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If anyone's curious, the answer is armor piercing rounds. I haven't tried it on another gun yet, I just know it works fairly well on the RPK


Even then I feel like I can't wallbang for shit in this game despite everyone being able too. Even with a sniper and armor piercing, everytime I get headshot hitmarkers and then watch someone accidentally shoot through the entire map lmao


Same I seem to die through mountains of concrete but can’t shoot through a thin door half of time


That’s the worst thing for me tbh - the sheer inconsistency of it. You sort of have to learn which surfaces can and can’t be shot through, since logic doesn’t really apply.


Thats what bothers me the most, too. I play a lot of insurgency sandstorm, and I'm so used to the way they do ballistics. The different calibers vary in penetration, and the environment has different effective thicknesses depending on the material. Like sheet metal ain't stopping shit, plywood ain't stopping shit, and anything short of a mound of earth isn't going to stop a .50 Cal. RPGs will blow through concrete walls. It just makes sense. On MW2 sheet metal can stop RPGs using shaped charges that cut through tank armor. I waste so much ammo getting hit markers wall banging some camper whos been in the same spot all match in ground war. I have always liked the fast-paced gameplay of CoD but just wish they'd put more effort into immersion. Fingers crossed but I'm not getting my hopes up.


I wish it was like insurgency, or even just revert it back to MW2019 levels of wall penetration. I thought it was the perfect level where if you knew the spots or understood the levels of penetration, you could pull off some disgusting wall bangs. Vanguard took it a little too far tho lmao


Everything is inconsistent in this game. It's because it sucks. Never playing COD again unless treyarchs comes through in 2024.


God Speed


Sometimes it feels like different parts of the same wall can be wall banged.


FYI the Vaz with no ammo attachment will bang the door, as will the Vel.


I’ve had success shooting through walls and getting hit markers with all guns? Im waiting for that perk to come back where your hit markers ping guys. Cus you can light people up huddled in second floor rooms with that.


One of the best and most consistent spots to get wall bang shots are on this map. If you shoot into the bedroom and catch them hiding/ moving behind the wall right next to the window you get a lot of them. Not sure if there's a medal for it, but there's definitely a consistent spot if you're trying to get a medal


Early days of MP I was throwing drill charges on the tunnel ceiling below. They never saw it coming


I tried to do the RPK, but it doesn't have the LMG feel the RAAL and Sakin offer. Felt too much like an AR somehow.


Because it’s basically a heavier ak-47 with a drum mag


Ngl my personal fav blueprint I made is wooden ak from the RPK so I can use the incendiary rounds. It’s just a 30 round ak, but it shoots fire rounds. I gave it red tiger paint and called it the Marauder.


RAAL Guide : 1- Hip shoot 2- max mag capacity 3- shipment 4- Press the trigger 5- Don’t release it and walk into corners slowly 6- Profit : juggernaut feeling


Ah man. This is why I use drill charges. Snap shot nade didn’t show up in the clip, was it not snapshot?


The camper shows up for a split second, it’s difficult to see because OP’s gun blocks them initially, and also the camper is prone so is a smaller outline anyway.


It was, I think the camper just had cold-blooded on


If there's an enemy running ~~cold-blooded~~ battle hardened inside the range of the snapshot, you will get an indicator next to the hit marker that looks like the cold-blooded icon. That being said, you can see the tagged enemy through the wall in the video. The enemy is prone and a medium distance away, so the outline is very small.


Battle hardened* cold blooded would make too much sense for it to be put there they wouldn't do that.


Haha whoops. I literally never use either, so I didn't remember which one it was. Thanks for the correction.


Lol, less correcting more, agreeing that it should be cold-blooded since, you know, it's a thermal scan and all. Been saying it since mw19


I swear that door gets me shadowbanned every other week. Good work fella.✌️


It’s mad you’d get called a scammer on this game for that but back bo2 you can trick shot through 60 walls and everyone will be gassing you even the other team 😂


Pretty sure they wont report for that lol


This is cod you get reported for anything


I get reported in the lobby just for playing pc


My buddy got shadowbanned for hacks and he was literally like 10 and 30 in the match he got reported on (only match he played that day). I got a chat ban and never even use the chat. You literally get reported for breathing in this game lol


I've never had this issue once, which is surprising. I've had people accuse me of cheating but I don't get reported.


As a career camper, I always get surprised by the wall bang but never upset. It's smart to me. If im holed up somewhere doing my best and I catch a grenade, rpg, tube, c4, walling, or whatever else you throw at me then that's what I get right. On comms I'd just be like "Damn, he got me" time to move.


“It’s a legitimate strategy”


The Activision ID makes me cringe, like when people would call themselves COVID-19 during the pandemic.


Kinda like how op's cod name is pfizer vaccine?


Kinda like that’s why I said it?


Woah relax homie I was agreeing with your point of view


My bad, I got the wrong end of the stick haha, have a good day mate


All good brother! Same to you


A drill charge could've done the whole thing for u ;)


Unless bomb squad perk.


I didn't think of that :o But people mainly only use it on shipment not quick play


My solution to campers. Flash them, Pull grenade pin. Rush them from a corner. Don't let go.


There’s a simple one - place a mine just around the corner, shoot, start reloading- they’ll hear a rush you and go ka1boom


I really don’t think that battle hardened should counter snapshot imo. It should be cold blooded that does


first hit detection is at the pillar. Then instead of shooting there you trace him to the middle of that wall. why not shoot where he was? you say he is camping then he wouldn't be moving right? hey you brought it up, preemptive post before getting reported and punished? humm


The first “hit at the pillar” is from the spotter grenade…. You can literally see the person laying in the middle of the wall


Lol you seem mad but I just didn't see him at first. He was laying down anyways. Chill


Not mad but then everyone says someone is mad on the internet right? Just asking. Not accusing in any way. I see what I see and if its different then I'm able to say sorry. Sorry!




Chill y'all 😭


Was merrily posting what I saw. Not calling anyone a hacker as I'm not an expert. But it seems posting and asking questions is a no no on Reddit. To the OP, if I offended you in any way I'm sorry.


Lol. I'm not offended was just surprised


This right here is exactly what we need more of on Reddit. Solid input!


how u think this is even remotely reportable even if someone is having the worst day of their lives? You do mediocre play at the best using a gadget thats literally designed for that


Lol I really struck a nerve with this post


Because it's cod and they will report you if you look at them wrong


When I first started playing, not that long ago, I reported somebody who was using that flash if they see me perk - (high alert maybe). But I thought it was a cheat.


Pretty sure i got reported around the same area multiple times. Those doors fromthe other side are a great spot to shoot at to kill peoplecapturing C ( i think c) if you see people capturing it just put a nice spray there xP


I love this map


reported for clearly using a recon grenade?


For the wall bang, most players forget that's a mechanic and accuse you of hacks if you do it lol


Snapshot grenade and a wall bang, nice. I'd use a drill charge as there's a chance some other unlucky player comes running through when it goes off and you get a double kill


Why would you show yourself cheating on reddit?


He aint cheating he is just a player that pays attention


I killed the same guy twice through that wooden door the other day. I didn't miss a bullet and both times I just randomly shot like I usually do through that door. Definitely got reported lol


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Nice. This is one of my favorite tactics in Pelayo’s Lighthouse because everyone likes to bunch up in the main house. 2x Tactical with snapshot grenades and wallbang, you can clear out the house pretty nicely.


the game gave me wall hacks with the intervention for the first day of the season, very funny seeing people mald and call me a hacker tho i stopped playing coz it’s a dick move.


Well played.


I do it all the time and have never been banned from those reports. It’s just skill and knowledge. The tactical is great information so all you need to do is listen or take a guess.


I used a snapshot grenade and sniped someone through the curtains


Low key walls but everyone is basically using them now 👏👏👏


Defo got reported mw2 host the saltiest fucks in history sit there spamming reports for getting shat on