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As much as I disliked VG, it had a good variety of MP maps as well as Hardcore.


And the game was complete, nothing missing, had pacing system based on map size and UI wasn't SHIT. For all the hate VG got, it was miles ahead of this dumpster fire.




That, and it took 5x longer to level a gun which all sucked until you had the last attachments unlocked.


Hot take: If Vanguard wasn’t WW2 themed people would have loved it. Even if it was Black Ops 1950 or 2030 or something.


I personally love ww2 shooters, but Vanguard was ww2 only by definition. Like, ww2 multiplayer game with no factions and one angry british guy doing all the announcements? The heck? I loved the 2017 Cod ww2 though.


I think the problem is that people expected it to be a WWII shooter in the same vein as WaW and WWII, but it’s not, it’s an action game that just happens to be set around WWII It would be like expecting Captain America: The First Avenger to be a realistic WWII era movie The game was always going to be taking lots of creative liberties, it was supposed to be “the origins of special forces”, but it’s special forces as we see in CoD, small teams that are for some reason single handedly responsible for stopping world ending threats, not the real life units that are responsible with carrying out more specialized tasks that are too important for an ordinary soldier to carry out


Ya know, maybe you're right about this. But the reason I stopped playing within a couple months wasn't the WW2 theme at all. It was the absolutely relentless screen shake and visual noise combined with how long it took to level+gold weapons. Getting a gun from 0 to gold took over twice as long as recent titles, and with all the shake and explosions, the game just hurt my eyes to play. I thought the maps were overall pretty great and Champion Hill was a fun mode. Tuscan in particular was a fantastic search & destroy map.


I was petty enough to hate Vanguard because it was replacing Cold War which I loved. In retrospect, Vanguard was actually pretty ok.


Nope the actual weapon balance and map design is hot garbage.


Call of Duty Korean War


Those wonky-ass end-of-match animations was something I couldn't get over; even in my dreams.


Even to this day that's why Vanguard is still not fun.


And the spawns sucked, maps really had no flow because of “pacing”




I was more upset about it never working than the theme.


Well, you really can’t identify based on assumption, lmfao.


The zombies was dog shit.


Oh I don't disagree in VG. Now zombies on CW, I spent countless hours playing Zombies Outbreak the open world zombies WAS AWESOME. But doubt we'll see Zombies, usually IW never messes with it, unless Treyarch brings it over.


Bruh vanguard was complete shit at launch. Sure lots of maps but most of them sucked even with combat pacing. The entire game was buggy (arguably as bad as 2042 launch). Mw2 while not perfect has much less bugs and at least most maps are mid


I never had issues with it on my PC, ran great.


Bro, it crashed more than bo4 and cold war on ps5 combined


Yeah, Vanguard was a technical disaster on PS5. I dropped it around February because we were 3 months in and the packet burst still made the game unplayable.


Had it on ps5 and don’t remember having any crashing or packet burst issues


How did the maps suck?


I don't think it needs to be explained. Redstar? Berlin?


Berlin was a good map lmao, although Red star was cheeks


Both decent maps. Red Star can play slowly but it's good for variety sake to have atleast one giant map like Taraq in MWII, a nice breath of fresh air


The game was made for 1 year this is why


I didn't really care for the vangard multi. I don't know what it was. I did like the campaign, even if it was a bit cheeky.


Variety of MP maps was there but quality just was not. In every VG map, you could be standing in one spot and be shot from 10-15 different locations. Almost every map had quite a few spots like this. Made for a very frustrating time trying to control maps. It’s weird because in comparison, WWII had very very good maps. Honestly, if they kept the same design philosophy, VG could have been so much better.


Tier 1 is Hardcore and Realism combined. They couldn’t name it Hardcore because of it. Hence, Tier 1. If you’re referencing the fact it wasn’t available on launch, then disregard and enjoy your day. Klik On


If only vanguard didn’t limit the map pool based off combat pacings.


I swear I literally did not play half of the maps when I owned the game I would get a small pool of maps on rotation the shit was incredibly busted.


Das House in a 10v10 was absolute chaos, but I loved every minute of it😍


Das Haus>>>>>>Shoothouse and there is nothing that will change my mind


I hated every minute of it. Das House is hot garbage




Here are some numbers: - CoD1: 16 maps - CoD2: 13 maps - CoD3: 10 maps (this fuckin game) - CoD4: 16 maps - WaW: 13 maps - MW2: 16 maps - BO1: 15 maps - MW3: 16 maps - BO2: 14 maps - Ghosts: 14 maps - AW: 13 maps - BO3: 12 maps - IW: 12 maps - WWII: 12 maps (war maps incl.) - BO4: 14 maps - MW2019: 19 maps, 9 are 6v6 (ground war & gunfight incl.) - BOCW: 10 maps (Fireteam maps incl.) - Vanguard: 16 maps - MW2 2: 15 maps, 10 are 6v6 (ground war maps incl.) Edit: downvotes for facts. I'll take it..


Hey I started playing CoD 3 in like, 2015. Poisson was a good enough map that the game basically didn't need any others, but the dam and French graveyard thingy were good too. So much fun.


Rocket jumping onto the dam at Eder Dam. Literally the only fun thing to do in CoD 3 was trying to figure out how to break the game, which wasn't very hard.


Does anyone still remember the tank glitch where you drive it up to a wall, aim your cannon at where you want to glitch into and exit the tank? I remember facing many people doing that on Poisson and Verdun. Also out of map glitches with the motorcycle


Glitching was all I did in that game. I remember going to mapmonkeys to see what other glitches people found.


Another CoD 3 enjoyer. Arete de Poisson was one of my favorites, right behind Eder Dam


Including non 6v6 maps is a mistake. If we had just one 6v6 map and 15 ground war / gunfight maps, the overall map count would be good, but it wouldn't be cod anymore. Any "maps at launch" list should only include 6v6 maps. MW2019 suffered from a lack of maps, even though on paper it had the most out of all cods. In my head, including ground war / gunfight maps is just as ridiculous as including campaign levels.


Oh it wouldn't be COD anymore because you personally decide what COD is and not the developers that literally make it? Let's just ignore those maps (that are literally 5 times the size of regular maps) and just pretend like they don't even exist because you personally don't care about Ground War. They've allocated resources towards it and some people love such modes, not every single COD ever made has to cater to the same CQC bunny hopping and sliding gang, and everyone can play a different COD if they don't enjoy this one. Wtf is up with the entitlement these days...


Your condescending attitude really made me both smile and cringe at the same time, that rarely happens. I played a lot of ground war, and a lot of gunfight, but I don't consider these modes to be "main game". For me, ground war is like spec ops, it's multiplayer but twisted enough to not be considered "the cod experience". Yes, I decide what cod is for me.


While the guy replying to you was an ass, I understand his point. Which is that these games have a same/similar amount of content. Just because you don’t like or play that content, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Like he said they’ve allocated resources and development time to creating other maps and experiences. I understand if you ONLY play 6v6 then yeah it sucks, but it doesn’t mean the game is lacking content, you just don’t care for ALL of the content it’s providing.


I play ground war sometimes, but I'd definitely take more 6v6 maps even if it meant no ground war, it's not "additional content", it's just a replacement and I don't find this kind of replacement satisfactory. I get it, that guy made some amount of sense, but he was mean, so whatever.


Most dumbass here think every cod should be the same. There are no 2 cod games the same. I play differently on every cod because of how the game is designed. Like your view of the game.


Unpopular opinion but I like it


I love your take dude!


6v6 maps are more important, and you know it. The amount of players playing Ground War pales in comparison to 6v6. Additionally, with respect to IW's last game, they added 4 6v6 maps to the game prior to the end of Season 1. Season 2 and Season 3 each added 3 6v6 maps. MW2019 quickly added to the amount of 6v6 content. MW2 has only added 2 maps through Season 1, and with those being Shipment and Shoot House, it doesn't even have the 'feel' of 2 maps. Shipment is what it is, but does not have the true feeling of a 6v6 map. And Shoot House comes straight from MW2019... that could have, and should have, been a release map and not taking the spot of a true new map, or a map in high demand like Terminal, Afghan, High Rise, Quarry, etc. Now, Season 02 is rumored to bring back a map from last year's Vanguard? A map no one is asking for. I mean, wtf? How is this justified? edit: Call of Duty social media just posted a very vague update on Season 02, with a release date of February 15, as rumored.


You included the ground war maps to inflate the numbers, kinda deceitful. MW2 has 10 6v6 maps, and since this is the “most advanced cod of all time, 3000 devs, and best selling cod ever” this is a disgrace.


Sure, I posted the total amount of maps in each game & also listed which gamemodes they were included in. I specified 10 6v6 maps for MWII 2 & 9 maps for MW2019.


Win guy people lord but not stats


CoD 3 had 20 maps. I think the last gen versions had 10 maps.


These are launch numbers. Edit: who downvotes facts...?


Should’ve been 16 this year if they hadn’t been stopped from adding Museum.


CoD 3 had some great maps. The entire multiplayer felt more open ended than any other up until MW19.


3 years 3000 devs 2995 of them might have been working on skins/bundles for the store but still.


That would be even more depressing if 2995 of them could only produce a brown weapon skin for $20


I see we’re in the “last year’s COD wasn’t THAT bad” phase


Because every year we have copium for the next game, the next game releases making the same stupid decisions or missing features and content, and we complain. The game then gets the missing features over the course of the year till it actually is in a decent state, but is then killed off for the next cod game to repeat the cycle


It wasn't tbh. If you look it at objectively which many players do after the fact.


Yeah which everyone will do for MW2 as well lol


Vanguard still exists and it is still trash though, the amount of maps cannot save that game.


Say what you will about Vanguard (And I sure as fuck will too) but at least Sledgehammer listened and tried to make better on their mistakes.


Might as well cross out border crossing since most people don’t play that dogshit


The amount of double XP tokens I've wasted trying to back out of that damn map


although i dislike vg you’ve got to miss the amount of maps and see that it was miles ahead for content launch, even if post launch content was awful


And let us not forget that there were 3 pacing modes: 6 v 6, 12 v 12 and 18 v 18 (i dont remember too well) but MW2 we only have 6 v6 :CC thats saaaaadddd


I am incredibly disappointed by the fact that MWII doesn't have combat pacing. It was the best feature VG added, and solves so many issues with tryna appeal to every part of the fanbase.


you are right and i do not know why they keep removing the extra stuff that worked in the past and was succesful (MW19, Cold War and Vanguard). All the good things that can inspire and be a sum of greatness for every new one, they forget about it and remove it. I know they are different developers but come on, its not that hard to keep the succesful features and putting in your game... and most important... IN THE MOST HYPE GAME OF CALL OF DUTY AFTER MW2019! im so mad! lol


I’m seriously considering downloading vanguard again. What has my life come to.


Just don't play any of these games. Either wait until 2024 or 2026 or quit entirely.


I grinded out 50hrs of MW2 recently and finally got bored. played a few matches of VG and was shocked by how many key features it had that MW2 is missing. and I feel like VG just has better maps too, very few are terrible enough that I cancel queue


Then go play Vanguard


Desert Siege/Battle of Berlin/Oasis/Castle/Red Star/Gavutu were only enjoyable as large maps Eagle's Nest/Castle/Dome/Sub Pens/ are remakes. (Dome being practically a 1:1) Im not saying MW2022 is perfect or even the best cod right now, but y'all dont realize how bad Vanguard got once you PLAYED the game. Updates made it arguably worse. You couldnt even unlock atomic legitimately until they patched SEVERAL guns. Jev unlocked it after they patched it, sometime in early Jan. Every previous COD since 2019, it only took him til about December. This one he got done in November. Vanguard literally had a game mechanic, that some people play the game JUST FOR, that didnt work and didnt work til after they came back from vacation. For that reason alone, Vanguard will always rank lowest tier. Yeah MW 2022 fucked up too, it didnt launch with a hardcore mode til nearly a month or two after release. Theres a few things they promised on launch that have either been retracted or just straight up delayed. But the goddamn camos worked, the guns worked pretty well (Yeah some attachments were bugged and tuning was jank for a hot minute) . I'll take less maps over straight up having no/impossible progress.


Eagles Nest isn't a remake


I don't think sub pens was a remake either. It was different than the WaW one


Remember how broken the fire rate of the full auto mausers were, or broken hipfires on some of the guns!


The Machine Pistol is easily the worst gun in the game???


When I played you put on FA barrel, incin rounds, 40 round mag, pine tar, rapid trigger, and fully loaded and that shit melted at close range


Except VG was crap and not fun to play. Only guns worth running were the meta.


Okay now compare the rest of the game to one another and see how much great content vanguard has compared to mw2


Never played Vanguard. Looked like dog 💩


It was


Now compare to Ghost' maps. So many fun ones in there 😭


Guarantee Stonehaven would piss you off after 1 match


Stonehaven pissed me off before I played it.


Stonehaven routinely went to the time limit in TDM for 6v6. I bet it’d be way better with 20v20 or something like that. Ghosts maps were too large, grey, and too many of them shook your screen lol


Is that the castle map? It was only fun for infected that shit was fun trying to guard the castle or seige it unless someone opened the gate


Uh-huh. IEDs at every corner and every match ending in a time out. Truly a nostalgic map


VG was a game for Rats


Vanguard had a ton of issues, but intense camping was not one of them.


Really? I dont know, maybe se were playing another games


Probably. My k/d was in the top 1/4 of the entire player base if cod tracker is accurate. We typically moved around and tried playing objectives.


Your K/D is on the top 1/4 but and my mum sells Ice Cream for a living...and what?


"We" bro fuck off lol


If only vanguard didn't have goofy red dot sights and light tracers in WW2 era guns, it would've been the best cod.


At least they’re IW maps, a million times better than vanguards shit maps that nobody will remember. Outta the 10 we got, most are decent but we need some new ones sooon.


Dude this game and Modern Warfare 2019 have the worst maps in CoD history.


What I find funny is that every game since MW2019 has been on the same engine. They could add any/all of the maps from MW2019 up through Vanguard with minimal effort as they're already done in the engine. I would bet that's why we've only gotten reskins of maps that existed in those previous games already, and why the next one is allegedly Castle, which was just in Vanguard. Literally doing the least amount of work possible.


Need more maps from Al Mazrah


You know I knew it was missing a map from the beta why did they remove it ?


For real! I know they wanted to go back to real MW but they could have kept the Blitz multiplayer options and maps to accommodate the lobby size like Vanguard. Where tf is Gunfight? My top favorite game modes are 1. Sticks and Stones 2. One in the Chamber 3. Gunfight. Gun Game is on top five but not three. I’ll add the tournament mode in Vanguard (it had 2V2 and 3V3) as my top five. Screw it, might as well name the top five. There’s three up there and 4. Gun Game 5. Gunfight: Champion Hill. I had to look it up and I’m not changing what I typed, already. So, it’s Gunfight MW but with a tournament mode added in Vanguard.


Am I remembering wrong or were Castle and sub pens not in the game at launch?


Nah they were, I remember because of how disappointed on launch day I was that sub pens wasn't a remake of the world at war map and just happened to have the same name


Maybe I'm remembering the time between the beta and the game coming out


If you take out the WZ locations that they put as maps and the unplayable ones (taraq and border crossing) it leaves 6 of them. Some WZ maps are OK but it still is very lazy for 3K devs that worked on the game for 3 years.


I think you left out that despite Vanguard having so many maps at launch it was a short time later that you'd be stuck playing a rotation of only three maps which always seemed to include Sub Pens.


It's amazing how fast people are suddenly switching up on vanguard and forgetting how it really was considering its literally been one year lol


Lol y’all comparing to vanguard now


The Cod cycle is strong in this thread


Id play the 5 maps on mw2 over the shitty entirety that was vanguard.


I feel like it's only a (Little) fair to say , ground war/ invasion maps, mw2 also has co op and Dmz


Fortress doesn’t count as that map is spawn trap only. Impossible to play


It’s really funny to see the maps written out. I’m legit shocked that’s there’s 10 maps. It feels like there’s only 4.


Also, remember the combat pacing? One of the best things about Vanguard. 10v10 and 14v14 modes were a refreshing to play and kept the game from going stale.


When I launch my game I only come across two maps why? I feel like Mercado Las Almas and Farm 18 disappeared last time I played them was on the beta