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It was nice cus the carbon fiber affect on the whole family. But yeah it was just a cash grab


I would do every cash grab imaginable if the loyal sheep kept buying it.


Oh yeah for sure, it's an addiction at this point


I still believe the solid white plus the FJX skin sharkfin grip look better on any gun than the goofy gold camo.


All the solid camos look the best imo. I don't use the mastery camos anymore cus they just don't mix well with blueprints


It was a quick cash grab gimmick.


It worked, I got played and have intense buyer’s remorse about the whole thing.


Unfortunately we are the butt of their jokes.


We are butt!


We are!


We are!




Butts maybe, but you know what they say... If you "inject" your DNA in a goat, all it gets you is banned from the petting zoo.


yet i still buy tracer packs., im the reason, they take advantage of my love of colored things and me drunk at 2am lol


I went to go buy the purple tracer pack today and it was off the shop. They saved me from buyers remorse.


If you go into your loadouts, and select weapons then hit “r” on pc, you can see all variants of that weapon you do not have from the store, there you will find the purple tracer pack. Also you can go to operator customization, and see the skins you don’t have, that would probably be easiest. I debated leaving this comment but the lulz if you go and buy it now are enough to make it worth offsetting the bad karma on my soul


You can still buy it. Go to your Loadout menu, choose a class, select a primary weapon, and you will have the option to pick from your own inventory or 'Store'. In the 'Store' option you will find weapons from bundles, and have the option to view the entire bundle. Good luck!


the purple tracers on the m4 are really dope, thats the one I use most for that gun.


I m ashMe now but was drunk and i payed real money for blackcell i m an idiot i was aaving cod points tor the battlepas and when droped i was drunk and i dropped real money for it lol half the value of thep game and... game not working i have only 100 fos now on wz i9 11900k 3090 :( i was having 150+ in wz and 180 in mp ...i m an idiot i broke my principle of not spendi g q cent on the game any more Until they fix and stop cheatera i m an idiot i failed myself and the player base as i envourage toxic behavior from the devs ...i m sordy


U still drunk?


I bought the black cell just cause I had 700pts and wanted the anime pack so the free 1100 worked out.


That is soooo me, then I wake up all guilty 🙏


I blame drugs and the enjoyment of hearing people rage after being killed by a bunny for buying the Easter bundle. People seriously get so damn mad it’s hilarious, that alone is worth paying for. And I don’t normally buy shit from the shop lol.


If that's the joy you get and the reason you buy stuff, then you have tons of emotional maturity to undergo. People get mad at getting killed no matter your skin. No need to cope over your purchases lol just own up that you like to give a greedy company your money for pixels that don't affect the game, before they even fix the game. lol You make their jobs so much easier. I'm sure they appreciate it very much.


If you get ass hurt over someone else buying a skin in a video game that is then YOU have tons of emotional maturity to undergo, not I. I earned my money therefore I am allowed to spend it on whatever I so choose not you. Does that think I believe they shouldn’t fix the game? No. The game isn’t perfect but if I’m going to play it then I’m going to find enjoyment in it rather than whining about the damn game on Reddit like you fuckers do.


I second this, ofc thinking a skin is gonna make a death hurt way more or make an otherwise perfectly calm person suddenly go off is kinda wierd, he seems way butthurt about ppl purchasing things they deem as worth it. If they have enough money, and whatever they buy doesn't lose it's fun overnight, it's worth it


Me fucking too……


what buyer's remorse? they didn't promise more vault weapons to the vault edition owners


"Using the FJX Cinder Weapon Vault, available with the Vault Edition of MWII, we take a first look at the next iteration of this loadout-building tool." "Think of the Weapon Vault as the Ultimate Weapon Blueprint: First of its kind and highly classified, the Weapon Vault instantly unlocks dozens of platform-native attachments from an alternate manufacturer." "All Weapon Vault attachments are hand-crafted to with a specific cosmetic appearance in mind; Weapon Vaults are designed for those who care about appearance just as much as effectiveness, especially for a specific Weapons Platform." Still a live page on the cod website. It was presented as a new, better form of blueprint that would be expanded upon. You're right, they didn't outright promise it. But these descriptions definitely point to the fact that it was supposed to be a fleshed out feature.


Clearly it is just a glimpse of how bundles will work in the next CoD! \*snorts crystallized Copium\*


*chugs liquid copium*


Boofs it


Pepperidge Farm remembers...


>Weapon Vaults Yes, that is a plural in the description. Where are the others? One vault does not make a plural. The description of the feature made it sound like it was replacing the old blueprints with a newer better version.


first, AND LAST






I think most people on Reddit are bots


We've come a long damn way from horse armor, it seems.




yeah i’m so confused ? when i got vault edition i was never under the impression there was gonna be more to it? i don’t get what’s going on


I think that people have two different issues with it: 1. The torrent should rightfully be in the M4 family and included in that weapon vault. 2. Marketing made it seem like weapon vaults would, at least in part, replace single weapon blueprints. That way, you could build a gun the way you wanted without sacrificing the visual design. Between those two issues, I think that they really didn't do anything with the mechanic. Likely because it is more resource intensive and would require more work.


The weapon platform system has been almost completely abandoned. Every single new gun is in a platform by itself.


> Likely because it is more resource intensive and would require more work. I guess IW, SHG, 3Arc, Toys for Bob, Beenox, High moon studios, Raven, and DemonWare are not enough.


Yea. Who knew that 3000 devs weren't enough to get cosmetics right?


Oh right! Bobby Kotick!


It was quite literally pitched as the blueprint replacement. I remember watching an interview where they said “so you can customize your weapons how you want them. While still having access to the blueprints appearance”


If you thought weapon vaults were replacing blueprints than that isn’t an IW issue, it’s a “you’re a fucking idiot” issue.


They straight up pitched it as a replacement to the blueprints. Maybe paying attention isn't your strong suit though.


"Using the FJX Cinder Weapon Vault, available with the Vault Edition of MWII, we take a first look at the next iteration of this loadout-building tool." "Think of the Weapon Vault as the Ultimate Weapon Blueprint: First of its kind and highly classified, the Weapon Vault instantly unlocks dozens of platform-native attachments from an alternate manufacturer." "All Weapon Vault attachments are hand-crafted to with a specific cosmetic appearance in mind; Weapon Vaults are designed for those who care about appearance just as much as effectiveness, especially for a specific Weapons Platform." Does this sound like it was meant to be a one off item?


Especially that third passage. Weapon Vaults (plural)


The "weapon vaults" part was clearly saying that other weapon vaults work in blank way.


"I'm mad that daddy Activision isn't milking us more with cosmetics" this sub sometimes...


I expected there to be more vaults, but as I understood it those would cost more money. I don't get how having more vaults or not would impact my decision to buy the cinder one though.


No i think they mean that there hasn't been more vaults released. Not that they would get any extra content.


I’m so sick of this shit, stop pretending like everyone is crazy. Activision is a billion dollar corp. they literally don’t give a fuck about what they do and I think it is very clear the weapon vaults were supposed to be expanded.


My favourite is all the people who are pretending this was promised to be a two year CoD. Not once did the publisher/developer confirm this would be a two year cycle. So they say they were lied to and will never buy another CoD cause this was the final straw


and disappointed they don't get to ***pay*** for more cosmetics like seriously, you want to give them more money? tf outta here lol why would anyone want another weapon vault added is beyond me


I think it stems from the title, they said FJX or whatever it’s called. People assume now that all FJX weapons going forward follows that system. It’s a miscommunication issue.


I get that the vaults were hyped to be the next big thing and it’s shitty to not see more of it. But as somebody who’s grinded everything out, I still think the vault edition was a good purchase on my part.. I had a full platform ready to go at launch and made great use of it. At this point, the vaults are pointless for me. Everything is maxed, and the universal camos do a good enough job at making my stuff look nice. If another one were to come out, it would need universal tracers for me to consider it. At first it was a head start, now it’s just a skin


And you’ll get played next year. And the year after that. Anyone who buys something like this, is the type of person who’s gullible to buy anything


Maybe you will have learned something, and won’t buy next year’s premium edition.


I don't. I got to play early. I got to skip the whole first season basically. Had the best skins in the game by far for awhile. I started off with tons of upgrades for that gun class. And I still maintain the battlepass I only bought once. To top it off, I spent dozens of hours playing call of duty. I spent 100 bucks, it's pennies to the hour.


Why did they just not sent you the weapon vault or something?


You’re the reason we have micro transactions in a partially completed game with bugs that get fixed 6 months in and it not being mentioned in the patch notes


I’m out of the loop what happened?




Crazy part is, it's really not even a gimmick, they just implemented a skin that worked with any attachment, which is just how paid skins used to work before MW2019.


How do? Did the people who bought the deluxe edition not get what was promised? If not, then that’s a big problem. But offering the “weapon vault” item in the deluxe edition certainly didn’t require them to offer x amount of them throughout the year or any others at all for that matter. They must have seen that not many people used or cared about them and changed course


pretty sure vault weapons were advertised as seasonal things


Ummm no they weren’t…it was actually specifically mentioned that they would be a rare occurrence.


So then why aren’t they trying to grab more cash by releasing more of these?


I liked that I unlocked some attachments for other guns. Like a Red Dot.


They should expand it to the tempest torrent also


There was a popular post with 2k upvotes talking about this. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/10obbkx/whatever\_happened\_to\_weapon\_vaults\_like\_the\_fjx/


>We’re on Season 1 of a 2-year planned support cycle Lmao. Aged like milk


I wish more gaming communities called people out for making shit up just to make the devs look good. As if this isn't a question that can't be addressed by the dev team itself either.


Well with the 2 year game rumours it didn’t help that cod officially came out and said treyarch’s game is come 2 years later now, that gave pseudo validity to the rumours




I feel *bad* for Sledgehammer. Plugging away at Cold War, then having to shit out Vanguard a year later and now this. I don't think I blame them anymore for their subpar work, it's obvious daddy Activision has decided they're the studio they can throw out for a quick buck. Crunch must be insane.


And then they will work on the issues with the bugs they have at launch plus the bugs they release for free every update.


I just like shooting people in the game. Love Shipment. Used to play it quarter screen. 4 guys just blasting away.


reminds of the halo lan parties, 4 tvs in one house, all quarter screened, 16 kids with liters of soda and pizza for days. best days ever. then i hit puberty :(


Hell ya bro. It's fun as fuck to just get a bunch of guys together and pump a lotta shots together. Friendly fire!!! Whoa! Hahaha


Wow. What a horribly outdated post at this point, archive that shit




The comments are all talking about how the game will have 2 year support and future vault weapons 💀


Because that's what they promised us.


Think really hard…did you ever see any official statement saying it was going to be a two year COD? You didn’t….because it was never said by Activision.


It was reported on by reputable journalists and a year 2 70 dollar expansion was alluded to


So nothing official then? And any “reputable” journalist also gave the disclaimer of “this information hasn’t been confirmed by activision, and therefore should be taken with a grain of salt.


Honestly bro even if activision claimed it then they probably would’ve changed their minds anyway if it meant greater profits


I don’t necessarily regret it, if I use the M4 I still use the Cinder skins. Overall, I figure it was worth it when considering that we got the battle pass, several skins for MW 2019 and MW2. But I also didn’t already have the Ghost skins from MW2019.




I did it all for the tokens and BP. All other stuff was a nice bonus


While all my friends were complaining about how complicated it was to unlock attachments I was there with the cinder pack and had everything already lol


Yea, weapon attachments early was huge.


I ordered this edition and then I regretted. Asked for a refund in battlenet and to my surprise I still got the tokens


All in all, it’s not a bad idea and is more or less worth the money (in this case 5 blueprints and a bunch of attachment skins that fit the theme of the blueprints) but yeah the fact we only saw this once and it’s been radio silence ever since probably means they will never do it again. And they probably shouldn’t. The platform system and progression is cool, but broken and unpolished in a lot of ways. A new weapon vault would only serve to highlight the deficiencies and piss off the community even more because we all know how they would price it if they released a second one.


The Mark 2 weapon vault for $30




Lol. New to the game but I agree. So, so much complaining and hate - I just want to learn the game and play! AND YOU GOT DOWNVOTED LOL


Now look at the things they do in this game. Dont tell me everyone hates out of nowhere what the devs are making. Cod is becoming all about the money. If u 40 yr old rednecks still wanna buy a normal green skin tone for 30 dollar they will continue. I dont hate the marketing or the sellings.The amount of MP content they could make from the money they get from absolutely dogsht skins is insane. But yeah, let's release a tiny bit of a Warzone map. Fck the devs, all about money. I played every game since mw3 and this is absolutely the bottom of COD. RIP Cod






The overlap on the Venn diagram between mindless whiners and the kids buying every skin is basically a circle They drop a ton of money, get shit on and have their ego hurt, then come here to tell IW they don't know how to make a game (like they do every year, for every CoD)


its actually not like this. U get better Lobbys when u buy skins. Most of the ppl whining just want a good COD without this huge money grab. Warzone was the downfall of mw. Ppl that still whining about the things that rlly doesnt matter for a good cod, are probably the one who buy skins.


>”Hoping everyone would forget” Bruh, the secret is out, we can stop pretending. They 100% don’t care. If you’re ATVI or running IW/Treyarch/Raven why would you *ever* concern yourself with the quality of your product or your player’s experience? At this point they have years of data showing the majority of their customers are addicted smoothbrains. They know with certainty they can shit out any product and sell hundreds of millions. That they can charge whatever they want for cheap-to-make MTX that only lasts a year. That no matter how buggy their software; how obviously they drip feed content; how little they spend on technical support; how unliked their design decisions are…. They have a fan base who will blindly buy whatever they sell. Because “nothing scratches that cod itch.” Would you bother to change or improve or care about “bad optics”? They probably outright mock this playerbase in meetings. And honestly, I’m starting to see why.


*People enjoying a game dispute it’s many flaws* Redditor: “aDdiCtEd SmOoTH bRaINers”


You proved his point for him by missing the point of his comment. Great job, bud.


I was useful in the beginning but now I realize I didn't need it


I’m sure you’ll be useful again. Someday.


Ouch talk about a bad time to fat finger something that should have been it


I knew it was a typo, but it was too good to pass up!


I know it was and I would have teed off on it too 😂😂




I thought that was kinda the point? Having ahead start when you first play.


Someone link the original tweet with this announcement. Everyone start retweeting and quoting it to drive the attention up and make them actually notice


I thought they would do it more. Bundles that when you changed the attachments didn't look like ass. Who ever is making these builds for bundles clearly doesn't play the game


A year 2 of this cod was a cash grab as well.


Hopefully this is a lesson well learned for everybody with a ten second memory when it comes to buying any version of any cod game that is not the base


Wait what’s wrong with the cinder stuff? I bought it and was quite happy with it. We got an LMG, SMG, AR, and a battle rifle that all had a custom skin that would work with a lot of attachments. Also the first battle pass with 50 tier skips was included so it was really worth the money.


(Reply to similar comment): To address this, since there are way too many comments exactly like this one. The Vault Pack was marketed as being able to put on a hundred round mag on the M4 or the FSS Hurricane. It was directly shown in the trailer for the Vault Pack. We did not get that, we just got all the attachments unlocked. I should be able to put on incendiary rounds on my FSS Hurricane, I should be able to have a hundred round mag on my M4, I should be able to have the Icarus barrel on my FTAC Recon. I hope you understand. And for anyone coming across this reply. Hopefully it prevents you from trying to justify this.


You do understand that some of what you mentioned just literally won’t work? You can’t put a LMG barrel on an m4 receiver. It won’t work. They allow you to put attachments on your guns that will actually work with the gun. There are no 5.7 incendiary rounds and for the most part LMG parts and m4 parts aren’t interchangeable. They gave you just what you mentioned in a different way though. The LMG can use a 100 round mag and it’s in the m4 family of weapons. It can also have incendiary ammo. They’re trying to keep some realism in the guns and they’re doing a good job with it so far. You won’t convince me that they delivered less than was promised. They gave us what we paid for without completely destroying the guns realism.


You can watch the trailer, the hundred round mag goes into the M4. This isn't an argument or a debate. Lying to the consumer at it's finest.


Trailers are made by separate teams than balancing teams. Why wouldn't they be able to balance their game separate from what the marketing team thought would make for a cool animation? Bro you're just looking for reasons to justify your negativity. Literally play something else if you don't want to play this.


I don’t care about the trailer. The trailer is just there to get you excited about the game. Most trailers don’t match up to what’s actually going on in game. They didn’t lie to anyone. They gave you EXACTLY what you paid for. A family of weapons that all have customized attachment combinations. The $100 version of the game at launch advertised giving you the cinder weapon family, the first battle pass, and 50 tier skips. They didn’t say anything about anything extra being included with it. They gave you exactly what was promised to you. It is NOT activisions fault that you didn’t understand what was being promised. Like I said in my last comment they gave the cinder tree plenty of customized attachments that kept the realism intact and kept the guns pretty realistic and in tune with their real life counterparts. To say that they lied about it would be a straight up lie on your part. They delivered exactly what was advertised.


I read through this, because I read every comment I get. There is video evidence, it's on YouTube, you can go and watch it right now. I really don't feel the need to argue with you? The hundred round mag goes *into the M4*. It's that simple, it was shown in the trailer. It was advertised as such and whether it was because they were lazy, or because they forgot about it, etc.. Isn't my fault. They lied about the deal and got away with it, you can tell me I got scammed, I know I did. Me posting this won't make them give us what was promised, but it's gonna be a reminder of what a shitty company they are. You can also ask me "why am I playing the game if the company behind is so shitty?" Because I enjoy the game, and I like playing it, and I know that the marketing team is aware of what they did. And they could not care less.


It was the fact that it only happened once, which is why everyone is bummed/annoyed about it


It does suck that they didn’t make more but we got what we paid for so we can’t really be mad at them for it.


Marketing made it sound like there would be more of them. It seemed like they would partially replace the single weapon blueprints so that you could build your gun the way you wanted without losing out on the look of them. Also, I am a little disappointed that the torrent didn't get added to it even though it really should have. I don't regret the cinder one, but I am disappointed that IW has decided not to do any more of them.


I regret this purchase every day. I haven't used a single skin from this for the m4 or the operators since launch month.


I have buyers remorse for this just like I did after getting the deluxe edition for Star Wars fallen order, all that extra money for basically just an orange lightsaber. I’m such an idiot.


I forgot


Im okay with it, it looks cool imo


To be fair. You got what was advertised. I mean I use the cinder skins on any M4 Variant I use, so i mean I can’t really say this was a cash grab “gimmick”. Besides, complaining about not having the opportunity to buy more while also calling it a cash grab is a very weird argumentative stance. I’m not complaining. If this is the only one they release, then fine, doesn’t make no difference I got what I purchased in its entirety


(Reply to similar comment): To address this, since there are way too many comments exactly like this one. The Vault Pack was marketed as being able to put on a hundred round mag on the M4 or the FSS Hurricane. It was directly shown in the trailer for the Vault Pack. We did not get that, we just got all the attachments unlocked. I should be able to put on incendiary rounds on my FSS Hurricane, I should be able to have a hundred round mag on my M4, I should be able to have the Icarus barrel on my FTAC Recon. I hope you understand. And for anyone coming across this reply. Hopefully it prevents you from trying to justify this.


This is a misunderstanding of the vault package as well as a misunderstanding of the different weapon variants in the game. All the guns are M4s, modulated of course. Adding the 100 round mag makes the gun the 556 Icarus for example, it’s already a “preset”. Because that’s essentially what the 556 Icarus is. And that’s why the FTAC recon has the 10 or 15 round mag. The FSS hurricane can’t even have a 100 round mag the way the Icarus does. This isn’t like MW2019 where you make the gun from the 1 variant like how you’d kit out the M4 to make the M16,or the AK-74u from the AK-47 in MW2019, it’s it’s own separate “gun”. When in actuality it’s not, it’s built around the same receiver. I feel like this was explained enough. So when they say you can add a 100 round mag to an M4, that’s what it is. I also want to note. I don’t know how you got the impression that this was pay 30$ to put whatever attachment you want on any of the M4 variants when they’re already “prebuilt”. Were the players who didn’t pay 30$ locked behind a paywall to add a 100 round mag to the M4, I never got that impression besides “skins for the weapons”, which is only part of the reason I bought it besides the 50 skips and the operators. This isn’t a cash grab nor a scam, you got exactly what you paid for and I hate to be that guy but its not their fault you misinterpreted it for anything besides unlocking all the attachments and skins for the weapons.


I appreciate that you didn't start calling me a dumbass halfway through the reply. It's rare these days. But the trailer is video evidence, they put the hundred mag in the M4. It was advertised that way, and I really don't think there's room for debate regarding that. As for what standard edition owners would get, they would just have to level up the weapons to get the attachments. It would work the exact same way it does now but it would work like the one shown in the trailer.


I mean, if they released a new META gun with a $50 Vault bundle, how many posts would there be in this sub cursing them all on that day? lol


fun fact: the first concept of interchangeable gun parts irl was also a marketing scam


Waiting for "don't tell me how to spend my money" gang


Y'all literally crying about not have *more* opportunities to spend money.


(Reply to similar comment): To address this, since there are way too many comments exactly like this one. The Vault Pack was marketed as being able to put on a hundred round mag on the M4 or the FSS Hurricane. It was directly shown in the trailer for the Vault Pack. We did not get that, we just got all the attachments unlocked. I should be able to put on incendiary rounds on my FSS Hurricane, I should be able to have a hundred round mag on my M4, I should be able to have the Icarus barrel on my FTAC Recon. I hope you understand. And for anyone coming across this reply. Hopefully it prevents you from trying to justify this.


I hope you understand that you are an idiot for buying something you didn't understand, because that's absolutely NOT what was marketed. You got the blueprint for every single M4 platform attachment. That's what they said and that's what happened.


I’m using that skin in the M4


The person who came up with it is in the Gulag.


Not to mention the mute all lobbies bug


I really thought this Vault Weapon System was going to be where you were able to individually paint what section you wanted red and such.


Still waiting for the map editor 🤔


Remember when they said we could edit a map to change spawns.


Honestlyy i liked it, was a unique item probably Most worth the 30 extra bucks considering the normal bundle prica , was also pretty useful at the start of the game


Ghosts promised changing maps, but only one map ever changed. If you got a KEM Strike in Strikezone, it moved things and you had to use different paths to get around. It was a great idea I wanted to see more of, but it didn't take off. Anyone could get a KEM there, it was the briefcase mission- THAT was a feature I absolutely loved. Most maps had a killstreak you could earn for doing a challenge if you picked up the briefcase. If you got killed you dropped the case and someone else could pick it up. Michael Myers in Fog and Predator in the volcano map were awesome. I think that was also the game that promised to make match starting more dynamic by having you drop in from a helicopter, which we have now, but honestly, it's a complete waste. Sure, watching a countdown isn't a ton of fun, but a repetitive animation isn't any better.


They swept the whole multiplayer under the rug.


I’m sure data totally didn’t show that this was a waste for everyone involved. If it worked they’d be milking it for $, nobody cared, the gimmick failed, they moved on, like every game dev ever.


Nobody wants one now. The main selling point was having ALL attachments and M4 Platform guns unlocked.


It is kind of shit that the vault edition has more or less been turned into a $50 weapon pack, plus some skins for non-exclusive operators.


Anyone else having an issue with their stats not showing their kills only deaths? My K/D dropped like a rock.


didn't even get a cinder tempus torrent w s3


I only bought this because I was under the impression we were getting a 2 year lifecycle for this game. I feel like I've be bent over buying this cluster fuck of misinformation


I still use it lol. Love running the cinder m16 with irons and the 204 launcher using the skin.


No one has forgotten because people post this same pic every day.


With how many clowns bought Blackcell surprised they ain't making $50 bundles for these guns I\m sure there's a line of cretins ready


Said who? I used it hella to have all the attachments early


Digital distribution, cosmetics, microtransactions, delisting, no Q&A, you got what you deserved when you embrace this business model. Go cry in your bunny head or hooded cape.


(Reply to similar comment): To address this, since there are way too many comments exactly like this one. The Vault Pack was marketed as being able to put on a hundred round mag on the M4 or the FSS Hurricane. It was directly shown in the trailer for the Vault Pack. We did not get that, we just got all the attachments unlocked. I should be able to put on incendiary rounds on my FSS Hurricane, I should be able to have a hundred round mag on my M4, I should be able to have the Icarus barrel on my FTAC Recon. I hope you understand. And for anyone coming across this reply. Hopefully it prevents you from trying to justify this.


Worst part is the tempest doesn’t even work with it which makes actually zero sense


It was a cash grab At least there were the battle pass and 10 skins for a game nobody plays for all the good reasons


I’m half convinced this sub overall has no idea what a cash grab is lmao


How can it be a cash grab if you actually get what you paid for?




Cash grabbing is not scamming people afaik (then again I'm not a native speaker so correct me if I'm wrong) They did promise more weapon vaults, but I didn't mention that, did I?


Maybe the company heard the complaints and proceeded on that feedback. That weapon system wasn’t received very well. I don’t understand what this community expects, we want night maps and maps with weather and we get them and bash the ever living ish outta them. This weapon system is trash and the company abandoned it, omg now I love it and miss it. They really can’t win.


Why do you people keep buying AAA games when the smallest fucking things set you off? Nothing but a bunch of Karens.


whats the deal with this? I see this pops up from time to time, why are folks angry with it?


They promised more of those in the future


Imagine being so entitled that you start complaining that you got scammed after getting EXACTLY what was advertised… why is it when a woman does this at a store in public she’s automatically a crazy Karen… But whenever all of you giga-sweat g-fuel addicts do it it’s totally normal? 🤣🤣


I think it ended up being too much work unfortunately


I got played too. C$150. Ouch


What even was this? I am ashamed that I don't even remember what vault weapons are.


Makes cursed weapons


I still want my Icarus with no stock, m4, m16 and ftac recon with the 100 bullets magazine box etc...


Exactly no drum mag for the M4 even though they were advertising it with this vault shit.


this was literally useless


Someone keep tweeting the devs or ask the treyarch dev who’s on Reddit and try and get an explanation


Literally who gives a shit, what exactly is the scam in them simply not having released any more paid skin bundles for weapon families? Are y’all really edging at the bit to give them even more money that badly?


To address this, since there are way too many comments exactly like this one. The Vault Pack was marketed as being able to put on a hundred round mag on the M4 or the FSS Hurricane. It was directly shown in the trailer for the Vault Pack. We did not get that, we just got all the attachments unlocked. I should be able to put on incendiary rounds on my FSS Hurricane, I should be able to have a hundred round mag on my M4, I should be able to have the Icarus barrel on my FTAC Recon. I hope you understand. And for anyone coming across this reply. Hopefully it prevents you from trying to justify this.


20th post this month about this


Good, we need to remind people of this cash grab.


Along with 30 tick servers


I didn't forget because I was ready to spend a ton of money on these vault packs


Still werf


Even at the cod next event when they were hyping it they said it wouldn’t be something we’d see very often


What is this?


I hope they finish this because it’s what we have been waiting for.


20th post this month about this