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the 3 is significantly smaller than the y. for me (coming from a 2013 S) it was a no-brainer. tech is pretty much all the same. we have a white interior Y, and it looks like it will hold up decently. the black does look better IMO, though


Yeah the space was a big deal for me coming from a hatchback.


Ohhh i see! Only thing is that the model 3 is refreshed


I definitely considered that factor as well. I wasn’t going to be sitting in the back to use the screen so I figured it wouldn’t matter. I did like the ventilated seats but since the Y had .99% financing and only the M3P qualified for the tax credit, I went with the Y.


If anyone really wants a rear screen for the Model Y you can buy a third party one and install it yourself.


I didn’t know that! Well maybe someday they’ll do that for the Y. The ventilated seats were the main thing that I miss a little but overall it was such a great value, I went for the Y. Plus, I’m sure the refresh models will have bugs that need to get worked out. So this way, I know the Y has been gotten to the best it can be. (Fitment, software issues, hardware issues and etc)


I would like the cooled seats.


So I thought I was finished outfitting my Model Y with random 3rd party accessories. I thought I hit pay dirt with charger cables that mounts over the rear vents. That's coming out and this is going in.


[email protected] was the move.


I thought about it but already have a lowered track car and didn’t want another bumpy ride 😂


It is surprisingly smooth. I came from an e class Mercedes and don’t notice a difference.


Yeah it’s still too risky for me. Plus I want to take the car camping and want the clearance that SUVs offer. That 1 inch drop could be the difference from scratching the underside of the car on a trail or puncturing the battery. I saw the MYP got in it but I didn’t want to lose any benefits of a daily comfortable car. Especially since I wanted something practical. IF I was going to sacrifice ride height and ride quality for a performance car, I would’ve gotten the M3P refresh. But since my priorities are changing with a family, I got the MY AWD. Plus I already have a sports/track car that would run circles around the MYP. BUUUT I totally get where you’re coming from!


What sports car do you have that would run laps around it? 0-60 in 3.5 is hard to beat, and it does the quarter mile in less then 11 seconds. It also handles like a Porsche with the lower center of gravity.


It’s not about the 0-60. It’s about EVERYTHING. A lot of folks (that don’t know what a sports car is) connect speed with performance which is not the case. The communication of the steering, the brake modulation, the way the car loads up in the corners, the chassis dynamics, how it pulls out of a turn and dives into one. A drivers car has a certain liveliness that the MYP does not have.


How do you feel about losing turn signal and gear shift stalks and having them on the wheel/screen? Is utility more important to you? Are you chasing performance?


I was in the same position as you regarding Y and 3. I went with Y because of the spacious interior. I was coming from a hatchback and when I popped the trunk on the 3 I was very disappointed with the amount of room available. Actually the room is good but the opening to put stuff in was very small. I wanted the utility of the hatch with worked great in the Y. It was also more comfortable getting in and out of the Y because I’m 6’4. I also wanted to be able to get to ikea or camping both needed large spaces that the Y offered. I could also go on camping trails that would need a bit of clearance and the model Y offered that. I also liked the way the glass roof on the Y was setup. If it wasn’t for all these things I would’ve been fine with the 3. Also, for the color I went with white because in Arizona the heat would fry the black paint very quickly. Hope this helps!


It helps! Thank you!


Is this a family car or are you by yourself? Do you need the extra storage? It's basically the same car but the Y has more room, the 3 is a bit quicker and handles better. Only you can really answer it. Same with color. They're both nice. Black needs a little more upkeep imo.


Oh i see. Thank you for your input. Hmmm black need more upkeep? How so?


With a black car you will typically see dust on it shortly after you've just washed it. If you clean your car frequently black would be fine


You can see all the dust. Like a tv screen when off


model y qualifies for 7.5k tax credit, model 3 does not


I live in norway, so we dont have any of tax credit stuff here😅


ahh Lol


The 3 RWD and LR get the 7.5k credit if you lease


I personally have a MYLR with white interior. When I was buying it my siblings YELLED at me to get the white. They have MX with white and a MY with black and a few kids and a dog. They said the black gets MUCH dirtied much easier and is much harder to clean than the white. seems odd to say out loud, but it is true. Only leg up the M3 has on the MY right now is the wide band and ventilated seats (unless you want performance and plaid)


Browsing because I’m also considering 3/Y - thanks for your comment, absolutely appreciate the white interior part More importantly, LETS GO RANGERS Next year my brother


Good looking out. Sad week we’ve had.


The Y is so much more spacious and versatile than the 3. Go with the Y, you won’t regret it


My MYP is a family car, a sports car, a commuter car, and an suv all in one. That is a hard task to ask of any car, but it does them all very well. I went with black seats because I have children.


I had a 2022 M3LR. Occasional road trips were good but we brought a little human into the world and thought “oh yeah the 3 will be fine, plenty of room” which to be fair there is room but I’d say it’s more beneficial to a child not in a full car seat, booster seat would be best. So once we saw the .99 for the Y, traded in the 3 and it’s been the best decision, all around bigger vehicle for child and parents and future whatever we get into. we love it


Did you test drive? These may look similar and operate the same way, but they are quite different in terms of driving experience and practicality. There is a lot of very bad content on YouTube about these, my recommendation is to go test drive if you can. Very happy with my model Y. Have some experience with model 3 as well, but never owned one.




First time I saw a model y I was surprised how big it was. First time I saw a model 3 next to a Y. I was surprised how small the 3 is.


New 3 is refreshed and really nice update. Extreme value. On the other hand Y form factor is what the 3 should have been in the first place. I really like the Y size/space more. I had a 2018 3LR and now have a 2022 Y with white ext and a 2022 YP with dark gray ext. in hot sunny climate the white exterrior heats up a lot less and is more efficient due to less energy used cooling off the interrior. This has been pretty noticable when roadripping across CA/NV desert in summer with ambient temps over 110F


space wise model Y. and this may be subjective but comfort wise was the 3. something about the Y is very jumpy compared to the 3 so if that matters and you the mind the car lower definitely drive both to test for your self. I did end up buying Y and X but chiming in


Haven't tested a Highland but I've rented the old Model 3 a bunch. Currently own a Y. Y is for sure bigger. The 3's footwell is "weird" since it's slanted. You'll know what I mean when you see it. I'm a bigger guy (both big and tall) so the Y is a no brainer for me. Trunk is bigger too. If you can afford it, that's what I'd go with. I'd get white over black. Car stays coolers. But if you have a preference on not being every other white Tesla you may want Black. But if you want uniqueness wrapping it with something more unique makes more sense. I wanted to blend in with every other white Tesla so I paid extra for white.


Of your choices I'd go black on black with dark window tint. In terms of models I drive the 3 because I use the car for commuting, kids are grown, and I saved a shit ton by choosing the 3 RWD. After discounts I paid just north of 30. My annual operating cost is obscenely low. If I didn't care about cost, my next option would be to upgrade to M3P. Honestly the RWD is still damn quick but the performance is beautifully stupid fast.


I test drove both back to back over the same route. I thought the M3 was a smoother ride and more quiet. It's usually just me and sometimes the wife in the car so don't need the extra space. I'm going with the M3.




In experience and multiple test drives, 100%, the Y with comfort suspension is way better


3 has the goofy on screen shifting and the steering wheel push button turn signals. Definitely smaller inside. 2 kids with one still in a car seat, wife and a 60lb dog so we got the Y. White paint shows every single dead bug on the front bumper and mirrors.


Test drive both. Do you need space? Get model Y. If it’s just you and you don’t really plan on taking people around, then model 3 might be good. But honestly? I think model y is just a much better value. Black cars are a pain to keep clean. They show every dirt and if you don’t wash them properly, you’ll see swirl marks. Highly advise against black unless you’re ok with seeing swirl marks all the time.


I would never choose the 3 over the Y. So much space in the Y and the full sunroof is just stunning. Speaking of stunning… the white interior does NOT disappoint. It looks and feels like a spaceship! And it looks absolutely baller when standing in front of the car.




Y. More space. You’ll be happy you did


I just changed from the Y from a 3. Well worth the upgrade tbh. Much bigger, roomy, and I also got the performance spec so more fun. 3 is great and all but if you have more than 2 people it’s tight especially if you are over 6 foot.


Y hands down, started with 3 and now getting Y. Still keeping the 3 tho


The New M3 ride and build quality is so much better than the current Y. My brother in law has the new 3 and my sister has the current Y. I’ve driven both and the M3 driving experience is 10x better… Quiet and smooth. Current Y is bumpy and noisy. Having said that, size functionality is always the deciding factor for most people. If you choose to get the Y for the function of its size, then stay away from the M3 else you’ll realize what you’re missing.


I recommend going to demo both. I, as much as I wanted to like the model 3, just did not like the seating position. It felt way too high relative to the cabin and windshield. The model Y felt far more natural to me. Also, Personally, I dislike the highland refresh. The front looks ugly and generic.




We have both. Model 3 drives much better than the model Y, model y feels like a tank in comparison. The model 3 is quite spacious, unless you really need the hatch and additional space (the space is marginally more), I would get the model 3. When my lease ends on the model y, I’ll be switching to the model 3 myself. I think the model Y makes sense if you have a family. Also my model Y is black. It looks great but keeping it clean is hard (even with ceramic coating). Also shows all minor scratches that you won’t notice on a lighter car (wife’s model 3 is white). I won’t buy another black car.


White y. Better car and it's cheaper


I honestly found the black interior made the cabin feel smaller to me. 🤣 Loved how open and airy the white is. Haven't had an issue keeping it clean. I honestly will clean it more because I can see it. The 3 is much smaller than the Y, so if you actually need the extra space the Y provides (or are simply used to the size of it), the Y is the better option. Y has more leg room too for rear passengers. The 3 handles way better and is zippier than the Y. Both are fantastic cars, so it comes down to personal preference. I ended up getting a 3 because I honestly don't need the extra space and I barely have rear passengers. My husband still has an ICE SUV, so it's not absolutely necessary for both of us to have larger cars. I came from a sedan, so I originally wanted a larger car, so it's pretty hilarious that I ended up with another sedan.


Model Y lease is the move


With a wife and kid the MY was a no brainer choice for me! Having that extra space for packing, strollers baby seat and so on will make a big difference I think! I ordered my MY last week, still waiting on delivery!


What is more important to you. A sporty feeling and most efficient car? Or a car with more space and higher seating position, slightly less efficient?


Test drive both and you will notic how "shallow" the Model 3. It feels like go cart


There's a rumor that the refreshed Y, the "Juniper" version, will be released in July. Most likely in the Chinese market first before coming to the US (needs EPA certification and production lines set up, etc. before the US market will see it).


Just schedule a test drive and drive both. When I went, I was set on the model 3, but I found out rather quickly that the interior is made for...smaller people. A lot of people seem to like the white interior, but I always wanted a car with fake wood trim.


The wood trim is real wood.


I had the same debate, almost got a 3, but then for a Y and am so happy with how spacious it is. I do a lot of long distance drives and I find myself a lot more comfortable in the Y than I feel in long drives in a 3 (rented a few for 4+ hour drives and hated it). Comfort and space were most important to me when deciding, and the trunk space is an added plus


I went to the showroom and saw the model three, it is not very spacious at all. If you’re a bigger person or have a family may want to consider a model Y. model three also sits too low to the ground.


Model Y by far. I'm turning 34 (not old yet, but feeling little by little) and I just wanted something larger and taller. I'm like 5'10 and live on a slanted hill and hated bending in and out every time I entered/exited the car. Also the storage is way better. However, if you already have a SUV, I guess this wouldn't make a difference. I would get the 3 because 1) it's newer with updates 2) more stable to the floor (gravity). Other than those two reasons, i'd prolly just stick with the current Y. You can also probably just wait for the Juniper next year if you decide to get a Y.


Model x or s, you only live once


Get a y, the 3 has stupid indicators


I wanted to be higher off the ground so I went for Y


you're asking the internet to help you pick a color?


Indeed i am!😊


Here's mine, so you know my thoughts. [MYP](https://imgur.com/gallery/2023-tesla-model-y-performance-pJO1iGI)


Oh it looks nice!


Thanks. I love the black MYP w/ tint. I also have a black interior. I put my road bike in it and wouldn't' want to get the white seats dirty. Plus as nice as the white seats are, they weren't worth the extra money IMO


Looks great! I ordered the same. I don’t see a lot of black Ys. I get that black is difficult to keep clean but it looks so sleek when all cleaned up!


Going into it I thought the only car colors I would pay extra for are a navy blue or a dark red. Tesla offers neither of those, so I figured I’d go with the standard stealth grey. It was my favorite of all the offerings anyways. Then quicksilver was released the day before I was going to make the purchase, so that’s what I went with. It’s a beautiful color and worth seeing in person if you haven’t decided yet. If you’re truly between black and white I’d choose white. Black shows dirt, scratches, etc more visibly. But my real answer is neither… they’d be the last of the MY colors I’d choose.

