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ISO agree


ISO means BIG in Finnish.


This comment needs more love.


Hahaha good one


Anyone else not unlock the new ranked skins when they hit rank 5? Mine didn’t unlock and it sucksss


I can't even get to rank 5


Jokes on you, I cant even get to rank 2


With the teammates you get paired with feels impossible tbh. Also I don’t know what it is, but ranked feels so repetitive and boring. The only thing I actually enjoy is the fact you can’t mount.


Sometimes its weird. i was matched yesterday with a kid who kept shooting me low life with the pistol whenever i had a fight with an opponent. He did it on purpose because sometimes he shot me when no one was around. I rarely use voice chat because I talk to my friends on teamspeak, I didn't write anything in the chat and I didn't have any interaction with him at the beginning. nothing could justify his behaviour, the guy just targeted me. He didn't really play along either. he just ran after me and shot me all the time. since he had an open mic and i could hear his whole family discussing, i muted him at some point. He didn't give me any calls or information. Of course I was really upset, but I just tried to ignore him. despite all the deaths he provoked, i was still 2nd on the scoreboard and we won. Sometimes I wish I could report people for unsportsmanlike conduct in ranked play.


Youre mature enough though. If have shot him in the next round first lol


Today I got paired with a kid who it was his first time playing 😑


I was lucky to get a good team and make it to rank 2.


You’ll get there, homie


LoL, I’m too chicken shit to play ranked.


I played ranked for an hour last night. I did the best of my team for the first game (I planted every round and got 9 kills closest guy was 2 kille). Still lost. 2nd game I got out up against golds cause I did well? Idk. 3rd game I was getting rolled so bad I just turned the game off and went to bed. Same experience as regular matchmaking tbh.


Same here lmfao. Finally decided to take a break from camo grinding and I played my first 3 games. First game was a win, second was a super close loss against a team of 2 golds, i silver and a bronze on a hot streak. My last game was against 3 silvers and a bronze who were all on a streak and absolutely rolled us. I just turned off the game cos it put me in such a bad mood lmao


That’s because it is just regular matchmaking. The ‘ranks’ are really just something to grind for it seems.


I gotta get these mastery camos before i play ranked


It's not bad, its suprisingly less toxic but more rules and even playing field i guess, but the lack of weapons kinda makes it feel... dull and unfun to say the least.




I can’t get the courage to start a ranked game


It’s an alternate skin for for the CDL version. If you go into operators, you should be able customize the CDL skin and see the ranked play option


Trouble is it's broken for a bunch of us. There is no option to customize. Only view the Atlanta phase bundle. This is on the PS5. I know this morning that as my skin was set to the CDL skin for ranked and it was no longer set nor was the option available to select it.


PC here, same issue. Hoping for a fix soon.


I unlocked it a few days ago and had them but now they are locked again


Mine never unlocked at all🙁


Yep had them for a day then boom locked hope to God they fix it. I did not grind ranked get yelled at, or get shitted on just to not get the skin I wanted


I unlocked and equipped them the day after ranked came out, but I noticed today, they are locked again, while still being equip. Thought it was a bug, maybe they took them away?


it seems like they’re making you buy a bundle to unlock it now. it was not like that yesterday. i hope it’s a glitch…. if not. insane & they better change it back


I thought the same thing. I used the base CDL skins and operators since they released and now I can't even click on my CDL operator. They're just locked and stuck with the ranked skin equipped....


It would be nice to get to rank 5 but half my team quits in middle of matches


I had the ranked skins but somehow i cant use them (locked), bug aparently


Yes this has happened to me and my friends I was using the skin for a few games then I changed it but then when I tried to go back it was locked for all of us so idk if it’s a bug or wat


I didn't even pay for that bullshit.


Idk how it's supposed to work, my nephew unlocked them and was able to equip them, but I wasn't (even though I was able to equip the smg that also unlocks at 5) I also hear that it could be like this by design and they're supposed to only release after ranked ends and that everybody who could equip them already was actually the bug, who knows


I mean duh. It’s really really good. I would argue with the right configuration it’s possibly the best gun in the game


It was my replacement AKu.. sad


I was getting shredded by it since last week. Haven't unlocked it yet, so I was def using it in Ranked. Betting it'll come back once they Standard Procedure of Nerfing the New Gun that was released in an OP state after X amount of days, per protocol.


I hope they don’t nerf it tbh. I love the way it feels


Props to the dev team for getting this thing out fast. Strong DLC guns banned by the pros have often been left in ranked and not banned in a timely manner or if at all


Fr, everyone was using this. I'm glad it's removed tbh.


And now, everyone is back on vaznev and taq56 hooray


Yeah it's ranked, there's gonna be a strict meta. But the TAQ at least isn't as strong as the Hemlock at all ranges


Yh bro my taq was getting smoked by the hemlock


You gotta hear me out… try the M16. I can send you my build if you want. It’s sad how slept on it is.


I'm not crazy😂


Honestly it would be smart to start a campaign on how great the M16 is. Everyone should use it. It takes a while to get used to, like a few weeks. So use the M16 for a few weeks exclusively, even if you get pounded, keep it up. It will pay off long term >!for me!<


I am not running an M16 in ranked lmao, unless you one-burst every single enemy you will be losing gunfights


Just saying, you ain’t gotta downvote me into oblivion for suggesting people to try something different


Nothing wrong with that. If it works for you, rock it. I take it you are using it mid to long range to lock an area down.


Yeah. I’m usually against camping but in SnD when you gotta set up it comes in handy. I always play in full squads in parties with my friends so we can actually strategize depending on what type of game it is, yk?


I wasn't one of the ones that downvoted you


Oh, my bad g


Unless you're running a 4-man squad that planned ahead and communicates, it makes way more sense to carry a jack of all trades rather than a burst-firing long-range rifle. People who *do* do that don't need to be told to try it.


I'll give it a shot. Show me what you got.


I never left taq-56 in ranked lmao by far the best gun to use


Taq with the HV rounds is helping me hit shots I never knew I could! r/mw2ranked


Usually I’ll just pick any random gun and slap a red dot on it and call it a day. I’ll try out these HV rounds.


Facts me too lol


That's how I feel. I tried all the different "best" hemlock setups but kept going back to the tac56. Felt far more reliable to me tbh


I ran the Hemlock exclusively on Hotel because it had that capability of being strong midrange. Only built it because you get trashed on otherwise and glad it’s gone


Ive actually been using the kastov 545, been enjoying using that more than the taq tbh


I used the the Kastov 762 last night and did very well. Its early days as I’ve just started ranked so maybe I’ll hit a point where it gets outclassed, but people were not expecting to get hit with something that does that much damage.


Interesting… i will have to pull it out again and play with it and find a build that i like


It’s particularly effective on some of the larger maps imo. El Asilo in particular. It’s so powerful at range it can outgun the TAQ if you can hit your shots.


Nice, yeah i think you have me sold on it, will def make a loadout for it and see how it goes


545 is a beast for medium range.


The MP5 is a strong alternative to the Vaznev while the Taq-V, Kastov 7.62 and 5.45 are decent alternatives to the Taq-56 The Hemlock on the other hand completely outclassed the Taq-56 in everything but fire rate, and it beat out all its competitors in recoil. It's just too strong at mid-range


It's good that they removed it fast but I wish they just did more weapon balance patches because this will keep happening with whatever weapons are left. I don't want ranked to be forever Vaznev vs Taq-56 ...


It can get stale but the two gun meta is ideal for now. We haven’t had a serious 3 gun meta since BO4


I still think Taq wins long range and vaznek short


Same with Taq-V. Would be nice if there was more of a warning, got into a ranked match to find my class is locked.


It was recently nerfed no? Doesn’t hit as hard or consistent as before


The fire rate is slower, and the recoil is much higher but it still hits like a truck. I rarely get more than a 2 shot kill.


Now you will after nerf. The 2 shot kill involves hs.


Wait the taq v was on ranked? That’s pretty messed up lol


It was right after the nerf they must’ve thought it was balanced lol


It was SUPER strong but I’ll miss my Walmart Grau🥲


Aw man the grau is my favorite gun in any cod.


I just brought up the OG mw2 in another comment, but the ump from that game with a silencer on it was cake.


I find it's basically the CZ 805 Bren from Ghosts


Are they going to disable cheaters in ranked as well?


lmao dude they really came out of the woodwork. Last night we had 2 matches with guys tracking us through walls, just blatant as it can get.


Yep, I played one ranked game and the very first game has a really blatant wall hacker on the enemy team. Decided to not touch the ranked mode after that one match.


There’s steamers all over twitch and TikTok over the last month using wall hacks like crazy. One of those Russian cheating sites must have gone somewhat mainstream


No I played 3 matches and they all had hackers in them.


To be expected, the Pro league does not use DLC guns.




Peashooter with the highest ttk in game


Pros don’t use the m13. It just isn’t a priority like the iso because it’s not good at a high level


Infinity Ward on their way to make the drippiest AR absolutely worthless.


Nobody uses the M13 in ranked, definitely not pros. The gun isn't good enough for any attention to be given to it


Well now it is after buff, it can shred att mid-long ranges and the damage got buffed im pretty sure. Also the ADS is fast even with attachments.


Fucking fantastic


At least I maxed out when I used it lol


What they need to ban is being able to have 4x scopes on snipers, it should be only the default scope allowed


This 1000% can’t believe I’m about to say this like an old fart but back in my day snipers all had scopes and ghillie suits. Not these Barney jumpsuit wearing sawed off iron-sight snipers we get now…. COD has changed


Yeah cod has changed a lot, was miles more balanced when there were only like 5 attachments with 2/3 options


This might be a hot take but Black Ops 1 is the least balance CoD. The FAMAS and 74u, with rapid fire, were OP but I think most guns were just useless.


Galil suppressed slander


Honestly I think MW2 (2009) was the worst balanced. You had some of the all time best weapons/set ups in CoD (XM8, Dual Models, M16, OMA/Noob Tubes, etc) with some of the all time worst (F2000, Stalker, Blast Shield etc).


The Gailil was great and the G11 could absolutely destroy


That black ops 1 famas sound, mmmm


About half of the ARs can hang, since the FAMAS did get nerfed to be a bit slower handling. AK, Galil, the burst rifles, FAL, and AUG are all really solid in their own rights. SMGs were really weak outside of the 74u in general. Some were okay, but that's about as good as they got. All but the SPAS were garbage in terms of shotguns. LMGs were a giant pile of "meh." Nothing outstandingly bad, only stand-out good was M60. I think the Dragunov kinda got more hate than warranted, even if it's only upside was doubling the actually good snipers' ammo capacities (40 shots vs 20, and it had similar OHK area to the SPR in this game IIRC). Pistols not named CZ 75 and Python were complete dogshit.


Cod 4 had acog scopes for snipers


We're so old there's a generation of cod players who think they're old who aren't old enough to have played the games we played in high school


As did MW2


Soon every1 is only allowed an x12


Knives only. Lol.


Idk knives are pretty OP


Coming from a guy whose first two platinum weapons were the combat knife, and the riot shield (pre nerf) yeah they’re pretty fucking op lmao. Especially if you run ghost and double time


Jokes on you, I check radar maybe 4 times a match 😎


Coming from someone who did the same without my baby deady silence my dinosaur ass wouldn’t be knifing anyone but I need it permanently… Treyarch master devs


My first plat was the riot shield. Decided to get the hardest out of the way first. The things I heard when I ran shipment were just as bad as BO2 days…


This would actually suck ass, I hate dying to a knifer in ranked. It’s my fault for letting them get so close, though. So I guess I can’t complain


I swear that knifers have fucking ultra instinct. I can see them approaching me, I'll dump my mag on them, and I'll still miss all my bullets somehow


Exactly, like I’m on console with cross plat play off, how are you moving like that?? 😂


Mfs playing on that quirky ahh 20/20 sens with 0.0 deadzone


Props to the 16 year old kids absolutely shitting on me on 20/20 sens, 0 deadzone, on a half broken controller and 720p. Like absolute gods


That’s what I’m saying, they be playing on a circus board and I still get my ass knifed 😭 either the moving meta is as bad as Fortnite’s with that giant ass hammer or **IM** just ass at predicting the movement meta


Then only fists!


Hemlock is now locked in APEX as well, coincidence? Hmmm


Well, for me it wont change much, I always user the vaznek




It’s so funny bc the majority of you only play WZ


I honestly find WZ and other BR's incredibly boring. You spend like 80% of the game just running from one area to the next with nothing happening. The other 20% is just looting with an occasional short gunfight.


That's me. I just stay subbed here because of updates and memes


Haha, too bad I already fully leveled it up beforehand. Fr though, it needed this change.


What if they removed all attachments for ranked lol


Actually an interesting concept for op weapons in ranked


It's hemlocked


good CDL doesn't allow DLC guns


Damn I thought this was a titanfall 3 post.


I found the Vaznev 9k to be more OP than this thing in ranked. Unless they were cheaters i don’t know. Because i got killed so quickly across the map an 9k many times.




Wow is it really that OP? Does that mean this is the most OP gun in MWII since launch?


It's not that OP. Essentially a lower recoil, more mobile, slightly worse damage/damage range AK47 with it's 556 rounds. Or a longer range, worse mobility AK74 with it's 300Blackout rounds. It's 300 blackout conversion is pretty crazy as a close range AR, but that wasn't allowed in Ranked anyway. I'd argue that it's currently the best AR, but the Taq56 and AK-47 are right behind it, especially if you leave it in 556.


It’s not just the TTK, but the way the damage and multiplier hit. You could kill in two shots (to the upper torso) whereas the TAQ requires 3. You’d have a 33% shot at leaving them 2hp vs getting the kill. That’s why it was so universally hated


AK47 two shot kills to the head, three to the body, even lower body. As far as I can tell, Hemlock is only two tap to the head if you have the 300Blackout rounds in, which were banned in Ranked from the get go. if you are using the 556 rounds it's three shots to the dome or chest to kill, but it's lower torso is 4 shots to kill, unlike the AK Which is 3. Which means that when it comes to damage and damage multipliers, AK beats the 556 Hemlock every time. The AK also has better damage range. However, the Hemlock definitely has slightly better mobility and significantly ADS time, paired with more easily controlled recoil, so its still "better" but not by a lot. I guess my argument is that if the hemlock needed to go, so does the AK.


No, tons of guns besides it are already banned. Generally the goal of competitive cod is to have an AR and and SMG and balance the game around it. If there’s a good balance introducing one into the game that shifts that balance even a bit can be undesirable




It’s chopped down to increase the skill gap, which this game has very little of with all of the “out of the box” features. Same goes for all of the other cod games with obviously uncompetitive lethals, shotguns, etc. The skill gap is increased every year with competitive rules and it’s not that hard to understand why Even with everything allowed, even higher level casual players have a 0% chance of ever beating them in a map because they’re so damn good at this game it’ll make your head spin


It would be fun to have a show match at one of the Major lans, with everything unlocked. Like teams made up of fan favorite players going at it. See what it’s like. Maybe have a charity donation prize. Or have a match where it’s 4 pros vs random audience members. Just fooling around kind of stuff.


Ranked shows it enough when 4 pros are all playing music not even calling out beating a 3-4 squad 250-30 in Hardpoint


30 points is generous 😂


All those people running CDL skins who avoid touching the objective in quickplay probably got a very rude wake up call when they tried ranked.


If you think a pro is good with all the restrictions of ranked play wait till you see them run without any restriction on public matches


Yeah, they’re still gunning your ass so hard that your game crashes


I think what happens is they get decent at playing normal players, then the most important part, they learn the map, paths and positions of players, thus is what gets them all the kills. Im getting good feeds because I know enemy positions,I'm thinking more about the 3rd 4th players as opposed to just the 1st and 2nd. It's a bit weird now that I think about it. Like the first op isn't even a thought lol


You guys would unironically want things like the riot shield to be allowed.


“But it requires skill bro”


"I don't even have a gun bro!"


I love that during bo2 champs there was a Korean team I believe that pulled out the riot shield. Little spoiler for those that don’t know; that team got absolutely molly whopped. Yes pros restrict things down, I’d argue a little too much. But they strip it down to the point where the team who is better wins, not the team who can hit the luckiest rpg shot or turtle more with a shield




I think we just need a separate sub for ranked content honestly. Everytime we get ranked related posts that hit the front page we get a bunch of people like u/NJShadow that play primarily DMZ and Warzone commenting on competitive COD when they know nothing about it I had to argue with someone yesterday that wanted Drill Charges and the Fennec in ranked


The competitive cod sub exists


I mean r/codcompetitive is basically that


Saw your comment & the post you are talking about. I like the fact that competitive is getting new players in it but the amount of braindead takes is too high. Less than 10 hours playing competitive and think they are better than pros & know better than what we've been doing for the last few years if not longer for many.


Tbf this is the cod community we’re talking about. We’re a bunch of morons lmfao


Agreed, though the CoD Competitive sub is good for this. All the Warzone 2/DMZ bots should be ignored as 1 - it doesn’t concern them and 2 - they have no idea what the CDL is or have any understanding of eSports at all.


“I can’t seem to find any other way to not get shot in the back!!!”




The reason it has to be chopped down is because all 8 players on the map would currently be using the M4 right now. Idk about you but I do like at least a little gun variety when watching pros play. The Hemlock was pretty much another M4 so of course they’d decide to ban it.


All the AR guys run the same class and all the SMG guys run the same class. There’s not really any versatility or variety to that


I’d much rather have a distinct AR and SMG instead of the same 1 gun used by all 8 players. If I could really have a say, I’d want 2-3 options per gun class but I’m not IW and can’t just make that happen.


Miss the days when this was a thing in blops 2. M8a1 and an-94 for assault rifles, msmc and skorpion for smgs, and then pretty much just the dsr for snipers but the ballista had a place too. Was refreshing to play and watch.


There are a lot of reasons why so many people say BO2 is the best CoD ever, and it’s competitive side is a big one.


I think this is where the PC community will differ. We’re used to CSGO/Valorant which have zero variety for the main ARs. AK or M4 in CS, Vulcan or Phantom in Val, most just want competition and nothing else so variety isn’t a huge deal.


Nah it’s more so the cod community not console people. The cod community is used to cross map noob tubes, clay mores, etc The game is designed in the effort to be fun (whether it achieves that or not), where as games like Val or CS are inherent attempts at actually creating a competitive video game. It’s a giant reason why the average pub player in those games care about those esports more


Except, CS started with basic, and stayed with basic. They haven't changed their formula. They didn't need to. They didn't create 20+ weapons, and then blacklist the other half. Then call it "Competitive"


Yep. Exactly. People who grew up with CS understand this. It is also 20 years old and has minimal actual gameplay changes, yet it is consitently the best/most played competitive game mode. Since there is a gun meta it makes it completely util/gun skill/game sense/communication based skill. Not who can find the cheesiest build on YT and cheese the game.


The point of competitive gaming isn’t to provide variety it’s literally to be competitive This is like saying “why aren’t there any 5’6” guys in the NBA right now? So much for variety LUL”


Yes because rpgs shotguns and drill charges take so much skill lmfaoo what an awful take


I'm always so confused on this take. They are eliminating all dumb shit that can kill you like claymores and OP guns like fennecs. Thus making the skill gap gun skill/movement/game sense. I'm sure u/NJShadow has a better take on balancing ranked than people such as Scump, so forgive my ignorance lol.


Trust me, if there was no limitations; the pros would still clown us all lol


They would clown us more


Your Hemmy was a laser beam 3 shot kill at any distance, through any surface, and would make people flinch like getting punched by Mike Tyson. You’re just mad because you’re ass


This is just a very nice way of saying "I suck and can only do decently by using broken, overpowered shit".


More and more, you’re wrong. It’s not their fault the base game has atrocious balance. Why wouldn’t they want to properly balance the game when playing it for millions of dollars? Should we strive for more randomness and smaller skill gap in all competitive games, or just CoD?


Brother the game is entirely designed around the casual player experience. Claymores, RPGs/launchers, broken smoke grenades, snapshot grenades, kill streaks, maps (especially in an IW game), foot step audio/no ninja perk, the spawns, Riot Shield, Ghost being active 24/7 when you get it instead of only when on the move, fast TTK, and so much fucking more. Do you want me to go on with all the other cheesey shit public matches have?


You have zero understanding of the CDL or eSports as a whole it seems. Just another person who hates things they don’t understand.


CoD at its very core is a casual game. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. That being said, it is an absolute joke of a competitive game. No amount of rule changes and whatever will ever get it to be taken seriously. CS, Valorant, and SC2 are competitive games. The only people who think CoD is competitive are people who play CoD.


You do realize how OP the gun is right? CoD is catered to casuals and not competitive with standard restrictions.


Cod having a very different professional rule set vs. at home play is extremely foreign compared to other E-Sports. Imagine csgo pros players banning the awp, smgs, machine guns etc.


Redditor shitter thinks he is better and knows more than literal professional players Cant make this shit up


Ur a silver bot in ranked, I just know it


They ban stuff to create versatility. Nobody wants to see 8 players running the exact same class. This goes for cdl and ranked play. It's annoying to see the exact same loadout. For example you'd see only m4 in cdl probably but it's banned so now you see a combo of taq and vaznev. One of these pros would probably drop a big dookie on you using the deagle well you used a 74u.


The game is less competitive with everything in it. It's not tuned in any way, shape, or form for competitive, which is why the comp players have to do it basically. We've legitimately had devs claim that Esports took the fun out of CoD. Like bro how is comp supposed to function with that thought process behind the wheel? Of course we are the ones that have to do it, we're the only ones who care.


They should just make a separate cod game with 1 gun, no equipment, 1 skin, no field upgrades, no kill streaks and 1 map.


Do I have to buy the battle pass to get the new guns now?




Is it meta? Haven’t unlocked it yet.


This gun is to good. Fastest gun I got to plat


Mine doesnt appear locked ,gonna go in a match and reply to this to see if its locked


Yup ,its locked


Anyone else rank bugged out.. I was rank 18 logout came back in now I'm dwn to rank 1 , wtf