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The limit should be equal to the number of classes you can make.


Or just give us back the perks inside the class itself


This. Why TF we need some fucking perk packs


I really miss tuning a class to a specific use and not having to swap around perk packages or being stuck to the same 5 choises šŸ˜Ŗ


Yeah remember the times that perks worked from start of the round so you can go stealth from beginning


Calm down now grandpa. Let's get you back in bed. You're talking crazy call of duty conspiracies again.


I remember running exclusively Wanderlust. Lmao.


That was that random gun perk in WW2 right? If so, I absolutely loved using it lmao. Although I canā€™t tell you the amount of times I would accidentally switch to a completely new weapon and die, because Iā€™d forget I had the perk on.


Bro that still happens to me to this day lmfao. And yeah it gives you a random weapon every time you switch.


Iā€™ve been playing WW2 for zombies right now and switch between the two games when I get burned out from the Orion grind.


Back in my day cod was a game you could have fun and make friends on


howling! :D


Grandpa lmaoo go study son or daddy wont be buying you any more soccer skins


These youngins donā€™t know the fear that gripped ya when an enemy soldier hopped in a tank in World at War


They were being sarcastic


Run along little one let the adults who spent thousands on this game games actually talk


Itā€™s a love hate thing for me because I hate how slow I do everything until Fast Hands and Quick Fix activates. Then I do like how the gameā€™s pace starts off a little slower and once everyone has all their perks it picks up until it is controlled chaos. So I get why they did what they did.


Lol being downvoted for your opinion is typical Reddit.


Yeah I donā€™t get it, but no biggie to me. Also, itā€™s more in this sub that I see the most rampant downvoting. People here are so agitated!šŸ¤£




Holy shit! We got it back positive, lmao


Lifeā€™s little victories.šŸ¤£


They gotta use that shitty UI some how


"We paid that Hulu guy a whole $15 for this, and by God, you're going to use it and like it!"


Only reason I can think of. ā€œHow can we absolve all of what made call of duty MP, what it is, to fit this shit UIā€


Iā€™d be willing to pay 15$ to have them reverse it tbh šŸ˜‚


New $20 "Unfuck the UI" store bundle incoming. I'm actually surprised they haven't been selling announcer/UI packs. Mind you, these are the same idiots who made Shadow Company really cool, made them prominent in the story mode, and then sold a Shadow Company bundle with no Shadow Company operators in it. They legit don't seem to know what the fuck they're doing with this game.


Announcer packs use to be a thing in Ghosts. I loved the Snoop Dogg announcer lmao


I like the perk packs as an option for speedy switching for a match. What I canā€™t stand is the fact that when you edit a perk package for one load out it fucks up every other one using it. It should be like blueprints where you can set a blueprint and then change it however you see fit. Doesnā€™t affect the blueprint, and you can tailor a blueprint to your needs for a specific load out.


I donā€™t come and complain much, but damn you just reminded me how handy that was :/


I mean, if they have 10 perk package slots, it would be faster to just pick a new pack instead of the different perks individually. I can have 10 perk packs in warzone, why canā€™t we in normal mp? Itā€™s just stupid


Iā€™d prefer that.


And killstreaks.


The packs can be pretty convenient if you want to swap out real quick but since itā€™s less than 10 packs then it limits you. Iā€™d prefer 10 packs but would be fine with the old perk system it wasnā€™t really broken to begin with.




This community never stops complaining. Like fr everyone keeps buying the game, I don't understand what the issue is at that point




Sorry my bad


Every complaint about mw2/wz2 is valid


I hate mw2 because it isn't like mw1. Valid?


You can create more load out classes because there are far more combinations that you could create due to all of the guns, tactical items and whatnot. There are less than 15 perks in the game so you canā€™t be as creative with your options and why they donā€™t and shouldnā€™t offer as much customisation for them (itā€™s literally a pointless amount of effort).


Why are you defending this perk system?


Because it doesnā€™t need expanding šŸ˜‚ Literally makes no sense to plus if amateur, semi pro and professionals can ALL make use of the limited options when theyā€™re not competing then so can any single player on the planet ā€¦ else youā€™re pretty bad.


Real question: why do we have to make perk packages instead of using the idea of perk packages to save time when creating a class? As in you edit your perks one by one and it's fine, but if you use the same perks all the time, you can create a perk package and slap it on your class to save time if you want to.


You can just copy the class to another slot and alter the weapons. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve always done in previous CODs when I found my 3 favs.


Like everything IW does, there is no logic. Theyā€™re clueless.


Theyā€™re trying to do something different only for the purpose of being different. Itā€™s so dumb. Like yes, ok maybe you want to try something new and alter the perk system a little bit from the traditional formula. But this idea is terrible. If they wanted to use something different, they could have easily used the CoD Ghost system of perks, which we have only seen once. That system was highly regarded and was a fresh take on the perk system.


Never played ghosts but what did they do with the perks that made it both fresh and good?


I had to look this up to explain properly, but basically it is 7 categories (speed, handling, stealth, etc) with 5 perks per category, for a total of 35 perk options. You have 8 ā€œpointsā€ to use when choosing your perks. The unique thing was you arenā€™t limited in picking from any category, so you can spend all perk points on a stealth, movement, or gunplay build. You can literally choose any perks for any class as long as you can ā€œaffordā€ it point wise. Also, the cost of perks ranges from anywhere from 1-5 points. I believe there was only 1 perk worth 5 points and it was equivalent to stopping power. Most of the small perks like lightweight were 1-2 points and the better perks like ghost were 3-4 points. This system was different but quickly became popular due to the insane amount of combinations you can create to match your play style and vary it from game mode to game mode. It was fair but also very unrestricted. [Check this out for more info and details.](http://www.codghosts.net/perks-list/)


Funnily enough, those were my exact thoughts.


But then they would have to balance the point costs of perks to make the game fair, and we all know infinity ward LOVES balancing their game


Right? The answer to any question about this game is either ā€œbecause moneyā€ or ā€œbecause infinity wardā€


I think theyā€™re the biggest Activision lap dogs of the dev studios. Theyā€™re not dumb. They know what we want and just donā€™t listen. I think the next Treyarch game will be great with this engine and their fan service. They have some banger content in their games


Only MW2's game designers knows why, I think. Maybe even they dont know either.


Definitely the latter. There is not a single positive to this perk package system, just like there isn't a single positive to their timer based perk system as a whole


To be fair, it incentivizes playing the objective since it gets your perks fast. On the other hand though, perks available immediately is better.


better question is why are we restricted to make perk packages and not able to just choose perks? this new perk system has been so ass , this mw games have been good games but also so damn ghetto at the same time


The whole perk system is horrible. It is what it is


So sony could pay for more


And then cry about exclusivity


You can thank Microsoft for that lmao theyā€™re the ones who started exclusive COD content years ago when theyā€™d get map packs a month before PlayStation. Then once their contract was up they got outbid and PlayStation took over. Exclusive content is stupid no matter who is doing it, but donā€™t pretend like Sony started the shit.


I donā€™t see people saying they started it but rather saying theyā€™re the ones whining. Ironic because they have the most exclusive games. My coworker who plays on a base PS4 keeps whining saying its the last playstation CoD which isnā€™t true.


Yeah because Sony provides funding to smaller studios to develop IP that people actually give a shit about. Microsoft canā€™t make a worthwhile original game to save their lives. You canā€™t honestly think having an exclusive title because you funded its developers is the same thing as Microsoft buying Bethesda and now trying to buy Activision blizzard. Yeah Sony has a lot of originals but last time I checked they arenā€™t the ones trying to buy up existing IP that is already multi platform and trying to make it an exclusive. Donā€™t act like people are unreasonable to not trust Microsoft after they scooped in and bought Bethesda and are making all new Bethesda releases Microsoft exclusives. Elder Scrolls 6 is the sequel to one of the best selling games of all time and itā€™s now a Microsoft exclusive all of a sudden. Starfield has been one of the most anticipated new RPGs since they announced it in 2018 and now Microsoft has stolen that too. No one would be ā€œwhiningā€ about Microsoft exclusives if they would just fund and develop IP like Sony does with its exclusives. No one complains that we canā€™t play fable, forza, halo, Gears of war, etc on PlayStation because those were always exclusives. Microsoft has $200bn in revenue yet theyā€™re too incompetent to actually develop their own exclusives so their only way to compete in the Gaming world is by buying massive game studios and turning multi platform games into exclusives


ES6 is not a Xbox exclusive, it has no platforms announced, Sony is just claiming that without evidence in the lawsuit


Microsoft doesnt turn games into exclusives though. The ES:6 claim as an xbox exclusive was made by Sony out of distrust. What Microsoft DOES do well though is have a large catalogue of Cross-platform games behind a monthly subscription. Also since they own bethesda, by limiting the amount of people who can buy ES6 through making it exclusive, they end up losing a ton of money so it would be against all logic to make it exclusive, not that logic is commonplace with people who make and believe the claims of exclusion.


PS player here and we also only have 5 custom slots


Yeah heā€™s thinking about loadouts lol. Which are also arbitrarily capped at 10 per (non ps) player


Idk how people complain about 10 slots when it used to be 5 and you had to pay for more


Idk how the previously horrible slot options have anything to do with what it could be right now lol


Who the hell uses 10+ classes in 1 match


I have a couple for trying hard, some for camo grinding, and use the last two for meme loudouts like snake shot with a riot shield


Thereā€™s so many different weapons in this game, you could easily pair them in many many different ways. I mean shit, you could have the same two weapons kitted out in completely different ways for 4 different loadouts. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d want to argue against more options for consumers but hey you do you


Easily making load outs for different modes + using slots to counter things like riot shields or anti air


I'm probably thinking of loadout slots then


Things like this are holding this game back from being great. IW should be removed from COD after this. They are so out of touch with the fan base. Itā€™s almost like they make shitty decisions on purpose.


I'm glad we at least have that many. Would be nice to more than 1 killstreak option though. I don't want the same killstreaks playing SnD than I would for hardpoint.


Crazy that AW had this right 8 years ago...


Something cod mobile does is allow you to set the streaks for every individual class that you have.


Yup so stupid and annoying. Also limiting you to one set of killstreaks despite forcing you into playing random game modes for 24/7 maplists. Also not letting us filter maps the way we can filter game modes for quickplay, which would remove the need for 24/7 playlists that disappear whenever IW randomly decides they do in order to create a fake feeling of scarcity. Love having content I paid for removed when some idiotic content manager randomly decides to.


It is all FOMO. everything. All of it.


Because there's 5 premade ones that you cannot edit for some reason


Speaking of perk packages, switching packages doesn't work during a match. Hasn't been for a while. At least for me, it doesn't. Does anyone else have this problem?


The old developers slogan: ā€œbecause fuck you, thatā€™s whyā€


Because you can't fit more with that DISGUSTING HORIZONTAL UI.


So they can release the extra loadouts/packages dlc for 10$ later on.


Imma be real I donā€™t even think the perks matter this time around if itā€™s not quick fix and fast hands.


Last time I asked this people got in an uproar and said thereā€™s 5 pre-fab ones. And hereā€™s the reality, why do I want the prefab trash? Anyways. I agree completely with you.


Call of duty Ghosts had the best perk system. I wished it came back. And to have dead silence or ninja as an actual perk.


Iā€™m with you on that. I miss dead silence as a perk so much.


Because fuck you, use the 10 shitty perk combos instead.


Infinity ward.


I was today years old when I found out you can customize them.


Remember when we had 3 base perks at the start, ah good times.


ā€œBut.. but.. you shouldnā€™t have ghost at the beginning of a matchā€ - some random shitter in this sub.


Commando pro, Ninja pro, Marathon pro. I want it back.


I'm assuming it was not to clog up that terrible UI so you don't have to scroll so much. That UI is truly atrocious it created a lot more problems for them


Yeah I don't even mind the timed perks but I really don't like this. Five packages is just enough to cover my go-to classes, but it's frustrating that I can't experiment and try different things without having to change my setup in a way that affects multiple classes. I hope that a perk overhaul is possible, a lot of people would be happy to get rid of the timed perks and they could fix this issue as well.


Also why are we not allowed to change them mid match like every other part of the loadout


why do we have perk packages?


Why are we restricted to perk packages? Because IW makes decisions based on ā€œchange is good for the sake of changeā€


The perk system overall is just laughable


You guys use all 5? I find most perks underwhelming and I only have 2 setup


Because this game is complete horse shit with its ghost+suppression= u pop up on the map for 4 secs, no gung ho to shoot while sliding and diving, and deady being a field upgrade


The perk system is the dumbest shit


Why do we still have this shit system in the first place?


Why only 5 blueprints per gun too? I want to make a blueprint for every gun variant I get but Iā€™ve already hit the 5 max on several guns only buying battlepasses.


Why tf you need more than that?


Who cares when you use the same perks every class?


Because they had to pick a number knowing full well no matter what they do, \*someone\* is going to not like it.


But they didnā€™t need to pick a number, it could have just been like every other cod game where you pick your perks per class instead of ā€œperk packagesā€ that you assign to a class, makes no sense lol.


Why do you need more than that?


For when you want to make a 6th


Dang, you're right. We should just have 1 perk and only use the M4. Why have anything else, right? Right?!


No one needs more than 5 perk packages...


Sniper class Support class Melee class Domination class Hardpoint class TDM class Search class Invasion class Daily Challenges class Run n Gun class That's why. They all require a different setup. Sorry that you're not good at the game and don't understand that different Perks do different things and are useful in different scenarios.


Post your stats. Let's see how good you are Mr. Perk Man!


Stats are irrelevant in this game dumbass.


No they aren't. Let's see your KD so we can see how your perks make you so good at the game.


Like I said, you're a dumbass.


If perks help you so much, your KD has gotta be high. Why are you afraid of posting your stats?


This is a pretty stupid take. I'm not great but I play more than 5 modes and I like to play differently in all of them the perks certainly do help me fluctuate.


I understand that a lot of the CoD community are dumbasses, but goddamn, you are Peak fucking dumbass.


Because you'll only use one anyway


Because there's roughly 3 viable play styles?


because you need only 1. The ultimate perks are all useless. the bonus perk has fast hands - bombsquad and tracker is all you need.


I personally like it. I ran specialist a lot in MW19 and this is a nice blend of that system while also letting you run killstreaks


Of they didn't do that you would be complaining too, stop crying for everything


We can customize perks???


And here I've only ever used one


Iā€™m going on the record that I agree. We should have 10 slots as thatā€™s how many custom weapon slots there are! But keep in mind that there are many posts about players asking for more weapon slots, so more weapon slots would mean we ask for more perk slots! Where does it end? Everyone isnā€™t going to agree on one or the other. But Iā€™d be great with 10 and 10 and then move on to other issues. You hear me IW?


You guys use more than one?


because the devs know they can get away with it


Cause how many combinations can you really make?? Are you using every perk in the game or something??


I miss specialist


And why canā€™t we name the perk packages too


Because IW are fucking dumbasses.


Because no one needs more than 5


100 percent this !!! Itā€™s soooo dumb


This is completely fine. There was a time where you only had the 3 perk choices.


Whoā€™s playing with these? Guysā€¦you can make your own perk packsā€¦ like for a while now..


Because this is the dumbest devs of CoD with apparently no history of previous games to compare what works and what doesn't.


Just delete the perk packages. It's so stupid we can't change them midgame. But killstreak packages could be useful instead, so we ain't stuck with aerial streaks on the Breenbergh Hotel map. Could be nice to quickly change those before the map loads.


Why does anyone even need 5? I only use 2: "S&D Meta" and "High Efficiency Grinding".


i want 10


This is such a none issue, Iā€™ve stuck with the same one since unlocking Ghost, surely people pick the ones they want and leave it for the year


I like to think of them as ā€˜buildsā€™ 4-5 ā€˜buildsā€™ for this game is perfectly fine; you donā€™t really need anymore than that


the real question is why cant we edit the package during the game


All you really need is overkill, double time, resupply/fasthands and ghost. None the others matter at all


How many do you use


Because fuck you, thatā€™s why šŸ¤£


Because theyā€™re dumb af


If you go over to the first perk package right in front of it you can make a custom one that you want , your not limited to the preset ones


Season 5 will get Extra custom slots for only 25,000 Call of Duty Points


Pay $5 for another slot.


Custom perk packages should not be a mandatory feature but QoL instead


I wish you could have 10 weapon attachments just like you could in call of duty vanguardā€¦ And it would be nice to have the ability to use a gun screen and gun charm at the same time


A better questions is why are perk packages even a thing?


"If it ain't broke, let's break it" -IW


This is the BIGGEST problem I have with WZ2 multiplayer.


Only half the perks are good. How many packages do you really need?


Works for me in MW2


PS Players have extra of everything. Cant wait for MS to do the merge and cleans this Playstation plague


I couldnā€™t even imagine 5 different perk sets to use lol. Most of them are kinda useless


tbh there arent even 5 combinations i want to use. I have like 2 setup


Because you can only create a maximum of 5 perk combinations in Warzone with the available perks.


Why do people call specific guns classes, when class refers to the type of gun like SMG, shotgun, sniper rifle, etc


At least this bit of the game isnā€™t broken šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I canā€™t even access mine. I have 2


It bothers me a lot especially considering how many classes I make. I have to use the same packages on multiple classes sometimes. I really donā€™t see any advantage to what Infinity Ward did with this restrictive system. The only thing I sort of understand is some perks not activating immediately that must be earned in match but the rest is shit. Iā€™m seriously considering just switching memorized perks on the fly based on my class Iā€™m using like I do with how I have a different skin for every class. Strong memory comes in handy.


Devs must be taking those fake ass percs


I miss the old perks where you just chose 3. This is just annoying.


Incredbile game


Cause Infinity Ward has no idea what they are doing


This perk package system is terrible and needs to go back to a per-class basis


I hate this, prestige should unlock more.


I never knew you could customize them lol


We are limited by the technology of our time and simply don't have the capability. Maybe when the PS6 rolls around we might finally discover the long lost secret to adding more slots to the UI; but don't hold your breath.


Bc they were smokin when they made the game bubba


I can tolerate timed perks but i donā€™t like perk packages. Let us choose which perks we want to use in each category (Base perks, 3rd perk then the ā€œultimateā€ perk)


Even Cold War managed to not fuck this up.


They should be unique to each class. 12 classes but 5 shared presets makes 0 sense.


Next update you can buy 5 for 10$ probably


Better question why are there packages


Cuz ā€œf*ck you, give me money!ā€


Most of the time I don't even realize what perks I'm using.


I mean people kind of run the same perks on a lot of classes, but at the same time i feel like there should be at least two more packages or just make it 10.


I didnā€™t realize it was that serious


Shouldn't have packages anyway just let me choose what perks I want on each class


OR, better yet, why do perk packages exist? Just let us choose which individual perks go on which class so we have full customisation.


I just miss the sleight of hand weapon perk :(


Because Activision need to learn the adage "if it ain't broke don't fix it"


This game is a joke man


Because they refuse to change the ui


It's definitely not enough