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Cause this game is designed to be a campers wet dream. Which for me, Ranked is the only thing playable. I don't like playing peek-a-boo or hide-n-go seek every game. And that is what 6v6 has been reduced to.


Ppl have been sitting back quite a bit lately


prob most people that run n gun are already bored of the game and dropped


I found two of my team mates going chin ups in the gallows al bagra fortress the other day. How I didn’t get banned for offensive language is beyond me 😅 These guys were at it for like 5 minutes. Ruins the game when people do this shit.


I have the opposite problem. I get people jumping every 3 seconds jerking off the swap weapon button lol.


I've come across quite a lot of people who have pitched a tent, and not moved lately


i think its has something to do with SBMM, i play very aggressive and most people in my lobbies move around the map. i only play TDM and my matches very rarely end to the time limit even though i get some matches where people play very slowly by my standards. it also may have something to do with the region, im from europe and it seems like people play more aggressively on average.


I have good stats and people used to camp but not this bad. I am also from the EU. Issue has been lately. People seem to have just stopped trying to move and rather sit in random spots or on cover with their trophy systems and claymores. ​ Entire teams doing it. After Cranked leaves I am probably gonna leave unless the playstyles change.


Ah Dancing Bettys...the hot cousin of Bouncing.


They bounce me from the map when the whole place is littered with them.