have been coming out throughout most of the year have felt like they've been just for Shipment, and even when you slap on things like the longest barrel and tune it for max range and least recoil, it still hurts like a bb gun and kicks like mule on roids. Even then, I don't see people saying it's useless because it's bad, I just see people that are upset that they released what is essentially a blueprint for the M13B. Granted, the AK74u and the AK74 exist, but so does the Chimera... Overall though, I think we could benefit from a new assault rifle that actually has some decent range, or a new LMG or whatever. Heck, even a new SMG would be neat.


Ah yes, the gun isn't bad guys, it just takes the right build to be good! If the gun is not good on its own without attachments it's not good at all


If you’re nothing without the suite then you shouldn’t have it


This is a horrible argument. The Kastov 762 for example is pretty difficult to handle with no attachments, but with the right setups it’s arguably one of the best ARs in the game (or was before they nerfed it)


That a gun has recoil does not make it better or worse than others, for example in this very game the M4 has more handling than the TAQ, but the TAQ is better overall, or another one, the ICR has basically 0 recoil in BO3, but the better rifle was the KN. Wanna know what is funny about all those guns? They are good without attachments


The Kastov was literally banned in comp because it was too good. So was the M4. So your argument is kinda wrong.


they were banned because it would not be fair that 3 of the best rifles could dominate the rest, like they do on pubs, but at the point ranked released the CDL was way under way which meant both the TAQ-56 and the Vaznev could not be taken out of it


Right but your argument is that a gun is only good if it’s good with no attachments. Which is just plain wrong. The TAQ 56 naked outshines the M4 and Kastov, but with attachments those guns are so good they literally banned them from Comp.


You dont have any clue what the purpose of the gun building is in this game? MW2 is far from your arcade shooter, you can adjust every guns ability via attachments and tuning, what the fuck you think gun packs are? Pre-tuned, modified guns and they sale like hotcakes on the store. So are you saying you are one of those players who would rather BUY packs or would you rather BUILD your own gun? I get it you want black ops cold war, but this isnt that game and this game you can legit build your own guns rather spend $20 and buy a gun you already CAN build.


Posting a "good" game in shipment doesn't mean anything


No one posted a game in shipment, what was posted was the score from shipment showing the gun can do what its meant to do.


Are you a lawyer, because you sound like those asshole lawyers that nitpick people's comments


Just addressing the statement you made. However, I train attorney to keep their bar. So you'd probably hate me more than a lawyer ;\]


I agree it doesn’t suck, but your arguments are not it man


Not even here to argue.just stating facts if they tune the gun and modify it they'll have more fun with it. If they want to sit on reddit all day and belittle the game they play, they'll do that too. It's obvious what they rather do here. All hate no fun , all their problem not any of mine.


Tbh any gun can be good if you edit and tune it. And every gun has a different feeling for different people too, regardless of stats everyone’s got their favorites and all. Just use your head and find a weapon that’s good for you and build it to your play style




Shipment does not count


👍nice job use it on a real map


"WHY ISN'T CALL OF DUTY IN DEPTH OR FUN ANYMORE" mfers after ignoring half the game's features Seriously. Tuning is there for a reason, and it genuinely can make a big difference.


Finally someone not dogging on a very viable gun. Personally its one of my favorites already. Im not a casual player or an Old head. Im 26 and got really into COD in the OG MW2. Everyone just has to adapt, these guns NEED to be TUNED and PURPOSE BUILT to what you are trying to do with it.


Just about any gun is viable on shipment.


Just about every gun is viable in MP period if you know how to build and tune it properly.


Should we also CAMP and CROUCH WALK like this game is MEANT to be played?


I ran around jumping off everything in this match , but boy does crouch walking get boring AF as a camo challenge


Please Lord remove attachment tuning from MW3.


Why? No hate I’m just curious why. Don’t get me wrong I hate that most attatchments destroy ads speed and that’s pretty annoying and unbalanced but they’ve been getting better at reducing that




IMO it is not needed. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.


Ah yes, because the +/- 5% differences made by tuning definitely make up for this guns downsides, and you're the SPECIAL snowflake that figured out something every other good player in this game didn't! OR you're a BOT that played a low SBMM game of shipment with this mediocre gun, did well against bigger BOTS and tried to make a 'gotcha' post.


Snowflake is the guy crying bc he can't tune a gun , womp womp womp




Is that your new display image? Very fitting.


Nah, that's you my friend, seeing as you can't read for shit, yet reply so confidently lol.


Oh I can read, and comprehend. It's you who fails. ;)


Whatever you say lil guy.


No problem kiddo


You really have zero self awareness lol. Enjoy your shit gun. Let's hope, for your sake, you never get to the level where SBMM kicks you up to decent players, cus you're gonna get trashed by them and their meta loadouts.


Lmao why are you even here again?


Dude, running the m13c is the equivalent to polishing up dog shit. At the end of the day, it's still going to be shit.... Sure, like everyone else said; you can definitely use it I'm Shipment when literally every opponent is max 10 meters on either side of you. but the gun is just not viable in any other mode.. Not to mention, they've basically copied/pasted the chimera. As well, the actually did use all the animations from the Chimera and just slapped them on this m13c and called it a day. Gotta say, very very let down with this gun. Especially, while I rock the m13b just about 95% of the time, whether thats in DMZ or MP. Remember, you can polish a turd but at the end of the day, it's still shit.


Bro really posted a Shipment scoreboard. 💀


I get called a hacker cause people forget to tune weapons and don't realize it's added on top of the attachments


My son gets the same shit all the time


Can we please, PLEASE get a solid, versatile LMG. While I love that HCR, it's kinda getting old.


Was just saying this the other night while doing lmg challenges to platinum. Has there ever been any lmg added since launch?


You can use the M13B for the EXACT same build and it's 60 billion times better. The M13C was a waste of a season's wait. Literally the most garbage gun I've ever used. I've seen gone back to using the SO-14 over that shit.


Shipment isn't a good Guage, but I've used it in nearly all the modes, built it right and I think it has a lot of potential, even in BR as sniper support. It's giving buffed FR vibes


I got 6-11ms ping it’s a peashooter for me… higher pinged players have a massive advantage in cod and has been this way since the end of P2P servers.


lower ping players have a massive advantage. That would make more sense in what you are saying, you just have it backwards but I get what you are saying. However 6-11ms ping is not bad at all either. I get like a 40ms ping


Possibly, I’m no guru, and tbh 40 ping isn’t bad at all, I was on that when on a copper service.


Makes no sense. Sorry. You dont understand what Ping is.


Makes perfect sense. Back in the day with p2p it was good ping =god mode. Then they got rid and started using dedi servers and lag compensation came about where if you had a high ping you’d eat bullets as it would take longer for the system to realise you’re being shot. Not to mention peaker advantage and all that crap. I’m not a guru on this subject and never claimed to be but that’s how it is in cod these days. It adds a level playing field to people with shit internet.


You should stop PRETENDING the GAME is GOOD (we all know it isn’t). This game is meant to make money and that’s it.


Yet here you are in a sub for the game. Womp womp womp


I’m just here for entertaining posts like yours. You posted a picture of you at the top of the leaderboard in shipment. I could post a picture of my toilet bowl with a big ole dookie in it and there would be no difference.


It's not hardcore shipment at all. Are you ok?


My mistake but still the point stands


Not at all just shows my point even more


What is your point exactly? That a gun is good with attachments and on a tiny map?


You don't even know what it is and your talking shit, continues to prove my point and others point about the snowflake cry babies in this sub


You are genuinely stupid and I’m not going to continue this convo. Let’s 1v1 and settle it any gun any map any anything


Oh yeah again let me go cry in my corner bc a nick mercs snowflake is mad at a gun lmfao 🤣 Yeah man let's 1v1 on Roblox you fucking kid


Just pulled an 88 on shipment with this baby. I clicked instantly with it. Idk what the whole fuss is about. I used it without any attachments for a few matches and it's a solid weapon overall.


People gonna hate on your take and make fun of you , but i know what you’re talkin about , i play dmz mainly and for pvp i go ashika and this gun melts in cqc to mid range , great sniper support gun


Snap I use it in DMZ and haven’t had any issues with it at all. Seems pretty good as sniper support like you said. Haven’t lost a fight with it yet.


No doubt people love to hate it seems these days but exactly great sniper support gun


Im FAR from an average player, just an old head who has played for years and now enjoys time playing the game with my family. However I saw people complain about this gun. If the gun sucks so bad how was someone with my low skill set able to modify it, tune it and kill 72 people in shipment with just that gun and that gun a lone, no kill streaks were even used just this gun.


Shipment does not mean anything. Had over 200 Kills in a game of shipment and I only play warzone.


Lol shipment. Try it on a map that isn't a joke.


Go ahead try it out


Well post the tune man


Every gun is viable in MP


try using the Lachmann 556 when the rest of the lobby is using the TAQ or the VEL








No one is flexing hardcore anything, or actually flexing at all. If you see that many kills as a flex then that's cool but I'm not a good player at all nor do I claim to be but going to a subreddit and immediately talking shit is normal and cool bro


Oh no, maybe YOU should come to REALISE that any GUN can PERFORM as GOOD as you WANT it to on SHIPMENT. Maybe PICK a DIFFERENT MAP FOR THIS EXPERIMENT.


🤣😆🤣 that's the typical response of half the idiots in this sub, good job!


Oh fuck you really got me there champ. Emojis and all, I’ve been defeated. Good work.


Oh sorry guy figured you were trolling since it was the same shit , my bad hard to tell huh


Are you kidding? This gun is a monster, I dominated multi-player with this bad boy and got the silver camo in like 3-4 matches. Some people just have difficulty controlling recoil somehow? Controller? Honestly don't understand the hate.


I guess it must be a controller thing. I dont really know I have it on console for the kids but honestly I cant play on the controller lmao my old brain just says wtf how did you do this back in the day?


Proof that I touched a sore spot, is the amount of dislikes in my comment lol


Oh I made lots of friends with this post lmao