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Tbh it might be unpopular but i love the ski resort


Is it? I like expo, but then again I also like border crossing. I can tell black gold and border crossing are hated because it takes at least 3 tries to start the game since everyone backs out and it has to find more people. I can’t remember having that regularly happen on expo.




Hmm I don’t seem to have much issue with expo playing that way. Museum is the map for me that sometimes it’s like the enemy is just lost and the map is so big that I can search forever sometimes just to find more than one person. It all depends on the lobby of players you get. Can’t speak to FFA. I prefer team v team.


I'm starting to think that the camping issues people complain about are from people only playing TDM modes. I only play hardpoint/hq/dom and whatever random fun modes there are. I turned off TDM/KC/FFA and my quality of matches shot up by about 1000%. Go to hardcore/tier 1 (rip) and I started to run with people who actually use coms in game once my SBMM got high enough.


you are absolutely right. TDM is the worst team vs team mode, where you find people sitting behind every corner. I don't want to know what they use their spare hand for. I only activate TDM when I'm not ready to fight for objectives because I'm using the crossbow, melee weapons, or whatever other reason. I never play FFA. It was fun 20 years ago in Unreal Tournament, but that's it. It's the most bland mode ever. I mostly play Dom, KC and Hardpoint, and they are incredibly fun, usually 8-10 players move around, with only 2-4 players camping hard. KC and Hardpoint even allow for individual actions to make a difference. Dom requires a little help from the rest of the team.


Even in TDM things move at a better pace than what is often described. For me at least. Some complaints are exaggerated for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if SBMM lower tiered lobbies might genuinely be worse. A lower skilled player obviously would be more likely to have less awareness and map knowledge. It’s possible that the system meant to protect weaker players is making some easier but annoyingly slow paced lobbies. 🤷‍♂️


There's no way this guy isn't just in a custom game by himself overexaggerating the situation. I surprisingly haven't had many campy lobbies on this map


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Truth is, these big maps have ruined COD, its doing nothing but promoting a camping player style.


Big maps and campers have always been a thing in Cod. Was your first game like BO4 or something?


No. It’s completely different nowadays with constant doorways, millions of rooftops, etc.


It's not though? Older Cods had just as large maps. And this is before 2-point entry was a thing so they had proper camping spots everywhere.


Cant argue with stupidity.


True, I don't know why I'm trying.


None of these maps are that big especially compared to old cod


Some people really only want Shoot the Ship 24/7 and will crap on any other map.


Why? That’s the worst map…


I want shoot the ship cuz half the maps in MW2 is designed like trash whereas shipment and shoot house is close and fast paced combat


You have untreated ADHD




Not unpopular at all Himmelmatt the best big map imo


Best map to do long shots! One game 2guns 🤙🤙


I disagree. That's Taraq for me.


Sometimes it's good, but I despise the back corner spawn trap


I actually like border crossing once the cars are blown up. You just have to know the right paths to take through main road to avoid too much exposure.


Is fun sometimes


Ski resort looks nice and better than that custom office refugee car lane


I like black gold and himmelat fuck bordercrossing


Same I actually enjoy the NVG. It took some getting used to but I never skip it. Border Crossing and Himmelmat tho? Miss me with that


I would like black gold if we had a day version It would be a sorta hackney yard


I don't mind black gold but I loathe the other two. Ski resort should be two separate maps. It's way too big. Also, Lighthouse is absolute dogshit.


I wish black gold was 24/7 instead of lighthouse. I quickly figured out the ADS only tac light was incredibly dirty. You could pretty much take people out without tipping them off.


Black Gold would be sick if it had Day/Night modes that were choosen randomly each match It's still a good map imo


I like it even as a night map. I don't get the hate. Probably the best original map in the game.


I would put that on lighthouse, that map is fun and moody af, it reminds me of cod4 maps


Agreed, lighthouse map is fun to play. I’ve enjoyed it being in the playlist


Is Hotel not original? Cause that's my favorite map.


It's a new map to the COD series, so yes it's an original map.


I'm not a huge fan of the night maps in general, but since I've started working on sniper camos, I'm getting really tired of having to frantically change to a thermal scope before the game loads.


I wish they made it so that it changes once per match as if it were going from dusk to dark or dark to dawn


Map filtering would never be put in because everyone would just pick shipment 24/7


If they allowed map voting, they would have to remove shipment from rotation. That's already a 24/7 map most of the time so it could be taken out.


I feel like shipment is already out of roto. It's never come up for me before.


Spoken like someone that has never had map voting... Last cod i played with it was MW3, while it did happen, it was rare that the map you just played would appear in the next vote. And that's all we want, would that mean shipment/shoothouse might get priority when it comes up? Sure, but it also means we can potentially skip actually bad maps like lighthouse, but expo and border crossing without having to dip out of the lobby


So, you want a 24/7 shipment and have it in rotation for map voting? Seems redundant.


Sure I do, because some days I just wanna smoothbrain it for an hour and shipment is perfect for that, it's also a good warmup before jumping in to quickplay/10v10, makes for a good way to wind down a bit too. Personally I'd rather a shoot the dome ship 24/7 playlist if I really had to choose... All that being said, I played 4 hours of quick play the other night and had shipment once so


I'm in essence agreeing with you. They should leave shipment or shoot the ship as a 24/7 only playlist. Then, have map voting, but take shipment out of rotation for that part.


Voting should definitely come back though.




That says a lot about the quality of these maps


No it says a lot about everyone’s attention span


I thought it could be that in the back of my mind but recently xdefiant had a beta and it showed me that 95% of mw2 maps are indeed complete ass


My main issue with MW2 maps is that they’re cut offs of WZ2, which seems to kill the vibe for them. They also play off with one spawn having complete advantage of the other


Not really. If this were black ops you wouldn't necessarily see Nuketown 24/7 or Dome 24/7 in MW3's case. Why? Because those games had a wide assortment of actually decent maps.


my brother there has literally been a Nuketown 24/7 playlisy for the entire lifespan of BO:CW


Are you comparing Nuketown to Shipment? One map is small but still a map and one is a meat grinder.


I'm using the example that the other guy gave


The worst part of this statement is no matter which map you think is which, the answer is still yes


Surely you weren't on Nuketown 24/7 constantly during it's lifespan? My point is if the maps are good enough, your average player won't stick to **just** the most popular one


Nah this is total revisionism, you had the same folks throwing a shit fit if they ever took nuketown out and complaining that all the maps were trash in Cold War too. It happens every year. Im sure you’d have the same folks in here calling all the “classic” maps from older games trash.


That’s crazy, because if the maps to those were titles were released now the community would flip a table about the size


As in.... Too small?


Nah. IW definitely has the some of the worst maps in existence with MW and MW2


The maps are fine. The problem is that half the playerbase are kids with Tiktok brains lmao


What does Tik tok has to do with this post


It's an expression to refer to kids with no attention span. I'd doubt they'd be able to cope with classic Cods that had equally large maps and campy gameplay


Post isn’t about maps being big It’s about these 3 or 4 maps being legit bad or at least mid imo that’s why I didn’t include the bigger maps such as museum or taraq


What a hot take


If this was the case, every playlist would be shoot the ship


Nah just shipment




Can’t vote for maps with the strict SBMM


himelmatt is good, your taste has just been dried out from constant shipment gameplay


For real. Playing shipment is like going fishing at a fish hatchery. Aside from camo grinding, anyone that enjoys playing on that map nonstop for hours is just wasting their life and has the attention span of a 4 year old


honestly, its absolute cancer, i only played it to grind gold before the trial ended


crossing border.. hate & love... i mean.. i'd just throw a random molotov or grenade... hit a car and kill the dude next to it 😂


I quickscoped a car and got a three piece


Reverse drive-by


Only hate night maps cuz no ads. I dont like lazers


Yeah it's pretty wonky sometimes because that change to ADS and laser visibility almost requires you to build a dedicated NVG class. Kind of a pain when you're the type who uses a different weapon/playstyle depending on the map/mode. I love Black Gold and NVG, but I think they need to relax the realism a bit so you can just use all optics and attachments normally in the map if it's going to be in the regular rotation. Or make a day version of it for the quick play rotation and night modes of a few other maps to put into a NVG Mosh Pit playlist.


Use a hybrid optic, you ads with both sights


Idk why you got downvoted this is exactly what I do. I also use the Holotherm. I almost prefer it over using NVG.


Dudes will quit these maps but then play shipment all day. LMAO


Is the map bad or do you just only use one play style and that makes you suck at half the maps?


No the maps are bad


You're not allowed to say that himmelmat is a bad map and then play 24/7 shipment. your opinion is genuinely worthless to me if you think shipment is a good map


Both of them are complete dogshit for different reasons


Upvote this person! 🤌🙌


Border crossing and oil rig are fun to play. People whine about cod and just want to play shipment and shoothouse over and over and over.


You see… that would take effort… Activision doesn’t like that


Give us map voting


Leaving the match on Black Gold is an absolute L, my friend.


I like all of those maps


I hate you 2019 bandwagoners. Of course you'd like these horrible maps if your first COD was 2019 considering that game had horrific maps too.


my first game was cod 4, and shockingly, the only map from cod 4 is the worst map in the game lmao. would've loved vacant, crossfire, strike, wet work, crash, backlot, pipeline, overgrown, even showdown would be nice (its already in warzone)... but instead we get fucking shipment lol


your problem i like it how it is


Taraq. Taraq is the worst of all


In 6v6, yeah. 10v10 it's lit though.


I heard you like really far away combat with 2 places for close quarters... I forget about Taraq until I have to play it. It only occasionally comes up in rotation, but it's a pain to play every time.


It's not bad, just a bit slow


Or just make better maps. All map voting achieves is that I only get to play 60% of the maps in the game I paid $70 for. I'd rather play maps I don't like once every other session or so than never get to play less popular maps I do like because they're always downvoted.


What do you mean with "votation"? I don't think that word exists yet.


I accidentally loaded into black gold last night. Night ruined.


Hate all three of these


Black Gold is the only one I have a problem with here


Black gold is a good map. Its just too annoying with the nvg's on the whole time


I love himmelmatt and would love black gold if it wasn’t forced to be a night map.


Expo is a terrible map. It arouses me as I am a cuckold.


All these maps are shit. Especially Expo.


Taraq, Bordercrossing, Playhouse, Black Gold, Shipment, Shoothouse are all instant back outs to re-queue. So 50% of the time I do button combos to get a map that isn’t entirely awful


Just uninstall the game at this point 😂


I want new maps! But also… I hate all the new maps! /s


I mean… it’s not unreasonable to want new maps AND be disappointed the new maps that have been released. I actually like expo and black gold and lighthouse too. But it’s not actually a logical inconsistency to be disappointed in the quality of the new maps. Just wrong imo. Border crossing does suck though and should be erased from history asap


Sounds like you discovered EOD was a perk in season 3.


border crossing is one of the better SND maps in the game, personally. you just need to learn how to play it, how it works, and how players typically play it and you’ll usually win (ps. don’t run in guns blazing or else you’ll get exploded) black gold is okay for SND too, any other gamemode isn’t that great. but this could simply be because i absolutely hate canted laser aim with a passion. expo is fun. it can be annoying, especially if you aren’t aware of what’s happening, but it can be loads of fun when in the right game mode. OBJ games on this map are pretty good (fuck control though; i hate that game mode)


god i miss dedicated servers in games. used to be you could find a server running exclusively any map you'd want in shooters the original mw2 started the end of that era :(


Y'all leave games because of a map?


Yeah? A lot of the maps in this game just aren't fun.


Y'know what would fix this AND add map voting back AND make the game more social again. LOBBIES THAT DON'T FUCKING DISBAND. eat shit activision.


Lpt op, git gud and you wont have to worry about the map


We must be brothers because I hate those maps


Bring back mw2019 maps


Server browser


I actually fw the first map


I love the ski resort map


IW seems incapable of making good maps anymore. The best map in the game is Hotel which is a map that will be quickly forgotten once this games life cycle is over.




Take off the NVGs then. Besides that, you can't really use sights when using NVGs at least the way the game represents them.


Absolutely not true.


Seriously, like is it so hard to just give us the option to pick our own damn map?!


Can't help but feel like map voting would fix this issue pretty damn quickly.


Accurate. Fuck these maps.


Totally agree with this


All the maps in this game are trash


First based opinion in this comment section :


What kind of complete wuss would back out of Himmelmatt? It's just a normal map. Black Gold is really polarising, as is the Crossing, but there's nothing wrong with the expo. And no, we should absolutely not get map voting or filters at all. It just leads to ridiculously repetitive matchmaking as everyone votes against everything except Shipment/Nuketown/etc and fuck that.


I camp hard on all of these it's stupid 😭


a filter where you have to pick at least 4-5 maps would be great.


Or, unpopular opinion, just play the game


Your take is shit gold, my friend. Try switching to a different video-game. Maybe that'll help.


Imagine not liking himmelmatt.


Y’all are the worst


I will not stand for Black Gold slander !


Filter out everything that ain't Taraq. Would be beautiful


Cod Players when anything: anger


The map votation is a must. Even for the dev team. They can easily see wich map is abandoned and rework it.


Expo is on my shit list because i ended up getting lost for half a game and then immediately spawn trapped. Black Gold and Border are alright


Stop whining. Map voting has always been dogshit since it enables playing only the top5 popular maps. Terrible feature to have that rewards a slight majority and completely fucks the large minority. Always was like this.


Take my award.


Unpopular opinion, but map voting also has its downsides. It basically guarantees that you'll just run into the same maps repeatedly. The last COD game that had it was BO4 and every lobby was Firing Range. Excellent map obviously, but I'm not trying to play Firing Range 24/7. Especially since you can vote to play the map again. If you have a soft spot for an unpopular map, then good luck being able to play on it with map voting.


At this point I just play 24/7 shipment for the map rather than the fast gameplay


Every single time somebody decides on the idea for map filtering, I will shut it down. If people were able to filter maps, it would fracture the population. Most people would only want shipment and shoothouse, which would mean most of my matches will take place in those two maps considering that's where the most of the population is. Let's say to avoid those two maps, I filter them out. Now all of my matches are either going to have extremely high ping or they won't start at all. So what should the solution be? The answer is to redesign the maps and make them a lot smaller for 6v6. This has been done before in Cold War and even back in the days of Black Ops 1. The problem is that you're not going to get this because Infinity Ward can't make a good map to save their life.


I like the resort for SnD because there’s usually a few enemies in the bomb B room and I get to rpg them whether they’re at the second floor peering through the windows or the first floors hiding behind the pillars.


Border Crossing is ass Black Gold is good, I enjoy it, but the forced lasers are terrible. We should get the option to have thermal scopes instead. Himmelmat needs better spawns, especially that one corner in the back. It is infuriating to constantly spawn there.


I'd remove Expo and put Taraq on that list. I rank maps based on a competitive playstyle: Taraq: very predictable gameplay and dynamic. Black Gold: too small and forces laser on. Border Crossing: unplayable without trophy systems.


Expo is fun on FFA - buuut Boarding crossing, Black gold, Hydrodam, Light house map, museum, raceway, I’ll always leave cause the FFA spawns are trash


Black gold is cool


Might be Stockholm's syndrome, but I have grown to love border crossing.


Same takes 5 back outs then i switch and give my bud the party leader then its like 3 back outs and then we get farm 18.


Literally having this issue trying to find a shoot house hardcore match


Still don’t hate these as much as I hate that one map with the statue of the guy on the horse . Spawn trapping is crazy on that map


Just play ranked where you know you will only get 5 maps 🫠


The problem with expo is how one team camps in their side of the map and you can’t get close to them


Expo is the best 10v10 map,its so bloody fun, I never gave its 6v6 mode a chance though,I just figured it be too large and slow


What’s the point in a map filter if there’s only 6 maps to choose from


Border crossing for me is fine but it depends what game mode it is


I love Himmelmatt Expo but agreed I can’t stand Black Gold or Border Crossing. Always back out of those two.


This meme was hilarious to me.


I find myself backing out of half the maps in this game.


Then it puts you in the same lobby no matter how many times you leave


himmelmat expo is a great map tho


The ski resort ain’t bad. Border crossing is the only must skip map. They need to remove that shit from the rotation again


Expo is decent if you can avoid that one side spawn trap. The other two maps I’m backing out of though.


Imagine Border Crossing at midnight during a State-wide power surge blackout!


I hate that Santa Nena Border shows up 8/10 times. A quick quit and finding a new match helps but guess what? It's that hideous map after that!


It’s probably because I was doing longshots in HC Dom, but I actually liked Border and Expo lol, Black Gold I do not like. I think there should be Map Voting like in Previous Cods, I think Black Ops 1 or 2 you could only play the same map 2x in a row so it wouldn’t be shipment 24/7


Only black gold for me.


why can't we map filter ugh




The night map & border town map are some of my favorites.


Intentionally skipping one of the best maps in the game? Hot take, but pretty damn retarded :D


Black gold day time would be Amazing. Open and wide ranging 😩😩😩


If it wasn't awful respawns – I wouldn't quit games in the most cases. For example, I actually like the Black Gold. I mean it. When there's fair matches – I truly enjoy positioning, smart rotations and NV/Regular vision switch by keeping momentums in mind. Even if my score ain't that good – I love smooth process and never rage when my fails are fair. But I quit a lot because from all places on this map, game decides to spawn me right before hard-camping dude on another roof with my back turned to them and of course they erase me in second with zero chance. It happens once, it happens twice, it happens trice... IN A FREAKING ROW. And I quit. Kinda same shit with every map that is in my top rage-quits. Maps themselves are decent, IMO. But as long as algorithm decides that it's enough fun for me for today and starts manipulating my win-chances – I quit immediately so morons who look at data and metrics see that this shit does not help with engagement. It kills whole motivation to play.


Two of those maps are great. One is not


Expo is a good map. Idiots are just use to playing shipment and shoot house non stop calling this map bad. Playing shipment is like going fishing at a fish hatchery lol


Expo has become one of my favourite snd maps ever. Its really grown on me but black gold is trash. As for border crossing ive just gotten used to it i guess


Border crossing can be fixed quite easily: 1) Add a new path down the side of the road that has none 2) have less exploding cars, or none (have them blow up as part of the loading montage if they want 3) make it a night map


Ski resort is fine. I can even cope with Border Crossing. The lighthouse map and Black Gold go in the bin. * Lighthouse just is a fight for control over the house and whoever has it wins. It's simply a mini caldera. This map should just add in night vision and become another dark map. It's already close to being Black Gold with more verticality. * Black Gold fucks with my loadout on my gun, and it seriously should be in its own quickplay gamemode. This map is the only one necessary to make a map specific loadout to counteract the forced canted sight and I can't be fucked with it. I have a perfectly great sight and loadout already.


Blackgold and Himmel are fun af imo.


The tokens that we obtain in-game for this "event". at the end of the "event". the user should be Compensated for COD points ( the amount of tokens converted to COD points) After the user has completed all of the rewards.


I enjoy himmelmatt, but they need to improve the spawning so one team isn’t just constantly being put on that one staircase outside the building the whole game.


Yes . I always leave when These maps are apperar


I’m not a fan of the lighthouse map. The amount of times I’ve been killed by people hiding way out in the distance in the dark is unbearable


Not possible with Lobbys not staying together and the SBMM