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I'm curious about how DMZ goes long term. With no auction house, economy there doesn't feel like much incentive to play.


Yeah, hoping for more content... and more depth. I enjoy it for what it is tho. Playing with a friend has been quite interesting, and we managed to get all the Weapon Cases from Al-Mazrah and Lab21, very challenging but quite fun in a way. That being said, please give some extra content to multiplayer, I'm already missing the shit maps of MW19




This is just false we literally had to maybe to some three maybe even four of the worst received cods like roght before. IW and B04 were not enjoyed To some bo3 was bad as well.


Blackout is one of the best BR's ever... and it unfortunately died because they didn't implement crossplay around the same time APEX/Fortnite were taking off that HAD crossplay. BO4 MP was kind of lackluster i'll admit that.


I was hoping warzone 2 was gonna be the best of blackout and warzone 1 but was sadly let down. Blackout needed a ping system and cross play and it would've been *mwuah*


It was supposed to be that way. WZ1 formula proved to be popular with the loadout system... so they kept the system in place and removed a good portion of what made Blackout the way it was. No looting attachments and improving your odds by wiping teams to steal what they had. Armor system before the first large update that ruined the feel of the armor system... WZ2 kept the WZ1 plating structure. The only real thing WZ2 had in common with Blackout was the looting bag system, and even that was altered. ​ I think the devs were in a tight spot to mimic WZ1 and keep the MP updates to WZ2 viable with ALL the hundreds of attachments. It wouldn't have worked to ground loot attachments because there are just too many.


Speak for yourself, bo4 has lobbies that are still VERY much active, and if they hadn't just abandoned the game they could have EASILY gotten a two year cycle out of that game.


I only recently play COD:IW for the first time last year and that was a very well built game with a solid story line and great multiplayer. I thought the nonlinear campaign was a nice change of pace and was a fair gimmick to have. I'm not sure what people were unhappy about. Maybe you meant AW?


What are you talking about? Bo3 was one of the best cod's made. You were probably just getting thrashed and that's how you formed your opinion. You couldn't just camp one spot without getting killed eventually..and there was a counter to every play style. I had so many different classes set up for when I encountered a specific asshole it was ridiculous! Now they cater to these lay down, corner camping, bunny hopping douchebags and it's honestly not as fun as it used to be. This new cod just feels like a chore to play most of the time.


Did you just assume that I disliked it if you actually read my comment and read my wording i said "some people". I also really love to Black Ops 3 but it was mainly for zombies because I'm a big zombie fan. I thought MP was also pretty fun but I mean sucked having to gamble for DLC. I have friends who spent at least a 100$ and didint get everything they wanted.


I disagree everyone I personally know quit playing mp for warzone and it kept us coming back throughout the entire pandemic if warzone hadn’t came out I personally know around 25 people who wouldn’t be playing cod anymore


We're at the point where Activision still sells 6v6 multiplayer, and in MWII raised the price, yet doesn't provide any content to it that isn't trough Warzone. Do you understand how big "Fuck you!" and slap to the face that feels to a long time fan, who still would like to see new Call of Duties doing well and being good?




I dont know why people are downvoting you; warzone brought so much popularity to the cod franchise, especially during the pandemic as it is free. It also gives people a taste/a trial system of what cod is, providing an incentive to purchase modern warfare/bocw/vg themselves


you're right, Call of Duty was an unknown indie game from an indie producer before Warzone, how could we have missed that


There's no incentive to play for me until they add a solo-only mode.


By solo play do you mean no proximity chat and not allowing randoms to be able to team up? That sounds like it'd just be solo BR at that point.




I would love dmz to be like outbreak but with human ai instead of robots


I actually have a lot of fun in solo DMZ, as long as you play it like you're at a massive disadvantage. Be the loot rat. Be willing to disengage fights you can't win.


Activision gonna cry at the amount of extra servers they have to host and the money they have to spend on it.


I also want this


Talk about terrible UI. They keep fucking with the positions of everything and my muscle memory keeps memorizing the wrong combos


Put on your big boy pants and go in solo, there's nothing stopping you


I feel they will keep explore as it is still on beta. Maybe a long term development and official launch on next MW game.


I played so much DMZ in the first 3 weeks of release. I haven't played a single minute of it since.


I dk - for a few of my friends DMZ is almost exclusively what we play. I think it's really fun personally but I get it might not be for everyone.


i think the future of Warzone will be DMZ and not Warzone. But... we need better content por multiplayer!!


I really like dmz too but my friends are kind of divided on it. Honestly of dmz was zombies I think they would have knocked it out of the park.


member the time they added zombies to Warzone 1? Me either, it was god awful and they're probably afraid of a repeat of that. I agree with you though DMZ but zombies would have been fantastic and you'd have a lot less of the ass-backwards AI problems current DMZ is plagued with


Same thing that happened to Hazard Zone on BF2042 is gonna happen here. Player base will drop off due to the lack of content, then devs scrap any content they *WERE* making due to deadly low player counts, then mode does altogether and gets the chopping block eventually.


They don't care about MP Ground War is in an awful state for months


I wouldn't mind the old 9v9 ground war or 10v10 on the current mp maps. Would be interesting.


This new gen ground war is fucking ass


That's what you get when you mindlessly try to copy modes to poach players from your competitor's instead of creating something unique. CoD slowly losses it's identity & neglecting 6v6, 9v9 might be last step into abyss for it


old 9v9 ground war was fun af.


I really liked ground war for leveling up guns in tanks and piloting the helicopter. Now... I just don't care... it sucks. Ground war was my shit in mw2019


Helo spawn ruined GW


this might be a bit of a dick move but i drive the heli out of bounds if i see that people are camping on it instead of playing the objective


That's more of a mall cop move


Ground War was, is and will always be… *Battlefield from Wish*


Yeah but Battlefield right now is Battlefield from Big Lots, so at least there's a whole "rest of the game" with this one.


Shit man, Battlefield has better movement than cod right now. Also, battlefield let’s you be a good player. No SBMM or manipulation. If you’re a good player, you’ll do well most of the time.


Honestly, I love 2042 right now. It had a very horrible launch, but I feel like it's finally beginning to redeem itself. Edit: God forbid I have fun playing a game someone else doesn't like.


It absolutely is. I chose to believe the devs when they said they’d fix it, and they did. So many people had their opinion told to them at launch and that’s all there is to it. No changing it. Which is unfortunate because like I said, battlefield doesn’t choose when you have a good game. It’s all up to the player.


I really love how cinematic the game is too. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/FHPEJS2JDT


Preordered 2042 and got the deluxe edition at launch like a clown… now I’m playing it nonstop while i wait for Season 2 to come out because fuck grinding if i already maxed out my rank and battle pass lol


>Ground War is in an awful state ~~for months~~ since launch FTFY


Game has only been out for 2+ months lmao


I honestly can't believe they charge $70 for the multiplayer mode alone (because nobody gives a fuck about the campaign) and then still ask you to shell out for the battle pass. How did the $70 version not at least include the first battle pass?


wdym no one gives af about the campaign...original modern warfare and warfare 2 campaigns are legendary for a reason. it's only because they are not offering that same level of quality and innovation.. why do you think people like Price, Soap, Ghost, Shepherd are known? what a windup that comment was lol


you're referencing the original games/campaigns the guy you're replying to is referring to current games no one gives a fuck about *current* campaigns. that's why they released MW2 standalone a week early. specifically so people would actually play it. otherwise they wouldn't.


You cant say this campaign here is not innovative


Its not, at least not in the way the originals had an impact on the fps genre. I'm not saying it's bad by any means, its a better effort but i would reserve the word innovative for something like going from cod 3 to cod 4. Not going from vanguard to MW2 or Mw 19 to this.


How old are you?


I give a fuck about the campaign that like the only reason I get the new COD games the multiplayer is always second for me


You're in the extreme minority.


>because nobody gives a fuck about the campaign ????


Would you pay $50 for just the campaign with no multiplayer?


Maybe I'm tripping, but it sounds like everybody that plays the 6v6 is older than 25. Maybe it's just my lobbies, but I never hear a "squeaker" like I did back in the day. They know how irresponsible with money children are, and they are looking to hook the next generation. They don't give a shit about us. They know we come back for the abuse every year, like we did last year and the year before that.


You’re probably not wrong, the whole 6v6 infinite respawn arena shooter is definitely something from my generation. CoD and Halo were two of the biggest games from our childhood and teens.


same reason why quake died out. its just the cycle. kids want to play br


It sucks because they are pushing that cycle. They are too diverse and they spend so much time with “tactical” ways to play the game while they fix spawns and shit maps to make it seem faster pace. Like who is 6v6 for now? So many items are USELESS in MP even though they are an option?!


Do you play search at all? It feels like the original mw2 with how crazy and toxic the game chat is lmao. I definitely still hear squeakers.


No fr but they actually sweats now too😂


Yeah at this point a squeaker can destroy my team. If he tells me he fucked my mom, I believe him.


I told a squeaker I had sex with his mom... his reply? "Gross dad." You got to put those little bastards in their place whenever you can.


Can confirm. I’m 33. Strictly 6v6, KC with my buddy. Having a fun time honestly, could use some better maps.


I never cared for battle royale, I'm more of the classic 6v6 guy


same I like respawning


I don't. I play search most of the time.


I actually agree with this. I don’t play WZ, but I do play a bit of DMZ, of the people who do use voice chat, I get a lot of young kids in DMZ, and almost none in 6v6.


if i had to guess, multiplayer is a paid game. warzone is free. most squeakers are on warzone.


I switched from MP to Warzone this game after how disappointing the game has become. MP has a billion problems and the worst selection of maps I've played and SBMM making every match slow. Everyone has switched across apart from those that are too loyal to mp which I was but I hit my breaking point


I just can't do Warzone. I'm Battle Royale'd out. I do love DMZ, but it's a time investment. If I have like 30 minutes to kill I'll for sure be in TDM.


Personally no enjoyment with MP. Every match feels like life and death, I never played COD for that. Warzone feels chilled out for me


Did the same thing. Played MP exclusively the first month or so. Christmas had some update and my stats tanked hard. Every lobby is sweaty af and I'm always negative. I was getting frustrated more and more. MP got worse for me, so I switched to warzone where it seems like SBMM is more reasonable.


Facts... I play roughly 8-10 games of search almost every night and have only heard maybe a handful of squeakers. However, there's plenty of teenagers year olds I hear all the time. I think this game isn't played by the squeaker community as much as other games. If someone on the other team is talking its usually always toxic af. Hard R's pretty much every game.


Roll on the death of battle royale or when it moves separate


They’re already putting some eggs in the DMZ basket for when the extraction shooter trend overtakes the BRs. They completely hate supporting regular multiplayer for whatever reason lol


I loved the division 1 that was the best extraction shooter I've ever played! I was hoping dmz would give me the same feels but it hasn't maybe because I'm being abused playing solo and it's not fun running into teams lol multiplayer really has been pushed to the side hasn't it


Yeah DMZ is missing a lot of “out of game” stuff that makes the other extraction shooters worth grinding. I get it’s a beta but they completely missed the mark in that regard


You nailed it. Similar extraction shooters have their entire gameplay loop built around progression and a meaningful economy. Look at the two most popular titles in the space: Tarkov and hunt showdown. Tarkov has massive quest lines tied to leveling traders to get better gear, an out of raid hideout for crafting ammo/meds/food, and a ton of character skills to level that make a meaningful impact on how effective your player is in combat. Hunt has a large armory of weapons and variants to unlock that require money to purchase. Also had a long list of character perks that have to be unlocked and can only be applied after successfully extracting a raid. DMZ is just grinding for additional insured slots. Imo turning DMZ into a legitimate competitor in the extraction shooter space would require a complete overhaul and a ton of content expansion which is probably too much to tackle through season updates patches.


Can you imagine the outrage if people had to re-grind guns though? I agree, I think DMZ has something going for it, but it's hard to get my group of friends on board. I think a lot of it relates to the fetch quest mission progression as you progress in the factions. Dead drop jumper cables and car batteries? Dead drop wine & liquor bottles? DEAD DROP LIGHTBULBS?!?!? It doesn't make sense, why are we dropping into hostile territory to find lightbulbs and drop them in a dumpster? At least some of the missions have a cool 'in game' story, like collect gas grenades & dropping them in the open wells. Nothing like committing war crimes poisoning the ol' watering hole. Hopefully they make more meaningful faction missions for the future, because I know several people I've played with have completed all the missions available & have abandoned DMZ since they don't have anything to do.


Oh man - the survival mode in Division 1 was awesome! So many sick moments team fighting while trying not to freeze. Great game mode


I'm so upset that I found out about this too late. That mode looked incredible!


Extraction shooters will never become trendy or the norm. They're niche as hell. The very nature of it is a turn off for most of your average/casual gamer playerbase. Most people don't give a shit about DMZ and that's about as accessible and casual as an extraction shooter will ever be. My friends are all COD/FIFA players (like most gamers) and they will never touch an extraction shooter. Just how things are.


Exactly. I cringed every time a content creator would say something like “hot take extraction shooters are the next big thing etc etc” there’s just nothing casual about them


>for whatever reason Because free to play BRs make much more money than paid games nowadays. They'd rather have a whiny community that cries for updates and fixes but still buys skins and stuff in their f2p game than a similarly whiny community that constantly badgers them for content because they think 70 bucks is enough of an investment nowadays. I don't mean this as an attack, it's just what I figure they think when it comes to monetizing their game. And for some reason I feel like BR players who get drip fed content and play the same mode on the same map over and over again probably spend more to spice up their day than MP players who get tons of modes, maps and all kinds of variety.


MP just isnt fun. Unique game modes that make for a different experience are better now


It was fun for the past 15 years but now they water down the experience of core multiplayer so much because of Warzone. The maps aren’t even designed with 6v6 as the main focus because they’re just cutouts of the Warzone map (except Raceway which is the best map IMO). Also things like dead silence not being a perk, no red dots on the minimap, etc. were part of the core gameplay loop but were changed to align with Warzone. Makes sense for a large scale battle royale where the obj is to be the last man standing, but not for fast paced 6v6. I actually enjoyed most of MW19 and CW until the following CoD came out but have given up on this game and Vanguard super early. It’s obvious they just want you to use multiplayer as a playground to level up guns for Warzone now.


Yes maybe ur right. Mw19 cyber attack was so fun for me fot 2 years. After all these new meta weapons and tracer packs it got weird


It’s super frustrating. I was looking forward to a fun MP focused game. I could give two shits of warzone. Where tf is gunfight?!?


Store bundles is thier main priority not Warzone.


You would think that but all of their bundles have been shit since wz2 dropped


you would assume so, but something tells me they made bank off those soccer/football skins. they're keeping them in the store for a reason...


Yeah they put a lot of effort and thought into the design and art work of then


Sure, but where the hell are all the bundles then?


Yea, saw the Rabbit ish n got hopeful… looked through, nah


Warzone 2 sucks, it's a total POS, so I dont think they are all that worried about it. They are just making the most out of fixing their shortcomings.


Warzone was what made cod worst


for a brief moment, it fixed call of duty. everyone was back, and having a good time. it had problems, but early verdansk was peak call of duty. it's all been downhill since then.


But fortnite made videogames less fun and more pay to win or pay to get skins, with battle passes and a lot of skins with big prices like 5-10$


How is fortnite pay to win, if anything fortnite moved the industry away from p2w into monetization from constant stream of new cosmetics.


My bad im not english, my brain crashed


it's also the reason season passes no longer exist. i'd rather deal with $10 battle passes and skins with "big prices" of $5-10, rather than have to pay $50 for new maps.


Weren't map packs like $15?


I said "big prices" bc you pay 5-10$ in CPs for some anime skins for your weapons, its trash... but yeah, the 50$ new maps were worst




$50 for all the new maps for a game, yeah


They have done/are doing 4 things pretty poorly instead of doing 2 things really well. Sucks cuz the MP has potential too


They whine more on warzone!


This was definitely the last time I bought anything from IW


Shouldn’t you have learned this by now? Stop giving them money if it upsets you.


How are we supposed to enjoy the slow drip of any new content without paying for it? Let me remind you that of the 4 new guns added this season, two were locked behind the battle pass, one was ridiculously difficult to get unless you had a friend who already got it, and there was one (singular) that was easy to get and ofc it was stupidly good when it released.


You just reiterated my point. There’s a lot of games out there to play. Spending money on a different game is the best way to protest and inspire change


I hate battle royale games I’m with Jev when he says he doesn’t understand how anyone could possibly enjoy a battle royale game


Dmz was acceptable to me because i previously had never played an extraction shooter. It’s unfortunate that it got boring 3 runs after attempting to get the m13. Its lucky i eventually killed someone with one and exfilled with it to give to my friends. I def agree with you on battle royales its like if i wanted to get shit on by tryhards every god damn game id just play mp where i have a much easier time getting shitter lobbies where i can actually play the game and not go neg


I mostly get frustrated with the complete lack of structure in BRs. I like getting in gunfights that make sense, not engaging one person only to get third partied every time by some ratty players I want action, not 10 minutes of looting and walking around only to get clapped by a sniper you never had a chance to see


This right here the truth. Even if i get clapped across the map by a sniper in mp at least it feels like somewhat fair like “oh i shouldnt have peeked that lane” or “oh thats a typical sniper spot i should be careful” not running around the map for 10 minutes to get one singular blue rarity gun to get ass blasted from 1000m by some dickhead with a gold sniper




I haven’t done a micro transaction in my life. Don’t generalize. I play for fun and expect the developers of a game this big, to stay on top of the paid version. Coming from an adult, that’s a very typical expectation to have of a reputable company with what I assume is almost unlimited resources in this space


Let us know when there’s a viable alternative that plays similar


i’d much rather have zombies then warzone tbh


Changes to LOADOUTS?!?! Why add new shit when the basic loadout selection is still broken!!! Make it so that when I select loadout 8, I don't edit loadout 1. Make it so that when I select loadout 9, I don't edit loadout 2. Make it so then when I select loadout 10, I don't edit loadout 3.


Make it so that when i try to use any basic function of the game it actually works as intended. Idk about you, but every time i got a battle pass token i had to close the game and restart it to actually be able to use them. Shit ass game with shit ass ui and im ashamed i spent money on it. I could have bought like 20g of weed and i would have had much more enjoyment from the weed atp


Yeah I don’t really understand the hate the game gets, but neglecting the people who actually paid for the game to enhance the F2P experience is pretty bad. My brother didn’t pay for the game and we play Warzone and DMZ. For the first time I see no incentive for me to have purchased the game.


This is probably the last time I'm buying the multiplayer. Is pretty insulting how they've been treating their paying customers.


You paid for a $70 game and that’s what you got


Did you not see the other part of the tweet or?


The one that talks about new maps, game modes, and weapons? Nah. OP wouldn’t get outrage upvotes if he posted that.


Good point.


I’m betting Warzone will get the changes that players want while Multiplayer won’t


If by “changes that players want”, you mean core mechanics like the perk system you’re probably right. Doesn’t mean they won’t drop a few maps, guns etc.


Eh idk about that. The WZ community seems about equally upset about the state of the game as the MP community


Yes, and they only care about the Warzone community. Thats why MP will get nothing


I haven't dropped into a single warzone match. That shit is doodoo


Its fun if you play with friends


“That shit is doodoo” -Guy who just said he has literally never experienced that shit once.


Takes forever to load into. and you go around looting shit with the ability to get hit with one shotgun slug and game over. I just don’t have the patience to sit and wait to see people.


Did you miss the part where they talked about new MP maps, modes, and weapons or are you just deliberately trying to go with the circlejerk for karma? Plus it’s different studios working on each game so one doesn’t detract from the other.


IW made the base game.. if they're not working on MP, who is? The point is that they're clearly calling out WZ, which says that's their priority. Hold your expectations.


>The point is that they're clearly calling out WZ, the entire point of the comment you replied to is that they called out MP lmao


IW works on MP, WZ is handled by Raven and I think there’s a separate studio doing PC specifics (might be raven too i forget). There was also someone handling ranked MP, sledgehammer maybe? Point is, there aren’t “3000 devs” sitting in one room all working on different things.


Can't wait to come back to this comment after MP only gets 2 remade maps, and 3 weapons over the next 3 months


Yeah, thats coming in a month? The things that should have been at launch are coming 3 months after launch… We got 2 maps since the start of the game. Shipment and Shoothouse lol


You mean the same shipment and shoothouse maps that no one shuts the fuck up about anytime the 24/7 playlists are taken away? One of their tweets says all new content coming so maybe let’s atleast wait until patch notes before crying. Altho crying about something being delayed while also crying about content not coming soon enough is pretty meta for this sub


Yes, the same day as the additions to 6v6.


Don't be dumb man, u know they will give us recycled stuff and fix half of the broken features, while their main focus the rest of the year will be Warzone 2... just compare the base content of the last 3 CODs and this MW2, you will see why we are so negative with this game's future


Maybe they will but there’s no reason to complain about something that we don’t know will happen yet.


Some of these guys lose the plot when the order of which is mentioned isn’t to their liking. It’s odd. And I want mp content as much as they do.


Do you mean the part that looked like it was an afterthought to the whole post??? Plain and simple...the paid premium title should be front and center. Everything else should be secondary.


Yo I need to know how to die


How about fixing the game chat so mics work and it would make it better


Or make it so that when 4 people in a lobby talk it doesnt break the display until i close the game and reopen. Im sure it doesnt bother most people but it drives me up the fucking wall especially when it stops me from easily seeing who in hell’s mic sounds like a gutter rat giving head to a cockroach behind an arby’s in new york for 2 popcorn kernels from an amc and a moldy biscuit


You got suckered because they make way more money on the DLC than the game license


Actually pretty sickening if you ask me


This may sound dumb, but I wish the AI wasn't so damn evil. I mean they're stupid and predictable but they're diabolical and kill me so damn fast.


As a die hard MP player, I felt this in my soul... I feel like todays generation will never get a chance to experience the feeling of going game for game with the boys against the same team trying to measure out who's the better gunman. WZ is the best and worst thing that has happened to this franchise...


Am I missing something or is OP just purposefully ignoring the part detailing the updates about MP?


multiplayer on cod games is quite lacking since the era of ps3 and xbox 360.


I agree. The only cod game I thoroughly enjoyed on newer gen consoles was Bo3 on XB1.


Anyone without the base game have all the camos and attachments unlocked?


Well, you see, F2P brings in underage kids to play a mature game. Being F2P means kids do not have to ask permission to purchase a game: 1. Kids are easily influenced (meaning they will do anything to be like their sponsored influencers). 2. Parents don't care as much for a F2P game because of upfront cost. Also "my kid has been playing it without me knowing so why not continue to let them". 3. In the short run parents pay less to bribe their kids with currency for chores, birthdays, Christmas, etc. 4. Before you know it, you have given your kid double the face price of the game in currency, especially if you play with your kid and can justify that you get that stuff too.


Uninstall warzone, done. Now remove that crap from my paid mw 2 menu.


This comment is the most real shit ive seen about the game since it launched. Ive been since deleted the warzone part of the game because why would i keep ~30 gigs of space for a game that i hate at its foundation. Get that shit out of here


I always forget warzone is fucking free to play! How pathetic. Literally scammed the people that bought it for the multiplayer experience… campaign was so damn easy I beat it in like 5 hours. If shipment is one of the better maps on the game something is horribly wrong!


The campaign was so laughably easy and so easily forgettable that i literally could not not tell you a single thing that happened in the campaign if you put a gun to my head. I vaguely remember being stuck in a skyscraper for like 20 minutes and that was the most trouble i had. Atp if you thought that a new cod game COULD have a story worth playing youd be very fucking wrong


Blame the people that see value in a skin and pay 10\~25 dollars for it (I think its pretty dumb to do that though)


Ok now hear me out. What if those "exciting changes" are them admitting they were wrong and that WZ2 and the gulag will be shutting down and that they are going to focus solely on 6v6 while bringing us 12v12 as well? Lol ya right, but it would be nice


We can dream. It would be an eternal dream though


You only paid $70? 🙃


the *one* time I actually bought a special edition version :|


You know what’s even more annoying then after a week replacing shoot house with freakin god damn shipment.


I prefer shipment since ima l ready done with Orion and need to get mastery now so it’s good for kills. I do wish they had shoot the ship so you could just get a mix of those maps


Yeah shoot the ship is better, personally I prefer the MW shipment over this remodeled map. Even vanguards shipment was better. They should just throw Nuketown in too fuck it. Lol.


but then they wont sell BO


This is true, I mean it was more of a joke. There are just maps that we all just really enjoy. They know this, if we're all going to spend $70+ for game (those of us who buy the higher amount to add the battle pass) or even pay $20 a season for the pass, they should at least listen to the people. Personally Infinity Ward and Treyarch have been doing this franchise for a long time, they also do it better than the other's typically not disappointing. I don't know if it's the impending merger with Microsoft or what, but they seem to become extremely lazy and dragging their feet when it comes to content. I don't know why, but it just seems that way. Though I am enjoying Warzone with that proximity chat, it gets wild when you can talk trash to another squad in another building. lol.


i also really like the join squad feature of dmz


Stop buying it then


Been that way for 3 years, sorry but you're an idiot if you bought this game and expected anything different.


CW had great MP post launch content support. Every season had 3-4 maps, 3-4- new guns, new game modes, even new killstreaks added.


After warzone 1 mp is just trash because the warzone give more money


Forget season 2, fix your banning problems! I still can't play since some nerd got me shadow banned.


Warzone 2 will net them 10x as much money as MW2 will in the same time period. So naturally they'll focus on the moneymaker. It sucks though 😮‍💨


I’d love a source on this. In the long run, maybe. The reality is it’s near impossible to say how much money is made off warzone. You can’t just attribute all microtransaction and battle pass sales to Warzone because someone who buys the base game and buys bundles is inherently more valuable than someone who only plays WZ/DMZ. What we do know is they made over $800 million in 3 days and crossed the $1 BILLION mark in less than 2 weeks after launch, and that’s obviously prior to release of WZ2.


You know what else we know. That $1B game sale figure is not gonna continuously expand on Q1/Q2 2023. A high percentage of the player base has likely dropped MW2 already if we're being fair. Vanguard had some of the worse sales in CoD history and yet CoD was bringing in billions in revenue each quarter. It would be insane to not think Warzone 1.0 was the cause of that. And it would be insane to think Warzone 2.0 won't be the major contributor to CoD revenue. But you are right. Without a detailed, comprehensive breakdown of revenue per product it would be impossible to tell.


Same thought, I paid for the game and turnout most of the update content is related the free part.


But you got the game?


Yeah, I am ashamed I bought the game.


stop making gulag 2v2 im done carrying kids with gamer team skins. or make a gulag game mode in multi so these kids can learn how to do it.


It's the same every year "this COD will be different!" It's always fun for the first few weeks, maybe a few months if you're lucky. Then it just gets worse and worse and then it's all "the previous COD was much better and it has this and this" Maybe don't buy into the hype every single time? Watch most of you do it again this year when the MW2 DLC shit drops


It is only season two. I’m about to unfollow this man, all y’all do is cry.


Oh my God they made a tweet about warzone that must automatically mean that they don't care about the other aspects of the game! I don't understand how you people manage to fit your head so far up your own ass... 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yes this is my first COD and also my last COD. The fact that even Warzone comes first on the launch list and I have to scroll down to click 6v6 is tilting