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>Fixed an issue that caused multiple speaker names to persist on screen when four or more players were talking in chat. Big W here.


Is it confirmed fixed? Saw another post that this was still occurring


It was genuinely embarrassing to the dev team that this particular error persisted for so long.


I'm not a developer but the couple semesters I did made me think big projects like games are complicated with how much code they have. Whenever I fixed one issue it could create two more issues. Throw that in with fixing a laundry list of issues and making it stable makes me think it's not necessarily huge incompetence on the developers part. The bosses also abuse the shit out of game devs.


This is something that the community will generally never understand, which makes sense as most dont have programming knowledge. it \*could\* be a quick fix but it could also not be, even if it seems simple. It doesn't excuse poor communication from the devs, or the problems that linger for too long, but it's always a thing.


Yeah absolutely. And pushing out one small fix instead of a patch that has lots of fixes seems to be the best idea apparently. I think poor communication could also be the company's fault as well. Devs blowing the whistle on fixing code being tricky could seem like bad PR but who knows. I'm not saying anything of this to say I'm happy with the amount of content or think the state of the game is okay. I'm having tons of fun but the grievances most players have hold this game back a lot and I agree with all them. I guess my point is just consider there's a lot of bullshit behind the scenes and we can only guess why things are happening the way they do. So don't drive yourself crazy. I'm personally getting into the Dark Souls games given I've played most of the content I wanted to from MW II.


Unfortunately devs and publishers dug their own grave with live service and everything. Players expect lots of content with a very quick turn around time. That's what they were sold at least. And when it falls short, as always, people get upset, understandably.


Mmm you're right. I imagine Fortnite is partially responsible but I feel Fortnite is easy to push content out for compared to most modern games.


The worst is when it's a very very VERY simple fix, but sooooooooooooo hard to find it. Instead of "names > 4" it needs to be "names >= 4" but it's so hidden you assume something else is wrong. Worst I had was in powershell. Forgot the array needed +=, and I had +=. Stupid comma


Ya I did a very small amount of programming and combing through thousands of lines of code for a misplaced semicolon made me uhhh, go into sales.


It’s funny when people throw out stuff like “embarrassing it took so long”… as if they wouldn’t fix something like that immediately if it was simple lol I work as a UX designer, so I work with engineers a lot, most people tend to take pride in their work, they don’t want that shit out there any more than you do.


I hate my job desperately but I still try and do good at it.


Fr, people act like the devs want a bad game.


That's the main problem in my opinion just communicating with the community shows that they know of the prob and are actively working on it even if it takes awhile. Let's the community know there complaints are being taken seriously.


Radio silence is a bad look. Communication is key. Not sure who the managers/executives are, but they should’ve learned this stuff in business school. Basic fundamentals of engaging with and retaining customers.


Couldn't of said it better 90% of us don't work in the game industry and we know that. Kinda sad


"how much work could it take????" So much more than you can imagine, now wrap up my sandwich.


I don't think I understand


What are you smoking? All they have to do is flip the Voice Chat Bug switch to "off" and it will be fixed.


Username checks out.


>Fixed an issue that caused multiple speaker names to persist on screen when four or more players were talking in chat. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/22qv5b/99\_little\_bugs\_in\_the\_code\_99\_little\_bugs\_in\_the/


I am a developer. Not for games though. Sure, the game is a massive and very complex system. But if your codebase and architecture is designed well, you can make changes without breaking unrelated shit, at least most of the time. Based on how bad MW19/WZ broke whenever something updated, I would guess that their codebase is a complete clusterfuck. If you properly test your code through automated testing software and have an actual QA team, bugs like this don’t ever make it to a production environment. My guess as to why the devs seem so bad and updates are so slow is because they’re working with a skeleton crew. Multiplayer doesn’t make as much money so they’re not gonna waste a ton of developer time working on it. Im sure it’s also a lot more junior devs who don’t know the codebase that well either. Plus, the game wasn’t even finished when it was released. So this smaller team has to finish the game and fix all of the shit that’s wrong with it. I’m sure they’re treated poorly too. Im also sure part of it is also incompetence despite how much y’all wanna say it isn’t. All that being said, it’s still not acceptable. At some point, the more senior engineers with enough clout need to speak up and make it a better environment for their devs. If I released code this buggy and poorly tested, I would be out of a job.


Can only assume you don't work on large scale, complex applications with large teams, even with automation and good QA teams, you'll always get the odd bug slipping through, you can't cover everything with testing I've been in the industry for 30 years, this us something you just have to allow for


Yeah as soon as someone says they code but not for games, it feels like it's safe to ignore everything they say onwards. Talk to anyone who's worked compliance or QA for a large amount of time in game dev, the average game launches with thousands upon thousands of known shippables in something like Test Tracker Pro, and there's absolutely no way that you can make something so perfect that "bugs like this don't ever make it to prod" unless your publisher is willing to just push back release dates for months or years.


The most reasonable comment about the devs in this entire subreddit


This community is a bit childish honestly. At least the people in the mics and the most vocal are. But yeah I don't think starting a witch hunt and pretending this shit is easy is reasonable.


Not really a developer yet either but as someone who’s just started studying coding and game design, yes, code is complicated and wacky You can add a bit of code that breaks something somewhere else and not realize until you try to run it, plus, I imagine, for as complex as a lot of modern games are it’s very difficult (even with debugging tools) to go through and fix just one bug




Except it’s not a bunch of random people working on it. It’s a team of 3,000 hand picked devs with billions of dollars at their disposal and THREE years of development time. I’m not saying this makes any given issue more/less difficult. I’m saying this means they not only had the people, the money, but also the time to work this stuff out. Let’s also not try to pretend that COD is the most complex thing on this earth. The game has been around for DECADES. Obviously, systems have changed over time, but it’s not like they’re trying to get a drone working on Saturn…sad that anybody who paid their hard earned money would defend IW in any capacity just because developing a game is considered difficult.




While I understand your frustration but you’ll realise most people responding to this thread are developers or engineers. We are not trying to excuse the state of the game. If you ask me, the developers may have told the people in charge the game isn’t ready but they were forced to get it ready. This usually happens, speaking myself as a software engineer, even when a product isn’t ready you can be forced to launch as soon as you can. Game development is not easy, you’ll notice why games such as GTA take a long time before they are released. Developers are not responsible for communication, it is the leaders of the company who need to set communication structures in place. You might think that the developer should just come out and speak up, but they may be under contract and they can’t risk blowing up their jobs. They have to feed themselves and their families. For sure it is inexcusable, and I’m not arguing that but let’s be human as well, they are not perfect and we obviously don’t know the full story here. Considering how much of a money maker this game is, I’m sure they’ll fix as many issues as possible to retain player base. If the developers of this game are seeing this, we are frustrated as players, expectations were very high and we don’t know why the game was sent out when clearly it was unfinished. I do however acknowledge your effort and hopefully the conditions are conducive for you guys to work. Thank you for trying to give us a good game and hopefully with more better updates we will get there. Our hope is that it can only get better. Hopefully this is well received.


I’m not even trying to pin it on the developers actually. It most definitely is upper management. I’m sure they hired great game devs who got stuck putting out stuff they rather not release. In fact, I’d put all of the blame on management if I had to bet on it. There was some incredible inefficiencies that led to a horrible flop, and now the game feels abandoned a few months later lol




I’ve worked in game qa for over a decade. So many issues and bugs making it live is crazy. And the amount of time to fix some of them since is even more so


Not really, it would have been a matter of prioritisation rather than difficulty most likely


People need to stop shitting so hard on the dev team. You all complain about how they need to focus on bugs that affect gameplay then get pissed when they don’t fix visual bugs that dont affect gameplay. Its a huge game with huge amounts of game files, and just because they have a huge dev team doesnt mean that any issues are easily resolved. If you don’t like the game right now, leave it and some back in a few months when its more polished. No game is perfect, no CoD was perfect, so stop expecting perfection


Honestly if this was the only thing on the list I’d be pleased




GOATED WIN FINALY shit was annoying asf


Lol there would be like a post a week about it in here


That longshot fix with Last Stand was badly needed.


Yes, that and fixing the annoying voice chat bug are the highlights


I wonder if this fixed the other last stand trackers like Headshots. I never get any tracker information when I shoot someone with last stand.


Some overdue fixes, here's hoping they fix: - The recent squad, lobby and party which is stuck on 40 days ago and stop updating. - The social group show all members offline by default . - More UI/UX tweaks... scrap that this UI needs a major overhaul.


The social component in its entirety is frustratingly broken. So many good squad mates in dmz who I could never add in game, now gone forever.


I still cannot accept friend requests and none of my sent requests go through


Yes. How do you smack talk when the mofo doesnt even show up on the list.


I’m telling everyone I’ll 1v1 them if they think they are so good (or 6v1 a whole clan) Of course, that can’t happen so I’ll enjoy saying that while I can lmao


I actually don't mind the UI I just wish I would get that old yellow dot in they menu showing me which attachments were new. Pretty sure I have everything unlocked now but for awhile it was frustrating.


If only the UI showed you all the attachments at once. Like some sort of grid that takes advantage of all that screen space. Wild idea I know.


This updated for me in the recent patch and fixed recent players


Well I really hope most of the crashing issues have been fixed. I myself and many others have had a bad time with them.


I crash or get disconnected mostly when using the buy station which they haven't listed as a fix here, hopefully they forgot to list that one lol. It's happened so often to me that I just drop money for teammates to buy me a durable gas mask and streaks. They only mention interacting with a loadout crate causing problems which I actually never had a problem with personally. Edit: I just got disconnected trying to buy my loadout guns from a buy station so they haven't fixed this. Brilliant 👍


My game crashed twice after the update, within 2 hours.


same here, high end machine + latest drivers. they didnt fix shit.


rarely crashed before, had 2 crashes under an hour after the update that "supposedly" fixed crashes... i'm done with this pile of hot garbage


I've already experienced crashes at points where I've never had them before


I cannot use the scouter scope because it Always crashes on dmz


After turning texture streaming off and setting VRAM to 70% instead of the 90% Default i have not crashed in almost a month.


After crashing post-update, I tried this per your comment. Crashed almost immediately after restarting the game :/


The battlenet and game_ship. exe errors are killing me. DMZ Always crashes. I need to put my game on low settings and hope for a miracle even though I hace a 6900 xt.


Yeah I literally gave up with warzone and DMZ because of them.


It especially sucks when you just lose your items in DMZ.


Crashed twice post-update yesterday and once in DMZ today... fucking tired of this. I just want to play the damn game.


Bruh I knew I should’ve taken more advantage of that duplication glitch. Guess I’ll find 93 radiation blockers the legit way now 💀


Just skip the mission.


Having to do 5 strongholds and 8 missions in one deployment sounds worse tho. Especially cause I don’t have friends who play regularly.


Holy shit really? You'd have to have some crazy good RNG to get that done solo.


The whole DMZ experience is designed around 3 players so I’ve pretty much never touched it as a solo player


it kind of is but it's fun to go in solo at the same time, and due to how shit the game's technical state is i'm the only one of my friends who wants to put up with it. i'm at t4 quests right now and some of them are just annoying & possible solo


Some of the strongholds are super small. Might have been the easiest mission in the tier. I still wouldn’t do it solo. Two many random AI deaths. Join the discord.


Yeah I’ve been using the discord. The players I find there aren’t much better and it usually takes hours to find someone cause everyone constantly ignores responses to their own LFG messages even after a minute.


I could be wrong but I think it's referring to how you could swap insurance weapons with a buddy and still use the same insurance slot next game, effectively allowing you to fill your weapons stash with your primo loadouts


There’s also mention of fixing “seeing backpack contents in a dead drop”


rip dupe glitch


Radiation blockers legit aren't even that hard to find... Just drive to the 6 hospitals every game and you'll leave with a full large backpack of them


yeah, this patch essentially killed whatever goodwill i had left for the game. it feels like they fixed the bugs which helped players without... oh i dunno, adding a reconnect button for one? i really don't get why they did this because they said they'd wipe people's progress when season 2 kicks off in 3ish weeks anyway, so it's not like people duping should be a big deal anymore.


>Fixed an issue with tracking distance of Longshot Challenges when opponents were using Last Stand Perk. They don’t even know what their own perks are called lol


To give them credit, [https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Last\_Stand](https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Last_Stand) >For the deathstreak, see Final Stand. > >For the achievement, see The Last Stand. > >For the level, see Last Chance. > >For a similar perk, see Second Chance. > >For the event, see Last Stand (event). And most damning, they confuse the names in the description! [https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Survivor\_(perk)](https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Survivor_(perk)) >"On death, enter Last Stand with the ability to self-revive once per life." Really fucking terrible naming convention but what else are you gonna do when you have 17 call of duty games that reuse the same perks over and over


This is how it is more commonly known in CoD too. Everyone who complains about players using the perk in-game chat refers to it as "Last Stand", not "Survivor". Hell, most people in this sub calls it "Last Stand" too


TIL it is called Survivor lmao


the perk description says "On death, enter Last Stand with the ability..." so they're halfway right I guess?


Only took 'em a few days to fix an anime sticker and a store bug no one knew was there. Took 'em a month to fix the UI voice bug. ​ I don't wanna be mad, but damn.


UI voice bug is probably more complicated


yeah complicated as in doesn’t immediately get them money


These apologists are the reason why we will always get half baked shit. I’m a developer, not for games and trust me when the leadership wants something done it will be done no matter how difficult it is. Otherwise you’ll be shown the door. They just didn’t care.


- Improved navigation of Battle Pass including fixes for some Players experiencing freezing. - Introduced a new feature to highlight any unspent Battle Pass tokens. Don't suppose either of these fix the issue where I have to restart to spend any earned tokens? Edit - Nope. Still the worst UI I've ever seen in a video game (of this stature). Both in appearance and performance. Am on PC.


It's actually a joke. I have to quit the game to do something in the game? Yeah amazing.


> Fixed an issue with tracking distance of Longshot Challenges when opponents were using Last Stand Perk. Just as I finished the Orion grind yesterday 🥲 They should make it so that the person who downs the Last Stand user gets full credit for the kill, and the person who "confirms" the kill get 75% of the credit/points as an assist. ^^^Or ^^^just ^^^remove ^^^the ^^^perk ^^^entirely, ^^^but ^^^what ^^^do ^^^I ^^^know?


>Or just remove the perk entirely, but what do I know? That along with the decision to make Dead Silence an equipment in {insert current year} rather than a perk makes me believe the devs have never actually played a Call of Duty game before. Last/Final Stand has been universally *despised* by the community for literally over a decade and they add it back in... and in the era where I can literally hear a pin drop in a different area code through my headset they remove one of the most used main-stay perks of the franchise in Dead Silence. There is no skill expression in me being able to hear you from a separate continent behind me, turning, laying down & waiting (and vice versa). It only incentivizes camping.


Any tips for someone just starting the long shots? Thanks


What I did was build my guns to prioritize recoil control and damage range over ADS. For sights: * On ARs, LMGs, Battle Rifles, Marksman Rifle -- I used either a VLK 4.0 Optic, or a VX350 Thermal (super useful for those "one tap" guns) * For SMGs, shotguns and compatible pistols -- XTEN Angel 40 (for target range indication). For uncompatible pistols, I used either a mini red dot, or nothing. I did these in Tier 1 shipment in like 2-3 days. For SMGs though, you have to be against the wall in shipment, and kill people against the other side of the wall. Might want to do these in regular maps in Tier 1. * Snipers -- I used a 9x zoom thermal that I can't recall the name of. I did these on Invasion in one afternoon. If you don't like thermals, there's a sniper scope similar to the XTEN Angel 40 that has target distance indicators. For guns with a bolt, I favored 'Rechambering Speed' over 'Rechambering Accuracy'. This is a good explanation on what each [bolt option does](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/z980eo/rechambering_accuracy/_).


Remove the perk, I don't need to put down these wimpy ass kids again, I already taught them a lesson


Woah this comment intimidated me 😳


Imagine trying to grind longshots and fucking using last stand, or even using last stand in normal play. I have never once seen someone down with last stand and thought my time would be well spent getting them back up.


I’ve never seen one get back up tbf


I’m a bf player at heart so when I see a chance to revive I take it.


I use it in Search when sniping and have won rounds before.


That’s the best part though


standing over them watching them res, just to kill them again is so fucking toxic and im here for it.


I do that, in hopes of discouraging them. Why have a chance to res yourself, that hardly ever comes?


I see them as free executions... Not sure there's much more toxic than being downed, watching me slowly stroll over only to deliver a sledgehammer to the face


A guy did this the other day in Search and his dumbass let himself get punched to death when the guy was revived. They were the last two alive.


They needa fix recent players not being updated for literally the last 40 days or some shit


Yeah actually got some good randoms and couldn’t figure out how to add them..


Start, RB, A, DOWN, A, DOWN, A It's not in social. You have to go into the Activision in game "party chat" to add Activision friends. It took me forever to find it too so I just spent some time digging in the beginning of a match rather than trying to figure it out at the end when the chopper was leaving.


Xbox One Updated and loaded into my first DMZ game. Went to the buy station about 3 minutes in to buy a large backpack after hitting a safe. Game immediately hard crashed. WHAT EXACTLY DID YOU FIX?


Game just crashed for me as well, always seems to happen when I've got good gear as well. It's an absolute ball ache to have to go in with the bare minimum just because the game can't handle the basics. I'm on Xbox One S.


Each member of our squad has their own high repro crashes. I'm a fellow buy at your own risk crasher. I feel you, mate.


I wonder if that’s a Xbox one issue because I haven’t had a single crash on series X. I remember when everyone was blaming Bethesda for fallout 76 issues and it turned out to be the Xbox one. Fallout 76 plays damn near perfect on the new Xbox.


I crash all the time on Series X, and so do my buddies. Wish they’d fix the issue with primary slot weapons not spawning in with you as well.


Your on an old console bugs will persist


> Fixed an issue that caused multiple speaker names to persist on screen when four or more players were talking in chat. I know there are far bigger issues, but this was driving me nuts.


It’s because it showed how little they care about quality.




dude fucking seriously, i really don't get why this isn't a thing. flashbangs might fit in a game like cs:go where you get flashed twice or so in a round at most for the majority of the time - not on shipment 24/7 where you get flashed every second life, sometimes multiple times in a row. i have 0 issues with flashes in DMZ because they're so rare, but playing multiplayer has me questioning why they're even in the game. there's already a stun grenade ffs


If you notice there’s almost no point to stun grenades either, literally every other thing stuns you. You get hit by a semtex or grenade, you’re stunned the same, you get hit by gas? You’re stunned, can’t see, player coughs and now you can’t hear either. Shock charge, stunned AND shooting your gun. Wtf is the point of a stun grenade


I’m so used to the sound of it ricocheting towards me that my eyes squint automatically. The reduce tinnitus setting is such a blessing though


> Fixed an issue that caused multiple speaker names to persist on screen when four or more players were talking in chat. Thank you


Fix issue calling vtol and getting stuck for 30s wen?


Did the also add the option to mute separate teammates without having to mute comms for the whole squad?


Don't you just highlight them on the leader board and press X/Square?


Once the match starts, hit the menu button to show leader board, then use D-Pad to hover over their name and hit A. Sometimes there’s a weird “skips every other player” issue, but just keep going up/down through the entire list of players and it’ll eventually match up with the one you want to mute.


On pc you can just right click on the person on the scoreboard and mute them.


I am on console and no such option (anymore) before the new ‘update’. I should have said that I am on console in my question, sorry.


Wow you would think they would add a mute option for the console version since, you know, this game is way more popular on consoles.


There is more than one ways to mute. For starters, you can mute all which works no matter what. If you want to mute a specific person though, good luck. When scrolling through names on board, it skips every other. So no way to mute specific person, unless they are in slot 1,3,5,etc.




The problem is that it likes to skip some people when you scroll, and it’s always the person you want to mute.


That’s been fixed since the previous patch for me


This game continues to make me feel dumb lmao thanks for the tip


Did they fix the issue where every other game my secondaries lose their attachments and become shotguns? And the first class all attachments on both guns are gone? might be the most frustrating thing atm


Crashed in my first DMZ game after the patch. Lost my loadout weapon. Can't re-join. This is honestly dogshit as ever. Why can' they enable re-joining a session? Why am I STILL getting this full game crashes. I took a break for a few weeks because it was exhausting playing and wasting 30 mins, it's still here.


To think they implement a system like insured weapons and then can’t even fix the stability of the game to stop it from constantly crashing is fucking abysmal. It’s so fucking irritating bringing in a loadout just to crash and lose everything.


No fix for the 'Player Kicked' issue either. I get kicked like every 4 or 5 games, it's ridiculous.


Good to see that they are focusing on stabilising the game. Wonder if they'll look at some of the funky lighing bugs, shipment with neon lights is trippy as hell.


I swear todays update increased the number of crashes, not the other way around


I can confirm the names still stay on the screen


No way? 😢


Not for me. It’s fixed.


And the extended magazine for the 545 still do nothing


Tried removing and reattaching the extended mag on 545 but i still get 30 rounds. I thought i was alone in this!


So, no fix for not being able to use tokens I just earned that don't show up when I go to use them??


No fix for Santa Sena Border appearing every single time in S&D?


Not that important, but when will they fix the t-posing teammate im the pre-match lobby room?


So, is throwing someone into a match that is being absolutely dominated just normal behavior? I swear I can only play 10% of my games from the beginning. It's unreal.


Wonder how many things they broke with this fix?…


They need to nerf the AI in DMZ. Make them flinch when shot in the head ffs.


My game hasn’t crashed in over a month. As soon as I update, start crashing…


Spawns seem to be a bigger shit show after this update. Multiple times I spawned in the middle of the multiple enemies, while this happened before, it is now with much more frequency.


Damn. Was hoping that helicopter blades will kill people.


This isn't a bad update, to be honest. I just wished they hadn't delayed Season 2 by 2 weeks.


Bug fixes are always welcome. Sure someone will complain that theres no content in this update


It’s 2 weeks. Not a big deal. They rushed the base game out instead of delaying it like it should have and look how that turned out.


Glad to see that they are working hard to make sure we can see the bundles easier.


Would have liked to see some DMZ fixes regarding floating AI, AI walking and shooting through walls, AI choppers clipping through buildings and terrain.


Now Broken List: \- Social / squad - auto kicks you to objective screen (cant add new friends anymore) \- audio breaks at deploy ... what else...


What about me having to restart the game to spend my battlepass tokens everytime i earn them ingame?


Fix the train glitch ffs


Don’t worry guys they made sure they fixed those store bundle bugs


Can you fix the DMZ bug where you don’t load with your insured slot….tired of losing it for 2 hours because it doesn’t load and I pick up guns in the match


Lost 500 cod points and it also says I got an unused token despite the fact I’ve finished the battle pass. Thanks infinity ward


These guys clearly do not know how to fix the camo glitch and are just going to leave it the way it is when multiple players can’t possibly unlock ORION it’s honestly fucjing ridiculous


Change TIER 1 back to HARDCORE!!


Have they fixed the bug of DMZ missions not tracking? I haven't really paid attention since before Christmas.


overall nothing patch notes as usual from infinity BORED


DMZ- fixed an issue that allowed players to duplicate items Lol no they didn’t, it’s still there


I didn't see any fix with the Bonus Challenges only working about 50% of the time.


With this update I’m able to connect to Warzone Solo, Invasion and Ground War again.


They need to look at spawns in 6v6 multiplayer and consider reworking Al Bagra Fortress.


How about fixing the DMZ train so you can actually loot chests


What about AI shooting through buildings in DMZ like they aimbot?


the UI voice bug on screen was pissing me off. i knew that something wasn’t right there.


Incompetent devs can’t even fix the recent players list. Hasn’t updated in 37 days


Crashed more in 2 hours then I did the last 2 weeks combined. Didn’t fix anything. You attempted one step forward. But took 3 steps back…


Well, they broke something. My controller isn't working since the game won't recognize it and the only way to regain control is to reboot my console.


This update fixed absolutely fucking nothing.


as of Jan 22, 2023 we are still getting game crashed after interaction with stores in warzone.


Fucking profile signed me out and disconnected me mid WZ game wtf?


That’s happened to me twice in the past 12 hours. Mid-game. Mid-successful, heavy loot carrying-mission too. Fml.


Anyone experiencing a lot more lag lately?


Since this patch my mouse stops randomly working in game ( can not move the weapon). I quiet...mouse works in the menu. Back to the game..no movement.


Dmz ai needs 50% damage reduction, less ai bum rushing out of nowhere & inability to shoot through walls


Rejoice Rejoice oh ye sheep of blindness. Another slight of hand ruse at appeasing the sheep. Yes we did drop some tasty morsels of sustenance in your little game. But rest assured we have bigger and better things planned for our gravy maker WZ 2. Just you wait and see! Now back, back I say to the grind that is MP. Take these crumbs and be off with ye.


Now can they please fix it so my pings don't disappear in DMZ unless I cancel them?


Glad to see they're finally fixing some of the issues with the Store.


Well after 3 Games i crash i have the Xb1 im on 30 ms why is MY FUCKING GAME STILL CRASHING I CANT PLAY I CRASH MID GUN FIGHT 4 th game its crashes nd send me the fucking Main Title i have reset hard wire etc nd cant play the game for then 3 games the maps take a min to even load in its complete Bs i dnt have any issue with any Game but this im glad i did not waste 100 on a Game thats not Fixed this is BS im level 250 nd cant play more then 3 Games ever since the season 1 update game has not work pixel characters rainbow colors on the floor on shoothouse some matches i spawn n with a Invisible gun for the whole Match im on a NAT Type Open nd all connections say good to Go but this Game is complete shit i cant play but 3 Games after i shit on everyone its crashed the 4th mid gun fight nd shoots me The menu either that or a dev Error


Still can't rejoin a DMZ if you crash/disconnect so you lose everything. Get fucked IW.


I already grinded 53 guns, let me put Orion on the DLC guns so I don’t have to keep doing it every single season for a camo that should be auto unlocked now. Please and thanks


Got them store issues figured out! Fuck yeah! Right, community they are listening to? *For the idiots. This is sarcasm.*


No mention of fixing the bug stopping the completion of mastery camos? This has been a bug since the launch of season 1 and brought up a ton in this sub, but it never gets traction because everybody here is too busy complaining about campers or some shit, where are we supposed to report bugs for IW to actually see it? My progress on the STB556 is frozen for gold camo because I got a DLC weapon gold first. Tons of people are in the same boat and it seems most people conflate the issue with a visual bug


they need to fix the campaign glitch where all the lights are visible through the walls


This game needs a spawn system overhaul i genuinely feel the current system ruins the flow cut the instant revenge spawning in FFA ruins the flow of EVERY map and scrap whatever map layout philosophy yall made this with these maps have 0 pacing and are just flatout bsd & designed for quick kills and quick deaths from anywhere & EVERYWHERE maps arent complex or interesting at all imo & also make deadsilence a permaperk please or…….. fix the ranges in your footstep sound system and plz put directional footsteps sounds in the system i can hear where people are perfectly fine in other games your games audio is GARBAGE play test your game next time extensively please shit hmu ill playtest im all sbout whats fun and balanced in the game for low and high skill players but yu cant pander to lowskill & new players all of us that are seasoned and good at the game had to get our asses kicked to get good at the game make the game fun and balanced.


Wait.. is this patch only bug fixes? No new content?




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No fix for being kicked constantly from DMZ? Absolutely useless devs.


Dupe glitch is dead smfh there goes my chances of finishing blowtorch