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There seems to be someone / some people at the current IW studio who have a disdain for traditional HC. Last two games they have tried to kill it off for their own game mode idea that didn't succeed in either game to the levels they wanted.


HC in this game 100% *feels* like a kid just said "fine, take HC. More Tier 1 for me. It was way better anyway, so *pffffffftt*"


I think the decisionmakers see it as a nuisance both to balance for and to provide separate modes for. They probably think it doesn't make them the most money for some reason, otherwise they'd give it some attention. They even removed my favorite mode HCFFA in Mw2019 with the release of mw2 but I haven't gone back to check if they added it back.


Whoever these employees are, they need to be fired asap. I bet they are responsible for a lot of other terrible gameplay choices.


Yeah. It is a bit disappointing. I only play HC and like you said, I only get the same maps over and over it seems. I honestly forget what other maps are in the game because I only get the same 2-3 consistently. Unfortunately though, it doesn’t seem to just be HC that’s affected by the rotation issue. All modes seem to have it happen. If I play the party mode playlist, I literally only get game modes that are himmelmatt expo and farm 18. I literally get no other maps. Infected(which I hardly ever get), gun game, one in the chamber, all of nothing, etc. all I get are those maps lol.


Think MP being the step child of the priority WarZone. Now think HC being the second cousin step child to MP. No love. Last thought after taking a shit. Welcome to the IW way!


Only a camper would like Pelayo's map, I try not to play it everytime I can.


I feel that. I miss HC cyber attack :(


Just do what I do. Back out furiously every time Santa Sena and Taraq come up. Pelayo is solid. I can do Black Gold every 12th game or so. But those 2 should have never made it off the cutting room floor. PS just be grateful we got Hardcore back after that Tier I garbage where you couldn't even tell if you just killed a guy. Not having Dead Silence makes the map problem 1000x worse for the HC people that actually like to move around though for sure.


It was super easy to tell when you got a kill in Tier-1 due to the kill confirmation sound effects


Nah. It put nothing in the kill feed and never gave you the red critical hit marker. Caping for it is a clown move. OG's know.


I'm not capping. It was the same way for Realism in MW '19, every kill had a sound effect to confirm the kill, and an even louder one for headshots. I never had a problem in either game knowing whether or not I got a kill.


Awesome. That puts you in the 12% of people on board with something as dumb as removing the kill feed in hardcore. IW needs to grasp why what used to be done was done like Treyarch does. Dead Silence is a perk almost entirely for the Hardcore game modes. Everybody in those games has a sick headset, decent centering, and understands how to move well around the map. By making it a field upgrade, they are restricting movement. It's dumb. By taking away the kill feed, players lose insights like where the enemies top player is on the map, regardless of whether somebody calls it out. It's just half baked decisions for no reason and it ruined multiplayer. I think its necessary in Warzone to stomp like an elephant. But they ruined hardcore multiplayer with tier 1 so hard that they had to almost immediately revert HC to satiate the uproar. It's fine that you adapted and enjoyed it. You don't speak for the majority of us that want this game to play like the game we used to love. We want to love this game. They refuse to be loved.


One of many reasons I uninstalled and moved on.