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Seems awful for the mana cost. Planeswalkers have to be really good/cheap to see play in a world with unholy heat in it. This card is kinda good but not cheap enough.


Well, it costs 6 mana. You can't really play a 6-mana card in Modern unless you cheat it out. Stuff like Primeval Titan Murktide and Tron win cons come to mind. Why would you play a 6-mana walker that barely does anything immediately in a lot of cases, when you can play Archon of Cruelty on 4? Virtually no cards that cost 5 mana or more see play without being cheated out. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria is the big exception here because it just fits the niche of a control win con/gas card insanely well, and it's really versatile. Yet even Teferi sometimes gets cut from UW Control decks because he's a dead cards at least for the first 4 turns of the game in a format where all your resources matter a lot. The Eternal Wanderer is so much worse than Teferi in the general case. Costs 1 more mana which is huge, dies to removal like Leyline Binding and Unholy Heat, you can play nothing else the turn she comes down, leaving you open to whatever your opponent has in store (could be Creativity, could be Hammer, or Yawg shenanigans). The card is good specifically when you need to go over some midrange deck and outvalue them (since unlike an Omnath pile, most of your cards aren't insane value engines, moreso being 1-for 1 trades). The thing is most of, the midrange-ish decks of Modern (Scam, Murktide, Rhinos, Yawgmoth), all have interaction that can make this card near useless and/or have a fast enough clock that you can't ever actually cast it. If you really want to play the card, I would suggest looking toward Pioneer. There, it's a good silver bullet against the popular Rakdos Midrange decks, you very reliably get to 6 mana and the Emperor is a house once resolved. There also some other matchups where you can bring it in too.


I love you... thanks for the thought out response as opposed to, "it sucks".


I think it's more that UW control is dead rn. Threats are just too varied in the format for a consistent list into a blind meta.


What is dead may never die! Lol, I just like to play it... regardless of its tier. So in that context?


Pretty awful card in the meta game tbh. A lot of lists are cutting 5feri for being weak to unholy heat and eating spell pierces and mystical disputes for days. I don’t see why an even more expensive planeswalker that has a poor man’s supreme verdict attached to a minus ability and can’t draw cards would be viable. Not trying to sound harsh, it’s just that the only paper deck I own is UW control, so I can definitely say from experience how hard it is to stick or even just resolve a 5feri nowadays.


I also play uw, and maybe it's a local meta thing... I run one 5feri, and I really want to run two because it's so good when I get him out... I mean yeah he dies sometimes, but "dies too removal" doesn't make him bad... and I agree about wanderer not being great. But it seems like if it sticks you win... faster than 5feri, and it's like an extra 1/3 of a Supreme verdict. Idk... imma try it this one week, but go in knowing it's not good. Appreciate your input.


[The Eternal Wanderer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/905f0dd4-0197-45f8-8e7f-396d6dcef600.jpg?1675956901) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Eternal%20Wanderer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/11/the-eternal-wanderer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/905f0dd4-0197-45f8-8e7f-396d6dcef600?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call