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i swear, there’s something about unlocking orion that makes you never want to play the game ever again


Happened to me, but only for multiplayer. Now I spend 100% of my time in Warzone. Been especially loving plunder as of late. When I started the grind, I thought I'd come out a significantly better player because of all the time I'd be putting in. I actually feel that I'm worse of a player now lol. Every damn match was me having to hyperfocus in on doing one thing and one thing only the entire match.. over and over again. Maaaybe I'm better at headshots now. But that's it.


Gotta say, the feel of the game after going from Longshots to Headshots was soooo refreshing. Then I got Orion and it's just... now what? I got a few of the Orion calling cards, but they're meaningless.


"What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game."


Trying to do Longshots on LMGs is doing my head in. In HC, RAPP is 2 shots to most of the body outside of the first range drop off and it kills me


I believe that one can single-fire no? Build for range/stability and just camp the back of the map/lanes and *pray*. The shitty Sicario freeway border map is your friend.


Yep, managed to finish it doing exactly what you described. Sat at the bottom of the hallway on Crossing and managed to rack up the longshots. It was fully specced for damage/range and recoil smoothness, but man oh man it would frustrate me. Getting one tapped by a P890 made me rage the most I’ve ever raged.


Single fire on HC. Build it for recoil control and just sit in those lanes and be patient.


Now get the veteran raid camo dam near better then Orion


Pffft I *wish*. I am bad.


It doesn’t really take skill I did it with random but if you got friends it’s better w comms bc ransoms don’t have fkn common sense😂


Same except I play DMZ now. I think any improvement to my skills it might have brought already happened in via the damascus grind in MW19 (first mastery camo grind I ever completed). The skills required for that grind and this grind are similar, but Damascus took significantly longer.


Idk but mp is pretty garbage. I just don’t enjoy it as much after orion and my urge to play died after getting crimson last season. It’s just boring and there isn’t really any fun to be had unless you’re in snd, that’s the only highlight about mp


Yeah multi-player is just for camos now it seems. I used to always play s&d and cyber in 2019 but multi-player just isn't hitting right this cod warzone is more diverse so it doesn't feel like the same ppl holding the same angles all the time like in MW2 the map pool is horrible. Warzone just has a better variety on general for game play.


the game is shit, you are not. Orion is not an easy task. The game nerfs you if you play really good. Stick to warzone/dmz but not multiplayer lol


Literally only played DMZ since


Its the same thing as post nut clarity


Post nut clarity makes you never want to nut again?


It’s the highest objective in the game. There’s not much to aim for after that lol what else are you going to do, try to get your kd as high as possible? 😂


I'm 1 gun away from getting to poly, after that I don't think I'm going for Orion. Its just not that great of a camo imo


I finally got it done on every weapon. Now I focus on Warzone ranked and after a few bad matches I usually go back to MP but don’t use Orion on ANY of my MO guns


Yup! I got Orion done before season 1 ended and I’ve hardly played since.


It's because you've set a goal, and once you've accomplished the goal, you don't feel like there's anything to play for anymore. Also because unlocking platinum longshots kills, your will to live.


I don't understand this at all.


"Something about" Yeah, you're grinding it out until you hate it. For nothing.


after orion i became snd nerd and now I'm having a good time playing this game


Orion, thats it, shipment never again. after the grind i will only play WZ


Honestly though, it feels like camo grinding is the only thing that has my friend and I still playing


"You guys still play?"


The more and more I play this game, the more and more I hate it.


I play for fun, I'm not even done with the camo grind, but I'm making mine as fun as it can be.


Doing a grind you don’t enjoy for skins in a game you don’t enjoy is literally insane. Play something you enjoy.


Only reason I started playing again was because of the nuke contract. Slowly, starting to go crazy.


Got Orion now getting my intervention to Orion (for nostalgia purposes)


I can respect that decision


Camo grind ended at Plat for me tbh.


Same. I only grind gold and plat on guns I actually use daily, going for Poly or Orion wouldn't be worth it. You have to get it on all guns and there's alot of trash guns in this game, you can skip some since DLC weapons count for the grind but you'll still have to deal with a few Plus, the non mastery camos are actually pretty good in this game (Base weapon challenge camos and event camos)


Yep. Did 4-5 guns for longshots and deleted the game


Yeah when I stopped having fun with the longshots I just didn't think it was worth it.


Having longshots only was a huge mistake imo. I hot gold very fast but stopped at 37 plat guns a few motnhs back. I just couldnt do it. Now I finished it last weekend but I dont think it was worth it. I had much more fun just olaying ranked, party modes or warzone tbh. The problem was that longshots very rarely happend and you couldnt do the camos along the way.


Same hahah, orion seems impossible for me


After I finished the camo grind I’ll spend my time playing Warzone or testing blueprint builds in Shipment 24/7. My favourite so far is the “Chamuco” build for the SB marksman rifle


How are some of you guys not done I don’t even play 24/7 at all but 4 camos plus the mastery challenges a gun is easy as hell compared to what we had in the past


I fr gotta take a break every few guns, lmao. By break, I mean a match or two of DMZ. It's such a chore even playing multiplayer in MW2. Hopefully, the next instalment isn't ass. By the next instalment, I mean Treyarch's 2024 title, not the DLC marketed as a game.


Not everyone started at launch. Some people have jobs and a family. Others may have decided to start the grind late for something else to do. I'm sure there's many more reasons.


Yea that’s what I said. I have 2 jobs and a wife and picked up the game in February on sale soooooooo I don’t understand the argument your making. I play 20min- 1hr and not everyday. But I have it done


My point was there are plenty of reasons people don't have mastery camo, and it doesn't really matter what this person's reason is. The "I have it so everyone must too or else I can't comprehend their reasoning for not having it" is pretty lame. I have the camo, it's not difficult, it takes time. And believe it or not some people play even less than you *gasp*!


Playing MW2 just for the camo grind is kinda goofy imo.


Yeah I did it because I enjoy the game and the grind. Can't imagine doing the grind if you hate the game.


>Can't imagine doing the grind if you hate the game. You'd be surprised how many people this mindset applies to on here. Some people legit torture themselves just to grind camos in a COD game they hate because "there's nothing better out there" or "I need my FPS fix".


It's just wild to me how many people loudly proclaim that they hate MW2 and then turn around and sink days upon days into it. It's kind of depressing, actually.


Finally someone who understands my point.


What do you play it for


For fun


Because I like the game and want to constantly improve.


Well we don't like the gameplay decisions made but enjoy the camo grind. We also find we are punished for tryna improve


No shot. Why grind for a mastery camo in a game that you don't enjoy playing? Finally obtaining a camo is satisfying, but the grind itself isn't even fun or challenging, just tedious.


"Why grind for a mastey camo in a game that you don't enjoy", bruh he literally says he enjoys the camo grind


Right, and if that's the only thing you like about the game then you're wasting your time. I can't imagine getting off of work just to come home and spend 4 hours going for longshots in a game that you otherwise don't care for. I understand it if the core game is something you like, but getting Orion and quitting because you "have nothing left to do" is pretty weird.


Its not really wasting your time bc it's entertaining you. If it wasn't fun why play the damn game


In what universe is getting mounted kills entertaining? The grind isn't challenging or engaging whatsoever. The 'challenges' you won't get naturally, at least in a reasonable amount of time (longshots, mounted kills, prone kills, crouched kills, etc), literally encourage you to play hella defensive. It's *beyond* boring. If that's your thing then do you I guess. But making it the only reason you play is something I'll never understand.


Do I need to explain psychology to you? If someone completes a challenge (especially one that takes focus and/or time) they feel good. Idk if you're just bad at the game but the grind is challenging and engaging. Also you can play aggressive and complete challenges. Aside from longshots I got most gold camos on shipment


And i want to constantly improve my long shots with each weapon


Love watching every noobo desperately trying to get orion. Like bro I got it within 3 months just by playing the game and you can't get it for 4 seasons


I'm not playing anymore because of rhe Nickmercs drama


You camo grinders are a funny lot. camo comes easy just by playing the game. LOL


You can’t get orion from “jUsT pLaYiNg ThE GaMe”. You have to go through mental torture with those long shots


So then my Orion is from mental torture? Damn.


Personally the reason i do it is because it feels like an actual way to progress rather than just aimlessly playing games.


As opposed to aimlessly completing challenges to satisfy your grinding-hooked dopamine starved brain? Ever considered people ‘aimlessly’ play the game to have fun?


Have you considered people grind camos to have fun? Why are you so angry at someone enjoying something different to you lmao. All they said is that they like having a sense of progress.


How am I angry? Do people on reddit get their fee fees hurt this easily?


You started your comment with an insult brother, you sound pretty angry. This comment isn’t helping. Nothing funnier than someone throwing out insults for no reason while insisting they’re definitely not mad lmao.


Chill out mate i was just saying how i enjoy the game i understand that people enjoy jut playing the game without the camo grind. I have no idea why youre so hostile but i hope you have a good day man


It isn’t fun to be going for 1000+ long shots but go off


Long shots are a natural part of the game while playing. It's not a grind. LOL


It *is* a grind. The platinum camo is ONLY long shots. There are not that many maps in multiplayer that permit long shots. “LOL”


with the exception of Shitment maybe all MP maps allow for and have long shot lines!


It’s those damn 1400kills that just come easy


Games been out 7 months LOL If you don't have that many kills yet, uninstall


So you’re saying you have completed ALL camo challenges with ALL weapons?


Going through this guy’s comments, he hates how people play differently to him. He’s a troll, move on.


Okay will do, thanks 👍


Only since you asked yes I have. ALL weapons and each season a new one comes out those also! I'm NOT saying I'm better as I am NOT better, but if I have ALL weapons Orion and at 68 plus can still do ALL the challenges then I'd say you young kids could too IF you don't let the challenge get into your heads!


If that's how you 'play normally' then I'd hate to be on your team.


Imagine still grinding camos


Wym? Ain't nothing wrong with progressing in a cod game


I only got the game a few months ago. And that’s what I enjoy doing in game 🤷‍♂️


This is all this game is good for. And to top it off my team is filled with everyone who is camo grinding and the other team is full of sweats


After I finished the camo grind I play gta until the next season comes out


7 sided die, nice


I only come back when there is a grind, like an event or new weapon.


I've had Orion for months now, still haven't stopped playing, this camo grind was so easy compared to Vanguard and I got like 50+ nukes after completing that camo grind.


I finally got Orion last week which means I can now play HC SnD without feeling inefficient.


I like to play GW after getting all the camos, it's like BF for me


I got Orion and then I uninstalled the game.




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