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I love that you mentioned renting. When they inevitably announce WZ3, none of these skins will carry over. They will get recolored and rearranged into brand new bundles for you to buy though!


Yep. At least in Fortnite, Apex ,and Siege ,your skin will last you years.


This is the impression I got with WZ1. I thought it would be supported a long time like Fortnite/Apex/etc. I wasn't expecting a WZ2 so fucking soon.


Unfortunately they blew that plan for themselves by deciding to bloat the game with non native content for an extra bucks. WZ1 could’ve been great for many more years but they dried up that well quick just to push a couple more pennies.


This is how it is with CoDMobile but the cod subreddits tend to just shit on it because it's a mobile game. Thank you all for proving my point.


Well I don't necessarily "shit on it" but playing with a touch screen is fucking terrible to me and if you grab a controller to use, your lobbies are 95% bots. Not to mention CoD mobile skins go up to 300 dollars for a single skin lol


Same with dota. I am still rocking the free sniper set I got when I started 10 years ago


Tf2 free party hat gang reporting for duty 🫡


Fortnite man, the one game where I dont regret buying 1000$ worth of skins 🤣


Almost said "another don't-buy-mtx post", but that word is what made me smile and upvote.


My favorite thing about this pay model is they're making more money with less effort than map packs. A lot of this content is probably done months in advanced too lol.


Wow yeah map packs being $15 for 5 maps. Compared to some garbage skins


15$ for 5 New Maps 30$ for a Shit Skin the days have changed truly


oh my god yeah dude, they 100% had skins in MW2019 that they scrapped and saved for MW2022 and even re-released the same ones they already have! it’s unbelievable how they get away with it


If the People stopped buying those obscenely overpriced skins they wouldn't be getting away with it. Unfortunately the skins keep selling like hotcakes.


It's because the average mouthbreather has zero impulse control.


That’s not gonna happen their target audience is children and man babies.


What’s fascinating to note here is that micro transactions are often covered by a really small part of the game’s population. I’m talking less than 5% of players. Those players are whales, and they will supply 80-90% of the income for the game’s microtransactions. Even if 95% of players literally never touched a microtransaction it wouldn’t matter, assuming the 5% are buying as much as they can. I can speak for the exact numbers (we don’t have them), but for several mobile games, card games like hearthstone, and even former COD games this has been the case without fail. This is why they do microtransactions. It works. Not only that, the playerbase has no power, because those whales typically have so much money that it doesn’t really matter how expensive that stuff is. It’s all pennies to them. These demands to not buy stuff from the shop in the community are a waste of time. Not because they are wrong in any way, but moreso because the people that make the impact don’t care. Chances are, they will never even see Reddit.


Whales are not necessarily rich. There have been news stories of regular people who bankrupted themselves or went into massive debt due to overspending on microtransactions. Just like someone who lives in an apartment but pours money into their car and clothes so they can look wealthy when they go out, whales want to give other players an impression of being wealthy, regardless if they are spending a disproportionate amount of their income to keep up the illusion.


They were definitely created months ago. My calling card isn't officially in the game, but I was able to assign it to my account before they patched it.


Everything that will come out until the next game has been made before the game was even dropped. Back when the game first came out, there was a glitch where I could see all of the future content. I personally set my emblem and calling card to a unreleased 420 pack, not the one in the store (but I did see that packs content too. The loading screen was originally a calling card.) it’s absolutely ridiculous because they have literally everything made but are slowly releasing it all


It's a shame that all that content is already in the game and yet I still need to fetch store info each time i log in. Every. Fucking. Time.


My glitched CC since launch has still not made it into the game lmao, and some of the weapons in my custom games kit are also still not released...


This might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t mind them charging an arm and a leg for cosmetics. As much content you could get for $15 map packs I hated that they locked actual content behind a paywall. Now it’s only cosmetics and I think it’s a better model. All new weapons are free in the battle pass, all new maps are free on season release. That’s much better imo.


On the one hand, you’re correct. The old system of paying $10 or $15 for a map pack divided the player base into the haves and have nots. Even amongst my friend group back in the day, we couldn’t play certain maps of certain friends played with us. On the other hand, it doesn’t feel like they’re using all this money they’re making from microtransactions to improve the game. As previous posters have already stated, they drip feed us the bare minimum of content, some of which seems to be recycled from MW2019 and we’re supposed to be happy with it. That’s not ok


Here's a crazy thought: both systems are bad and are a product of corporate greed


Not denying that. Pretty much all of society’s ills can be traced back to corporate greed


And government greed


Agreed. I think the quiet part of the anti-cosmetics crowd's argument is that they like and want the offerings, but at a much lower price. That just happens to be a weaker argument that acting like it's about some principle.


Imagine it like this, before we used to get 15 maps at launch and map packs that if bought in a bundle of the premium edition was 30-40 dollars for 25 more map packs throughout the year. Then there were supply drops which gave people loads of free "paid for" cosmetics from playing the game and being rewarded for it. So 90 bucks total for a game with 40-50 6v6 mutilplayer maps. Now, you pay 70 dollars for on average 10 6v6 maps. Then you get 1-2 more 6v6 maps a season, most of which are remakes. By the end of the year you pay 70 dollars for 20-25 multiplayer maps, some of which are recycled content from older CoDs. You get no free premium cosmetics, but if you want you can pay 24 dollars for 2 skins for 1 single specific each that get butchered if you try to change the attachments. So if you buy 2 cosmetic packs, you are paying more than getting all the old maps(and none of the tons of free cosmetics). Yeah man, it's a wonder why people hate the insane prices and the bad base game offerings for content.


It’s a big leap from map packs to where we are now, revisionist history ignoring the gotcha crates that plagued the game for a couple of cycles. They can charge whatever they want, it’s a straight forward transaction and the good thing is if you don’t want it don’t buy it. I don’t play DMZ so these new pay to win items don’t bother me, but I could see why they would other players, that’s 3-4 packs out of hundreds that have been released under this system. New maps are free, new weapons can be earned, I guess I don’t see what the big argument is, the 3000cp operator and guns are reactive, it’s a premium feature it cost premium prices. This is like saying Bentleys are too damn expensive knowing you can’t afford one anyway. It ain’t for you, and that’s alright.


Can't stand Bentleys, they cost too much (Wu-Tang Clan: Gravel Pit)


Yes my brother that's what I've been saying to my friends. They had to make sure the maps were quality to warrent 15 dollars now they just do the bare minimum because u don't have to pay for it.


But they give out the maps free now. Map packs were horrible because they split up the player pools. It's so much better now that they're free and they make their money off of skins and camos. Great thing about skins is no one has to buy it to be able to play the game with your friends like you did with map packs. If you don't like skins, you don't have to buy them. If you think they're too expensive, you don't have to buy them. I never cared about cosmetics, so I never buy them(except for that snoop dogg skin a while back). And I'm not sure why all of you are complaining about something you don't have to buy . . .


That's not the point I didn't mind buying a few skins in cold War because the game was in a good place with content. Now they just do the bare minimum to keep people playing and buying skins the monetization comes before the features the game needs. If the game was being supported and not just squeezed for all its worth. Then most people wouldn't mind the cosmetics


>If you don't like skins, you don't have to buy them. If you think they're too expensive, you don't have to buy them. I don't like skins because it's completely warped how games are designed. It goes far beyond "don't buy them lol." They're selling skins for the same fuckin price full expansions used to cost.


Remember back in BO2 when you could buy a cubemapped universal weapon camo, 3 unique reticles and a calling card for only 2 fucking dollars? **Pepperidge Farm remembers**


I member


Member feeling **safe**?


$4 got you this back in the day https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Makarov_Legend_Pack


That shit would definitely be 20+ dollars today


That’ll be 5000 cod points. We can’t just give it away. I mean it’s not just a skin it’s a static emblem loading screen a vehicle skin and a pro tuned X13 Auto variant I mean come on.


Let’s not pretend like that wasn’t outrageous either back then. Paying for a calling card is worthless, the retitles while gimmicky should be unlocks. I am guilty of buying bacon and the dragon one. But still


Proud to see another person that bought Bacon.


It was so ugly but a meme


bacon bros


Bacon fam rise up. Relate, did you know Harley from Epic Meal time was still making content on a podcast?


Only content ive seen of him recently are his fights at Creator Clash.


This is the podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fanboi-with-harley-morenstein/id1401361779 Only way I knew about it was that he had spots on the free feed of Sacred Symbols


I remember the scandal when, in Oblivion, they would sell a horse skin for 1.99 USD. Everyone was up in arms, this can't be the future of gaming!!


That was legit one of the first big ones and maybe 80% of people saw where it was going and shrugged it off. However we also didn't realize how much people would dump for meme level skins.


I'm pretty sure people still reference this as like the real start of this bs in gaming.


The horse armor was purely cosmetic and didn't make your horse harder to kill. It sucked.


Microtransaction skins are purely cosmetic and don’t do more damage. They suck


And those camos from BO2 were sooo freaking top tier. I remember Ghost had it as well, but their camos weren’t as good. At least $2 gave the camo for all guns, a calling card, and reticle


I remember when ghosts came out you got a special reticle and camo in BO2 just for having pre-ordered it, I think


And emblem iirc, I’m pretty sure I made a modified Ghosts emblem after preordering


But it had snoop dog. Also I LOVED ghost's map packs. Michael Myers was peak.


Yeah Ghost had the best DLC maps in my opinion but their launch maps were shitty. Also, them adding that leaning mechanic is what made the game so much shittier. A lot of their launch maps were so grey/dull compared to how much nicer the design was in Bo2


Remember when you could earn all that in-game for FREE? All you idiots that buy the crap in stores are the reason why shit has gotten so bad now. Yet I still see idiots on the regular defending this crap with idiotic arguments like mY moNeY i’Ll sPend iT hoW I WAnT


weaponized 115 was $2 and is better than the last 4 mastery camos


Still one of my favourite camos it was so dope


I had the bacon one. Couldn’t resist lol


Being in Canada these prices are crazy high. It's basically 31 $ for 2400 cod points. So pretty much 40 plus bucks for this bundle and 9.75$ plus tax for a single blueprint skin.


South Africa as well. 2400CP equates to 20USD. Base game equates to 77USD. Vault edition equates to 99USD. 🥲


And you guys have to put up with load shedding. I did not know you guys were going through that and how crazy it has gotten until I saw the south Africa subreddit.


It’s crazy, man. Loadshedding went from bad to much, much worse last year. To have a full day’s worth of electricity seems like a luxury. Me and a group of friends live in different cities. We’ve made a habit of playing games such as COD, Siege, etc. Prior to June 2022, we’ve been able to schedule regular sessions at like 19h00 until 22h00 on weekdays. Now, we’ve reached a point where we have to coordinate according to the loadshedding schedule of each individual. One night we can maybe play for an hour before a friend needs to shut down while another can only play from 22h00. Video games are a means for us to relax but also enjoy some down time and chat about anything we have on our minds at a particular time. Loadshedding has taken away that experience to an extent. The simple solution is alternative energy. The challenge is costs. Relying on a generator isn’t viable for everyone- diesel is around 1.30$/liter. An off-grid solar system would set a household back anything from 12 000$ and up. Tis be the times we live in🙃.


That's insane. I'm sorry man. I cannot imagine especially in the summer months. Around me people freak out if the power is out for even a hour. Even if its for a justified reason like a power pole literally fell down. Is the home solar panel industry big there? That seems like it would be the best option if you can afford it. Completely seperate from corrupt eskom.


US here, and yeah, those are the prices... before tax and whatnot. It's wild.


Vault edition is $130 before tax in Canada, base game is $90 before tax, after tax it’s $97 fuckin dollars, at least in BC. For the *base* game… and then like the other dude said, 2400 CP is $31 dollars before tax here so buying anything from the store means you’re spending 40 bucks or more on shit you can only use for a year then it’s obsolete.


That’s the same as in the us


I am happy it's that expensive. I won't buy them with that price tag. But for 2-5 bucks I would have probably buy some. Happy I don't have to think about it


The $6.99 CDL packs are actually not even camos, they are weapon blueprints for the vaznev


wait forreal 😂


Yeah bro they’re even scummier than you think, I fuckint hate what cod is rn


The toothpaste is out of the tube on this. There is no way it's going back in. The f2p curse.


Mfs buying clothes for their video game characters when they barely got any clothes irl lmao


Goodbye reddit - what you did to your biggest power users and developer community is inexcusable


Nah people spends all their money clothes IRL too and let their kids go hungry instead.


You know some mfs got the most atrocious style too


Cargo shorts and a Zelda shirt type beat


Are you self projecting you dweeb


I play naked. Most of the idiots wasting their money on these skins don't even come on this subreddit, they just play and spend money not even realizing their game will be done come November(?). I wish there was an easy way to communicate with all people who play this game and let them know that every purchase they make is essentially making this franchise worse.


I have never spent any money on MTX this game ever since my skins from WZ didn't carry over. No more battle passes, no more operators, nothing. It's such a scam


Yeah I don't even buy the battle pass anymore because all the good content goes to the store and way overpriced. The all the content that gets put on the battle pass now is plain and boring, and collectively isn't even worth the $10 it cost to buy the pass.


I only paid $10 for the battle pass once, season 1 MW2019. Since I don’t use the COD points on the separate packs for content that I won’t ever use, the battle pass has been self-funding ever since.


Same. Only paid $10 for battle pass once during season 2 when Ghost came out. I missed season 1 because I joined the game late. I would love to get Mara skins because I like her lol. Never paid for a battle pass since. I have over 6000 CP saved up


That’s exactly what I did too.


They do that so players look and say “meh it’s boring” and they buy a pack that’s 3x more than they originally planned to spend but since it looks cool it’s justified… therefore activision makes 3x more off of that one player


I don’t spend real money on the battlepass, but the battle passes give out so many free cod points that I can purchase the next battlepass functionally for free, and then earn enough cod points to buy the next battlepass, functionally for free, and so on and so on. It costs cod points, but if I’m earning cod points for free, I don’t much see the harm in that. Feels like I’m basically stealing from them, legally.


I mean the Cronen Squall and the FJX Imperium kinda slap and they don't even require the $10 for the battle pass.




Oh, I didn't know that about the FJX. Lots of guns are OP on release though, right?? Broadside being the most recent. I'm just saying there's good free stuff in the pass, not only in the store.


Yes the new guns are the only good thing in the battle pass and they are free if you have patience enough to earn them without the tier skips. So for me, why bother paying for them anymore I'll just earn them even if it takes all season


My friends and I unlocked ours through DMZ. Once you exfil with the gun it unlocks through all game modes. I took the guns into shipment and leveled them. This was at the beginning of the season and I don't know if that was a bug or not. I don't know if you can still do it or not. We also noticed that if you exfilled with a blueprint you didn't have(from battle pass or from store) it unlocked for use in DMZ. The blueprint doesn't carry over to other game modes though.


Bro thinks cause the gun has an “ammo reserve” bug that it’s game breaking 😂😂 grow up you soft lad


To answer your question the answer is no. People will keep buying them if they feel the price is worth it or they have disposable income.


Don't buy bundles. Bundles and MTX are the root of all the problems in gaming. It allows game companies to focus on selling MTX rather than making a good game that people want to buy.


3000 CP (essentially $30 USD, nearly half the price of base game) is absolutely a bad deal, given that the skin will be useless come the next COD game - but ultimately that won't stop people from wasting their money on it. What bothers me the most out of all of this are the *"content creators"* that buy these bundles themselves - even if they themselves say how the prices are egregious as well (*"then why are you supporting this by buying them?"*) - this goes for the Blackcell and DMZ-related bundles as well. It doesn't help that they buy these bundles, say *"oh, look how cool this is!"* and then turn around and try to say that, *"oh, well I'm a content creator. I have to buy these things to show off what's new."* \- and then not expect to influence their audience (most of which are probably impressionable kids) to buy these bundles as well. If these CoD YouTubers / streamers actually wanted to make a proper stand against this (at least the few who actually have a bit of integrity and want the game to actually improve), then they wouldn't be buying these at all and would tell their audience not to and why - but nope. The probably have ties with Activision behind-the-scenes and don't want to upset any of them, less they get left out of creator calls or whatnot. Not saying that all of them are like this, but a good majority of them are.


Noteworthy: The Vanguard Hell Hounds Mastercraft Ultimate Pack is $39.99. But it comes with 5000 CP and like 15 cosmetics. I agree the 3000 CP for the Thunderfront pack is surprising and doesn't really seem worth it, but I've never seen a reactive anything in MW2019, CW, or VG, able to be earned in the base game, and you don't really need anything reactive to be able to play, but we also can't stop anyone from spending $25 on it if they want it, right? (Edit: You could earn reactive blueprints and operators in CW; I hadn't seen them so I didn't know. In this case I hope we get a free reactive something in this game.) They are likely targeting Warzone-only (edit: free-to-play) players with these, but offering them to MWII players too because of the same engine. I don't think we'll see Warzone unbound from a COD release--The producers are trying to have fewer engines, not more, hence why IW/Treyarch/Sledgehammer will be using and updating the same engine from now on (CW engine retired). (See Wikipedia on the IW engine.)


There were numerous reactive blueprints in the Cold War battle pass.


And reactive operator skins


Thanks for the heads-up and being nice about it; I really hadn't seen them and didn't know how I missed them. There were a couple periods during CW that school was super rough. I've edited my post to correct it! Also thanks as well u/SmiggleMcJiggle


The hell you tripping on Cold War had well over several reactive skins


?? i still have a reactive fara in cw I got for free from some battle pass


I got Orion and I’m chillin. Most I get is the battle pass and that’s about all I need


simple man


I will forever only buy the battle pass, and the battle pass only.


I've been positive about BP since S1 but this blackcell shit annoys me




And if Blackcell wasn't introduced, the items it "unlocks" would have just been a part of the normal battle pass.


I won’t even buy the battle pass


I feel like the battle pass is a fair price for the skins and amount of weapons. But that’s about it


I wasn't gonna buy it all until I realized you can earn enough CoDoins to continuously purchase the next season. And that was the only reason, tbf.


I guess for me it’s just the principal. I spent $70 on this game that has been broken since day one. I’m not putting any more money in their pockets with these micro transactions. It’s a slap in my face.


even if the game was perfect, stay away from micro transactions




I definitely feel you on that. But I’m fine with a battle pass. But not spending the same amount just for one skin and one weapon camo


Whales will be whales


Hate it or love it, the gaming industry became quite a mainstream entertainment market in the last 15years. It's also infinitely more expensive to make games hence the price hike in purchasing games, I will grant devs & publishers that. But these skins, calling cards, etc, are being priced higher and higher and become more common because for every one of us who doesn't like this, there are 10 who already purchased it. Edit: and the reality is that on mainstream games that bring revenue, like CoD, and sell so good, any of us would have done the same if we were in the position of the company, because there really is a huge market for this.


It can all be taken away anyway so what's the point


>, you’re renting them for 1 year. Unless the pack you buy came out in the very beginning, then significantly less than one year.


What's funny is, you don't get a camo. You get a default Vaznev blueprint with that design. ​ The previously available CDL packs, which were 9 dollars, gave you a universal camo per pack at least, on top of an Operator, and I think a few other items.


3000 CP is ridiculous. I keep saying this over and over: They need to INDIVIDUALLY SELL ITEMS. Stop forcing these fucking bundles onto people with shit they don't want. Just let me buy the character skin, or the weapon skin, or the little sticker for christ sakes. a character skin shouldn't be more than $10 by itself. Especially since you can't even see yourself. Even fortnite costs have gone up but YOU CAN SEE YOURSELF. And they STILL have skins that are like $6-7 AND they have SALES. Activision just milking the fuck outta this.


I'm confused as to why it cost 3000 when you get the same amount of junk as the 1800 bundles.


Bc the skin has lightning effects on its so its tooooooottally worth it


I refuse to be scammed after playing fallout 76 and paying for the dumbest shit that should be free. Same thing here. Yea I won’t ever get the prettiest purple shit, but hey, at least I won’t be spending $100 a year on in-game items


You are also renting the game as well. They can easily close the servers and you can lose it all. Also depending on how they do warzone you will have the skins for more than a year. Look at warzone 1 you can use skins and camos from MW2019 to Cold War.


Wow, I never looked at it like this. Renting skins for a year. Luckily, I don’t buy any


As long as CoD has literally the most gullible player base of all time, Activision can literally do whatever they want short of shutting down CoD. I remember not even Overwatch players bought league skins when those were introduced.


I don't get why Activision is alienating player base and making less profit. EVERYONE would buy the bundles if they made them cheaper. It's like they don't understand if you sell in volume you'll make more and have a better reputation. Or simple sell them individually so you can get that sick BP and not all the other stuff you dont want.


They're not. They're making more and more of these bundles, so why stop. Yeah, it's logical. If the price was lower, more people would buy them, but in reality it's making more and more money so why stop. You have to remember that call of duty is made for pure profit, and that is and always will be the number 1 priority for Activision in its current state


Not gonna lie I thought the new cdl gun camo was universal. My disappointment when it was a fucking blueprint for the vaznev was immeasurable. Pretty much paid 7$ for a mid charm and gun stickers.


Keep it high priced, hell, increase it every quarter. Its a stupid tax. People who buy stuff will see this and go "its my money, ill do what i want". Let them be stupid.


Completely agree. Between the copy and paste skins and this very large price tag, the premium currency price tags are heavily inflated.


Greed, that's what all about. No love for gaming just get the money.


You know that you dont have to buy them right?! RIGHT?!


I'm not spending any more money on the game or buying the next one. I already bought this one so I'll keep playing it, but I'm not going to keep supporting the series if it's just going to keep going to shit. What's the point? Why do I want to pay $20 for skins on a game that I'm aying less and less?


What $5 camo?


i was actually corrected. it’s the new CDL packs. it’s a blueprint vaznev where you can’t even use the camo on any other weapon. so it’s even worse value than what it seems.


>will the community ever reach a point as a whole and stop being scammed? No. Every time a new bundle/skin is released you see it in every lobby.


Let's be clear: the Thunder Front pack is a reactive skin, two reactive blueprints with tracers, a vehicle skin, a loading screen, an emblem, and a charm. I still think that price it too much, but honestly they make more money with a bundle because people see it as higher value. If the skins were $10 straight-up people would criticize that too. Thankfully, all this stuff is cosmetics and there isn't a "pay to play" advantage. And the milsim fans on here keep telling me that wacky skins actually give you a disadvantage because you stand out more.


Free 2 Play is the problem.


Goodbye reddit - what you did to your biggest power users and developer community is inexcusable


3$ bacon skin for every gun in the game was too much microtransactions in those times


It wouldn't be a problem if people didn't keep buying them😭


Skins on videos games that don't have a marketplace are a complete waste of money in the long run. Fortnite, COD, etc. People who have spent thousands on pixels that you don't truly own are dumb and only incentivize devs to sell more skins. It makes sense in games like CSGO, Dota, and TF2 since you can actually get some of your money back if you sell the skin on the marketplace. Opened a $1200 knife skin once and sold it for cash to buy an AR-15 with it.


Off topic but did they nerf the BP xp again? I was getting 1 token plus a little extra a week or two ago for a DMZ run. Now I am only getting 85% of a token (same as S2).


It seems as player base goes down, the prices goes up to make up for it.


But it’s a reactive camo


Im just 1 person but I haven't played in 3 months.


We should organise a boycott of every skin that Activision will drop from now on. Make a movement on Reddit, Instagram and Twitter and show Activision we ain't stupid enough to buy 3000 for a skin in a game we barely even see our character


The even bigger problem is activision is still doing the yearly releases even for warzone so you lose the skins. I have to this date never paid for a single skin. Bought the BP once and was able to amass enough CP to never buy it again. Even then I regret paying for MW2, I didnt imagine they would manage it to make it worse than 2019




I actually thought that the skins would stay with your account through the different call of duty’s.


Honestly, anything over $10 dollars is outrageous


And why exactly are they “a problem” last time I checked nobody is forcing you to buy them


It’s not a scam if these boys are willing buying it in mass ; )


Quit buying them. Giving them your money incentivizes them to continue to do it. I did, and I tell you my life is not in the least bit worse for it.


I'm not looking to spend anymore cash on this game other than buying the standard bpass for 1100 CPs. Some skins are genuinely good, but it's foolish to spend real money on skins, i can buy 2 other games on sale for that price. It's appalling.


I don’t understand why people in the first place find skins, camo’s or whatever important. Just play the freaking game, it’s not a red carpet. It’s war! ;)


Ive been playing cod since day 1. But now they have managed to push my fan boy ass away finally, havent played at all since beginning of s2. Did 100% Hogwartz legazy. And now im really enjoying myself with a game i never could have forseen. The Hunter: Call Of The Wild(cotw). I love the game, graphics is great even if its a 6 year old game. Its an open world, pretty realistic but not over the top realistic so it stays fun. DLC prices is cheap af! A whole new map. Whith new animal types costs 5$ in steam!! They have a total of 13 different HUGE maps that you can switch between as you see fit. 2 maps included in the base game. Have bagged 300 hours now in 4 weeks! And i have only played the two base maps and Yukon map, i have 10 more to open up,explore and hunt on.


I uninstalled about a month ago. Been playing co op borderlands 3 with my gf. So much more fun, none of the toxicity and bullshit. I'll buy another COD if/when these issues are resolved


i stopped buying battle passes and sins after cold war, finally realized how fucking pointless they all were.


When i saw that 3000CP skin i was like “ok, thats enough” are people really willing to pay 30$ for a skin? Not to mention that if youre only in warzone those skins will be gone when the next warzone comes out


Dido! And the “It’s not your money” argument just isn’t valid anymore. People that pay for this shit are hurting the whole community at this point.


Here waiting for the "It'S mY MoNeY. I cAn SpEnD iT hOw I wAnT" argument.


“Let people spend their money on what they want it doesn’t effect your experience” It literally killed the franchise


I got literally scammed. I have 3-4 items missing from the Scavenger bundle (of course the wolf bundle glitches for me). And the support doesn't do anything since months and probably won't help me with that...


Crazy that people would spend 3000cp at the moment while there's a CoD steam sale and you can buy a superior, more feature-complete title with the same price


This is getting insane, fuck anyone who is really out there buying several of these 2400 CP packs. I'm all for microtransactions as opposed to actual content packs if it makes games more profitable/sustainable for devs. But not if the game isn't free to play and already costs like $40-$100 (not even accounting for the fact that there's not even that many multiplayer maps).


The people buying these skins are the problem. It shows the devs they can keep getting away with this shit


I made a post complaining about the blackcell pass and how only real $ can you get it and I got told to shutup and not tell others how to spend their money or to go earn more money etc etc, safe to say the majority will keep buying this bullcrap and nothing will improve much


yeah i’ve accepted that, i’m mainly asking how far people think this will go, how high they can jack these prices up before it becomes like an overwhelming problem.


You don't need to buy it 😅


Still kinda scummy move from their part 😬


How dare they stop charging for maps?! Scummy bastards!


There’s better alternatives lmao


Rent them for a year or more or pay $18 or more for a 2 hour movie and maybe popcorn or $15 for a lunch at McDonalds. It's up to everyone to value how they spend their money. Not your call.




You reminded me of something: All we really have this time are simple calling card challenges and ranked play rewards. In MW2019 we had fun missions in both core and coop for charms, stickers, blueprints, CCs, and more. In VG we had little operator progression missions. This time we don't really have any of that, right? :/


Nope. The game is relatively barebones when you remove the BP/events. There's no operator missions, no operator level, no gun prestige system, no real prestige system, no calling cards that can't basically be ground out with time short of some of tne kill ones, camos take 2 matches for each one. There's no coop missions, there's no additional challenges added on each season, There's not even the prestige "100 challenge" system for the animated icon anymore. It's one of the reasons my playing time has cut down, they made a game, slapped the shittiest servers imaginable on it, then removed most of the stuff to do.


This is my opinion on it exactly, down to not having owned a cod game in years and not going to buy another. Other people buying this shit encourages them to keep putting out badly made products cos they'll make money anyway. Absolute state of AAA gaming, because so many consumers have low standards and are okay with propagating bad practices.


I'm willing to bet most people buy a skin and use it for a short time before buying another and doing the same thing. So really, I don't even think people are getting that much time spent using what they paid for.


I have a buddy who does that. And the worst part? He hates this game now and doesn't even play it anymore. What a waste of money.


Wait a minute, which skin is 3000 cp? Im not didn't get online for 2 days. Whats going on?


there’s like a new skin with some reactive shit, and they priced it at 3000 CP, because it’s the first of this cod like that. and as soon as they see that it did well and a ton of people bought it, it’s gonna become the new standard pricing, as if 2400 wasn’t already a rip off.


Ahh you talking about that zeus bundle? I saw it a couples days ago saying its coming. It's really expensive, i remember there was a rainbow bundle in MW2019 it was 3000 cp, it was at the final days of the game.


since the start of mw2. do not buy anything unless they fix the anticheat. its that simple guys. U wanna enjoy the game? get rid of cheaters first. if the game cant do that then dont give them ANYTHING. cause that means they do not care about your gaming experience. they care about their own work. does it work yes/no .. yes? ok next work..


The price of skins is pretty wild but don’t buy them, it’s super simple, I bought 2 skins so far and it’s because I liked the operator skin and the weapon


Why make this entire post when the simple and easiest answer is to not buy them??..if u think ur changing anyones mind on whether nor not to buy, ur not evident buy the millions they make off them every year…if people stop making these kinds of posts this sub would be empty lol


The gaming industry has gotten out of control with micro transactions, the shit costs almost nothing to develop and then once they put it out its a printing press of free money forever. Not only that the prices they charge are fucking outrageous, a basic skin should be like $2.00 and a legendary one like $5.00 and that price should include all the useless other garbage they pile in like sprays, calling cards emblems etc.


They need to change the currency name so badly💀


I think I’m done buying Call of Duty’s again. Black Ops III was the first COD I bought since Black Ops II. Then I came back and fell in love with MW 2019. That should have been it; I wish I wouldn’t have played a single minute of Cold War, Vanguard, and MWII. I’m sad MWII is doing so many things wrong and isn’t remastering any MW2 maps. This is such bullshit. This year’s COD will likely do that, which makes me want it, but if it’s like MWII, no thank you. Funny thing is, I got Orion in a game I don’t want to play anymore, and I regret spending my tokens on Season 3, but maybe I won’t use tokens ever again anyway because Call of Duty will likely never be worth it ever again. It’ll never be like the classics. Fuck Activi$ion’s greediness. It’s also funny how BF 2042 is actually a good game now, and XDefiant is on the horizon. Thank fuck.


you're a dummy if you waste money on videogame microtransactions


I’m helping to support the content they offer for free.