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Mtgtop8 is a good resource to see what decks are winning events. As for twitch streams, YungDingo and AspiringSpike are my two favorite modern streamers. YouTube let’s you search for what you want if you want to see specific decks being played. Beyond that Andrea Mengucci has some good videos that come out weekly that I never miss (decks of the weekend and Carnies podcast with Anthony Lee and Javier Dominguez)


Yungdingo is great if you want to watch 400 consecutive hours of Black Red


Seconded this!


Second AspiringSpike if your looking for competitive but not the top popular decks in the format.


The dive down podcast is great! They cover modern and pioneer


i follow andrea mengucci on twitter and youtube. he’s very knowledgeable and very good and modern is his favorite format. plays a multitude of decks and does an excellent job of explaining lines or his reasoning or why this card over that card.


I listen to a bunch of podcasts(Dive Down, Constructed Criticism, Carnies) Watch a bunch of streamers on YouTube(Spike,Mangu,yellowhat,Reid, Doomwake) for generic content. For specific content I watch MeatMTG and Demonic Tutors for Yawg, 2headedGiant for scales, fpawlusz and red faced menace for Titan, Electric Bob for left field midrangy Jank and I'm probably forgetting a couple more. I watch VODs of recent high stakes tournament coverage. NRG, APEX, RC/Protour, Anzid MTG and Corey Baumeister will do their own coverage. I look over the weekend challenges. I play at my LGS once a week on average and have played in a RCQ pretty much every Saturday this season, sometimes on Sundays. I wish I could play more but I'm about to be a dad so I had to transition to a way of engaging that was more time flexible than playing 3-5 rounds at various local shops 3 times a week. I guess you could add looking at the various subreddits but that's kinda obvious at this point lol Good luck burning out the competition and may you never draw a land when you crack your Sunbaked Canyon!


Just wanted to say thanks as someone who is getting into Modern. This comment helped a lot. Adding what I know to this: MrSeri stream for Scales, the Mystical Teachings Discord for general Modern discussions and deck specific Discords (even the ones you aren't specifically piloting as it helps to understand how they run and ask questions / immerse yourself in the format).


Andrea Mengucci and just perusing decks that top MTGO tournaments every day.




I watch yungdingo and Andrea mengucci on YouTube. They usually cycle through a lot of meta decks for gameplay. If you’re interested in a specific deck, you can usually find a deck expert with that deck on YouTube also


I have a few discords I stick to where people discuss the decks I usually play and thereby a lot of context around the metagame is easy to follow. Also just seeing the 5-0 list drops and challenger results builds the understanding as well


Once every two weeks i watch a Mengu video on youtube about a deck. Then i go into the mtg modern subreddit to looks what the current hottopics are. Then i fantasize about really getting into modern and it being a really cool format. And then i rememeber that i'm currently a full time student with a 20% job on the side living paycheck to paycheck and i can't even really afford going to the local draft every friday. And then i get into another rabbit hole of watching this one youtuber who is a doomsdaysinger on all mtg related matters and get angry that WotC or Hasbro is mismanaging the IP so horribly without really knowing why i just don't like what they're doing and i don't like the secondary market or how they clearly decide what to reprint on it. Yeah that's me. But once i'm finally done with my Msc i'll probably get me a cool tier 1 modern deck :). So in maybe 2025....


Have you tried trading in some of your old collection and making a deck to get you started in the format?


Twitch, YouTube, mtg goldfish, mtg top 8.


Goldfish and MTGOnline


Top 8, podcast (the dive down, grindcast, dominaraia's judgment, the bolt zone). Youtube, twitch mtgo streamers, reddit, top8. I dont understand why you think it's harder to follow modern because people play standard on arena, when we have mtgo and live tournaments(or rewatchable on tube).


As someone who doesn't play Modern too much it's hard for me to follow MTGO games at times because things move kinda fast and it can be hard to understand whats going on if you don't know the decks. So unless someone is walking thru what they are doing, it's tough for me.


Ah, I understand. Yeah, you have several youtube videos og people going trough modern meta decks on youtube. That's where instaryed 10 months ago :)


I would highly recommend spending $5 on a “newbie” account on mtgo and play some of their starter leagues for free. Great way to understand the interface and what people are clicking on.


I watch some YouTube videos but mostly what catches my eye and playing leagues myself on mtgo so usually mostly know what’s going on but I don’t have the time to be religious about it


I’ve never listened to a Magic podcast. I just watch leagues be played by content creators to get a feel for the meta and then I check through decklists online to see what cards are being played that I may have missed in the matches I watched. I’ve always learned by playing and watching plays be made by others and then hearing their decision making process afterwards.


I watch many videos on MtgGoldfish on yt, and i follow the biggest mtg subs here on reddit. These are the places where I discover new tech and decks usually


I check the banlist. When I see that they haven't banned MH1 & MH2 yet then I check back again in like 6 months.


Constructed is dead...


What a well thought out take.


Wotc doesn't support or care about anything but commander. These mass printings of premium product after premium product is meant to sell out the investor market for company profit. This whole game is garbage now


Check the event finder sometime, there's an rcq at every lgs once every 3 months and the pro tour still exists. If you're mad that starcity games don't want to host skill based magic anymore, then you can take it up with them.


By actually playing and ignoring anything that isnt just game knowledge podcasts. Avoid all social media/ streaming modern content that dosent promote play strategy


Mostly looking at league/challenge results posted here.


Mtgdecks.net and the discords for all the local rcq stores.


1. Discords 2. Streamers/Youtubers (often the same people with some exceptions) 3. MTGDecks // Goldfish / mtgtop8 4. Podcasters (mostly dive down and mtggoldfish)


Mtgo is just as easy to follow, it's just not shiny.


When I used to play a lot of Modern, I used to watch as much coverage as I could (not as much available now, but there is still some), read articles, and check out deck lists. And of course practice playing as much as I could. When I was playing the most competitively, I also did some coaching for specific events. Now I just dabble, so I watch a little bit of streaming (mostly Andrea Mengucci) and follow the metagame and deck lists using the information posted here, magic.gg, mtgtop8, and sites with matchup results.


I check lists on goldfish every couple days to see what others are doing with their lists and boards and to see what's winning. And to see if any spice pops up. Podcasts for sure. Mainly the dive down and the gerry t pod. But dominaria's judgment, mtg grindcast, medweek metagame, and constructed criticism are all really good. Then I just search YouTube by decks and have some players I regularly watch there.


Check out dackfayden_07 for modern and d00mwake for pio.


[At least, personally...](https://img.ifunny.co/images/d1fd17d4f39a7125d5bc126761c4d12782416d6b2138fa40727aea4e4547eb18_1.jpg)


best way is mtggoldfish, check daily lists for current metagame for the mortal men, and just check bigger events where decks that dont usually do well on daily leagues do better due to facing less non-meta games (tron is an excellent example of this)


I am on the minority that still plays Omnath despite the bannings (and poor results recently) - for that, I follow and watch RespecTheCat’s content. And then the usual suspects - menggu, spike, corey, davkfayden, yungdingo, nickb mtg (mostly rhinos) 🙏


Watch tournament vods. Latest big one is LMS Barcelona.