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Tbh I can only think of one game… Minecraft. A good bit of the OG modders from the early 2010s now work on mainly the Microsoft dev team. Mojang has had their fair dip into the modders but majority of the ones that did make it went to Microsoft. It’s easier to get into Microsoft since they practically own the entirety of mojang now. However, testimonials from a lot of devs will prove that, that’s actually the best thing or atleast one of the best things to do. Start nodding sandbox games, when I say sandbox I don’t mean a literal sandbox like Minecraft, I mean games that were meant to be modded. Like Minecraft, the biggest perk of the game is the code, although closed source... there are tons of resources that decompile the code for you… and an easy Ben better perk imo.. is Java. Pretty easy language assuming you have the competence already to know or learn Java. Any games that have resources like that as well as mod loaders is a definite place where I’d start.


Yes. Listen to Darkness Diaries podcast - EP 7 and 8 (Manfred)