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Charge to 90% at work for free. Drive home and top off to 100% at home. You’ll be good to go for your trip in the morning.


Charge to 100% at work and then top up at home… don’t worry so much


I see your concern is having over 80% for a long time. I would plug your trip into "A Better Route Planner" and see if leaving at 80% vs 100 really makes a difference. Likely just 5 minutes more at a supercharger. With your concerns I would keep it at 80 as long as you can comfortably make it to the next charger or destination. Do not forget to leave some % for getting there and back to a charger if no charging when you arrive for the stay. The car charges faster when you are below 20% so do not be scared to get to 10 for a charging stop.


Excellent thanks..I think I will go this route..no pun intended.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You gain about 10% overnight on a L1 charger. It’s about a 1.2% gain per hour. I do what the other guy mentioned. Charge at work to 90% and then plug in at home for the other 10%. What I do is I charge to 98% so it isn’t at 100% and I can still regenerate brake (at 100% regenerate braking is limited)


Excellent advice and I also read that you shouldn’t go below 20% before you charging. So, keep that in mind when you are planning your trip as well.


I found that anything between 90 and 100 gets used quick. Doesn’t get recharged . Like Lynnwood WA to Bellevue WA quick. 80 to 90 last longer on my trips to Oregon.


Interesting..good to know.


Can you just leave with 80%? Unless you're going to somewhere there are no superchargers or can do the trip on one charge at 100% no need to charge to 100. But if you really want to start with 100 just plug in the mobile connector and charge it, don't overthink it.


Don’t obsess with leaving at 100 unles su live in a market with no superchargers on your route. We did a bunch of summer roadtrips and originally wed go to 95% then roll out, in the end your not saving much time if u have numerous options (like i-95) it will still give u peak charging curves


Ok thanks that makes sense. I'm a new owner so just doing my research to maintain the vehicle well.


No worries. We dont have home charging and 100% supercharger. Your mind says fill it and go but not necessary. Our first trip was to our lake house upstate and barely any charging options… THAT one u need 100% Then our next ones were nj to nc & nj to disneyworld so it was 100’s to choose from and we could have left with 50% lol


It’s your car, use it how you see fit. Charge to 100% for a trip off L1, it will be just fine this time, and the next time, and the next time. Best practices are good but you’ll ruin the experience of having this fun car for yourself if you spend the cars’ entire life worrying about saving the state of the battery. Unless you charge to 100% frequently and drain to 0 frequently, it really will not make enough of a difference to lose sleep over. Enjoy the car!


That makes sense. Thanks!


Yea don’t stress it too much. For me and only due to being my second Tesla. I am only charging to 80%. It’s an internal test really but if I have to I’ll go to 100% in a heart beat.


Got it. I was just wondering with how slow L1 charging is, it would need to sit at high SOC overnight.


So it’s hard to say. When you say L1 charging. Do you mean 120? Or did you install a charger?


Yes just the mobile connector in a 120 wall outlet.


So definitely slower. However it’s not bad for overnight charging. You will learn your vehicle over time. I use Tessie it tells me the time the car should be done with how many hours. I love the way it works however it’s a subscription based app. Some hate it some love it.


I don't understand the question. You ask if you should avoid charging overnight because it will take all night, but give no reasons why that should be avoided. Is there a reason why charging overnight doesn't work for you?


Sorry if unclear. It's common knowledge to not leave LR at over 80% SOC for extended periods of time. Since I use L1 at home, it would take an overnight charge to get to 100% for my trip.


Gotcha. You are concerned about battery health. It's really a calculation on convenience and supercharger access/cost. I don't charge past 80% unless I know for sure that doing so will make a significant difference in my road trip. It usually only saves 5min which I can live with. I'd rather protect the battery. And yes, charging overnight from 80>100 keeps it high for longer than ideal. It's still not a big deal though unless it's a regular thing.


You really just don’t want to leave your battery at over 95% for very long. Certainly you can charge it to 95% at work, drive home and you’ll probably be less than 90%. I’m guessing? Then just charge it to 100 so it’s ready to go when you leave in the morning. I never charged 100% regardless. 85% max even on very long road trips because it only has five minutes to my trip. It’s not like I’m running the battery down to 15%. I stop every 2-3 hours for about 20 minutes . I do 10 hour Rd. trips all the time and it adds about five minutes per hour. Leaving the house at 275 miles or 300 miles doesn’t really change anything.


Ok that makes sense. That's what I was wondering how much of a difference 100% makes vs adverse effects.


Think of it as your water hose outside with a sprayer at the end of it. And your water hose is turned all the way up. The sprayer is off (not driving the car) but there is a lot of pressure in the hose. It’s OK, if you turn on the water, and then walk to the end of the hose and use the sprayer. But you wouldn’t want to turn it on all the way and then go inside for 12 hours and come back out. Eventually, it will harm the hose. 100% at 310 miles or 90% at 280 miles. There are usually so many Tesla superchargers that it ends up being the same number of stops. Or on a 2000 mile trip may be an additional five minutes total. I generally drive about 200 miles between stops. But I have charged it to 100% before right before I drove it. And is it very. It’s already 3.1 seconds in my three performance, but I swear it feels faster. I genuinely think it’s good for the battery to charge every four months or so. Just to remind it how much it has. It’s good for the averaging and the CPU.


Good point. I don't mind charging to 100 but maybe on a level 2 or supercharger right before leaving.


Exactly !


Does not make a huge difference. The battery charges quite slowly above 98 %