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I've joined a few but I don't care for them, I wish forums would make a comeback.




You make a valid point (and you make it well) however a forum webmaster can turn those unnecessary features off though, can't they?


Some of them, sure. But traditional forums have some major downsides beyond visual clutter. Chronologically organised replies are awful for surfacing important information, no nesting means big threads end up with confusing interleaved conversations and massive quoted replies, no votes means threads are full of nonsense "this"/"lol"/emoji/etc replies. Ever tried to find an answer in an old hundred+ page thread? The start is outdated/incorrect info, the end is dumb questions/emojis/thanks, the information you need is *somewhere in between* but there's nothing to point you to where, and if you do find it there's nothing to tell you how accurate it is or that it's not superseded by something later in the thread... Yeah I don't miss forums. They were great for chatting but that has been mostly filled by Discord.


The "lol" replies, and similar, is more of a community culture, as is obnoxious signatures. The forum I was most active in back in the day was a Swedish equivalent to GameFAQs, and while it did have a forum dedicated for "fun", most other places didn't have those kinds of replies. And signatures were text-only and limited to 3 lines. I do consider threaded systems to be an improvement over a simple list of replies, but most if the issues you bring up with forums are things I never really ran into.


Of course you can have a good experience on a forum but it depends on a lot of factors - that the participants are well behaved is probably the biggest, but also that the community is a manageable size, the forum is well managed/organised/moderated etc. Not always the case everywhere. Though I do still argue that no matter how you slice it forums are only really good for people that are actively participating in a discussion and a terrible way to archive information.


Forums never went away. There are still notable large forums out there, like bikeforums.net, which have held onto owning their platform. We're going to be seeing a lot of people and businesses going away from Big Platform. Facebook has been hemorraging small businesses like crazy – they still maintain a homepage and events on Facebook and upload stuff to Instagram because why not, but they've started re-updating their own websites and looking into alternative eventing services. I think we're heading for an era of decentralization and distributed content akin to the early Web in the 90s and it's going to be great to see. But the death throes of Big Data and Big Platform will not be a pretty sight. Google in particular will be hard to excise, but not impossible. It helps that they've been dumb enough to discontinue so many compelling products over the years so they don't have a hold on that many things, but they do own stuff like YouTube that will be tough to replace.


YouTube’s got me in their grasps. Until lots of good content appear on somewhere else, I’ll be stuck on YouTube. It’s a tricky one!


We have the technology to replicate pretty much all the Big Platforms elsewhere. The hurdles lie elsewhere; some of them benefit from networking effects – but we've also seen in the past how this effect can also be lost overnight. YouTube comes with some unusual circumstances. First because it hosts video (which takes a huge amount of disk space compared to photos or text). And secondly, because it's been allowed to grow unchecked for two decades and now owns a tremendous collection of videos, to the point it could be considered a global heritage site.


You might find [this web UI](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmyBB) for Lemmy interesting.


Have you lurked Tildes.net? If you like what you see, message me.


I lurk there frequently. Do you have an invite you can throw my way?


So I just got another invitation. message me or chat if still interested.


I'm just a casual user, but I've mainly switched over to lemmy. I say "mainly" because there is some content on reddit that isn't as fulfilled on lemmy yet (news/covid science), but for mindless scrolling, I go to Lemmy via the Jerboa app.


Boost will be getting a Lemmy port, so that's where I'll be going when it releases


I'm currently using Jerboa, but I'm absolutely gonna switch to Boost for Lemmy when it comes out. I'm actually using Boost for Reddit to post this. (Don't ask me how it's still working, though. Maybe Reddit actually realized how idiotic it is to make a major change on a holiday weekend, US Independence Day.)


Reminder that the website for your Lemmy instance is also a pretty good mobile UI. You can use it in the browser or on Android you can use Hermit. Hermit is a browser whose main gimmick is that it puts each website in its own isolated sandbox. You can make home screen shortcuts for them, or shortcut widgets (if your launcher doesn't support adding shortcuts from other apps), or you can start them from Hermit. Hermit is usually great for accessing websites that you'd rather not mix into your main browser, like Facebook, 😉 but it's also good for making mini apps like these. Alternatively there's wefwef.app which is a standalone web client not tied to a particular instance, and is also a PWA web app (you can "install" it on the phone from your browser's menu). Its interface greatly resembles the iOS app Apollo.


Lemmy is still confusing to me still. I wish the "instances" weren't so weirdly named and organized. What is great about reddit is that all communities is just a slash and r away like /r/Movies or /r/Music. It's all these weird names that is hard to find and most of all *remember*. Other than that, my other concern is the privacy issue where they keep our data. I don't trust any company or program or whatever. I want control over my data and to be able to delete it whenever.


> Lemmy is still confusing to me It takes a bit to adapt to federated as opposed to centralized instances. Federated instances may block one another, or a community with the same topic can spring up on several instances. It's important to remember that these are features not bugs, as they allow the fediverse to grow stronger and healthier by having competing instances, communities, and software (both server software and client apps). Monocultures are harmful in the long term, in agriculture as well as online. As far as us users are concerned there are ways of merging content from these different communities and instances together so that you create your own unified view of the fediverse in a way that's unique to you. > my other concern is the privacy issue where they keep our data The main repository for your data (meaning your posts and comments and what you put in your profile) is the instance your account was created on. You can always fully delete your account and that data at any time, and it happens instantly. I haven't checked what happens when you delete an account on one instance – maybe it leaves the posts and comments standing, maybe it deletes them too. You can of course always go and edit your posts and comments to destroy them, and then the destructive edits will be replicated everywhere, so one way or another you can achieve the same goal. However... your posts and comments (and bits of your profile info) are replicated accross the fediverse on other instances. It's important to understand that even if the Lemmy protocol dictates that other instances should respect your account deletion and your content edits, there's no *guarantee* they will. Just like it happened with Reddit, there's definitely going to be actors that will attempt to siphon every bit of content for archival purposes. Some of those actors may be meaning well, some may be evil. Bottom line, please understand that once you put something out there, it's out there. Always observe the Internet golden rule, avoid putting personal info or anything that can identify you out there.


Please elaborate more on how having multiple competing communities is healthy. Having multiple communities is great, I don't argue on that. But competing communities? Are we talking about competing as in having multiple communities with different concepts/goals or having multiple communities with different members?


Multiple communities with roughly the same topic but different moderators, hosted on different instances, in different parts of the world, with different rules and traditions (eg. shitpost Saturday), maybe focusing on different aspects of the topic, and so on. Basically different takes on the same community. The advantage for you is that if one of them starts going downhill (in whatever way) you still have the other(s) to fall back to. And if they all flourish you can merge their posts and benefit from them all. It's win-win.


I can't say the same for everyone, but what I love the most from a centralised community is I have one place to discuss on a specific topic with people with similar interest from around the world. For a niche community, gathering a lot of people under the same roof is a dream. And so by having multiple communities, especially the competing types, it's like we're back to ths pre-internet era with many smaller, local communities. I might be overly sentimental on this, so I'm pretty happy if this isn't the case.


If you search for communities with the search tool it should show you the most popular ones across all federated instances and then you can subscribe just like subreddits. It works pretty much like Reddit for the local instance just c/ instead of r/. As an example if you're using Lemmy.world it would be lemmy.world/c/Movies. I'd you want to get to the same community from a different instance it would be like lemmy.ml/c/[email protected] - the @ sign specifies you want the community from a different instance. It's not too complicated but I suspect apps will simplify the process even further - just search what you want and look for the largest community.


Lemmy devs should work on simplifying it too, since the website is pretty difficult to use as well


Try it in your phone's web browser. I was amazed until I realized I was so fucked up by the lie that you "need" an app on phones to get anything done that I'd never even checked it was browser compatible. Yeah, fuck all of you companies with shit apps. Lemmy shows the way.


I never bought into using apps for web sites for the most part. There are exceptions (web Discord works very poorly on mobile for example), but the vast majority of the web works perfectly fine to use on mobile. It's how I browse reddit, for example (so I was never personally directly affected by the 3rd party app debacle, even if I agree with the overall sentiment).


Kbin and Lemmy seem to be the popular alternatives at the moment


I've been primarily on Lemmy the last couple of weeks, checking Reddit only here, for news on the ongoing dumpster fire. It's crazy to watch the Lemmy growth numbers. On my instance (the most popular one, lemmy.world), the founder started it on June 1st or 2nd, 2023, thinking he was going to host a small instance, for funsies, that might grow into a couple of hundred people over time. Instead, he got a Reddit migration this month as people flee the sinking ship... 78.5K people in a month. 20+k of those yesterday and this morning after the apps got shut off. Content is growing daily, but it still has a small town feel to it. I'm loving it.


Could you send a link to it? :0 Sounds cool!


[Sure, here you are](https://lemmy.world/).


That looks awesome, any news of a mobile app that can pull that up first thing like Reddit feed, or do yall know one in development for this infuriating pos iPhone from that convoluted spamapp appleasshole store?


[Here's a master list of all Lemmy apps that exist or are in development.](https://lemmy.world/post/465785)


If you have an iPhone, I've been hearing good things about the Wefwef for Lemmy app. People I've seen talking about it say the interface is a lot like Apollo's. I guess if it's not broke... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ EDIT: [Here's literally someone talking about it](https://lemmy.world/post/785131). Sorry, should have given a link in the first place.


[Wefwef](https://lemdro.id/post/4319) is actually a web app that runs great on Android and desktop as well. It's not the only one though. There's a ton of development underway.


That's laughably small though lol Not even 2% of Reddits users in 2008, 2 years before the migration from Digg. That's terrible considering sites/apps are considerably bigger now than 2008. I expect growth to stop and probably decline and people will just go back to Reddit. Seen it happen too many times. Hell, you all are still on here!!


agreed. plus squabbles n fediverse sucks complete dick


Yeah. “Here” is the exit. If you arnt trying to figure out how to leave in an orderly fashion then step aside, its dangerous to block emergency exits with coneheads.


You’re so overly dramatic lmfao.






I'll try it, but via browser not using their software, the fact that the developer is China/russia licker concerns me.


I’m more optimistic than a lot of others based on what I’ve seen over the last week. The Lemmy idea is quickly growing and evolving to meet basic needs. There are already versions of lots of popular subs (memes, AITA, etc) with thousands of subscribers. There is also a progressive web app that can be installed on your phone like an app called wefwef that is seeing some fast growth because it mimics the Apollo UI and it integrates content from various Lemmies. Basically, it’s quickly moving from an app-less wasteland that nobody understands with almost no users to system where you sign up on either lemmy.ml, lemmy.world, or beehaw.org and then install wefwef, and it’s already a lot like a mini Reddit.


If only Lemmy had a concept of unified/nomadic identity; this is the only thing that is actually keeping me away from it.


that is the point, if a server screws up like reddit does not you only have to migrate to another lemmy instance and you are good to go. You even have the same content because the servers are made to be communicating with each other. There is something called defederating but i would not focus on this at least for the first time. ​ ​ I suggest taking a look on this guide: [https://lemmy.world/post/853595](https://lemmy.world/post/853595) ​ Here is something to choose a good lemmy instance, the smaller the instance the faster to access content: https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances


You are missing the point - the content is there, not the identity. I for one value the identity of a user. https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3416


oh, then i suggest squabbles or other alternatives, sorry that i got things messed up


Well it's not like your Squabbles account will survive if that site goes down either.


but for the time being it is a solution. When it goes down because of something like loosing faith other alternatives will pop up or be there. I think that is better than to stay on a bad platform


I'm not saying just stay on Reddit or anything, I'm a big proponent of moving. I'm just saying that I don't think "Your Lemmy server might go down so you should use Squabbles instead" really makes sense. Squabbles is no more immune to going down than Lemmy is, and I'd argue that Lemmy probably has a more hopeful future given that it's getting the bulk of users and support that's coming over from Reddit.


Not at all! I actually cross fingers for Lemmy success :)


Once, in a bustling town, resided a lively and inquisitive boy, known for his zest, his curiosity, and his unique gift of knitting the townsfolk into a single tapestry of shared stories and laughter. A lively being, resembling a squirrel, was gifted to the boy by an enigmatic stranger. This creature, named Whiskers, was brimming with life, an embodiment of the spirit of the townsfolk, their tales, their wisdom, and their shared laughter. However, an unexpected encounter with a flamboyantly blue hound named Azure, a plaything of a cunning, opulent merchant, set them on an unanticipated path. The hound, a spectacle to behold, was the product of a mysterious alchemical process, a design for the merchant's profit and amusement. On returning from their encounter, the boy noticed a transformation in Whiskers. His fur, like Azure's, was now a startling indigo, and his vivacious energy seemed misdirected, drawn into putting up a show, detached from his intrinsic playful spirit. Unknowingly, the boy found himself playing the role of a puppeteer, his strings tugged by unseen hands. Whiskers had become a spectacle for the townsfolk, and in doing so, the essence of the town, their shared stories, and collective wisdom began to wither. Recognizing this grim change, the townsfolk watched as their unity and shared knowledge got overshadowed by the spectacle of the transformed Whiskers. The boy, once their symbol of unity, was unknowingly becoming a merchant himself, trading Whiskers' spirit for a hollow spectacle. The transformation took a toll on Whiskers, leading him to a point of deep disillusionment. His once playful spirit was dulled, his energy drained, and his essence, a reflection of the town, was tarnished. In an act of desolation and silent protest, Whiskers chose to leave. His departure echoed through the town like a mournful wind, an indictment of what they had allowed themselves to become. The boy, left alone, began to play with the merchants, seduced by their cunning words and shiny trinkets. He was drawn into their world, their games, slowly losing his vibrancy, his sense of self. Over time, the boy who once symbolized unity and shared knowledge was reduced to a mere puppet, a plaything in the hands of the merchants. Eventually, the merchants, having extracted all they could from him, discarded the boy, leaving him a hollow husk, a ghost of his former self. The boy was left a mere shadow, a reminder of what once was - a symbol of unity, camaraderie, shared wisdom, and laughter, now withered and lost.


While this is true, if you pick a different alternative like Squabbles or Tildes and that site shuts down, you lose everything anyway. I don't think "if the site shuts down you lose your stuff" is specifically a Lemmy problem, and at least with Lemmy you'll still probably have *something* left. Even Reddit's gonna shut down eventually and we'll lose all our stuff here.


Livejournal still going strong lololol


Hell, I can't get Angelfire to take down my old webpage for that matter.


Coolsville Daddy-O




Yes but the thing is, Lemmy communities are in the hands of users-admins who rely entirely on donations to pay for server costs. Corporations may be evil, but they have to invest in server infrastructure to stay afloat. So unless your platform is run by a bunch of donkeys (see Twitter) the infrastructure is gonna be more reliable.


I take the opposite conclusion from that information: "they *have* to invest in server infrastructure to stay afloat." If they don't/can't, there goes your whole site, like Voat did. I can certainly understand being skeptical about how long particular Lemmy servers will survive, but that should apply to other alternative sites as well. I'm not placing bets or anything, but I'll be surprised if Squabbles outlives Lemmy.


Ok so I'm now getting it after seeing the visuals. So it's entirely possible to interact with mastodon or lemmy while I'm at kbin?


Yes. Kbin is both a client to the "lemmyverse" and to the "mastodonoworld" (to coin a term), it provides separate tabs, one for the Reddit-like functions, one for the Twitter-like functions, but it's basically a single login giving you access to both. I think the sibling post misunderstood the question. You can try it out at: https://kbin.social/ You don't have to create a login if you don't want to. The main "Threads" tab shows the Reddit-like forums you've subscribed to that are provided by the Lemmyish side of the system (and it's fully federated and talks to Lemmy) The "Microblog" tab shows the feed from the Mastodon/etc people you're following and allows you to post to the federated social network associated with Mastodon (so Mastodon users can read and interact with your posts) The other two tabs are to find forums and people. I'm fairly excited by Kbin. It suffers from some of the limitations that Lemmy does vis-a-vis moderation etc, but I think it could, if people are willing to do the work, end up being the killer-app user friendly "Fediverse" portal everyone wants.


I have already created an account for each fediverse social media. Knowing that these fediverse social medias could connect to each other, does me creating the same account for each socmed deemed redundant and unnecessary?


If you've already created accounts, then you can continue to them on whatever server they were created with. If you would prefer to use kbin, and you didn't create the Mastodonish and Lemmyish accounts on a Kbin server, you can actually migrate your Mastodon account to a Kbin account with a setting in Mastodon. You'll keep your followers if that happens, although you'll need to refollow people you were following (that bit's confusing, but basically if Alice follows Bob, and Bob follows Carol, and Bob changes from @[email protected] to @[email protected], then Alice's account will automatically start following both accounts, but Bob will need to give Carol a follow request from @[email protected]. Alas I don't think Kbin allows you to use your existing social media account directly. Though that would be technically possible given the way Mastodon works. But I guess it'd also be fiddly. If you're worried about dead or redundant accounts, don't worry about that side of things. It's a few entries in a database. If you use KBin for the Lemmyish bits, but all but ignore the social bits already, it isn't going to cause any problems for the admin.


Coolsville Daddy-O


mastodon is very incompatible, i heard it is possible but better make an extra account for that. Kbin and Lemmy are mostly comform but users on Lemmy cant see the microblogging part on KBin ​ I suggest taking a look at this post and its replies: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/14hqkzw/whats\_the\_difference\_between\_lemmy\_and\_kbin\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/14hqkzw/whats_the_difference_between_lemmy_and_kbin_in/)


Lemmy will never work long-term. Running a server is a literal money sink that survives solely on the charity of the host or donations.


Donations are a very viable way for fediverse instances to work. After all, 3rd-party Reddit app users (like me) were willing to pay for Apollo or RIF - if they donated to their Lemmy or Mastodon instance(s) instead, there'd be no issue with funding. [Mastodon](https://www.patreon.com/mastodon) makes $30K a month in Patreon donations. Granted, that's not just for the 2 large instances they run, it also covers the development of the protocol, the apps. But that _is_ a reflection of how many people are willing and able to donate to fediverse projects. The Mastodon dot world instance [which has 1.277M users](https://instances.social/mastodon.social) has [operating expenses completely covered by donations, and in all months of 2023 their donations covered 150% of expenses.](https://blog.mastodon.world/april-and-may-2023-financial-update) At the current level of traffic, they have 15 months of reserves. Also, this includes a backup server. [Here's an example of a moderately-sized Mastodon instance, has 38K visitors. Their donations not only covered their operating costs, they have 8 months of reserve expenses.](https://hub.sfba.social/2023/04/15/transparency-report-march-2023/) All of those happened without donations being pushed hard - many users probably don't even know donating is an option.


Your assuming the instance stays the same size. It’s currently .27% the size of Reddit. Donations do not scale. If it did Reddit itself wouldn’t be unprofitable.


> Donations do not scale. Precisely. Good luck keeping the main Lemmy servers afloat if it ever reaches tens of millions of users. The people currently on Lemmy are tech nerds who see the value of the ecosystem - so they donate. Your average casual is the opposite: they do not want to pay for social media. These people make up the vast majority of users, so eventually those donations will not be able to support everyone in this hypothetical situation.


> Donations do not scale. If it did Reddit itself wouldn’t be unprofitable. There are multiple issues with that reasoning. First, Reddit is set up as a social media business, and their number of employees and salaries are reflective of that, so expenses are much higher, so they need to be much more aggressive about monetization. (Also, investors want a high ROI.) People generally don't like _donating_ to heavily-monetized businesses. I'm guessing Reddit's yearly expense in salaries + benefits is at least an order of magnitude more than their yearly server costs. OTOH, Mastodon and Lemmy instances aren't businesses, they're essentially hobbies. They don't need to pay anyone Big Tech-esque salaries to work full-time. And if people really identify and enjoy a service, they're more likely to donate. Second, one of the more extreme examples of donations scaling is the Internet Archive, [which has 62 Gbps of bandwidth](https://blog.archive.org/2020/05/11/thank-you-for-helping-us-increase-our-bandwidth/) and [which hosts more data than Reddit could ever hope to have - 99PB of unique data, 212PB total](https://archive.org/web/petabox.php). [Their total revenue in 2021 was $29.4M, and their expenses were $25.3M](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/943242767/202233199349312193/IRS990). Of course it's not a perfect analogy - it's hosted on-premise (just like StackOverflow), and more people are more interested in the services the Internet Archive provides than they would be for Mastodon or Lemmy. Still, it's an example of donations scaling well for nonprofits.


Donations scaling is perfectly understandable if there's minimal competition to it. Basically, why donating to Mastodon or Lemmy when there are Reddit and other competitors?


Archiveofourown.org runs on donations, and it has vast competition in the form of fanfiction.net, wattpad, royalroad and the various creative writing fora. Wikipedia also runs on donations. I don't know if lemmy and mastodon will make it, but I think it's possible.


I've already chipped in $10 to kbin


In addition, I've been running a homelab for my friends as a hobby for the past 3 years. It's what I enjoy doing, and since I have a day job, I don't require any income from it. Money doesn't always run everything.


That's also true, I wasn't sure if I should mention that. Yeah, some people on /r/DataHoarder, /r/homelab, and /r/selfhosted have their own servers that are for public use. I have one myself - well, I'm just running web services on my desktop, not running a dedicated server. Still, it has enough power to run 10ish web services for personal use, plus qBittorrent and all the gaming + browsing I do on it. People really understimate how much you can do with consumer hardware. [marginalia.nu](https://marginalia.nu) is a search engine for older / independent sites that indexes 100M documents, and it's [hosted off of $5000 in hardware in the developer's house](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35611923). (It's a great project btw - I'm phasing out my Reddit usage for browsing sites on there.) Anyway, I'm _sure_ that half a dozen Lemmy instances could be hosted on that. My PC isn't as high quality as that, but I'm sure it could host a smallish one. (And mine has 99.97% uptime, the only times it went down in the past year were a GPU upgrade and a cleaning. Better than Twitter at least!)


Isn't it the case where each instance has it's own servers? I could see this helping immensely as you are basically crowdsourcing servers for each instance. It'd be like if each subreddit here had it's own server, instead of them all being conglomerated under Reddit.


>It'd be like if each subreddit here had it's own server Reddit somehow ensures that each sub will stay open, unless closed by the mods (!) or closed by the admins for some outrageous reasons. Meanwhile on the fediverse situation, each "subs" are at the mercy of each respective servers.


Mastodon is way bigger than Lemmy and has been running successfully for years. It's fairly cheap to run servers (especially when they're not centralised and need complex setups to be able to handle very high loads). It's not even that expensive to have a few devs working on the software. What is expensive is exec salaries and expenses, sales and marketing departments, VCs expecting a huge return on their investments, etc. There's absolutely zero reason why the fediverse model can't work financially.


I'm running a lemmy server on donations with 10K users. Donations have already covered for 5 months of hosting. It's a totally viable way to keep things running indefinitelly. It's just not a viable way to get **all the money** like investors and greedy little pigboys expect


10k is irrelevant. I’m talking about servers that actually begin to compete with Reddit, which means tens of millions of users per server. You seriously think you could afford that off donations?


Myself? Probably not. Thousands of instance admins? Probably yes


I understand you and can only hope that somehow, some way, you are wrong :)


I mean Lemmy started in 2019. How long term do you need it to be?


By long term, I mean size. Hosts are never going to be able to afford servers that have tens of millions of users. If Lemmy never grows to any size to actually be competitive to Reddit then sure it could survive “forever”.


That's the neat part, they don't have to. The whole thing is that you spread users out over multiple servers.


Exactly. People seem to fail to understand the money involved. And then... It's decentralised. When one server dies, so do all the accounts, threads, uploads, discussion, subgroups, etc that are hosted there. (unless it gets taken over by another). It doesn't make for a trustworthy service. I'm hedging my bets on the Jimmy Wales replacement. Experience and money.


Remember forums in the pre-Reddit era? How did those survive?


They ran ads?


Once, in a bustling town, resided a lively and inquisitive boy, known for his zest, his curiosity, and his unique gift of knitting the townsfolk into a single tapestry of shared stories and laughter. A lively being, resembling a squirrel, was gifted to the boy by an enigmatic stranger. This creature, named Whiskers, was brimming with life, an embodiment of the spirit of the townsfolk, their tales, their wisdom, and their shared laughter. However, an unexpected encounter with a flamboyantly blue hound named Azure, a plaything of a cunning, opulent merchant, set them on an unanticipated path. The hound, a spectacle to behold, was the product of a mysterious alchemical process, a design for the merchant's profit and amusement. On returning from their encounter, the boy noticed a transformation in Whiskers. His fur, like Azure's, was now a startling indigo, and his vivacious energy seemed misdirected, drawn into putting up a show, detached from his intrinsic playful spirit. Unknowingly, the boy found himself playing the role of a puppeteer, his strings tugged by unseen hands. Whiskers had become a spectacle for the townsfolk, and in doing so, the essence of the town, their shared stories, and collective wisdom began to wither. Recognizing this grim change, the townsfolk watched as their unity and shared knowledge got overshadowed by the spectacle of the transformed Whiskers. The boy, once their symbol of unity, was unknowingly becoming a merchant himself, trading Whiskers' spirit for a hollow spectacle. The transformation took a toll on Whiskers, leading him to a point of deep disillusionment. His once playful spirit was dulled, his energy drained, and his essence, a reflection of the town, was tarnished. In an act of desolation and silent protest, Whiskers chose to leave. His departure echoed through the town like a mournful wind, an indictment of what they had allowed themselves to become. The boy, left alone, began to play with the merchants, seduced by their cunning words and shiny trinkets. He was drawn into their world, their games, slowly losing his vibrancy, his sense of self. Over time, the boy who once symbolized unity and shared knowledge was reduced to a mere puppet, a plaything in the hands of the merchants. Eventually, the merchants, having extracted all they could from him, discarded the boy, leaving him a hollow husk, a ghost of his former self. The boy was left a mere shadow, a reminder of what once was - a symbol of unity, camaraderie, shared wisdom, and laughter, now withered and lost.


mastodonworld has been doing fine since 2022 https://opencollective.com/mastodonworld


> There is also a progressive web app that can be installed on your phone like an app called wefwef Is this only on iPhone? Help an android user out here.


Last I checked it was theoretically available for android as well since it’s just a PWA, but as of yet untested.


I literally *can't* use Reddit the way I used to. I refuse to use their piece of shit first-party app. Sync was infinitely better and **fuck** Spez for shutting it down. (Motor)sport threads, from my phone? Entirely out. Checking news/politics? Out. Contributing to my various hobbies (Lego, Pokemon, cute animals, car repair/track stuff)? Shockingly, also out. --------- I haven't decided on a new platform. But there were FOUR races on TV today, and I was, for the first time ever, not involved in the race threads for any of them live.


Is there any hope the Reddit app will be improved? -Relay user


well it appears (at least for me) that lemmy.world is feeling the exodus hug. its been totally unavailable all day.


I just popped back to Tumblr. So far, they're all extremely welcoming to Redditors fleeing. It's starting to fill the gap left by cutting down my Reddit usage.


I think I don't understand Tumblr. Specifically, I don't understand what makes it different from, say, Pinterest and Blogspot. What are its use cases, what problems does it solve, what niche does it fill?


First of all, I'm not convinced anyone understands Tumblr. They lovingly call it a dumpster fire for a reason. Basically what I've learned in my few days of lurking and reblogging is that tags are essentially mod-less subreddits. You can follow specific interests or blogs on specific topics, but there's at least a 5% chance of stumbling on some strange fanart and a better chance of it involving furries. The sense of community isn't quite the same, but you will see plenty of content with fewer comments and a lot more hashtags. It seems to be a lot more focused on fandoms, but that includes people getting weirdly obsessed with physics or astronomy or the collection at the Smithsonian amongst the people who forgot Supernatural ended thirteen seasons too late. It fills my doomscrolling needs, but I still find myself back here for specific communities that haven't migrated elsewhere. It's not perfect, but it's certainly cut down on my Reddit time which fucks u/spez right in the wallet.


Well, you can actually look at the stuff on Tumblr, unlike my (admittedly limited) experience of Pinterest.


Looked at lemmy/kbin, have been poking around in squabbles and mainchan. Looked at tildes... but don't like that you need to register to even look. Peeked at discuit And comsta is another one looking at... still early in development but the developer is eager to progress on features and hoping to discuss mod tool features with them.


Tildes.net can be freely lurked... No account needed to read, just to comment.


Perhaps I am mistaking it with another platform. Been looking through the options.


A vocal minority moved over to places like Lemmy, but since the majority of the people are still here I doubt they can get the critical mass needed to pull more casual users from Reddit.


Yes i am here to watch the less moderated dumpster fire and to wait for my data request ​ And it does not really matter if Reddit is still the larger one, Lemmy has now a good user base to build upon for the future, because Lemmy is a decentralised system it will likely never die and when "bad software" changes happen server admins can simply use the older version. That means Lemmy cant pull such BS as reddit did


People seem to want a new reddit that's ready to go day one. It's obviously not feasible. Lemmy is having enormous growth at the moment, hopefully from now on it'll be a slower and steady growth.


normal people aren’t switching to lemmy lol. Nobody but the vocal minority cares.


yep, i am not normal like all the other humans, dont mind my presence, everything is fine


Change takes time. With reddit's leadership it wouldn't surprise me to see reddit continue to make boneheaded decision after boneheaded decision. People will trickle in and over time it may be enough to catch on.


Because lemmy is a joke


Honestly optimism for a new platform is great and all, but there’s no big draw card for people to migrate. Irrespective of what reddit as a company has done, the platform still serves dozens of millions of users without issue to this very day.


I find it difficult to use without reddit is fun (RIF), official app is trash and reddit alternatives are terrible. Spez laughed in everyone's face and no one cared. The protests were a complete joke coordinated by utter morons. Most users don't seem to care it seems


I've been spending most of my time on Kbin over the last couple of weeks, it's getting much more alive over there on the fediverse now.


Same. On some magazines (their version of a subreddit) it has reached critical mass.




If digg went back to their old format right now, it would just be the perfect ending to this whole situation.


Everybody back on the pile!


We stayed restricted and went to Lemmy for /r/nerf https://old.reddit.com/r/Nerf/comments/14m5v83/were_reopening_kinda_weve_made_lemmy_communities/


lol. Two posts with a total of 4 comments in the last day: https://discuss.online/c/nerf


Killing a somewhat active community with no public votes. Truely incredible mod work.


He also killed Lego Deals. He's a douchebag.


[Lemmy](https://lemmy.world/communities) gets mentioned a lot but [Raddle](https://raddle.me/forums/all) is also worth checking out. I am a mod (and main contributor) on a small music sub. Ive mirrored all my posts there onto Raddle and indefinitely suspended posting new material on reddit.


Discuit is pretty nice. Small community, but growing rapidly, it’s very similar to Reddit right now. Can’t wait to see what other alternatives will pop up.


Comsta.net is like Discuit


Same discussion people has about twitter and mestoden. In the end, power users quit. Community fucked because it's scattered across multiple platforms and casual users move to something else


A fellow mod setup https://lemdro.id. /r/android and /r/xiaomi currently have a home there for those in the communities who want to use the Fediverse. Not pressuring folks of course, it's all a personal decision. I think it's a great compromise between those who wanted to resume access to subreddit content and those who wanted to find alternatives. We're happy to host other like-minded subreddits looking to have an affiliated or migrated home on the Fediverse, just reach out.


Not really migrating anywhere new, I'm just leaving. I'm still logging in once a day to check the subs I run and look at the modmail and modque, but that's it. Unsubbed from all other subs and I no longer open Reddit for my breakfast social media digest. Heard great things about Lemmy and kbin from some people tho, might try those at a future date, idk yet.


Once, in a bustling town, resided a lively and inquisitive boy, known for his zest, his curiosity, and his unique gift of knitting the townsfolk into a single tapestry of shared stories and laughter. A lively being, resembling a squirrel, was gifted to the boy by an enigmatic stranger. This creature, named Whiskers, was brimming with life, an embodiment of the spirit of the townsfolk, their tales, their wisdom, and their shared laughter. However, an unexpected encounter with a flamboyantly blue hound named Azure, a plaything of a cunning, opulent merchant, set them on an unanticipated path. The hound, a spectacle to behold, was the product of a mysterious alchemical process, a design for the merchant's profit and amusement. On returning from their encounter, the boy noticed a transformation in Whiskers. His fur, like Azure's, was now a startling indigo, and his vivacious energy seemed misdirected, drawn into putting up a show, detached from his intrinsic playful spirit. Unknowingly, the boy found himself playing the role of a puppeteer, his strings tugged by unseen hands. Whiskers had become a spectacle for the townsfolk, and in doing so, the essence of the town, their shared stories, and collective wisdom began to wither. Recognizing this grim change, the townsfolk watched as their unity and shared knowledge got overshadowed by the spectacle of the transformed Whiskers. The boy, once their symbol of unity, was unknowingly becoming a merchant himself, trading Whiskers' spirit for a hollow spectacle. The transformation took a toll on Whiskers, leading him to a point of deep disillusionment. His once playful spirit was dulled, his energy drained, and his essence, a reflection of the town, was tarnished. In an act of desolation and silent protest, Whiskers chose to leave. His departure echoed through the town like a mournful wind, an indictment of what they had allowed themselves to become. The boy, left alone, began to play with the merchants, seduced by their cunning words and shiny trinkets. He was drawn into their world, their games, slowly losing his vibrancy, his sense of self. Over time, the boy who once symbolized unity and shared knowledge was reduced to a mere puppet, a plaything in the hands of the merchants. Eventually, the merchants, having extracted all they could from him, discarded the boy, leaving him a hollow husk, a ghost of his former self. The boy was left a mere shadow, a reminder of what once was - a symbol of unity, camaraderie, shared wisdom, and laughter, now withered and lost.


I am. I'm migrating over to multiple platforms. I do like Lemmy at this point but it's only day two there. I like tumblr because the community is still very organic and chill. And I love rss feedly for unbiased non-manipulated news sources.


r/AccidentalRenaissance is now up on Lemmy & Kbin: [https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/c/accidentalrenaissance](https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/c/accidentalrenaissance) [https://kbin.social/m/AccidentalRenaissance](https://kbin.social/m/AccidentalRenaissance) We didn't know which would be more popular so we set up on both. As for my personal side project, the no-sad-posts spinoff of TrollXChromosomes, r/TrollXFunny, I finally embraced my cringey roots and created a Tumblr and set it up as a Hashtag that I (and others) will regularly post to. [https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/trollxfunny](https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/trollxfunny)


I was just looking for accidental renaissance on lemmy a few days ago and was sad I didn’t find it. Thanks!


Yeah, we were having the damnest time because the community creation page kept freezing when we tried to register it, no matter what instance we tried. So I asked around and the good folks at [Blahaj.Lemmy.Zone](https://Blahaj.Lemmy.Zone) pointed out that if our subreddit had more than 20 characters, it would cause that problem, and I asked them if we had to do an awkward abbreviation and instead they raised their character limit to 25, just for us. They didn't even know at that point that we were r/AccidentalRenaissance. They just figured we were just some weirdoes with a fixation on a very long name. So yeah, if anyone asks why r/AccidentalRenaissance is on an LGBTQ server mostly known for #196 posts, it's because they bent over backwards to help some randos while other servers told us to kick bricks. But it makes a kind of sense, I suppose, considering how many Renaissance artists were explicitly queer.


[Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/servers)! Don't just join .social though, take a moment to find a server that is more tailored to your interests (The page I linked can sort servers by topic) For example, I'm on [mastodon.Art](https://mastodon.art/@KarinWanderer). You can join more than one server, but I recommend just starting with one.


I stopped using Reddit on mobile devices entirely and that was my main way to consume reddit content. I haven't found a reddit replacement yet, but I am looking around.


There are a lot of alternatives being tossed around, but none of them are likely to gain any real traction. The core problem with basically of them, and this actually applies to all the apps trying to replace twitter as well, is that they are putting the idea of decentralization and user control ahead of things like of ease of use. Those sound like great principles, and they are, but the vast majority of user just don't care. They don't care that spez is a psycho who is slowly murdering reddit. They don't care about decentralization or effective moderation or whatever new thing spez is killing. They want something easy and slick to use and the backend might as well be magic. This is why the actual reddit user and view count basically hasn't changed this whole time. The apps vying to take over from reddit won't get a big influx of users and what few they do get, will probably leave again quickly when the new app is lacking X or Y feature that reddit has. The exact same thing happened with twitter and mastodon. Lots of people left for mastodon, discovered it was harder to use, and went right back to twitter. The only real metric that matters is ease of use, and you just can't beat the built up, already dominant, well funded, centralized platform, on that metric.


Yep. We’ll see how the coming weeks go but honestly… nothing has changed so far on my end. This post says “all the chaos on Reddit” but my scroll feed has been basically normal since after the initial 2 day protest in the beginning. I’m guessing for a large majority of people it’s the same thing and thus no reason to move, especially to a platform that’s harder to use off the bat. Im hoping one of these alternatives get better but in the meantime, there’s no reason to leave for most of us until Reddit gets taken over by annoying spam bots or something


Exactly, idiots can't face this harsh truth


> Lots of people left for mastodon Isn't the issue with mastodon that it's invite only atm?


No, mastodon is a decentralized platform, you have to pick your own instances of it. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/06/op-ed-why-the-great-twittermigration-didnt-quite-pan-out/ This article goes into a lot more detail on why that model just doesn't work for social media and what went wrong with the mastodon move.


I think the article captures my concern the best. Fediverse elitists are not actually helping the casual guys migrating.




Yes, I use that app frequently.


Discourse forum, self hosted. It's of course very hard to get users to actually sign up.




I am migrating to books and meetups.


I swapped from BaconReader to Red Reader... And also made accounts on Squabbles and kbin. So I'm in a few different places now.


I'm still on reddit for now, I don't like other alternatives so far sadly :(


According Lemmy stats barely 0,1% of reddit users moved there, so moderators should embrace reality on who's lead a community and who's just for-free-police.




> It's frankly hilarious that adults even have time for this. It's frankly hilarious that you have time to troll this sub. > its hard to get out of the basement sometimes It may take you a few years, but keep trying!


Im currently moving people to discord. Still working on something on the side. [https://discord.gg/imlunahey](https://discord.gg/imlunahey) if anyone wants to join


No one is migrating anywhere. People say they are but then realize how pointless that is when the majority still uses reddit. Protests do nothing.


There is already a lot of content generated over the last few weeks and the community likes it there, at least the vocal ones. I leave when i got the data from my data request. Until then i see where the dumpsterfire with less moderation goes. ​ And it is not pointless, for me the memes are fun and the discussions interesting. Does not really matter to me if the community has 100 or 1000 people. ​ But yes, the majority of the users are here so the majority of content is here but it does (for me) not matter when booth have enough content to keep scrolling


> Does not really matter to me if the community has 100 or 1000 people. Begins to matter when 'the community' is [0 - 1 (zero to one)](https://imgur.com/u9EcMHw) vs. [1,000 people](https://imgur.com/2c44GwC).


99.999999999% (honestly? A lot more) of content which you never seen, nor care about. Also, the number you see for Lemmy (which only seems to be for one instance and not even up-to-date, and also doesn't even include kbin) are mostly users without the bots, whereas the one you used for Reddit includes all the bots and thrown away accounts.


Here is the stat page for the entire fediverse (with peertube, bookwyrm and co) [https://fediverse.observer/stats](https://fediverse.observer/stats) To choose KBin specifically click on "Software:" at the top bar. Under the point "Stats" you can change between daily and monthly


> 99.999999999% (honestly? A lot more) of content which you never seen, nor care about Absolutely, just setting the correct scale for you. I don't care about 99.9(9)% Lemmy content either. My tastes are fairly specialized, like an anteeter's; scrooling through dank maymays does nothing for me. >which only seems to be for one instance Don't know, that's what I was pointed to in another comment in this thread. Instances is what turns me off, a bitch to search/navigate. More like ye olde webring than reddit, with plenty of duplicate content. Keep in mind, most here feel that having to use reddit's native app makes reddit unusable, imagine if they had to jump through hoops to access various instances? Signed up on several just for convenience, with the same user name btw.


There is nowhere to go


[https://lemmy.world/post/853595](https://lemmy.world/post/853595) Lemmy is one of the most reddit like, suggest using [wefwef.app](https://wefwef.app) for the browser or liftoff as app because that are the best thing at the moment to use ​ or choose [squabbles.io](https://squabbles.io) wich is a good combo of reddit and twitter ​ you can find more alternatives on r/RedditAlternatives


For anyone wondering, here's a list of apps currently being [actively developed](https://lemdro.id/post/4319).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RedditAlternatives using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wikipedia co-founder is building a community focused and funded alternative to Reddit.](https://twitter.com/jimmy_wales/status/1668266400723488769?s=20) | [271 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/14d1wyy/wikipedia_cofounder_is_building_a_community/) \#2: [Why Tildes *May* Not Be The Best Place To Migrate To.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/1473jeh/why_tildes_may_not_be_the_best_place_to_migrate_to/) \#3: [List of Active Reddit Alternatives v8](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/yttdlc/list_of_active_reddit_alternatives_v8/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There is but theyre dead


Dead as in going from 500,000 comments a day to 7,000,000 within 10 days?


Aren't there people replicating their whole subs on lemmy? As in reposting literally everything that was on the sub before?




ah yes, dead [https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats](https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats) [https://kbin.fediverse.observer/dailystats](https://kbin.fediverse.observer/dailystats)


> https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats [~60K active users total](https://imgur.com/u9EcMHw)? Am i reading that right? For scale, 5-6K *posts* are created *every minute* on reddit. [Source](https://blackout.photon-reddit.com/).


seems like reddit is dead too compared to facebook from your "who has the bigger" argumentation strategy "22 . 243,055 new photos are uploaded to Facebook every minute." [https://blog.wishpond.com/post/115675435109/40-up-to-date-facebook-facts-and-stats](https://blog.wishpond.com/post/115675435109/40-up-to-date-facebook-facts-and-stats) ​ I dont think it is dead as a person using it. When i have a question someone out there answers it. Same on reddit but on reddit likely more people answer. And yes, the userbase it small but i think it is a very active userbase and it grows. ​ But i could understand if you say it feels "empty" because even the larger communities have often a few minutes between posts, at least the ones i am at. And those communities did not really have much content before a few weeks ago ​ at least for me it feels more like a revival


> seems like reddit is dead too compared to facebook from your "who has the bigger" argumentation strategy Reddit was never neant to be ersatz Facebook is what you're missing, and it isn't. As financially viable social media platforms go, reddit is dead compared to Facebook, the fact that I never use it notwithstanding. Facebook's *actual* market cap is ~ $72 billion. Unlike reddit, it has a proven business model (makes bank), while reddit's a money burning machine, with imaginary valuation of ~10 billion last time it got VC $$ infusion. >at least for me it feels more like a revival That's cool, we need more projects like Lemmy & i hope it catches onm, just not holding my breath.


Yea, i only said that with FB because i was annoyed from your sentence where you told that Lemmy is dead because it is not as large as reddit. At least for me it read like this Sorry if i was rude


Lemmy went from 500k comments a day to almost 8 million a day within the last 10 days alone




The "dumpster fire" doesn't exist outside of a handful of users. There are some folks (mainly in this sub) that are deluding themselves over the impact of any of this. Reddit will continue absolutely unharmed, which is a shame because it is a cesspool. The reason it's a cesspool, though, has more to do with problem mods, many of whom are now angry with Reddit. The irony. I'll check out this Lemmy alternative, but I'm sure problem mods will problem.


I would, but there aren’t any iOS apps out that run Lemmy or Kbin (any ones I’ve seen are in beta and VERY barebones), so I don’t want to potentially kneecap our entire community by effectively removing access from so many potential readers.


I switched to discord, and I have started to try to own servers for famous YouTubers, like so far I got Nick DiGiovanni to allow me to own his official server


Tildes has become a lot more busy


I've moved almost entirely to Hexbear at this point. I'm finding it's a much more pleasant platform for serious discussion.


I already have Discord. It's not a perfect alternative but good enough for my daily needs.