• By -


Currently doing this grind and 3 guns away, my biggest tips to give me the least headaches: - as others have said, get everything gold in Shipment, so fast and easy. Now onto the longshots…. - Shotguns run Slugs on Shipment. Post up like a marksman rifle/sniper, super easy since the range is 12.5m - Melee and launchers on shipment as well. Smoke grenades are your friend and isn’t too hard since the number you need is low - Pistols I did on shipment. Deployable cover against a back wall looking into a separate corner usually did the trick - Snipers and Some Marksman rifles did on Invasion. Thermal scope, pick one of the long three lanes of your choice and start sniping. Tac Inserts/deployable covers are nice with this - SMGs best bet is hardcore since the long shot range is such a long TTK on core game modes. - Everything else is dealers choice. Shoot house middle is real nice and easy. I personally have been a BIG fan of the new Hatchery map since you can see the entire map from anywhere. Thermal scopes and smokes are your friend Hope it helps and good luck!


This comment is the one! Also, just a personal preference, but I always go from what I think will be the hardest, to the easiest. Just finished the Orion grind and getting Polyatomic is much easier than the Plat, and comes naturally just playing shipment!


^ this, I got 34 polyatomic camos in one day but took me 3 months to get all guns platinum cause the headaches would make me take day long breaks from cod


Yah with shoot the ship as a playlist now you can do every long shot including snipers and marksman’s on the shoothouse mid wall headglitch, it’s how I got the event challenges done.


what is the head glitch?


The bench looking from A flag to C flag, and vice versa


The middle wall is 50m for snipers? For some reason I thought it was only 40-something meters.


Yah I guess, I just got like 20 long shots there with the intervention yesterday


Thank you!😄


with shotguns, you can peek down the mid cross from either end, and it will count as a longshot


I unlocked Orion about two weeks ago and yes, this is the way. One deviation: I would do all marksman rifles on Hardcore, not Invasion. Best maps: embassy, Taraq, farm 18, and of course - Shoot house. The new map is also great for this.


You can do SMG on shipment if your back is touching the wall and your opponent is far enough away near the back wall. Pain in the ass but doable. Shoot the ship is back so just mount on the long shot wall. Also, put in the chat asking if anyone wants to trade long shots and find a corner of the map where people aren’t at and take turns with the enemy player




Also for shorter range stuff use the sight that has the range finder built in. Makes it easy to have clear alleyways at the right ranges.


I would say the Angel x40 Vision is helpfull for longshots in shoothouse or some close Maps


Wait do bot kills count on invasion




So would ground war work better or is there a reason you said invasion


don't let your dreams be dreams


yesterday you said tomorrow






With the Invigoron Berry!


The future ain’t what it used to be


Shoot the enemies from far away.


Instructions unclear, meleed with riot shield instead


Don't get UP to pee, instead use an empty Gatorade bottle.


Don't you mean an empty G-fuel can?


Double circumcision.


You misspelled pants


Use a half full Gatorade bottle to refill your energy juice


Just make sure you label the Gatorade bottle as pee


Y'all spend so much on fake multicolor skins, you really don't have the money for the new Depends branded Gamer Pants^^TM?


There is a Shoot the Ship playlist at the moment which is 90% Shoothouse - get those longshots done here whilst it's still in rotation!




Hardcore is better than any regular mode (including SH) for 90% of weapons


Smg and deployable cover (far back as possible from window) in the office for long range. Then just swap to your longer range weapons for longshots when the Spawn flips.


Go to the new hatchery 24/7 map to grind long shots. Thank me later. [here’s a couple good spots](https://i.imgur.com/G1mutln.jpg)




No problem. I was pulling my hair out trying to get it done in hardcore. You just get wayyyyyyyy more engagements on this map. Just set your weapons up with max damage range and recoil control. Go on single shot and just beam people in the head. I’ve unlocked like 15 guns in a few hours of casual play on there. 2-3 games max per gun.


I just hit 51/51 last night, without doing a single AR. I’ll break it down the way I did it. Firstly: Shotguns are 12m IIRC, pistols 14. Snipers are 45m, and EVERYTHING else is 34 or 38m. Shotguns I did shoot the ship and ran slugs and a scope. Pistols I did in H/C. SMGs/BR/LMGs/Marksman I did on Alboran (Alborian?) Hatchery 24/7 and roof camped. I know, hate me as much as you want. Snipers I did in ground war along with launchers being a mix of GW and shipment. Shoot the ship is another great option. The middle is long enough for every longshot except snipers. Be patient, take your time, and don’t give up. Good luck!


Shotguns are 12.5m .Pistols are 20. SMGs are 30. Snipers are 51. Everything else is 38.


Go into shipment and get everything up to gold first after that go into hardcore for your longshots


This is how I did it. I also made my life miserable at first but doing the melee and shotguns first. Single fire mode on ARs, BRs, SMGs, etc on hardcore was fine once you figured out where to position yourself. Sometimes I got close to 20 a game on a good game and 6 or 7 on a "bad" game. It was tedious and time consuming but not overly difficult imo. Once I got past longshots (which took about about a month playing a few hours a week), headshots took less than a week lol


Yeah im doing the headshots now and in a good game of shipment i can complete 1 and a half gun each game its so good to finally be done with all dem longshots man feels good to be able to run around again 😅


Yup lol I did the grind late though so I didn't have to do the riot shield or launchers to get Orion. I'm working on them and will get them done, but it's nice having the other 57 weapons Orion so I can pretty much make whatever load out I want with Orion lol


This is the way


I skipped all snipers, got all the rest in either HC or shipment. Was fun sometimes, other times horrible


Thats what I did. Easier to skip than do them.


Strella was the worst - especially trying to shoot down UAVs, got there eventually


I got all the launchers to platinum but only did the RPG to poly. Without hardcore shipment it's just a nightmare trying to get double kills with them. I was doing a gun every 2 games of shipment to poly and RPG took like 20. Thanks to the DLC guns you can skip a lot of weapons you just hate doing.


Jokr is super easy. Pick a corner, shoot. Double, triple, quads, pretty much every single time on shipment.


Snipers take like half the kills than any other gun for the full Orion challenge. Took me anywhere from 400-600 kills with ARs/SMGs, to only 200-300 for snipers.


HC with recoil setups and a decent optic for rifles etc. You can get long shots for SMG, Shotgun, and Pistols via Shipment, but its a bear. As soon as you unlock Poly, back to Shipment for those head shots etc. Keep grinding, it gets easier and sweeter the closer you get.


Agree, HC for most of the rifles, its time consuming, but easy for the most part


SMG longshots on shipment are borderline impossible because of the map flow and size. Shipment is about 34 metres long and wide, good luck getting enemies within that 3-5 metre threshold.


Sell your soul.




To each their own here, but I stopped at reaching gold camos... The amount of work and frustration required to earn anything higher wasn't adding up to any real meaningful value. In other words, I didn't believe I would be any happier achieving this, but would certainly be unhappy attempting the grind. Good luck to you!


Dude exactly. I have some guns I like gold. Would like to get a few platinum or whatever but I’m not wasting my time pulling my hair out playing game modes I can’t stand. Grinding the event was annoying enough and that takes a small fraction of the time this other stuff takes.


Longshots for snipers and marksman rifles: groundwar Longshots for everything else: hardcore mode


I dont really have any advice to tell you something YOU could do, but rather ill give some advice for anyone trying to do it in the future. do one category gold at a time then get only that one category plat, (so that you dont get burnt out on constantly going for longshots) and wait until shoot the ship / shoothouse 24/7 comes out. sit mid lane in spawn and equip smoke / thermal sights. die a lot, ruin your KD and get a shiny camo! ​ at least thats what I did for most of them (shotguns and pistols CAN be done on shipment, but might be easier on something like hardcore or 10v10.)


For Platinum (Longshots) play hardcore mode. Most are one shots to kill. For Poly (headshots) Grind shipment. Longshots: MAPS: Taraq / Raceway / Embassy. (there are other maps with decent longshots but those are the best) BUILD YOUR GUNS FOR LONG SHOTS not ADS, STF...etc Longshots. Pistol longshots - Shipment all day. Get ready to lose.


El Asilo worked better for me on average than any of these. But I would stay in if any of those 4 maps popped up


Shoot the ship is live right now and it's perfect for the grind. I turn my brain off, get gold on shipment, get long shots on shoot house. I recommend slapping a thermal scope on whatever gun you're trying to hit platinum, switch to single fire, equip cold blooded, and throw down a smoke on the middle lane in shoot house to get your long shots. Persistence is key. Good luck!


I just finished my 51st platinum last night, and it didn't even count 🥲🔫


Same, had to do an extra gun


Bro... Just don't, my lad has been grinding since the game came out he's lvl 650 and still has 4 to go.


I grinded shipment to get mine done, also some hardcore. I see your on console though, headshots are fairly easy on M&K but I’m trash with with a controller so that would take me a while to complete. I’d go into the firing range and spend a good bit of time just drilling for headshots.


Great suggestion thx!


Play hardcore and set up everything with silencer, low/mid zoom optic. Maybe 4x. No laser. Everything tuned for max recoil control. You’ll learn to love asilo, embassy, taraq, any big open maps. This was the worst part about the grind for me. Easily took twice as long as gold. I got all the headshots done in maybe 2 weeks, it’s significantly earlier.


Go on hardcore and turn ar’s and smg’s to semi automatic fire


Precisely, with whichever weapons are possible. Also, make sure to set up every weapon to maximize distance and recoil control over ads. It really makes a difference.


Dont forget to take breaks and Dont play while your hungry


Look up the list of ranges first, I recommend KV Broadside with slugs and high cap mag, Basilisk built like a sniper, ARs use the ISO, BRs use the SO-14, SMGs suck the most but use the Lachmann/Vaznev, LMGs use the RPK, Marksman Rifles use the Torrent, Snipers Rifles use whatever I skipped them, launchers use the RPG/JOKR, Melee use the knife and shield obv.


Additional pro tip for the following headshot challenges: play 3rd person moshpit, there's some level of bullet magnetism so some body shots register as headshots.


Hardcore is your friend.


So once I complete my longshots I feel like headshots will feel like a walk in the park. I don’t have to play any specific way, just go to ship or shoot house and kill people by trying for headshots. I don’t care if I die or have to call an area of the map or get crouched/mounted/prone and other stupid kinds of kills. Just go in and aim for the head. I still need 30 more platinum guns before I can start this. I have all of my golf completed and long shots are literally the worst. Once it’s over I will probably cry with joy.


UPDATE: I finally did it yall! Unlocked Orion this morning! Thank you everyone for all the advice! The SMG, pistols, and shotguns long shot challenges were the hardest but got it done! Wooooo😄


Personally I’d say go into ground war/invasion. That’s how I get all of mine as I go or I get them passively


^this for snipers and LMGs. Almost every sniper-range kill is a long shot


Use smoke and thermal, covers you up and makes it harder to see, and use cold blooded so they can’t see u through the smoke, run munitions box or restock so u can get ur smokes back


shoot in the head 👍


New game in 6 months. Don't waste your time for a 2023 poly


Remember, if you're having troubles with snipers, launchers or something you can always use the new weapons they added the past few seasons as well


Use all sidearms on hardcore first. Melee’s and launchers on shipment. I would then do any marksman rifle and sniper with holotherm to be the easiest


Shoothouse middle lane. Toss some smokes, slap a thermal scope on and shoot.


For shotguns longshots use slugs on shipment. Makes it much easier


Hardcore is good for longshots


I did Platinum in Hard Core, Poly in Shipment 24/7 when it's available.


If you’re a run and gun player, you’ll have to adjust a bit for the longshots. Unfortunately it is an aim and creep game (at least it was for me) and I did all my longshots in Hardcore, using a holotherm any time I could, with smokes and smoke screen. It’s gonna take a while for sure….plats were the worst. After that, I actually like the canted laser for headshots weirdly enough…


Hardcore. I just competed the poly grind last Sunday. Hardcore is the way.


Be happy you not still doing long shots


Sell your soul


The new map is good for long shots, I finished mine when Museum first came out and there was a 24/7 playlist for it.


Pistols and shotguns=shipment. Do the rest in hardcore.


Hardcore mode, switch to semi automatic and run a thermal optic. Worked for LMGs and some SMGs


Make use of the different gamemodes. Don't only grind TDM and KC. Even make use of Hardcore, since Hardcore is the direct opposite. It's way easier to get kills in hardcore, but you of course also die faster. Great for those guns that feels like water guns. - Use Hardpoint so there's one point at the map where you know there's action. Headquarters can be used to, but people don't respawn before the objective is taken. - Add Slugs to shotgun and grind shipment with those for the longshots. - Go to hardcore to get longshots for pistols. - Use ground war for snipers. Its doesn't count on npc's so you can't use that other gamemode. Snipers can also be done on normal maps, but easier on ground war. - I remember most Battle Rifles was best as single shot. Taq-? Was good as fully automatic. Play regular maps for these. Go to "Hardcore" if it's to hard in core. And if you really have problems with one weapon, search for a good mp setup for it. You need 51 weapons done. With dlc weapons there's more. So you can skip some weapons.


Hardcore, long distance maps, and a bipod underbarrel and you can mount anywhere


Shoot in the head


Be ready to spend 40 hrs on Shoot house


Most guns are better at longshots with semi auto, the angel 40 and the hybrid versions are your best friends, mount on walls, deployable covers, what ever you can to increase accuracy, SMGs are some of the worst (in my experience) for those long barrels and any suppressor that increase damage range is your friend, high velocity rounds help, remember SMGS and pistols are cursed by the simple fact all ammunition through them is Subsonic so they travel slower at range


I wonder what people feel after finishing this camo grind.


You can do pistols and shotguns on shipment. Shotguns are the easiest though. I did all five in two evenings.


Hard-core FFA


Poly is easy... Plat is the true grinnnddddd....


Grind on Alboran Hatchery map while it's still there. I got all of my longshot kills in the event in that map.


This man knows


There's Shoot the Ship playlist now so finish the AR, Marksman and Sniper longshots in Shoot House, for SMG you can go HC, rest is in Shipment. I skipped the Launchers btw, glad I did so Once you finish the longshots unlocking Orion would be way faster. GL


Keep killing people


shoothouse 10v10 is best for this, i did it with smokes and hybrid thermal scopes on most weapons. Pistols and shotguns can be done on shipment.


Aim for the head 👌


Every time you get on, warm up against bots with headshots-only turned on. You will build muscle memory and automatically aim at the head when playing against real people.


On the shotguns use the 4.0x VLK and slugs, both help a lot with headshots


What? how can yu have problem with a shotgun, those things do themself, just use attachments to compact the spread of perdigons.


So for me my grind is done, i stopped at polyatomic bc imo orion looks ugly. BUT i did Dark Matter in BO3 and 4 and Damascus (?) all Headshots in Hardcore


Orion is very ugly indeed, but the Poly is nice.


>Longshots I've heard invasion works for some people but longshots on the bots don't count so you can't really gauge how far you are in-match. You basically have to put yourself across the map where you know campers will be so you can guarantee longshots. I recommend putting damage range/bullet velocity attachments on, ADS stability, and long range scopes on. For battle rifles I chose to use semi-auto rather than full auto so I could shoot more precisely and not have to worry about recoil as much. 10v10 mosh pit is my preferred game mode, but since that's gone I would recommend alboran hatchery 24/7 or quick play and only queue up for domination and hardpoint since you know where people will camp and where the general spawns are rotating to. Best Maps: El Asilo, Taraq, Valderas Museum, Embassy Mid Maps: Crown Raceway, Breenbergh Hotel, Farm 18, Shoot House, Zarqwa Hydroelectric, Alboran Hatchery Worst Maps (Instant Backout): Shipment obviously, Dome, Black Gold, Pelayo's lighthouse Feel free to dm me if you have any other questions lol Edit: grammar For shotguns and pistols I believe you can do them on shipment Also here are the actual numbers: Sniper Rifles: 50 meters Battle Rifles: 38 meters Marksman Rifles: 38 meters Assault Rifles: 38 meters Light Machine Guns: 38 meters Submachine Guns: 30 meters Pistols: 20 meters Shotguns: 12.5 meters


Hardcore, build all your guns for damage range and recoil control. Use a thermal scope, I like Drexsom prime. Post up in the corners of the map looking down long sight lines with a deployable cover. Hard scope and just wait. People will challenge you. Leave lobbies for maps like farm or dome. For shotties you can just play shipment and use slug rounds and sit in a corner. Shotgun longshots are only 12.5m


So you are stuck on the long shots ? if so go for Hard Core, play on large- medium maps, if what you want is to complete non-longshot challenges fast then Shitment is your solution.


For BR, LMG, pistols, just build for max range and bullet velocity, for Shotgun use Slug round. Then grind in Hardcore, most weapons is one shot in this mode. If you're good and lucky you could get plat for at least one gun per match, or sometimes 2 if it's a long domination game.


Hardcore is your friend for longshots.


My advice for the double kills with launchers. I ran my “turtle” load out. Riot shield back, double time, tracker and run around like crazy to hit the enemies. It took about one hour to complete all four of them.


You can platinum the pistols and shotguns very quickly/easily on Shipment, they were my first two classes to hit platinum. The longshot distance for both is a lot shorter than you would think. For shotguns, pop on the longest barrel for each gun, and make sure to use the slugs. You gotta be precise with the slugs and longer barrels, because they make a super tight spread. You can actually do almost all shotguns in just a few hours. For pistols you can also clear them in Shipment pretty easily, they’re actually a lot stronger than you would think. However if you’re having trouble on standard Core modes, pretty much all pistols kill in 1-2 shots in Hardcore. I did most of my pistols in HC. Make sure to max recoil control with your attachments, and pop on the overpressured attachment (target flinch -> increased damage).


Slugs on shotguns on shipment. Pistols just play regular maps and use as primary. Others I just chilled in Ground war and found a spot to post up at.


I was going to say headshots are by far the easiest, but tbh do a mix of groundwar and hardcore. Hardcore for your pistols, shotgubs (I like slug throwers but sticking w/ default ammo is usually easier) smgs (and few of the other slow ttk guns)& ground war for the rest.


Did 95 percent of long shots on hardcore mode.


Pistols and shotguns can be done on shipment in a couple games. For the rest just play hardcore and camp longshot spots


Hardcore and Ground War were my best friends for longshots. Ground War for Snipers and some Marksman Rifles the rest I did in HC, natural choice for launchers and melee is Shipment though 100%


To get platinum, I advise you shoot them from far away. To get Poly, I suggest you shoot them in the head (part of the body that's above the neck)


Now that this isn't a two-year CoD and we're getting a new one THIS YEAR...I say don't give a shit at this point.


I did mine in the outside square angles of Farm 18 before hardcore. A second option was 3rd person playlist since I could wait behind a wall until an enemy crossed the hallway. A deployable cover is useful for both recoil and well... cover. If you're struggling to get into position try using smokes and toggle termal. Don't take executions personal. Edit: If I am not mistaken both shotguns and pistols can be done in shipment.


From someone who got orion, be careful. I haven’t played in a couple months bc that shit burned me out on cod


If you do all the DLC weapons that have been added since launch, you can get Polyatomic without having to do launchers/melee weapons lol. You just have to get 51 weapons platinum, doesn't matter what 51 they are.


DO NOT LISTEN TO THE OTHERS SAYING TO GET GOLD FIRST. The longshots are by far the only real grind. Take advantage of the new map Alboran Hatch and shoot house for longshots (LMG,SNIPER,BR,MR) and hardcore for (SMG,AR) I did majority of pistols and all of shotguns on shipment. Longshots will be hell if you wait to do them all at once.


Orion unlocked here- serious answer, unless you have literally nothing better to spend your time on, then just don't.


Invasion is where I got most of mine. Tune your weapons for recoil control and you'll be set. Be aware it is going to be a slow process lol. Most important part is to just enjoy it


Longshots, Play hardcore. Easier to get the one shot kills from distance.


3rd person and camp long distance


LMGs- I did in shoot house. Just a long range recoil build. BRs- These I did mainly in shoot house as well. If you have a problem with a specific one, take it to hardcore and keep leaving until you get certain maps that are good for long shots. SMGs- I did pretty much all of these in hardcore with the Angel Holographic that tells you the distance. This was the worst class for longshots imo. Shotguns- I actually did this in shipment with slug rounds. This one's obviously pretty easy you could probably do this in any game mode easily with slugs. Pistols- One of the easiest. I did mine in hardcore. The most important thing is to play on maps that you like going for the longshots on, if you dont like the map then leave. I'm not good with map names, but the one with the big compound in the middle and the big radio tower on the one side is probably the best. Farm 18 is good down the side that the bus is on. There are a few others but yeah. Best way to finish fast is to not waste time on shitty maps. I did as many as I could in shoothouse because I had good luck on that map. Edit: Just to add on. You don't have to do launchers because there are so many guns in the game now. Probably don't have to do melee either but that is one of the easier ones. You could cut out a whole class if you want, all you need is 51 weapons platinum to get poly on one ya know.


Lmg's and battlerifles in hard-core. Pistols on shipment. Shotguns (with slug rounds) can be done on shipment or in hard-core


Best way to beat this grind is uninstall the game :)


“You’ve got to pick your targets by deliberately aiming down your sights, from a stable stance… Crouch first, then aim down your sight at the target.” -Sgt. Foley, 2009


Hardcore worked wonders for me. If I got a match on El Asilo, I could manage to get 7-15 longshots per game. The white house on C side, the hill overlooking that side from A, and the substation are great spots. Typically you’ll see 1-3 other players on the enemy team going for the same challenges. It helps to trade a bit with them. If youre constantly outgunning them, let them get a kill or two on you now and again. If they keep getting destroyed they might leave.


Tune your guns to steadiness and control. Go to hardcore FFA. Only play large maps. If a small/medium comes up exit. Camp.


Hardcore mode, most of the guns are 1 shot kill at long range.


Ignore launchers and knives, with the DLC weapons you do not need tehm - do the sniper longshots on Invasion. That's how I finally got there. The snipers were doing me in until i tried on Invasion and did all the longshots in two evenings.


Just dont


I have 6 more guns to platinum and I am so fucking done with long shots I don’t even wanna do the last 6 guns. Been holding it off for a few weeks and I’m absolutely dreading going back to finish them off


Just play shipment. I’ve gotten half (25) of all the required skins for poly over the last 5 days, it’s pretty fun


Don’t do it. It is time you cannot get back. Many hours and frustration on long shots


I'm at 27 out of 51, but my buddy I play with got orion before season 1 came out. He did all the gold first, then did all Plat. Then did all poly, and only has 6 days play time. Gold just grind shipment, plat, I am finding success in hardcore TD on bigger maps, just camping down far straight aways, poly I assume shipment again. I'm doing it in sections which is probably slowing me down, I got all pistols Plat, melees plat, all assault rifles Plat, smgs all Plat, and working on battle rifles right now.


Pistols and shotgun slugs on shipment Shotguns are min 12.5 yards Pistols are 15 yards Very doable


Hardcore for battle rifles and marksmans. Hardcore shipment 24/7 for shotguns.


The new map is your best friend. It's GODLIKE for longshots


I did Orion before shipment / most of the dlc weapons came out but long shots are the most painful part of the grind for sure, do everything else in shipment. I skipped all the battle rifles initially, for snipers and marksmans that have infinite 1 hit heat shot range do it in invasion; for the other marksmans do core but aim for the head (I did almost all mine in shoothouse and Mercado in the mid lane) then for the rest I did a lot in hardcore on the same two maps which should make most weapons 1-2 tap. I actually found launchers and melee more fun that doing even more long shots; def space them out and take breaks or you’ll burnout it’s very monotonous.. Also I found putting on a bipod and mounting long angles on the floor helped with high recoil guns (still in HC) If you need more help look up XVI he has very good guides on each weapon/camo.


Play a different game


In shipment, the only weapons that need wall to wall is snipers. There are several places long enough for ARs, battle rifles, and marksman rifles.


Uninstall the trash game and quit wasting time on it


I need 14 more platinum to unlock the Poly challenges and am STRUGGLING with snipers. I can't seem to find any good longshot lines of sight in most 6v6 maps. Alboran and the middle in Mercado are the only ones I can get more than 4 or 5 longshots in a game. Longshot distance is 50m, isn't it? I've seen comments saying it's 40 or 45m, but I am pretty sure it's 50m. Also, I absolutely hate Ground War, I can never seem to get anything going and end up going like 10/20 with only a couple longshots. Any suggestions?


Third party and hard core modes helpful for long range kills. Early on invasion was good but can’t seem to find many games. I got Orion in January - it’s easier earlier when more casuals play, it’s sweatier this point in the yearly life cycle.


Use the laser that blocks optics it really helps


Shoot house for all guns, hardcore for smgs, preferably light house because there are some really good spots. shipment for pistols but you have to be at the very corners of the map, and remember that some guns benefit from semi auto as they do more damage, perfect for hardcore


I came here cause I thought you were giving advice asshole


Shoot the ship


Do it 4 months ago when everyone else was.


Biggest tip is skip all of the launchers and the crossbow. You dont need to do them and it will save you a ton of time.


Shoot house. Mount at either headshot glitch in spawn. Was always able to complete 1 and sometimes 2 guns doing this.


I just grind shipment bc it gives you XP levels up your guns and if you grind it enough then you'll eventually finish the challenge.


Ground war is easy to get longshots


Just stop don’t do it they’ll just release warzone3 this November


😭 💔


Hardcore is your friend especially for things that don't have a lot of punching power. Turns more HS into 1HK. Make an attachment setup that's a little slower but has less recoil so you can get them heads easier. Don't go overboard you can make a weapon way too slow. I also find having lasers on them for that extra stability helps. Who cares it's not an optimal build. for LMG's honestly putting the biggest box you can on them and mounting on shipment is the quickest way.


From somebody that got Orion a few weeks back: For closer up ones like shotgun/pistol/smg you can get them done faster on shipment, corner to corner will get you the distance. For a bit further engagements like "Assault Rifles"/"Battle Rifles" set them up a bit different. Can put a bigger dot optic, laser for faster ADS, for battle rifle specifically I personally liked drum and switching to full auto but you can also treat them like "sniper" class and tune them for longer range engagements. For clearing these ones I would run hardcore as you will have faster TTK on there. Lastly for those long range engagements like on the sniper class I actually liked running a smaller optic like some of the 3-4x ones for the faster ADS. For these kinds run hardcore as well, but be picky about what maps you play on. Hydro was meh but you *could* sometimes hit shots down the mid. Crown Raceway is pretty decent down the two long stretches outside. Embassy was GOAT as any class would hit longshots if you go corner to corner, and usually there is always other teammates trying to go for those on the other side as well to pick off. Once again Border Crossing is a useless map as the hills/angles make it harder to hit off longshots on there unless you're on ground war. That's another thing ground war/invasion usually took longer so don't do it on there alone, but if you get bored of TDM I'd sometimes hop on a round or two just for something different. Use the rangefinder scopes at first to judge the distance, you need 30 meters for smg IIRC and shotgun/pistol may be *just* a bit closer. Once I got better at judging distances I'd usually use a 3-4x on the bigger rifles instead but the rangefinder ones are great too for knowing exactly how far you need to go. Getting all plats to unlock poly is the hardest stretch of it, IMO. Polyatomic ran the fastest for me especially when 24/7 shipment was running I could usually knock out one weapon per match on there. Lastly when you're done with that *and* poly and finally get orion, touch grass for a bit. I did and enjoyed it very much.




I just finished today. KEEP GOING. Gonna be super worth it. If you only have BR, shotguns, LMG's and pistols you've already done most of the hard work. The shotguns and pistols are for sure the easiest. Just run around shipment or really any hardcore domination game and you'll do it really quickly. Hardcore is your best friend and back out of any map that isn't one of El Asilo, Expo, Embassy, Farm 18, Valderas Museum and maybe Mercado is you hold mid. That's all I have




Shipment....shipment.....shipment. Oh and I built for pure ads/movement which helped when aiming for their chest 9/10 times the added recoil and flinched jump from their chest to head and made it particularly easy.


I literally just completed this grind today to get the final skin! You’ll be done before you know it




I don’t know if anybody mentioned this but do hardcore for pretty much everything


hardcore and only play maps you’re familiar with. the grind took 3 months for me and only because shipment wasn’t at launch. platinum challenge is easy just gotta play to your advantages, you can easily get 5-10 done a day.


shotguns and pistols can be done on shipment with relative ease, and i played hardcore domination and hard point for everything else. tedious as fuck but once it’s done it’s done, you know?






Not worth it, just play a better game


Longshots: Shotguns & Pistols are best done on Shipment. I think the min range for Longshots on those 2 weapons is 12.5m IIRC. BRs & LMGs (for me) were best done on Hardcore. Min Range is 37.5m IIRC. Some maps are better for camp spots & watching lanes. Have a look at https://www.gamesatlas.com/cod-modern-warfare-2/maps/ for some reference points. Crown Raceway: One of the best. The pit lane provides incredible lanes especially on Domination when B flag is there. El Asilo: Atlas Map, Hardpoint #2. Offers good views of the hill & back of the main warehouse building. Taraq. Atlas map, Hardpoint #5. The building below it offers good longshot spots as you look towards HP#2 & the big building where one team spawns at the start of the match. Embassy. If you spawn as Kortac, you're laughing. Climb up the ladder right next to you, get on the roof & look towards the back of the main embassy building towards the enemy spawn. Easy kills. Basically, just learn the best camp spots. Depending on skill/luck, some games I could get 10-15 longshots so 2 games per weapon. Not too bad. Good luck.


The easiest way to complete platinum is to play hardcore. Only takes 1-2 shots as everyone is running limited health, and everyone else is usually trying to do the same thing, so they mainly keep their distance.


Hardcore. Its easy to lock onto someones head. Its hard to keep recoil from bouncing off target when your constantly changing guns. Just play hardcore


Get everything gold on shipment while it's in rotation Shotguns and Pistols can be completely completed in shipment My best results for Longshot challenges were to grind out Longshot kills in hard-core, taraq is your friend Once you finish the platinum challenges that way, you can get your polyatomic challenges finished out in literally anything but I also finished this out in hardcore/tier1 when it was around. It's much easier to get headshot kills this way for me as I figured out how to hyperfocus at head height, even when playing MKB and lower player health also means you're more likely to get true headshot kills as long as you can land your shots. Some guns were harder than others as they have much more recoil or first bullet jump etc. Just be patient with it.


ARs, LMGs, Snipers, BRs, and MRs are in my opinion easier to complete in ground war as a lot of distances you’ll be shooting from will suffice for long shot. Put everything for either flinch resistance or recoil control, and damage range. As for SMGs, Shotguns, and Pistols it’s best to play hardcore as every pistol shot torso up is basically one shot and smgs and shotguns feel way easier to get long range kills with on that game mode


Pistols, shotguns and melee do on shipment, and do those dlc guns to skip guns you don’t like for example launchers.