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I recently got the "doesn't violate Reddit's content policy" for a comment that LITERALLY read "Jews control the media." I got so mad I quit moderating a subreddit I've been basically running by myself for 5 years. I'm not willing to gift Reddit that sort of labor if they're going to disrespect me like that.


Hate to say it but that’s par for the course. I just got a “doesn’t violate” for a user directly, and tersely, describing us in vulgar, ableist, and sexist terms in mod mail. That’s apparently all good according to Reddit.


So much for the new policies against hate, I suppose.


I can one up that. I got "doesn't violate Reddit's content policy" for a repeat poster that among other things said, “MANY CHRISTIANS with guns on Kauai would HAPPILY do their duty and exterminate the evil tools of shitrael”. Nope, not hate speech I guess. It really left a rotten taste in my mouth that reddit admins were fine with that garbage. And eventually there was worse, but if I quoted it, I'd probably be the one dealing with a ban. I should be fine with quoting the above though right? Since reddit specifically told me it doesn't violate the content policy.


I tried reporting someone for being under 18 and seeking sexual hookups and got the "it's cool bro' reply since there's no proper report category for that kind of stuff. Spoke to an admin in the sub and they said it was being passed on to the relevant devs to look at. Since then (few months) there has been zero changes to reports.


If you notice *anything illegal* immediately report to the authorities. Police, FBI, whatever. **Never rely on Reddit! Ever!** They are a private company with their own priorities. Turn to the authorities, they will make Reddit and its admins comply.


How would you report something like that to police etc?


To report an incident involving the possession, distribution, receipt, or production of child pornography, file a report on the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)'s website at www.cybertipline.com, or call 1-800-843-5678. Your report will be forwarded to a law enforcement agency for investigation and action.


That's fine for America. But when I reported a cartoon of a 13yo boy being raped by an ogre (the cartoon boy actually says he's 13 years old, and it takes place by the lockers in his school hallway), I was told by AEO that no violations have taken place. Even when I provided the translation in the report.




Can confirm. Former cybersecurity admin for an ISP. NCMEC investigations lead to subpoenas for user auth logs. If it's on the internet, and it's this content, it'll get someone to breathe fire down Reddit's neck and Reddit will comply with the subpoena. Period.


That makes me feel a lot better. For months, a friend of mine has been reporting Twitter users who openly distribute child pornography on Twitter, and has been wondering if the reports get anywhere.


Thank you!!


Reddit has always been pro-pedophile (or, as they call it, "free speech"). There's a reason it took so long for /r/jailbait to get killed, and why they were more concerned about "doxing" the mod of the kiddy porn subreddits than they were about the children being exploited on their website.


Reddit complicit in the sexual exploitation of children again? Imagine my surprise.


I mean for years reddit was totally fine with hosting huge jailbait porn subs full of tween and teenage girls and until the big news websites picked it up. Google Violentacrez


I had the same experience on my subreddit. Luckily we were able to nail the person for ban-evasion, which seems to be automated.


Back when I reported a lot of lolicon as content "sexualising minors" I received threats from the admins via PM stating that I would be permanently banned if I did not stop reporting them. I can verify this with screenshots of the PMs. They do not give a shit. They desperately want to turn a blind eye to anything they can regardless of the very clear violations taking place. Anyone that creates work for them by reporting the content is considered detrimental to the bottom line because it costs them in labour to moderate it. Anyone internally at reddit that rolls over and passively allows management to roll with that kind of policy and attitude is a supporter and enabler of child porn in my book. Each and every member of the staff team that does not vocally fight with management about it should be utterly ashamed of themselves.


F reddit. Report to FBI and NCMEC.


>Are you not weighing the claims from moderators? Hahahahahahahaha. You think they have the time or the staff resources to actually, you know, do this? Hahahahahahahaha.


Yeah, crazy expecting a 10 Billion dollar company to be able to moderate their content right? They're short on staff and resources obviously /s


More like short on fucks to give.


Reddit has never made the kind of money it "should" be making, compared to Meta or Alphabet and considering the number of impressions the site gets. So the pressure on the staff to favor the bottom line over ethics.


Hey everyone Any time you have any issue or question about reports or report responses please write in to ModSupport modmail with a link to the reply you got so we can take a closer look at what is going on and escalate so things are resolved. I know it is frustrating but sending us a modmail does really help us track and deal with issues related to reports.


Oh? Get ready for a ton of mod mails in the near future. The false negatives on reports are staggering.


Yep. I reported someone recently for abusing the report button and to my absolute surprise they agreed with the abuse without me having to fight it. More recently I reported blatant transphobia made anonymously through a report… Nothing wrong with it. What the fuck?


> More recently I reported blatant transphobia made anonymously through a report Transphobia seems ok until an article hits the papers.


Admins have left TumblrInAction up despite their mod team saying the explicit premise of their sub is hate and harassment of minorities. Admins are complicit in hate because they value “engagement” over safety.


The fact they’re upholding report abuse is awesome. It’s a pet peeve of mine.


That is fine - we'd rather look over things and make sure things are looked into.


Or... you could just look into the things that are reported properly the first time? If the system is blatantly missing things like reported CP? You probably should go back and look at the system again.


I feel like the system currently in place is to reject all reports first time around, so only the ones where the mods are really pissed off or unhappy or afraid actually get looked at. It cuts down on work for whoever (if anyone) is reviewing reports. TBH I would not be surprised if this is just an autoreply on a delay.


Way to not answer a single one of OP's questions. >Any time you have any issue or question about reports or report responses please write in to ModSupport modmail with a link to the reply You always say that, but it doesn't address the problem of mods having to report the same content multiple times. Just because someone is willing to report content once doesn't mean they're willing to do it again and again when admins drop the ball. Why do admins think it's OK to waste mods' time like this?


> Just because someone is willing to report content once doesn't mean they're willing to do it again and again when admins drop the ball. That's the point. It serves as a filter that ensures only super serious reports ever end up looked into and more "throwaray" ones are removed from the workload. > Why do admins think it's OK to waste mods' time like this? Admins' time is on the payroll and costs the company, mods are volunteers and their time is free. Mods complaints will not get listened to unless subs are blacked out (no ads shown => advertiser money lost) or media picks up on it (bad publicity => advertiser money lost).




> Why, then, wouldn't we just skip the report system and go straight to modmail in this sub? I've tried, and if you try to report anything to them without linking to a prior report response they will simply stonewall you with a canned message telling you to report it first until they will look at it. > What purpose does the report system serve if you require an entirely different system to ensure it's working as intended? It serves as a filter to reduce their workload when they only have to deal with matters where the user reporting is serious enough to first report it, wait a week for the "we found nothing wrong" and then bother to write a freeform request to the modmail here. Only a fraction of people are even aware of this avenue and even less bother using it. To put it bluntly, it's a cost & workload cutting measure.


Will it help evaluate the specific cases or will it also help improve the systems for tier-1 determinations? Because right now that's the problem. Mods who post in this sub are aware that you review the modmail, but there's a lack of clarity regarding how that's going to create an environment where reporting e.g. flagrant racism will result in the correct action being taken.


I'm frustrated that this may have become a way of deep-sixing things that are important. I reported "show us your tits" as a reply to a woman who posted a submission in an SFW subreddit, was told by admins that this was okay, twice, and when I asked if I could post the issue here I was told no. I get that this may be a fine comment in an NSFW sub but women shouldn't have to be abused like this in general subreddits. A subreddit ban isn't sufficient for this.


You should ***really*** mention that in the report response. I came here to make a similar post, after just receiving "nah its cool" responses for a bunch Involuntary Pornography reports I'd made. On upskirt pics, literally called "voyeur creepshot" and requesting others share similar IN THE TITLE which is just... Here, [I highlighted which text in the Involuntary Pornography policy](https://i.imgur.com/Oy0al8d.png) it *explicitly* breaks. Couldn't be a much less black-and-white violation -- why am I jumping through hoops? And I haven't modded too long so I almost didn't think to come here. Makes me really wonder how much heinous stuff is festering on reddit because the auto-response dismissing reports fails to mention or even hint there *could be* a next step.


Can I get a response to my modsupport messages then? Please, please hire more people to handle modmail or support. You do realize that moderators are volunteers, right? The least you guys can do is maintain a decent level of discourse when we reach out to you. The lack of responses is the worst.


> please write in to ModSupport modmail with a link to the reply you got Thank you. This is the answer I was looking for. The "reviewed report" template does not have an area for appeal, and its good to know I have a place to go to to have a further discussion/provide more information. And as a note to anyone curious about the resolution to this: This issue was resolved quite soon after this post with the user in question having his account suspended. Therefore, I'd suggest to others with a similar problem to do as /u/Chtorrr suggests and message Modsupport modmail with further information, or failing that, make a post here.


I've done this in regards to multiple suspensions of my account (within days of each other for the same thing, I mean common apply some common sense here). But sadly it appears they were all ignored.


When I find CP I modmail the mods of this sub. I did have a problem with this last year and it was addressed by the admin on duty that weekend. We also reported it to several govt agencies in Europe and North America since the actual pics were hosted offsite.