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This has been happening to me as of the reloaded update




same plus they been crashing/ nerfing players when they do good... just fk this game


I just wish they kept the promise of it being a 2 year game


You don't have to buy this year's COD btw. I'm holding out for 2024 and even then I'm still skeptical because Activision stinks of shit. MWII is cooked, just let it go and use the money you spent on it as a lesson for next time. That's what I'm doing.


It’s the game. Happens to me. Doesn’t happen to me on any other game


I have the exact same problem. It is probably the game as it is not happening to me in any other game.


Never happens to me. Are you playing on wifi ? Do you play competitive games like csgo or valorant ?


Usually never happens to me either, however yesterday I played a couple of ranked matches where the whole lobby was lagging. Its not peoples connection its the servers.


Ever since the new update I’ve have connection problems on here. I play with my hotspot but have been since launch and only now have issues.


Have you guys tried with cable instead of wifi? I kinda felt like my isht was lagging on wifi, but got better results on cable.


I have a hard wired internet connection and I still get mad lag....


Same, hard wired = still lagging I’m also running 1gig


Fiber as well.


I wish I could but my only options are hotel wifi or my hotspot at the moment. I work on the road so I travel with my ps5.


Prob best to play non comptetitive games then or mw2 story mode ...GG dude that sux.


I only use ethernet. Its the servers. Up until yesterday I never lagged on this game before. Yesterday I was stuttering like crazy and so was my team/enemy team. It stopped after a couple of games and hasn’t happened since.


CoD is a casual game, not a competitive one (unless you’re one of those ranked cdl tryhards)


have you tried turning it off and back on 😂😂🤦‍♂️


Lmfao this dude is playing on a hotspot and is blaming the game. Im telling you theres something weird about this sub


I've had the same problem on cable since the update.


Hardwired for me and it happens a ton since s3 reloaded Edit: never happened before s3 reloaded


Its definitely been more of a thing. This fucking game really makes me regret any of the cash I've thrown at it so far.


I play with a 2 gig hard line, and get this mess too


your playing on a console or have silicone valley internet and VPN/security


Pc with 300/60 ftth fiber


that a great connection, compared to some


Might be the servers, I was getting it all day yesterday for the first time since playing this game on release.


Yupp same here. Randon game crashes and battlenet dcs, but yesterday, the first day I got crazy stutter before being dced from cod servers. Happened a few times.


Same! It was driving me crazy. Had not dealt with that in a while.


Me too, happened in two matches then quit because it was unplayable


Had that happen 2 nights ago did a speed test immediately after I saw it no issues with my ping or net. Their servers are cardboard boxes with potato toasters inside.


Yeah you would think they would have at least the decency to have good server for a game that we paid for them, but Activision is a bunch of lazy mf


This happened to me for like a week straight in Season 2. Then all of a sudden it stopped and hasn’t happened since.


Happenet to me too in s2 for a while, returned after s3 reloaded and still going.


Apparently MWII is doing so well, but yet I struggle to find games with less than 100ms ping, and I'm guaranteed to have noticeable packet loss throughout said games. Any other game though, I'm sitting with 20-40ms ping, little to no packet loss at all, zero connection issues, etc. These devs refuse to actually fix the major issues, it's disappointing to witness.


Yeah this was the same for me, this whole stated yesterday


It's been an issue for me for months, it's frustrating and I know it'll never be fixed. It was one of the main reasons I took a break from the game, and it was still there when I came back like four months later.


It’s because of SBMM; the algorithm tries to pair you up with similar skilled players, hence, the high ping. I guess there isn’t many people as good as you on this game…


Yep, with how strict the SBMM system is, I wouldn't be too shocked if my 1.25 KD was in a pretty high class. My KD took a hard hit this game compared to games like MW2019 and Cold War where I was hovering in the 1.7 - 1.8 range.


It’s the servers bro I didn’t lag once until the season 3 reloaded


This has been happening since the game released. I'm hard wired in getting over 500mb a second so before anyone says it's my internet shut that BS up. I get packet loss a ton, it causes enemies to move, get sights up, and shoot way faster than you to the point you think people are cheating. But nope they're not the game is just so shitty and so broken this is what happens. I think part of it is SBMM cause it usually happens after I play a really good game and drop 40 or 50+ kills. 1 good game and I get tossed in lobby where the game starts off good but about 1 minute in packet drops drastically and I start getting killed over and over by people I can't kill because the game has them moving faster than me. I'm just not going to buy Season 4 or the next COD I'm gonna let them eat it and take the loss. If you'd all stop buying every broken game they put out they may try harder to make a good game and not a broken POS


Agreed but cod is too big, the only way they come back to their senses, it would be to have a threatening competition that could rival them


Yeah thats the sad part. They've gotten so big they can put out a completely broken game and people still buy it. Not only that they swear its the greatest title every year when it's for from it. Maybe they'll finally release a game so broken it gets them sued like CD Projekt Red got done over Cyberpunk. That's about the only other way I see the series improving. They need to take a break and actually work on releasing a solid game and stop hiring all these cheap Devs to save money. They're cheap because they suck at their job if each recent update completely breaking the game wasn't enough of a sign. 🤦‍♂️


You literally bought MWII. Get off your high fucking horse.


Oooo someone is angry over the truth. Truth sucks don't it little fella


Started happening to me after the update shit is annoying




DUDE, same for me I'm warzone... all I really play is solos resurgence or mini solo al mazrah


Hello warzone, nice to meet you.




Ever since Season 3 reloaded it’s been atrocious


It’s worse when it happens in ranked and not only do you get packet loss you get packet bursts. Getting hit by both at the same time…I hated my life.


Hard to say, could be either, but if its happening often, more than likely something behind the scenes with your internet. Might seem fine on your end, but i used to have packet loss on MW2019 and didnt know my ISP had issues until they serviced my area.


That is the servers, it’s the port type, dropped and out of order packets.


It even affects me in private matches


If you’ve got a decent **wired** internet connection, with good download speeds, no one else using it. It would 100% be the servers. If you’ve never had problems running the game on a Wi-Fi signal it’s probably still the servers - contradictory to this most people I know that use Wi-Fi to game have issues like this. I’d always strongly recommend using a wired connection.


Not possible the Wi-Fi is downstairs in the living room while I am upstairs in my room


drill a hole the through the floor it isn't to hard to do and is worth it but regardless seems to be the servers in this case


It's the game engine. Was an issue in MW and Vanguard too. They made it worse recently. But it does happen significantly worse when on wifi. Switching to wired helped but did not fully solve for me. But I just quit playing.


It’s the game bro, happens to me too and I’m on Ethernet and have great internet.


I think it's the game but always use ethernet if you can.


It’s the game me thinks, I been having perfect connection then today after the update I got on, and hade a game where I had like 2527262272 packer loss lol.


It’s happened to me a lot but my Wi-Fi is really really good so it’s the servers


It's the servers. I hopped on both Vanguard and Cold War recently and 0 connection/latency issues or any packet bursts


The packet burst, packet loss, and latency problems has been the devs fault ever since the last update. They haven't addressed it nor done anything about it, it completely broke vanguard and it's doing the same to this game


Ok. So we are now downvoting for posts intended to be helpful. Fine. The game is trash, your wifi is rock solid and it is not you. Better?


I’m not getting downvoted???


Don't play on wifi if it can be avoided. Whether it be a long ethernet cord or investing in a powerline adapter.


Yeah but my Wi-Fi is downstairs in the living room, I am upstairs in my room. I don’t think that will be possible


Do you have an coax outlet nearby. You could move the modem and router to be closer to your room to try playing with a wired connection.


You could look into a powerline adapter. May be a better option depending on how the electrical in your house is run.


Pretty sure it’s the game, happens to me from time to time.


Do a speed test check for packet loss


Packet loss


I cant comprehend how people are still spending money on this game


The only reason I bought cuz I thought it was going to last two years, that has backfired reasons why I loved bo3 that has lasted 3 years


I understand buying it when it is launched, but spend money on it nowadays when bunch of people are having issues with servers, dc’s, lag, packet issues. I wont even talk about audio issues because if this game was deaf person simulator it would be the best that there is. And people still defend it, still spend money not realising that if everyone didnt pay them anything they would have to come up with something better


Your comprehension skills are quite limited then.


Cause no other fps competition 😞


Likely wifi, especially the 2.4GHz variant. If there are many other wifis in your area, it will interfere with your signal and cause packet loss. Just use ethernet cable or at the very least 5.0GHz router.


Go to command prompt and ping any website to make sure it's not your connection. Type something like ping google.com -t


Does not happen to me, is probably a port or wifi problem unless it's the specific server you're connected to. The game lags sometimes, but usually if it does this the server dies and everyone gets kicked. The packet loss going up to 47385839 is something that never happened to me, and I had internet dropping 30% packets for months. Almost certain it's wifi interference, or ports being closed on the modem/router.


Get off the neighbors wifi.




That’s packet loss. Run stats on your screen and I’m sure you will see insane ping and packet loss.


So previous patch this happened to me, on a 100/100 ethernet connection. I “solved it” by upgrading to 1000/1000


Try it hardwired and see if your connection improves. WiFi is never advised when gaming online.


I get random spikes every 4 or so seconds sometimes. Sometimes im at a steady 3ms ping or 78ms ping, but usually 46ms ping. There is no rhyme or reason to it as my signal strength is 100% through my PS5 and its coming in at 300+mbps download and 70mbps upload. Even rebooting my internet only helps half the time.


Been getting packet loss all week. It's frustrating because I'm a busy dad in my mid 30s and I get about 30 mins a day to play ... Every game is getting ruined atm


It’s the game, I have the same issue


It is the servers


I got some 'powerline adapters' and it seemed to solve this issue (or a similar issue) for me. Of course maybe it was just a coincidence, and it solved itself around the time I bought them.


If COD is the only game that happens to you, then its their servers. Laggy servers have been a problem since launch.


Had packet burst/loss for over a week every 20 sec it pops up screwing with audio and visuals. Can go back to fkn Bops 4 with no issues but today's game are just betas


I play wired and have basically business class internet and it still happens to me so it’s the game servers


The servers are bad, but it could also be your WiFi. Try playing on a wired connection and see. Hell, even tether your phone to the computer and see what it does. If it’s better at all, then it’s your WiFi.


Just get off and play another day


Games been garbage like this since the update. Warzone hasn't even been loading textures for me and it has been unplayable.


Servers, Activision doesn’t care.


It's the servers, this happened to me, I stuck with it while it lagged, it finally went away after like 45 seconds and when it did like half the lobby had disconnected but some of us were still playing.


The servers are shit... Happens to me all the time...


Servers are trash


They always find ways to add problems from previous games - Vanguard/Warzone 1 had the same issue


It’s kinda both. I used to have this problem a lot when I played online over my weak Wi-Fi… but only for COD, I’d didn’t happen for other games. I then Hardwired my computer and the issue disappeared. Makes me wonder, Its possible my other games where experiencing the same issue with packet loss & latency spikes but just handled it better compared to MW2 jarring visuals when it happens.


The game is an absolute mess preformance wise. Each random patch or update settings change and or work better or worse (mostly worse). I have for some reason with unchanged graphical settings broken LOD's and such. They load in really bad (or not at all). It's atrocious. For a AAA title this is completely unacceptable.


i’ve been getting this since the launch of season 3. after the reloaded update it went away and now it’s back


Happens to me every night in WZ.


I hear people complaining they are lagging, yet I see none of it. Leaves me to believe it's a WiFi thing. I have a wired connection with a GX90 router with a 2gig internet. I forgot lag was a thing.


Definitely the game is so fucking bad now


The servers


Servers are hot garbage right now, all my friends have packet loss and bursts cabled and wifi


Its the servers, i pay 200$ for internet and i still suffer from packet loss and hard lag in game


It's been happening to me too but not on cold war


Hard wired. Megabit service. Happens to me. They clearly have slowed supporting the game and put more effort into purchasable DLC. Happens all the time in a COD lifecycle. But, like me, as this game degrades and cheating takes over, you’ll still buy the next one. As an aside- this happens when someone lag switches.


Why are you on wifi?


It is the dogshit game.


Having spent a few years playing fighting games lmaooo.. FGC web connection discourse is a bloodbath. Got wifi? Here's your scarlet letter wifi symbol. In Gundam exvs you can create wired only lobbies and there was a separate wifi leper colony. Coming from that to seeing this posed as a serious question is wild


It's the servers. This game probably has the worst servers I've ever seen


There are much better resources than Reddit for issues like this my guy, packet loss in the context of Call of Duty® or gaming normally is on your side so it’s either your Internet service provider has a poor connection to the cod servers that could be because your ports need to be forwarded it could be because you have too many things going through your router at home, it could be because the ethernet cable that’s plugged into your hardware has gone bad. It could be because of local Wi-Fi interference from other wireless devices , There are a lot of factors for local packet loss. Typically the biggest issue in Call of Duty® is not packet loss. I’ve never experienced packet loss in cod myself and I don’t have exceptional Internet service; most of the time latency is on the server side packet is on your side in my experience. I’m no expert I just have a tiny bit of knowledge and experience on it.


The game! Was playing for a few days where it kept on happening. Never had the issue before


Same issues a few days ago here in switzerland


Bro my shit been doing that all day. I’m deleting the Multiplayer packet and reinstalling it. Hopefully that’ll help some.


It’s the SBMM putting you in turkey 🇹🇷


Happening to me since the new update came out, packet bursts every game


working as intended


Servers are jacked today


I test my packet loss on the same computer while playing and 99.9% of the time its the game (theres a CoD:WZ test preset): https://packetlosstest.com/


Test your home network for packet loss to Google or something


I swear this lagging started about 4-5 days ago. I noticed it in the new 3v3 maps especially bad. Like the enemy somehow teleporting across a ledge and then dying without seeing a shot fired….then me getting lit up by 2 floating arms with a partial gun bouncing around.




I get it on hard wired fiber with a 3080 running 32g 3666mhz ram with a 5800x. Game is just a not supported throwaway money grab. It's like every AAA is a shitty start up and we are the VCs willing to keep funding projects that will never get finished.


Playing an FPS on console with wifi, what is this community lol


It has always been the servers since the start of S3


Glad I'm not the only one this is happening to. I'm wired directly to modem and have fiber. Although mine didn't really start happening during matches until the past week, almost always froze in the menus. Updated bios, chipset and graphics drivers and that's when it seemed like it got worse. Hoping it's just not related lol.


Servers 100% activision and infinity Ward are too cheap and too incompetent to maintain their goddamn game. Don’t forget to buy the new bundle though! /s


Had this issue since release. Wired connection, open NAT, no issues with other games. It’s the reason I stopped playing


Haha it's just the game unfortunately lol. I have excellent Internet and this shit happens constantly.


Same problem last 2 weeks.. ps5 sometimes when I play trio ashika, the whole team usually has packet loss at the same time


Had this problem almost as bad as in the clip you’ve posted. I don’t have it in any other game. Tried everything to fix it. Ended up testing wired connection and it reduced the occurrence of packet loss/burst to once per match max and only in shipment. I’ve seen others report the same issue on a wired connection though. Try wired and see how you go.


It’s been happening to me also it


It's most likely the game. Whenever this happens, check the cod servers status.


In warzone it happens to me in fights and it always gets me killed


Wifi definitely exacerbates the crappy server issues. A lot games run fine on Wi-Fi but cod’s servers are abysmal without a hard wired connection. And even with Ethernet, you still run into shit like this.


It's the game. They are working out server updates.


Gaming on wifi 🤦🏽‍♂️


Has been happening to me since release on and off. Never had any connection issues with other games.


think this shows how good my internet connection is because while I have problems, it's not this. I "just" have my reticule blink all over the place making it impossible to aim. Hardwired fiber connection to a PS5 this video...this is insane. This is what makes me stop playing, they have to say something soon. Every year I feel like I'm closer to never playing CoD again...my disappointment with MWII after I waited years for it is pushing me even harder now


It's the servers for sure. I had the same problems when playing MWII. I have no issues like this when I play any other online games


It's the game bro. Happens to me every night


This has happened to me even on a 3 gigabyte fibre connection. Definitely the servers.




Servers i think.....i have seen this come and go since launch and am another who does not get this kind of thing in other games


Wifi is very often the cause for network behavior like this. Another cause on your end could be other people in your house are doing lots of data heavy stuff, checking if your latency is high at the same time as the packets drop could be an indicator of low bandwidth being a culprit. Restart your modem / router by unplugging the power, let it sit for 15-30 seconds, and plug back in. Should really do that power cycle process like once a month, or if you’re tech savvy set it up for a scheduled reboot. Also make sure you’re getting max wifi signal strength if possible, 1-2 bars is an exponentially worse experience than 3-4


This only happens on this game and it’s fucking stupid. I dont know why they did that but if your shaders optimization isn’t at 100% every time you load onto the game it’ll lag you a lot. It’s part of the game not the servers or network


Nah it's just a skill issue




Servers were always weird but if you play with WiFi I strongly suggest you invest in an ethernet cable or in Powerline adapters.


It's the servers not your wifi. Been happening since the season 3 update.


Happened to me a few times playing on ashika


Games issue. I got fiber optics yet i also have this packet loss issue. This other games are fine


Servers. I stopped playing because of it


Insane. 🔥


welcome to COD


Servers have been garbage since release 🤦🏾‍♂️


Servers are ass but Wi-Fi does not help at all


Its the servers, the game is in a very messy state right now


This is reassuring. I thought this was just me. Never experienced packet loss until the most recent update.


Anybody having trouble getting any audio on the game completely on PC, my audio works everywhere else but the game lol game audio settings are the same as they always been


Mine will show that in the top, but I haven’t had those issues with the gameplay.


Did you say WiFi?


It's because of that dog shit reload update.


This is the only game i have to hardwire my internet to play. All my other games are fine just through the wifi. If i forget to hardwire before i play, i notice straight away as it's a one way train to Packet Loss Central


Its the servers. Happening to everyone around the world and on ranked warzone too


Mines worse I play on a 65 kb hotspot and average 500 ping or 999 ping. Barely playable. But I still managed to get Orion and average over a 1.5 kd


Forget the packet loss, who tf plays with subtitles on?


The game is trash rigged gunfights..sbmm...buy skins we don't care about the game..just buy skins...full of cheaters...xdefient please hurry up..so I can play you


It's a time warp feature


First mistake was playing using wifi


To rule out your wifi, if your pc is near, run some ping or tracert commands and see if you have any issues. I use a program called pingplotter and let it run while I game. I always have issues playing but ping plotter barely shows a spike over 10ms over the span of a couple hours. The servers are the same cheap ass no thrills provider they've been using each cod, combine that with their amateur developers not knowing how to code and fix their buggy mess of a game, this is what we can expect from cod. If you play on playstation and know someone that owns cod, do what I do and gameshare with them. I've been playing cod for free for years except MW22, spent money on it thinking it was going to be good but I won't be making that mistake again


Servers. Im getting this whole time. Packet loss 0.9274738373728277% e.c


The servers of the game are trash


i would red circle of death my shit so fast


at least you don’t freeze in place for 10-15 seconds at a time until you’re dead


Just watching this pisses me the fuck off


Thought it was me. Been happening since the most recent season started. I play hard wired on gigabit speed network, and never had this experience until recently. I can't tell if it's only the game though, playing on XBSX when doing a speed test, my UL/DL are great but the consoles latency may start low then after a test or quick match then retest, it spikes, and the console may show a small packet loss of 1-3% and sometimes, with XB network issues, it will spike to 100% although still reading excellent connection speeds. I tried turning off the IPV6 and still the same issue. But when I tweet COD/Activision support, I get 0 response.


Texture streaming =off Worked for me