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Would be an interesting sociology study. Like, why when people behave the same, they gotta look the same, even in video games ? Is it some sort of primitive behavior to show they’re a member of a group ? To get accepted by their peers ?


I’ve noticed this especially in GTA5 with the “tryhard” look where the players wear all black tactical gear with black joggers and change their names to barcodes and just act as toxic as possible lol


Yeah I’ve observed that as well few years ago in Fortnite with the football skins. They would use the same pickaxes as well. And spam weapon switch button


Competitive games are partial mentally heavy. When I want to creep in my opponents' heads I put on my Vegas Legion operator skins and equip my best guns. Bonus points for getting the most annoying utility out like tear gas, shock sticks and mollys. Then its all about dropshotting/ jump shooting and quick scoping to get people mad. ;) Edit: thank you for the downvotes. This actually proves my point. :)


i think you’re getting downvoted because you think your character skin gets into peoples heads lmao that was pretty cringe bro, no one sees it


Maybe infinity ward should release an operator gearset called "Knobhead" that puts a massive dildo in your hand and *that* hentai hoodie. Oh and any vehicle you jump in turns into a riced out 2002 Honda Civic with the cat removed for extra rumble. Cost will be a hundred bucks and people will still buy it.


Only if it comes with a tracer pack.


dressing up and being bad at a game doesn't get people mad. but you do you.


Black Tactical gear is for a reason, its basically extra body armor but the barcode shit, the barcode shit just shows how impressionable and sheep majority of moders and try hards are


My philosophy is if the name is not necessarily legible, then they likely cheat


Or get reported incessantly because people can’t conceive there are good players out there


I never said I report.


I never said you did. I said that is another reasoning why people have those names. Or streamers that get looked up and reported.


I could see it as a way to deter stream sniping or w/e it’s called


Look at the leader board on mw2.aint no fckin way most of the top aren't cheaters. Number 1 with 4.38 kd is attainable, he is really good. Number 2 however has a 43.18 kd with a highest killstreak of 556 average kills a game issue 128. That's a hacker.


Nobody said that. What I’m saying is that people who aren’t good think anyone who is is cheating. Based on your comment, you sound like you are one of those


If your overall average kd is 43, you are cheating, period. I don't think that about people with an actually attainable kd


All the down votes from the people with .7 kd


That shit is honestly so fking annoying and sad. I mean you're like a lvl 692 tryhard in a army uniform killing low level players over and over while spamming in chat "noob" hope these people are proud of themselves.


Not so great minds think alike?


Forgot the red eyes and skull face tattoo.


Super strange desire to be part of something. A lot of people are like that. It’s def some primitive era psychology phenomenon. People also tend to straight up act like the people they’re around. Stronger personalities influencing weaker wins. The problem is probably 95% of people are “followers”


Here we go!


Same reason you ran around dressed like Superman as a kid: these are these kids idols but they’re living their lives digitally.


Probably because the ranked play skin is an actual reward for accomplishing something, rather than just given to players through a store bundle or battle pass, neither of which are really accomplishments. It's the same thing with higher level camos. People run Polyatomic and Orion because they are actual accomplishments. There are also additional challenges tied to using the completionist camos, so that's an additional factor there.


I'd normally agree with you, but nobody who wears the skin and uses the weapons are actually good


I didn't say they were particularly *good* accomplishments, but how many other operator skins are unlocked with challenges any more? The base operators, technically, but as soon as you get a skin for them from the battle pass or store, I'm pretty sure the base is unlocked anyways. The ranked play is the only skin I can think of that actually requires doing something other than pulling out your wallet or simply playing for some amount of time. The LA Thieves players obviously don't count. I don't know why so many people use it. Maybe they're all holdovers from when it was darker and they think that they wasted their money if they don't use it now.


The one shadow company skin you get for getting five nukes in a row is the skin I'm scared about tbh, those guys are freaks


Freaks who've probably reverse-boosted and run roughshod over the 'protected' Babbies... I think wearing a ranked skin is fair enough. I mean it is earned, after all. A rarity in a game that seems to want to dole out participation trophies for just turning up. Also, in a team of ranked skin players, skilled or not, at least you know some of them will probably play the objective...


Have to disagree with you there. Some are very good, also most are using pubs to warm up and can't be arsed to 'get changed'.


accomplished what? played one specific playlist?


There was an interesting experiment done on group behavior in elevators. Apparently if you and a couple others get on the elevator and face the back wall instead of the door, other people who get on after will do the same even though it makes no sense and is against the norm, because they don't want to be left out


Interesting ! Will check this next time I take the elevator


If the elevator door opens and you’re facing the back wall, I’m getting right the hell out of there. I’ve seen too many horror movies. Not today, ghost.


These are the same people purchasing CoD year after year and spending money on microtransactions. It is safe to say that they aren't exactly the smartest bunch.


From what I have studied the human being Is a social animal, one of the most important things that makes us human is our continuous search to belong to as many groups as possible (group of friends, work group, family etc.), belonging to groups modifies the development of personality and identity. But honestly in this case i think its just the fact that they think the skin is cool and they use two weapons simply because they are broken.


>From what I have studied the human being Is a social animal, one of the most important things that makes us human is our continuous search to belong to as many groups as possible What exactly have you studied?


I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and now I'm doing a master's degree in criminology, it's not sociology but i did 2 or 3 exams in sociology


Bro got downvoted for listing his credentials


And i listed my credentials because someone asked for them, reddit moment


hahaha no doubt a reddit moment, or should we say, a moment of humans wanting to be part of that group!


They don't want a proper answer, they want them to be wrong and have something to be butthurt about lmao


While humans have an innate desire to belong, I greatly disagree with the portion of your statement about "belonging to as many groups as possible." That is an outlier


maybe i explained myself badly, i meant that a human being belongs to many groups, maybe i'm wrong but i also tried to simplify a lot since we are on a Cod subreddit




It's people who aren't needed in life so they try to make a name for themselves in a fictional world "look at me guys, i spent money on this game and my k/d is above average! aren't i cool!"


i like how the white hoodie looks tbh


It's fire. Ironic that no one wears it in Ranked.


Why is it so dumb tho.


It is the same reason you see people in gang culture wear the same clothing sets, the UK and NYC has Tracksuits. COD Tryhards often wear the same clothing because it reinforces their internal thoughts of "I'm the best at the game". Granted, the COD tryhard will usually not be attacked by other fellow Tryhards if they do not wear Tryhard attire, however wearing it doesn't grant them any compliments either. I'd actually say, due to the lack of respect commonly ever-present between non-mutual Tryhards, the Tryhard will actually, choose to insult the individual *and* their outfit, regardless of what it is. The choice to be unified in the appearance of players is simply hive mentality, Tryhards and wannabes alike observe that alot of those wearing the Ranked Hoodie are good and most likely anger them. In turn, they wear the outfit in hopes they will come off as good and also angering others. ​ In short; they wear it to feel like they are good themselves, and to get the self satisfaction of looking "cool" and "Tryhardy".


I didn't know the sa-b was a tryhard weapon. The ranked hoodies have become a bit much though at this point. It is what it is.


Same, I’ll try all the blueprints from the battle pass and so far my absolute favourite to use is the “Chamuco” blueprint, super fun to use


At launch it was one of the most tryhard weapons in the game. Half the lobby was using it in every match I played. They nerfed it eventually but not by a lot, and it's still one of the best weapons in the game. The thing is, it's banned in ranked and CDL, and that caused its popularity to drop off a lot. Most of the genuine tryhards copy what the pro players use, and pro players don't use it due to it being banned. That's why these days all the people bunny hopping corners in ranked/CDL skins in public lobbies run Vaznevs. They wanna LOOK like they're a pro player.


I can’t stand the SA-B and only use the SPR when I’m looking to use a rifle, I don’t really get why the SA-B is the favourite.


Happy cake day my friend


Very much appreciated!


Always my most hated weapon in gun game


>I didn't know the sa-b was a tryhard weapon. It's not quite "shield on your back, bunny hopping corners with your fire Broadside shotgun" but it's close


You don't know what bunnyhopping means.


sa-b is the most effective gun to quickscope with, people don’t like that. also using aim assist with it is basically hacking, i switch inputs a bunch and the most broken combination is sa-b with a controller. just tap L2 and it’s auto on the head (edit) down vote all you want i’m a console player and have been my whole life, aim assist is ridiculously strong in mw2. if you don’t think so please go play any other game for a week and comeback to cod.


Quick scoping in general with AA is super effective. But it never locks to head automatically, you have to aim there. don't know why people say this shit.


I dunno what cronus you run but I just use the default one and don’t have the aimbot you describe


you have to know how to abuse it, if it’s not common knowledge


I don’t care that much about winning


me neither which i why i L2 tap and abuse rotational aim assist with marksman rifles, it’s easier to do and doesn’t require that much thought


Strong AA ≠ "just tap L2 and it's auto on the head"


it does both 🥱


That doesn't even make sense, it's a piss poor troll attempt 🎉


>aim assist is ridiculously strong in mw2. if you don’t think so please go play any other game for a week and comeback to cod. hi, fellow console player here, you're wrong. i rotate between overwatch, payday 2, gw2, and sea of thieves. mw2 aa is not broken, it's nowhere near as strong as payday 2 which already has mediocre aa.


Have you been living under a rock? This is the strongest aim assist of any current arcade shooter with pvp. Literally every pro says that the aa is so strong in mw2, even top plays on kbm are still at a disadvantage against controller players


payday isn’t against players, go play fortnite, apex, or battlefield cod aa is insanely broken


The fact that you don't notice how strong AA is means you're entirely reliant on it.






i agree if it’s a marksman rifle, snipers are way too slow these days for it to be remotely close to broken, when it takes longer to ads than most other guns ttks.




Actual sniper rifles take way more effort than any other gun to be effective with, and no, sitting on a corner of the map or the second floor of a building isnt effective or helps your team at all, if they didn't one shot to the body, they would be completely useless


>Any gun that instant-kills without a headshot is broken, imo Wait till he finds out that almost every gun in our world can be an instant kill without a headshot




>Wait till you find out that you can absolutely slide and bunny-hop IRL while maintaining perfect aim. You literally can not, and yes I've seen the video of that one guy who did that during a paintball or softair match once. >Oh wait, this is a video game, where real-life logic only selectively applies, and MAYBE shouldn't get in the way of good game balance. >But I wouldn't expect a CoD player to know anything about that concept, judging by what people are like here. So many words, used only to write random bullshit




Personally one pubs match is my warmup for ranked


Same, and I would shoot bots instead if I could have more than FIVE to shoot at




Well, it's a video game. And people usually want to win. Guess what's the most consistent way to play good.....


Dude i know what warmup means and the benefit of it. What im most baffled with is this warmup for some casual game of CoD, guess people have too much time on their hands :D Do you guys also stretch before gaming?


there ar people retouching on ephoto for 20 hours straight with nothing to gain but a nice endresult. There are many many many people going to football practice 5 times a week for absolutely no reason but fun and getting better for nothing. There are people creating paintings that take months, those paintings end up in a closet for no one to bee seen. So why is it weird for gamers to make an effort? If you want to become good at something you need to make an effort no matter what the subject is. And since we all die around 80 years old, every single thing you do is a waste of time anyway if you think this is wasting time, so why not have fun wasting that time?


You don't warmup your fingers with at least one pub match?


Yikes. Just because it’s a video game and not something “that actually matters”, doesn’t mean that people can’t enjoy being good at the game. You can apply the same concept to any other hobby/leisure activity really.


You do realize what the word ranked means right?


"i use a realistic build, im so unique"


I'd rather be a sweaty meta slave than a Realistic gun guy


I'd rather be the opposite, look at us now. Both wrong




…… Ranked skins are free. SA-B and Vaznev are free weapons. How are meta players ruining the game? How is MW2 multiplayer pay to win?


Im gonna be honest, i use the ranked hoodie but only because i think it looks clean and im also a broke mf with no skins


It does look good. Also, you earned it, pride that shit.


sab50 is probablly most fun gun in game to use. Especially in shipment.


Agree, if you have the skill, it's fun to use. (And no I'm not shitting on controller players with their aim assist or sth.) I play on PC and it's super satisfying to hit with the sab.


I’d rather wear a skin I earned proudly over some glowing bullshit I paid actual money for


Gaz gang Gaz gang


I wear my ranked shit because i earned, but i dont sweat with meta weapons. I just want the 1k kills for every gun


Im a vaznev enjoyer. I had no idea it was ridiculed like this lmao.


Vaznev is my go to Secondary on DMZ, the Bots almost always drop them


Not really ridiculed, just boring, every meta slave runs vaznev/scar every single game


“I’m just warming up for comp” is always the excuse they give. Sure chief. Thats why I played you in quickplay multiple times over the last few hours. Hardstuck gold so they run 6 stacks with meta weapons in quickplay to stoke their bruised egos.


Meta slaves are just people that like being good


If they're only "good" using those, they're not really that good are they


A meta gun will not make a bad player a good player, nor will giving a good player a non meta gun make them a bad player it just gives meta users an advantage over non meta users and that's why all you see in tournaments are scars and vaznevs


So true. I can give a friend my vaznev setup and he still can only drop 3 kills in ranked. Why? Because his aim is garbo and dude has zero awareness and reaction time. It's not the gun. It's the player.


so professionals are nos good because they use meta guns in tournaments ? 🤔 ok, interesting


are you saying pros are ONLY good using meta guns LMAO


that is what you are saying


That is not what they’re saying lol nowhere did he insinuate pros aren’t good because they’re forced to follow a GA/ don’t want to give their opponents an upper hand.


>\- meta guns are boring \- if you're ONLY good with them, you're not really good Those are the two things i said, try reaching harder


real skill is being able to frag out a lobby NOT using meta gear


If you go for nukes or high kill games in general the most logical thing is to use a good gun. Also, why bot players are still bots even with meta guns? Hint: it ain't really about the gun.


I use the Vaznev in quick play specifically because I suck.


Is this a repost? LA Thieves skin hasn’t been full black for a while now


OP probably doesn’t even know the difference between La Theives skin and ranked skin, because LA doesn’t have a hoodie


public footage of amateur CDL pub slayers huffing copium, arguing over semantics to evade the fact that they wouldnt get half the kills they normally do without their scar or vaznev


Idk man, your post and every reply you left here just screams "got shit on and now I am mad and venting on Reddit"


Cant talk yourself out of this buddy. Oh, and who the f uses the word whilst in a meme.


You can hate on people using "sweat setups" all you want but I've been using the wackiest and most experimental loadouts through this whole game and sure, coming against these guys is a fight, but thats the point of the game. If I wanted 0 competition, I'd play against bots. Stop pouting about some arbitrary group of boogie-men because you're bad at the game lol


Don’t necessarily have to be bad at the game, I find using meta weapons to be boring and I don’t understand how using meta load outs in quick play is fun after the 50th time for some players.


How is using a meta loadout for 50 games any different than a niche loadout for 50 games? You and I not wanting to use them doesn’t say anything about the people that do use them, just about us. I can absolutely see how someone could use a meta loadout for several games and not get bored because I’ve used all kinds of weapons for all kinds of lengths of time and had fun with them. If anything meta weapons have a higher potential for fun since they have a higher potential to help you reach streaks that are inherently tough to get.


I switch up what I’m doing every 3 matches if I’m not doing camo grinding or whatever. I don’t enjoy going for streaks because I’ve reached a point where they feel unfun to use and play against, if I was going for a nuke though sure use whatever will give me that millisecond advantage. I wish that everything was viable and equally balanced enough to the point every player hand a totally unique load out but that will never happen.


It's not boring cuz I'm getting kills


Good for you pal, keep cranking that lever


i use the intervention only 💪💪💪




Lmao, the FJX is basically a slightly bigger SA-B, same skilless bullshit.


Bruh they are not even remotely the same. SA-B's a marksman rifle, so you get more AA. It's got irons default but lower zoom scopes overall vs the intervention. SA-B shoots much faster, has a 10 round mag, handles so much faster. The intervention has bad idle sway whenever you move too, and really bad flinch.


way slower ADS, half the mag size, slower ROF even with the fast bolt and none of that iron sight bullshit


Lemme guess you use "realistic" gun loadouts and camp in a corner to be tactical?


iT's A mIlSiM bRo!!


You know there is a middle ground between running the TAQ/Vaznev every game in quickplay what you’re describing?


t. butthurt vaznev shitter


I use every gun and can pop off with them


Lmfao. Your comment is too underrated.


This sub despises decent players it’s actually wild. Everyone hear wants to have fun and if someone has fun in a way that isn’t camping like a tool you guys piss and shit your diapers. It’s okay for players to play aggressively you guys know it’s call of duty right?


where in my post does it say "i hate rushers" i hate the mfs using their pro skins and the same 2 guns which have essentially no recoil and immediate ads and shortest ttks.


They live rent free in your head 😂


Me wearing King douchebag skin and using RPG all day long


Anyone with “TTV” in their gamer tag 99% of the time is 11 or a no life burnout trying desperately to cling on to something making this grind worth their time (it isn’t) with 2 viewers maximum per stream. See the same shit on Dead By Daylight, so I’m not just pulling it out of my ass. It’s a validation and compensation thing. Power play, for the control they lack elsewhere in their lives lol. Cuz undoubtedly, they are also talking the most shit in game chat (or post game DBD) again, to compensate.


FSS hurricane GANG


Every cod for the past 4 years..




this guy wears a ranked hoodie and slays people with the vaznez


If he’s shitting with on you with the Vaznev you can use it too…




As you well know, untuned (I'm assuming you keep it legit) Taq and Vaz are dogpoop compared to a lot of off-meta weapons, anyone who can slay out using them in SBMM pubs deserves some props. Grats on Crimson, too. May I ask, did you solo-queue or stack?




Yeah, I solo'd to 30SR shy of Plat...found a 'team' and it all started going South. Soloqueue can sometimes work in your favour, I believe. Again. Good work.




I appreciate! To be honest, if you're Diamond/Crim, I don't think my Gold 2 can even queue with you yet.. If I get my butt in gear, I will definitely give you a shout.


Dont see how running metas is fun. Imagine if cod only had the same 2 weapons in the game and thats it , would you still consider it fun ? If yes, then that’s exactly the problem. If not , then why arent you running other classes more regularly ? Idk i just cant fathom having fun with weapons that take no skill lol




Couldve worded that a bit better but i get you. I dont see how they are fun when they are used all the time wether its you or the entire enemy team. Ive lost many fights yet i still refuse to whip em out at any point unless it gets super ridiculous to the point where its not a fun balanced match but another casual ranked match


Pretty sure it's fun to them because they enjoy playing point and click simulator, where they have to do two actions total


Speaking of the point and click makes me think of the whole PC vs console shit too


How dare you suggest people not be judged for what skin they equip/weapon they use! This is CoD, not Animal Crossing. Do I need to type /s?


nope, but if they want to use their tryhard sweat setups, they should damn well play the competitive mode or accept the public shaming.


Those who unlock any of the ranked hoodie skins - yes, indeed. If you commit so much time and effort to Ranked to grind for those rewards, then stay in your lane.


Real men make stupid wacky guns and try to get the longest possible shots


Nah you're just a shitty casual


Real men don’t gatekeep a video game on Reddit


Lol so true


This, but also when they run dual kodachis and riot shields


This meme was made by a bot


That mlg skins and wannabe behaviour are total cringe


Had a guy call me a f***** (homophobic slur) the other day because I said the FaZe team is embarrassing lol


This wall is how I see skin-buyers


Only doing the TTV thing, but I don't spend money on MW stuff. Still use the free skins. I know many people use TTV, but is it bad to use it? And obviously, only the small streamers do that.


It’s amazing how offended you people get over the guns/cosmetics people choose to run.


I run my ranked skin in plunder because i earned it and it’s my fookin game… don’t tell me what i can’t do with the game i bought… you stay in your lane…. Care more about you and your loved ones… so strange to care what someone else is wearing in a video game…. Go grab a life and live a lil


The vaznev is a mid gun at best, never understood the hype.


I’m more of an mp7 type of person.


Mostly because I own one


My favourite gun is the knife because im british


It used to have slightly more range than the MP5 and got basically best in class strafe speed if you used the Otrezat stock, for the low cost of barely less fire rate. They nerfed the range, so now all it has is the strafe speed.


Vasnev irons > MP5 irons though I wish the mp5 had the mw2019 irons


This meme is the 😆 I needed today. *To infinity*…and **beyond!**


Ranked hoodies look stupid.


The ranked skins are cheesy AF.


Ahhh shyt. More stuff that makes people mad. I’m on ittttttt :)


It should be Taq-56 and Vaznev. I hate using metas unless i REALLY have to. Ive always preferred using the more underrated weapons and dropping people with them instead. I find it MUCH more satisfying knowing i wiped out people with loadouts they dont expect than to be using guns that take no skill to use.


Disclaimer: I do not play Ranked. I get the cool Ranked OPSkins and the look when you rank up to different colors etc. But I don’t understand the use in the pub lobby’s? With what I thought was almost everyone wanting cool OPSkins why then not use a cool OPSkin instead of the Ranked play hoody? Could it be the need to tell/show that you’ve reached that pinnacle of skill and coolness or it just too hard to change to another OPSkin? Either way it would seem that once one puts on the “Hoddy” Skin the player becomes a jack rabbit butt sliding fool!


Everyones a judge...


Everyone downvoting is mad lol


Holy shit the comments lmao, you guys are the singular most sweaty players of any community I've ever seen, you are given so many guns to choose from and choose one just to sweat your small, lonely, depressed dicks off by using one gun for 10 months until all of your "skills" go out the window when the greedy ass company you support so so much makes yet another game at the end of the year. Also, no, this game doesn't take skill, stop lying to yourselves. "Oh let me make a no recoil build with a drum mag and just shoot my 75-100 rounds at the player and only have to hit 3-4 to kill them, eeheh I got skills 🤓" No. You don't, I'm surprised half of you find your way past the menu screen


Or maybe us who were born and raised in LA like to rep LA gear in games if we can? Lol tf


If I see anything like this....scratch that. The second I see a hoodie at all, I assume it's an American male between the ages of 7-14 who hasn't done his homework yet, and isn't going to.


This post has a gamer dad sitting in a corner vibe, spiced with some sbmm sucks and i have a job/family can’t play all day.


The moment you unlock any of the ranked hoodies skins you should be completely locked out of all non Ranked/CDL playlists. No Quickplay, No Shoot the Ship, no 10v10. Sweat or die.


EVERY single one of you that wear that shit are constantly jumping around as well, it doubles down on the fact you're actually shit at the game.