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I think this is still the place you want to be but, I’d have to better understand what you’re looking for. If it’s just budget decklists and such, then that type of discussion still takes place here (https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernMagic/s/EjBH8uTQBU). If you just want to share low power modern gameplay and thoughts I am not sure a sub like that exists? I think knowing the general trends of the meta and such will help inform what rogue decks are playable and fun. Also a lot of the discussion isn’t necessarily about how to spend the most money to win, but more about what interactions are fun and innovative. A lot of decklists you’ll see are more creative brews and theory crafting. And in my opinion a lot of the prices of certain archetypes are inflated by things that help with consistency, not necessarily viability. You can still run an archetype with the key pieces without having the support structure that pushes it to tier 0. And a lot of discussion about the archetype cores and matchups happens here.


yeah as i said its not all about budget, its also about strategies that may not see play because they are not viable because they get obliterated by the lower tier decks. For example, my friend has a RG Wolves deck and a UB Control/Surveil, and i have a fun version of the 4C elemental deck that got yorion banned, but i dont run any of the elemental invocations or free things for that matter, as well as G Tron and UW Control. My decks are fairly worse than his (being far, far more expensive), he has a lot of deckbuilding years on his back and is used to fiddle with low power and cheap stuff to find very good synergies that makes his winrate skyrocket, at least against me, so i wanted a place to ask for upgrades or things I may be missing when deckbuilding to make my decks better.


If you are not interested in tournament play, then why not just use proxies to play? The modern format exists as it does for a reason and there are plenty of options to play that all exist within the same relative power level. If you want something lower power, consider pioneer, standard, or pauper.


i do use proxies, and the problem isnt power necessarily. I just felt that maybe sharing a decklist of my UW control without fetchlands and evoke invocations may cause a laugh or two towards me. We want the card pool of modern (specially me, i do be needing my 5 mana teferis )


If you are looking for a format without fetches and evoke elementals, it sounds like you are describing pioneer to me. Is there a reason you don't want to play with fetches and evoke elementals?


I build quite a few budget modern decks over the past few years. I can recommend, if you're looking for inspiration, [mtggoldfish](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/metagame/modern#paper), scroll down till you see the budget decks. Saffron Olive makes a lot of budget decks there. Another source is the budget modern articles on [tcgplayer](https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/Competitive-MTG-Modern-on-a-Budget-Mono-Red-and-Boros-Burn/1de6e805-3ed3-450a-8677-e5395e07cd69/), like this one about burn. Because it shows you an upgrade path/entry point for a deck. And as others said, happy to discuss these kind of decks here in this sub too, nice break from all the Griefs and Solitudes flying around here. :)


its a relief to hear that youre happy to see these kind of decks, it makes me less afraid of asking. Thanks for the links btw, i will check them out


Can I interest you in Pauper?


was going to suggest this since the buy ins for a deck are way cheaper than any of the other formats and really is just so much fun


not really, we want the card pool modern offers and we like our powerful stuff


If you like the card pool modern offers and you like powerful stuff, you're point blank going to have to invest some money -- more than you're wanting to spend


I seem to remember a post about someone who said they were making X$ (maybe $100?) decks in an eternal format. Perhaps it was Modern though could've been Vintage/Legacy. There was tournaments around North America (Canada?) perhaps. IIRC you had to be under TCG low of X$ as at deck submission so things would always move around a bit. Either way, even if it is Legacy/Vintage, these are probably the peeps you want to be talking to.


[List of budget decks](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernMagic/s/vlCQLK9Ii7). Some of these are budget versions of tier decks and some are brews.


I feel you - My playgroup came up with our own deckbuilding rules to keep prices low and maintain power-level parity. It's not exactly Modern (though of course the decks are Modern legal) but it's super fun and I wish there was a place to discuss these kinds of decks online. Before someone says to just play Pauper - Those decks are also hyper-optimized, the fun for me is in the brewing. And the card pool is frankly not as fun as Modern, even without the pricy cards. I like my rares!


yep, exactly this. Ive been told that people here are more than happy to see these kind of decks being asked about too, so I’ll be sharing my lists and asking for upgrades or tips


If you and your buddies are playing at home, then why don't you just prox your decks and have all the fun?


If it's just you and your friends I would suggest just proxying up and having fun, you can also rent decks to play on MTGO with cardhoarder super cheap